

Apr 20th, 2015
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  1. [05:58:35] <SamuelL> She was planning to call, and I joked that we should three way call, then she asked if I wanted to listen in. Of course I said yes.
  2. [05:58:43] <ButtKing> Wow.
  3. [05:58:43] <%Mr_Miles> Unlock, root and flash, then download Cyanogen mod
  4. [05:58:47] <@Wallis> Because I'm too much of a pussy to use custom roms.
  5. [05:58:48] <kenup>
  6. [05:58:49] <[einbot]> 10 Interesting Facts About Marijuana[4M29S][ 10 Facts about marijuana that everyone should know. Happy 4-20! Federal Government Finally Admits Marijuana Has Medicinal Value: ]3[1,110]4[29]
  7. [05:59:01] <%Mr_Miles> Or get a Nexus phone, Nexus phones get the newest updates from Google
  8. [05:59:03] <@Wallis> Mr_Miles, I don't have any type of warranty, so I don't want to risk a brick.
  9. 01[05:59:04] <GodlessCunt> that's why I never talk on the phone about sensitive matters
  10. [05:59:07] <%Mr_Miles> No matter your provider
  11. [05:59:09] <@Wallis> My G3 is alright.
  12. 01[05:59:19] <GodlessCunt> SamuelL might be listening in
  13. [05:59:20] <@Wallis> I know, the nexus is a godly phone.
  14. [05:59:25] <%Mr_Miles> What kind of phone do you have Wallis ?
  15. [05:59:32] <@Wallis> I'm on an LG G3
  16. [05:59:39] <%Mr_Miles> LG is good
  17. [05:59:43] <@Wallis> I love the phone
  18. [05:59:45] <kenup> I hate LG
  19. [05:59:52] <%Mr_Miles> Solid manufacturer
  20. [05:59:53] <@Wallis> But, the issue I have is I want to update.
  21. [05:59:58] <kenup> my screen is LG and it sucks ass
  22. [06:00:01] <%Mr_Miles> I'm still on a nexus 4
  23. [06:00:09] <@Wallis> But, the update has a bug with notifications and wifi.
  24. [06:00:12] <%Mr_Miles> I want one of those LG flex phones
  25. [06:00:14] <SamuelL> Alright, he called back
  26. [06:00:16] <@Wallis> Yeah
  27. [06:00:18] <kenup> the only reason Nexus is good is because it's google's
  28. [06:00:19] <SamuelL> *listens*
  29. [06:00:21] <sabrinaa> Lonely iPhone party over here :(
  30. [06:00:32] <%Mr_Miles> Nexus isn't made by google though kenup
  31. [06:00:39] <%Mr_Miles> They source them out
  32. [06:00:43] <kenup> no, but they commissioned it
  33. [06:00:44] <%Mr_Miles> Nexus 4 is made by LG
  34. [06:00:47] <@Wallis> I use to be an Apple guy, but after getting the G3, I couldn't ever go back to iOS.
  35. [06:00:54] <@Wallis> Android is much better.
  36. [06:00:58] <%Mr_Miles> iOS sucks
  37. [06:00:58] <@Wallis> No doubt.
  38. [06:01:01] <kenup> it's not just up to LG is my point
  39. [06:01:09] <sabrinaa> I had android and windows phone but ios just worked for me
  40. [06:01:11] <%Mr_Miles> Android is open source, it makes a massive diff.
  41. 03[06:01:21] * ButtKing is now known as Hubacub
  42. [06:01:28] <%Mr_Miles> You use an iPhone sabrinaa ?
  43. [06:01:33] <sabrinaa> Oui Mr_Miles
  44. [06:01:38] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Is UnknownArchive around?
  45. [06:01:41] <%Mr_Miles> We can't be friends anymore sabrinaa
  46. [06:01:46] <sabrinaa> I'm sorry :(
  47. [06:01:49] <Hubacub> Hi Unfunny.
