
Rainbro with ambiguous end

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. >Jeegus, you've been in Ponyville for forever now.
  2. >One day it just hits you. You're looking out your window up at the stars and shit and having 'deep' thoughts about the universe like a pretentious fuck and you realize you're never going back.
  3. >Not that you were waiting or hoping for it, but it'd never clicked before that your old life might as well never have happened. Equestria is your world now.
  4. >Like... whoah.
  5. >Dash punches you in the kidney.
  6. >"Get back to the couch Anon. I'm not gonna watch all these shitty movies by myself."
  7. >She trots back to where she was sitting and sprawls out across the couch.
  8. >You smile and the thoughts fade away. They didn't matter anyway. You're happy here.
  9. >You go back to the couch to kick back with your best bro.
  10. >She's taking up the whole thing.
  11. >She knows the rules.
  12. >You jump up and bodyslam her rear legs. They're in your spot.
  13. >She lets out a yelp and retracts the offending appendeges.
  14. >You sink blissfully into the cushions and the both of you share a grin, sighing contendedly.
  15. >"So what's the next movie in the pile?"
  16. >You take out the flick that just ended (the one with all the snakes on that train) and start scanning down the stack looking for the case.
  17. >You put it back and grab the next one down without looking.
  18. >Unskippable warnings about piracy. Why does Equestria even have these?
  19. >"I'mma go make some popcorn."
  20. >"Awesome. You're the best, Anon."
  21. >"No problem, bro. I'll be right back."
  22. >She gets up, too.
  23. >"Actually, I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
  24. >You nod and head for the kitchen.
  25. >Suddenly, loud moaning. Not ambiguous moaning, either. Like, someone is definitely fucking and/or being fucked.
  27. >You run out of the kitchen back to the living room.
  28. >Dash comes running out of the hallway.
  29. >The corner prevents you from seeing eachother until it's too late, and you get a headbutt right in the nuts.
  30. >She turns and looks at the TV in horror before diving for the remote.
  31. >You writhe around on the ground in pain.
  32. >She sighs with relief as the relentlessly hardcore pornography shuts off.
  33. >Her wings are as stiff as boards.
  34. >You prop yourself up on an elbow.
  35. >"Dash, what the FUCK?"
  36. >"It was an accident! I heard the TV and came running-"
  37. >"Not that. I know you'd never smash your face into my crotch on purpose."
  38. >Her face is a little flushed, probably from that little sprint.
  39. >"The porn! What... what even was that?"
  40. >Ah, she's blushing because her porn was revealed.
  41. >"Relax, I didn't see anything. Your sick fetishes remain a secret."
  42. >"Heh... I have no idea how that got mixed into the pile. I swear, it won't happen again."
  43. >"It's not a huge deal, it's just... startling. I was expecting to have a brodown, not listen to horses fucking."
  44. >A stray thought about fetishes runs through your head.
  45. >"Those were ponies... right? Like... is... do you guys even have...?"
  46. >She's blushing harder and harder. Her wings are pointing almost straight up.
  47. >"You know what? Nevermind. A bro's porn is his business and his business alone."
  48. >Dash sheepishly walks over and grabs the filthy smut, putting it back in the case and stuffing it at the bottom of her bag.
  50. >"I think I'm gonna go ahead and call it a night, Anon."
  51. >"Yeah, I hear ya. It's pretty late, and if I were you I'd want to get my embarrassing secret hidden again as soon as possible."
  52. >"Heheh... yeah."
  53. >"Of course I'd probably do a bad job of hiding it. It'd be like, under my mattress or something stupid."
  54. >Her face goes pale.
  55. >"What, seriously? You can do all your cloud shit, can't you make a secret compartment in a wall somewhere?"
  56. >"Hey yeah, why didn't I think of that?"
  57. >"I don't know. Maybe you're secretly stupid and none of your friends have told you."
  58. >"Not any stupider than the guy who's popcorn is about to burn his house down."
  59. >FUCK.
  60. >You run for the kitchen and Dash heads for the door.
  61. >You hear her call out a 'later' and you shoot one back while you flail around trying not to fuck up popcorn so bad you end up homeless.
