
Slept like a log

Aug 4th, 2013
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  1. [17:24] <~DamienLunas> The party resumes, as Mari is ready to lead you to Atthowa.
  2. [17:24] <Flit> (All five of us)
  3. [17:25] <~DamienLunas> Something unusual you've noticed though... despite having been in this realm for quite some time
  4. [17:25] <~DamienLunas> Daylight hasn't come yet.
  5. 01[17:25] <Morty> "Um..."
  6. [17:25] <Niki> "...It truly is a realm of Darkness..."
  7. 01[17:26] <Morty> "When you said this place was protected by a veil of darkness, kupo... Is there no sun here?"
  8. 06[17:26] * Odes blinks and looks up at the sky. He... honestly hadn't noticed somehow.
  9. [17:27] <~DamienLunas> "Sun...?"
  10. [17:31] <~DamienLunas> "I'm not really sure what you mean."
  11. [17:32] <Flit> "Sunlight, daytime, giant ball of fire in the sky that illuminates everything?"
  12. 01[17:32] <Morty> "In our word, there's a bright light in the sky that brings light to the lands..."
  13. [17:33] <~DamienLunas> "We haven't got something like that... you mean the moon? The moonlight makes things brighter..."
  14. [17:33] <Flit> (how do moons work without suns)
  15. [17:33] <Niki> (shay just ignore it)
  16. 06[17:33] * Morty shakes his head. "We have a moon too, but the sun is in the sky for half the day, and the moon for the other half."
  17. [17:33] <Odes> ("shut up that's how")
  18. [17:34] <Flit> ( :B )
  19. [17:34] <Niki> (suspension of disbelief!)
  20. [17:35] <~DamienLunas> (:B)
  21. [17:35] <~DamienLunas> "Isn't a giant ball of fire in the sky scary?"
  22. [17:35] <Flit> "No moreso than the moon."
  23. [17:36] <Niki> (wonder how plants survive here tho)
  24. 01[17:36] <Morty> "It kinda hurts if you stare at it, kupo, but other than that, it actually feels really nice on the fur! During the day, the sky is really, really blue, though you can't see the stars..."
  25. 01[17:39] <Morty> "Wow, it's hard to imagine a world without a sun..."
  26. 06[17:39] * Morty walks along as they talk to Mari.
  27. [17:39] <~DamienLunas> "So... a big blinding ball of fire in the sky? Sounds weird."
  28. 01[17:39] <Morty> "Well, it's not really that bad, it's a lot like the moon, just brighter."
  29. [17:40] <~DamienLunas> "Your world is weird."
  30. [17:41] <Niki> "So is yours." Niki mutters.
  31. [17:41] <Odes> "...Never thought of it that way before."
  32. 01[17:42] <Morty> "So... what's the veil of darkness you mentioned?"
  33. 01[17:42] <Morty> "You said the Protocrystals had something to do with it, kupo?"
  34. [17:42] <~DamienLunas> "Huh? It's... nothing I guess. I dunno."
  35. [17:43] <~DamienLunas> "It's just kind of a... poetic expression about how the darkness keeps us safe."
  36. 01[17:43] <Morty> "Ohh..."
  37. [17:44] <~DamienLunas> "We're getting close... but hold up."
  38. [17:46] <~DamienLunas> "See those little flowers poking out of the ground? Those are Lycopodium hiding down there..."
  39. [17:48] <~DamienLunas> if you look closely, you can see a few pinkish flowers poking out of the ground. They look similar to the ones you saw back in the jungle, though a little different under the darkened skies.
  40. 01[17:48] <Morty> "The little turnip things that like to heal you?" :O
  41. 01[17:48] <Morty> "We met a bunch of those back home! They really helped us."
  42. [17:49] <Flit> "Indeed. Everyone said they were trouble, but they did nothing but good."
  43. [17:49] <~DamienLunas> "What are you talking about? Those things are awful! They stalk you and keep multiplying... and they're horrible predators to the folk in Atthowha!"
  44. [17:50] <Niki> "Huh, really? They just healed and pranced around back home."
  45. [17:50] <~DamienLunas> "They mostly live around Corse villages, preying on their adventurers by waiting for them to get exhausted and then striking them down."
  46. [17:51] <Flit> "They stalked us, yes, and there were more every time we looked, but they never actually attacked us. Quite the opposite, they healed us when we needed it."
  47. [17:51] <~DamienLunas> "I... don't know what the heck kind of world you come from, but trust me, they're bad news. And we definitely don't want to bring them with us into Attohwa
  48. 01[17:51] <Morty> "Were they trying to do something else...?"
  49. 06[17:51] * Morty nods. "Okay, I'll take your word for it."
