
Friendship is Magic (FR Short)

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Day Friendship is Magic in Equestria
  2. >Your alarm groans a terribly monotonous groan into your ear
  3. >You pick it up and hurl it across the room
  4. >It crashes into the wall, falling neatly into a pile of other destroyed alarm clocks
  5. >You sit up in bed, open your drawer, and replace it with a new one
  6. >The best investment anybody can make is into 264 alarm clocks
  7. >That’s what Old Man Charles always told you back home
  8. >And look at him now
  9. >Bankrupt
  10. >Probably unrelated
  11. >You get up and gaze out the window to the playful p0nies
  12. >Earth p0nies with their love of the land… pegasi with their wings…
  13. >But what really pisses you off are the unicorns
  14. >With fucking magic
  15. >That isn’t even fair at all
  16. It’s horseshit.
  17. >You say
  18. >as you lift your foot, revealing a smelly brown substance
  19. >Damnit, Fluttershy, were you in here again?
  20. >You wipe off the fecal matter and slide on your Dragon Ball Z boxers and casual sweatpants
  21. >You head to the bathroom to shave
  22. Fucking unicorns…
  23. >You say as you carve the stubble from your face
  24. Get all the good stuff. Casting spells ‘n shit.
  25. >You sigh
  26. >What you wouldn’t give to be magical, like your childhood hero Goku
  27. >But no, fate would have you teleport to magical horse world, where everyone’s fucking magic but you
  28. >You hate them all
  29. >You’re cold, bitter, and have no friends
  30. >And you wouldn’t have it any other way
  31. >Because fuck them all
  32. >You finish up your shave and head downstairs
  33. >You head to the kitchen and pour yourself a nice bowl of cereal
  34. >Carrying it over to the table, you hear a startlingly loud bang at your door
  35. >You drop your bowl in surprise, shattering it on the ground
  36. >Blood boiling
  37. Fine. Fine!
  38. >You yell
  39. I didn’t want it anyway!
  40. >You kick the cereal on the ground in a fit of rage
  41. >And slip on the milk, crashing ass first on the floor
  42. God fucking damnit!
  43. >The door bangs again
  45. >You stomp toward the door, seething with rage
  46. >You’re going to punt Fluttershy to the fucking moon if it’s her
  47. >You swing open the door with great force
  48. >It flings speedily around to your wall, punching a hole in it with the knob
  49. >You stare at it
  50. >You point both hands at it
  51. >Like, look at this shit!
  52. >Are you serious!?
  53. >But you say nothing
  54. >Fuck it
  55. >You don’t even care
  56. [spoiler]>You care immensely.[/spoiler]
  57. >You grit your teeth and look at your visitor
  58. >It’s not Fluttershy
  59. >It’s Spike the Dragon
  60. >You sigh a sigh of relief
  61. What do you want, man?
  62. >He can tell you’re in a shit mood
  63. >”I don’t know.”
  64. >You stare at him
  65. >He stares at you
  66. >You glance away for a brief moment, look back at him, and raise your arms
  67. Then why the fuck are you here?
  68. >He’s about to say something
  69. >But his chest inflates, his cheeks puff, and he spits a scroll right at your face
  70. >It pegs you in the nose and falls to the ground
  71. >…
  72. >…
  73. >Sigh…
  74. >”That’s why.”
  75. >You reach down and grab the paper, unravel it, and read it
  76. “Dear Anonymous,
  77. It has come to my attention that you are not enjoying your time here in Equestria. This is most unfortunate. I would like that all of my subjects be happy here in my land, and so I am issuing you some suggestions as to how you can be more happy. The first and only suggestion, really, is to make some friends. Remember, Anonymous: Friendship is Magic.
  78. Take care,
  79. Princess Celestia”
  80. >You crumple the paper up and throw it at the dragon’s head
  81. Eat it, and send it back. I don’t give a shit.
  82. >Spike scoffs
  83. >”It doesn’t work that way, man. I—“
  84. >He spits another scrolls at your face
  85. >It pegs your eye
  86. >…
  87. >…
  88. >Groan…
  89. >You pick it up and read it,
  90. “No, Anonymous. Listen: Friendship is Magic.