  62. >That was pretty hilarious, other than the part where you took a skull to the sack.
  63. >The look on her face was priceless, but you can understand. You remember one time when your mom found YOUR porn... that was not a fun day.
  64. >You decide then and there to do something cool for your bro tomorrow. She deserves it.
  65. >She always brings the movies, she usually brings booze, she's a pretty damn good bro.
  66. >There's a weird little nagging in the back of your mind that you've forgotten something, but whatever it is it doesn't seem important.
  67. >The nagging isn't even bothersome enough to prevent you from falling asleep.
  68. >You drift off and have a fantastically terrifying nightmare about snakes coming out of the plumbing.
  70. >You wake up earlier than usual and stumble into the kitchen.
  71. >You shovel some food into your face while you contemplate what sort of awesome thing you can do for your bro.
  72. >Shit, duh! The Wonderbolts!
  73. >She's always losing her shit over how great they are (you're not sure why - she's easily as good as them if not better) and they've got a show this weekend.
  74. >You've got some spare bits lying around, so as soon as you're ready to roll you decide to just go buy some tickets.
  75. >As you're about to step out the door, you hear a rustling in the bush to your left.
  76. >You stand still and eye it suspiciously, but it doesn't move.
  77. >You decide to lock your door today.
  78. >That taken care of, you head out. You barely make it thirty feet before the mailmare falls on you.
  79. >You've never really talked to her, but everybody says she's nice - if a little slow sometimes.
  80. >And apparently quite a klutz.
  81. >She apologizes and helps you up before flying off to go... deliver mail or whatever.
  82. >You start walking once more to go get those tickets, but just around the next corner you trip over some little fillies playing in the street.
  83. >You're not mad at them, they're just kids, but it's getting a little frustrating that shit keeps getting in your way.
  84. >You stand up, brush yourself off, and go to buy your GODDAMN tickets.
  85. >Nothing else went wrong on the way, so you feel pretty good as you approach your house.
  86. >Until you see the broken window.
  88. >You hop in through the window and grab the nearest blunt object.
  89. >It's an umbrella.
  90. >Whatever, no time.
  92. >You hear shuffling coming from down the hall and then glass shattering.
  93. >You sigh. If all that dumb shit hadn't slowed you down, you would've been home earlier and this could've been avoided.
  94. >You close your eyes and exhale.
  95. >You're calm. Everything's fine.
  96. >Life is good, and you don't own anything so important you couldn't live without it. Maybe they didn't even get anything.
  97. >Yeah, everything is fine. You've got the tickets. You're gonna be good to your bro.
  98. >And some asshole is gonna get a beating if you see any of your stuff around town.
  99. >You take a quick look around and don't see anything missing from the kitchen or the living room.
  100. >Heading down the hall, you peek into the bathroom for a second to confirm the burglar wasn't mentally deficient and after your soap or anything. Looks good.
  101. >Your bedroom window is smashed. Luckily, all the glass landed outside.
  102. >Everything... looks okay.
  103. >Bed is there, pillows present.
  104. >Alarm clock on the dresser.
  105. >Pull open the drawers, clothes seem to be in order.
  106. >Closet's a warzone, but it always is. There's nothing important in there, and if anything was gone you'd never be able to tell.
  107. >Maybe you scared them off before they could take anything.
  108. >Or maybe they were trying to find something WORTH taking and couldn't.
  109. >You smile. Yeah, everything's good. You'll do something about the windows later.
  110. >You decide to go brighten up your bro's day.
  112. >You stroll over toward Dash's cloud at a leisurely pace.
  113. >Nothing goes wrong or lands on you or trips you.
  114. >You stop underneath her house and call out to her.
  116. >"What? Dash, it's me!"
  117. >She peeks her head over the edge of the cloud and glances down at you.
  118. >She's sweaty and she looks nervous as fuck.
  119. >She drops down and lands roughly to stand in front of you.
  120. >"H-hey. What's up?"
  121. >Her wings are doing that thing again.
  122. >"You alright?"
  123. >She's got a forced smile on.
  124. >"Who me? Y-yeah. I'm fine. I'm... I'm great!"
