

Aug 12th, 2013
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  1. ARF|GM The hot and strange sun of the Outlands beats down upon you. The castle is surrounded by a rock filled and lifeless desert. Looming behind it is the eternal spire, hub of the Wheel. The only other living things in this lifeless place are the mercane's caravan, currently unloading in your courtyard. The towering blue creature fingers a necklace of beads as it supervises its employees.
  2. Laethirna_ cranes her neck to look up at it, holding up her hand to block the glare from the fiery sky orb
  3. ARF|GM Graadis Tel Kanak seems to be praying, at least until his caravan disgorges a squat figure wreathed in black. "Ah, allow me to make introductions,"
  4. ARF|GM Sybil is in the Dining Hall, examining layout. An entire table has been laid out with cold meats and root vegetables. There are also pitchers of beer, albeit slightly warm.
  5. Parva blinks at the sight. "Clearly, you know what you're about, Lady Sybil. That, or you can read my mind."
  6. ARF|GM The sphinx turns on her heel "I spotted the caravan and prepared for the best. Besides, you might as well indulge while you can,"
  7. Parva "Very true. Thank you. If things are finished, I'll bring our guests in."
  8. ARF|GM The hall fills with noise as Graadis steps inside, escorting the figure swathed in black and an entire entourage. They pause at the door to wipe their feet.
  9. Laethirna_ writes "Wheres everyone else?" and shows it to Parva
  10. ARF|GM Sybil takes the opportunity to make herself scarce.
  11. Nobody comes jogging into the hall from the upper floor, stopping as he sees the lavish spread and the new arrivals. He seems tense, but cordially tips his hat at the tall figure and his robed escort. "Mornin', gents." - He walks at a hurried pace toward Parva.
  12. Parva "To be honest," she says quietly, "I only know that Ophiuchus was outdoors with us. The rest?" She shrugs, then moves to greet Graadis and his once again.
  13. ARF|GM "This way please, I would introduce you to our hosts," Graadis leads the way into the dining hall. Trooping after him in order are, the figure in black. An elf of undetermined gender, A strange mechanical beast that appears assembled out of metal boxes, A lizard man, a kobold, a gnoll and a kenku.
  14. ARF|GM Graadis halts before Parva, bowing once again. The short sized figure steps forward, offering a gloved hand. "Honoured hosts, may I present to you the leader of this expedition. Professor Crayton,"
  15. Parva "Professor, welcome to our home. We hope you enjoy your time."
  16. ARF|GM At this the figure pulls down its veil, revealing its face. It regards you with cold dead eyes and a gaunt, pale face. "A pleasant surprise, finding hospitality out here,"
  17. -->| TicTacquito ( has joined #planescapin
  18. Parva "Yes, well, that is a story best left shared over a meal. In the meantime, might we know your companions?"
  19. =-= TicTacquito is now known as Anhrefn
  20. Laethirna yawns. She writes an introduction, seemingly in the fashion that a child might introduce their pet dog. "My name is Laethirna. She is Parva. Parva likes to be scratched behind the ears."
  21. Nobody "Well, now. Looks like ya brought a rite menagerie home fer lunch," the goblin says, smiling broadly at this Professor Crayton. He then leans in toward Parva and hurriedly whispers: "Anhrefn dun went cuckoo n' tried to jam hisself into a coffin, n' Brenden had to tie 'im up. Think they're upstairs in one o' the rooms."
  22. Parva pales noticeably at the news from the goblin.
  23. Laethirna glares at the whisperer, annoyed at being left out of something
  24. ARF|GM The professor turns that dead gaze upon the board "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Laethirna," He pronounces the name very carefully, perhaps not realising it doesn't matter. Then he turns to those behind him "These are Manneling and Polygon, my research assistants." He indicates the elf and the mechanical beast in turn, then turns to the other four. "And these are our day...
  25. ARF|GM ...labourers, Hop, Kil, Jogudad and Rick Astanis,"
  26. ARF|GM The professor gives no clue as to which is which. They're all dressed fairly roughly.
  27. Parva "A pleasure to make all of your acquaintances. Now, if you'd come this way, we've a table set up with some fare in the hall."
  28. |<-- ARF|GM has left (Ping timeout)
  29. -->| ARF (chatzilla@C2178380.75CB193.A47B284E.IP) has joined #planescapin
  30. ARF The labourers barely restrain their step. Graadis and the assistants are more measured. Crayton seems disinterested in the food but sits at the table anyway.
  31. Nobody gestures politely for the visitors to take their seats - so that he can scoot up to Parva as they have their backs turned. "Who're these weird fellas?"