  48. [06:01:51] <kenup> the only problem is some devices don't allow to change alot of setting if you don't route android
  49. [06:01:52] <%Mr_Miles> Death to Apple!
  50. [06:01:59] <kenup> DEATH TO APPLE
  51. [06:02:09] <Zack> Clewd disappear
  52. [06:02:11] <Zack> Clewd disappear
  53. [06:02:12] <Zack> Clewd disappear
  54. [06:02:20] <Hubacub> Apple disappear.
  55. [06:02:25] <sabrinaa> Taking a break to play Mario Party 10 for a bit. BRB <3
  56. [06:02:31] <kenup> like, my phone, before my sis fucked it up, I couldn't set it to installing apps on the sd
  57. [06:02:32] <Hubacub> Apple disappearrr.
  58. [06:02:38] <kenup> without routing it
  59. [06:02:49] <Hubacub> How did she fuck it up?
  60. [06:03:02] <kenup> didn't I explain it?
  61. [06:03:12] <Hubacub> Not that I remember.
  62. [06:03:27] <kenup> she thought my waterproof coat needed a clean up
  63. [06:03:36] <kenup> but she didn't follow my recomendation
  64. [06:03:44] <kenup> and so water got into the pockets
  65. [06:03:47] <%Mr_Miles> Nintendo was shit for a long time but they're rebuilding their reputation
  66. [06:03:51] <Hubacub> Oh wow.
  67. [06:03:56] <%Mr_Miles> 3DS XL... i wouldn't mind one
  68. [06:04:02] <Hubacub> Did she buy you a new one?
  69. [06:04:03] <HeavenlyArmed> oh, didn't even realize TJ had a new video up too
  70. [06:04:05] <%Mr_Miles> I haven't wanted a Nintendo product in years
  71. 03[06:04:11] * AndroUser2 ( has joined #drunkenpeasants
  72. [06:04:18] <HeavenlyArmed> that was interesting... I guess?
  73. [06:04:22] <kenup> no, I told her to just give me the money, I'll do with them as I please
  74. [06:04:26] <%Mr_Miles> Welcome AndroUser2 .. Who are you?
  75. 03[06:04:34] * LubeMan420 is now known as B
  76. 01[06:04:46] <GodlessCunt> someone who uses android
  77. 01[06:04:47] <GodlessCunt> obviously
  78. [06:04:50] <Hubacub> ^^
  79. [06:05:03] <HeavenlyArmed> "I got raped by the words and thoughts of people saying things I was offended by"
  80. 02[06:05:14] * DerektheStonedHobo ( Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  81. [06:05:15] <kenup> well, I think I've been awake long enough
  82. [06:05:18] <Hubacub> Best TJ vid in a while imo.
  83. [06:05:32] <kenup> goodnight, and Good Morning GodlessCunt
  84. 03[06:05:35] * B is now known as Guest62684
  85. 02[06:05:47] * kenup (~kenup@4820D626.47C578E8.DB09ACD7.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  86. 03[06:06:12] * Guest62684 is now known as WilWheaton
  87. [06:06:13] <HeavenlyArmed> pretty entertaining, the vid he's responding to is kinda dumb
  88. 02[06:06:38] * sabrinaa ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  89. [06:06:43] <Hubacub> Kinda?
  90. 01[06:06:46] <GodlessCunt> SamuelL you better be taking notes over there
  91. [06:07:03] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Fuck, Sam is here again?
  92. [06:07:05] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Shit.
  93. [06:07:09] <HeavenlyArmed> well, more than a little dumb, but I've probably seen dumber
  94. [06:07:09] <Hubacub> Yup.
  95. [06:07:11] <SamuelL> stfu TheUnFunnyComedian
  96. [06:07:13] <SamuelL> I'm busy
  97. [06:07:18] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Nah, fuck you.
  98. [06:07:20] <Hubacub> Fuck off Sam.
