
Typical day in Le Pur shoot me please

Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. Guest_Tazmulia has joined the chat
  2. Guest_VasilyDraconis has joined the chat
  3. TaiZhuSilverstrike has joined the chat
  4. bloodfuerer has joined the chat
  5. xxLoveForAllxx has joined the chat
  6. Guest_vampirealexa385 has joined the chat
  7. Guest_Haruiii has joined the chat
  8. RainShadowHeart has joined the chat
  9. RainShadowHeart: OW! - falls down makeing a small cracks in the floor-
  10. Guest_Haruiii: *She sees Sir Rain* Oh Sir Rain, please let me grab you some towels *she runs to the kitchen and runs warm water and dampens the towels*
  11. xxLoveForAllxx: -a familiar scent fills her nose and makes her turn a bright red- Welcome back, Matrix
  12. xxLoveForAllxx: Rain! Outside!
  13. RainShadowHeart: ok sorry - fixes the damage i made and comes outside and stands my full 15ft height-
  14. xxLoveForAllxx: -she walks out with him and stands at his feet- I have never met a titan before
  15. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -turning his head as he watches as she walks away- "wow she is beautiful" -smiles-
  16. Guest_Haruiii: *she brings him warm towels to clean him self lifting them above her for him to clean himself* Here you are Sir Rain.
  17. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: Hello my lord and ladies glad to see everyone -bows-
  18. RainShadowHeart: thank you amethyst - takes it and places it on my head- and im not just a titan im actually a race much older and more powerful than titans.
  19. Guest_Haruiii: *she bows* Anything else I can get you Sir Rain.
  20. Guest_Tazmulia: rain who is toller
  21. RainShadowHeart: - shakes my head - no thank you this will do and now that im out side i dont need to worry
  22. RainShadowHeart: - shrugs at taz not sure about the question-
  23. Guest_Haruiii: *she bows* Yes Sir *she walks back inside and sees Sir Blood* Sir Blood youve been quiet today. Would you like me to grab you anything?
  24. RainShadowHeart: are you asking me who is taller?
  25. Guest_Tazmulia: yesah
  26. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: (brb)
  27. xxLoveForAllxx: ((tyt))
  28. RainShadowHeart: well come over here and lets see.
  29. RainShadowHeart: - becones taz to come closer-
  30. RainShadowHeart: well minus the helmet i'd say that we are about even.
  31. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: back what i miss
  32. xxLoveForAllxx: Absolutely nothing
  33. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: awe I heard I missed a wedding
  34. xxLoveForAllxx: Yes, a crashed wedding
  35. Guest_Haruiii: *she shakes her head* I believe it was not a hapy wedding my lady Matrix
  36. RainShadowHeart: - mesasures myself then taz- hmm well now that i measure us i got a few inches above you.
  37. Guest_Tazmulia: it wouldve been if Jenna and Azaeal didn't act all high and mighty
  38. RainShadowHeart: ok
  39. RainShadowHeart: miss...
  40. RainShadowHeart: - looks at taz not knowing her name or the names of the others besides amethyst-
  41. xxLoveForAllxx: I'm Isabella
  42. Guest_Tazmulia: I'm Athena
  43. Guest_Haruiii: *she walks around the house looking for things to clean*
  44. Guest_VasilyDraconis: - Vasily starts to walk down the stairs and see a familar face in the disance he stop and then walk up smiling- "ahhh Amethest we meet again -he bows- "How are you this evening"
  45. RainShadowHeart: a pleasure to make your aquantance. - bows in respect- lady isabella and lady athena.
  46. xxLoveForAllxx: Just Isabella, please
  47. Guest_Tazmulia: -returns the bow-
  48. RainShadowHeart: - smiles - ok isabella
  49. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: awe thats terrible
  50. RainShadowHeart: and you both said you've never seen a titan?
  51. xxLoveForAllxx: -she smiles back-
  52. xxLoveForAllxx: Yeah, I was raised in the underworld so I only saw spirits and such
  53. Guest_Haruiii: *she blushes and bows* Oh King Vasily, is there anything I can get you. *she smiles*
  54. RainShadowHeart: well... as i said before im not just a titan im a race of gods and goddesses of destruction and creation from a another plane called Destroyers
  55. Guest_Tazmulia: I too am from a different dimension
  56. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -he smiles and shakes head slowly- "ohh no my dear i am fine. would you like to go for a nice walk its a very nice day out" -he hold out his hand to her- "please come my dear i belive you can take a shourt break" -smiles-
  57. xxLoveForAllxx: Destroyers?