  125. >You squint and lean forward, staring for a few seconds.
  126. >She's sweating bullets.
  127. >You back off.
  128. >"Well okay then. So, what're you doing this weekend?"
  129. >She's noticeably calmer now, and her wings are returning to normal.
  130. >"I dunno yet. There's a couple options."
  131. >"Eh, not really. Just the one."
  132. >"Oh? And which one is that?"
  133. >You hold up the tickets and flash a toothy grin.
  134. >"Are those?"
  135. >"Yup."
  136. >"AWESOME!"
  137. >Hmmm... bros gotta give eachother some shit now and then, and now is a great opportunity...
  138. >"I know! I'm gonna go take Fluttershy!"
  139. >You start sprinting at top speed toward the little cottage at the edge of the woods.
  140. >Dash sits there in stunned silence while you cover about half the distance.
  142. >When she finally realizes you're just being a dick and screwing with her, she smiles and blasts off in your direction.
  143. >You barely get three more steps before you're on the ground with Dash sitting on your chest.
  144. >You smile.
  145. >She smiles back.
  146. >"God you're gullible."
  147. >You push a little, but she shoves you back down
  148. >"And you're slower than Twilight."
  149. >"Didn't she beat you guys in that race?"
  150. >"Not the point!"
  151. >You push her off of you and she lets you go.
  152. >"Um... hey... Anon?"
  153. >"Yeah?"
  154. >"I have a little... confession to make."
  155. >"What brings this up?"
  156. >"Well, here you are taking me to see the Wonderbolts outta nowhere, while I'm off being a jerk."
  157. >"You? A jerk? NEVER!"
  158. >She gives you a playful shove.
  159. >"I mean it. Besides, there's good news for you here too."
  160. >"Well let's have it, then."
  161. >"I, uh... I broke into your house."
  162. >"That was YOU? What the fuck Dash, why?"
  163. >"When I left last night? I left my bag."
  164. >Her wings are doing that thing again.
  165. >"So why couldn't you just wait for me and for it?"
  166. >"The uh... the porn, dude."
  167. >"Not sure I follow you."
  168. >"I don't know, I panicked. I barely slept last night knowing it was still over there waiting to be found."
  169. >Now she's blushing, too.
  170. >"And then this morning when I got there, the door was uh... locked. So I made a stupid choice. I'm... I'm sorry."
  171. >You look at her for a second before you smile and hold up your fist.
  172. >Hoof meets fist, and she understands she is forgiven.
  173. >"You're cleaning up the glass, though."
  175. >The weekend comes up fast, and before you know it you're at the show with your bro.
  176. >You have to admit, the Wonderbolts ARE pretty fuckin' sweet, but why can't she see she's just as good?
  177. >She's squealing and cheering and having a great time. You're glad you did this for her.
  178. >Whatever that nagging thought at the back of your head is, it's back. There's some stupid little thing you're forgetting.
  179. >It still doesn't feel like it's important, but it's more relevant. Something reminded you of it?
  180. >If so, it did a pretty shitty job reminding you since you can't remember what it is.
  181. >You try to push it aside and ignore it, but it's more insistent than before.
  182. >Dash has some stuff to go do, so you split up and you go home.
  183. >You open the door and wonder what the shit you're trying so hard to remember.
  184. >The windows need replacing?
  185. >Nah, that's obvious. Especially since it's gotten colder without them.
  186. >Dash already cleaned up the glass, so that's not it.
  187. >The umbrella maybe?
  188. >Oh, is it that you need to get a bat or something in case there's a real break-in?
  189. >Nope. Shit, what the fuck is it?
  190. >You pace around the house, wandering from room to room.
  191. >Nothing in the kitchen gives you any ideas.
  192. >The bathroom is similarly unimportant.
  193. >The rest of Dash's movies are still in your living room, but that's on purpose. You weren't done watching them all yet.
  194. >You get to the bedroom and shiver from the cold. You're glad your blankets are so warm.
  195. >Wait...
  196. >...Why was she in your bedroom if she left the bag in the living room?
  198. >You have a hard time sleeping that night.
