
AiD 8 - Throw the dog a bone

Jan 2nd, 2013
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  1. >A crisp breeze ruffles your hair, as you watch the sun go down.
  2. >After a few songs, you had sent the young orange p0ny home and tried to relax under the little bridge you were taking shelter under.
  3. >The air feels surprisingly warm, but you’re certain that you’ve just become accustomed to the cold.
  4. >All the California heat from back home, coupled with the warmth of the underground tunnels...
  5. >You chuckle to yourself a bit, just a day or so ago you thought you were going to freeze to death because of a light sprinkling of snow.
  6. >Living in warm weather all your life has seriously spoiled you.
  7. >Though you’ve been up all day, you don’t feel especially tired, so you fiddle with your lute a bit more.
  8. >Always tuning these damn strings, what you wouldn’t do for a good old acoustic guitar.
  9. >The sky is dark now, and the sounds of p0nies milling about has quieted down almost entirely, but you’re wide awake.
  10. >It’s not that you’re hyper or anything, but you feel like you have a ton of energy to burn.
  11. >Like you could run a marathon, even though you kind of hate exercise.
  12. >And there’s still that strange buzzing in the air.
  13. >Maybe it’s magic, you think to yourself.
  14. >This unseen force that p0nies here seem to hold mastery over.
  15. >You lay down and try to will yourself to sleep anyways, staying as still as possible and keeping your mind blank.
  16. >Staring up at the bottom of a cobblestone bridge seems to help you relax, but the longer you try to get some sleep the less it seems to be working.
  18. >After several hours you still haven’t fallen asleep.
  19. >Now you’re feeling hungry and drained.
  20. >Your eyes feel dry, your mouth doubly so.
  21. >Running a hand through your hair finds it matted and tangled, oily from not having washed it yesterday.
  22. >With a sigh and a yawn you sit up and lean your back against the stone supports of the bridge.
  23. >You grab your lute and bring it up to your body.
  24. >Exhaustion is creeping up on you, but still you can’t find the comfort of rest, so you strum absentmindedly once more on your instrument.
  25. >With a sigh, you stand up and walk down to the small stream that runs under the bridge.
  26. >By Spring you’ll need to get a proper home you think to yourself, there won’t be any room under this bridge when the water level rises.
  27. >You splash your face and drink, hands tingling in pain as they touch the ice-cold water.
  28. >Returning to your spot at the base of the bridge, you sit back and wait.
  29. >Just as you feel yourself beginning to drift off, a light pierces your eyelids.
  30. >Looking up, you find the sun beginning to rise, heralding a new day.
  31. >God damnit.
  33. >Something needs to be done about your food problem.
  34. >Digging your hand into your pockets yields string and flint, but no seeds or berries.
  35. >Must have been thrown out when your clothes were laundered.
  36. >Standing up slowly, you try to think of possible sources of food.
  37. >You don’t want to be a mooch, but maybe you can just do what you did with the dogs.
  38. >Ask for grub and say you can work it off.
  39. >What was the name of that place Fluttershy took you yesterday... ...Sugarcube Corner?
  40. >Trying your best to retrace your steps, you slowly begin to make your way to where you recall the oversized gingerbread bakery was.
  41. >Might as well take your time, you don’t even know when they open.
  42. >Looking around, you take in the sights.
  43. >Squatty houses and colorful shops line the cobble streets.
  44. >P0nies are setting up shop, but there is very little traffic either on the streets or sidewalks at this time of day.
  45. >It’s still a bit odd to see these strange and alien creatures go about such normal lives and not giving any notice to you.
  46. >Sugarcube Corner comes into view, and your stomach growls again.
  47. >The entire building looks appetizing, it’s a clever marketing technique, you think to yourself.
  48. >It certainly looks open, so you push open the door tentatively and peek your head in.
  49. “Hello?”
  50. >After a quick look around the building your eyes meet with those of the pink p0ny standing behind the counter.
  52. >Her face lights up.
  53. >”Oh wow Anon, you’re here pretty early. Most p0nies aren’t even awake yet!”
  54. “Oh sorry,” you say, “does that mean you aren’t open yet? I could come back later.”
  55. >The p0ny scoffs.
  56. >You recall her name was Pinkie Pie, you were usually terrible with names but luckily p0ny names were pretty damn easy to remember.
  57. >”Of course we’re open, silly! Where would everyp0ny get their breakfast if we didn’t open early?
  58. >Makes sense, you think.
  59. >You step into the building, ducking to avoid knocking your head against the door frame.
  60. “That’s why I’m here actually, I didn’t know anywhere else I could get some breakfast and I was hungry.”
  61. >She beams hugely.
