
Please Dress Me!

Aug 9th, 2014
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  1. It was another glorious day in Equestria.  The sun was bright, the day was short of responsibilities, and all the ponies were jovial and peppy.  A celebration was currently underway involving the pegasi, leaving Anon alone with nothing to do. He decided that it was a day of chilling out and maxing, what with all the relaxing on such a wonderfully cool day.  
  3. Sitting on a bench, Anon was reading a story recommended by Twilight, the premier library pony for the town.  Everything was tuned out, nothing but the book mattered. He’d passively wave at anyone throwing him a greet, but other than that he was fully glued to the story.
  5. Abruptly, a loud noise could be heard off in the distance, slowly growing in intensity.  His focus on the book waned, noticing the conversation making its way to him. Closing his eyes, Anon rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.  Turning to the road he could see two ponies, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, arguing with one another.
  7. “Dash, darling, please.  I understand you have some concerns but I assure you my advice is quite adequate in helping you.”
  9. “But having another opinion won't hurt will it?  I just want to make sure I'm looking at my best!”
  11. “You are going to an event that will have other aspiring ponies vying for attention and we want to make sure you appear pleasant and outstanding.”
  13. “Ah, well...  I mean, It’s not even aerodynamic!  I’m going to be in Cloudsdale. How am I supposed to move around if there’s a surprise race?”
  15. “I highly doubt they will work in a competition during the celebrations.  You need to dress for style, as a mare everyone should be looking at. I simply want to help you.  Please let me help you.”
  17. Anon slapped his book shut, the two ponies jumping in the air.  “Hey Rarity, did Sweetie Belle finally manage to burn down your boutique in some crazy shenanigans involving her friends?”
  19. “N-No?”
  21. “Are you currently remodeling it?  Perhaps an addition to the place?”
  23. “I don’t have any such plans currently…”
  25. “Then why are you two making a commotion out here, right when I was getting to the meat of this book, and not there?”
  27. “We would be having it there if Dash hadn't ran out, forcing me to give chase,” said Rarity, frowning at her friend.
  29. “I'm having second thoughts on wearing a dress, okay?  And I just feel having another opinion would be a good idea!”
  31. Rarity grounded her teeth.  “She insisted that you should be involved in this, even though you have no experience in pony fashion or the latest trends.  And surprise, she knew just where to find you.”
  33. He let that sink in, turning to Dash.  ‘So this dress thing, it's for that Cloudsdale event?”  Rainbow Dash nodded her head. “I usually say you do you, but you wouldn't want to show up to a place everyone is dressing up for and be the sole outlier.  
  35. “There's trying to stand apart from everyone else, and then there's looking like you're snubbing everyone in the room.  If the Wonderbolts are there, they may think badly of you."
  37. “I said as much,” Rarity said, raising her nose.  “And then she runs off, looking for you. As if I wasn’t good enough.”
  39. “I wasn't trying to be rude.  I just thought I could get a, um…”  She tapped the ground, thinking of the right words.
  41. “She kept insisting on wanting you involved in this.”
  43. “Are you sure?  Rarity knows her business better than anyone I know on this planet.”
  45. “Any planet, darling.”
  47. Rainbow Dash nodded her head.  “I think I'd prefer it if you could help me.”  Her face turned a light shade of red. “That's if y-you want to, that is.”
  49. “I don't mind helping,” Anon said, looking at his book.  “Not like I was doing anything important. Can't leave a bro needing help.”
  51. Rarity rolled her eyes, walking back toward her boutique, muttering under her breath her annoyance in the bro code.  Rainbow Dash gave him a smile, following after with Anon walking alongside them.
  53. “Thanks, I really wanted some help with figuring this out.”
  55. “Which is something I can't do, apparently.”  Rarity harrumphed, nostrils flaring. “One of the few times my expertise could help Dash and she goes out looking for you.”
  57. “It's not like we're saying you can't help-”
  59. “I am,” Dash interjected, earning a glare from Rarity.
  61. “Like I was saying,” he continued, giving Dash a glare of his own, “I think she simply wants an outside eye on this, perhaps even a male opinion on her dress?”
