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May 23rd, 2013
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  1. [root@noc noc]# cat crashinfo-687c65a90052482c88620ae0c10f630dfb00ed96
  2. (dp1
  3. S'component'
  4. p2
  5. S'noc-activator'
  6. p3
  7. sS'source'
  8. p4
  9. S'system'
  10. p5
  11. sS'traceback'
  12. p6
  13. VUNHANDLED EXCEPTION (2013-05-23 14:37:41.657079)\u000aWorking directory: /opt/noc\u000a<class 'socket.error'>\u000a[Errno 1] Operation not permitted\u000aSTART OF TRACEBACK\u000a------------------------------------------------------------------------\u000aFile: /usr/lib64/python2.7/ (Line: 187)\u000aFunction: __init__\u000a 180 \u000a 181 __doc__ = _realsocket.__doc__\u000a 182 \u000a 183 __slots__ = ["_sock", "__weakref__"] + list(_delegate_methods)\u000a 184 \u000a 185 def __init__(self, family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, _sock=None):\u000a 186 if _sock is None:\u000a 187 ==> _sock = _realsocket(family, type, proto)\u000a 188 self._sock = _sock\u000a 189 for method in _delegate_methods:\u000a 190 setattr(self, method, getattr(_sock, method))\u000a 191 \u000a 192 def close(self, _closedsocket=_closedsocket,\u000a 193 _delegate_methods=_delegate_methods, setattr=setattr):\u000aVariables:\u000a _sock = None\u000a type = 3\u000a self = <socket._socketobject object at 0x34453d0>\u000a family = 2\u000a proto = 1\u000a------------------------------------------------------------------------\u000aFile: /opt/noc/lib/nbsocket/ (Line: 135)\u000aFunction: _create_socket\u000a 128 ICMPv4 Ping Socket\u000a 129 """\u000a 130 ECHO_TYPE = ICMPv4_ECHO\u000a 131 HEADER_SIZE = 28\u000a 132 \u000a 133 def _create_socket(self):\u000a 134 self.socket = socket.socket(\u000a 135 ==> socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, ICMPv4_PROTO)\u000a 136 \u000a 137 def parse_reply(self, msg, addr):\u000a 138 ip_header = msg[:20]\u000a 139 (ver, tos, plen, pid, flags,\u000a 140 ttl, proto, checksum, src_ip,\u000a 141 dst_ip) = struct.unpack("!BBHHHBBHII", ip_header)\u000aVariables:\u000a self = <Ping4Socket(0x3027a10, )>\u000a------------------------------------------------------------------------\u000aFile: /opt/noc/lib/nbsocket/ (Line: 44)\u000aFunction: create_socket\u000a 37 self.sessions = {} # Request Id -> PingSession\u000a 38 super(PingSocket, self).__init__(factory)\u000a 39 \u000a 40 def _create_socket(self):\u000a 41 raise NotImplementedError\u000a 42 \u000a 43 def create_socket(self):\u000a 44 ==> self._create_socket()\u000a 45 super(PingSocket, self).create_socket()\u000a 46 if self.out_buffer:\u000a 47 self.set_status(w=True)\u000a 48 \u000a 49 def get_session_id(self, session):\u000a 50 return session.address, session.req_id\u000aVariables:\u000a self = <Ping4Socket(0x3027a10, )>\u000a------------------------------------------------------------------------\u000aFile: /opt/noc/lib/nbsocket/ (Line: 93)\u000aFunction: guarded_socket_call\u000a 86 Wrapper for safe call of socket method. Handles and reports\u000a 87 socket errors.\u000a 88 \u000a 89 :return: Call status\u000a 90 :rtype: Bool\u000a 91 """\u000a 92 try:\u000a 93 ==> method()\u000a 94 except Exception:\u000a 95 exc = get_socket_error()\u000a 96 try:\u000a 97 if exc:\u000a 98 socket.on_error(exc)\u000a 99 else:\u000aVariables:\u000a self = <noc.lib.nbsocket.socketfactory.SocketFactory object at 0x2f4e950>\u000a socket = <Ping4Socket(0x3027a10, )>\u000a exc = None\u000a method = <bound method Ping4Socket.create_socket of <Ping4Socket(0x3027a10, )>>\u000a------------------------------------------------------------------------\u000aEND OF TRACEBACK
  14. p7
  15. sS'type'
  16. p8
  17. S'Unhandled Exception'
  18. p9
  19. sS'ts'
  20. p10
  21. I1369305461
  22. s.
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