  62. >”Well you came to the right place! What’ll you have?”
  63. “Hold on Pinkie, first I need to tell you, I don’t have any money. I could work it off though, if that’s alright.”
  64. >”Oh don’t worry about that Anon, I got you covered. I couldn’t charge my newest friend!”
  65. >She speaks with unheard of amounts of energy, incredibly chipper despite the fact that it’s just after sunrise.
  66. >It puts you at ease, somehow.
  67. >As you smile, you resolve to try and get some sort of job as soon as possible so you can pay this mare back.
  68. >”Thanks a ton Pinkie. I’ll just have something light then, you can choose.”
  69. >A weariness from a night without sleep wracks your body, but you’re feeling pretty good right now.
  70. >Troubling thoughts are far from your mind, here in p0nyland you feel like you could just start over right now, fresh.
  72. >”Okay dokey lokey Anon, one Pinkie Pie breakfast coming up!”
  73. >She zips off into the kitchen, leaving you to your musings.
  74. >A quick look outside shows you more p0nies going about their lives in normalcy.
  75. >Before long you see a flash of pink in your peripheral vision heralding the return of Pinkie Pie, apparently your newest friend.
  76. >In a single swift motion, the table before you is laden with a mountain of sweets and pastries.
  77. >Strudels and danishes, croissants and rolls...
  78. >Clearly the word “light” must mean something different to this p0ny.
  79. “Uh... Pinkie. That’s quite a bit of food. Um... ...thanks?”
  80. >”Sure thing Anon!”
  81. >She trots off happily, humming to herself, and returns to her station behind the counter.
  82. >You dig in eagerly, everything is absolutely delicious, if a bit sweet for your tastes.
  83. >You laugh inwardly, in the dog tunnels you were a five star chef with your crude and simple barbecues.
  84. >Here in civilized p0nyville you’ve already found a p0ny better than any baker you’ve ever seen in your life.
  85. >Kind of humbling really.
  86. >Pinkie Pie speaks up again and you turn to face her.
  87. >”Oh Anon, before I forget, what flavor cake would you like?”
  88. >Your eyes widen, partially in exasperation and partially in confusion.
  89. “Are you kidding? I couldn’t possibly eat a cake after all this. Who eats cake for breakfast?”
  90. >She giggles.
  91. >”I meant for your PARTY, silly.”
  93. >You stop eating for the briefest of moments.
  94. “A party for me?”
  95. >”Well duh,” she says happily, “Your welcome-to-P0nyville-and-also-thanks-for-saving-those-fillies party!”
  96. >She might have mentioned something about this yesterday, you recall.
  97. “Oh well, something fruity I guess. You don’t need to make a big deal of it or anything.”
  98. >”But it IS a big deal, Anon! I always throw a welcome party for my new friends, and everyp0ny in town will be there!”
  99. >That’s a bit daunting, but a party sounds like fun.
  100. >You could really use the pick-me-up, and maybe you could use this as a way to network with the locals and find a job.
  101. “Alright then Pinkie, you win. When’s the party gonna be?”
  102. >”Just before sundown”
  103. >Choking on your food, you give a few quick coughs to clear your throat.
  104. >You can’t help but laugh, she must be messing with you.
  105. >If she’s really throwing a party for you the day after your arrival, there’s no way it’s going to be as big an affair as she just made it out to be.
  106. >A wave of relief spreads through your body, that takes a little bit of pressure off.
  107. >You weren’t entirely ready to hold yourself in front of a town full of alien p0ny things.
  108. ”Sure thing Pinkie, I’ll be sure to make it.”
  109. >She beams, and you finish your large, sweet breakfast.
  110. “Say, you wouldn’t know where I might be able to get some work would you?”
  111. >Adopting a thoughtful expression, Pinkie Pie moves a hoof to her chin.
  112. >It still bothers you how human their mannerisms can be.
  113. >”Hmmm, have you asked Twilight yet?”
  115. >You think back to yesterday, Rarity mentioned someone by this name.
  116. “Twilight Sparkle? We haven’t met yet. Where can I find her?”
  117. >Until further notice you’re just going to assume that everyone you meet in P0nytown is female, seems safe enough for now.
  118. >Pinkie does a little gasp, and zooms to the front of the shop, flipping the sign in the window from ‘open,’ to ‘closed.’
  119. >You watch with mild interest until she zooms over to you and manages to pull you to a standing position.
  120. >”Come on Anon, you HAVE to meet Twilight! She’s always trying to learn things about friendship, so what better way to learn about friendship than by making new friends!”
  121. “Woah Pinkie, what? Aren’t you working right now?”
  122. >”Oh the Cakes won’t mind if I step out for a minute.”