  91. Friendship.
  92. Is.
  93. Magic.”
  94. >You crumple it up and begin chewing it
  95. Fine, I’LL send it back.
  96. >You say with your mouth full
  97. >…
  98. >…ugh
  99. >You spit the glop of paper to your hand and peg Spike with it
  100. >It sticks
  101. Never mind. It’s gross.
  102. >Spike groans
  103. Probably doesn’t work that way anyway. Right?
  104. >He’s just about to turn around and leave, but he coughs up a third scroll
  105. Are you fucking serious?
  106. >You grab it and whip it open
  107. “Holy shit, Anonymous, you dense motherfucker. Make some friends, get some magic. You want to be magic too, right? Then make some goddamn friends. Fuck.”
  108. >You stare at the paper a little longer…
  109. >…good God, could this be the way…?
  110. >Were you ignoring it the whole time…?
  111. >You CAN be magic!
  112. >Fuck yes!
  113. >Spike sees the excitement on your face
  114. >”Why so giddy all of a sudden?”
  115. Dude!
  116. >You yell, tossing the paper behind you
  117. I can be like Goku! From Dragon Ball Z!
  118. >He raises his eyebrows
  119. >”What the hell is that?”
  120. >…WHAT!?
  121. >Oh HELL no!
  122. >This dragon did not just say that
  123. Are you serious!?
  124. >You tear off your sweatpants like they were tear-aways
  125. >Your glorious boxers are now in full view
  126. >With your hairy dick poking out the middle
  127. >Spike recoils in disgust
  128. Look at this shit!
  129. >You say, circling your boxer area
  130. Isn’t it glorious!?
  131. >”Oh Celestia, no! Anon, what are you doing!?”
  132. >No?
  133. >No?!
  134. >NO!?!
  135. >You grab his head and forcefully hold it to your boxers
  136. >He struggles
  137. Stop squirming and look!
  138. >You hold open his eyelids
  139. >He must see the glory of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan
  140. >His hair is so glorious
  141. Look at the hair!
  142. >”Oh Celestia…” he says, choking back tears
  143. Look at the hair! Isn’t it amazing?!
  144. >”It’s so black and curly, it’s gross!”
  145. No it’s not! It’s golden and beautiful!!
  146. >”Okay! It’s golden and beautiful!” He says between sobs, “Whatever you say!”
  147. LOVE IT!
  148. >He throws up on you
  150. >You whip him away from you and tear off your greasy boxers
  151. Look what you’ve done, you piece of shit! I’ll kill you!
  152. >He turns around and runs away crying
  153. >You pant, your rage calming down, as you stand naked in front of your house
  154. >You catch your breath, and look around
  155. >Lyra and Bon Bon are staring at you, mouths agape, eyes wide
  156. >You look to yourself, then your boxers, then them
  157. …oh, oh no! No no! It’s not what… I was just—
  158. >You laugh
  159. He needed to know about my dragon balls!
  160. >Lyra vomits
  161. >You scowl, then enter your house
  162. Fuck you guys.
  163. >You slam the door
  164. >You go upstairs to change
  165. >You only have one other pair of boxers
  166. >And jeans will have to do since you tore your sweats
  167. >You need more clothes
  168. >Not like you can afford it
  169. >Your alarm clock necessities drain almost all your cash
  170. >God bless Old Man Charles
  171. >As you get changed, you think over your process
  172. >…Friendship is Magic…
  173. >Make some friends, become magic, be Goku
  174. >It’s the perfect plan
  175. >But who could you be friends with…?
  176. >…hmm.
  177. >There’s a knock on the door
  178. >You instinctively scowl
  179. >…Fluttershy
  180. >The yellow menace
  181. >…do you dare even try?
