
Lyra meets Byron

Aug 10th, 2015
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  1. [19:44] * snuffshotMartyr [SM] began pestering masterfulShooter [MS]
  2. [19:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Hello?
  3. [19:44] <masterfulShooter> ow fuck
  4. [19:44] <masterfulShooter> uh
  5. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> a new person what the fuck
  6. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> uh
  7. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> who are
  8. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> you?
  9. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> wait shit
  10. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> are you a person?
  11. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  12. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> i could
  13. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> assume so
  14. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> but
  15. [19:45] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm Lyra
  16. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> considering
  17. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> this game
  18. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> oh
  19. [19:45] <snuffshotMartyr> And yes, I am in fact a person
  20. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> i think
  21. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> i know who you are?
  22. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> maybe
  23. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> im not sure
  24. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> exactly
  25. [19:45] <masterfulShooter> this is
  26. [19:46] <masterfulShooter> this is byron
  27. [19:46] <snuffshotMartyr> I've heard the name before
  28. [19:46] <masterfulShooter> how about that i guess
  29. [19:46] <snuffshotMartyr> But I don't know you, not really
  30. [19:46] <masterfulShooter> same here?
  31. [19:46] <snuffshotMartyr> Now listen close, Byron
  32. [19:46] <masterfulShooter> huh?
  33. [19:46] <masterfulShooter> that was
  34. [19:46] <masterfulShooter> a tone shift
  35. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> fuckin hell
  36. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> what
  37. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm about to die. If I'm not, then everyone else IS
  38. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> oh
  39. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay?
  40. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> well
  41. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  42. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> its like
  43. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> everyone i meet is dying
  44. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Welcome to Sabath
  45. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> heh
  46. [19:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Now then
  47. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> you seem cool so far
  48. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  49. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> well
  50. [19:47] <masterfulShooter> i only have a couple people to
  51. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> go off at this point
  52. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> did you
  53. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> have like
  54. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> something important to say
  55. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> or
  56. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Sort of
  57. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> oh
  58. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> But not so much about Sabath
  59. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> well
  60. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> oh
  61. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> For the rest of this conversation, that game does not exist. Deal?
  62. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> uh
  63. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> sure
  64. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> cool?
  65. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Now then
  66. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Hi
  67. [19:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Where and when do you live?
  68. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> hey
  69. [19:48] <masterfulShooter> im from
  70. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> fuckin
  71. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> actually
  72. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> where
  73. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> do i live
  74. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> shit
  75. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> how do i not
  76. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> even
  77. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> know that
  78. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> god i was
  79. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> sigh
  80. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> uh
  81. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> at least i know that
  82. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> well shit uh
  83. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> when are you from
  84. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> because like
  85. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> relative to
  86. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> when your from
  87. [19:49] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm from 2015
  88. [19:49] <masterfulShooter> it would oh
  89. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> well then
  90. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> im from the future then
  91. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> hoorah
  92. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Cool
  93. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> and
  94. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> us-east?
  95. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> atleast
  96. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> i dont
  97. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> get out much
  98. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> or at all
  99. [19:50] <masterfulShooter> really
  100. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Heh, fair enough
  101. [19:50] <snuffshotMartyr> I can't give much specifics about my location either
  102. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> I usually move around the country with my Dad - his job means he needs to be all over the place
  103. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Geo-whatever. Something about earthquakes or tectonic plates, I think
  104. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> huh
  105. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> wow
  106. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> that seems
  107. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> better than what my dad does?
  108. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  109. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> he doesnt
  110. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> What's your dad do?
  111. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> do anything
  112. [19:51] <masterfulShooter> anymore
  113. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh
  114. [19:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Anymore?
  115. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> he was in the e-wars
  116. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> wait
  117. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> that didnt
  118. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> happen yet
  119. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> did it
  120. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> oh
  121. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> damn son
  122. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Alex has already told me a bit about those
  123. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> that was some shit
  124. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> he got like
  125. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> ptsd
  126. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> so
  127. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> he just
  128. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> sits around all day
  129. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Mm
  130. [19:52] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm sorry
  131. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> jumping at loud noises and stuff
  132. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> he got a fuckton of money though
  133. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> i used to really look up to him i guess
  134. [19:52] <masterfulShooter> but
  135. [19:53] <masterfulShooter> well
  136. [19:53] <masterfulShooter> nah
  137. [19:53] <masterfulShooter> its not really important
  138. [19:53] <masterfulShooter> anyway
  139. [19:53] <masterfulShooter> i guess i kept his legacy alive or something?
  140. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> That's good
  141. [19:53] <snuffshotMartyr> It's important not to forget what people have done, even after they change
  142. [19:54] <masterfulShooter> that was some deep shit lyra
  143. [19:54] <masterfulShooter> you should get that framed
  144. [19:54] <masterfulShooter> sadly im not
  145. [19:54] <masterfulShooter> the most
  146. [19:54] <masterfulShooter> poetic
  147. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Well
  148. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> What are you good at, then?
  149. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Gotta be something
  150. [19:55] <masterfulShooter> uh i'm pretty wicked at games of all kinds
  151. [19:55] <masterfulShooter> and
  152. [19:55] <masterfulShooter> like
  153. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Like video games or computer games?
  154. [19:55] <masterfulShooter> both
  155. [19:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Or tabletop?
  156. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> i never really
  157. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> did
  158. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> tabletop games
  159. [19:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Fair enough
  160. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> i dont even
  161. [19:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Seems a lot of people don't even
  162. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  163. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> i guess you have to have
  164. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> real friends
  165. [19:56] <masterfulShooter> or something like that
  166. [19:57] <masterfulShooter> fuck im usually not a bummer like this
  167. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Nah, Internet strangers works fine for me
  168. [19:57] <masterfulShooter> haha
  169. [19:57] <snuffshotMartyr> If you like, I might be able to get you in on a game?