  123. >You laugh at her joke.
  124. >The pastries wouldn’t care, but you still worry that her employers might.
  125. >Still, she probably knows what she’s doing, this mare seems to be less scatterbrained than she tends to let on.
  126. “Okay then, lead the way.”
  127. >The pink p0ny hops through town as you follow close behind.
  128. >As you look around you see p0nies scurrying to and fro doing their shopping and taking care of errands.
  129. >The two of you stop in front of an enormous, gnarled old tree, that seems to have been repurposed as a house.
  130. >Having seen giant sequoias back in Cali, you aren’t so much impressed with how large the tree is, in fact considering the width of its trunk it’s very short.
  131. >No, what impresses you is how the tree seems to have been hollowed out and still manages not only to survive, but thrive.
  132. >It’s covered in leaves, vibrantly green, despite the orange and red hues on most other trees in town.
  134. >Pinkie Pie trots up to the door and knocks a few times, after a short pause it’s answered.
  135. >The door swings open to reveal a purple p0ny, a unicorn like Rarity.
  136. >Your eyes focus in on her hair, straight black, neatly trimmed bangs, and a pink highlight running through both her mane and her tail.
  137. >Suddenly you wonder whether or not p0nies here get their hair done at salons.
  138. >Twilight greets her friend first.
  139. >”Hello Pinkie Pie, what brings you...”
  140. >Her eyes find your legs, and trace their way up to your face.
  141. >For some reason she cringes, then buries her face in a hoof with an exaggerated sigh.
  142. >”Pinkie Pie...” she whispers, then she addresses you, “Come on in, I’m sure I have a spell that can fix your face.”
  143. >By now, your response is almost instinctive.
  144. “I’m not a shaved minotaur.”
  145. >She looks again, eyes panning up and down before resting on your vest and collar.
  146. >She opens her mouth again, but you cut her off.
  147. “I’m not a diamond dog either, I’m a human. I’m from a different dimension. I think.”
  148. >Pinkie Pie takes it upon herself to help.
  149. >”Yep, he’s the one who saved Sweetiebelle and fought off the manticore. He says he’s looking for work!”
  150. >The purple unicorn surveys you with marked interest for a bit before responding.
  151. >”I’m sure we can find you something, I know for a fact that Mister Breezy will need some help moving boxes next week, but we’ll see what we can do to find you more permanent work.”
  152. >These p0nies are incredibly accommodating, you think to yourself.
  154. >”For now why don’t you come on in and tell me about yourself? I’ve never encountered a trans-dimensional being before.”
  155. >A day of relaxing in a treehouse sounds enticing, but you’re a little worried about having to mooch off of p0nies for the next week and landing in debt.
  156. “I’m sorry Twilight, but I really need to scrape together some money first. I don’t really want to keep relying on everybody’s kindness forever.”
  157. >As you speak, the little purple p0ny has levitated a notepad in front of her face and has begun to take notes.
  158. >”Oh, well I could pay you for your time if that’s the case. I might not be able to pay much, but it will take time to find you work anyways. Please Mister human?”
  159. >She adopts an adorable look of anticipation, a curious hunger for knowledge dancing in her enormous eyes.
  160. >This almost seems too good to be true, but you should probably take this offer.
  161. >Certainly sounds better than doing dishes for your next meal.
  162. >In fact, that gives you an idea.
  163. “Throw in some lunch and I’ll do it.”
  164. >You turn around to thank Pinkie for introducing the two of you only to find the space next to you is empty, save for a note.
  165. >Picking it up, it simply says that she had to leave to set up your party.
  166. >Noticing your confusion, Twilight speaks again with a sigh.
  167. >”That’s Pinkie Pie all right. Don’t worry, she can be a little... ...unpredictable like that. Now follow me, I’ve got so much I’d like to ask you about.”
  168. >You wonder briefly if non-unicorn, non-flying p0nies like Pinkie Pie can secretly do magic too as you duck into the low doorway.
  170. >By the time Twilight lets you go for the day you can see the sun is getting low in the sky.
  171. >You mostly told her about how you got to this world, and everything that’s happened to you since.
  172. >Leaving out quite a few things that may or may not have happened when you were staying with the dogs that you don’t really want to think about of course.
  173. >She was enthralled, to say the least.
  174. >It was interesting to note that her house doubled as a library, you liked to read so now knew where to go if you ever needed a distraction.
  175. >Lunch was pretty interesting as well, the bookish p0ny made you a sandwich.
  176. >It was good but a tad bitter, upon investigation you discovered a dandelion was the culprit.
  177. >At first you considered taking it out, but after eating so many pine nuts and berries in the forest you decided it wasn’t that huge a deal.