  182. >You loathe that creature
  183. >You head down the stairs and to door
  184. >…well, maybe you should just try
  185. >…for your Saiyan powers
  186. >You crack open the door
  187. >And sure enough, it’s Fluttershy
  188. >She’s decked out in scuba gear
  189. >”H-Hi Anon… I was—“
  190. Not even fucking close. Look, do you want to be friends?
  191. >Her eyes widen and swell
  192. >And her mouth curves from ear to ear
  193. >”Y-You want to be friends… w-with me…?”
  194. >You roll your eyes
  195. Yeah, sure, why not. Friends are great. I love friends. Can’t have enough friends. Went to shit after the fourth season, though.
  196. >She beams, and takes to the air
  197. >She gives you a quick hug
  198. >Your skin burns where she touches
  199. >But you hide it
  200. >She breaks it, still floating above you
  201. >”Oh, I’d love to, Anon!”
  202. Great.
  203. >She smiles
  204. Just great... DRAGON FIST!
  205. >You launch into the air and punch her square in the chest
  206. >She launches up a few feet, then arcs back down to the ground, crashing hard
  207. >She’s unconscious
  208. >You shake your hand a bit and sigh
  209. God damnit. I was supposed to go through her.
  210. >You walk over to her unconscious body.
  211. Guess I’m not Goku level just yet.
  212. >…you squint your eyes
  213. Or this whore wasn’t my friend at all.
  214. >You haul her above your head and walk her toward a nearby stream
  215. THIS’ll teach ya to feign friendship to get in my pants!
  216. >You toss her in the stream
  217. >She washes away
  218. >She’s in scuba gear, she’ll be fine
  219. >You sigh, and make your way toward P0nyville
  220. SOMEONE in this fucking town’s gotta wanna be my friend.
  222. >You arrive in town
  223. >You make your way to the square, take a deep breath, exhale, and observe your surroundings
  224. >…so many buildings
  225. >So many p0nies…
  226. >Which to try…?
  227. >…aha!
  228. >You mosey on over to Sugarcube Corner
  229. >As in, hands at your belt, sway shoulders, cowboy style
  230. >You’re fucking moseying
  231. >Bitches prolly getting’ wet ERR’YWHERE
  232. >You arrive at the door and enter
  233. >The place is near deserted, and Pinkie Pie is in the kitchen, doing some baking
  234. >You head over to the counter and ring the bell
  235. >She launches herself from behind it
  236. >How the…?
  237. >”Hey there, Nonny! What are you doing out of your house?”
  238. >What?
  239. Just… you know, going for my usual walk.
  240. >”You never leave your house…”
  241. What? That’s ridiculous, I’m always out… moseying around.
  242. >”I’ve never seen you.”
  243. Well maybe open your eyes every once in a while you cock smoking—
  244. >Sheeeit
  245. I mean… hey, wanna hang out, Pinkie?
  246. >She tilts her head
  247. >”You wanna hang out? That’s strange!”
  248. You’re fucking strange.
  249. >Bitch.
  250. >”What…?”
  251. >Her lower lip quivers, her ears fall flat, and her eyes water
  252. >Shit!
  253. I mean—Stranger than Fiction!
  254. >She tilts her head
  255. --was a pretty good movie! Considering Will Ferrell’s experimentation with a non-comedic role.
  256. >She laughs
  257. >”You’re silly! Come bake with me!”
  258. >You nod your head
  259. >Cha-ching! You just arrived at the dock, next vessel departing: the FriendShip!
  260. >You hop the counter and follow Pinkie Pie into the kitchen
  261. >She’s got quite a few things going on
  262. >She pushes a plate of cookies over to you
  263. >”Here! I just made these! Tell me how they are!”