  170. [19:57] <masterfulShooter> that would probably be framed under my picture
  171. [19:58] <masterfulShooter> i dont have
  172. [19:58] <masterfulShooter> any objections to that
  173. [19:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Awesome
  174. [19:58] <snuffshotMartyr> We play Thursday nights
  175. [19:58] <masterfulShooter> sorry if its weird that like
  176. [19:58] <masterfulShooter> what
  177. [19:58] <masterfulShooter> day is it
  178. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  179. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Let's say it's Monday
  180. [19:59] <masterfulShooter> okay then
  181. [19:59] <masterfulShooter> that sounds good
  182. [19:59] <masterfulShooter> sorry if i talk in
  183. [19:59] <masterfulShooter> these
  184. [19:59] <masterfulShooter> weird like
  185. [19:59] <masterfulShooter> word segments
  186. [19:59] <snuffshotMartyr> It's not a problem
  187. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Everyone's got their little typing quirks, right?
  188. [20:00] <masterfulShooter> i guess
  189. [20:00] <masterfulShooter> god i feel like such a fuckin bore right now
  190. [20:00] <masterfulShooter> usually im out giving pep talks to the people
  191. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh really?
  192. [20:00] <snuffshotMartyr> How's that work?
  193. [20:00] <masterfulShooter> who are all down and shit
  194. [20:01] <masterfulShooter> i mena
  195. [20:01] <masterfulShooter> mean
  196. [20:01] <masterfulShooter> usually okay
  197. [20:01] <masterfulShooter> uh
  198. [20:01] <masterfulShooter> so
  199. [20:01] <masterfulShooter> what do you do for fun
  200. [20:02] <snuffshotMartyr> I play tabletop games
  201. [20:02] <snuffshotMartyr> And read, and listen to my iPod
  202. [20:02] <snuffshotMartyr> And sometimes just surf the net to see what sort of stuff I can find
  203. [20:03] <snuffshotMartyr> What about you? There's got to be more than just "giving pep talks to the people"
  204. [20:03] <masterfulShooter> I mean
  205. [20:03] <masterfulShooter> i just
  206. [20:03] <masterfulShooter> play video games, make money, eat, and...that was really it i guess
  207. [20:03] <masterfulShooter> it was pretty sad if you look at it like that
  208. [20:03] <snuffshotMartyr> You have a job?
  209. [20:03] <masterfulShooter> haha no
  210. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> god no
  211. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> So... making money?
  212. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> make money by playing games
  213. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> its not
  214. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> really worth anything
  215. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> i guess its just
  216. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> a source of validation?
  217. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> god im getting fuckin deep now
  218. [20:04] <snuffshotMartyr> So you're one of those competitive players?
  219. [20:04] <masterfulShooter> yeah, i guess you could say that
  220. [20:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Cool
  221. [20:05] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't s'pose it'll be a game I might know?
  222. [20:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Or games, I guess?
  223. [20:05] <masterfulShooter> call of modern striketeam; counter warfare?
  224. [20:05] <masterfulShooter> probably not
  225. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Heh
  226. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> In my time, those are a bunch of separate games
  227. [20:06] <masterfulShooter> what
  228. [20:06] <masterfulShooter> that
  229. [20:06] <masterfulShooter> why
  230. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> I mean, they're all the same thing
  231. [20:06] <masterfulShooter> well then
  232. [20:06] <snuffshotMartyr> But separate
  233. [20:06] <masterfulShooter> i mean now we just buy a title really
  234. [20:07] <masterfulShooter> and then just buy dlc to fill it up
  235. [20:07] <masterfulShooter> its an empty bag i guess
  236. [20:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Haha
  237. [20:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Seriously?
  238. [20:07] <masterfulShooter> well yeah
  239. [20:07] <masterfulShooter> what do you mean?
  240. [20:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Well I mean, if you're talking megacorps, I guess it makes sense
  241. [20:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Needing to pay twice for the game
  242. [20:08] <snuffshotMartyr> It's this whole big issue here
  243. [20:08] <snuffshotMartyr> *now, I guess
  244. [20:08] <masterfulShooter> twice
  245. [20:08] <masterfulShooter> what
  246. [20:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Once for the game, once for the DLC
  247. [20:09] <masterfulShooter> try paying for everything as dlc
  248. [20:09] <masterfulShooter> its like
  249. [20:09] <masterfulShooter> you gotta get good with a pistol so you can buy another weapon
  250. [20:09] <masterfulShooter> but first you gotta buy hands so
  251. [20:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Haha
  252. [20:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Buy hands, eh?
  253. [20:10] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  254. [20:10] <masterfulShooter> you had to buy everything
  255. [20:10] <snuffshotMartyr> So are all PCs just like empty voids in space until that point?
  256. [20:10] <masterfulShooter> pretty much i guess
  257. [20:10] <masterfulShooter> i mena
  258. [20:10] <masterfulShooter> mean
  259. [20:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Because it seems to me an empty void could sneak around enemies pretty easily, really
  260. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> yeah but
  261. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> you dont have
  262. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> collision
  263. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> so you kinda just
  264. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> sink
  265. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> and you dont have textures either so
  266. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> you kinda just
  267. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> stare
  268. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> at
  269. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> the screen
  270. [20:11] <snuffshotMartyr> See
  271. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> until you hopefully bump into some other guy who doesnt have anything
  272. [20:11] <masterfulShooter> and then you flail about until one of you dies
  273. [20:12] <masterfulShooter> and then you hope to fuck he drops enough for you to buy the player head texture
  274. [20:12] <masterfulShooter> so you can at least see where the people are
  275. [20:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Do you need to pay to collect item drops too?
