

Jan 4th, 2014
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  1. I'm sorry, author, but there are issues with tone and some grammar problems that have to be fixed. Also, what made me stop reading was "Due to sensitivity to flashing lights, it is forbidden to take pictures of SCP-1861-01 at the demand of O5-█." Why not take photographs without flash, then? You can even take infrared pictures. Cubic containment rooms aren't necessary, you can use a standard containment cell, actually. And I think you don't need to have a bold, capitalized and italic line to make it stand out, it's enough with the capitalization.
  2. - Dr Reach
  3. ----
  5. This honestly isn't as bad as I was expecting. It's not that good, but it's not terrible either. You definitely didn't half-ass this, so that's good, at least.
  7. The Foundation would not have a problem with the concept of "souls". They might not accept it, but it damn well wouldn't make their heads explode. If an SCP is fed and strengthened by proximity to the deaths of other humans, that can be taken into account.
  9. There's almost, almost, enough potential here for me to salvage this. Almost. I'm not going to try, because it's too broken, and it's already rated too low for my liking, and I've already got another rewrite on my plate. But the essential concept (murderously scrawny soul-eating entity and its boyfriend) isn't that bad, and your execution is not completely inept.
  11. - Voct
  13. ----
  15. I can tell there was effort here, and I don't think it's time to load the author into the sun-catapult or anything. However, the flaws have been thoroughly explained by others…
  17. That said, seeing what was written, and then the discussion here, I'm suddenly struck with the concept of an SCP that's an illustration, with the memetic property that people think it's alive. Not if you see it in a picture, or a video, but as soon as you make direct eye contact it's "HOLY CRAP THAT'S AN ACTUAL ENTITY!!!" Just the thought of nervous doctors wondering why the [insert illustration's subject here] hasn't touched the piles of food left around it kind of makes me giggle, which also makes me wonder if it would be worth drafting as it's more lulzy than anything, but not quite -J worthy.
  18. - ChazzK
  20. ----
  22. In the future, author, please store any works in progress you have in a sandbox page and run your drafts past the critique forum or IRC chat for feedback before posting. Not only is it polite, it's also site policy.
  24. Overall, this article has quite a few problems, a few of which are as follows:
  26. Unnecessarily cubical containment chamber
  27. Imperial measurements (3 x 3 ft vent)
  28. Bolding words for emphasis (such as the end of the containment procedures)
  29. Basic and easily avoidable grammar errors (a anthropomorphic lifeform)
  30. Naming of contained entities (given the labels 'Bonnie' and 'Clyde') which is both non-clinical and, in this case, just plain cheesy.
  31. And a number of others that others will probably point out in more in-depth critiques. Please get feedback next time.
  32. - Yurmemir
  34. ----
  37. [[>]]
  38. [[module Rate]]
  39. [[/>]]
  43. **Item #:** SCP-1861
  45. **Object Class:** Euclid
  47. **Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-1861 is to be held inside of a containment chamber, located within Site-77. Standard humanoid furnishings are to be given, as a reward for cooperative behavior. All ventilation ducts present within the chamber are to be.
  49. Two meals are to be delivered daily ( Upon cooperation ). Pharmaceutical needs will be addressed upon confirmation of illness.
  52. **NOTE: Due to Incident 1861-B, it is heavily recommended to not separate SCP-1861.**
  54. ------
  56. **Description:** SCP-1861 consists of two different components: a anthropomorphic life-form (SCP-1861-01), and a human (SCP-1861-02).
  58. SCP-1861-01 is a bipedal organism of unknown origin weighing at 12.94 kg, and standing at .78 m. The organism is pale-skinned with blond hair, and abnormally large eye-sockets. Appearing to be missing an eye, at first observation one would be able to notice that The creatures' left eye is the only one remaining. This is untrue however as the left eye is actually false. This of course raises the question of how SCP-1861-01 can see anything. Observed to have admirable stealth and speed, it is supposed that the being was a predator of some sort before it's' capture.