  50. [17:52] <~DamienLunas> "Just keep clear and move slowly. If they don't notice us we should be able to get there okay."
  51. 06[17:54] * Niki keeps looking backwards every ten steps then.
  52. 03[17:54] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #crystalsofdarkness
  53. 06[17:54] * Morty has Ms. Feathers creep along...
  54. [17:55] <~DamienLunas> the five of you move slowly and keep an eye out, until you don't notice any more of the flowers. "Okay, there's the village down there between the mountains."
  55. [17:56] <Flit> "Remind me, when we get there, what's stopping them from trying to kill us on-sight?"
  56. [17:57] <~DamienLunas> The buildings in the chasm seem to be mostly made from gray stone, not much wood to be seen.
  57. [17:57] <~DamienLunas> "Oh right... well..."
  58. [17:57] <~DamienLunas> "I mean I guess we'll have to try to convince them that you're not bad."
  59. [17:57] <Odes> "Honestly, given we resemble the Garlands, I guess that's the best we can hope for."
  60. [17:58] <~DamienLunas> "They know the most about the Garlands though, so they should be able to recognize the difference between you and them!"
  61. [17:58] <~DamienLunas> "Maybe."
  62. [18:00] <Niki> "Maybe."
  63. [18:00] <~DamienLunas> "Well does anyone else have a better idea?"
  64. [18:01] <Odes> "Not really. And I get the feeling... wherever we go in this world, it'll probably be the same deal. Might as well get the practice."
  65. 01[18:01] <Morty> "Well... hopefully because we're traveling with Mari they'll give it some thought, kupo! And two of us aren't Humes anyway..."
  66. 01[18:01] <Morty> He doesn't mention that Niki still kinda looks like one though
  67. [18:01] <Niki> "Yeah... Actually maybe it's better if Flit and Odes stay back for a bit, then."
  68. [18:02] <~DamienLunas> "And Odes is kind of covered a lot..."
  69. [18:02] <Niki> "We bring them once the situation is explained."
  70. [18:02] <~DamienLunas> "Yeah, that might work."
  71. [18:03] <~DamienLunas> "So who's going to try to explain things to them?"
  72. [18:04] <Niki> "Me, you and Morty."
  73. 06[18:05] * Morty frowns but nods. "Well, what do you think, guys?"
  74. [18:05] <Odes> "...I don't mind." He does look a little disappointed though.
  75. [18:06] <Flit> "Seems sound enough.. I'd rather stay back than be on the receiving end of a quiver full of arrows."
  76. [18:06] <~DamienLunas> "They wouldn't do that!"
  77. [18:07] <~DamienLunas> "I think it's probably be more like a flare spell..."
  78. 01[18:07] <Morty> "That doesn't sound much better." D:
  79. [18:07] <Odes> "That is definitely no better."
  80. [18:07] <~DamienLunas> "It's... kind of worse."
  81. 01[18:07] <Morty> "Anyway... the sooner we get permission for them to come into town the better, right?"
  82. [18:08] <~DamienLunas> "Right. So let's go then! You guys follow at a distance, okay?"
  83. [18:10] <Flit> "Okay then."
  84. [18:11] <Niki> "All right then. Let's just take care then..."
  85. 06[18:13] * Odes nods
  86. [18:13] <~DamienLunas> Niki, Morty, and Mari approach the village with Odes and Flit in tow. Things seem deathly quiet as you approach a stone archway reading "Village of Attohwa"
  87. [18:14] <Niki> "Keep your wits about. Would be good if there was someone outside to greet."
  88. 02[18:15] * ~DamienLunas ( Quit (Quit: These donuts are great! Jelly filled are my favorite. Nothing beats a jelly filled donut!)
  89. 03[18:15] * DamienLunas ( has joined #crystalsofdarkness
  90. 03[18:16] * UboaServ sets mode: +qo DamienLunas DamienLunas
  91. 01[18:16] <Morty> And then we had jelly filled donuts
  92. 06[18:16] * Morty looks around a bit nervously, this is kind of creepy, isn't it.
  93. [18:17] <~DamienLunas> <Niki> "Keep your wits about. Would be good if there was someone outside to greet."
  94. [18:17] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Hello."
  95. [18:18] <Niki> "Hck."
  96. [18:18] <~DamienLunas> In a swirl of black, this creature appears in front of you.
  97. [18:18] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Greetings, young yagudo, small furred creature, and winged female."
  98. [18:19] <Niki> (ahahha it makes sense now)
  99. [18:19] <Niki> (the lycopodium prey on undead :P)
  100. [18:19] <~DamienLunas> (It's cute. They think they're killing you.)
