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Jan 31st, 2013
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  1. 08-11 22:02:00.811 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_STREAMON
  2. 08-11 22:02:00.815 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_STREAMON
  3. 08-11 22:02:00.819 ERROR: [s5c73m3_sensor_config:3683] Entered
  4. 08-11 22:02:00.824 ERROR: [s5c73m3_sensor_config : 3691] s5c73m3_ioctl, cfgtype = 0, mode = 0
  5. 08-11 22:02:00.831 ERROR: [s5c73m3_set_sensor_mode:986] Entered, mode 0
  6. 08-11 22:02:00.837 ERROR: [s5c73m3_sensor_setting:831] Entered
  7. 08-11 22:02:00.871 ERROR: [s5c73m3_s_stream_preview:650] Entered, enable 1
  8. 08-11 22:02:00.877 ERROR: [s5c73m3_s_stream_preview:728] Camera Interleaved Preview
  9. 08-11 22:02:00.884 ERROR: [s5c73m3_s_stream_preview:768] preview_size : 4
  10. 08-11 22:02:00.889 ERROR: [s5c73m3_s_stream_preview:770] jpeg_size : f0
  11. 08-11 22:02:00.917 INFO : msm_vfe_subdev_s_crystal_freq: vfe clock set to 320000000
  12. 08-11 22:02:00.923 ERROR: [s5c73m3_set_af_mode:1628] Entered, new mode 9, old mode 9
  13. 08-11 22:02:00.931 ERROR: [s5c73m3_sensor_setting:966] sensor setting is done!!
  14. 08-11 22:02:00.977 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQEVENT
  15. 08-11 22:02:00.981 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_G_CROP
  16. 08-11 22:02:00.987 ERROR: [sensor_native_control:3442] Entered, 29, 0, 960, 720
  17. 08-11 22:02:00.993 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_S_CTRL
  18. 08-11 22:02:00.998 ERROR: [sensor_native_control:3442] Entered, 17, 0, 480, 360
  19. 08-11 22:02:01.005 ERROR: [sensor_native_control:3442] Entered, 22, 0, 1, 0
  20. 08-11 22:02:01.010 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3:
  21. 08-11 22:02:01.013 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  22. 08-11 22:02:01.020 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  23. 08-11 22:02:01.025 WARN : VIDIOC_DQBUF
  24. 08-11 22:02:01.027 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  25. 08-11 22:02:01.032 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 2, got 0
  26. 08-11 22:02:01.038 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQEVENT
  27. 08-11 22:02:01.042 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  28. 08-11 22:02:01.049 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  29. 08-11 22:02:01.052 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  30. 08-11 22:02:01.057 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  31. 08-11 22:02:01.063 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_G_CROP
  32. 08-11 22:02:01.073 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_G_CROP
  33. 08-11 22:02:01.078 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  34. 08-11 22:02:01.081 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  35. 08-11 22:02:01.089 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  36. 08-11 22:02:01.092 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3:
  37. 08-11 22:02:01.113 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 2, got 0
  38. 08-11 22:02:01.119 WARN :
  39. 08-11 22:02:01.120 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  40. 08-11 22:02:01.125 WARN : VIDIOC_G_CROP
  41. 08-11 22:02:01.137 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3:
  42. 08-11 22:02:01.139 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  43. 08-11 22:02:01.146 WARN : VIDIOC_DQBUF
  44. 08-11 22:02:01.148 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  45. 08-11 22:02:01.153 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  46. 08-11 22:02:01.156 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  47. 08-11 22:02:01.161 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 2, got 0
  48. 08-11 22:02:01.168 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  49. 08-11 22:02:01.172 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  50. 08-11 22:02:01.176 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3:
  51. 08-11 22:02:01.189 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  52. 08-11 22:02:01.195 WARN : VIDIOC_QBUF
  53. 08-11 22:02:01.197 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  54. 08-11 22:02:01.201 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  55. 08-11 22:02:01.205 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  56. 08-11 22:02:01.211 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  57. 08-11 22:02:01.216 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  58. 08-11 22:02:01.220 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  59. 08-11 22:02:01.224 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  60. 08-11 22:02:01.229 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 2, got 0
  61. 08-11 22:02:01.236 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  62. 08-11 22:02:01.239 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3:
  63. 08-11 22:02:01.242 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  64. 08-11 22:02:01.259 WARN : VIDIOC_QBUF
  65. 08-11 22:02:01.260 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  66. 08-11 22:02:01.264 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  67. 08-11 22:02:01.269 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3:
  68. 08-11 22:02:01.272 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  69. 08-11 22:02:01.276 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  70. 08-11 22:02:01.282 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  71. 08-11 22:02:01.286 WARN : VIDIOC_DQBUF
  72. 08-11 22:02:01.288 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  73. 08-11 22:02:01.292 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 2, got 0
  74. 08-11 22:02:01.298 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  75. 08-11 22:02:01.303 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  76. 08-11 22:02:01.307 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  77. 08-11 22:02:01.313 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  78. 08-11 22:02:01.316 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  79. 08-11 22:02:01.338 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  80. 08-11 22:02:01.341 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  81. 08-11 22:02:01.354 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_QBUF
  82. 08-11 22:02:01.358 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  83. 08-11 22:02:01.363 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  84. 08-11 22:02:01.367 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  85. 08-11 22:02:01.373 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  86. 08-11 22:02:01.376 ERROR: msm_mctl_buf_done_proc: buf=0xb0ea4008 not found
  87. 08-11 22:02:01.382 ERROR: msm_mctl_buf_done_proc: buf=0xb10a0008 not found
  88. 08-11 22:02:01.388 ERROR: msm_mctl_buf_done_proc: buf=0xb3b78008 not found
  89. 08-11 22:02:01.395 DEBUG: msm_camera_s5c73m3: VIDIOC_DQBUF
  90. 08-11 22:02:01.398 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  91. 08-11 22:02:01.402 WARN :
  92. 08-11 22:02:01.403 DEBUG: vb2: dqbuf: Returning done buffer
  93. 08-11 22:02:01.408 DEBUG: vb2: Incorrect planes array length, expected 1, got 0
  94. 08-11 22:02:01.430 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  95. 08-11 22:02:01.433 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  96. 08-11 22:02:01.490 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  97. 08-11 22:02:01.493 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  98. 08-11 22:02:01.540 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  99. 08-11 22:02:01.543 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  100. 08-11 22:02:01.591 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  101. 08-11 22:02:01.593 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  102. 08-11 22:02:01.631 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  103. 08-11 22:02:01.633 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  104. 08-11 22:02:01.639 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  105. 08-11 22:02:01.671 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  106. 08-11 22:02:01.673 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  107. 08-11 22:02:01.711 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  108. 08-11 22:02:01.713 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  109. 08-11 22:02:01.719 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  110. 08-11 22:02:01.744 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  111. 08-11 22:02:01.746 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  112. 08-11 22:02:01.752 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  113. 08-11 22:02:01.777 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
  114. 08-11 22:02:01.780 WARN : Waiting output 0 buffer. but it doesn't matter.
  115. 08-11 22:02:01.785 ERROR: vfe32_irq: axi error
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