
SDMP Mod List (Alphabetical)

Mar 31st, 2024
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  1. Ambient Environment
  2. Another Liquid Milk Mod
  3. AquaCulture 2
  4. Architectury
  5. Artifacts
  6. Backpacked
  7. Beautify
  8. Bendy Lib
  9. Better Advancements
  10. Biommes O' Plenty
  11. Blueprint
  12. Boatload
  13. Book Fishing
  14. Bow Infinity Fix
  15. Camera Mod
  16. Camp Chair
  17. Captcha
  18. Carpet Trapdoors [Forge]
  19. CatJammies
  20. CHA&S
  21. Chalk
  22. Chat Heads
  23. Chefs Delight
  24. Chicken Chunks
  25. Chimes
  26. ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Villages
  27. Cloth Config v4 API
  28. CodeChicken Lib
  29. Collective
  30. Configured
  31. Contact
  32. Content Creaotr integration
  33. Copperized
  34. Craft Tweaker
  35. Creative Core
  36. Curios API
  37. Curious Armor Stands
  38. Curious Lanterns
  39. Curious Lights
  40. Custom Window Title
  41. Customized Dungeon Loot
  42. Dangerous Stone Cutter
  43. Dark Paintings
  44. DeathKnell
  45. Despawning Eggs Hatch
  46. Detail Armor Bar
  47. Dice
  48. Do a Barrel Roll
  49. Double Doors
  50. dragonfight mod
  51. Drip Sounds
  52. Dual Riders
  53. Duckling
  54. Dungeon Crawl Obscuria's Tooltips
  55. Eating Animation
  56. Edibles
  57. Emote Tweaks
  58. Emotecrafft
  59. Ender's Delight
  60. ExpandAbility
  61. Extra Trades
  62. Extra Zombie Drops
  63. ExtraGore
  64. Fairy Lights
  65. Fakename
  66. Falling Leaves
  67. Farmer's Delight
  68. Farming In Rain
  69. FastLeafDecay
  70. Fish On The Line
  71. Flower Patch
  72. FlytreLib
  73. Food Effects
  74. Forge
  75. GeckoLib
  76. Goblin Community
  77. Golems Are Friends Not Resources
  78. Grabby Mobs
  79. Heartstone
  80. Hexxit Gear 2
  81. Highlighter
  82. Iceberg
  83. Infernal Mobs
  84. JEI Tweaker
  85. JRFTL
  86. Jumpy Boats
  87. Just Enough Items
  88. Just Zoom
  89. Kiwi
  90. Konkrete
  91. Looot
  92. Majrusz's Accessories
  93. MMajrusz Library
  94. MmmMmmMmmMmm
  95. Mod Name Tooltip
  96. Mouse Tweaks
  97. Mystical Oak Tree
  98. Name Tag tweaks
  99. Naturally Charged Creepers
  100. Nature's Compass
  101. Nekos Enchanted Books
  102. Neon Craft 2
  103. Nethers Delight
  104. Night Lights
  105. No Angled Brackets
  106. Not Enough Recipe Book
  107. Notes
  108. Oculus
  109. Passthrough Signs
  110. Path Under Gates
  111. Pitch Perfect
  112. Placebo
  113. Player Animator
  114. Pop!
  115. Rare Ice
  116. Rubidium
  117. Selene
  118. Silveroak Outpost
  119. Simple Shops
  120. Simple Voice Chat
  121. Sit
  122. Skeleton Horse Spawn
  123. Skinned Carts
  124. Sky Structures
  125. Smarter FArmers
  126. Snow Under Trees
  127. Snow! Real Magic!
  128. Snowballs Freeze Mobs
  129. Snuffles
  130. Sooty Chimneys
  131. Sound Physics Remastered
  132. Special Drops
  133. Splashy
  134. StrongerSnowballs
  135. Structory
  136. SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
  137. SwingThroughGrass
  138. TerraBlender
  139. TexelsPaintings
  140. The Twilight Forest
  141. TheDirtyStuff
  142. Toast Control
  143. Torch Slab Mod
  144. Tumbleweed
  145. Twilight Delight
  146. Useless Sword
  147. Villager Names
  148. Villagers Drops Emerals on Death
  149. Villagers Sell Animals (by NoCube)
  150. Walking Canes
  151. WaterFrames
  152. Watermedia
  153. Wool Tweaks
  154. YUNG's API
  155. YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
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