  264. >You pick up the plate, and hold a cookie in your hand
  265. >You squint at them
  266. >Pink frosting, sprinkles, smiley faces on them
  267. They’re fucking gay.
  268. >You toss the cookie behind your back
  269. >Pinkie looks at you confused
  270. >You stare at her, and without breaking eye contact, dump the rest of the cookies on the ground
  271. >She looks even more confused
  272. I’d shit on them, but I don’t have to use the bathroom. So use your imagination as I make fart noises.
  273. >You crouch over them and play the mouth trumpet
  274. >Pinkie’s starting to look sad
  275. Hey,
  276. >You say, standing back up
  277. Buck up. I’LL show you how to make great cookies.
  278. >”You can make cookies…?” She asks, with bewilderment and doubt
  279. >You nod and smile
  280. Yup. Good friend of mine taught me, Old Man Charles. He ain’t ever wrong about anything.
  281. >You scrounge through the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients you can
  282. >Baking soda, hot sauce, some leftover chili Pinkie had, some brown sauce you can’t identify, but hey, looks fine
  283. >You throw them in a bowl and start mixing them up
  284. >”Umm, Nonny, I don’t think—“
  285. Hey, I got an idea…
  286. >…
  287. …why don’t you shut up?
  288. >Pinkie closes her mouth
  289. >You get the batter ready, throw them into the oven, wait a few minutes, and take out your masterpieces
  290. >Beautiful chunky circles of an indescribable color
  291. Here,
  292. >You say, prying one off,
  293. Try one.
  294. >Pinkie looks at you, then to the cookies, and reluctantly grabs one
  295. >She takes a very small bite
  296. >Her face turns green
  297. >You stare at her intently
  298. >She chews slowly, then swallows, gags a little, then smiles
  299. >”They’re… they’re good…!”
  300. You’re lying…
  301. >”No! I like them!”
  302. I can tell, Pinkie. Don’t lie to me. I know.
  303. >”Well… they could use… a LITTLE improvement…”
  304. >You twitch in anger
  305. No! They’re fucking perfect!
  306. >”No! I mean, they’re good! Just a liiiitle improvement would be good! I have a white board here, I’ll write down some ideas! Just let me grab my marker—“
  307. No!
  308. >You yell, cutting her off
  309. Fuck you! And fuck your marker!
  310. >You stomp out of the kitchen
  311. They’re perfect…
  312. >You mutter as you leave the building
  313. >Old Man Charles knows his shit
  314. >So what if he’s like 93 and has Alzheimer’s?
  315. >That’s a grade above Weisemheimer’s, the wisest people around!
  316. >Bitch don’t know nothing
  317. >’Bout anything
  318. >Okay, that was a bust, where to next?
  319. >You glance around, and your eye catches the Carousal Boutique
  320. >You [spoiler]mosey[/spoiler] on over and open the door
  321. White horse!
  322. >You yell
  323. >Rarity, who’s adjusting some dress on a mannequin, turns to you
  324. >”…who, me?”
  325. Yes, you.
  326. >You close the door behind you
  327. >”Anon, how… wonderful to see you. What can I do for you?”
  328. >Was that bitch being sarcastic?
  329. Yeah, you too—hey, wanna hang out?
  330. >She puts on a confused expression
  331. >”Hang out… you want to hang out with me?”
  332. Yeah, sure, let’s do something.
  333. >She puzzles for a bit
  334. >”…okay, sure. Would you mind modeling for me? I have a few dresses I’d like to straighten out.”
  335. >You stare at her
  336. >She stares at you
  337. >You back to her
  338. >…
  339. …no, that’s fucking gay. Eat a dick.
  340. >You open the door and slam it behind you
  341. >Okay, two down…
  342. >You walk back into the square area, then into the market
  343. >You see Applejack peddling her shit-tier fruit
  344. >…ehh, why not?
  345. >You walk over
  346. Hey Frootloops, how’s it hanging?
  347. >She gives you the most perplexed face you’ve ever seen
  348. >Then shakes it off
  349. >”Howdy there, Anon. What kin Ah do ya for?”
  350. Just want to know if you want to hang. As friends.
  351. >She looks confused
  352. >Then smiles
  353. >”Well, that’s mighty kind ‘uh ya, Anon. ‘Nfortunatly, Ah’m in the middle ‘a workin’, and—“
  354. What, need customers? I got your back.
  355. >You turn, cup your hands to your mouth, and yell at the top of your lungs
  357. >Your voice echoes throughout the market
  358. >Everyp0ny is quiet
  359. >Applejack, embarrassed, hides behind her cart
  360. >”Hey!,” a p0ny from another cart yells, “shut up, and don’t be so rude!”
