
philosophical toilet paper bondage ahhh

Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. High Arbiter: ok 
  2. High Arbiter: SagequoiaAAAHHHHH
  3. High Arbiter: somewhere between the sacred silence and AHH
  4. High Arbiter: DISORDER
  5. High Arbiter: 
  6. High Arbiter: I made banana tea
  7. cyberdunce: h0w
  8. cyberdunce: where buy
  9. High Arbiter: I did not buy it
  10. High Arbiter: it was there
  11. High Arbiter: so I prepared some water
  12. High Arbiter: and made it
  13. cyberdunce: no buy?
  14. cyberdunce: stealer
  15. High Arbiter: no
  16. High Arbiter: parents buy
  17. cyberdunce: steal from o w n p a r e n t s
  18. High Arbiter: no
  19. High Arbiter: I am god
  20. High Arbiter: I can take my resources
  21. High Arbiter: when I need them
  22. High Arbiter: and I took the banana tea
  23. High Arbiter: ahaha
  25. cyberdunce: not convinced
  26. ±GoodbyeBot: MyDadOwnsClubPenguin left Meteor Falls!
  27. High Arbiter: I took it away, cyberdunce
  28. High Arbiter: I took the last banana tea
  29. High Arbiter: I have decided
  30. High Arbiter: to take it and remove it from this world
  31. cyberdunce: turn it into pee
  32. cyberdunce: ?????????
  33. High Arbiter: flush it down the toilet
  34. cyberdunce: what a waste
  35. Kancer: oh noooo
  36. High Arbiter: and drink it again
  37. Kancer: 
  38. High Arbiter: from the toilet
  39. High Arbiter: then flush
  40. cyberdunce: not god but dog
  41. cyberdunce: apparently
  42. High Arbiter: flush your whole life
  43. High Arbiter: down the toilet
  44. High Arbiter: and drink it
  45. High Arbiter: ahhh
  46. [VP]Max: ahhh
  47. High Arbiter: drink it til the last breath
  48. cyberdunce: ahhh? that is the ahhh of hot beverage
  49. cyberdunce: max steal tea
  50. High Arbiter: he took it two many times
  51. cyberdunce: max steal tea from someone else's parents
  52. cyberdunce: max how could
  53. cyberdunce: ???
  54. High Arbiter: mm
  55. High Arbiter: MAXWELL
  56. cyberdunce: maximillion
  57. cyberdunce: pls
  58. High Arbiter: life is
  59. High Arbiter: a waterfall max
  60. cyberdunce: life is
  61. cyberdunce: an anticlimax
  62. High Arbiter: life is OHMG
  63. High Arbiter: I SEE WHAT U DID THERE
  64. High Arbiter: LOL
  65. cyberdunce: hyuck
  66. High Arbiter: life is
  67. High Arbiter: a stick
  68. High Arbiter: a thin stick ready to
  69. High Arbiter: break into many sticks
  70. High Arbiter: flush them down the toilet
  71. cyberdunce: goodbye, sticks
  72. cyberdunce: so long
  73. High Arbiter: hold on
  74. High Arbiter: you forgot the toilet paper
  75. [VP]Max: RIP sticks
  76. High Arbiter: holy toilet paper
  77. High Arbiter: wrap me into
  78. High Arbiter: insanity
  79. High Arbiter: and flush
  80. cyberdunce: rip gg sanity
  81. High Arbiter: ahhh
  82. High Arbiter: can you feel it
  83. High Arbiter: the melody of truth
  84. High Arbiter: can you smell the colorful abyss
  85. cyberdunce: nothing more philosophical than toilet paper bondage
  86. High Arbiter: do you see the invisible
  87. High Arbiter: do you hear the shadew
  88. High Arbiter: AHHHHH
  89. ±WelcomeBot: IA joined Meteor Falls!
  90. High Arbiter: it takes one move
  91. High Arbiter: a click
  92. High Arbiter: the flush goes
  93. High Arbiter: you cannot escape
  94. High Arbiter: the toilet water is drowning your dreams
  95. High Arbiter: the paper is blocking your escape
  96. cyberdunce: swirling vortex is portal to heck
  97. High Arbiter: no please don't flush
  98. High Arbiter: said the little children
  99. High Arbiter: but it was too late
  100. High Arbiter: do not listen to
  101. High Arbiter: Adrift on celestial seas
  102. High Arbiter: 
  103. cyberdunce: i feel like a different person to have witnessed the telling of this story as it first happened
  104. cyberdunce: brb makING MY OWN TEA.
  105. High Arbiter: what kind of tea
  106. High Arbiter: the tea of life? How
  107. High Arbiter: how does it taste
  108. High Arbiter: first it's like a rainy day
  109. High Arbiter: it turns into a rainbow
  110. High Arbiter: and then the rainbow collapses
  111. High Arbiter: and all the people get painted
  112. High Arbiter: ahhh
  113. High Arbiter: everyone get it's own color
  114. High Arbiter: people try to color themselves
  115. High Arbiter: but they'll all
  116. High Arbiter: be like the color they are
  117. High Arbiter: for eternity
  118. High Arbiter: ahhh
  119. High Arbiter: are you trying to reach the rainbow
  120. High Arbiter: are we all trying
  121. High Arbiter: to reach the end
  122. High Arbiter: of our life
  123. High Arbiter: ahh
  124. cyberdunce: (20:52:43) High Arbiter: what kind of tea >wet.
  125. High Arbiter: philosophical toilet paper bondage,
  126. High Arbiter: buy my book
  127. High Arbiter: for only 24,99
  128. High Arbiter: it will change your life
  129. cyberdunce: i demand royalties
  130. High Arbiter: oh god
  131. High Arbiter: I shouldn't lag when drinking tea
  132. High Arbiter: lag
  133. High Arbiter: lough*
  134. High Arbiter: wtf
  135. High Arbiter: oomg
  136. cyberdunce: r u ok lil buddy
  137. High Arbiter: I'm so done
  138. High Arbiter: what the fuck is this tea
  139. High Arbiter: it does not taste like bananas
  140. Kancer: o
  141. cyberdunce: it's ok soon it'll just be pe
  142. cyberdunce: e
  143. High Arbiter: this isn't tee
  144. High Arbiter: 
  145. Kancer: I cried when the sticks were die 
  146. High Arbiter: sshhh shh
  147. High Arbiter: they're ok
  148. High Arbiter: I pulled them out
  149. Kancer: o okay 
  150. High Arbiter: we can burn them now
  151. High Arbiter: and smell their ashes
  152. Kancer: nooooo
  153. High Arbiter: let's inhale the ashes
  154. High Arbiter: ahh
  155. inhale: to breathe in, preferably weed smoke
  156. • to inhale weed smoke is to enjoy life
  157. cyberdunce: ahhh
  158. High Arbiter: toilet stick ashes
  159. High Arbiter: ahhhh
  160. High Arbiter: quick
  161. High Arbiter: get the toilet paper
  162. Kancer: ahhhhhh
  163. High Arbiter: AHHH
  164. cyberdunce: rattle me bones, rattle me bones
  165. cyberdunce: takedy will but don't rattle me bones.
  166. High Arbiter: no more water
  167. Kancer: o sounds hot 
  168. High Arbiter: no more rain
  169. High Arbiter: no more drowning
  170. High Arbiter: no more pain ahhh
  171. Kancer: ahhhhhh
  172. cyberdunce: i don't think you understant the object of the game is not to rattle the bones
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