
DeathEnhanced is mad

Aug 25th, 2011
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  1. [20:19] == ReubenMcHawk [webchat@] has joined #aos.drama
  2. [20:20] == DeathEnhanced [webchat@] has joined #aos.drama
  3. [20:20] <DeathEnhanced> *drum roll please*
  4. [20:20] <ReubenMcHawk> You want this just us, or can I bring some of my friends?
  5. [20:20] <DeathEnhanced> *al lil bras in the back as well*
  6. [20:20] <DeathEnhanced> bring them is you want, its a free intenret
  7. [20:21] <DeathEnhanced> *dim the lgihts, scented candles or is that to gay* ?
  8. [20:21] <ReubenMcHawk> I don't care. So what is it you wanted to discuss?
  9. [20:22] <DeathEnhanced> i didnt, just thought id be here in case you wanted to ask/say/blarg anytrhing
  10. [20:22] <DeathEnhanced> you had a lot on your mind last time
  11. [20:22] <DeathEnhanced> im sure we couldent have covered it all
  12. [20:23] <ReubenMcHawk> First, I find it hilarious that you linked one of my logs in that post that was supposedly "discrediting" me.
  13. [20:24] <DeathEnhanced> Did i ever say i was trying to discredit you? did i even insinute that?
  14. [20:25] <ReubenMcHawk> "Look like hes been editing out parts of the"private" convo he wanted to have."
  15. [20:26] <ReubenMcHawk> Implying that I doctored chat logs sure seems discrediting
  16. [20:26] <DeathEnhanced> read this, then read the post by priok,
  17. [20:26] <DeathEnhanced> satasfied? i am
  18. [20:27] <DeathEnhanced> @reuben it was statement of fact tho? you had removed certain parts of it, in your head you ee that as somthing else? in which case i apologise for the misconception
  19. [20:27] <ReubenMcHawk> What parts did I remove? I copied and pasted it directly from the channel.
  20. [20:28] <DeathEnhanced> ^ did you read my link
  21. [20:29] <ReubenMcHawk> I did, and I just replied. But I don't see where I edited any IRC logs.
  22. [20:30] <DeathEnhanced> are we in agrrement or not reuben?
  23. [20:31] <ReubenMcHawk> Why do you keep stepping around my questions? Is it perhaps because you have no proof of any log editing?
  24. [20:31] <DeathEnhanced> sure, why not.
  25. [20:31] <DeathEnhanced> but are we in agreement?
  26. [20:32] <ReubenMcHawk> Not yet. I still have some questions. And how about we keep these 2 conversations separate?
  27. [20:33] <DeathEnhanced> "not yet" - i have nothing of worth more to discus with you
  28. [20:33] <DeathEnhanced> oh and yes ill keep it privi if you do
  29. [20:34] <ReubenMcHawk> Not as in "we don't speak of this", as in "keep thread talk in the thread, and not here". And I have some things to ask you about.
  30. [20:34] <DeathEnhanced> words are free, ask away
  31. [20:35] <ReubenMcHawk> First off, what did you think you would gain by accusing me of editing IRC logs? And did you realize that you had linked one made by me in that same post?
  32. [20:35] <DeathEnhanced> ^ i read it and i didnt see the PM ones, like the part you said you WERE a dick, you left it out
  33. [20:35] <DeathEnhanced> satisfied? next question
  34. [20:37] <ReubenMcHawk> Hmm, nope. According to Google Chrome, I mentioned the word "dick" 6 times in both pastes. Not to mention the fact that mine is actually bigger than yours.
  35. [20:38] <DeathEnhanced> yup
  36. [20:38] <DeathEnhanced> now are we in agreement?
  37. [20:39] <ReubenMcHawk> Still have questions, hold your horses.
  38. [20:39] <ReubenMcHawk> My main one is, why? Why, after all of this "ignoring" and disregarding and whining over my "trolling", do you suddenly want to make peace with me?
