
Changing Perspectives

Apr 28th, 2014
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  1. ((A long time ago, some anon requested a fic where Soarin' gets boned by a Changeling whose semen turns him into a Changeling as well. This is that fic. I have never done transformation before, and said anon remained anonymous, so bare with me here.))
  3. (Seduction, implied mind control/coersion, frotting, rimming, anal creampie, transformation)
  5. Swirling a half-empty glass of whiskey wistfully, Soarin' let out an almost unnoticeable sigh as another disappointed fangirl left his table, fading into the crowd at the busy hotel bar. The Wonderbolts had had a rather impressive show in Canterlot that night, and Soarin' had been prepared for a lively night on the town, maybe with a little action on the side to finish the evening. Yet, for some reason, every mare that had approached him just seemed...lacking. So there he sat, nursing a mild buzz alone, while he was sure every other member of his team was getting laid. It was unbelievably frustrating, and he was considering just calling it a night and tending to his own needs when a lone stallion approached his table.
  7. “Is this seat taken, perhaps?” He asked, an almost-sarcastic, playful tone, clearly knowing that it was not. Looking up, Soarin's eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of pony in front of him. He was a light-gray pegasus, noticeably larger than Soarin' with a subtly defined musculature, yet he didn't appear intimidating in the least. As their eyes met, he couldn't help but stare, the stranger's piercing blue eyes seeming to look right through him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words just wouldn't come.
  9. Chuckling lightly to himself, the pegasus sat down, pleased at the effect he had. “You'll have to forgive me, but I couldn't help but notice you, sitting there all by your lonesome. Tell me, what's a handsome Wonderbolt like yourself doing turning down so many pretty mares?”
  11. Caught unaware by the unusually forward question, Soarin' stammered for a moment before replying, “I-It's not that they aren't pretty or anything, I just...”
  13. “You just..?” The pegasus raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps...mares aren't the ones catching your interest tonight?”
  15. Soarin's eyes shot open, a faint blush blooming across his cheeks. What could possibly make this pony think that about him?! Surely, this had to be some kind of joke or prank. He certainly wouldn't put it past Spitfire. Yet, as he scanned the pony's face for signs of mirth or treachery, the only response he found was a cool, steady gaze tempered by a small smile.
  17. Sighing in defeat, Soarin' dropped his eyes to avoid the pegasus' gaze. After a short pause, he replied, “I...Maybe. I just don't know what I want right now.”
  19. Grinning slightly, the pony raised a hoof, signaling a waiter. “Then, maybe I could help you with your little predicament.” He said cooly as a two new glasses of whiskey were placed in front of them. Picking up the glass and shifting it in his hooves, he said, “Indeed, you are quite the handsome stallion, and what a shame it would be for you to spend the night alone. A little company might just clear your mind...”
  21. Catching the implications and blushing hotly, Soarin' met the pegasus' gaze once more. “B-But I've never...I mean, I don't even know you..!”
  23. The gray pegasus tilted his head slightly. “I don't see why that should matter. You wouldn't have known any of those fans of yours, either. But, if knowing me will put you at ease, you can call me Shift.”
  25. Soarin' pondered this strangely forward stallion, realizing that he did indeed have a point. Hesitation still coloring his voice, he said, “I...Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt.” Taking a quick gulp of the untouched whiskey, he added quietly, “And, you're quite the looker yourself, Shift,” Embarrassment tinging his voice.
  27. Victory flashed through the pegasus' eyes for but a second, a playful composure quickly replacing it. “Excellent. I'm in room 205. I'll be looking forward to this~”
  29. Picking up his glass, Shift downed the alcohol in a single smooth motion, throwing a few bits on the table to cover the drinks. Giving Soarin' a wink, he slid out of his chair, hips swaying ever so slightly as he exited the bar.
  31. Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Soarin' slumped in his chair, at a loss for words. It had always been a shameful secret of his, the way he occasionally looked at other stallions. Yet here some stranger came, seeing right through him and even offering to...accompany him. The more he thought about it, however, the more he couldn't shake the idea from his head. This Shift was an attractive pony, and while he couldn't place his hoof on it, there was something...almost hypnotic about the way he had grabbed his attention so effectively. Whatever it was about him, he wanted more.
  33. Gathering his resolve, Soarin' roughly grabbed the glass of whiskey in front of him, quickly downing what remained. Throwing a few bits of his own on the table, he got to his hooves, the barest hint of a stagger in his steps as he made his way through the hotel. A multitude of emotions slowly built within him as he came closer to the stallion's room, most of them anxiety-related, yet he couldn't deny the excitement that was also building.