  101. [18:20] <Flit> (Ooooooh.)
  102. [18:20] <Odes> (a corse is a corpse of course)
  103. [18:20] <Niki> Ohgodaghostmonster. Niki's tail stands up upright.
  104. [18:21] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"I have been brought forth from the shadows to welcome you to our village. What is the purpose of your visit."
  105. [18:22] <~DamienLunas> Mari makes a "go on" motion with her hands to you.
  106. 06[18:23] * Morty 's ears go up in surprise, but he speaks up.
  107. 01[18:24] <Morty> "We've come from a long, long way away to learn about the Garlands, kupo... we have two others with us, they're Humes - but we were afraid they'd be mistaken for the Garlands too, kupo... we're looking for permission for them to enter peacefully."
  108. [18:25] <Niki> "Y-yeah..."
  109. [18:26] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"This 'Hume' is a concept unknown to my unlife that which stretches longer than the longest calendars record. From where do they hail."
  110. 01[18:26] <Morty> "I'm a Moogle... Niki here is a Gria, and the two Humes we're with... we're from another world - the Crystal Realm..."
  111. [18:27] <Niki> "Yes, we've been brought here... We don't know how, by our Elemental Crystals."
  112. [18:28] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"You speak puzzling words, small furred creature by which I shall now call a 'moogle'. Claiming to be creatures from another realm."
  113. [18:30] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"But we bear no grudge towards a creature of your heretofore unknown status, nor the winged female known as 'Gria'."
  114. 01[18:31] <Morty> He nods. "I swear it's the truth, though... we just wanted to make sure our friends weren't mistaken for the Garlands..."
  115. [18:31] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"You may pass. But only after first submitting these creatures known as 'hume' for our approval."
  116. 06[18:31] * Morty looks back. "Flit? Odes?"
  117. [18:32] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Bring them to us."
  118. 06[18:32] * Morty calls back to them.
  119. [18:33] <Niki> "Well here we go..."
  120. 06[18:33] * Flit breaks his worrying staaaaare at the undead, before coming closer presumably alongside Odes.
  121. 06[18:33] * Odes comes forth, carefully; he's still covered by his robes though it's not like he ever even lowers his hood.
  122. [18:35] <~DamienLunas> It swoops towards you, examining you with its empty eye sockets...
  123. [18:35] <Odes> "Good, uh..." ...morning? Evening? "Greetings." He doesn't seem too nervous around the undead - if anything, he's inspecting the other right back curiously.
  124. [18:36] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"..."
  125. [18:36] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"My initial judgement would condemn you as Garlands to be freed of their sinful mortal coil and join our ranks as atoners."
  126. 01[18:37] <Morty> D:?
  127. 06[18:37] * Niki gives Mari the stinkeye. So much for htem knowing the difference!
  128. [18:38] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"But... we are not religious fanatics such as the Tonberries. Upon closer inspection you do not appear to be Garlands."
  129. [18:38] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Though one of you is more similar to a Garland than the other."  it says without indicating who.
  130. [18:38] <Odes> "Atoners?" Yup, curiosity.
  131. 06[18:39] * Flit breathes a sigh of relief upon hearing the Corse's judgement.
  132. [18:39] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Yesss... to be granted unlife and fight against the army which you once were tied to."
  133. [18:40] <Niki> "Killing and reanimating us, he means."
  134. [18:41] <Odes> "Were you all once Garlands, then?"
  135. [18:42] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Once."
  136. 06[18:43] * Morty is a bit relieved, too. "May we go in, then? We have a lot of questions, if you would give us the honor of answers, kupo.."
  137. [18:45] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"You may enter... but I must mark you in our way so that others may know that you are welcome."
  138. [18:45] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Extend your arms..."
  139. 06[18:45] * Odes raises his arm and rolls up his sleeve.
  140. 06[18:46] * Morty offers his arm
  141. [18:46] <~DamienLunas> Mari holds her arm out too.
  142. 06[18:46] * Flit extends his own.
  143. 06[18:48] * Niki lifts her arm cautiously.
  144. [18:49] <~DamienLunas> The floating undead retrieves several red slips of paper and puts them on the five of you like wristbands.
  145. 06[18:50] * Odes is surprised that's all it is!
  146. [18:50] <Niki> "Simple indeed."
  147. [18:50] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"This signifies that you are accepted passage until the eve of the next firesday. Stay no longer, lest you pay the price..."
  148. 06[18:50] * Niki shivers. What price does he means...?
  149. [18:51] <Odes> "Understood. Thank you."
  150. 01[18:52] <Morty> Is that a different dayname than we're used to?