  39. [20:40] <DeathEnhanced> priok suggested it, i agreed, its eiaser then seeing you making posts on al my threads
  40. [20:40] <DeathEnhanced> id rather i never have to see your pposts again
  41. [20:41] <ReubenMcHawk> Again with this ownership thing. You made a post on the Hall of Fame thread I made, should I be mad about that?
  42. [20:42] <ReubenMcHawk> And to be honest, this all just seems like you're trying to be the bigger man in everyone's eyes, by stepping down and trying to reason with the big, bad troll.
  43. [20:42] <DeathEnhanced> how does this sound, from now on, dont post on my threads dont talk to me in IRC, and ill do the same
  44. [20:42] <DeathEnhanced> are we in agreement?
  45. [20:43] <ReubenMcHawk> What do I gain from this?
  46. [20:43] <DeathEnhanced> what do you lose?
  47. [20:44] <ReubenMcHawk> I lose access to certain topics I can post in. Well, I'm not really forbidden to do so, but I'm not "supposed" to.
  48. [20:45] <DeathEnhanced> well how about this, dont talk to me in IRC, you feel free to post on threads i make but not in rpely to me, or about anytihng i wirte, you talk to other ppl in the thread about toehrs posts
  49. [20:45] <DeathEnhanced> and i do the same
  50. [20:45] <DeathEnhanced> does that sound better?
  51. [20:46] <ReubenMcHawk> Nah, still sounds pretty restricting to me. It seems to me like you're just upset that I disagree with your opinions and views, and are trying to shut me up.
  52. [20:46] <DeathEnhanced> ^ okay then, sure, that. now are you going to just leave me bo now? and ill leave you be?
  53. [20:47] <DeathEnhanced> be* leave me be*
  54. [20:47] <ReubenMcHawk> Leave you be? Well, someone's the victim.
  55. [20:48] <DeathEnhanced> dude, this is going nowhere. Can you just leave me alone? or is that to much for you to be capable off?
  56. [20:49] <DeathEnhanced> here look, you get to feel all big and powerful "ohh reuben ium soo sorry, you actauly soo amazxing and i envy your life so bad D::" there, you happy?
  57. [20:50] <ReubenMcHawk> You really think I care about you? All your posts have done to me is give me something to laugh about with my friends. And not just my RoT friends. I've showed some of my RL friends the forums, and they agree with me that you suck. And now you're trying to play me off as someone who wants an apology? Nope.
  58. [20:51] <DeathEnhanced> look im in a hurry here, oyu can screen cap it AFTER im gon
  59. [20:51] <DeathEnhanced> okay then, your abosltly right and i suck, are wew finished?
  60. [20:52] <ReubenMcHawk> I couldn't care less what you want. How about you post wherever the Hell you want, and I post wherever the Hell I want on the forums, where we are both equal members?
  61. [20:53] <DeathEnhanced> so your just going to continue coming onto threads of mine regardless of waht there about and keept trolling me, getting your freinds to troll me?
  62. [20:53] <DeathEnhanced> doing that to my posts on other threads
  63. [20:54] <DeathEnhanced> doing it to my clan memebrs
  64. [20:54] <ReubenMcHawk> Again, "troll" doesn't mean disagree. And the forum's not that big of a place, I post on topics where you have all the time.
  65. [20:54] <ReubenMcHawk> And I don't hate all of your clan. Frosty's a pretty cool guy.
  66. [20:55] <DeathEnhanced> so all this shotstorm and everything, is just you "opinion" you say you show picturres and message sby me to PPL in RL to "express your opinion" are you kidding me>?
  67. [20:56] <ReubenMcHawk> Not explicitly just yours. I showed them to 2 of my friends who I also showed AoS to, and the forums, and they saw your posts on their own.
  68. [20:56] <DeathEnhanced> you just admitted to saving and distributing images of aminor? i really woulden tdo that if i were you
  69. [20:57] <DeathEnhanced> a minor*
  70. [20:57] <DeathEnhanced> im not jking, thats an actaul federal offence (all distaste for yuo aside) dont do that
  71. [20:57] <ReubenMcHawk> Images? What are you even talking about? The only "image" I could think of is your Facebook picture, which I didn't save, and any videos of you on YouTube, which I'm pretty sure are public.
