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Stata odbc with dates v1.1

a guest
May 23rd, 2010
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  1. capture program drop odbc2create
  2. *! version 1.1
  3. * Update 5/23: Now checks if there are any date columns. Simple commands if not.
  4. * Modified ODBC command that takes all Stata dates and inserts as DATE
  5. * Written for MySQL. Drops the table in question if it exists already.
  6. * Only use with create. If you are appending an existing table, then you need to do the date conversion in Stata.
  7. * By Michael Ewens with invaluable guidance from Joseph Coveney
  8. * Built from this thread:
  9. * 5-20-2010
  10. * syntax odbc2create, [t]able(string) dsn() u()
  11. version 7.0
  12. program define odbc2create
  13. syntax [varlist], Table(string) [*]
  14. if ("`varlist'" == "") {
  15. local varlist _all
  16. }
  17. else {
  18. * no op
  19. }
  21. * Get a list of the date variables
  22. local date_vars
  23. local count = 0
  24. foreach variable of varlist `varlist' {
  25. local variable_format : format `variable'
  26. if (strpos("`variable_format'", "%t") == 1) {
  27. * May not have any dates
  28. local count = `count' + 1
  29. local date_vars `date_vars' `variable'
  30. }
  31. else {
  33. }
  34. }
  36. * Drop if table exists
  37. local string "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "
  38. local drop_s `string'`table'
  40. if(`count' == 0) {
  41. odbc exec("`drop_s'"), `options'
  42. odbc insert `varlist', table("`table'") create `options'
  43. }
  44. else {
  46. * Format the date for MySQL
  47. format `date_vars' %tdCCYY-NN-DD
  48. preserve
  49. qui tostring `date_vars', force replace usedisplayformat
  50. odbc exec("`drop_s'"), `options'
  51. * Create table
  52. odbc insert `varlist', table("`table'") create `options'
  53. * Alter columns for date
  54. foreach variable of varlist `date_vars' {
  55. odbc exec("ALTER TABLE `table' MODIFY `variable' DATE"), `options'
  56. }
  58. restore
  59. }
  60. end
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