

Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. ‹Valetni› Following directions from West Tehsil Citizen's Council scouts, you manage to slip into the Democratic People's Revolutionary Party of Tehsil territory without being spotted by any of their patrols. The irregular nature of the conflict means there aren't truly any front lines, but if there were, you'd be well behind them. With Jim at the wheel, the peacekeeper crawls along the darkened Tehsil
  2. ‹Valetni› streets, headlights off to avoid giving away your position. Managing to avoid bumping any of the abandonned cars, the group finds a parking garage just two streets down from your target, you pull off the street, the peacekeeper's engine reverberating off the enclosed space, before Jim shuts it off. The city is as silent as any you've ever been in at this hour, as Rody climbs out to be sent
  3. ‹Valetni› on ahead by foot.
  4. ‹Jim_Boseman› "It's almost peaceful like this," Jim says, taking in the ambience of the urban night.
  5. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Alright, make sure you don't leave anything important in the car," Konrad advises, "and Rody, once you're in position, just signal us three times so that we know you're ready." Konrad packs up his rifle and equipment, preparing to turn the silent night loud.
  6. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody nods, then having an idea, catches the attention of the squad as he reaches for his radio
  7. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "What is it, Rody?" Konrad turns around, eyebrow raised
  8. ‹Rody_Rindell› As he points to the radio, he makes three bursts of noise with it, then thumbs up, followed then by two and a headshake
  9. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad raises his thumb, acknowledging Rody's idea in his language
  10. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody beams a smile, then thumbs up again, now ready to get to work.
  11. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› "Good luck buddy. We'll be counting on you." Victor waves at Rody.
  12. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Try not to get shredded up too bad,"
  13. ‹Valetni› Sticking to the shadows of this forsaken city, the manchameleon known as Rody slinks his way towards the target. As it comes into view from the other side of the street, his sharp eyes spot two brief cherry glows of someone taking a drag on a cigarette, giving away the location of two men on the top of the target building.
  14. ‹Valetni› silently evading their sight, he moves to the darkened doors of the building opposite, preparing to enter the office building. All the glass doors along the front have already been smashed in by some thoughtless rioters, allowing him to step inside with only the tiny crinkle of glass underfoot, not at all audible to the guards from this distance. Looking around the dark lobby, illuminated
  15. ‹Valetni› only by the moonlight from outside, Rody is able to discern what looks to be two elevators at the far end of the lobby, along with a door behind the receptionist's desk.
  16. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody mentally checks his equip and the plan, then heads further in the building.
  17. ‹Valetni› As Rody prepares to push open the door leading to the stairway, some part of his animal brain realizes that these doors are sometimes alarmed. An alarm could give away his position. That would be bad for Rody.
  18. ‹Rody_Rindell› Having absolutely no idea how the buildings are laid out, Rody stops for a second, recalculating in his mind the most optimal route
  19. ‹Rody_Rindell› Forced to drop the first choice, Rody now silently heads toward the lift he saw trough the shadows, hanging his rifle on the shoulders as he draws the pistol his comrade lent him.
  20. ‹Valetni› As Rody jams on the unlit buttons that make the moving room come, nothing happens. It appears that there is no power to the elevators.
  21. ‹Rody_Rindell› After a couple of tries, the absence of sounds betrays the stillness of lift, leaving once again Rody hanging fir a better idea.
  22. ‹Rody_Rindell› While thinking for an answer, Rody looks back at the reception desk, and silently creeps toward it in search of clues regarding the status of the building.
  23. ‹Valetni› Following the scent of clues, Rody's nose leads him around the ransacked lobby. Disarrayed furniture and broken interior decorations can't conceal a pry bar from his sharp senses, buried among the wreckage of a chair. As the steam pressure increases, gears slowly begin to turn in Rody's head as he thinks of what he can use this 'tool' for.
  24. ‹Rody_Rindell› Still silent as a gigantic phantasm can be, Rody retrieves the prybar and lodges it into the elevator doors, ready to force them open to peer on the lift's shaft.
  25. ‹Valetni› With a grunt, Rody manages to force an opening wide enough for his fingers to slip in, spreading the door further as he unveils the dark vertical tunnel. The elevator car itself isn't visible.
  26. ‹Rody_Rindell› Covering with his body the opening to the shaft, Rody reaches for his light to search for another way up.
  27. ‹Valetni› As Ouetta actually had standards and building codes, Rody finds a latter immediately to the left of the open doors, saving him from having to try to climb the greasy ropes dangling in the center of the void.