  58. RainShadowHeart: well my race is the ones that destroy and recreate all dimensions
  59. xxLoveForAllxx: I don't know if that was good or bad
  60. Guest_Haruiii: *she looks back and bites her lip, sloely taking his hand* I- I -I suppose. But very briefly. *she smiles softly*
  61. RainShadowHeart: its both
  62. xxLoveForAllxx: Why both, in your opinion
  63. RainShadowHeart: well we are the ones that ends everything..... but we are also the ones that cause the rebirth as well as creating new ones.
  64. RainShadowHeart: you see my point isabella
  65. xxLoveForAllxx: I do
  66. xxLoveForAllxx: I wish I could've met them
  67. Guest_VasilyDraconis: - he smiles and take her hand linking there arms together and slowly walks outside- "my dear tell me about yourself, i myself am the King of drgoniay in the south. not much to be said bout me" -smiles as his eyes link with with her-
  68. RainShadowHeart: well your talking to one right now , also im the eldest prince and current king of the destroyers and this - gestures to all of me -is not even my true self.
  69. xxLoveForAllxx: Well, prepare for hundreds of questions
  70. RainShadowHeart: - chuckles- before that im gonna show you my true form thou you may fall on you butt in the process.
  71. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she looks over to cal and wtaches him closely, then pays attention to the lords and ladies to the castle and notices Lady alexa by herself and walks up to her- "Would you like anything my Lady?"
  72. xxLoveForAllxx: -she nods- Okay
  73. Guest_vampirealexa385: I am fine my dear
  74. Guest_Haruiii: *she blushes and looks away* Oh I am just a servant *she looks down smiling* Nothing special really
  75. RainShadowHeart: - then i let out a groan and double over as before isabella and athena's very eyes rain slowly began to change , they could hear the sounds of parts breaking, moving, creating and fixing itself , his cloths rip away revealing a metallic armored like skin -
  76. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she nods and bows to her- Alright my lady very well -then she walks away to the kitchen to prepare meals for the lord and ladies-
  77. xxLoveForAllxx: -she looks up and sighs- Well, look at that
  78. RainShadowHeart: - nails become sharp claws , teeth became sharp wicked fangs , a tail , huge wings , horns sprout . his ears become long and pointed , hair grows long-
  79. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -Vasily smiles at her and lifts her head up slowly by her chin- My dear you need not be so shy or modest around me everyone is special to me even thoses who are not nobles. please i would love to know more about you" -smies-
  80. RainShadowHeart: - throws my head back and lets out a loud feirce roar-
  81. RainShadowHeart: - then stops-
  82. xxLoveForAllxx: -she walks closer- Easy, boy.
  83. bloodfuerer: oh thats funny coming from the guy who called me a peasant and scoffed
  84. RainShadowHeart: - kneels down and looks at isabella with blazing blue eyes with slanted pupils-
  85. Guest_Haruiii: *she looks at her eyes and feels the ground shaking as she get frightened holding on to him scared*
  86. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she think to herself where is amyethyst she walks around the castle calling her name-
  87. RainShadowHeart: sorry about that it just hurts a lot when i change
  88. bloodfuerer: Careful what company you chose Miss Haruii
  89. RainShadowHeart: - my skin feels cold , strong and soild like metal but also warm and soft like flesh-
  90. Guest_Haruiii: *she hears her name and begins run towards the castle* Im sorry I must leave Sir Vasily.
  91. xxLoveForAllxx: -she smiles at his amazing eyes- Well, it looks very painful -she puts a hand on his face-
  92. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -nods and smiles watching her- "it is quite alright my dear"
  93. RainShadowHeart: - smiles alittle showing my fangs-
  94. Guest_vampirealexa385: blood if I was you be careful what you say ok
  95. bloodfuerer: why? so i dont get yelled at again ?
  96. Guest_Haruiii: *she runs inside and looks around and sees Matrix* My lady Matrix, you called for me how may I help you *she comes in panting*
  97. RainShadowHeart: yeah now im 45feet tall
  98. Guest_vampirealexa385: I am helping a good friend in this room I am just saying watch it
  99. xxLoveForAllxx: -she open her mouth to reveal her enlarged K-9 teeth- You're not the only beast here
  100. bloodfuerer: i already told hera im done being walked on by anyone who is not of this realm
  101. bloodfuerer: heck by anyone at all
  102. RainShadowHeart: - laughs and that kinda cause the ground to shake-
  103. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she sees Amethyst- "there you are where did you go?"
  104. Guest_Haruiii: *she bows* Sir Blood, would yo ulike me to grab you anything.
  105. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, come on.