  276. [20:12] <masterfulShooter> how did you know?
  277. [20:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Call it a lucky guess
  278. [20:13] <snuffshotMartyr> :P
  279. [20:13] <masterfulShooter> well past times were crazy as hell
  280. [20:13] <masterfulShooter> what the hell are these fuckin
  281. [20:13] <masterfulShooter> pills
  282. [20:13] <masterfulShooter> like
  283. [20:13] <masterfulShooter> why
  284. [20:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Pills?
  285. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  286. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> we dont have pills
  287. [20:14] <snuffshotMartyr> You mean as in medicine?
  288. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> yes
  289. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> hell
  290. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> i almost choked on a painkiller
  291. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> why isnt it as easy as just
  292. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> drinking it
  293. [20:14] <masterfulShooter> like when im from
  294. [20:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Well you're supposed to put them in a glass of water and just drink that
  295. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> oh
  296. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> why did
  297. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> what
  298. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> okay i need to
  299. [20:16] <snuffshotMartyr> It's not that hard
  300. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> consult with tarane on why the hell she made me swallow it then
  301. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> because
  302. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> hmm
  303. [20:16] <masterfulShooter> anyway
  304. [20:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Anyway
  305. [20:17] <masterfulShooter> uh
  306. [20:17] <snuffshotMartyr> I think I'd better get this over with
  307. [20:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Thanks, Byron
  308. [20:17] <masterfulShooter> haha sorry
  309. [20:17] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  310. [20:17] <masterfulShooter> are you like
  311. [20:17] <masterfulShooter> leaving or
  312. [20:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  313. [20:17] <masterfulShooter> because that could mean
  314. [20:18] <masterfulShooter> oh okay
  315. [20:18] <snuffshotMartyr> I figure I've been putting it off long enough
  316. [20:18] <masterfulShooter> im not sure
  317. [20:18] <masterfulShooter> if i should be offended
  318. [20:18] <snuffshotMartyr> Sorry
  319. [20:18] <snuffshotMartyr> Didn't mean to offend
  320. [20:18] <snuffshotMartyr> Just thought the conversation was done
  321. [20:18] <masterfulShooter> nah its cool
  322. [20:19] <masterfulShooter> ive probably been rambling too long anyway
  323. [20:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Did you wanna keep talking?
  324. [20:19] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  325. [20:19] <masterfulShooter> not
  326. [20:19] <masterfulShooter> you should probably go
  327. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> god damn i sound like fucking nick at this point
  328. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> what is my life coming to
  329. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> sorry if
  330. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> that actually
  331. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> got written
  332. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> it did
  333. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> shit
  334. [20:20] <snuffshotMartyr> Not a problem
  335. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> okay well
  336. [20:20] <snuffshotMartyr> I've talked to Nick. You still got nothing on him
  337. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> i dont
  338. [20:20] <masterfulShooter> oh thank fuck
  339. [20:21] <snuffshotMartyr> :P
  340. [20:21] <masterfulShooter> thanks for the vote of confidence
  341. [20:21] <snuffshotMartyr> Any time
  342. [20:22] <snuffshotMartyr> Well, I really think I should be going. Faerzen's probably waiting
  343. [20:22] <snuffshotMartyr> Byron?
  344. [20:22] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  345. [20:22] <snuffshotMartyr> Thanks.
  346. [20:22] <masterfulShooter> for?
  347. [20:22] <snuffshotMartyr> This. Getting a chance to forget about everything, pretend for a couple minutes that everything's back to normal
  348. [20:23] <masterfulShooter> oh
  349. [20:23] <masterfulShooter> uh
  350. [20:23] <masterfulShooter> anytime i guess
  351. [20:23] <snuffshotMartyr> If I survive the next two hours, I may need to take you up on that offer
  352. [20:23] <masterfulShooter> uh
  353. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> thats some
  354. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> ominous ass shit
  355. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> why is everyone saying
  356. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> spooky shit now
  357. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> fuckin hell
  358. [20:24] <snuffshotMartyr> Y'know Nick's evil death mask?
  359. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> dont do anything fuckOH MY FUCK
  360. [20:24] <snuffshotMartyr> Basically it's eating my soul
  361. [20:24] <masterfulShooter> why doES THAT THING KEEP FUCKING EVERYTHING UP GOD DAMN IT
  362. [20:24] <Tarane[K1K]> ((Out of curiosity is Byron having this conversation in my kitchen? XD))
  363. [20:25] <snuffshotMartyr> It has that tendency, I've noticed
  365. [20:25] <masterfulShooter> ((i think so))
  366. [20:25] <masterfulShooter> ((lol))
  367. [20:25] <Tarane[K1K]> ((Tarane confusion and annoyance intensifies :P))
  368. [20:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Well, time to show it where to shove its spectral wings
  369. [20:26] <masterfulShooter> holy shit you are just a fuckin quote machine
  370. [20:26] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  371. [20:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Um
  372. [20:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  373. [20:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Thank you, I think
  374. [20:26] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  375. [20:27] <masterfulShooter> oh well
  376. [20:27] <masterfulShooter> who knows
  377. [20:27] <snuffshotMartyr> Guess so
  378. [20:27] <snuffshotMartyr> If things don't work out, I'll do my best to kill you first
  379. [20:28] <masterfulShooter> wait what
  380. [20:28] <snuffshotMartyr> ... That came out wrong
  381. [20:28] <masterfulShooter> nonononono thats all good im fine
  382. [20:28] <masterfulShooter> im not sure if i want to die first i mean
  383. [20:28] <masterfulShooter> well i mean its not like i have much to live for but
  384. [20:28] <snuffshotMartyr> I meant it as in, the others will be jealous of how soon you get to die
  385. [20:28] <masterfulShooter> its like
  386. [20:28] <masterfulShooter> what why would they be jealous
  387. [20:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Because I'll be torturing them
  388. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> why would that be a thing that they are
  389. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> wait what
  390. [20:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Evil mask
  391. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> okay okay okay lyra we need to back the fuck up because
  392. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> i was all oh cool someone else to talk to occasionally
  393. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> but then you come out with this
  394. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> fuckin
  395. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> torture shit and kill me
  396. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> and its like
  397. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  398. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> if your gonna
  399. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> torture people
  400. [20:29] <masterfulShooter> i appreciate you killing me first
  401. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> but how about you
  402. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> not
  403. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> do that
  404. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> hows that sound
  405. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  406. [20:30] <snuffshotMartyr> That's the current plan, yes
  407. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> and i dont mean
  408. [20:30] <snuffshotMartyr> But like I said, when it fails...
