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a guest
Dec 27th, 2014
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  1. In file included from ../lib/
  2. ../lib/kerberos.h:34:48: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  3. static Handle<Value> AuthGSSClientInit(const Arguments &args);
  4. ^~~~~~~~~
  5. v8::internal::Arguments
  6. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  7. class Arguments;
  8. ^
  9. In file included from ../lib/
  10. ../lib/kerberos.h:35:48: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  11. static Handle<Value> AuthGSSClientStep(const Arguments &args);
  12. ^~~~~~~~~
  13. v8::internal::Arguments
  14. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  15. class Arguments;
  16. ^
  17. In file included from ../lib/
  18. ../lib/kerberos.h:36:50: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  19. static Handle<Value> AuthGSSClientUnwrap(const Arguments &args);
  20. ^~~~~~~~~
  21. v8::internal::Arguments
  22. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  23. class Arguments;
  24. ^
  25. In file included from ../lib/
  26. ../lib/kerberos.h:37:48: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  27. static Handle<Value> AuthGSSClientWrap(const Arguments &args);
  28. ^~~~~~~~~
  29. v8::internal::Arguments
  30. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  31. class Arguments;
  32. ^
  33. In file included from ../lib/
  34. ../lib/kerberos.h:38:49: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  35. static Handle<Value> AuthGSSClientClean(const Arguments &args);
  36. ^~~~~~~~~
  37. v8::internal::Arguments
  38. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  39. class Arguments;
  40. ^
  41. In file included from ../lib/
  42. ../lib/kerberos.h:41:34: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  43. static Handle<Value> New(const Arguments &args);
  44. ^~~~~~~~~
  45. v8::internal::Arguments
  46. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  47. class Arguments;
  48. ^
  49. In file included from ../lib/
  50. ../lib/kerberos.h:44:23: error: unknown type name 'uv_work_t'
  51. static void Process(uv_work_t* work_req);
  52. ^
  53. ../lib/kerberos.h:46:21: error: unknown type name 'uv_work_t'
  54. static void After(uv_work_t* work_req);
  55. ^
  56. In file included from ../lib/
  57. ../lib/worker.h:17:5: error: unknown type name 'uv_work_t'
  58. uv_work_t request;
  59. ^
  60. In file included from ../lib/
  61. ../lib/kerberos_context.h:44:34: error: unknown type name 'Arguments'; did you mean 'v8::internal::Arguments'?
  62. static Handle<Value> New(const Arguments &args);
  63. ^~~~~~~~~
  64. v8::internal::Arguments
  65. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:149:7: note: 'v8::internal::Arguments' declared here
  66. class Arguments;
  67. ^
  68. In file included from ../lib/
  69. ../lib/kerberos_context.h:46:69: error: unknown type name 'AccessorInfo'
  70. static Handle<Value> ResponseGetter(Local<String> property, const AccessorInfo& info);
  71. ^
  72. ../lib/kerberos_context.h:28:32: error: member reference type 'Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>' is not a pointer; maybe you meant to use '.'?
  73. return constructor_template->HasInstance(obj);
  74. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
  75. .
  76. ../lib/kerberos_context.h:28:34: error: no member named 'HasInstance' in 'v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate, v8::NonCopyablePersistentTraits<v8::FunctionTemplate> >'
  77. return constructor_template->HasInstance(obj);
  78. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
  79. ../lib/ error: calling a protected constructor of class 'v8::HandleScope'
  80. HandleScope scope;
  81. ^
  82. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:845:13: note: declared protected here
  83. V8_INLINE HandleScope() {}
  84. ^
  85. ../lib/ error: no member named 'New' in 'v8::String'; did you mean 'KerberosContext::New'?
  86. return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(msg)));
  87. ^~~~~~~~~~~
  88. KerberosContext::New
  89. ../lib/kerberos_context.h:38:27: note: 'KerberosContext::New' declared here
  90. static KerberosContext* New();
  91. ^
  92. ../lib/ error: too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 1
  93. return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(msg)));
  94. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~
  95. ../lib/kerberos_context.h:38:3: note: 'New' declared here
  96. static KerberosContext* New();
  97. ^
  98. ../lib/ error: calling a protected constructor of class 'v8::HandleScope'
  99. HandleScope scope;
  100. ^
  101. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:845:13: note: declared protected here
  102. V8_INLINE HandleScope() {}
  103. ^
  104. ../lib/ error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'v8::Isolate *' with an lvalue of type 'Handle<v8::Value> (const v8::internal::Arguments &)'
  105. Local<FunctionTemplate> t = FunctionTemplate::New(Kerberos::New);
  106. ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
  107. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:3520:16: note: passing argument to parameter 'isolate' here
  108. Isolate* isolate,
  109. ^
  110. ../lib/ error: 'New' is a private member of 'v8::PersistentBase<v8::FunctionTemplate>'
  111. constructor_template = Persistent<FunctionTemplate>::New(t);
  112. ^
  113. /Users/ck/.node-gyp/0.11.13/deps/v8/include/v8.h:594:23: note: declared private here
  114. V8_INLINE static T* New(Isolate* isolate, T* that);
  115. ^
  116. fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
  117. 20 errors generated.
  118. make: *** [Release/] Error 1
  119. gyp ERR! build error
  120. gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
  121. gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:267:23)
  122. gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:110:17)
  123. gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1046:12)
  124. gyp ERR! System Darwin 13.3.0
  125. gyp ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
  126. gyp ERR! cwd /Users/ck/coding/projects/kerberos
  127. gyp ERR! node -v v0.11.13
  128. gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v0.13.0
  129. gyp ERR! not ok
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