
Chat Wolf Crista Ang Rayn Companionship

Nov 23rd, 2012
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  1. Wolfman69xx has joined the chat
  2. VitaAretas has joined the chat
  3. AngelineBlackstone has joined the chat
  4. RaynBlackstone: [ brb major crash while it loads ]
  5. Wolfman69xx: (wb)
  6. VitaAretas: (weba)
  7. Wolfman69xx: (brb)
  8. VitaAretas: (tyt)
  9. RaynBlackstone: [ ok back lets play tis out and make it official ]
  10. RaynBlackstone: [ hello sister kiss ]
  11. RaynBlackstone: Crista have met wolf?
  12. VitaAretas: yes, we met some months back in tarascon, at the time of the last fair, or just before
  13. AngelineBlackstone: ~Makes her way to the Great City , opens the heavy door, speaks to her guards to stay outside, Moves through the doors, nods to the guards as she moakes her way to the middle of the room, smiling as she softly speaks ~ Tal Sister
  14. VitaAretas: ~looks round to see Angeline entering~ Tal Angeline
  15. RaynBlackstone: ~smiles to her sister.~ Tal My Sister. While we have all that repsent law here I would like to tell you some news I have learned while speaking to Spyro.
  16. VitaAretas: ~joins her on the cushions~
  17. AngelineBlackstone: ~smiles as she makes her way to the pillows ~ Tal Crista
  18. AngelineBlackstone: ~looks over to see wolf sitting in the seat smiling as she speaks ~ Tal Wolf
  19. RaynBlackstone: [ I talked to Spyro in great length today ]
  20. VitaAretas: ~she listens intently~
  21. AngelineBlackstone: [Oh?]
  22. AngelineBlackstone: How is everone today?
  23. VitaAretas: i am well - tired after my travels, but well
  24. RaynBlackstone: Here is what I know and what we know has happened. When Riven diverted my caravan to Al Tariq he asked me to join his city as a Free Woman. with that I have sworn to his homestone. By all rights I am protected by Gorean Law. [ the Rp stands as of this moment ]
  25. RaynBlackstone: The Companionship will be waited out Dec 12 is 12 weeks Dec 19 is what we have decided will be the time frame. If Asad wants me he will have to go through Riven my Admin. With that we can negataite a means to an end Riven will do the negotiating it is out of my hands.
  26. AngelineBlackstone: [ that is good to hear Crista]
  27. AngelineBlackstone: ~sits and listens ~
  28. VitaAretas: ~she nods as she listens~
  29. RaynBlackstone: If at that time they come to an agreement.....It will go to a trial of sorts. Meaning Spyro and other scribes will hear the case ...I would invite you all in to be on council. And what ever the out come it will stand as a trial.
  30. RaynBlackstone: I will give all but my freedom and my caste. The rest I will give to Asad. If that is what is needed.
  31. AngelineBlackstone: ~looks down at her hands holding her tongue~
  32. RaynBlackstone: But I am protected here and this is how it will be played out. I have sent riven the log of advice from Spyro if you want it I will post the link ]
  33. VitaAretas: and the case will be judged by the laws of Nykotos?
  34. Wolfman69xx: (back)
  35. RaynBlackstone: by law he can not have my second child. It will be decided by those on council. I will let that be handled as it would be by Gorean law. But I will not be forced to have a child to meet a time frame. with that you know I would raise my family. But I have no rights to Noor.
  36. AngelineBlackstone: [wb]
  37. RaynBlackstone: [ wb wolf lets you read to catch up ]
  38. VitaAretas: (weba)
  39. Wolfman69xx: (ty Angeline)
  40. Wolfman69xx: (ty Vita)
  41. VitaAretas: the only all encompassing law external to that of city laws is of course merchant law
  42. Wolfman69xx: (ty Rayn)
  43. RaynBlackstone: [ should I miscarry the second just to take it out of negotiations? ]
  44. AngelineBlackstone: ~looks up to sister~ And who shall be sitting on the council?
  45. RaynBlackstone: scribes whom ever is on that will come including you in this room.
  46. RaynBlackstone: time*
  47. AngelineBlackstone: ~nods as she sits back listening~
  48. RaynBlackstone: [ ready? ]
  49. VitaAretas: (for?)
  50. Wolfman69xx: (for?)
  51. RaynBlackstone: advice to me loll]
  52. AngelineBlackstone: [lol]
  53. RaynBlackstone: [ question is take second child out of rp ? ]
  54. VitaAretas: (well - from the research i've done what happens all depends on the precise wording of the contract you signed with Asad)
  55. RaynBlackstone: [ never signed one ]
  56. VitaAretas: (no companionship contract??)
  57. RaynBlackstone: [ no ]
  58. AngelineBlackstone: [ as bad as I hate to say this sister I think that is best.. you will miscarriage , then start over with Riv in a new city]