  409. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> to be offensive or anything
  410. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> but like
  411. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> if you know
  412. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> that your gonna fuck shit up
  413. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> why dont you like
  414. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  415. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> you know
  416. [20:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Jump off a cliff?
  417. [20:30] <masterfulShooter> well no i mean something a little more permanent
  418. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> like fly into the sun or something
  419. [20:31] <snuffshotMartyr> I dunno
  420. [20:31] <snuffshotMartyr> We need the sun
  421. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> true
  422. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> but i mean we have like
  423. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> 12 others so
  424. [20:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait what
  425. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> i tried to get nick to off himself but then
  426. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> what i mean the
  427. [20:31] <masterfulShooter> the other planets
  428. [20:32] <masterfulShooter> with
  429. [20:32] <masterfulShooter> suns
  430. [20:32] <snuffshotMartyr> I can't tell if you mean Sabath or Future
  431. [20:32] <snuffshotMartyr> There's only one sun in 2015
  432. [20:32] <masterfulShooter> in sabath
  433. [20:32] <masterfulShooter> i doubt your gonna
  434. [20:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh
  435. [20:32] <masterfulShooter> crazy murder everybody in the past or the future
  436. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  437. [20:33] <snuffshotMartyr> Fingers crossed
  438. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> sigh
  439. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  440. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> if you
  441. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> do go on
  442. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> the crazy mask killing spree
  443. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> like
  444. [20:33] <masterfulShooter> uh
  445. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> fukc
  446. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  447. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> is there like a
  448. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> quota
  449. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> of people your not gonna torture
  450. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> and instead like
  451. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> kill
  452. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> because
  453. [20:34] <snuffshotMartyr> I really don't know
  454. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> if your only not going ot
  455. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> to murder me
  456. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> i mean id rather you like
  457. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> uh
  458. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> fuck this is going to sound
  459. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> really weird without
  460. [20:34] <masterfulShooter> context
  461. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> and i hope shes actually like
  462. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> asleep
  463. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> but if your going to kill one person and
  464. [20:35] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  465. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> torture everyone else
  466. [20:35] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh right, you're with Tarane
  467. [20:35] <Tarane[K1K]> (eavesdropping ;) ))
  468. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> could you lik
  469. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> e
  470. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  471. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> you probably
  472. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> get where im going with this
  473. [20:35] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm going to TRY and kill as many people as possible
  474. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> oh well that would
  475. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> be preferable
  476. [20:35] <masterfulShooter> to like
  477. [20:35] <snuffshotMartyr> That's assuming the "off myself" and "plead insanity" plans don't work
  478. [20:36] <masterfulShooter> killing one of us and not kill the other
  479. [20:36] <masterfulShooter> wait
  480. [20:36] <masterfulShooter> plead insanity
  481. [20:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Long story
  482. [20:36] <masterfulShooter> thats a plan
  483. [20:36] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm basically arguing that my mind is too irrevocably damaged to be worth taking over, or something
  484. [20:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Not that important
  485. [20:37] <masterfulShooter> oh
  486. [20:37] <masterfulShooter> how did you
  487. [20:37] <masterfulShooter> even get it on you
  488. [20:37] <masterfulShooter> why did you put it on
  489. [20:37] <snuffshotMartyr> I wanted to hurt one of the NPCs
  490. [20:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Really badly
  491. [20:38] <snuffshotMartyr> It's a long story
  492. [20:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Just like I'm sure you and Tarane have a lot of stuff going on for you
  493. [20:38] <masterfulShooter> uh
  494. [20:38] <masterfulShooter> what
  495. [20:38] <masterfulShooter> the fuck
  496. [20:38] <masterfulShooter> um
  497. [20:38] <masterfulShooter> okay
  498. [20:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Or the mysterious Juan
  499. [20:38] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  500. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> who is
  501. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> juan
  502. [20:39] <snuffshotMartyr> I dunno
  503. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> so you put on the spooky death fucker mask
  504. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> to hurt an npc
  505. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> that isnt
  506. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> an actual
  507. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> thing
  508. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> thats alive
  509. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> and
  510. [20:39] <snuffshotMartyr> ... Yeah
  511. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> whyyyy
  512. [20:39] <masterfulShooter> why would you do that
  513. [20:39] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm not too good at planning things out
  514. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> i never have a plan and look where it got me
  515. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> bad example but you know what i mean
  516. [20:40] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't really know where it got you
  517. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> it
  518. [20:40] <snuffshotMartyr> I've got no idea what you and Tarane have been doing this whole week
  519. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> didnt get me anywhere
  520. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> well i mean
  521. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> i died
  522. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> but
  523. [20:40] <masterfulShooter> otherwise
  524. [20:41] <masterfulShooter> uh
  525. [20:41] <masterfulShooter> shit
  526. [20:41] <snuffshotMartyr> The rock bed, right?