  151. [18:53] <~DamienLunas> it's not
  152. 06[18:53] * Morty just nods, then
  153. [18:53] <~DamienLunas> Mari enters, "Good, 3 days is more than enough. We don't have to stay here that long."
  154. [18:55] <Niki> "Even one day seems too much, though..."
  155. [18:55] <Flit> "Well, better too much than not enough."
  156. 01[18:56] <Morty> "Thank you!"
  157. 01[18:57] <Morty> "Where are we headed to, then? Is there an elder or a historian we should be talking to, kupo?" he asks Mari.
  158. 06[18:57] * Morty doesn't really know if 'elder' applies when talking about the undead
  159. [18:58] <~DamienLunas> "I dunno... but I'm kinda tired. Moon's been down for a few hours."
  160. [18:59] <Flit> "I wonder if these Rosetta Stones work on the written word, as well as the spoken tongue.."
  161. [19:00] <Niki> "Maybe Odes knows how to read their writing?"
  162. [19:00] <~DamienLunas> "Maybe. I think some of these guys are pretty old though..." she yawns and ruffles her feathers.
  163. [19:01] <~DamienLunas> "Wait, couldn't you read the sign at the entrance?"
  164. [19:01] <Odes> "I can read it, but that's how I learned the language in the first place."
  165. 01[19:01] <Morty> "I looked! I think I could." he nods.
  166. [19:01] <~DamienLunas> "Then I guess it does."
  167. 06[19:02] * Morty nods. "Anyway, let's find a place to sleep then, kupo... we usually use the sun to tell time, so... I didn't realize it was so late." :<
  168. 01[19:02] <Morty> "It's been a busy day... thank you for everything, Mari."
  169. [19:04] <~DamienLunas> "Hey, anything to get out of the village and on to an adventure!"
  170. [19:04] <~DamienLunas> "Let's see..."
  171. [19:05] <~DamienLunas> "There, there's an inn. I hope they have comfy beds..."
  172. 06[19:05] * Morty looks around for these inns.
  173. 01[19:06] <Morty> "You know... our world and yours have a lot of differences... but some things really aren't so different after all." he smiles.
  174. 01[19:06] <Morty> "To the inn!"
  175. [19:06] <Flit> "And we'll be paying for room and board with..?"
  176. [19:07] <~DamienLunas> She sighs, "I'll cover it..."
  177. [19:09] <Odes> "I guess... gil probably isn't worth anything in this world, no."
  178. [19:09] <~DamienLunas> You enter the inn, and while the decor is a bit... lacking, there's at least an Innkeeper floating right at the counter.
  179. [19:09] <~DamienLunas> "Wait, you've got gil on you? Why didn't you say anything? Honestly, making a young lady pay for all of you!"
  180. 01[19:10] <Morty> "We didn't know if you used different money or not..." :< "S-sorry, kupo... "
  181. [19:10] <Odes> "Plenty of gil." That's actually quite a relief.
  182. 06[19:11] * Morty takes out his bag of gil, shaking it. :D
  183. [19:11] <~DamienLunas> "Why wouldn't gold be valuable? Anyway, go pay for me."
  184. 01[19:12] <Morty> "We'd like some rooms, please." he says to the Corse at the counter.
  185. [19:12] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"How many resting places do you require?"
  186. [19:13] <Niki> "Three."
  187. 06[19:14] * Morty nods. That's one room for him and Niki, one for Odes and Flit, and one for Mari, right?
  188. [19:14] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Three hundred gil shall complete this transaction."
  189. 06[19:14] * Morty pays for them, then.
  190. [19:16] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"Your rooms will be down the hall, numbering in sequence, 101, 102, and 103."  the corse says handing you the keys
  191. [19:16] <Odes> "Thank you kindly."
  192. 06[19:16] * Morty supposes they don't often have guests. "Thank you." he nods, taking the keys and passing them out.
  193. [19:16] <~DamienLunas> 5,1"May your rest be only temporary..."
  194. 01[19:17] <Morty> (Where the fuck have I heard that line before)
  195. 01[19:17] <Morty> (Was it Earthbound)
  196. [19:17] <Flit> "The Corse certainly have a way with words, don't they."
  197. 06[19:17] * Morty flattens his ears a bit at that. D:
  198. 06[19:17] * Morty scurries down the hallway.
  199. 06[19:18] * Odes remains unbothered by the subtle creepy
  200. [19:18] <~DamienLunas> "Well, good night!" Mari says cheerfully before going to her room to sleep.
  201. [19:19] <Niki> "This place really unnerves me..." Niki sighs while taking Morty with her.
  202. [19:19] <Odes> "Goodnight, Mari!"
  203. [19:19] <~DamienLunas> you all get to your beds and go to sleep...
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