  35. Reaching the right room, Soarin' took in a deep breath and with a slightly shaky hoof, knocked on Shift's door. Not seconds had passed when the door was thrown open, the gray pegasus standing inside with a wide grin on his face. “Come in, come in...” Shift said, gesturing with his hoof, quickly shutting the door as the blue pegasus made his entry.
  37. While the room itself wasn't very extravagant, Soarin' eyed the very comfortable looking king-sized bed situated in the middle, a faint blush returning to his cheeks as he was reminded of why he had come here. That blush quickly deepened as Shift walked past him, his tail slowly and deliberately tracing the contours of his rear.
  39. Leaning in to Soarin's ear, he whispered seductively, “Quite a set of flanks you've got there...I can't wait to get started~”
  41. Embarrassed, yet quite flattered, Soarin' turned to face Shift, their eyes meeting. “Speaking of starting, how exactly do you...” He trailed off.
  43. Before he could react, Shift pulled him close, locking their lips together. Soarin's wings immediately shot out, fully erect at the sudden boldness. He had never kissed another stallion before, and he immediately wished that he had. The mares he had been with were gentle with reserved, nothing at all like Shift. There was a strength, a forceful passion that was so foreign, yet so horribly arousing. The pure physicality of it was intoxicating. The gray pegasus' tongue was pressing against Soarin's mouth, and without thinking he let it in, mind going blank as they continued to kiss. He was so engrossed in the moment that he completely failed to notice the soft green flash that filled the room, if only for an instant.
  45. Finally pulling away, Soarin' caught his breath, panting slightly. Most of the inhibitions and hesitation he felt had seemingly vanished, stolen away by the grinning gray pegasus that was currently eying him up, what almost looked like hunger coloring his features. Soarin' leaned forward for another kiss, but was stopped by a hoof at his lips.
  47. “Let me take the lead. Just relax, and let me do all the work...” Shift said, his eyes boring into his partner's. He gestured to the bed, and Soarin' quickly got the message. Trotting over, he threw himself down on the bed, slightly surprised at how comfortable it was. Looking back and seeing Shift's expectant smile, he bashfully rolled over on to his back, his already-hardening stallionhood resting against his thighs, twitching slightly.
  49. “Mhm, much better...” Shift intoned seductively, slowly walking over to the bed. Climbing up, he positioned himself directly above Soarin', bringing their lips together once more. Soarin' sighed as the pegasus kissed him again, reveling in the strange yet wholly welcome sensation. It was another first for him, having another pony on top of him, so clearly dominant. Yet, he couldn't help but enjoy himself and the new feelings stirring within him.
  51. “And speaking of stirring...” He thought to himself as his shaft fully hardened, just barely touching the fur of the stallion above him. Feeling Soarin's arousal underneath him, Shift lowered his hips, letting his own length rub against it. Recoiling for only a moment, Soarin' bucked his hips upwards, grinding their cocks together roughly, moaning at the pleasurable contact.
  53. Pausing for a second, he broke the kiss and looked down at the other pegasus, a harsh blush coloring his cheeks when he noticed his sheer size. Shift was easily a few inches bigger and noticeably thicker, and while Soarin' wasn't too far above average, it was still a rare occasion to see a stallion so clearly outclassing him.
  55. Seeing the look of embarrassment and arousal on his face, Shift chuckled softly. Giving Soarin' another quick kiss, he asked playfully, “See something you like there?~”
  57. When Soarin' nodded quickly, Shift ground his hips down again, enjoying the pleasured moans he received in turn as their cocks rubbed together. Leaning down, he whispered into Soarin's ear, “It'll feel even better when I get the chance to use it, you know...”
  59. Gulping nervously, Soarin' opened his mouth to voice some measure of concern, but was quickly cut off as Shift raised his head and planted another kiss on Soarin's lips, making steady eye contact once again. His blue eyes almost seemed to flash as he softly said, “I'll take care of you, don't worry. It'll feel better than you can imagine, I promise.”
  61. Looking into his eyes calmed Soarin', for reasons he wasn't fully sure of himself. Breathing deeply, he slowly nodded his head after a tense minute. “I...Alright, Shift. P-Please...”
