
Cake before sodomy

Sep 29th, 2014
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  1. >You and Maud have been dating for one year, three months, two weeks and nine hours with thirty-five minutes
  2. >You've been thinking about propose her marriage, but you want to wait some time, like, other two years before doing anything that can affect the natural course of the life and future
  3. >Plus you haven't finish the 'Judgment-day machine' yet, so marriage has to wait anyway
  4. >Anyhow, Maud have asked you to come over to Sugarcube Corner at 5:35 PM for something 'special' she has prepared
  5. >You don't know what it is, but is spacial and you like spacial things
  6. >You check your watch to see if you are being late
  7. >5:34 and 39 secs
  8. >Humph, better get going, don't want to give a bad impression to the mare that gonna chain me down for a good part of my life and, if she hasn't change me for another male, die happily together
  9. >You open the gingerbread looking door of Sugarcube Corner
  10. >Instantly you are assaulted by the delicious smell of lucuma and chocolate
  11. >By the forgotten ones, you fucking love lucuma and chocolate
  12. >But there is something wrong here, Pinkie Pie or the Cakes never, for some oddly reason. make lucuma and chocolate cakes
  13. >Panic creeps inside you
  14. >They have fund you
  15. >You take out your pocket sized carabine and head towards the kitchen door
  16. >You hear a seething sound and the sound of hooves moving around
  17. >Oh mine Führer! They have come for me in disguise
  18. >Without thinking it twice, you kick open the door
  19. >But instead of finding someone of the fabric, you found your lovely marefriend standing there, close to the stove and some pans
  20. >She turn around
  21. >Her always dead eyes seems to warm up at the moment she see you
  22. >"Anonymous. You scare me", she say in her normal deadpan tone
  23. >You put down your carabine and look around the room
  24. "Maud? What are you doing here?"
  25. >"I was preparing your favorite cake, 'Temptation of lucuma'"
  26. "Oh? Really? Well, I don't know what to say", you bend down and hug her, "Thank you Maud"
  27. >She hugs you back
  28. >After a moment, she breaks the hug
  29. >"But there is a little inconvenience"
  30. "An inconvenience?"
  31. >"Yes, I seem to be lacking an ingredient to make the cake"
  32. "Well, tell me what it is and I can get it for you"
  33. >"Milk"
  34. >What?
  35. >You look around the kitchen
  36. >You spot a carton of milk right there on the table where she has made the cake dough
  37. "There is a carton of milk over there", you point with your finger to the table
  38. >"No there isn't", she say without looking at the table
  39. "Yes there is, just look where I'm pointing you"
  40. >She turns her head towards the table and then back at you
  41. >"I didn't see anything, Anonymous"
  42. >You sigh and walk over to the table
  43. >You grab the carton and walk back to Maud
  44. >She grabs it
  45. "See? Here is the milk. Now we can make the cake"
  46. >She looks at you for a moment, then walk to the table and take out a little can out from under the table
  47. >She pours a liquid over the cartoon of milk and then set it on fire
  48. >You watch in awe as you see the milk being consume for the flames
  49. >Maud turn back at you
  50. >"See? There is no milk, Anonymous"
  51. >You scratch the back of your head before shrugging
  52. "I guess I can't argue with that"
  53. >You walk out of the kitchen
  54. >"Were are you going?", her voice stop you
  55. >You turn your head to her
  56. "I'm going to buy some milk?"
  57. >She shook her head and walks out of the kitchen
  58. >She makes you a sign to follow her
  59. >You raise an eyebrow at this
  60. >Could it be that Maud is allied with some of my enemies and now she is luring me to a perfect trap?
  61. >Nah, Maud loves, for now, too much to do that
  62. >You follow her through a hallway, not so sure where she is taking you
  63. >Finally, Maud stop before a blue door
  64. >"This is the supply room", she say flatly, before opening the door
  65. >Maud turn on the light before stepping inside
  66. >You look around the room
  67. >There is nothing inside, save for you, Maud and a weird machine, like the one Applejack use to milk her cows
  68. >You look at Maud confused
  69. "Is empty"
  70. >"No, is not"
  71. "Yes it is"
  72. >"We are here, isn't it?"
  73. "Yes, so?"