  63. Rarity puckered her lips.  “Perhaps I can see the reasoning in that.  Doesn't mean I think it's a good idea.”
  65. Arriving at the boutique Rarity walked them to a back room, housing a myriad of dresses all over the room.  “I wasn't aware you had so many dresses in stock,” Anon said, staring at a dress made of feathers.
  67. “Fashion is a fickle mistress to deal with, always changing, always demanding a new style for the season.  Now please, try not to destroy the room. I need to get back to my work if I'm going to meet my deadlines.”
  69. Rarity made with some haste, leaving Anon and Rainbow Dash alone in a sea of sequined cloth and schools of fashionable garments.  
  71. Anon let out a cough, “Okay, so where do we start?”
  73. Rainbow Dash blinked, looking around.  “Uuummm…” She walked over to a dress, a pink monstrosity.  “I guess this one?”
  75. He couldn't help but frown, seeing how it looked like she grabbed something at random.  “Are you sure that's something you want to wear?”
  77. “You don't think I'm pretty in pink?”
  79. “What?”
  81. “What?”
  83. The two stared at one another, Anon shaking his head.  “Try to find something that you think would work for you.”
  85. “Okay.  I can do that…  Right.” She dropped the pink dress, grabbing a different dress, and running off behind a dressing screen.
  87. “Why do ponies even have dressing screens?”  Looking around, Anon found a small stool, taking care to sit on the small things.  “Why are you so gung-ho on finding a dress for this celebration thing?”
  89. “The Wonderbolts are going to be there and I want to dress to impress!”  She let out a grunt, her silhouette showing the difficulty she was having.  “That's why you're here. Who else knows me better than you?”
  91. “The hospital staff, the police, that adorable little chicken nugget fangirl.”
  93. “Ha, ha,” Dash huffed out.
  95. “I suppose I get wanting to show off, especially if the Wonderbolts are there.”  He let out a chuckle. “Never thought I'd see you in a dress.”
  97. She paused, her silhouette standing still.  “Why do you say that?”
  99. “I guess it's a bit strange.  The Rainbow Dash, walking around in a dress?”
  101. “Is there something wrong with me?  You don't... think I would look good in a dress?”
  103. Going to reply, Anon clicked his mouth shut, realizing the trap he was setting himself in.  No matter how much of a bro she was, he nearly forgot she was like any other girl out there.  It was time to do what he did best: backpedal the hell out of dodge.
  105. “No, no, no, no, no!  You look great no matter what you do.  I just meant I've never really seen you in a dress, that's all.  I'm certain you'll look great.”
  107. A moment goes by, Dash thinking over his words before she went back to getting the dress on.  A sigh of relief came from Anon.
  109. “I'm ready.”  Rainbow Dash came out, showing off a gaudy looking garment that poofed out, orange shades arranged in circular patterns.  The hat she wore complimented it, a large brim circling her head. He could barely see her in the thing. “"What do you think?”
  111. “It's certainly something,” Anon said with a grimace.
  113. She frowned, her head tilting down, the hat nearly coming off.  “Is there something wrong with me not looking good in this?”
  115. “It's not you Dash, it's definitely the dress.  I can barely even see you in it.”
  117. “But…  But Rarity said this one of the things in style right now!  She wouldn't shut up about how any being would find it attractive…”
  119. “We certainly can't discount Rarity's opinion on this, but I don't think this suits you.  At all. It doesn't scream out, 'I help compliment Rainbow Dash', but more, 'I am covering Rainbow Dash's glorious self!'  Maybe try something else?”
  121. She pulled at the hem of the dress.  “I think I get what you're saying.” She threw her hat off, looking around, grabbing a dress close by.  “Let me try this,” she said, running back behind the screen.
  123. “No wonder Rarity got upset with her if she's really grabbing things without a care,” he spoke softly.  “Just remember, you're doing this for a bro.”
  125. “How's this?”  Walking back out, he could see a sequined purple dress, light sparkling off it, her hair tied in a ponytail.  
  127. “It's certainly dazzling,” he replied, covering his eyes.
  129. “So you like it?” she asked, hopeful.