  63. Grinning widely again, Shift pulled away, motioning with his hoof for Soarin' to turn over. Flipping himself over, Soarin' found a comfortable position to lay in, his dick pushing against the covers and his wings extended stiffly above him. He remembered his tail, and softly flicked it to the side, giving his partner a clear view of his rear.
  65. Licking his lips, Shift slowly ran a hoof down Soarin's toned flanks, sending a shiver though him. Without saying a word, he lowered his head, pausing for a brief second before running his tongue over the exposed flesh in front of him. Tasting the musky sweetness, Shift continued with renewed vigor, rolling the firm balls with his mouth, humming contentedly as he heard the pegasus groaning at the sensation. He placed a small kiss on Soarin's sack before trailing further upwards, finally reaching his tensed hole. “Relax...” He cooed, raising a hoof and rubbing small circles over Soarin's cutie mark. Seeing the pegasus unclench slightly, Shift reached out with his tongue, gently exploring the interior of his flanks.
  67. The feeling of the gray pegasus' tongue on that normally private part of him was so strange, yet so exhilarating, Soarin' thought. It was a different kind of pleasure, a deep-seated kind of need, and he couldn't help but want more. As Shift's tongue worked itself deeper inside him, Soarin' arched his back and moaned loudly, feeling that strange pleasure more intensely. He wanted, no, he practically needed more.
  69. With one last sweep of his tongue, Shift pulled his head away, admiring the now-soaking hole in front of him. Reaching underneath himself, he gave a few rough strokes to his stiff cock, the thick line of pre-cum he had been leaking smearing around and lubricating him nicely. Rising to his hooves, he quickly positioned himself above Soarin', shaft gently rubbing against his tight tailhole.
  71. Feeling the warm member poking his rear, Soarin' couldn't help but wiggle his flanks, trying to feel as much of it as he could. Laughing softly, Shift whispered, “If you want it that badly, then I'll give it to you...” With a slow and powerful buck of his hips, his shaft buried itself inside the blue pegasus inch by inch, hissing softly as he was clenched down on hard by his partner. He finally bottomed out, his sack lightly slapping against Soarin's, eliciting a muffled whimper in return.
  73. Soarin' felt paralyzed, the massive intrusion in his rear keeping him held in place. The sudden harshness of being stretched out so much hurt, yes, but there was also another sensation—The stallion mounting him was pressed right against something inside of him, something that felt so instinctually good. Wincing slightly, he buried his head into the sheets below while trying to grind his hips upwards, trying to get the warm shaft inside him to hit that spot more.
  75. Shift, meanwhile, was throbbing in pleasure. He knew that the Wonderbolt was going to be tight, never having been fucked before, but this was beyond what he expected. Every little movement he made, Soarin' clenched down on him harder, practically milking his dick with the pressure. He idly ran a hoof through the soft blue mane below him, trying to hold himself from rutting the poor thing right there.
  77. Thankfully, after only a few minutes of tense waiting, Shift felt Soarin' relax slightly around him. He slowly pulled hips hips back, drawing himself out despite his partner's clenching, trying to prevent him from leaving. With a soft *pop* his cock came loose, and he gently rubbed it around the now slightly looser, winking hole.
  79. “This is where the real fun starts, Soarin'...” He cooed. “You better hang on~”
  81. Bracing his hooves against the mattress, Shift thrust forward faster than before, his gray hips roughly smacking against the raised blue ones. Soarin' let out an uncharacteristically high-pitched moan, cheeks blazing and cock starting to leak pre under him. Egged on by the obvious show of arousal, Shift continued, pulling almost entirely out, before quickly thrusting back inside. Grinding his hips against Soarin's, he grunted softly, “Damn...Even better than I thought you'd be...”
  83. Shift slowly started working a rhythm, slower while pulling back and harder while thrusting. His shaft radiated pleasure as he plowed the Wonderbolt's tight ass, his balls roughly bouncing against it. Soarin', meanwhile, was slowly melting into the bed, pain easily overshadowed by gratification. Each thrust stimulated that spot inside of him, and the pressure of his own cock rubbing against the bed was enough to keep him rock hard. How he had ever gone without this kind of pleasure before, he couldn't imagine. He had begun to work a pattern of his own, trying to relax himself as Shift thrusted in, and desperately squeezing his inner walls as the warm length receded, not wishing to part from it for a second.
  85. Wet, lewd slapping noises filled the room, punctuated by Shift's soft pants of exertion and Soarin's higher and higher pitched moaning. As Shift's thrusts became less and less controlled, more forceful and deep, Soarin' could swear that he felt his partner's cock swelling and twitching inside of him, quickly realizing what was going to soon happen. Hesitation forgotten in his pleasure, he moaned, “Please...I want you to do it inside me...”