  60. As an unusual attribute to SCP-1861, it's body doesn't consist of any bones, organs, or blood. Instead, it is solely comprised as an unknown solid material known as ████████. The material known as ████████ seems to be highly flexible and capable of undergoing large amounts of strain without suffering permanent damage. Currently, SCP-1861-01 has been subjected to intense heat, cold, pressure, and even some types of radiation. None of which showed signs of permanent damage.
  62. The organisms' oral cavity seems to be nothing more than a crevice with a loose flap of material to be used as a make-shift tongue. Small pointed formations line the top and bottom of the cavity much like normal human teeth. There are not any openings connected to this cavity other than the mouth, so consuming matter is impossible.
  64. Breathing is not an ability that SCP-1861-01 can perform, which leads to the question on how speaking is possible for the organism. Sleeping traits are also questionable to this specific specimen. Not relying on any bodily functions, SCP-1861 has the capability for resting but is not a requirement. Regardless of the fact that the organism does not have nerve systems, vocal chords, or a brain, SCP-1861-01 somehow has the capability to learn, speak, touch, taste, and feel. This of course making it a sentient being.
  66. General body temperature of SCP-1861-01 regulates at 24ºC. The classification of whether the specimen is composed of organic or inorganic materials is not yet determined, but has been linked to certain minerals such as lead, polybutadiene, and concrete.
  68. When damaged, SCP-1861-01's body begins a healing process to heal itself ( Time depending on severity of injury ) much faster than normally, and due to the lack of vital organs or tissue it is unknown if this member of SCP-1861 could perish from injuries.
  70. An interesting discovery about SCP-1861-01 however is that the creature is highly sensitive to light, and will become temporarily disoriented when subjected to bright lights. As a side-effect however, SCP-1861-01 will usually strike at whatever it can find in this state and after.
  72. It is highly advised to not look into SCP-1861-01's right eye-socket. If done, the viewer will enter a sort of hypnotic trance before losing all signs of life. Reasons for this is currently unknown.
  75. SCP-1861-02 is what appears to be a male, bipedal Caucasian humanoid standing 1.91 m, and weighing 142.42 kg. Around the age range of 20 to 24 years old, the specimen seems to be an average human. Apathetic by nature, SCP-1861-02 rarely speaks to any other life-forms that are not SCP-1861-01. Implied to have planned Incident-1861-A, this specimen seems to prefer strategy over brute force.
  77. Never hostile towards personnel of the facility, SCP-1861-02 shows much more restraint and will usually keep the other member of SCP-1861 well behaved when violence isn't necessary.
  79. An important thing to note about SCP-1861 is how it reacts to separation. Any attempt to separate the SCP-1861 will result in SCP-1861-01 turning hostile towards those personnel pursuing this goal and almost usually terminating said personnel. Any enraged states have always been resolves as soon as the two specimens are reunited.
  82. ------
  84. **Addendum 1861-1: Retrieval**
  86. SCP-1861 was located in ██████████, Texas, during 20██ after intercepting an unusual emergency call on █████ █th, 20██.
  88. At 11:36 A.M., the foundation dispatched teams to both block off all exits from the area and apprehend the specimen. The area was shown to have one survivor, and was aired out to the nearest hospital. Searches over the town shown to be futile for other life. Civilians that didn't die of bodily harm died of unknown causes. After recovery of SCP-1861, the town was demolished, and corpses were [ DATA EXPUNGED ].
  90. ------
  92. **Addendum 1861-2:** Incident Reports
  95. [[collapsible show="+ I-1861-A" hide="- **I-1861-A**"]]
  97. Incident-1861-A, otherwise known as //Day of Deadtown// took place on █████ █th, 20██. The only known survivor of the attack, Mr. Johnny D. Green was flown out of the area and into the Glen Rose Medical Center in Texas. All files of Johnny Greens stay in the hospital were confiscated by Agent █████ and kept on file until further use.
  99. According to intercepted feed from a police radio in the facility, two entities had appeared and were destroying what was in their paths. All communications had been cut-off effectively at 11:58:36, and the facility dispatched personnel to seclude the town from the outside world. The job of these personnel were to set up fences and blockades in the shortest time possible while preventing any civilians from escaping the containment procedures in case the incident had chance of any spreading. Any and all civilians that disobeyed these protocols were to be terminated on sight.