  32. Laethirna sits down across from Crayton and writes "Why would you come here? Theirs no Magic, No food, no water"
  33. Parva "They're the...leaders, I suppose, of the caravan that just arrived inside the last half-hour," she whispers back.
  34. ARF Once everyone is sitting Crayton claps his hands "Well, that is quite a tale," It becomes apparent the caravan members are waiting for their hosts before digging in.
  35. Nobody nods, moving to take a seat himself.
  36. Laethirna is still full from the faire, which was only a couple of hours ago, so she doesn't try to eat anything
  37. Parva gestures for everyone--or, at least, those willing and able--to begin, reaching afterwards for the nearest plate of meats.
  38. ARF "But I won't bore you with the academic details," The guests start reaching for the hard bread, slobbering over the cold cuts and jerky. Only Crayton remains aloof "We are here on an archaelogical expedition. The base of the spire was once home to a thriving civilisation and we intend to catalogue as much of it as possible,"
  39. ARF "As my associate can tell you," Crayton indicates Graadis "The trek here is long and dangerous and we can only stay out here for so long. That is why I find it surprising someone would choose to live here,"
  40. Nobody "Well, there's a long story to that too" the goblin remarks, reaching around for meat and drink. Mostly drink. "How soon you reckon ya'll gonna be headin' back to civi-lie-zation?"
  41. ARF "A week or two at most. Our water won't last much longer," Crayton exchanges a glance with Graadis "Of course if you have the supplies we might come to some form of agreement,"
  42. Laethirna writes "We got here hours ago, but I think we're stranded."
  43. ARF Crayton looks slightly non-plussed as he reads.
  44. Nobody lets out a slight huff of disappointment as he reads Laethirna's message, but doesn't protest. He waves a hand at Parva, as though she ought to elaborate.
  45. Laethirna writes "I brought the castle here with us, but I don't think I could get it to move from here now."
  46. ARF Graadis addresses you "You brought it here? I didn't see a caravan,"
  47. Parva "Allow me to clarify," Parva puts in. "You see, there is a...device, of sorts. We don't fully understand it--only found it a few days ago--but apparently it allows this castle"
  48. ARF The elf murmurs something to one of the labourers
  49. ARF Crayton examines his gloves trying to look disinterested. "I'd be quite fascinated to see such a device,"
  50. Nobody "I'm sure ya'll could take a gander, if'n ya want. In fact, we're curious as about it n' how it works too. Ain't we?" - He pointedly looks at Laethirna with those last two words.
  51. Laethirna turns to the elf and raps on the table to get their attention. She writes "What's a nest of powers?"
  52. ARF There's a lull in the conversation as everyone stares at Lae's board.
  53. Parva clears her throat and tries to push Laethirna's board down. "I'm sure we can arrange a look at the device when everyone has had their fill. After will probably be here a while."
  54. ARF Crayton nods "That would be most excellent. But let me tell you about the ruins..."
  55. ARF Graadis leans over and whispers, right in Lae's face so she can see "A power is a god,"
  56. Parva listens to Crayton attentively.
  57. Laethirna nods
  58. ARF "What little we know of the Rilmani includes a history of a migration but why would the Rilmani have migrated if they have always lived at the base of the spire as they claim? We believe that approximately 10 million rotations of the wheel ago there existed another civilisation right here around the spire. Obviously the conditions do not support a village, let alone a city. So the theory...
  59. ARF ...lends itself to a different climate. Most boldly of all I have found evidence to support the theory that climate around the spire was different but that the magical dead zone present today did not exist back then. It relates to a certain artifact I found amongst the bazaars of the City of Brass, a damaged urn showing a depiction of a spire and buildings around it. Why not any spire you...
  60. ARF ...say? Well the spire has a clear doughnut shape at the top."
  61. Nobody speaks through a mouthful of food: "How'd ya figger that from a broken pot?"
  62. Laethirna writes "So you want to get rid of the antimagic here, like you think it was before?"
  63. ARF Crayton holds up a hand as if placating questions "Our first expedition did not go well. We lost some of our party you understand. However my unfortunately deceased previous assistant uncovered pottery shards similar in make to the urn. I knew we were onto something.,"
  64. Laethirna holds a hand on top of the chalkboard, letting it rest with the question on the table.
  65. ARF "Before our last expedition I was able to find a map marking some old ruins. We found nothing of the sort when we arrived but after much triangulation with Polygon I was able to uncover a possible entrance. We pinpointed the location and began to dig. Imagine my surprise when we uncovered stonework. Proof of habitation! Not that the pottery wasn't it's simply much more vindicating to see...
  66. ARF ...actual housing. Now that wasd only the beginning of our travails. What we actually uncovered I now believe to be the pinnacle of a mage's tower, looming large over the former city. We excavated deep into the ground but were unable to penetrate past the stairwell."
