
[FR] Pizzanon Shorts

Jul 23rd, 2014
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  1. Some shorts I wrote with Nebulus when we were messing around with the idea of Pizza Anon delivering to hungry milfs.
  2. Enjoy!
  4. >"Sonny, I'll have you know, I had the finest legs in' all er' Equestria!"
  5. "Yes, I'm sure you did."
  6. >Granny Smith leans on the door frame of the Apple's farmhouse, stretching out her old, wrinkled legs.
  7. >"Ay' still got 'em, too!"
  8. >Yeah, sure you do.
  9. "This isn't really appropriate. Please, I just need the eight bits for the pizza."
  10. >Granny's eyes almost pop out of her head, as her surprise is only matched by your uncaring glare.
  11. >"Eight bits! Sonny, in my day, we'd get eight of those for just one bit!"
  12. "Are you saying you don't have eight bits, ma'am?"
  13. >"I've got a bit. Take it er' leave it!"
  14. "I'm sorry, ma'am, I need eight bits for this."
  15. >She gets down from the door frame, as she puts her hoof to her chin.
  16. >"I think I've got just about enough in my coin purse. Wait right here!"
  17. >And off she goes.
  18. >Maybe pizza delivery isn't your thing.
  19. >You consider switching careers to something a little more appropriate.
  20. >Whoring yourself out doesn't sound like a bad idea.
  21. >At least you get paid to fuck all these pent-up ponies.
  22. >Eventually, you could see her go back down the steps.
  23. >What the fuck was she wearing?
  24. >Was she... in a fucking bikini?
  25. >She stands in your line of sight, as she turns around to shake her wrinkly booty at you.
  26. >Did you just go blind?
  27. >Because you probably would have.
  28. >"Ai've got sumthin' better than nasty ol' bits, tiger!"
  29. "T-that's ok, pizza's free."
  30. >You throw the pizza at her, and turn around and attempt to dash off.
  31. >That is, until you crash into Big Mac on your first step.
  32. "You're not going to let me leave, are you?"
  33. >"Nope."
  35. >You should seriously consider investing in a chastity belt.
  37. ------
  39. >"Go away! I'm busy here!"
  40. "It's the pizza you ordered."
  41. >"Alright, in a minute."
  42. >The door opens to reveal Cranky Doodle Donkey, wearing his signature yellow wig.
  43. >That thing always looks really weird on him.
  44. "That'll be ten bits."
  45. >"Does it look like I have pockets, wiseguy?"
  46. >What a dick.
  47. >Eh, at least he's honest.
  48. >"Come inside and wait in the living room. I'll grab your damn change."
  49. >You step into his home, as you take a seat on a plastic-covered sofa.
  50. >Why the fuck do people even use this shit on sofas?
  51. >It's so uncomfortable.
  52. >From your position, you could see his wife in bed, waiting for something.
  53. >Hopefully not what you've gotten the last seven times.
  54. >Cranky comes back, with a paltry amount of bits in his mouth.
  55. >He spits them out at you, and looks up.
  56. >"I know it's not enough. Hear me out here."
  57. >Oh, great, here we go.
  58. >"Look, I don't have what you need. But I have something you might like?"
  59. "If you're asking for what I think you are, I'm not providing extra sausage for your wife."
  60. >"How did you know I was going to say that?"
  61. "I had a feeling."
  62. >"I've got nothing for you, then. Keep the pizza."
  63. "Ok; see ya guys."
  64. >Looks like you're home safe.
  65. >Hopefully, those damn goats haven't followed you here.
  66. >You grab your pizza and open the exit door, only to be met by Pinkie Pie herself.
  67. >"Hey, Anon! How's pizza work going?"
  68. "Not very good. They couldn't pay me."
  69. >"Didn't they offer you some ass?"
  70. "How do you know that?"
  71. >Pinkie giggles a very interesting smile, as she pushes you back inside.
  72. >"I come here every Wednesday for a nice threesome. Of course, we've always wanted a fourth."
  73. "I can't do that, Pinkie."
  74. >"I didn't ask, Anon."
  75. >Wait, what?
  76. >Pinkie closes the door, locking it behind her, before she gives one last shout to the donkey couple.
  77. >"I hope you guys like sausage!"
  79. ------
  81. >How the hell could a house be slanted?
  82. >Better not to question Equestria's physics at a time like this.
  83. >You got a pizza to deliver.
  84. >You knock on the door, steeling your mind for the inevitable
  85. >"I'll be right down, sir!~"
  86. >Soon enough, the door opens, revealing a familiar grey mare.
  87. >At least this one's too clumsy to try anything.
  88. >"How much is the pizza, sir?"
  89. "That'll be six bits."
  90. >For once, this mare came prepared.
  91. >She counted out a couple of bits in her hoof.
  92. >You swear you see eight bits in her hoof as she hands you the money.
  93. >"A tip for being such a nice person, Anon!"
  94. >Aww, how adorable!
  95. >Your hands extend themselves, as they begin to hand the pizza over to Derpy.
  96. >She takes the pizza kindly, and turns around to walk back inside.
  97. >Of course, true to her namesake, she trips herself on her own feet.
  98. >Her fall is strange enough that it somehow sends the pizza rocketing towards you.
  99. "Oh shi-"
  100. >HEADSHOT.
  101. >Your forehead now has a pizza-box shaped mark,
  102. >"O-oh, I'm sorry! Let me help you!"
  103. >She hurries back to you, only to trip on her feet again.
  104. >Her hooves stretch themselves out, attempting to grip themselves on anything to stop her fall.
  105. >Of course, she ends up gripping your very loose shorts.
  106. >With no underwear underneath.
  107. >That damn zebra probably took them before you woke up.
  108. >"I'm s-so sorry!"
  109. >She attempts to grip your pants to pull them back up, but ends up falling backwards.
  110. >Pulling you down with her.
  111. >As soon as she hits the ground she instinctively speads her legs to lower to try and stop herself.
  112. >Of course, that only means that your member is just at the right position for...
  113. >Accidental fucking.
  114. >"Oo-o-oh!~ I'm sorry, Anon! Let me get off you."
  115. >She tries to pull herself off your cock, but only succeeds in repeatedly falling on it again and again.
  116. "Stop, Derpy. Let me do this."
  117. >She stops moving for a second, allowing you to take your cock out of her.
  118. >"I-I just don't know what went wrong, Anon."
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