  99. 01[06:07:37] <GodlessCunt> he's on a legitimate mission though
  100. [06:07:37] <HeavenlyArmed> unfunny and sam, go fuck somewhere else
  101. [06:07:44] <Hubacub> Feel the 420 love.
  102. [06:08:11] <SamuelL> I'm literally listening to her talk to her ex
  103. [06:08:26] <HeavenlyArmed> hawt >.>
  104. 06[06:08:33] * GodlessCunt np: Cruachan - Some Say The Devil Is Dead
  105. [06:08:41] <HeavenlyArmed> but seriously, why and what about?
  106. [06:09:05] <%Mr_Miles> Did someone msg me on my mr-miles name?
  107. [06:09:38] <%Mr_Miles> Or is my phone just being a laggy bitch
  108. [06:09:43] <Hubacub> I didn't
  109. [06:09:46] <TheUnFunnyComedian> No.
  110. [06:09:51] <TheUnFunnyComedian> O
  111. [06:10:07] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I do want to get ahold of UnknownArchive.
  112. [06:10:10] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Is he around?
  113. [06:10:21] <Hubacub> He was.
  114. 01[06:10:22] <GodlessCunt> just PM him
  115. [06:10:26] <%Mr_Miles> I got a notification saying "Hello Mr-Miles" with it showing androIRC .. i checked IRC on my phone and can't find the msg
  116. [06:10:27] <Hubacub> Earlier.
  117. [06:10:59] <TheUnFunnyComedian> There's no point in PMing him if he's not online.
  118. 01[06:11:30] <GodlessCunt> well, he does things on a side
  119. 01[06:11:39] <GodlessCunt> and only once in a while checks out IRC
  120. 01[06:11:46] <GodlessCunt> or that's my guess anyway
  121. [06:11:47] <SamuelL> HE'S FUCKING CRYING!
  122. 01[06:11:51] <GodlessCunt> so leave him a PM
  123. [06:11:53] <TheUnFunnyComedian> lol
  124. [06:11:55] <SamuelL> HOLY FUCK
  125. [06:11:57] <TheUnFunnyComedian> What a bitch.
  126. 01[06:11:58] <GodlessCunt> in case he turns up in 20mins or so
  127. [06:12:04] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Alright.
  128. [06:12:05] <Hubacub> Lool
  129. [06:12:18] <Hubacub> Sam, call him a little bitch.
  130. [06:12:28] <SamuelL> It's not a true 3-way, I'm just listening in
  131. [06:12:37] <%Mr_Miles> AndroUser2 is me, well SOB
  132. 01[06:12:41] <GodlessCunt> SamuelL is NSA in this scenario
  133. [06:12:46] <Hubacub> ^^
  134. 02[06:13:23] * AndroUser2 ( Quit
  135. 03[06:13:50] * Mr-Miles ( has joined #drunkenpeasants
  136. [06:14:10] <SamuelL> ...
  137. [06:14:16] <Hubacub> What?
  138. [06:14:19] <%Mr_Miles> That's better
  139. [06:14:25] <SamuelL> This is way too complicated
  140. [06:14:36] <Hubacub> What's happening?
  141. [06:15:04] <SamuelL> It looks like now she's interested in getting back with him.
  142. [06:15:10] <Hubacub> Oshit.
  143. [06:15:14] <SamuelL> But I can't tell
  144. 01[06:15:24] <GodlessCunt> give us some highlights
  145. 01[06:15:28] <GodlessCunt> of what they are sort of talking about
  146. 01[06:15:31] <GodlessCunt> how the conversation is flowing
  147. 01[06:15:33] <GodlessCunt> something more to go on
  148. [06:15:37] <SamuelL> How she wants to have sex with other people
  149. [06:15:41] <SamuelL> And he doesn't want her to
  150. [06:15:50] <SamuelL> But she hasn't mentioned my name
  151. [06:16:23] <Hubacub> Are you able to talk to them?