  527. [20:41] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  528. [20:41] <masterfulShooter> that
  529. [20:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Is it worth it?
  530. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  531. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> it didnt really
  532. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> hurt
  533. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> so
  534. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> i can fly now
  535. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> which is
  536. [20:42] <masterfulShooter> cool
  537. [20:43] <masterfulShooter> i guess
  538. [20:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Right
  539. [20:43] <snuffshotMartyr> We've got to get the rest of the party a way to fly
  540. [20:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Because I mean this is ridiculous
  541. [20:44] <masterfulShooter> ive been carrying tarane the whole time
  542. [20:44] <masterfulShooter> she doesnt like heights though so i guess thats not going to work much anymore
  543. [20:44] <masterfulShooter> i dont really
  544. [20:44] <masterfulShooter> know how shes going to fly
  545. [20:44] <masterfulShooter> like that
  546. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> but shes a trooper so shell probably figure out a way
  547. [20:45] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm sure she'll manage
  548. [20:45] <snuffshotMartyr> But that's not really what I meant
  549. [20:45] <snuffshotMartyr> The beds
  550. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> oh
  551. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> well
  552. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  553. [20:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Another NPC told me there are side effects
  554. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> people gotta die on them so
  555. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> really
  556. [20:45] <masterfulShooter> i havent
  557. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> really noticed any
  558. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> well i mean
  559. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> uh
  560. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> i dont think
  561. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> it has anything to do with it
  562. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> i might
  563. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> i teleported once?
  564. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> and also this
  565. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> little tiny light thing
  566. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> showed me where to go
  567. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> to get to where tarane was
  568. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> so
  569. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> thats a thingt
  570. [20:46] <masterfulShooter> that happened
  571. [20:47] <masterfulShooter> but i mean
  572. [20:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Those sound more like benefits than debuffs
  573. [20:47] <masterfulShooter> yeah so
  574. [20:47] <masterfulShooter> it was pretty bitchin
  575. [20:47] <snuffshotMartyr> I was told that you come back weaker, less of yourself
  576. [20:47] <snuffshotMartyr> But he IS a liar
  577. [20:48] <snuffshotMartyr> So thanks for the insight
  578. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> was the the
  579. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> uh
  580. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> the one you
  581. [20:48] <snuffshotMartyr> No, different one
  582. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> oh
  583. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> huh
  584. [20:48] <snuffshotMartyr> You know about Derse?
  585. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> oh
  586. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  587. [20:48] <snuffshotMartyr> The queen
  588. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> they kidnapped me once
  589. [20:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Me too
  590. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> and told me to murder my friends
  591. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> im pretty sure i have
  592. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> a bounty on my head
  593. [20:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Lovely
  594. [20:48] <masterfulShooter> i havent slept since
  595. [20:49] <snuffshotMartyr> I've just been sitting in a cage
  596. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> im pretty acclimated to that but
  597. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> im apparently
  598. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> tied up
  599. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> in a crumbling building
  600. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> or
  601. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> my dream self
  602. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> so
  603. [20:49] <masterfulShooter> im afraid that when i pass out im gonna get fucked up
  604. [20:49] <snuffshotMartyr> I hear you
  605. [20:49] <snuffshotMartyr> But also kind of excited because it means I get to take down the queen
  606. [20:49] <snuffshotMartyr> And she REALLY deserves it
  607. [20:50] <masterfulShooter> oh?
  608. [20:50] <masterfulShooter> is this just
  609. [20:50] <masterfulShooter> the murdercrow talking
  610. [20:50] <masterfulShooter> or
  611. [20:50] <masterfulShooter> like
  612. [20:50] <snuffshotMartyr> This is me
  613. [20:50] <masterfulShooter> is she actually fucked up
  614. [20:51] <snuffshotMartyr> She cut off my arm and made me wear a collar
  615. [20:51] <snuffshotMartyr> If I do start killing, she'll be last
  616. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck
  617. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> thats
  618. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> really
  619. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> fucked up
  620. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> holy shit
  621. [20:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Good
  622. [20:52] <snuffshotMartyr> She deserves it
  623. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> how the fuck did that even happen
  624. [20:52] <masterfulShooter> seriously holy shit
  625. [20:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Can we maybe move on?
  626. [20:53] <masterfulShooter> uh
  627. [20:53] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  628. [20:53] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  629. [20:53] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  630. [20:54] <masterfulShooter> well i mean
  631. [20:54] <masterfulShooter> not much is going to happen with me for a bit
  632. [20:54] <masterfulShooter> just
  633. [20:54] <masterfulShooter> going to like
  634. [20:54] <masterfulShooter> nurse these wounds for a while
  635. [20:54] <snuffshotMartyr> As one does
  636. [20:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Still be here in two hours?
