
Healing Kisses (ch24)

Jul 4th, 2020
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  3. A request from nadie95! Based off the canon revelation that Claudine sometimes talks in her sleep when circumstances are met...
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ---------
  9. Chapter 24. Sleep-talk
  11. Every month, Seishou's classes have individual meetings to discuss future plans and projects regarding upcoming performances and events, as well as appropriate dates for such things. Based on their input, the school will make an official decision, and then an announcement regarding the results.
  13. At this month's meeting, Class A discusses a variety of things, from costume budgets to rehearsal dates, and even the beginnings of plans for a graduation ceremony. But that's still quite a while off, and there's a greater focus on the upcoming 100th Starlight Festival instead.
  15. Maya and the others linger in the classroom to discuss such topics well into the evening, and eventually suppertime is upon them. Junna gathers up all the papers she's been carding through all the while and finally gets to her feet.
  17. "All right, everyone. That's all for today. Thank you for your time."
  19. There's a unanimous, "Thanks for your hard work!" before the rest of the girls start getting up, stretching, and tidying up the room.
  21. As Maya is putting her chair back in its proper place, she spots Claudine stretching her arms above her head and yawning. With a smirk and a mischievous glint in her eye, Maya approaches her.
  23. "Saijou-san?"
  25. Claudine immediately drops her arms down to shield her stomach, fearing she's about to get poked. She glares.
  27. "What?"
  29. Maya just smiles pleasantly.
  31. "I'd merely wanted to ask if you'd like to get dinner together."
  33. Claudine huffs.
  35. "We're all going to dinner together, so of course."
  37. "I see."
  39. "You just wanted to mess with me."
  41. "I haven't the slightest clue as to what you're talking about."
  43. Once the rest of their friends are ready, the usual group of nine heads back to the dorms and the mess hall for dinner. They carry over a bit of the conversations from today's meeting, and inadvertently end up staying until closing time. By the time they all shower, dry their hair, and wish each other goodnight, it's nearly curfew.
  45. Maya and Claudine are just waving off Junna and Nana in the halls before Claudine covers her mouth from another yawn.
  47. "What a day," she sighs. "Even though we didn't do much practice, I'm still exhausted."
  49. "That's to be expected." Maya goes to her side and wraps an arm around her waist. "We've been working our minds today rather than our bodies. But work is work."
  51. "Right." Claudine keeps checking to make sure no one else is around before she leans into Maya's touch. "Well then, it's time for bed."
  53. "I agree."
  55. Maya follows Claudine to her room tonight, and they don't even bother turning on any lights before heading straight to the bed. They pull the covers back together, though Maya invites her to lie down first, being it's her bed.
  57. Once Claudine has gotten settled, Maya slips in beside her. Without a word, they come together in a soft embrace. Both girls are content with just a few small kisses and the usual murmurs of goodnight before closing their eyes. Though Maya does make conscious effort to keep herself awake just long enough to ensure that Claudine is asleep.
  59. Satisfied, Maya hums and nestles up against her collar, listening to the faint pulse thrumming beside her ear. She can feel herself drifting off, and happily welcomes sleep tonight.
  61. But just as she is on the borderline, a little hum of sorts registers in her ear. A tired moan from Claudine in her sleep, nothing more. But even so Maya shifts a little bit, just to make certain she isn't pressing or pushing down on her in some way.
  63. As she settles again and tries to nod off, it's only a few moments later when Claudine makes another sound, and this time it's a bit different.
  65. "Ma…"
  67. For her to actually use her voice is entirely different from just the sleepy moans. Now, Maya opens her eyes and braces herself up on her elbows a little, looking her partner over in the moonlight.
  69. "Claudine?" She reaches out, touching her cheek gently to gauge whether or not she's conscious. But Claudine doesn't stir at the contact, and her breathing remains slow and deep.
  71. Maya waits for a moment, watching over her, but can find nothing off or amiss about her position, nor any discomfort in her expression. She caresses Claudine's cheek again, brushing her nails softly through her curls.
  73. "You must've been quite exhausted to still by trying to hold discussions in your sleep," she muses. She runs her fingers over the side of Claudine's head, petting tenderly. Claudine sighs again, and lets out a little rasp.