  361. FUCK you, Berry Punch, your wine tastes like SHIT!
  362. >”Anon…” you hear from behind Applejack’s cart, “maybe y’all should just… ye know, leave…”
  363. >Ah, your job is done
  364. >She’s relieving you of your friendly duties
  365. >’Cuz you’re totally friends
  366. Yeah, whatever, sure.
  367. >She puts on a face, like, “was it really that easy?”, then smiles
  368. Just lemme take care of this bitch first.
  369. >She facehoofs
  370. >You walk over and cup your hands to your waist
  371. KA! ME! HA! ME—
  372. >Everyp0ny looks so confused
  373. HAAAAA!!!
  374. >…
  375. >…
  376. >So silent…
  377. Uhmm…
  378. >You stand back up and brush off your chest
  379. >You clear your throat, then turn around
  380. >You walk past Applejack
  381. Lyin’ broad…
  382. >You mutter as you do
  383. >Damnit, okay, three down
  384. >You continue your walk through town
  385. >You suddenly find yourself among a large tree library
  386. >…that Twilight Sparkle bitch
  387. >She might want to be friends
  388. >You knock on the door a few times
  389. >The purple mare herself answers the door
  390. >And gives you a sour look
  391. Hey there, Twilight.
  392. >She raises her eyebrow
  393. >”Did you try to molest Spike earlier today?”
  394. >Wait, what?
  395. That prick! He doesn’t fucking get it! If he gathers the balls, he gets a free wish!
  396. >She slams the door in your face
  397. >…well, that’s four
  398. >Bitch.
  399. >You step away from the library and take a seat on a bench
  400. >Fucking hell…
  401. >Who knew making friends was so goddamn hard?
  402. >You sigh
  403. >You’ll never get to be Goku…
  404. >…
  405. >A blue blur quickly lands on the bench beside you
  406. >”Hey Anon, rare sight to see you out of your house.”
  407. >You turn to look
  408. >Fucking Rainbow Dyke
  409. Piss off, cuntlicker, I’m in no mood.
  410. >She scoffs
  411. >”I was just trying to be friendly, you knobgoblin.”
  412. >You turn to her and squint your eyes
  413. Being friendly is for queers. At least you fit the bill, dickwad.
  414. >She punches your shoulder a little hard
  415. >”You’re an prick, you know that, asshole?”
  416. Shut up, you… troutsniffer.
  417. >She breaks into a laugh
  418. >”TROUTSNIFFER? Is that the best you can come up with!?”
  419. >She’s cracking up
  420. Hey, FUCK you! Home Alone 2 is a great movie!
  421. >You turn away from her to stew in your own rage
  422. >She, still laughing, wraps a hoof around your shoulder
  423. >”Ohh man, Anon… you’re a riot, you know that?”
  424. >You turn to her with a questioning look
  425. >”Even if you are a real fuckwad.”
  426. Yeah, whatever.
  427. >You turn away again
  428. >”Hey, I was wondering, you wanna hang out sometime?”
  429. >…wait, what…?
  430. >You turn to her
  431. You… want to hang out… with me…?
  432. >She laughs
  433. >”Sure, why not? You seem cool.”
  434. >You… can’t believe it
  435. Like… like friends?
  436. >She rolls her eyes at you
  437. >”What are you, fucking drunk? Yes, like friends!”
  438. >Your chest lightens up
  439. >…what is this feeling…?
  440. >You feel your mouth curl up into a smile
  441. >Your eyes twinkle
  442. …yeah… yeah, I’d love to hang out sometime… buddy.
  443. >She smiles, and playfully punches your shoulder
  444. >”Sounds good, friend!”
  445. >Friend…
  446. >You’re… you’re actually happy…
  447. >This feels… amazing…
  448. >…
  449. >What… what is that feeling…?
  450. >Rainbow Dash backs off a little
  451. >”Uhm, Anon…?”
