

Mar 5th, 2014
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  1. # Welcome to configuring PrisonRankup, I will be here to guide you through this config setup
  2. # First let me introduce myself, I am Mazen. I consider myself an expert in configuring Plugins and YAML configs and the average Java Developer.
  3. # First thing I want you to do is to set the prefix (What comes before the message) for the plugin to use. Keep the speech marks please to avoid errors.
  4. Prefix: '&a[&bPrison&6-&bRankup&a]'
  5. Rankup BC Message: '&3%player% &6has ranked up to &3%rank%'
  6. groups:
  7. default: 0
  8. b: 1500
  9. c: 5000
  10. d: 6039
  11. e: 7000
  12. f: 9000
  13. g: 10000
  14. h: 23767
  15. i: 48727
  16. j: 58647
  17. k: 79933
  18. l: 89734
  19. m: 95345
  20. n: 100000
  21. o: 302984
  22. p: 537373
  23. q: 678377
  24. r: 793745
  25. s: 973824
  26. t: 1000000
  27. u: 2877383
  28. v: 4372672
  29. w: 6947295
  30. x: 8907823
  31. y: 10000000
  32. z: 27673475
  33. free: 100000000
  34. First Rank: default
  35. Last Rank: free
  36. Highest Rank MSG: '&6 You are already the highest rank!'
  37. Timed Requirement: false
  38. Time Interval: 0.0
  39. Time type: Seconds
  40. Interval on all ranks: false
  41. Transfer ranks to profile: false
  42. users:
  43. SkeletonGamez:
  44. group: default
  45. CleaRWinDowS:
  46. group: default
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