  75. "Maya…"
  77. Maya blinks in surprise that Claudine had actually managed her name.
  79. That's when she recalls Claudine had spoken in her sleep before.
  81. It had been back in their first year, just about a week before the Starlight Festival. Claudine had been so exhausted she'd fallen asleep on Maya's shoulder in the lounge and started spilling her unconscious thoughts.
  83. Maya doesn't remember exactly what she'd said back then, but she recalls having discussed the incident with Nana in secrecy, and the two of them had mused about Claudine's sleep-talking together.
  85. But as far as Maya knows, it hasn't happened since - until now.
  87. And she's slept beside Claudine just about every night in recent months, so she's certain she would've woken if Claudine had, in fact, been sleep-talking before tonight.
  89. Maya feels gleefully flattered that the first word out of Claudine's sleeping lips would be Maya's own name, so now she leans down over her, pressing a soft kiss to her eyelid.
  91. "You called for me, mademoiselle?"
  93. Claudine sighs again, and it sounds a tiny bit happier than the last sigh had.
  95. "Maya…"
  97. "Oui~" Maya chuckles. "I am here, Ma Claudine." Satisfied that nothing is amiss, Maya settles back down and pulls Claudine close to her again. "I wonder," she muses. "If you might be a bit more honest in your sleep." She's silent for a moment, running her hands down Claudine's back. "Ma Claudine? If you're listening, please do tell… Do you love me?"
  99. Claudine remains still in her arms, her breathing slow and even. But somehow she hears the question, and her mind makes sense of how to respond with the answer held deep within her heart.
  101. "Of course I love you… Tendo Maya…"
  103. Maya hadn't truthfully been expecting an answer - and such a blatantly-honest one, at that. Her heart flutters, and she feels a rush of heat in her face. She chuckles, happily nestling her face into Claudine's shoulder.
  105. "My… And just how much do you love me, Ma Claudine?"
  107. Another exhale, and somehow Claudine is able to answer again.
  109. "A lot…" she murmurs. "I can't explain it…"
  111. Maya's heart goes even faster now. She can't stop herself from kissing Claudine on the cheek, and shifting closer to give her a light squeeze of a hug. Of course she already knew that Claudine loves her, but it's quite nice to hear her say it clearly. Even if she is, in all rights, asleep.
  113. Maya can't help but wonder what else she might discover about how Claudine sees her. She decides to ask a few more questions she feels she might never hear the honest answers to when Claudine is awake.
  115. "Then on a less emotional note, what of my cooking?"
  117. "I like it…"
  119. "And my singing?"
  121. "It's wonderful…"
  123. "You flatter me," Maya sighs. "Then… what of my art?" She's never been the best at it, and though Claudine has never once laughed at her efforts, she has to wonder if she might secretly think she's terrible at the craft.
  125. But Claudine's honest, sleepy answer is simple.
  127. "You're improving…"
  129. Maya's heart soars. She should never have expected anything less from her.
  131. She's so content now, and feels she's had her fair share of fun with the sleeping girl.
  133. With a few more strokes through Claudine's hair and one more kiss to her forehead, Maya tucks Claudine against her chest now and folds both arms around her.
  135. "Merci, Ma Claudine. I'm sorry to have troubled you with such questions as you're resting. I'll let you sleep properly now. Bonne nuit."
  137. "Bonne nuit…" She even replies readily to that before falling silent.
  139. Maya's heart soars, overflowing with affection as she finally drifts off for the night.
  141. ---------
  143. Come morning, Claudine doesn't seem to recall any of her sleep-talking conversation with Maya last night. Maya doesn't bring it up either, for fear of flustering her.
  145. They go about their usual school day, then have their after-hours training together as always before joining their friends for dinner and a movie before bed.
  147. And Maya is intrigued to discover that Claudine is still talking in her sleep tonight as well, when prompted.
  149. "Claudine?" she murmurs, gliding her fingers down the sleeping girl's back. "How long have you been in love with me?"
  151. Claudine remains quiet for a heartbeat, as if trying to remember.
  153. "At least…" she murmurs. "Since last year… sometime…"
  155. Clearly she doesn't have a specific answer, but Maya is more than thrilled with just this much. She had always assumed Claudine had only developed feelings for her sometime this year. So to know she'd been feeling things for her for as long as Maya had, truly warms her heart.
  157. As Maya continues to pet down her back, she encourages the sleeping Claudine to stroke her ego a little more.
  159. "What do you like about me?" she wonders.