  452. >You look down with a wondrous expression
  453. >Your chest is giving off some kind of light
  454. >Soon, you hover into the air, the light encapsulating you
  455. >Rainbow Dash shields her eyes from your brilliance
  456. >You feel some kind of power overtaking you
  457. >Some kind of… magic power
  458. >Friendship… really is magic!
  459. >It pierces you, the magic flowing through your veins
  460. >A completely blinding light flashes from you, accompanied by a loud, piercing noise
  461. >A huge gust of wind erupts from around you, blowing debris everywhere
  462. >Dash barely hangs on, shielding her eyes
  463. >Then… it’s over
  464. >Dash lowers her front hoof from her eyes, and observes you
  465. >”Whoooaa…..”
  466. >You descend to the ground, and fall to your knees
  467. What… What happened…?
  468. >You look at your hands
  469. >They look and feel so… strong
  470. >”Anon…” Dash manages to get out
  471. >You gaze up to her
  472. Wh-What…?
  473. >”You… you look like…”
  474. >A god?
  475. >A saiyan?
  476. >A golden haired prince?
  477. >”…a monkey.”
  478. >…what…?
  479. >…WHAT!?
  480. >You glance down to your chest
  481. >Red fur coats your shirtless chest
  482. No…
  483. >You spin around and see a red tail protruding from your yellow, sweat-like pants
  484. No… this can’t be…
  485. >You plant your feet to the ground, and with blinding speed, dash/float over to the closest house
  486. >You grip the doorknob and pull
  487. >You rip the entire front half of the house off
  488. >Two p0nies stare at you dumbfounded
  489. Mirror! I need a mirror!
  490. >They nod quickly, and dash off, returning with a long, oval-like mirror
  491. >You gaze upon yourself
  492. >It… can’t be…
  493. >Red fur…
  494. >Long, black hair…
  495. >Monkey tail…
  496. >Yellow pants…
  497. …fucking… Super… SAIYAN… FOOOOOUR!?!
  498. >You yell at the top of your lungs
  499. >Your voice alone demolishes the house
  501. >Dash rushes over
  502. >”Anon, calm down!”
  504. >Energy bursts from around you, blowing away Dash
  505. >Entire houses start to crumble and blow away from your sheer power
  506. >The ki inside you is building
  507. >Ready for release!
  509. >You burst an explosive blast of energy from you
  510. >It holds the power of a nuclear blast
  511. >Everything and everyp0ny around you is engulfed in a huge explosive, radiating blast of energy
  512. >The sound is tremendous, deafening, and frightening
  513. >Rocks and cliffs are destroyed, a crater is created from below you, and the entire town is destroyed
  515. >You stand in a wasteland
  516. >No sign or hint of a town ever being around you is left
  517. >It smolders viciously
  518. >And you pant, over and over, the rage slowly starting to leave you
  519. >But you’re still so pissed off
  520. >…from a stream not too far away, a yellow p0ny pokes her head up, gasping for air
  521. >She opens her eyes and looks at the environment around her
  522. >”…oh my…”
  523. >She takes to the air, and flutters slowly over to you
  524. >You hardly take notice, and don’t even acknowledge her
  525. >”D-Did you do this…?”
  526. >You don’t answer
  527. >”…Anon… that’s you, right?”
  528. >No answer still
  529. >She looks at your new form
  530. >Your sexy looking red fur
  531. >Your protruding muscles
  532. >Your strong and flexible looking tail
  533. >The red around your eyes
  534. >That glorious black hair
  535. >”H-Hey Anon…”
  536. >Still no response
  537. >”N-Now I guess you really do h-have a… hot monkey dick…”
  538. >…
  539. >”W-Would you want to give it to me…?”
  540. >Finally, you turn to Fluttershy
  541. >And stare at her
  542. >She’s smiling a bashful smile
  543. >She smiles it even wider, a squeeing noise escaping her
  544. >…
  545. >You charge up a kick and punt her, as hard as you can, straight into the air
  546. >She launches up with the speed of a thousand Rainbow Dashes
  549. The End
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