  131. “I can barely see you.  You'd make a good ward for vampires, if that's a plus for you.  Do you really want to blind anyone in your vicinity?”
  133. Looking at her dress, she squinted her eyes, letting out a laugh.  “I get what you're saying. I like standing out, but not as a disco light.  Let me try a different one.”
  135. Grabbing another dress she walked behind the screen.  This went on for some time, Anon losing count of how many dresses she tried.  He would point out flaws or things that made her run back behind the screen with a new dress.  Anon was sorely tempted to lie about whatever she put, getting tired of choosing dresses for her.  Of course he refused the idea, not wanting to abandon his bro.
  137. Her latest attempt had her in a red, flowing silk dress, her hair done in a style covering half her face, a light shade of red lipstick with makeup applied to her face.
  139. “I mean, it looks attractive, but-”
  141. “But?!” she spat out, on the verge of tears.  “What's wrong with this one?” She wiped her mouth, most of the lipstick smearing to the side.  “Is it too revealing? Not revealing enough? Do I just look bad in a dress?”
  143. Anon stood up, “Take it easy, it's nothing like that.  We just haven't found the right dress for you.”
  145. “And what's the right dress for me?  We've been through all these dresses,” she threw a hoof around, piles of clothing strewn about, “and so far you think none of these look good.  This was a terrible idea, thinking I'd look good in a dress. I'll just take this off and we can forget this happened.” She started to pull the dress off, trying to walk away, only ending up on the floor in a spill.  
  147. “Are you okay Dash?”  The pegasus mumbled unintelligibly.  He hadn't expected her to take his opinion so personally.  “I bet any of these dresses will work for your event.”
  149. He walked up to her, placing a hand on her back.  Her head shoved inside the dress, near completely hiding her.  The mare mumbled something at him he couldn't make out.  
  151. “Dash, you shouldn't force yourself to try and impress someone, no matter who they are.  I think you should be yourself.”
  153. “I... I just wanted to show y-- them that I can be into fashion and look pretty too, like other mares…”
  155. “I think it's more important if you're honest with yourself.  You looked great in any number of these but you didn't seem comfortable wearing them.  Do you feel comfortable wearing what you are right now?”
  157. She shuffled in her dress, her head slowly creeping out.  “No,” she whined out.
  159. “How about instead of choosing at random, why not something that you think would be fine to wear for yourself.  Is there anything here that fits the bill?”
  161. Standing up to her hooves, Rainbow Dash looked around.  “There's... only one other dress I've worn recently." “
  163. Walking around, she stopped in front of a horse model, taking a dress off before walking behind the screen.  A few moments later she came back out, wearing a vaguely familiar looking dress.
  165. “I've seen that dress before.”  It took him but a second, snapping his fingers.  “That's right, I saw it in the newspapers! You went to the Gala in that.  Yeah, you should totally wear that, it looks good on you.”
  167. “R-Really?”  She turned to the side, looking at herself.  “You really like it?”
  169. “Of course.  I don't know why you didn't just choose this one.”
  171. “But... I've already worn this before.”
  173. “Who cares about that?  You're comfortable in it, you look amazing, what more do you need?" “
  175. Her face darkened a deep blush, turning to the side with a smile.  “I guess I can wear this for tonight, if you think it looks good.”
  177. Anon chuckled, “Rarity's going to make a stink out of this when she finds out.”
  179. “I think it's some kind of faux-poo or whatever it is rewearing things for fashion?”
  181. “Something like that.  We just have to make sure you sneak the dress out so she can't argue with us.”
  183. She took the dress off, putting it back on the model.  “I'm so not wearing a dress out of here, I've got a copy back at my place.  Let's get out of here.”
  185. Anon looked around the heaps of clothing.  “So we’re leaving the mess for her to clean up?”
  186. “Yep.”
  188. “She's going to strangle us later on, I assume?”
  190. “Most definitely.”
  192. “Probably should leave before she can catch us in the act.”
  194. Sneaking out of the boutique, the two of them ran away from the place, gaining as much distance before Rarity saw how they trashed her place.
  196. “Glad that's done with.  You did seem pumped about this event that you have to wear a dress for.”