  161. Claudine gives a little huff, as if even unconsciously she's pouting about what Maya is doing to her. But even so, the raspy response comes.
  163. "You work so hard… always..." she mumbles. "You love the stage… more than anyone… When I watch you act… it moves my heart…"
  165. Little does she know that her words move Maya's even more.
  167. Maya kisses her lips softly and pulls her closer.
  169. "I always knew you were never the type to judge based on appearance alone. But what do you think of mine?"
  171. "I think… you're very pretty…"
  173. Maya's heart is racing by this point. She hides her face into the pillow for a moment, curling her fingers into silvery-blonde curls.
  175. /Perhaps… that's enough for my ego for one night…/
  177. She decides to ask different questions now, questions that focus on Claudine.
  179. "I'm curious… what's the most daring thing you've ever done?"
  181. Claudine curls in a little closer to her.
  183. "In France… when Maman's car broke down… and Papa was sick… I had to drive his car to get her… without a permit…"
  185. Maya's eyes widen, and she chuckles aloud.
  187. "Oh, my. That is quite daring. But I'm not surprised you would take such a risk for your mother. You must have driven quite skillfully and responsibly." Maya kisses her temple. "How about this; what's the most fun you've ever had?"
  189. "…The Starlight Festival…"
  191. Maya smiles.
  193. "Of course. I should have known that much."
  195. A yawn comes over her now, and she decides she's played her little games long enough tonight. With one last kiss to Claudine's lips, Maya curls up with her for bed.
  197. -----------
  199. Over the next several nights, Maya continues to speak to Claudine as she sleeps, and each night Claudine replies.
  201. Maya isn't sure why she'd suddenly started sleep-talking, but she amuses herself with innocent questions Claudine would probably never humor her with answers to when she was awake.
  203. Claudine is never aware of the night's events the following morning, and Maya doesn't remind her either.
  205. On the fifth night as Maya lies beside her, she listens to Claudine give the telltale sigh that signifies she's lost consciousness, at which point Maya commences her playful questioning.
  207. She inquires about harmless things, both about Claudine herself and of her thoughts of Maya, like if she prefers her hair up or down, or which colors she thinks look best on her. She's started to get used to this little routine now, allowing herself to get lulled to sleep by thinking of questions to ask her.
  209. Tonight, Maya is just getting ready to end her little conversations with Claudine and get to bed. But somehow, one last question slips its way out of her lips.
  211. "Claudine? What are your plans for after graduation?"
  213. She isn't even entirely certain where the question had come from, but she supposes it's just one of many still floating around in the back of her mind.
  215. Maya has already closed her eyes by this point, ready to welcome slumber as she listens for Claudine's reply. She traces patterns up and down her partner's back as she waits.
  217. But when Claudine does finally respond, it isn't anything Maya had been expecting.
  219. It's a small, soft gasp at first, one that has Maya reopening her eyes instantly in the darkness. As her eyes adjust to the faint slivers of moonlight, she gazes down at her partner. Claudine's lips are parted slightly now, and her brow has become tight-knit and furrowed.
  221. Puzzled, and feeling a trickle of concern down her spine, Maya thumbs the girl's cheek gently.
  223. "Claudine…?"
  225. And again, that tiny little gasp comes, causing Claudine's chest to jolt slightly from the hiccup. When she does finally reply, her voice has become hoarse.
  227. "Don't… Maya…"
  229. All feelings of tiredness are dashed from Maya's body now as she senses something's wrong. Alarmed now, she braces herself up on her elbows and carefully cradles Claudine's face in her palm.
  231. "Claudine…?"
  233. Another gasp. And this time, she feels a warm droplet of water run down over her fingers.
  235. "Please…" Claudine whimpers. "Please don't leave me… Maya…"
  237. Maya's heart feels as though it's being slowly crushed by a jagged boulder.
  239. Claudine jolts again, and now her tears begin to fall more freely, somehow managing to spill out even with her eyes closed. They dribble down across her nose and her cheeks to seep into her pillow, and her voice tumbles out in breathless little whimpers.
  241. Maya's chest stings as she gradually comes to understand now. Her memories of the last time Claudine had spoken in her sleep are resurrected.
  243. She'd done so not long before their previous Festival, and the things Claudine had said in her sleep at the time had been about her friends. Rather, she'd confessed that she'd been lonely without them on her spring break, and that she got sad whenever they weren't around.