  101. Any infiltration of the town was forbidden until approval was granted from O5-█ at 13:30:54. Upon closing in on the town, the only sign of life present had been in the plant life. Corpses had soon been found, and with orders all corpses were [ DATA EXPUNGED ]. Exact numbers from a Facility Field Agent had been a body count of ██,███. All families were compensated for any losses and asked to keep quiet about the incident. Any those that attempted to uncover Incident-1861-A were to be considered as a threat, and terminated
  103. Located in the ██████ Shopping Center, SCP-1861 surrendered after demands were met. Demands included the following:
  105. * A queen-sized bed with comforter, pillow and sheets (to be washed weekly).
  106. * A vanity mirror (Mirror provided and hung as specified).
  107. * A working latrine and sink (toilet was repaired to working order, and sink was installed).
  109. Post-capture, the only recorded member of SCP-1861 to speak had been SCP-1861-01. For precautionary measures, SCP-1861 was to be restrained and kept at a safe distance. Though no retaliation was recorded, all measures of such an event needed to be handled with the gentlest of care. At 13:56:48, SCP-1861 was successfully apprehended and taken back to the foundation for further observation.
  112. [[/collapsible]]
  115. [[collapsible show="+ I-1861-B" hide="- **I-1861-B**"]]
  117. Incident-1861-B was an experiment requested by Doctor ██████ on ████████ ██th, 20██ to test and see how the components of SCP-1861 would react to separation. O5-█ granted permission on ████████ ██st, 20██
  119. At 04:47:06, Doctor ██████ separated SCP-1861 by removing 1861-02 from its' containment area to allow the remaining member to react for confirming or disproving hypothesis. SCP-1861-02 was placed in a facility interview room with Doctor ██████ until further notice. Any attempts to speak with the specimen proved futile.
  121. Upon awakening at 07:27:39, SCP-1861-01 had become enraged when noticing the separation. Security cameras showed that 1861-01 had immediately become hostile as it begun bashing at the entrance in an attempt to escape. All attempts to speak to SCP-1861-01 over the intercom proved useless. Once giving up on the entrance, the remaining member of SCP-1861 then began scavenging the room for any means of escape.
  123. SCP-1861-02 was then carefully released from custody and brought back to its' containment area at 08:05:42. Results of Incident-1861-B were stored and kept on file in case of late usefulness.
  126. [[/collapsible]]
  128. ------
  130. **Addendum 1861-3:** Interviews/Recordings
  134. [[collapsible show="+ L-1861-A" hide="- L-1861-A"]]
  136. > **Interviewed:** Johnny Green
  137. >
  138. > **Interviewer:** Agent █████
  139. >
  140. > **Foreword:** Identified as a survivor from the community near the recovery location of SCP-1861, the interviewed person was located in a hospital ██ miles away from the incident site seven weeks after containment. The following is a transcript of the confrontation of Johnny D. Green.
  141. >
  142. > **< Begin Audio Log [ 15:43 ] >**
  143. >
  144. > **//Agent █████://** Alright, Now that your' comfortable in your bed, let's begin. First, state your name.
  145. >
  146. > **//Mr. Green://** Green, my name is Johnny Green.
  147. >
  148. > **//Agent █████://** Alright, it says here that you worked as a police officer during the time of the attack, is this correct?
  149. >
  150. > **Mr. Green://** Yes, I was patrolling highway ██ outside of town for hazardous divers at the time.
  151. >
  152. > **//Agent █████://** Perfect. Mr. Green, do you recall the date of the attack?
  153. >
  154. > **//Mr. Green://** Do I remember? I remember it to the time. I remember when it all started.
  155. >
  156. > **//Agent █████://** Is that so? Could you please specify?
  157. >
  158. > **//Mr. Green://** It was █████ █th; just a few weeks back. I can still remember grabbing the same phone with the cracked screen. 11:57 was the time. I was sitting back on the side of the highway in my police car when my police radio started going crazy.
