
I Just Can't Wait To Be King (Retarded OS)

Apr 1st, 2013
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  1. >Day “missing member” in Equestria.
  2. >You had woken up to the murderous rays of Celestia’s morning sun, head pounding, penis missing.
  3. >Again.
  4. >Even though it was a handy feature some of the time, its convenience was outweighed by the sheer number of times it went missing.
  5. >Then again it had probably saved your ass during estrus, as you probably couldn’t have continued to outrun the batshit crazy mares without tossing your partner in crime over your shoulder as a peace offering.
  6. >But that was never happening again, considering the state it was returned in.
  7. >You grumble to yourself as you get out of bed, cursing your cock.
  8. >Tearing your room apart, you sadly confirm that it just isn’t there.
  9. >So much for this being an easy day.
  10. >You get dressed, making sure to don your padded pants, to give an air that all was good.
  11. >The only ponies who will find out about this are those who you HAVE to talk to.
  12. >Stepping out into the harsh bright outside, was tough, as the cool darkness of your home beckoned you back.
  13. >First things first.
  14. >Pinkie Pie.
  15. >It was her rager last night that was responsible for your hung over state, and if there was anyone to start with, it’d be her.
  16. >A few minutes later, you step into Sugarcube Corner.
  17. “Hey Pinks! Can have a private word?”
  18. >“Sure Nonny!”
  19. >You roll your eyes at her pet name for you and she leads you into the basement.
  20. “Have you seen my dick?”
  21. >She levels you with a flat stare that clearly says “Who hasn’t?”
  22. >“Yeah I’ve seen it. Why? Did you wanna show me?”
  23. “No, I mean like last night. I.. uh…. lost it.”
  24. >“Oh, well I did see it…”
  25. “Pinkie?”
  26. > “rrti hs it,” she muttered
  27. “What?”
  28. >“Rarity has it.”
  29. >Cue close up.
  30. “Rarity!”
  32. >That mare has been the very bane of your existence ever since the ponies learned that you weren’t gonna eat them.
  33. >You weren’t quite a horsefucker yet (at least with your penis attached) and even if you were, she’d be the last one you’d give the Descartes.
  34. >Always trying to woo you by being a “lady,” and when that didn’t work, she pulled out all the stops.
  35. >On second thought, she was attractive for a mare, but you didn’t find try-hards appealing.
  36. >Besides, who has time for fashionistas when there’s apple ass to be bucked?
  37. >This line of thought carried you all the way to the Boutique.
  38. >Glancing around, you saw no one.
  39. >No one to come to your aid.
  40. >But every minute without your dick is a moment in hell.
  41. >You knock tentatively.
  42. >“Come innn!” a sing-songy voice calls.
  43. >You push open the door and step inside.
  44. >As you closed the door behind you, Rarity herself came trotting into view.
  45. >“Oh hello, Anonymous, darling. Do you want something?”
  46. “You know why I’m here, please don’t play these games.”
  47. >“I’m afraid I don’t follow…”
  48. “You. Have. My. Penis. Pinkie told me so. And I want it back.”
  49. >“Hmph! I never made her Pinkie Promise…” she mutters. “Well Anonymous, what’s yours is yours, and I shan’t keep it from you. You just have to get it.”
  50. >You didn’t like where this was going.
  51. “Get it?”
  52. >Without answering she turns and walks away, swaying her hips and swinging her tail from side to side.
  53. >This affords you a view of…
  54. >YOUR DICK.
  55. >IN HER ASS.
  56. >FACK.
  57. >She stops as you notice and lowers her head and chest to the ground, presenting herself.
  58. >It’s either you get your hands near Rarity, or go dickless.
  59. >A tough choice.
  60. >But you make it.
  61. >Being as tender as possible you pinch the clip end in your fingers and tug.
  62. >It holds fast.
  63. >You adjust your grip and pull again.
  64. >No dice.
  65. “Fuck. You’re in for it!”
  66. >Placing one foot on her plot, and grabbing as much as you can, not caring for brushing up against her ring, you pull with all of your might.
  67. >After a few seconds, nearly popping a blood vessel, your force exceeds the friction threshold, and the separation sends you both flying.
  68. >You fall on your ass.
  69. >She hits a wall and is now both unconscious and agape.
  70. >You sneak over to the door, and open it feeling a miniscule pang of guilt at leaving her, outweighed by your past experiences.
  71. >Outside, you turn around, bent on going home and cleaning your junk.
  72. >But you are met with a massive assembly of ponies, helmed by the princesses themselves.
  73. “What”
  74. >That’s all you can manage before the crowd erupts in applause and confetti.
  75. >“Our new king has arrived!!” Celestia announces.
  76. “What.”
  77. >“Have you never wondered why the highest ruling body in the land was the Princess?”
  78. “No.”
  79. >“Well, it’s because we didn’t have a king to marry, in order to become queens!” Luna exclaims. “Only he who was both strong enough of body and worthy enough of heart could remove a phallic object from Rarity’s ass can become king!!”
  80. >“That was her purpose!!” chipped Celestia.
  81. >You were then crowned the undisputed king of Equestria, and then took Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy and yes even Rarity (because it you felt it was partly her help that landed you the crown) to be your wives.
  82. >After many a sleepless night on the honeymoon, taking each night to test drive your wives a single thought occurred to you.
  83. “I could really use a NOS right now. I love those things.”
  84. >Today was an “I learned a lot about Equestrian politics” day.
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