  59. VitaAretas: (if there's no contract how can you be legally companioned?)
  60. RaynBlackstone: [ nods agreed but it will happen over night i will not oplay that to close to rl ]
  61. RaynBlackstone: [ oh? ]
  62. AngelineBlackstone: [ you have one in group sister posted when you Fced]
  63. RaynBlackstone: [ so that might to to my bebefit ? ]
  64. RaynBlackstone: [ no certificat of Companionship no contract we eloped ]
  65. RaynBlackstone: [ before wolf had it done ]
  66. AngelineBlackstone: [then its not legal I would say]
  67. Wolfman69xx: (if now contract is that valid?)
  68. VitaAretas: (no contract means they weren't legally companioned as far as i can see)
  69. RaynBlackstone: [ neither of us signed in rp ... you drew them but not signed officailly ]
  70. Wolfman69xx: (thats what I think.. therefore no claims..)
  71. AngelineBlackstone: [ then he has not rights ]
  72. Wolfman69xx: (nods)
  73. VitaAretas: (yes - his mistake - he should have ensured both parties signed the contract)
  74. RaynBlackstone: [ sighs gawds lets hope so ]
  75. AngelineBlackstone: [ I would think that gorean laws would not go with his damands if nothing was signed]
  76. RaynBlackstone: [ ok one valid point in this is we need a standing contract in groups for those to post in agreement . and locked in the post ]
  77. AngelineBlackstone: [ yes ]
  78. VitaAretas: (well as i said the only over-riding law on Gor is merchant law - there is no gorean law as such - merchant law doesn't say anything about companionship - its a civil matter)
  79. RaynBlackstone: [ se we go back in time? ]
  80. AngelineBlackstone: [like it never happened ]
  81. VitaAretas: (but i'd say its pretty clear that as a free woman you cannot be companioned without agreeing to it in writing)
  82. Wolfman69xx: (agreed)
  83. RaynBlackstone: [ omg ]
  84. VitaAretas: (the companionship is VOID - i have spoken, lol)
  85. RaynBlackstone: [ loll ]
  86. Wolfman69xx: (lol)
  87. Wolfman69xx: (thats what I think is it is void..)
  88. VitaAretas: (yep)
  89. RaynBlackstone: [ wow wolf you and I might have saved my ass ]
  90. AngelineBlackstone: [yes he has not rights to anything sister]
  91. VitaAretas: (lol)
  92. RaynBlackstone: [ just by over looking ]
  93. RaynBlackstone: [ ok brb ]
  94. AngelineBlackstone: [tyt]
  95. VitaAretas: (tyt)
  96. Wolfman69xx: (lol)
  97. RaynBlackstone: [ so next thought do I stay here under protection? ]
  98. VitaAretas: (by your own declaration made which hasn't been edited since august the thing isn't legal - "The Laws and Ceremony to Al Tariq will be placed here for those entering in a FC contract in Al Tariq and will be signed by a post from each of the FC participants and the over seer of the ceremony. Once replied to a certificate will be printed in sticker form for your Home Pages )
  99. VitaAretas: (that never happened - so not legal)
  100. RaynBlackstone: But the rp with Riven here has
  101. AngelineBlackstone: [wb]
  102. RaynBlackstone: [ ty ]
  103. Wolfman69xx: (wb)
  104. RaynBlackstone: [ ty ]
  105. VitaAretas: (you can rp out of the situation here in a number of ways)
  106. RaynBlackstone: [ ok? ]
  107. VitaAretas: (the 'trial' goes ahead and find the companionship void is one)
  108. VitaAretas: finds*
  109. RaynBlackstone: [ ok ]
  110. RaynBlackstone: [ so pretty much this goes back in rp to the fairs? ]
  111. Wolfman69xx: (well all I have to be off for a little)
  112. RaynBlackstone: [ or I am here for Safty from assains in valid Temos Rp ]
  113. RaynBlackstone: [ because I hav eplayed both cities and he brought her here for that protection ]
  114. AngelineBlackstone: [be well wolf]
  115. Wolfman69xx: Be well everyone..
  116. RaynBlackstone: [ ok wolf Hugs ]
  117. VitaAretas: (well you can go back if you like or just accept that Riven took you for some reason of his choosing - maybe protection - maybe to accomplish a task)
  118. Wolfman69xx has left the chat
  119. RaynBlackstone: and Ty oh my loll ]
  120. RaynBlackstone: [ ok that will be agreed to ]
  121. RaynBlackstone: [ I will speak with him and we can decide ]
  122. VitaAretas: (yep)
  123. RaynBlackstone: [ ooc between us 3 he will be my Companion in the future ]
  124. AngelineBlackstone: [sounds like the nightmare is finally over sister]
  125. AngelineBlackstone: [smiles]
  126. VitaAretas: (Riven??)
  127. RaynBlackstone: [ yes o mg and thank the lord ]
  128. RaynBlackstone: [ yes V ]
  129. RaynBlackstone: [ It will be announced at the fairs .... but as per rp he has been her only love then ]
  130. RaynBlackstone: [ if it goes back in time that would be where it picks up his rp with rayn at the fairs ]
  131. AngelineBlackstone: [yes that would be good]
  132. AngelineBlackstone: [ no babies with that ass ]
  133. VitaAretas: (lol)
  134. RaynBlackstone: [ nope ]
  135. AngelineBlackstone: [good still want him dead!!!]
  136. RaynBlackstone: [ sighs with relief ]
  137. RaynBlackstoneRaynBlackstone : [ yessssss ]
  138. VitaAretas: (lol)
  139. RaynBlackstone: [ om g I have my Char back ]
  140. AngelineBlackstone: [ yesss]
  141. RaynBlackstone: { now to Fc her only love .....]
  142. AngelineBlackstone: [yes]
  143. RaynBlackstone: [ and his protection and allin place will be with Temos and Rayn ]
  144. AngelineBlackstone: [Yes]
  145. RaynBlackstone: [ alliance* ]
  146. RaynBlackstone: [ omg she still has her fairy tale....]
  147. RaynBlackstone: [ oh what a relief ]
  148. AngelineBlackstone: [yes sister ~smiles~]
  149. VitaAretas: (phhhhewwwww)
  150. RaynBlackstone: [ and no morning no loosing kids to face the world of Gor ]
  151. RaynBlackstone: [ love you both and oh my picks up gaint eraser and goes back in time ]
  152. VitaAretas: (lol)
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