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a guest
Nov 7th, 2012
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  1. "Language" "english"
  2. "Tokens"
  3. {
  4. SteamBootstrapper_UpdatingSteam "Updating Steam..."
  5. SteamBootstrapper_ElevationPrompt "Steam needs to self-update before launching."
  6. SteamBootstrapper_ReadOnlyInstallOSX "Steam can't write to it's install dir. Make sure you're not trying to run from the disk image."
  7. SteamBootstrapper_ReadOnlyInstall "Steam can't write to it's install dir."
  8. SteamBootstrapper_InsufficientDiskSpace "Steam needs %nMegaBytes%MB of free disk space to update."
  9. SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestLoad "Failed to load package manifest."
  10. SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestVerify "Failed to verify package manifest."
  11. SteamBootstrapper_FailedManifestSave "Failed to save package manifest."
  12. SteamBootstrapper_FailedPackageRead "Failed to read package (%pkgName%)."
  13. SteamBootstrapper_CorruptPackageFile "Corrupt package file (%pkgName%)."
  14. SteamBootstrapper_FailedPackageUnzip "Failed to unzip package (%pkgName%)."
  15. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateApplyFail "Failed to apply update, reverting..."
  16. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateCleanup "Cleaning up..."
  17. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateCleanupFail "Failed to clean up after update, continuing..."
  18. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateFinalizeFail "Failed to write installation manifest."
  19. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateComplete "Update complete, launching Steam..."
  20. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateChecking "Checking for available updates..."
  21. SteamBootstrapper_UpdatePrepare "Preparing to update..."
  22. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateDownload "Downloading update..."
  23. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateDownloading "Downloading update (%bytes% of %size% KB)..."
  24. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateExtractingPackage "Extracting package..."
  25. SteamBootstrapper_UpdateInstalling "Installing update..."
  26. SteamBootstrapper_InstallVerify "Verifying installation..."
  27. SteamBootstrapper_DownloadComplete "Download complete."
  28. SteamBootstrapper_OfflineAndNeedUpdate "Steam needs to be online to update, but was set to offline mode."
  29. SteamBootstrapper_NoNetwork "Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again."
  30. SteamBootstrapper_FailedMkdir "Couldn't create directory %dirname%, got error %errno%"
  31. SteamBootstrapper_FailedDownloadHTTPError "Download failed: http error %errno%"
  32. SteamBootstrapper_MoveContentDir_DestExists "Steam has changed where it stores game content from '~/Documents/Steam Content' to '~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps'. You have game files in the original location, and Steam was not able to move the files because files already exist at the new location. You may need to move the files manually, or delete the old files and download your games again. Continue anyway?"
  33. SteamBootstrapper_MoveContentDir_CopyError "Steam has changed where it stores game content from '~/Documents/Steam Content' to '~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps'. You have game files in the original location, and Steam was unable to move the files. You may need to move the files manually, or delete the old files and download your games again. Continue anyway?"
  34. }
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