  199. >Your blankets are really warm, but you still feel cold.
  200. >What the hell was she doing in your bedroom?
  201. >And why is there STILL an unidentifiable little memory trying to claw its way out of the back of your head? Was the bedroom thing not it?
  202. >No... no it wasn't.
  203. >The little nagging thought came up before then. You were able to brush it off as unimportant the first night, but you definitely remember it was there the night before she broke your windows.
  204. >Whatever it is, it's getting more and more annoying and you just know it's only going to get worse if you don't figure out what it is.
  205. >Eventually, you do fall asleep, but all too soon the sun is all up in your grill being an obnoxious asshole and cutting your sleep short.
  206. >Your tiredness and general annoyance manage to override the little brainworm and you go about your day relatively in the clear.
  207. >You flop onto the couch and kick off your shoes when there's a knock at the door.
  208. >It's Dash. Movie time.
  209. >You try to enjoy the movie - okay, enjoy may not be the appropriate word because these are TERRIBLE movies - but two little things keep buzzing around your head. Why was she in your bedroom, and what are you forgetting?
  210. >Fuck this shit.
  211. >"Hey Dash?"
  212. >"Yeah Anon?"
  213. >"The other day, when you crashed in here desperately in need of getting off but unable to do so without your freaky fetish porn, why'd you go out my bedroom window?"
  214. >Nervous and sweaty. Wings. Blush. You're pretty sure Dash would be the worst poker player ever.
  215. >"Well, you were in the living room and uh... the bedroom has the only window you can't see from there."
  216. >"Okay, well you were ALREADY in the bedroom when I came in. Did you want me to catch pneumonia and die so you could inherit my bitchin' TV?"
  218. >"What? NO! I just... I was..."
  219. >"Come on, spill it. I'm your bro. I'll probably forgive you. I might get a little revenge, but I'm sure whatever you did wasn't that bad."
  220. >She's blushing HARD now.
  221. >"You know how you said you kept your porn under your mattress?"
  222. >There's that little memory of a memory again...
  223. >"Yeah?"
  224. >"I was... curious."
  225. >"Oooh."
  226. >Wait.... OH! SHIT, THAT MUST BE WHAT IT WAS!
  227. >When you were first unpacking your shit, there was one thing you couldn't find.
  228. >One piece of filthy, filthy pornography.
  229. >It actually wasn't that bad, but it was your favorite. Sentimental value, y'know? It was the very first piece in your collection.
  230. >All the talk of porn made you remember that you'd lost it. But it's not IMPORTANT because it's just porn and you've got plenty more.
  231. >"I kinda took some."
  232. >You start laughing uproariously. Pervy little shit, your bro is. Ah, tonight is good. Your bro comes clean (the truth will set you free, dawg!) and you get that little knot out of your skull...
  233. >Or... not.
  234. >What the flying FUCK is it? If THAT wasn't it, then what the hell are you forgetting that's so not important?
  237. >FUCK...
  238. >Fuck...
  239. >Fuck?
  244. >The loud fucky moaning the other night from Dash's accident with the porn was what you were remembering!
  245. >She has your missing porn! She's had it all along!
  246. >She must've gotten a hold of it when she was helping you move in.
  247. >And now she has MORE of it? The greedy little fucker.
  248. >Wait a minute.
  249. >Waaaaiiiit a minute.
  250. >She wasn't just curious. She'd seen it before!
  251. >But... your porn has humans, not ponies...
  252. >Your bro is like... a reverse furry or something.
  253. >You feel a lot better now that you remember, and you're not even really mad. It's just porn.
  254. >But god DAMN are you laughing hard right now.
  255. >Your bro is SO FUCKING EMBARRASSED.
  256. >You do have a right to laugh here, but you actually are starting to feel bad for how monumentally embarrassing this must be.
  257. >You shut your mouth and hold it in for a few seconds. Dash looks at you.
  258. >It's no good, you can't do it. You crack up and she looks away in shame.
  259. >She turns to leave.
  260. >"No... bro..."
  261. >It's hard to talk when you're laughing so hard.
  262. >"It's... it's okay, bro. I'm sorry... just gimme a minute here."