  159. >
  160. > **//Agent █████://** Crazy?
  161. >
  162. > **//Mr. Green://** Yeah, yeah. It was a mess of static the first couple of seconds, but then I could hear screaming on the other end.
  163. >
  164. > **//Agent █████://** -And how did you react to this?
  165. >
  166. > **//Mr. Green://** Well, other than almost shitting myself, I grabbed the radio and started shouting to get information on what was happening. It wasn't until the other radio cut out, did me and the other officers outside of the town actually get into contact with each other.
  167. >
  168. > **//Agent █████://** There were other officers? How many more law-enforcement officers were there?
  169. >
  170. > **//Mr. Green://** Just Anderson, Fritz, Wilson, and me. Wilson had the right idea, and decided to head out of town and get help from the next city. It wasn't until we lost contact with him did we know something screwy was going on.
  171. >
  172. > **//Agent █████://** I see... So you went into town?
  173. >
  174. > **//Mr. Green://** Yeah, but it wasn't like something you would normally see. Anderson and Fritz reported that there were cars almost shooting out of town, and then any other vehicles in town were just wrecked or just sitting in the driveways of homes. It looked like the entire place was subjected to the zombie virus!
  175. >
  176. > **//Agent █████://** I honestly doubt that... Anyways, please continue.
  177. >
  178. > **//Mr. Green//** Okay... Well, it wasn't long after we got into town that we lost complete contact with all other police cars. The three of us barely were even able to respond to each other after we got into town because of all that god damned static. Eventually, we just decided to do our best to see just what the hell was going on. We figured that if we could get to the shopping center, maybe there would be another officer near by to fill us in on what was going on. You know, to assure us that nothing too bad was going on.
  179. >
  180. > **//Agent █████://** Was that when you witnessed it?
  181. >
  182. > **//Mr. Green://** Yes, I mean no... Not at first. The shopping center is usually just a huge square lot with shops bordering the edges of the lot. Restaurants, shops, even gyms. It was where almost everyone spent their time. A good sum of the population in town came in and out every day.
  183. >
  184. > **//Agent █████://** Alright then, what are you getting at?
  185. >
  186. > **//Mr. Green://** What I'm getting at is that the entire lot was either covered with cars, or... [ Subject trails off ]
  187. >
  188. > **//Agent █████://** Either cars or what, Mr. Green?
  189. >
  190. > **//Mr. Green://** [ Subject begins to shake violently ] I-I'm sorry. It's just difficult for me to say this...
  191. >
  192. > **//Agent █████://** It's alright. Take your time.
  193. >
  194. > **//Mr. Green://** Thank you. [ Pauses ] Bodies. There were bodies littering the lot. I was too cowardly to approach the lot alone, so I waited for Fritz and Anderson to finally drag their asses down there. By the pale looks on their faces when we pulled into the gas station beside the lot, I could tell they were just as afraid as I was.
  195. >
  196. > **//Agent █████://** Is that when you went into the lot?
  197. >
  198. > **//Mr. Green://** No. We needed to keep out wits about us. First, Fritz went into the station to investigate a little while me and Anderson watched the scene. The store employees were all dead. No blood, no injuries. It was like they just dropped dead. I remember Fritz bringing out some drinks just in case.
  199. >
  200. > **//Agent █████://** In case, what?
  201. >
  202. > **//Mr. Green://** In case it would be our last drink together. One bottle for each of us.
  203. >
  204. > **//Agent █████://** You drank to keep your wits about you? Awfully ironic, but I will not judge your methods... Then you went in?
  205. >
  206. > **//Mr. Green://** After a quick prayer, we finally did. [ Gagging ] I can still pick up on the smell. To this day, I don't know how those bodies could already smell so horrible... Just remembering to be walking through piles of familiar faces makes me sick...
  207. >
  208. > **//Agent █████://** What did you see then?
  209. >
  210. > **//Mr. Green://** What did I see then... I almost couldn't believe it when I did. It was a young man standing right in the middle of the lot. Corpses up to his ankles. Anderson, and Fritz just thought he was a survivor of whatever the hell happened there, but I knew better.