  637. [20:55] <masterfulShooter> and...i dunno talk to some of the guys
  638. [20:55] <masterfulShooter> chances are yeah
  639. [20:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Then I guess I'll let you know how things go, one way or another
  640. [20:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Again, thanks for the chance to calm down
  641. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> no problem
  642. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> im a little
  643. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> worried
  644. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> for the future
  645. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> but im sure
  646. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> youll
  647. [20:56] <masterfulShooter> figure out something
  648. [20:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Faerzen's the one figuring out how to avoid this
  649. [20:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm just trying to work out a degree of damage control
  650. [20:57] <masterfulShooter> oh fuckin hell
  651. [20:57] <snuffshotMartyr> And talking about the real world was a big part of that
  652. [20:57] <masterfulShooter> faerzen plans arent
  653. [20:57] <masterfulShooter> really the most usefully executed
  654. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> his plan for calming nick down was for them to
  655. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> like
  656. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> rub their wings
  657. [20:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Makes sense to me, yeah
  658. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> why the fuck did nick explain that to me in detail
  659. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> he was on about
  660. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> erogenous zones
  661. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> holy fuck
  662. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> my ears
  663. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> my eyes
  664. [20:58] <masterfulShooter> my literal eye
  665. [20:59] <masterfulShooter> it was tainted forever
  666. [20:59] <snuffshotMartyr> As opposed to your figurative one?
  667. [20:59] <masterfulShooter> what are you using to message me anyway
  668. [20:59] <snuffshotMartyr> I made a pair of glasses with a computer in them
  669. [20:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Why?
  670. [20:59] <masterfulShooter> i say my literal eye because i have an implant
  671. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait
  672. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh heck yes
  673. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> The future has implants!?
  674. [21:00] <masterfulShooter> ikr its super fucking rad
  675. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> THAT'S
  676. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> SO
  677. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> AWESOME
  678. [21:00] <masterfulShooter> I FUCKING KNOW RIGHT
  679. [21:00] <masterfulShooter> i can message people in dreams
  680. [21:00] <masterfulShooter> and shit
  681. [21:00] <snuffshotMartyr> O.O
  682. [21:01] <masterfulShooter> and get messages from dreams
  683. [21:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay new plan
  684. [21:01] <snuffshotMartyr> If things go well
  685. [21:01] <masterfulShooter> its fucking legit as hell man
  686. [21:01] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm coming over to wherever you guys are
  687. [21:01] <snuffshotMartyr> And you are giving me robot eyes
  688. [21:01] <masterfulShooter> you want
  689. [21:01] <masterfulShooter> both
  690. [21:01] <snuffshotMartyr> This is a thing that's happening now
  691. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> holy shit okay that might be hard because i dont even know
  692. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> how much grist that would cost
  693. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> much less
  694. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> how to actually
  695. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> like
  696. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> put it in
  697. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> so
  698. [21:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Doesn't matter, we'll figure something out
  699. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> probably
  700. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> i should actually
  701. [21:02] <snuffshotMartyr> I could probably just pop one of my crystal eyes out, replace it
  702. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> probably get everybody robot eyes
  703. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> becauWHAT
  704. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> THE FUCK
  705. [21:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh man that would be so cool
  706. [21:02] <masterfulShooter> IS A CRYSTAL EYE
  707. [21:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Long story
  708. [21:03] <snuffshotMartyr> I basically got duplicated or whatever, but my eyes are rocks
  709. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> ...
  710. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> is
  711. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> the inside of your eyehole
  712. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> still
  713. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> like
  714. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> meat
  715. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> and like
  716. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> is your brain still
  717. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> not a rock
  718. [21:03] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't even know
  719. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> because i dont think
  720. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> it sgonna like
  721. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> interface right
  722. [21:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Well
  723. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> i mena
  724. [21:03] <masterfulShooter> mean
  725. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm sure we can figure something out
  726. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> i can maybe
  727. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> like
  728. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> fuse them or something
  729. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> oh shit dude
  730. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> OH SHIT DUDE
  731. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> O.O
  732. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> HOLY SHIT THATS THE BEST FUCKING IDEA
  733. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> DUUUUDEEEEE
  734. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> DUDE!!!
  735. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  736. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay okay okay
  737. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> this is
  738. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> obviously the best
  739. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> plan of action
  740. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> so
  741. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> lyra i need you to not
  742. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> go crazy
  743. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> This is so much better than the "talkng about our feelings" stuff we were doing before
  744. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> or if you do
  745. [21:04] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  746. [21:04] <masterfulShooter> yes of course
  747. [21:05] <snuffshotMartyr> No crazy
  748. [21:05] <snuffshotMartyr> This is better than crazy
  749. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> if you do go crazy i gotta be like
  750. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> that scientist hostage guy
  751. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> because im sure
  752. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> even through the
  753. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> fuckin
  754. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> crow shit youll still want crystal robot eyes
  755. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> because
  756. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> thats something that everybody wants
  757. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> ever
  758. [21:05] <masterfulShooter> watch
  759. [21:05] <snuffshotMartyr> Heck yes
  760. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> *shouting* TARANE! YOU WANT ROBOT CRYSTAL EYES!?
  761. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> i dont know if she heard me
  762. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> im sure she does
  763. [21:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Well I mean did you actually shout?
  764. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> yeah i actually shouted
  765. [21:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh cool
  766. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> im actually
  767. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> talking
  768. [21:06] <masterfulShooter> right now
  769. [21:06] <snuffshotMartyr> I think she probably heard you then
  770. [21:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait
  771. [21:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Aww
  772. [21:06] <snuffshotMartyr> :(
  773. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> what
  774. [21:07] <snuffshotMartyr> You need to talk for it to work?
  775. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> oh no
  776. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> i just
  777. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> am too lazy to type
  778. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> i probably should honestly
  779. [21:07] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  780. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> but you can like
  781. [21:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Is there a keyboard to type on?
  782. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> project a keyboard or something
  783. [21:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Ah
  784. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> i never fucked with that
  785. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> but we can like
  786. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> tinker with it
  787. [21:07] <masterfulShooter> or something
  788. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> make it better
  789. [21:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  790. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> for science
  791. [21:08] <snuffshotMartyr> My shades use eye movements
  792. [21:08] <Tarane[K1K]> ((no response from Tarane))
  793. [21:08] <snuffshotMartyr> So I can text people while pretending I'm still part of a conversation
  794. [21:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Y'know?