  106. bloodfuerer: hold up... alexa arent you a member of vilidia?
  107. Guest_vampirealexa385: ok then I am helping hera out
  108. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, don't start with her
  109. xxLoveForAllxx: Please.
  110. bloodfuerer: Issabella.... you know how annoying it is to be told what to do by those not of your own realm in your own?
  111. xxLoveForAllxx: Yes, Cal. Almost everyday
  112. xxLoveForAllxx: But I saved your life so you can just listen to me, for once
  113. bloodfuerer: i have had enough of it.... i am done with it
  114. Guest_Haruiii: *she begins to back away slowly realizing the tensions* Lady Matrix, is there anything I can get you.
  115. bloodfuerer: and how exactly did you save my ife hun?]
  116. Guest_Tazmulia: I just thought about something
  117. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: You dont serve me silly but I do need your help in the kitchen im preparing meals before queen hera return
  118. xxLoveForAllxx: I begged for your life with every bit of strength I had left -hot tears form in her eyes- After everything you have said to me, everything you've done to me. I begged for your life to be spared
  119. bloodfuerer: and who was going to try and kill me?
  120. Guest_Haruiii: *she walks away from the scene into the rooms*
  121. xxLoveForAllxx: Doesn't matter now
  122. bloodfuerer: oh it most certainly does
  123. RainShadowHeart: - then amethyst just happen to glance out the window and see a gigantic monsterous figure kneeling down outside and lady isabella looked like she was getting very close to it-
  124. xxLoveForAllxx: -she becomes enraged, her eyes flaring red- The least you can do is say thank you!
  125. Guest_Haruiii: *she sees a huge monster and squeals falling to the ground and curling herself up into a ball, shutting her eyes tightly*
  126. bloodfuerer: you havent even told me who so why are you getting angry
  127. xxLoveForAllxx: -she runs over and puts a hand on her head- He wont hurt you, dear
  128. Guest_Haruiii: *she blocks everything out and comforts herself*
  129. RainShadowHeart: and great......
  130. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she sees haurii and goes to her- "dont worry my dear in Le Pur this happens all the time but anyway come with me we must get back to work"
  131. Guest_Haruiii: *she takes her hand keeping her eyes shut* Yes my lady. I apologize *she feels embarassed*
  132. RainShadowHeart: - looks over to matrix- if your worried about making a meal for hera and the others dont be .....
  133. xxLoveForAllxx: Just Isabella -she smiles- He's really sweet, despite his size and species
  134. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: "come with me ill lead you to the kitchen" -she looks to rain- "its my job to worry" -smiles and giggles she takes haruiis hand-
  135. Guest_GeneralAviarius has joined the chat
  136. Guest_Haruiii: *she opens her eyes looks to the ground* Yes Ma'am. *she follows Matrix into the Kitchen*
  137. RainShadowHeart: - my hand clenches in to a fist and lowers it to them palm up and un curls it and isabella sees a beautiful banquet hot and ready to serve-
  138. RainShadowHeart: i was gonna surprise hera...
  139. bloodfuerer: -he would find Issabella and look her in the eye- whoever it may have been and whatever there reasoning i can only die a single way and they do not know it.... now with this i am afraid i should probably leave and not return.
  140. xxLoveForAllxx: Well, a lot has been happening and she is stressed
  141. xxLoveForAllxx: I'm sure she wouldve loved it
  142. RainShadowHeart: try some if you like
  143. Guest_Haruiii: *she sees a hot meal and looks down* It seems that we do not need to worry about preparing meals today. I suppose we should go clean the rooms
  144. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, I saved your ass and you haven't even thanked me. I have nothing to say to you
  145. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she looks to rain- dont do my job
  146. bloodfuerer: thank you for being my friend
  147. xxLoveForAllxx: -she looks at Rain- No thank you. I only hunger for one thing
  148. RainShadowHeart: and that is
  149. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, of course I'm your friend. I wouldn't get on your case like I do if I wasn't
  150. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: To serve Le Pur cooking cleaning and greeting all the lords and ladies it Haruii job too i am Head Maid here I cant teach Haruii if you do everything for me
  151. RainShadowHeart: - looks at matrix- hey it was from one friend to the other ok
  152. bloodfuerer: and doesnt change the fact that after i leave you all im going to find this vilidia and i am going to murder them all
  153. Guest_GeneralAviarius has left the chat
  154. Guest_VasilyDraconis: Good luck with that Cal -laughs-
  155. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: Cal last time i checked you were banned from le pur on queen heras orders
  156. bloodfuerer: you have no idea my power tiny king so keep your mouth shut and your ass sat
  157. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, their who I saved you from!