  245. She'd only talked in her sleep back then because she'd been so high-strung about the upcoming Festival. Her overactive mind had manifested its fears even as she'd slept, and had allowed her to be honest about her true feelings.
  247. Which would explain why Claudine hasn't talked in her sleep since; because nothing else has stressed her out or made her as anxious as the Festival had.
  249. Until now…
  251. And now, Maya understands exactly what it had been that had triggered her sleep-talking this time around; something so major and worrisome that it made Claudine upset enough for so many days and nights that she'd continuously been sleep-talking.
  253. It had started the night of their class meeting, where one of the things they'd discussed had been the very topic Maya had just asked about - which has brought on Claudine's tears now.
  255. Graduation.
  257. All these nights since then, thoughts of graduation have been weighing down on Claudine's mind and her heart, enough to make her let down her defenses and talk in her sleep, which she only ever did when she was feeling highly anxious.
  259. And Maya… Maya hadn't realized the true meaning behind her talking until now.
  261. /She'll only do this when she's feeling extremely upset about something… And yet, here I was taking advantage of her weakness by asking her frivolous questions…/
  263. She feels wretched now, so terrible she almost feels she might be ill from it. Claudine is still weeping beside her, her voice trembling and fracturing as her fingers clutch the blankets.
  265. "Maya… please don't… I don't want you to… leave me…"
  267. That's what snaps Maya out of it. She's spent enough time just now doing nothing as Claudine cries in her sleep. What's worse, Maya had made her cry. Her stomach twists at the notion that she might've hurt her somehow.
  269. Slowly, gently, she reaches out now to cup Claudine's tearstained cheek, thumbing back a few stray strands of hair.
  271. "Ma Claudine," she whispers. "Please don't cry. Even when graduation comes, you know I won't leave your side. Whatever paths we may choose to walk - even if it means a temporary separation - we will always find our way back to each other, you and I."
  273. She eases herself down to rest her lips ever-so-softly against Claudine's forehead, trailing them along her hairline to her temple, and then her cheek.
  275. "I won't leave you," she murmurs. "I would never. But even if it did happen that way somehow, I would always find you again. You know that, don't you?"
  277. She nuzzles Claudine's nose with hers and hears another hiccup. Maya curls an arm around her shoulders very loosely and coaxes her into a soft embrace.
  279. "I won't leave you, Claudine. Even after graduation, you will still have to live with having me by your side, no matter how infuriating I may prove to be." She leaves another kiss in the curls of her hair and holds it for a long moment.
  281. But even so, it seems Claudine is no longer registering Maya's words, as she continues to cry in her sleep. She must be so upset now that her mind can only think of the fear and sadness of leaving her friends. Her hiccups become louder, and her sobs deeper.
  283. Maya can't bear it any longer. She has no choice but to wake her now to spare her from such grief. Therefore, Maya sits herself up, gathering Claudine into her arms and shaking her gently.
  285. "Claudine? Claudine?" She combs fingers through her bangs, keeping her voice and her touches soft so as not to startle her awake. There's another whimper on Claudine's part before she slowly begins to stir, and her eyes blink open blearily.
  287. "Wh-" She lifts her hands to her eyes to find them soaked, sniffling so much she has to clear her throat. "What's- going on…?"
  289. But before she can ask anymore, Maya is already pulling Claudine up against her chest in a desperate hug.
  291. "I'm sorry-" she chokes. "Claudine… I'm so sorry…"
  293. "E-Eh?" Claudine sniffles again, trying to make sense of everything. "Wh-What are you talking about?" But she can feel Maya is shaking softly against her now, so Claudine doesn't even consider pushing her away to demand answers. Instead, she wraps both arms around her shoulders right away. "Maya, what's going on?"
  295. "It's my fault…" Maya rasps. "Claudine, I'm so sorry-"
  297. "You're not making any sense." Claudine dips her face into her shoulder to clear her cheeks off a little bit before tentatively easing herself back, seeking Maya's gaze. She looks as though she's about to start crying now, too. Maya blinks back at her miserably and shakes her head.
  299. "Claudine… you were talking in your sleep," she confesses.
  301. "E-Eh? I was?"
  303. Maya nods.
  305. "For several nights now. And I… I took advantage of that… I asked you all sorts of meaningless questions for my own selfish entertainment and didn't tell you about it… I didn't understand until just now the reasons why you were talking in your sleep…"
  307. Claudine feels a prickle of embarrassment travel through her. This is all news to her. She'd woken well-rested the past several mornings and hadn't the slightest inkling that she might've been sleep-talking.