  28. ‹Rody_Rindell› Securing his equipment once more and taking the light between his teeth, rody begins to climb the ladder
  29. ‹Valetni› As Rody's feet slip of the probably greased rungs, he manages to catch himself before he plunges down another floor.
  30. ‹Jim_Boseman› "10 credits Rody's found a way to maim himself already," Jim says, absent-mindedly fidgeting with a .45 round in his fingers.
  31. ‹Rody_Rindell› Trying to shield his head from the sudden fall, Rody plummets the ground legs-first, somehow preventing the worst.
  32. ‹Rody_Rindell› After summarily checking his own body, Rody gets back from the ground, ready to climb the stairs once again, this time extra carefully.
  33. ‹Rody_Rindell› After slipping again on the absolutely grease-drenched ladder, Rody falls back again on ground zero, injuring his good leg. After a little time spent on a mental checklist of the known profanities he learned while in service, Rody is up once again, this time searchign for a manteinance door or something serving the purpose.
  34. ‹Valetni› Eventually, through trial and error, Rody manages to grasp how to use a ladder, gaining access to the third floor. Walking along the maze of trashed cubicles, he gains access to a corner office overlooking the target building.
  35. ‹Valetni› From his vantage point, he is able to spot two groups of two men behind several sandbags emplaced on the roof of the building.
  36. ‹Rody_Rindell› His legs aching from the hurdle, Rody finally reaches his destination and positions himself ready to shoot, aiming at the men he spotted. After checking the area around, he finally takes out the radio, ready to signal his being ready to the squad.
  37. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody makes noise three times, in position and ready to cover the squad in every moment.
  38. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad receives Rody's signal and takes a look around, seeing the determination in his squad members' faces. He picks up the radio and calls back: "Well done, stay in position for now and take good aim, as soon as we have the building in sight I'll signal you and you'll open fire on the MG nests, understood?"
  39. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› He turns to the squad: "Alright, let's see if we can't get a bit further forward, but stay quiet!"
  40. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody makes noice three times again, then locks his aim on the head of the man manning the gun emplacement.
  41. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim nods silently.
  42. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim straps himself in and starts the engine.
  43. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Alright then," Konrad turns to Jim, "we'll get in the car, you take the wheel, Victor takes the guns and we drive right up to their emplacement."
  44. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› "On it boss!" Victor gets in the Peacekeeper and mans the MG.
  45. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› With the engine working and sounding already, Konrad takes up the radio to signal Rody as soon as they are out of the parking spot to prevent the MG gunners to get a good shot at them
  46. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Before they start, Konrad turns to Victor: "Yo Vic, if there's still somebody standing on that roof, use the searchlight to blind them a little, paints targets for our marks'man' and makes it harder for them to hit us."
  47. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› "Copy that." replies Victor as he gets ready for the big show.
  48. ‹Valetni› As the armored car rumbles down the street, the sound of the engine alerts the men on the roof that something is coming, even before the peacekeeper comes into view. The two men from the other side of the roof wander over to the nearer corner.
  49. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad picks up the radio when he realizes how loud the engine reverberates in these tight streets: "Rody, engage, permission to engage!"
  50. ‹Valetni› As the peacekeer comes into view, the guards are already huddling behind the sandbags, rifles pointed towards the oncoming vehicle at the far end of the street.
  51. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor takes the initiative and begins unleashing an hail of bullets with the Peacekeeper twin MGs "Want some lead?". He keeps pulling on the trigger, suppressing the guards behind the sandbags.
  52. ‹Valetni› The men are are caught totally offguard by the long bursts of automatic weapons fire. Despite the sandbag protection, three of them go down with the opening fusilade that so well announces your presence. At least one of them is dead, with his head split open from the 7.62x51mm round. Of the four men, only one of them is still combat effective, hunkering down as victor suppresses the position.
  53. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Damn fine shots," Konrad shouts over the sound of engine working and guns firing, certain that his good will will reach the intended target at least.
  54. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor grins, sure that his boss is certainly congratulating his excellent shooting.
  55. ‹Valetni› Rody puts the finishing touches on the last of the men up top, putting 3 rounds into the man as he prepares to fire upon the peacemaker, leaving him slumped over the sandbacks. His rifle clatters to the ground in front of the door.
  56. ‹Rody_Rindell› Witnessing the wild firing of the vehicle-mounted MG luckily hitting multiple targets on their heads, Rody just dumps a volley of shots into the last remaining unlucky man.