  158. Guest_VasilyDraconis: And I know Vengarl too will it will be you who dies....i am sorry but thats a fact
  159. xxLoveForAllxx: -she grabs al by the neck and throws him to the gorund- Enough with speaking to people in that way
  160. bloodfuerer: from that asshole i wont speak nicely him and flippy were complete and utter belittling pricks to me
  161. RainShadowHeart: - sets the food down on a clean sheet i had-
  162. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal!
  163. Guest_Haruiii: *she bows to Matrix* I shall prepare the rooms for tonight *she runs up the stairs and sees the lordes abd ladies outside speaking to another*
  164. Guest_VasilyDraconis: AND THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD -laughs- You think you can kill the Fallen emperor......WOW
  165. xxLoveForAllxx: Cal, I can't have you kill them
  166. Guest_Tazmulia: -heads into the castle
  167. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: "Good if you need my dear ill be scrubbing the floors"
  168. bloodfuerer: why because you were in a freaking room with azazel all alone after the war had started?
  169. Guest_VasilyDraconis: I have already tried to destroy Vilidia and failed CAL
  170. xxLoveForAllxx: -she jumps into Rain's foot-
  171. Guest_Haruiii: *she walks up into the rooms preparing the rooms and sits on a bench looking out into the sky sighing*
  172. Guest_VasilyDraconis: And this was when we were HUMANS
  173. xxLoveForAllxx: Yes!
  174. bloodfuerer: im done being told what to do or how to speak im done with it all
  175. xxLoveForAllxx: Than leave
  176. Guest_vampirealexa385: I heard you strated it blood
  177. Guest_Tazmulia: he did
  178. bloodfuerer: and im done letting those assholes who attempted to ruin her wedding day live
  179. xxLoveForAllxx: Because here there are limits and you have done nothing but cross them
  180. Guest_VasilyDraconis: You all are not listening to me i know this UGH!
  181. xxLoveForAllxx: Were trying to tell you!
  182. Guest_VasilyDraconis: It a lost cause
  183. xxLoveForAllxx: You can't win against them!
  184. RainShadowHeart: - then i lift my other foot up and slam it back down causing a massive quake making everyone fall to the ground-
  185. Guest_VasilyDraconis: Yes listen to her Cal
  186. xxLoveForAllxx: You're digging your agve if you go after them
  187. bloodfuerer: ........ you really dont know me at all
  188. Guest_vampirealexa385: why you want to kill someone that they are aleady dead
  189. xxLoveForAllxx: At this point, I don't want to
  190. bloodfuerer: youve never once seen my power
  191. Guest_Tazmulia: hello girls
  192. Guest_VasilyDraconis: Emperor Vengarl will steal you soul!!
  193. Guest_VasilyDraconis: Damn IT Cal please
  194. bloodfuerer: steal my soul..... oh gosh
  195. bloodfuerer: haha
  196. bloodfuerer: thats the thing
  197. xxLoveForAllxx: He has mine, Cal!
  198. Guest_Haruiii: *she falls off the bench and hits her head hard on the ground passing out with a small about of blood coming from her forehead*
  199. xxLoveForAllxx: It isn't fun
  200. Guest_vampirealexa385: blood I heard that you dont have a power
  201. Guest_Tazmulia: let him think he's all high and mighty
  202. Guest_VasilyDraconis: Fine go to your death!!!
  203. bloodfuerer: sweetie the moment i touched you the first time i stole yours
  204. RainShadowHeart: stop this . if your gonna argue and fight take it elsewhere
  205. bloodfuerer: thats what i do
  206. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she grabs a brush and some soap the goes outside to fill a bucket with water and sees all the comotion and is glad she gets to clean and heads back inside and starts scrubbing she hears lasy taz and bows to greet her-
  207. bloodfuerer: the soul he has now is from a thousand year old dragonic warlord
  208. Guest_Tazmulia: I have some cookies freshly made if anyone wants some
  209. xxLoveForAllxx: -she sghs- Rain, would you mind? -she gestures to his hand to lift her up-
  210. bloodfuerer: but whatever
  211. bloodfuerer: doubt me all you want its all anyone ever does
  212. RainShadowHeart: - bends down and lowers my hand to her-
  213. Guest_VasilyDraconis: - hears a fall and runs to the noice- Amethest!! oh no....are you alright -he go to her and hold her in his lap on the floor checking out on her and tending her wounds-