  67. -->| Wooper ( has joined #planescapin
  68. Parva is still listening with rapt attention.
  69. ARF "So we sealed up the entrance and covered it with rocks intending to return," Crayton opens his palms "And here we are, ready to discover the secrets of the fallen magocracy at the base of the great spire itself. You'll understand our excitement,"
  70. ARF Apart from possibly Graadis, no one looks too excited.
  71. Nobody picks his teeth. "Rivetin'. What kept ya'll from goin' past the stairwell?"
  72. ARF "Supplies mainly. And the massive amounts of dirt. We're hoping to make a difference this time, though we couldn't get a golem for the heavy lifting,"
  73. Nobody nods. "Unnerstandable." - He leans back in his chair and looks from left to right. "About them supplies, we'll hafta..." - He waves his hand around. "Coordinate with our steward to take inventory. An' such things. But I'm hopin' we can make a deal."
  74. ARF From the entry hall comes someone yelling, then a loud neigh.
  75. Parva blinks, then sighs. "Oh dear. Would you excuse me a moment?"
  76. ARF Crayton looks curious but nods
  77. ARF "This castle seems an excellent place to stay, and we of course can pay for-"
  78. ARF Graadis holds up a warning finger.
  79. Nobody waits at the table to see whether Laethirna joins Parva.
  80. Laethirna_ stays
  81. Parva leaves the table and heads to the entry hall.
  82. Laethirna_ writes "There's a horrible evil locked in our vault, and without the magic sealing it, I wonder if it could escape. Do you have any experience killing horrible creatures from unknown worlds?"
  83. Nobody picks up on the interrupted tangent. "I'm sure we can accommodate ya'll here for appropriate recompense. In fact, this might be the start of a beautiful partnershiII-" - He scrabbles over the table to grab Laethirna's tablet and hide the message.
  84. ARF Graadis smiles broadly at Laethirna "We're here on purely academic matters,"
  85. Nobody scowls at Laethirna, obviously too late.
  86. Nobody "Girl, you're gonna be the death o' me," he growls in her face, retreating to his chair with a frustrated sulk.
  87. ARF Crayton and Graadis exchange a look "Is everything quite alright with your household?"
  88. Laethirna_ shakes her head. She writes "Everything here is crazy and weird."
  89. Nobody lights a cigar and takes a long drag on it. "Jus' peachy," he says with forced joviality. "We're one big, happy family."
  90. Nobody points at Laethirna's blackboard with the cigar. "An' she means in the most kind n' lovin' way, I'm sure."
  91. ARF With a joyful neigh Charos charges Anhrefn catching him by surprise. The horse hits him head on, smashing him straight into the grand statue, hard enough to make it rock.
  92. Nobody *+that
  93. ARF Graadis nods distractedly. He seems fascinated by the scene taking place in the outer hall. "I see,"
  94. Anhrefn swings at the horse as it charges at him.
  95. Parva returns to the room, looking terribly confused. "I...suppose he found his way out," she muses.
  96. ARF The kenku draws a knife pensively and sets it on the table.
  97. Anhrefn rights himself, and then proceeds to slash at the horse wildly, "Where the frack has Charos gone? Give him back you bastard!"
  98. Nobody puts his boots up on the table. "Boys'll be boys, I reckon," he calls out toward Parva, smiling that tense, sarcastic sort of smile of one who is resigned to the disaster unfolding around him.
  99. ARF Charos seems quite pleased by this turn of events and clamps its jaws over Anhrefn's shoulder.
  100. Laethirna_ writes "I hope he kills it. I hate that evil horse thing."
  101. ARF Sybil stomps her way down the stairs, attracted by the noise "May I inquire as to what is going on?"
  102. Nobody pulls down the brim of his hat to avoid eye contact with Sybil.
  103. Parva "I wish I could tell you, Lady Sybil. But it appears Anhrefn has tired of his mount."
  104. Anhrefn thrashes about, before making an expeditious retreat from the locale.
  105. ARF Sybil blocks his path "My lord? You look pale,"
  106. ARF Crayton turns to Nobody "Perhaps now is a good time to show me this device of yours,"
  107. Anhrefn takes a few steps backwards, stumbling to the ground, "I... I... No!"
  108. ARF Sybil looks on, bored "Fascinating. Perhaps you should go to bed?"
  109. Anhrefn crawls away, clearly having forgotten about walking. "No... no... must get away..."
  110. Parva "Yes, the device." She finally blinks away from the spectacle. "If you would follow me."
  111. Nobody leans his head back and blows a gust of smoke upwards. "Yeah. Maybe you're right, professor." - He glances toward Anhrefn as he gets to his feet. "Think there's gonna be a long story to hear later."