  795. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> damn son
  796. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> wait so
  797. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> what if
  798. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> we just
  799. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> threw those
  800. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> in there
  801. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> because why not
  802. [21:08] <masterfulShooter> im sure the cost is gonna be
  803. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> fuckin
  804. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> huge
  805. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Emerald Shades + Crazy Awesome Robot Eye?
  806. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait no
  807. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> yes
  808. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> + crystal eye thingy
  809. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> How would we get your eye captchalogued?
  810. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> shit
  811. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> uh
  812. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> fuckin just like
  813. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh wait the pen
  814. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay yes
  815. [21:09] <masterfulShooter> the pen
  816. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Yes this is totally a thing we can pull off
  817. [21:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Heck freaking yes
  818. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> why havent we thought of this before
  819. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> oh wait this is the first time ive ever talked to you
  820. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> i forgot
  821. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> haha
  822. [21:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah. And we were probably too busy moping about how we're all gonna die
  823. [21:10] <snuffshotMartyr> But DUDE
  824. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> oh yeah
  825. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> that
  826. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> thats bullshit
  827. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> robot eyes for days
  828. [21:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Aww yeah
  829. [21:10] <snuffshotMartyr> We're definitely doing this
  830. [21:10] <masterfulShooter> i can die happy if i everybody in the group had robot eyes
  831. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> yeah were doing this shit
  832. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> this is going to be
  833. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> fucking
  834. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> awesome
  835. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> see
  836. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> now you have a reason
  837. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> to not
  838. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> you know
  839. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> murder everone
  840. [21:11] <snuffshotMartyr> I already had reasons
  841. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> oh yeah
  842. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> you probably
  843. [21:11] <masterfulShooter> did
  844. [21:11] <snuffshotMartyr> But I'm pretty sure they would have worked against me
  845. [21:11] <snuffshotMartyr> This, though
  846. [21:12] <snuffshotMartyr> This is a good reason
  847. [21:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Alright
  848. [21:13] <snuffshotMartyr> I should really go deal with this stuff
  849. [21:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Two hours until robot eyes
  850. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> woo
  851. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> okay wait before you go
  852. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> uh
  853. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> shit i mean
  854. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> im pretty sure
  855. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> she already knows
  856. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> like
  857. [21:13] <masterfulShooter> uh
  858. [21:14] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  859. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> but i mean i cant ask faerzen or nick this because you know
  860. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> theyre already
  861. [21:14] <snuffshotMartyr> I really don't
  862. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> squadded up
  863. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> but
  864. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  865. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> uh
  866. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  867. [21:14] <snuffshotMartyr> What does that even mean?
  868. [21:14] <snuffshotMartyr> "Squadded up"?
  869. [21:14] <snuffshotMartyr> You've entirely lost me
  870. [21:14] <masterfulShooter> i dont know this is awkward for me to talk about you probably should best just go
  871. [21:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Dude
  872. [21:15] <masterfulShooter> that is probably the best course of action for you to take currently
  873. [21:15] <snuffshotMartyr> This may well be your last chance
  874. [21:15] <masterfulShooter> yes
  875. [21:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Get it out there
  876. [21:15] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck
  877. [21:15] <masterfulShooter> well i mean
  878. [21:15] <snuffshotMartyr> What's the worst that can happen?
  879. [21:15] <snuffshotMartyr> :P
  880. [21:15] <masterfulShooter> this is probably the worst time possible
  881. [21:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Welcome to Sabath
  882. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> considering the shit that just happened to her
  883. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> and you know
  884. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> the things that i fucked up on
  885. [21:16] <snuffshotMartyr> ... Is Tarane hurt?
  886. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> well
  887. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> fuck i didnt
  888. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> tell you
  889. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> uh
  890. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> shit
  891. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> so we decided to
  892. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> uh
  893. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> fuck shit up
  894. [21:16] <masterfulShooter> in the forest
  895. [21:16] <snuffshotMartyr> She's still alive, though, right?
  896. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> yeees
  897. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh thank goodness
  898. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> minus
  899. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> a horn
  900. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  901. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Right, she's an alien now
  902. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> and also like a fuck tonne of bullet holes
  903. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  904. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> in her legs
  905. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> and
  906. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> leg
  907. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Uh
  908. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> leg singular
  909. [21:17] <masterfulShooter> and arm
  910. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> I see
  911. [21:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Well then
  912. [21:18] <snuffshotMartyr> Can you carry her through the gate?
  913. [21:18] <masterfulShooter> uh
  914. [21:18] <masterfulShooter> is that
  915. [21:18] <masterfulShooter> the best
  916. [21:18] <masterfulShooter> plan
  917. [21:18] <snuffshotMartyr> I have a healing potion
  918. [21:18] <snuffshotMartyr> Then again, it's one of MY plans, so it can't be that good
  919. [21:19] <masterfulShooter> well i mean
  920. [21:19] <masterfulShooter> i guess that is the best plan of action?
  921. [21:19] <masterfulShooter> it also
  922. [21:19] <masterfulShooter> you know
  923. [21:19] <masterfulShooter> takes us closer to the epicenter
  924. [21:19] <masterfulShooter> of the action
  925. [21:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, good point
  926. [21:20] <snuffshotMartyr> Maybe don't do that
  927. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> maybe i should just go?