  214. xxLoveForAllxx: -she climbs in his hand and sits-
  215. RainShadowHeart: (( did everyon ignore the part where i stomped and cause a smal quake?))
  216. Guest_Tazmulia: -runs to Amythist what happened
  217. Guest_vampirealexa385: and blood they dont have a soul
  218. Guest_Haruiii: ((DId you guys not know where I passed out because I hit the marble floors lol))
  219. xxLoveForAllxx: ((lol)0
  220. RainShadowHeart: - lifts her up as i stand up-
  221. Guest_Haruiii: *she remains silent as her body flops around*
  222. Guest_VasilyDraconis: ((YEP i did only one too lol))
  223. RainShadowHeart: (( sorry about that haru))'
  224. xxLoveForAllxx: -she sits on his shoulder and leans against the side of his face- I am exhausted after all this
  225. Guest_Tazmulia: -has gad it up to her rim
  226. RainShadowHeart: - and now im starting to get annoyed-
  227. Guest_vampirealexa385: blood I thought you said you where leaving
  228. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she hears comotion upstairs as she is scurbbing the floor and remebers that haurii is cleaning rooms ad runs upstairs seeing her on the ground-
  229. bloodfuerer: alexa...they have souls i can assure you that
  230. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -He hold out his hand over Amethest as a bright light ingites and ingufes her body healing her from the inside out- "there you go my dear you will be ok now" -he watches as she slowly opens her eyes-
  231. Guest_vampirealexa385: you wrong hun I know more thing about that
  232. bloodfuerer: every thing has one you just have to know where to look and it only takes a touch for me to pinpoint the exact location
  233. xxLoveForAllxx: Rain, in this form I am going to have to ask you to stay calm
  234. RainShadowHeart: ok ....
  235. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she signs in relief seeing haruii open her eyes-
  236. bloodfuerer: if they didnt have souls they wouldnt be able to feel anything not even anger
  237. Guest_Haruiii: *her eyes begin to slowly open and she groans* Whu-what happened.. Who are you *her eyes close*
  238. Guest_vampirealexa385: blood believe me I know more then you they dont at all
  239. Guest_Tazmulia: anyone want some cookies I made?
  240. bloodfuerer: then they wouldnt be able to feel the hatred they would need to have to start a war
  241. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: You mean like how you stole jennas soul
  242. RainShadowHeart: sure i could use something to take my mind off this
  243. SariandiOnbin has joined the chat
  244. xxLoveForAllxx: -she keeps a hand on his face- Thank you
  245. Guest_Tazmulia: -offers a cookie to him
  246. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -he stroke her forehead and smiles- "shhh its Vasily my dear you had an accedent but i healed you just relax now"
  247. RainShadowHeart: - takes it carefully with the tips of my claws and eats it- mmm very good.
  248. Guest_Tazmulia: thank you I am takeing lessons from Hestia
  249. Guest_Haruiii: *she becomes embarassed* Im sorry I am a burden.
  250. RainShadowHeart: and athena help yourself to some of the food over there
  251. Guest_Tazmulia: Amythest you are far from being a burden
  252. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she sighs- no youre not dear you are just clumsy its who you are
  253. RainShadowHeart: - points to the sheet with the food-
  254. Guest_vampirealexa385: blood matrix ask you a qustion
  255. Guest_Tazmulia: you almostanyone else want a cookie?
  256. Guest_VasilyDraconis: -shakes head- no Amethest you are not a burden -smiles
  257. Guest_vampirealexa385: nothing to say blood to matrix
  258. Guest_Haruiii: *she attempts to get up* I must return to work..
  259. Guest_Tazmulia: let me help you then Amythiest
  260. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: my dear you can take a break if you like
  261. xxLoveForAllxx: Rain
  262. Guest_vampirealexa385: blood we are waiting for you to say something back to matrix
  263. bloodfuerer: i stole her soul to keep it safe... and now i keep it to end her
  264. RainShadowHeart: yes?
  265. xxLoveForAllxx: I'm bored now
  266. Guest_Haruiii: *she shakes her weak head* No no, I need to get back to work.
  267. Guest_Tazmulia: -starts cleaning the house-
  268. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: thats not how i heard it but ok if you be that way
  269. RainShadowHeart: - lifts my foot up and holds it above blood-
  270. xxLoveForAllxx: -she digs her nails into his shoulder- Rain! Stop it!
  271. Guest_IAmTheMatrix: -she looks to ameythst- "alright but take it easy"
  272. bloodfuerer: let him
  273. bloodfuerer: and then ill show you all why you dont mess with me
  274. xxLoveForAllxx: Rain, don't! I beg of you! Listen to me!
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