
Telekinesis Side Story: Waterslide

Dec 6th, 2013
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  1. >You dust off your hands, your work complete.
  2. >The entire waterslide is now aflame.
  3. >It looks much better this way!
  4. >You were stricken with inspiration in the middle of the night, so you stopped being in Canterlot, and started being in Ponyville.
  5. >Then you set the entire waterslide on fire, to see what it looked like.
  6. >Evidently, pretty cool!
  7. >You feel a tug on your shirt.
  8. >"Anon, you do realise that your waterslide is made of wood, don't you?"
  9. "Yes, Pinkie. I did realise that."
  10. >"Wood burns."
  11. "Oh."
  12. >Well that's a bit of a problem then.
  13. >What's the point of having a flaming waterslide if it's not going to withstand being on fire?
  14. >You sit, and think.
  15. >Water isn't flammable. You could make the waterslide out of that.
  16. >But, then again, how would you replace the wood with water?
  17. >You'll just have to displace it somehow.
  18. "I'd like a glass of water, please."
  19. >A short while later, and Pinkie returns with a glass of water.
  20. >You pour it onto the ground, and start filling the glass with space.
  21. >Once you've gotten about a waterslide's worth, you brush the rest of the space off the top of the glass, and head towards the end of the waterslide.
  22. >After the water runs out of slide, it just sort of pours out into the ground.
  23. >The ground's pretty big, so this shouldn't cause any problems.
  24. >At any rate, you hold the glass under the runoff, and water starts to fill the glass.
  25. >It takes a few minutes, but eventually the glass is filled.
  26. "Pinkie!"
  27. >She is by your side.
  28. >"Yes Annie?"
  29. "Could you get me a tube of some sort? I need it because reasons."
  30. >She disappears, and in almost no time at all, returns with a cardboard tube.
  31. "Perfect!"
  32. >You stab one end of the tube into the slide, and the other end into the ground.
  33. >The apparatus is complete!
  34. >You wobble and flow over to the start of the slide.
  35. >You touch the edge of the glass to this end of the slide, and pour the water into it.
  36. >As more water gets poured in, the wood gets pushed further down the slide, into the cardboard tube, and into the ground.
  37. >After a few minutes of pouring, you've replaced the entire slide with water.
  38. >You now have a flaming water waterslide.
  39. >It looks just as cool as you imagined.
  40. >Another tug on your shirt.
  41. >You turn to Pinkie, and put on a quizzical expression.
  42. >"Now the water's going into the slide."
  43. "Yes?"
  44. >"The water isn't flowing over the slide."
  45. >That's bad.
  46. >Now you have to somehow separate the water that the slide is made of, from the water that's meant to be flowing over it.
  47. >Hmm.
  48. >You decide to just freeze the slide.
  49. >You stick your arm in to the waterslide, up to the elbow.
  50. >Then, you take as much heat out of the water as you can grab.
  51. >All the heat goes into your arm, which starts to feel uncomfortably warm, then excruciatingly hot.
  52. >You drag your arm from one side of the slide to the other, taking all the heat as you go.
  53. >The water freezes as you go, and once you reach the end, your arm feels like it's on fire.
  54. >You tear your arm out of the slide, and throw all the heat into the Everfree Forest.
  55. >As it's quite a bit of heat, the air combusts at the heat moves through it.
  56. >It lands somewhere else, and that's good enough for you.
  57. >You stand back and admire your flaming ice waterslide.
  58. >The water flows as it should, and the fire stays where you put it.
  59. >Only now does it occur to you that it probably would've been much easier to just hold the slide very, very still.
  60. >Since heat is just vibrations and such, holding it still would have cooled it down to freezing.
  61. >Ah well, you'll remember that for the next time you need to freeze something.
  62. >You waltz over to the start of the slide again, and ride it.
  63. >Wheeee!
  64. >Waterslides are still fun.
  65. >Now all it needs is a stamp of approval.
  66. >You walk up to the side of the library, and press yourself really hard against it.
  67. >You melt through the wood grain, and end up inside the library.
  68. >You grab a quill and a piece of paper, and inscribe a seal of approval.
  72. >Beautiful.
  73. >You leap out of Twilight's bedroom window, onto the waterslide, and ride it 'til the end.
  74. >It's still fun!
  75. >You fly off the end, and stop being in mid air
  76. >And start being back at the start of the slide, outside the library.
  77. >You lick the back of the seal of approval, and slap it onto the slide.
  78. >The ice cold surface of the slide freezes the saliva solid, affixing the seal.
  79. >Your work in Ponyville done, you stop being there
  80. >And start being back in Canterlot.
  81. >You stealthily slide your way back into your corner, curl up, and go back to sleep.
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