  211. >
  212. > **//Agent █████://** You knew he wasn't a survivor? How?
  213. >
  214. > **//Mr. Green://** [ Subject becomes uneasy ] It... it was his eyes... Something about them just threw everything off. You know that look a victim has when you pull them up out of some well? They're grateful, and you see the relief in their eyes. This kid... This kid looked at us like he was just waiting to push someone down a well. No remorse, no happiness, nothing. He didn't feel a damn thing about what was going on. I knew that he had some part to play in this, so I called Fritz and Anderson back. It was too late though.
  215. >
  216. > **//Agent █████://** What happened then?
  217. >
  218. > **//Mr. Green://** [ Subject begins to panic ] I don't know. Something fast came out of nowhere and took Andersons' head clean off. I couldn't see it at all until Fritz just fell back. I couldn't believe what I was looking at then because whatever had killed Anderson... Just ripped off Fritzs' arms and head in the blink of an eye. I just pray that they didn't feel the pain... Only then though... Only then did I see just what the hell was killing us.
  219. >
  220. > **//Agent █████://** What did you see?
  221. >
  222. > **//Mr. Green://** I don't know how to describe it. It was small, and had this huge eye!
  223. >
  224. > **//Agent █████://** Eye? Only one?
  225. >
  226. > **//Mr. Green://** Yeah, yeah, one big eye. It was like a miniature cyclops.
  227. >
  228. > **//Agent █████://** Alright then, what happened next.
  229. >
  230. > **//Mr. Green://** Then, the thing started laughing at me. At //us//. The boy though... He just stood there. For a second, I though he was just as dead as my comrades... But then he started walking towards me. [Subject begins sobbing ] That was when... That was when... Those bastards took my legs!
  231. >
  232. > **//Agent █████://** So it was the boy who took your legs?
  233. >
  234. > **//Mr. Green://** The boy? No, no, no, no, NO! That little //prick// had the choice to kill me, and I wish he would have too! Instead he decided to let me live with this hell! He snapped his fingers, and my legs were gone! That hell-spawn with him tore them off at the thigh! That's not all though. In my moments of pain and terror, he squatted down beside me. I wish that my screaming could have drowned out his voice...
  235. >
  236. > **//Agent █████://** He spoke to you?
  237. >
  238. > **//Mr. Green://** Do you want to know what he said to me? He said, //"How many men does it take to deliver a message?"// Then he knocked me clean out. Next thing I know, I'm being flown out to some hospital.
  239. >
  240. > **//Agent █████://** So, he allowed you to live? Shouldn't you be happy?
  241. >
  242. > **//Mr. Green://** [ Subject laughs ] Happy? Do you know why he kept me alive? He wanted me to deliver a message. Just what, I don't know. Maybe a message of carnage? For us to stay the hell away from them? I don't know. All I know is that he made me walk through an entire lot of corpses, killed my fellow officers, and took my damn legs!
  243. >
  244. > **//Agent █████://** Now, calm down. The company I am from is actually going to supply you prosthetic legs for this information. Now, I only want to ask you one last thing. Do you have any family? Wife, children?
  245. >
  246. > **//Mr. Green://** My wife and children live a couple towns over while I worked. Other family was either out of town, or caught up in the attack.
  247. >
  248. > **//Agent █████://** Did you tell them about any of this?
  249. >
  250. > **//Mr. Green://** Never. I would never tell them about what happened. I don't want to ruin them...
  251. >
  252. > **//Agent █████://** Ah, very good. Less work for us. Now, what would you say if we could make all of these terrible memories go away?
  253. >
  254. > **//Mr. Green://** I'd welcome it without another thought...
  255. >
  256. > **<End Log, [15:57]>**
  257. >
  258. > **Closing Statement:** [ Subject was submitted to having his memories erased, and has no further recollection of the incident. Foundation is to supply the amount of $█,███,███.00 to the subject for willing cooperation. ]
  260. [[/collapsible]]
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