  72. [20:58] <ReubenMcHawk> I'm referring to the chat logs.
  73. [20:58] <DeathEnhanced> no, youtube doesnt have a leicence agreemtn that covers third party distribution, read what im about to find, SLAYER got an erntire thread eleted by mods becuase he posted a pic fof me
  74. [20:58] <DeathEnhanced> a screencap form youtube, still a pic
  75. [20:58] <ReubenMcHawk> Cool, but again, I don't have any pics of you saved.
  76. [20:59] <DeathEnhanced> read this:
  77. [20:59] <DeathEnhanced> im just trying to explain to you not to do that anywhere or to anyone
  78. [20:59] <DeathEnhanced> thats real serious shit to land in
  79. [21:00] <ReubenMcHawk> Okay, cool. That law seems kind of ridiculous to me, but still. All I've saved referring to you are chat logs.
  80. [21:01] <DeathEnhanced> awrightg ood, just checkin. i had it happen to a freind of mine and its really not funny, the offender ended up going to prison for 3 years from what i understand
  81. [21:02] == ReubenMcHawk_ [webchat@] has joined #aos.drama
  82. [21:02] <ReubenMcHawk_> Sorry, pinged out.
  83. [21:02] <DeathEnhanced> yah
  84. [21:02] <DeathEnhanced> Dw
  85. [21:03] <ReubenMcHawk_> Anyways, sucks for your friend, but I don't give 2 dicks about you or any of that other shit. What's next, gonna try and have me arrested for "cyber-bullying"?
  86. [21:04] <DeathEnhanced> well dude, its like 4 in th morning for, so in conclusion: i literaly have nothing aginst you, do what you want, just know that you "choose to do it" i had no part in "goading you or making you" everything you do from now on "is down to your own vindictive nature"
  87. [21:04] <ReubenMcHawk_> Cool. So no more "ignoring"?
  88. [21:05] <DeathEnhanced> no, ill still ignore you oposts, i was hoping youd agree to mee tme halfway here, but you didnt, so form now oni ll be ignoring your IRC chat and any emails you send me to
  89. [21:06] <ReubenMcHawk_> And by "ignore", you mean post about not reading it, then complain in IRC about it?
  90. [21:06] == ReubenMcHawk [webchat@] has quit [Ping timeout]
  91. [21:06] <DeathEnhanced> i was calling a turce and you ignore dit, so.....its all up to you now, im not going to even read anythng you try to contact me with or post, so do whatever you like
  92. [21:06] <DeathEnhanced> im not going to read it
  93. [21:07] <DeathEnhanced> ill only bother if i get another email and this time its about you comminting an actaul crime, then ill tkase an intrest and read it
  94. [21:07] <ReubenMcHawk_> And you're gonna say *Reuben post ignored* like usual? Because that honestly just goads me on.
  95. [21:07] <DeathEnhanced> ^ "ill post what i like" - quote from reuben
  96. [21:07] <DeathEnhanced> i have a question
  97. [21:07] <DeathEnhanced> youve aske dlots, iv answered truthly answe rmine
  98. [21:08] <ReubenMcHawk_> Okay, ask.
  99. [21:08] <DeathEnhanced> what is you actaul age
  100. [21:08] <ReubenMcHawk_> 16, turning 17 in November.
  101. [21:08] <DeathEnhanced> july or somthing like that wasnt it/
  102. [21:08] <DeathEnhanced> you Bday
  103. [21:09] <ReubenMcHawk_> Nope. November 8th. No idea where July came from.
  104. [21:09] <DeathEnhanced> okay confused with sumone else
  105. [21:09] <ReubenMcHawk_> Kay. Anything else?
  106. [21:09] <DeathEnhanced> well baiu, from me pressig enter i not going to ever have any vcontact with you again, have fun raging at empty space
  107. [21:09] <DeathEnhanced> bai
  108. [21:10] == DeathEnhanced [webchat@] has left #aos.drama []
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