
twitter meme

Jul 11th, 2019
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  1. tweet about you anonymously, see if you can guess which you are
  3. 1. you're far better at splatoon than me and I respect you for that, also you're super cool
  4. 2. you're still a kid, I appreciate your raw enthusiasm for stuff.
  5. 3. I don't know you that well sorry, we should talk more
  6. 4. you're a super talented guy and a great person to be around in general
  7. 5. you like all my tweets but you're also funny and a nice person
  8. 6. I literally don't even know who you are.
  9. 7. A really cool person, you run Ratchet so that's immediate respect from me homie
  10. 8. one of the oldbois, I really love you man. shame we haven't talked so much recently
  11. 9. a really cool guy who loves a lot of the stuff I love, really pleasant person to be around
  12. 10. yo, long time no see man. I always admired your ToD runs. you're a legend mate
  13. 11. another ratchet homeboi, you're pretty dang cool
  14. 12. the man himself, you introduced me to a lot of cool games and you're also hilarious and a good friend
  15. 13. I don't know what specific games you run but you have great taste in music
  16. 14. a great friend. I always loved talking with you endlessly about undertale and other stuff
  17. 15. we haven't talked in years due to some shit way back then but now that we're frieds again, I still consider you a really cool guy uwu
  18. 16. I was always intimidated by you but now I realize you're a sweetheart and a very caring friend. I'm glad to have you around, I wish we could meet at a future event sometime.
  19. 17. the master of the playstation runs, you're also a very gentle and kind person and one of the best comeback stories i've seen
  20. 18. you run air ride so you have my immediate respect, love, trust and personal belongings (you're also very very cool)
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