  309. "Never mind about that," she says firmly. "Why do you look like Karen after watching a cheesy romance film?"
  311. In spite of her tears coming on, Maya chuckles a little - leave it to Claudine to try and make her feel better with a gentle, light-hearted comparison like that.
  313. Maya bites her lip, shaking her head; she doesn't deserve such kindness after what she'd done.
  315. "Because-" she chokes. "Because… you only talk in your sleep when you're very concerned about something. When you're hurting so much you can't even express it when you're awake… And yet, I took advantage of you by asking silly questions and having fun, all while you were in pain…"
  317. Claudine lets out a small breath now as she finally understands Maya's plight.
  319. "Dummy. You didn't know."
  321. "But I should have thought it through properly," Maya croaks. "I should have-"
  323. "You understand it now, though, don't you?" Claudine asks. "That's more than enough."
  325. "But… I should have-"
  327. "Enough." Claudine quiets her by pulling her close now, cradling Maya's head against her shoulder. She hugs her tight, and Maya breaks down softly.
  329. "I'm sorry…"
  331. "Don't be. You're fine," Claudine murmurs. "I'll be honest, if I'd found out you talked in your sleep, I probably would have had some fun and asked you a bunch of dumb questions, too. I wouldn't have thought twice about why you were doing it." She runs a hand down Maya's back and hugs her closer. "You meant no harm. I know that, Maya."
  333. Maya doesn't feel she should be forgiven so easily after causing Claudine to cry in her sleep. But she can't help but slump against her now and cling to her like a child.
  335. "I'm sorry… I should have known…" She wipes her eyes and eases back, looking up into Claudine's eyes to repent. "It's because we spoke of graduation at the meeting, isn't it?"
  337. Claudine looks down and heaves a small sigh.
  339. "Yes. I… I don't like to think about it… Though, I should have learned my lesson after everything with Nana…"
  341. Maya shakes her head.
  343. "No… I think we all feel that way to some degree. After all… these school days are the best we've had. We all love each other. So to think of being separated… It's unbearable…"
  345. "Yes…" Claudine bows her head. "I can't… I don't want to think about it. Even though we have so much time until that happens… a year and a half will be over before we know it…"
  347. "All the more reason to make each day better, and more special than the one before." Maya finally cracks a smile now, bringing her palm to Claudine's cheek once more. Claudine leans into her touch.
  349. "Then we shouldn't both be crying in the middle of the night," she reasons. "Those aren't the kind of memories we want to have."
  351. "True," Maya agrees. "But I must remember this night, because I learned something very important." Her smile fades now, and her eyes become very serious again. "I truly am sorry, Claudine. It was never my intention to-"
  353. "I don't see it as you taking advantage of me," Claudine stops her. "You were just trying to hear my honest answers to things I normally wouldn't tell you clearly, right? I suppose it's my own fault for… not always being straightforward with you…"
  355. Maya shakes her head.
  357. "You are not at fault, Claudine. That's simply who you are. But I shouldn't have asked you all those questions when you weren't even aware of it…"
  359. Claudine lifts both her hands now to cup Maya's face, making her look into her eyes so there's no misunderstandings.
  361. "I forgive you."
  363. Maya exhales a shaking breath, but eventually dips her head.
  365. "Thank you. But I feel you were still asleep and did not get to hear what I wanted to tell you."
  367. "I'm listening now," Claudine assures her. "I'll listen to anything you have to say."
  369. Maya raises her hands to rest them both over each of Claudine's and squeezes gently.
  371. "I wanted to tell you… that you needn't worry about be lonely. At least not from me. Not even after graduation. Even if we must be separated for some amount of time for any reason, I will still call and message you every day. I will still make time to come see you. I will still find a way to share a bed with you at night and stay by your side. No matter what. I promise you this, Claudine."
  373. Claudine can feel her throat closing up and her heart beating faster with every word out of Maya's mouth, and by the time she's finished, she almost feels like she's about to cry again.
  375. They're just the words Claudine had been wanting so desperately to hear, but had been too afraid to ask for - fearful she'd be being greedy to ask Maya, of all people, to put her career aside at times in favor of her.