  198. “Why wouldn't I be?  The Wonderbolts are going to be there!  And think of all the food I'm going to eat tonight.”
  200. He looked surprised hearing that.  “It's tonight? I thought the event was a week long thing with fireworks going on this evening.”
  202. “The pegasi are setting up the festivities with the Wonderbolts, and only a few select ponies are given tickets to the event, like me.”
  204. Anon hummed, “That puts a damper on my plans.”
  206. “Why's that?”
  208. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out when the fireworks went off.”
  210. “...Really?”
  212. “I thought it'd be fun just the two of us watching the fireworks at our hangout spot, haven't seen them here before.”
  214. “Y-You were going to watch this at the park?” she squeaked out.
  216. He nodded his head.  “Over by the lake underneath the tree, the one I built that swing for you.  I figured the place would be dead with everyone else having their own parties so it'd give a nice place to watch them go off by ourselves.”
  218. Rainbow Dash stared at him like a deer in the headlights, trying to form words.  He knew she didn't want to hurt his feelings, wanting to go to the Wonderbolts. "It's fine, I know this thing means a lot to you so I'm not even going to bother you."
  220. “Uh... well, I-”
  222. “Ah crap,” Anon gasped out, “I forgot my book at Rarity's!  I've got to run and get that thing back before she sees the mess we left her.  I'll see you tomorrow Dash, enjoy the Wonderbolts!”
  224. He ran off before she could reply, hoping to sneak in and out before Rarity saw the mess they left her.
  227. A yawn escaped Anon, a bored expression settled on his face.  He passed the time at the park reading his book until it got dark, the light of the moon reflecting off the lake.  Sitting on a blanket with a basket of goods, he had been waiting for the fireworks to go off for some time.
  229. Finishing off his sandwich Anon laid down on the blanket, staring up at the stars.  “I didn't think it would take this long. Maybe I should check out someone else's party and hang there.”
  231. Something whizzed by overhead, landing nearby.  Leaning over he could see Rainbow Dash making her way toward him.  “Surprised to see you here. Is it already over?” She shook her head.  “Did something happen?”
  233. She scraped a hoof into the ground, looking aside.  “No, the party was fun but…”
  235. “Was the guy you were trying to impress turn out to be a flake?”  She froze at his words. “Sorry, but it was kind of obvious you were trying to impress someone at the party, a Wonderbolt I assumed.”
  237. Barely noticeable, her face turned red, unable to speak.  There was a moment of pause, Dash trying to regain her wits.  “Ah, um... He, he wasn't there at the party.”
  239. “Ouch, so the guy didn't even show,” said Anon, sitting up.  “I'm sorry to hear that. But why'd you bail the party? You could have still had some fun.”
  241. Her words came out soft, “It... would've been better if he was there.”  She moved forward, taking a seat by him. “I thought since you were already here, by yourself, alone, I'd ah... I'd come here and hang out with you.”
  243. He let out a groan.  “You've certainly got that right.  The fireworks are taking so long to get started.”
  245. She brought herself closer, pushing her body up against his; Anon gave her a questioning look.
  247. “It's c-cold okay?”
  249. “It's not a bother, really,” he replied, hugging an arm over her shoulder, a small squeak of surprise escaping her.  “There's some sandwiches if you're hungry.”
  251. “No,” said Dash, moving in closer, “I'm feeling fine right now.”
  253. The first spark of the night popped into the sky, an innumerable array of colors splashing above.  Lights played across the darkness, going off in patterns and large blasts that held their eyes.
  255. He leaned his head toward her, “I hope that guy didn't ruin your night.”
  257. Dash angled her head away.  “No. There's no way he could do that.  I just... wish he'd notice me better.”
  259. “I don't see how anyone couldn't notice you.”
  261. She let out a dry laugh, “He's amazingly dense.”
  263. “Maybe you should just be upfront with him on your feelings.  Or better yet, knock some sense into him.”
  265. Looking at him, she watched her friend giving a sideways glance, sharing a smile that almost seemed to twinkle in her eyes, before turning back toward the fireworks.  
  267. She held her heart, looking at the fireworks, unable to take his advice.  “Yeah, maybe I'll do that... someday.”
  270. ~End~
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