  112. ARF Graadis looks positively pleased by the appearance of the sphinx, immediately making his way over to her "Madam, you must be one of our honoured hosts,"
  113. ARF Crayton shifts off the bench, falling into line behind Parva.
  114. Laethirna_ will follow Parva and Crayton
  115. ARF Sybil looks taken aback, her focus still on Anhrefn. "You are mistaken sir. I am merely a servant, if you will excuse me,"
  116. Nobody will as well.
  117. ARF The professor follows Parva up the steps, his skeletal visage more visible than ever "You may be surprised but he is not the only one I have seen the spire drive mad,"
  118. Nobody "Huh. It has that effect on people?"
  119. ARF "Magic is bred into the blood of many Planars. To be cut off from it is unsettling. Was he perchance a mage?"
  120. Parva "...of a sort?"
  121. ARF Crayton plods up the stairs effortlessly, gloves examining the architecture of the walls.
  122. Nobody Another puff of smoke as the goblin looks over his shoulder. "Not that I know. But that fella's full o' surprises."
  123. Parva leads the trio to the orrery's room.
  124. Laethirna_ heads for the library and climbs up the ladder to the orrery
  125. ARF The professor pauses in the library, admiring the collection. He also appears to note the sealed vault. Then he scales the ladder after Laethirna. "Ah, this takes me back to climbing the tunnels of home- oh my," He pauses at the top of the ladder, stunned by the gleaming golden dome and the orrery.
  126. Parva "It is rather impressive on first sight. If only we had a better handle on how the confounded thing works."
  127. Anhrefn crawls to a hallway leading deeper into the castle, before giving up, and resting against a wall.
  128. Nobody "Mmmhm." - The goblin taps ashes onto the floor. "'Course, now that we're here, I reckon it don't do much other than look pretty."
  129. Laethirna_ walks over to the control panel and tries something on the levers
  130. ARF Crayton clambers into the chamber proper and immediately makes his way over to the console "Yes, I recognise this design. It looks very similar to a planar sextant. Some Celestia seized genius must have enlarged one,"
  131. ARF Crayton doesn't touch anything, merely watching as Laethirna fiddles. Nothing happens with the levers. The orbs are still there but faint and silent.
  132. Laethirna_ looks disappointed.
  133. Nobody is at once relieved and disappointed.
  134. Nobody "So... you recognise this thing?" the goblin asks the professor.
  135. Laethirna_ writes "That would have taken us to eezgard, but there's no magic to make it work."
  136. Parva sighs. "Well, so much for that bit of hope."
  137. ARF Crayton frowns as he examines the controls further "I recognise something of the design but I've never dabbled in Planar Studies, let alone the Engineering needed for something like this. I imagine the Spire is dampening it,"
  138. Nobody "Hm..." - The goblin nods. "So it's, uh... valuable?"
  139. Parva "That's our assumption, too." Then she gives Ophiuchus a Look.
  140. ARF Carefully Crayton prods one of the orbs. His finger goes right through it "The thought of what this could do... almost makes me wish I hadn't wasted my life on Law. Imagine what you could do with a planar travelling device. You say it brought the castle here too? It managed to plane shift the entire castle into the dead zone? What kind of magic could do such a thing?"
  141. Parva "As I said--we have little understanding of the device beyond the crude fiddling with the controls that landed us...well, here. Quite by accident, too."
  142. Laethirna_ gives Parva a Look.
  143. ARF Crayton cranes to take a look, spine showing through his clothes, then he straightens back up "Well perhaps you can come back with a caravan and transport it beyond the rim of the Wheel,"
  144. ARF clapping his hands together "Now, let us find Graadis. We have a proposition for you,"
  145. Parva "Proposition?" But that's all she says, as she leads the way back to the main hall.
  146. Nobody takes a pensive drag on his cigar, returning Parva's look from before. "Can't wait to hear it."
  147. Laethirna_ follows
  148. ARF Sybil turns up as you head down, Graadis in tow. They are deep in some arcane discussion, something about a labyrinth. They switch to more general pleasantries as they return to the dining hall. The labourers and assistants have cleared outside.
  149. ARF Graadis sits down at a bench, steepling his fingers "So, it appears you are stuck here,"
  150. Parva "Unfortunately, yes--that's about the conclusion we've reached."
  151. ARF Graadis gestures to Crayton "And we are in possession of both transport and the knowledge to find our way back to Automata,"
  152. Nobody "I take that's where yer boxy friend is from," the goblin interjects, pointing at said boxy friend, if he is within pointing distance.
  153. Parva makes a mental note to ask Laethirna what that is, but allows them to continue.
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