  57. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad takes up the radio once more after seeing the last member of the rooftop menace fall to congratulate Rody: "Good job Rody, nice shooting there. We're gonna drive up to the building now, keep the exit onto it in view and make sure to tell us immediately if anything moves. Just give me two quick messages if it does." He turns around so that hte rest of the crew can hear too: "We are gonna drive right up to that
  58. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› building now, park nice and tight, Jim. Victor, can you see if you can get on the roof? I think their willingness to go up there after fire like this may be... reduced. And you got Rody covering your ass so as long as you don't make any fast or sudden movements you should be fine. If the roof stays clear, I want you to spy inside and if need be flank the defenders there are." Konrad sighs, bracing himself before calling
  59. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› out: "Let's go people!"
  60. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Got it," Jim says concisely.
  61. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› "Whatever you say" replies Victor, as he eyes the shotgun, ready for some breaching action
  62. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody works the radio three times to send the ok, then gets ready to cover them at the second's notice, taking aim and scanning around the area.
  63. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› After careful inspection of the building, Konrad comes to the conclusion that the building is too tall to climb on, even with the Peacekeeper as boost and rapidly changes plans: "Alright, new plan, we can't get on the roof, but we know the building has a rear entrance. So what you do, Jim is that you drive up to the main entrance and park us so that the well armored front is facing the door, while we get out to the side
  64. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› and get around the building, getting to the rear entrance, entereing there and getting the guys inside from behind." He picks up the radio: "Rody, change of plans. We can't get on top of the roof, so keep the main entrance in sight too if they decide to come out and investigate. Shoot anybody that tries to take a peek. We'll be going in from behind."
  65. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "And remember to go for the lower door right, wouldn't want to risk any staircase related injuries at this stage of the mission"
  66. ‹Jim_Boseman› "On it," Jim says quickly.
  67. ‹Valetni› As the three men get around the building's outer perimeter, they stack up against the side of the rear ground floor door, under the watchful gaze of Rody. The silent and unoccupied peacekeeper blocks the entry to the front of the building.
  68. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad checks that all of his equipment is on one last time and talks in a more quiet voice: "Alright Victor, you take the lead, I go second and Jim stays takes the rear, got it?"
  69. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim signals his understanding with a very Rindellian nod.
  70. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor nods "I'm feeling a little excited." he says as he readies himself for the imminent breach, SPAS-15 in his hands
  71. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Alright," Konrad steadies himself for the imminent charge, "On my mark we breach. Three. Two," he keeps the radio open for Rody to hear, "one. Mark!"
  72. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim holds his rifle in one hand as he grips the handle to the door. "Here we go!" He says as he heaves and pulls the door open as fast as he can.
  73. ‹Valetni› As Jim opens the door, Victor and Konrad file inside. The three of you find yourselves in a stock room, shelves full of boxes surrounding you. Three meters to your left there's a blue door propped open. Quickly moving to it, aware that speed and aggression will serve you better than a slow measured approach. As the first man in the stack, Victor, rounds the corner just as the men inside are
  74. ‹Valetni› starting to react to the sounds to their rear. The store is laid out with a counter to the left of the front door, and a pharmacy counter to the rear. Four of the men had chosen to take cover behind the pharmacy counter, and now have their guns pointed the wrong way as they look over their shoulder at your breach. The look of shock on their face is clearly visible.
  75. ‹Valetni› Four other men are scattered throughout the floor, one having taken up a position behind the front counter to ambush you as you came in the front, and the other two taking up flanking positions amongst the mostly bare shelves.
  76. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Seeing four of the guards presenting themselves as a sacrifice, Victor opens fire shooting a salvo of buckshot with the SPAS-15.
  77. ‹Valetni› Moving from left to right, Victor quickly services each target. His first shot punches a fist sized hole in the man's chest, sending his rifle tumbling from nerveless fingers. His next shot misses as he rides the recoil, while his third intersect's with one of the men's heads as he rises from a half crouch. Moving down the line he hits another man in the leg, causing him to drop his pistol
  78. ‹Valetni› as he clutches his ruined thigh, screaming. The final man is just getting turned around when his head is splattered across the register.
  79. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Almost a little surprised at how the SPAS 15 tore through the rear guard, Konrad only needs a second to decide that taking cover behind the counter like them may be a smart idea and makes a dash for it
  80. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim follows suit.