  928. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> no thats probably a bad idea
  929. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> she would
  930. [21:20] <snuffshotMartyr> No, then she's alone and dying
  931. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> probably hate me more
  932. [21:20] <snuffshotMartyr> That's never a good combination
  933. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> more than she already does
  934. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> aww fuck now were back to depressing shit
  935. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> just like
  936. [21:20] <snuffshotMartyr> Tell you what, then
  937. [21:20] <masterfulShooter> periodically
  938. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> send me a message confirming that your not a crazy psycho
  939. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> and then all will be cool
  940. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> oh
  941. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> shit you had
  942. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> something so say
  943. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> what
  944. [21:21] <masterfulShooter> what was it
  945. [21:21] <snuffshotMartyr> After Carl gets utterly obliterated by the sheer force of my want for robot eyes, I'll fly the potion to you
  946. [21:21] <snuffshotMartyr> You're still at Tarane's, right?
  947. [21:22] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  948. [21:22] <snuffshotMartyr> Perfect
  949. [21:22] <snuffshotMartyr> One quick loop of the planets
  950. [21:23] <masterfulShooter> what i just flew straight
  951. [21:23] <masterfulShooter> eventually i got there
  952. [21:23] <snuffshotMartyr> It's a circle
  953. [21:23] <masterfulShooter> ...
  954. [21:23] <snuffshotMartyr> Keep going and you get back to where you started
  955. [21:23] <masterfulShooter> maaagic
  956. [21:23] <snuffshotMartyr> They're portals, dude
  957. [21:24] <snuffshotMartyr> Look, my point is
  958. [21:24] <snuffshotMartyr> Keep her stable
  959. [21:24] <snuffshotMartyr> I'll be by soon
  960. [21:24] <masterfulShooter> ill
  961. [21:24] <masterfulShooter> try
  962. [21:24] <snuffshotMartyr> Hopefully to help
  963. [21:24] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  964. [21:24] <masterfulShooter> im gonna
  965. [21:24] <masterfulShooter> like
  966. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> barricade the door ore
  967. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> something
  968. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> you gotta say the password
  969. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> or someshit like that
  970. [21:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Whatever makes you feel safe
  971. [21:25] <masterfulShooter> honestly im probably just gonna lay down on the floor and try not to bleed everywehre
  972. [21:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably a good call
  973. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  974. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> well it was
  975. [21:26] <masterfulShooter> nice meeting you i guess
  976. [21:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Same here
  977. [21:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Thanks for the help
  978. [21:26] <snuffshotMartyr> And I'll see you soon
  979. [21:27] <snuffshotMartyr> One way or another
  980. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  981. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> although
  982. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> if you were to kill me
  983. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> the uh
  984. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> theres a little
  985. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> tiny tiny slot
  986. [21:27] <masterfulShooter> right on the side of my eye
  987. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> just find it and pull it down
  988. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> and you should proooobably be able to get the implant out
  989. [21:28] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  990. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> if you still want it
  991. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> of course
  992. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> it might
  993. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> have my eye
  994. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> but you know
  995. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> just replicate it or whatever
  996. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> ill be dead anyway
  997. [21:28] <snuffshotMartyr> Did you just tell me how to get what I want if I kill you?
  998. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> eh
  999. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> its not like i can fight back
  1000. [21:28] <masterfulShooter> i have like
  1001. [21:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Are you trying to avoid the potential for being the resident kidnapped scientist, or... ?
  1002. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> no life left
  1003. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> oh shit
  1004. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> im gonna
  1005. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> turn on
  1006. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> biometrics or
  1007. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> something
  1008. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> make it blow up when it comes out
  1009. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  1010. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> okay
  1011. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> uh
  1012. [21:29] <snuffshotMartyr> You can do that?
  1013. [21:29] <masterfulShooter> maybe?
  1014. [21:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh man these things just get better and better
  1015. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> probably not
  1016. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> well
  1017. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> actuall
  1018. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> y
  1019. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> considering the level of safety my dad wanted of my
  1020. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> me
  1021. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> im sure it actually can
  1022. [21:30] <masterfulShooter> good to know i can
  1023. [21:31] <masterfulShooter> have an eyeball grenade for when the going gets real rough
  1024. [21:31] <masterfulShooter> yay
  1025. [21:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Heh
  1026. [21:31] <masterfulShooter> thanks dad
  1027. [21:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Gotta love dads
  1028. [21:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Those guys are great
  1029. [21:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Alright, now I should REALLY be going
  1030. [21:32] <snuffshotMartyr> I told Faerzen I'd find them like an hour ago
  1031. [21:33] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck
  1032. [21:33] <masterfulShooter> uh
  1033. [21:33] <masterfulShooter> well
  1034. [21:33] <masterfulShooter> you uh
  1035. [21:33] <masterfulShooter> should do that
  1036. [21:33] <snuffshotMartyr> Yes
  1037. [21:33] <snuffshotMartyr> Yes I should
  1038. [21:33] <snuffshotMartyr> Wish me luck?
  1039. [21:34] <snuffshotMartyr> Lord knows I'll need it
  1040. [21:34] <masterfulShooter> uh
  1041. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> i have
  1042. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> fuckng incredible luck
  1043. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> or
  1044. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> really really really fucking bad luck
  1045. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> so
  1046. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  1047. [21:35] <masterfulShooter> luck
  1048. [21:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah, let's just go with "luck"
  1049. [21:36] <masterfulShooter> robot eyes
  1050. [21:36] <masterfulShooter> robot eyes
  1051. [21:36] <masterfulShooter> robot eys
  1052. [21:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Seems easier than specifying which kind
  1053. [21:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Robot eyes
  1054. [21:36] <masterfulShooter> do it for the robot eys
  1055. [21:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Robot eyes robot eyes robot eyes
  1056. [21:36] * snuffshotMartyr [SM] has ceased pestering masterfulShooter [MS]
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