  178. >With a pocket full of gold coins and a newfound spring in your step, you hurry along to the bakery for your party.
  179. >Clouds have rolled in, Dash’s weather forecast from yesterday seems to be holding true.
  180. >Despite your brisk pace, by the time you make it to the oversized gingerbread establishment the sun has set.
  181. >Again you’re surprised at how fast night and day seem to change places.
  182. >Your internal clock must be on the fritz.
  183. >The building is quiet as you approach, you open the door.
  185. >A cacophony of noises assault your ears, lights blind you and p0nies fill the room.
  186. >”SURPRISE!”
  187. >A face full of confetti causes you to sneeze
  188. >Recovering, you see that the entire bakery is decorated, streamers and banners line the ceiling and walls.
  189. >Balloons of all shapes and sizes float around listlessly, tables are buried under foods of all kinds.
  190. >It’s a wonder that Pinkie Pie could have managed to transform the bakery in such a short amount of time, you definitely suspect magic this time.
  191. >Speak of the devil, the party p0ny herself stands before you upon two legs, forelegs open wide and a smile on her face.
  192. >The size of the party is staggering, almost daunting, but you smile in spite of yourself.
  193. “Can’t really call it a surprise party when we talked about it over breakfast, but thanks Pinkie, this is amazing.”
  194. >”Silly Anon, the fact that it was a surprise party WAS the surprise!”
  195. >You give a genuine laugh and make your way to the food, ruffling Pinkie’s mane as you walk past.
  196. >As you eat you make some conversation with the p0nies nearby.
  197. >True to her word, it really seems like Pinkie managed to get every p0ny in town to show up.
  198. >Even Twilight is here, despite the fact that she saw you off at the library.
  199. >She must have teleported or some shit, you don’t want to read too much into this if you don’t have to.
  200. >It’s surprising how easy it is to talk with these p0nies.
  201. >Even though the dogs in the caves were friendly they didn’t like to speak much, but the citizens of p0nyville are another story entirely.
  203. >You introduce yourself to various p0nies, point out that you aren’t a minotaur, and ask around about jobs.
  204. >One p0ny eventually asks about the lute strung across your back, so you decide to play her a quick song.
  205. >Seeing p0nies across the room dancing to a record player, you decide on Bowie’s ‘Let’s Dance.’
  207. >The longer you play, the more you notice the hubbub around you dying down.
  208. >Eventually the song winds down and you become suddenly aware that the record player has stopped, and chatter has all but vanished.
  209. >Your fingers stumble on the last few chords, you feel as if you’re suddenly on the spot and you finish the song rather weakly.
  210. >Regardless, the room erupts in cheers and applause, p0nies bringing their hooves together and stomping on the floor.
  211. >You blink, and somehow Pinkie is standing in front of you, talking her head off.
  212. >”Wowie Anon you’re really good at that, is that a human song? Where’d you learn to play? Couldyouplayanotherhumansong? Howcomeyouholdyourluteli-”
  213. >Wordlessly you silence her by covering her mouth with your hand, she continues to speak anyways.
  214. “Pinkie”
  215. >”Mmph?” is her response.
  216. “I can’t understand a word you say when you talk like that, but yeah, I think I can play a little something for you.”
  217. >All eyes on you, you give a last tweak to the strings and make sure they’re in tune, then stand up.
  218. >You calm yourself, you’ve done this plenty of times for the dogs, this is no different.
  220. >These p0nies want a song, you’re going to give them one.
  221. >Dancing is still on your mind, so you’ve got a good one.
  222. >’Dance, Magic Dance’ from Labyrinth, back home you even came up with tabs for your own arrangement to this one.
  223. >You clear your throat, and play.
  225. >Playing up the crowd, you’re surprised to hear p0nies pick up on the call and response, many joining in for the crowd’s part the second time around singing the chorus.
  226. >Again, the party explodes with noise, p0nies all over the room celebrating as the song ends.
  227. >The whole experience was uncanny, unreal, and yet the p0nies are already past it.
  228. >They picked up and helped sing an entirely alien song on their first hearing, and they sang it WELL.
  229. >Saying you need to take a break from singing for a bit you walk over to where you see Fluttershy and Rarity chatting, you’ve been meaning to thank them both properly for their help.
  230. >You cut a path towards the pair, snaking through the mass of waist high equines.
  231. >It’s like walking through a claw game.
  232. >As you walk past a window, your eyes are drawn to a bit of movement outside.
  233. >It’s snowing.
  234. >Shit, you’re going to need to rebuild your tent.
  235. >There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach.
  236. >Tonight won’t be fun.
  238. End Chapter 8 - Throw the dog a bone
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