  81. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› A bit unsteady from the quick dash, Konrad manages to sink a quick shot directly into the wall next to his target
  82. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim takes aim with the intention of felling the man Konrad missed, but his chosen profession, unfortunately, has cut into his marksmanship skills. His shot sails clear of his target's head.
  83. ‹Valetni› One of the men leans around the shelving he's huddling behind and lets off a blast from his shotgun, pumping it and then letting off another.
  84. ‹Valetni› Both blasts are targeted at victor, and while one smacks against the wall, the other catches him in his exposed arm.
  85. ‹Jim_Boseman› "GET DOWN YOU GODDAMNED MORON!!" Jim bellows at his shotgunned compatriot.
  86. ‹Valetni› "I got one!" The guy bellows, ducking back behind cover as he pumps another shell into his gun.
  87. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor lets out a scream as he drops on the floor, the blast having pretty much destroyed his exposed left arm. A gory sight. Now unconscious, he did get down as Jim said though.
  88. ‹Valetni› Another one leans around the corner from the opposite, stitching a burst of fire from a small submachine gun over your heads. Dust rains down on Victor's body, mixing with the pool of blood slowly spreading from his mangled arm.
  89. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Keep them pinned down!" Jim hollers to Konrad as he makes his way back towards Dicktor.
  90. ‹Valetni› One of the men moves to the other counter, snapping off two quick shots from a revolver towards the other side of the store.
  91. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Shocked by his comrade falling next to his side Konrad takes a look, not noticing the guard sprinting across and shooting at him. And hitting. Right into the head. He doesn't even notice how he falls next to Jim and lands on the floor.
  92. ‹Valetni› Another burst of SMG fire manages to strike Jim, one being stopped by his kevlar vest and the other glancing off his helmet.
  93. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim staggers backwards. "Shit!"
  94. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Fuck!" Jim says, his ears ringing. He gets out his radio and bellows into it as he carefully makes his way back towards his injured comrades. "RODY GET THE FUCK IN HERE NOW!!!"
  95. ‹Jim_Boseman› He pulls the pin on a smoke grenade and launches it over his shoulder.
  96. ‹Rody_Rindell› Hearing the conceited voice of the team mate, Rody grabs everythign he owns and starta running toward the stairs
  97. ‹Valetni› As Rody busts open the door and starts heading down the stairs, an alarm goes off, ear shatteringly loud in the corridors.
  98. ‹Valetni› As the smoke expands to fill the room, the two men with submachine guns rattle off more bursts in Jim's general direction. Most of the rounds fly overhead or are blocked by cover
  99. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Hurry up! Come on, come on!" Jim calls over the radio.
  100. ‹Rody_Rindell› Pistol in hand Rody is still running as if followed by a devil toward his squad
  101. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim makes it over to Victor's fucked up form laying on the ground, and begins first aid procedures on his left arm, his hands flying between his medical bag and Victor's wounds as he does what he does best.
  102. ‹Valetni› There's a distinctly click, followed by cursing as the man with the shotgun suffers a malfunction and begins struggling to get the weapon back in the fight.
  103. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Just as if Jim used some sort of magic, Victor regains consciousness, still not sure what in bloody hell happened. He sees Jim, then he feels his left arm completely numb. It doesn't take him long to realize what happened. Grinning his teeth he looks at Jim and speaks as best as he can "... pistol..."
  104. ‹Valetni› The man with the magnum revolver blasts off another 2 rounds, one of them managing to punch through the counter before being stopped by the back of Jim's vest.
  105. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim hunches forward, almost falling on top of Victor as the impact blasts the wind out of his chest.
  106. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Motherfucker," Jim shouts. "Don't fucking talk," Jim says as he pulls his .45 out and drops it on Victor's chest, while jabbing a syrette in his shoulder. "Stay down, don't move,"
  107. ‹Jim_Boseman› "You TAKE FUCKING COVER NEXT TIME!!" Jim bellows right in Victor's face as he starts to make his way over to Konrad.
  108. ‹Valetni› As Rody approaches from the other side of the street, all he can see and here is the exchange of gunfire from inside.
  109. ‹Rody_Rindell› Still running as much as he could, Rody reached the peacekeeper his team used to get on the scene
  110. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim makes it over to Konrad. Seeing his wounds as not being immediately dire, Jim turns his attention to the fuckheads still pot shooting at him. He squeezes off three rounds.
  111. ‹Valetni› "Fuckin, aghhh, fuck." The shotgunner says, follower by a clatter as he loses purchase on his gun as Jim demonstrates the difference between conver and concealment.