  87. He was surprised to hear Shift laughing darkly above him, and he suddenly felt hooves being pressed against his back, keeping him held in place against the bed. “I was planning on it, Soarin'. After all...” He trailed off, leading into an unusual silence. Suddenly, a bright flash of green filled the room, but Soarin' couldn't turn his head enough to see what had happened. He recoiled in surprise as a shiny, black, fanged face appeared next to him, grinning madly. With a shot of panic, he recognized the strange creature as a Changeling. He tried to move, to resist, but the pressure on his back wouldn't let him. It spoke, “You're too good of a catch to just pass up, Soarin'...”
  89. With a rough final thrust and a lustful groan, Shift hilted fully, his cock throbbing and exploding in pleasure as he shot his seed, rope after rope of it, deep inside the pegasus. Soarin' squirmed underneath the Changeling, confused and still panicked. However, he slowly noticed a strange sensation building inside of him. The cum inside of him was starting to feel warm, much warmer than he thought possible. Without any warning, a wave of pure pleasure built in his rear and shot though him, making him bury his head into the sheets to try and stifle a resounding moan.
  91. It didn't stop there, however. The pleasure and warmth continued to grow and spread throughout Soarin's body, sending his mind reeling. Without any warning, his balls tensed, dick swelling, and his own orgasm hit. His muscles contracted, cock throbbing wildly as he ground his hips roughly, his cum splattering and soaking into the mattress beneath him as he writhed in ecstasy. Even as he felt his orgasm starting to fade, however, Soarin' still felt immense pleasure coursing through him, when another strange sensation started building in his midsection.
  93. The sky blue fur that Soarin' prided himself on was receding, slowly being replaced by a shiny black exoskeleton. The hard material spread outwards, covering most of his flanks and completely covering his lightning bolt cutie mark. His tail grew dense and gray, much the same color as Shift had been as a pegasus. Meanwhile, Shift was watching, extremely pleased with the progress his partner had made, almost forgetting about his cock still buried deep within him.
  95. His wings lost their feathers and a smooth membrane slowly replaced them, the strange material feeling strong and supple. As the wave of chitinous exoskeleton moved closer to his head, Soarin' flinched, but the pleasure held constant as his face quickly hardened, a large horn forming on his forehead and his flat teeth turning into rows of sharp fangs. His eyes glazed over for a mere second, growing into an almost-insectoid blue lens as his mane receded, a sharp-looking fin replacing it.
  97. As the final wave of pleasure coursed through him and the changes reaching their completion, Soarin' slowly started to relax, every little movement reminding him of the strange new body he inhabited. Yet, he realized after a moment of contemplation, this new body felt...good. Powerful. Free. Feeling the hooves pressing him down ease up, he turned his head only to meet the gaze of Shift, a very pleased yet almost apologetic smile on his face.
  99. Finally pulling himself out, Shift chuckled gently as Soarin' gasped, a horribly empty feeling overcoming him as his ass leaked a steady stream of cum. “I told you I would take care of you, didn't I?...” He said, running a hoof across the hardened chitinous material covering the former pegasus' body.
  101. Something inside Soarin' told him that this was wrong. That he was meant to be a pony. That he had been used. However, he quickly dismissed these thoughts. He was not quick to forget the abundant pleasure he had just felt, and there was something about this new body that felt terribly right. The shifting movement above him reminded him that there was a certain stallion he had to thank for creating these strange, wonderful new sensations within him. Raising his head and minding his new teeth, he gave Shift a quick kiss, a small smile crossing his lips.
  103. “It was even better than I imagined.” Soarin' whispered, embracing his now-fellow Changeling.
  105. Throwing himself fully into the hug, Shift paused only for a moment before resuming his usual grin, slyly whispering, “Too good a catch to pass up, indeed~”
  107. Still running his hooves over Soarin's new body, Shift pointedly ran a hoof on the inside of his thighs, making Soarin' whimper slightly as he felt his cock starting to stiffen once more. As he felt his own arousal returning, Shift slowly grinded himself against his partner, grunting softly, “Let me show you what that new body of yours can do...”
  109. And so they continued long into the night, exploring the other in a haze of lust, any thoughts of dissent or hesitation quickly fading from Soarin's mind as the sound of slapping flanks slowly filled the room once more.
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