  377. Claudine's heart flutters harder and harder until she feels it might burst. She can only think to spare an ounce of her pride by hiding her blush - that's quite deep, even in the darkness - by burying her face into Maya's neck. After all the times she's put up a front, with all that's happened tonight, she does her best to just be honest with Maya now.
  379. "Please…" she murmurs. "That's… That's all I want… to stay by your side…"
  381. "Of course-!" Maya cries. "I will always… always be by your side, Ma Claudine…"
  383. Claudine lets out a shaking breath and nestles into her collar.
  385. "And I will always be by your side too, Tendo Maya."
  387. Maya tightens her hold on Claudine.
  389. "Thank you, Ma Claudine. It truly puts my heart at ease to know you feel the same way."
  391. "Of course I do," Claudine affirms. "And as much as I might complain about your lack of knowledge of personal space… I suppose there's no one else I'd rather have invading me." She purses her lips in a very slight, but adorable pout. "Promise… you'll never stop invading my space, all right?"
  393. Maya seals the vow with a kiss.
  395. "Try and stop me."
  397. "B-But that doesn't mean all the time!" Claudine snaps. "You can't be all over me 24/7, you know."
  399. "I know," Maya sighs. "It is truly a tragedy."
  401. "Mechante va…"
  403. By now, their tears have stopped, and they both spend a moment cleaning each other's faces. Their lips eventually curve back into the usual confident smiles, and an unspoken agreement passes between their gazes.
  405. They come together for another kiss, sweet and tender, before slowly laying down once more. Claudine eases Maya onto her back and rests her head on her chest, and Maya is more than happy to hug her like this.
  407. "So…" Claudine murmurs. "What kind of 'meaningless' questions did you ask me when I was asleep?"
  409. Maya pets through Claudine's hair and all down her back for a moment. Claudine can hear her pulse speed up just a little.
  411. "I asked…" she murmurs. "If you love me."
  413. Claudine pushes herself up instantly.
  415. "That isn't meaningless! Of course I-!"
  417. But before she can get too flustered, Maya lets out a chuckle.
  419. "That is exactly the response you gave me when you were asleep." She blinks up at her with sparkling eyes. Claudine feels her face turning hot and she quickly slumps back down, hiding her face in Maya's collar.
  421. "Mechante…"
  423. Maya gives her another squeeze and kisses the top of her head.
  425. "It was mostly things of that nature. However, I was very relieved to know you don't think my art is terrible."
  427. "Of course it's not. You're improving."
  429. Maya nods, unable to keep the smile off her face.
  431. "Once again, it's exactly as you said before." Maya gives her another hug to show her delight, then sighs softly. "I could have just asked you properly after all…"
  433. "It's fine," Claudine murmurs. "I don't mind…"
  435. "Hm…" Maya closes her eyes now, running her hands all around in lazy patterns over Claudine's back. "Though I must admit I was shocked to discover you've drive without a permit."
  437. Claudine chokes a little.
  439. "You- I told you about that…?"
  441. "You did," Maya chuckles. "I'm sorry to have inquired about such a thing. Though it was rather adorable to hear that was the most daring thing you've ever done."
  443. "And why is that?" Claudine growls, purposefully turning her face to let her chin dig into Maya's chest a bit. "Did you think I was some kind of criminal?"
  445. "Of course not."
  447. Claudine grumbles something under her breath before resting her head sideways once again.
  449. "I've heard enough. Let's go to bed now."
  451. "As you wish."
  453. Maya gives her one last kiss atop the head before settling in. She feels Claudine give one final huff before relaxing on top of her, hugging her sides warmly.
  455. "Bonne nuit," she mumbles.
  457. "Bonne nuit, Ma Claudine," Maya replies.
  459. She waits for a short while until Claudine's pulse has slowed to a resting pace.
  461. "Claudine…?"
  463. But there is no response, and even after several moments have passed, Claudine doesn't say anything in her sleep.
  465. Satisfied that her mind is no longer troubled, Maya finally allows her own mind to be rid of its worries for her.
  467. She falls asleep shortly afterward, keeping Claudine close to her heart, in more ways than just one.
  469. And after that night, there is no more unease, or need for sleep-talking.
  471. ----------
  473. A/N: I must have missed the part in Starira where it reveals Claudine sleep-talks, but I think it's super cute, especially if she does it when she's lonely/nervous ;w; This was a sweet little idea from nadie, I was so glad to write it! Hurt/comfort is so good.
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