  263. >She doesn't say anything, but it looks like she's about to cry.
  264. >Man, now you feel AWFUL.
  265. >Finally managing to suppress what you think is the last of it, you put a hand on her shoulder and smile.
  266. >"Everything'll be okay bro. I've seen weirder fetishes."
  267. >Aw, fuck. Now she IS crying.
  269. >"Bro, look at me. LOOK AT ME."
  270. >She wipes away some of her tears and looks up into your eyes.
  271. >"You can't control what you like. It's part of who you are. Shit happens. I found out your terrible secret, but so what? It's not like I'm gonna go tell your friends. You can trust me."
  272. >She sniffles and you can see the beginnings of a smile.
  273. >"There ya go. Now, remember here, trust, okay? I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?"
  274. >She nods.
  275. >"That porn the other night? Did you take that from me?"
  276. >She nods again, but is refusing to make eye contact.
  277. >"Look at me, Dash. It'll be okay. I just need to make sure I can trust you here. I don't want you lying to me and taking my stuff. I want to believe in you, okay?"
  278. >She looks back at you and her lip quivers, but she holds herself together.
  279. >"Okay. So you took that, and then when you broke in you took more from under my mattress. Is there anything else I should know?"
  280. >She doesn't say anything.
  281. >"You didn't do anything else?"
  282. >She shakes her head.
  283. >"You haven't lied about anything else?"
  284. >She looks away and a few more tears fall.
  285. >"DASH! It'll be okay. Look at me. I want to forgive you, we just need a whole lot of trust okay? This shouldn't be hard. We have something, don't we?"
  286. >She's fighting to not start bawling.
  287. >"I... the... the other night... wasn't totally an accident."
  288. >You tilt your head.
  289. >She's blushing and her wings are doing that thing.
  290. >"I mean yeah, I was... I was just as surprised as you when it came on. I thought it was way closer to... to the bottom of the stack."
  292. >You're stunned. She's... she's obviously not having a very good time right now. Why would she willingly do this to herself?
  293. >"Anon, I just... I thought maybe..."
  294. >She... she has a thing for humans.
  295. >And she tried to stealth some porn into your movie night.
  296. >That sly bitch.
  297. >"You thought what, it'd be easier to convince me if I was prepped and ready to go?"
  298. >She sniffles again.
  299. >Oh god, how do you even... what's the protocol for...
  301. >It doesn't matter that she's a she, she's still your bro.
  302. >Bros... bros are bros. Bros are excellent to eachother.
  303. >Bros help eachother out and are there for eachother.
  304. >Bros don't leave bros hangin'.
  305. >Bros have trust.
  306. >Has any of that changed?
  307. >She confessed. She's trying to make up for what she did.
  308. >She still meets all the prerequisites for bro-dom.
  309. >Plus she's... she's your BEST bro. None of the others could replace her.
  310. >Yeah, okay, what about the other side?
  311. >Are YOU in the clear?
  312. >Have you lied to her?
  313. >Do you trust her?
  314. >Have you ever left her hangin?
  316. >Yes. Yes you have.
  317. >You agreed to watch movies with Dash, and there were no restrictions on what she could choose.
  318. >You said, and you quote yourself, 'Yeah, I'll watch whatever you want. It's less WHAT you watch and more WHO you watch WITH.'"
  319. >You get up and go over to the couch.
  320. >You sit down and press play.
  321. >You pat the seat next to you.
  322. >She looks confused.
  323. >"It's still movie night."
  324. >"But... but I thought..."
  325. >"You are who you are, and you like what you like. I trust you, and I care about you. There's no conflict there."
  326. >She cautiously steps toward the couch.
  327. >"But you're not-"
  328. >"Doesn't matter. Nothing has changed. Two weeks ago, did you feel the same way you do now?"
  329. >She nods.
  330. >"And we still had funtimes. You're important to me, and it'll take a lot more than this to change that."
  331. >She hops onto the seat next to you and offers a shaky smile.
  332. >You shiver from the cold. You still haven't replaced the windows.
  333. >She puts a wing over you.
  334. >You don't object.
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