  112. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Taking Jim's advice to heart, Victor drags himself behind the counter and shoots a round with the pistol, with no effect, as he shouts "Take this you fucking bastards!"
  113. ‹Jim_Boseman› "If you nick me with that thing I'll shoot you myself," Jim calls over to Victor.
  114. ‹Valetni› With no clear target, the two men with SMGs elect to hold their fire while you hear several cases tinkle to the floor as the man with the magnum reloads.
  115. ‹Rody_Rindell› Hastily slamming his back on the wall on the side of the door Rody braces his M21 and shoots 4 rounds in a quick succession into the only enemy he could see, masterfully dampening the recoil after the first shot.
  116. ‹Valetni› As Rody opens up a new front in this war, the man with the skorpion drops. shot in the back of the head from behind, totally unaware. The way one might dispatch a rabid dog or a melourian.
  117. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor shoots yet another round, but having never really trained shooting one-handed, and with smoke obstructing view on top of it, he misses yet again.
  118. ‹Valetni› The surviving guard with an SMG rattles off another burst before his magazine runs dry,
  119. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim grunts as a wayward shot slams into his arm.
  120. ‹Rody_Rindell› Again with the grace of a raging melourian buffalo, Rody storms inside of the building holding his precious squadmates and sprays three rounds into another enemy.
  121. ‹Valetni› Perhaps suspecting that the man is wearing a vest, Rody leans over the counter and puts a round in each of the man's legs. His gun is forgotten as the silent sadist puts him in critical condition.
  122. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim takes another few shots with his HK.
  123. ‹Valetni› As Jim's rounds punch through the thin metal shelving, the last remaining enemy takes a tumble, the box magazine dropping from his hand mid reload to skitter across the tile floor as he puts pressure on his leg wound.
  124. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Yes!" Jim says, slapping the counter he's crouched behind.
  125. ‹Jim_Boseman› He moves over to Konrad to assess the damage.
  126. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor gets up and drags himself towards the last guy who went down. He's still alive, but not for long. Victor places the pistol on the head of the guard as to be sure not to miss even at such a ridiculously short distance and pulls the trigger.
  127. ‹Jim_Boseman› "He was gonna bleed out anyway," Jim says.
  128. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› "How much's the ammo for this thing?" asks Victor.
  129. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody gets out of cover and after having confirmed no enemy activity, he quicly gets to the mangled squaddies
  130. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Go get my .45 back from Victor before he shoots someone else,"
  131. ‹Valetni› Mostly untouched in the middle of your firefight are two on dollies pallettes still wrapped in plastic, apparently what you came here for.
  132. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim moves over to Konrad. "Watch where you stick that big head of yours next time," Jim says as he pulls off Konrad's peppered helmet and begins tending to the wounds.
  133. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody, unable to provide medical care, roams the place lookinng out at the surroundings, picking up his shotgun in the process
  134. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad somehow manages to come back alive after getting the special care of Jim, looking around not seeing, but only sensing the presence of his squadmates. His head is killing him and the uneasy feeling is spreading in his body. He turns to see Jim and hears a blur of his words. Konrad tries to stumble a few owrds together and whispers: "If I don't make it, take all their guns and sell them... they could make a- a tidy
  135. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› profit..."
  136. ‹Victor_Vaiosa› Victor returns the pistol to Jim, having shed enough blood for today, both his enemies' and his. He then drags himself over to the guy who blasted him with a shotgun. He uses his good hand to grab the pump action and checks it, before saying out loud "Yeah, this will make a good memento. Fucking bastard.". Turning towards Rody he then says "Thanks for the SPAS, Rody, it really helped out. Well, until shit went south that is."
  137. ‹Jim_Boseman› "You'll be fine you goddamned diva," Jim says as he continues his work.
  138. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad still doesn't quite grasp words yet again, just feeling a numbness all throughout him and hearing his heart beat all the way into his head. Perhaps this numbness is good, just not feeling anything instead of feeling whatever is going on. Just giving into this numbness, this black at edge of his vision, peaceful, alluring, like a siren's call... Konrad tries to snap out a little when he feel a searing pain from Jim
  139. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› treating his wounds
  140. ‹Jim_Boseman› "I'm gonna run out of supplies in no time if you idiots keep catching bullets like this," Jim says with a grin. as he wraps up his work. "Here," Jim says as he jams a syrette into Konrad's neck.
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