  74. >"Is not empty"
  75. >You blink a few times
  76. "I guess so. But still there is nothing here except you, me and that weird milking machine"
  77. >She blinks softly and walk over the machine
  78. >She then start taking her frock off
  79. "Wait Maud! You know we can't have sex till we are married!", you say while covering your eyes
  80. >"I know Anonymous and I hate it, but we are not here for sex"
  81. >You uncover your eyes, but then quickly cover them again when you see Maud sitting on her haunches and displaying her breast to you
  82. "So, if we are not here for sex, then why do you take off your frock and are flashing me your juicy teats?"
  83. >You lick your lips
  84. >Man, this room become more hotter out of the sudden
  85. >"Because we need milk to make the cake"
  86. >You uncover your eyes again and look at her
  87. >Penis slowly began to raise, but you block his advance with images of your grotesque birth
  88. >Penis is successfully kill
  89. "It wouldn't be more easier to go to the store and buy a new carton of milk?"
  90. >"Why are you so complicate, Anonymous?"
  91. "Because I'm a scientific, we are paid in base on how stupidly complicate we make thing seems"
  92. >She blink softly again
  93. "Anyhow, how are we gonna get milk? Last time I check you weren't a cow"
  94. >You ponder this for a moment
  95. "Or maybe you are"
  96. >"Are you calling me fat, Anonymous?"
  97. "In a way, yes"
  98. >She sigh
  99. >She grab the milking machine behind her and hold it in front of you
  100. >You look at the object
  101. "What?"
  102. >"Is a milk extractor"
  103. "And why are you showing it to me?"
  104. >"Because you are gonna use it"
  105. >You blush
  106. "Oh...uhm..well...", you rub your right arm and look at the floor, "I-I didn't know you wanted that kind of milk"
  107. >"That's not what I mean, Anonymous"
  108. >You look at her back again
  109. "No?"
  110. >"No, you are gonna use it on me"
  111. >You blink a few times
  112. >"I been lactating for some days now, I think is because my estrus is coming"
  113. >You rub your chin for a moment
  114. "But that's not how estrus work"
  115. >"I'm aware of that, but with me and my sisters is different"
  116. "Different? How?"
  117. >"Every time estrus season is coming, me and my sisters began to lactate for a couple of day, that's why in our house, milk never runs out and we have strong bones"
  118. >Huh, maybe marrying her is a good idea after all
  119. "All right then. Lay on you back"
  120. >She nods and do as you say
  121. >She lay there with her back legs open
  122. >You can see everything, her two swollen grey teats, her puckered anus and tight vagina, both colored black accenting her gray coat
  123. >Truly a sight to behold
  124. >"Is there something wrong, Anonymous?", she say, her cheeks a little rosy
  125. "No, I was just admiring the beauty of your genitals and teats"
  126. >Her blush deepens
  127. >You grab on of the suction cups of the machine and place it on her left teat
  128. >She moans softly as you do this
  129. >You do the same with her right teat
  130. >Again, same reaction
  131. "You ready Maud?"
  132. >She nods
  133. >You turn on the machine and watch it suck the milk out of her engorged teats
  134. >For a time you see one of the bottle of them machine being full with milk
  135. >After a time, you have two bottles of milk, then three, then four, until you got around seven bottles
  136. "I think this is enough, don't you think Maud?"
  137. >"N-no...", she say in a whisper, almost like a tiny squeak
  138. >Huh?
  139. >"M-more please... it feels so good"
  140. >You shrug
  141. >Well, if she likes this, who I am to deny her pleasure
  142. >You stay in the supply room with Maud for some time
  143. >But then....
  144. >Curiosity began to creep inside your head
  145. >You see your lovely marefriend's teats being milked
  146. >Your mouth began to water
  147. >You repeat yourself over and over 'No. Maud is not for sexual yet'
  148. >But her juicy teats in front of you make it difficult for you to contain
  149. >"Go on"
  150. >Your attention is broken by the voice of Maud
  151. "What?"
  152. >"Go on. I know you want to taste my milk"
  153. "I'm not sure...wouldn't be this sexual?"
  154. >"Are you gonna fornicate with my teats?"
  155. "I would love to", you bite your lips as you see her teats being sucked by the machine, "But I'm not sure"
  157. >"My love#, she began softly, "
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