
Being Twiggles is suffering

Apr 24th, 2016
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  1. >Its a lovely early spring day with all types of little pones prancing about in pairs
  2. >Holding each others tails in the shape of a heart
  3. >Must be some gay friendship exercise from Twizzler
  4. >Speaking of Twoggle shes all alone on a park bench looking all dejected
  5. >Must of forgotten to find herself a partner for her silly horse bullshit..... hmm I still need to fill my monthly good deed quota, better go talk to her
  7. >You are Twilight and you are sad not because of any deaths or anything, but for not having a date for Hearts and hooves day
  8. >Fuck being a beta sucks
  9. >Oh look Anons' walking towards you all alone
  10. >Fuck
  11. >Hes going to make fun of me like always, better brace for it
  12. >"Hey Twiggle your looking really lonely"
  13. >Huh hes not being the snotty bastard he usually is
  14. >"Seeing how we are the only two by our lonesome lets go out, and do some silly horse things
  15. >Wait what?
  16. >Oh sweet merciful Celestia is a colt asking you out? Shit what do I do, how do I respond, how the fuck do you talk to colts
  17. >alright mare up Sparkle, hes waiting for your response think of something cool
  18. "y-you too"
  19. >Fuck
  23. >"y-you too". Aww little horse is shy
  24. "Come on Twilight lets go do what ever this silly horse holiday is about"
  25. >And like that the flood gates open
  26. >"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Anon for being my date for Hearts an Hooves day. I didn't know you thought about my this way. I've never had a date for H&H day before than again I've never had a date before, or a colt friend or a--" Oh fuck time to tune her out
  27. >Aw fuck its pone valentine day and she thinks you want to be her boyfriend or something, better clear a few things out then.
  28. "Of course I'll take you out for today Porkle-"
  30. >Holy shit you have a date and hes being honest about it too does mean that I might finally get laid, no bad Twilight be a gentlemare. Oh yeah, who said you couldn't get a coltfriend. Oh totally fucking alpha
  31. >"Of course I'll take you out for today Porkle but only as a friend"
  32. >as a friend
  33. >a friend
  34. >friend
  35. >Fuck
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