  152. [06:16:31] <Hubacub> Or can you only listen?
  153. [06:16:36] <SamuelL> She can hear me, but I'm not going to interrupt
  154. [06:16:38] <SamuelL> He can't hear me
  155. [06:16:51] <Hubacub> So, he doesn't know that you're listening?
  156. [06:17:01] <%Mr_Miles> This is some highschool level drama
  157. [06:17:02] <SamuelL> Correct
  158. [06:17:09] <SamuelL> Mr_Miles: I know...
  159. [06:17:12] <SamuelL> It's pathetic
  160. [06:17:17] <SamuelL> But, at the same time, entertaining
  161. [06:18:14] <TheUnFunnyComedian> If they're broken up, what does he care if she fucks other people?
  162. [06:18:16] <%Mr_Miles> So, who the fuck are these people who aren't taling?
  163. [06:18:22] <SamuelL> Shit, we got disconnected. It doesn't look like she hung up, though, it seems like a tech error
  164. [06:18:32] <%Mr_Miles> Why come here if you aren't going to do anything here?
  165. [06:18:38] <SamuelL> TheUnFunnyComedian: Because they're trying to get back together
  166. [06:18:44] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Ah.
  167. [06:18:52] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Three way relationship?
  168. [06:18:56] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Would that work?
  169. [06:18:58] <SamuelL> No
  170. [06:19:02] <SamuelL> He's definitely against that
  171. [06:19:09] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Well, fuck you, just shit all over my idea.
  172. [06:19:14] <WilWheaton> change his mind
  173. 02[06:19:16] * vince_420_mcmahon ( Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  174. [06:19:23] <Hubacub> Go murder the fucker.
  175. [06:19:26] <WilWheaton> "convince" him
  176. [06:19:35] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Suck his dick a little.
  177. [06:19:42] <TheUnFunnyComedian> You kinda look like a chick anyway.
  178. [06:19:53] <Hubacub> Convince him at gunpoint.
  179. [06:19:57] <SamuelL> She called back
  180. [06:20:06] <Hubacub> What's she saying?
  181. [06:20:11] <SamuelL> For a minute I thought she forgot I was listening
  182. [06:20:19] <SamuelL> But she didn't, she WANTS me to hear this.
  183. [06:20:20] <SamuelL> WTF?
  184. [06:20:24] <SamuelL> What. the. fuck?
  185. [06:20:50] <TheUnFunnyComedian> That is one sadistic bitch.
  186. [06:20:52] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I like her.
  187. [06:20:54] <SamuelL> I agreee
  188. [06:20:57] <WilWheaton> she played you like a *fool*, samual.
  189. [06:21:03] <Hubacub> ^
  190. [06:21:04] <SamuelL> WilWheaton: But she didn't
  191. [06:21:19] <Hubacub> WilWheaton is Blooping.
  192. [06:21:32] <SamuelL> I should livestream this call
  193. [06:21:36] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Yes.
  194. [06:21:40] <SamuelL> Nah
  195. [06:21:40] <WilWheaton> no, this is patrick.
  196. [06:21:42] <Hubacub> Yes.
  197. [06:21:43] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Do it faggot.
  198. [06:21:45] <Hubacub> Please do.
  199. [06:21:46] <HeavenlyArmed> is *she* interested in the 3-way ending?
  200. [06:21:50] <Hubacub> Seriosuly.
  201. 01[06:21:51] <GodlessCunt> I told you there were some mindfucks going on SamuelL
  202. [06:21:55] <WilWheaton> DO IT
  203. [06:22:00] <SamuelL> GodlessCunt: This is crazy
  204. [06:22:00] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Who cares what she wants?
  205. [06:22:03] <TheUnFunnyComedian> She's a chick.
  206. [06:22:10] <TheUnFunnyComedian> They only exist to get fucked.
  207. 01[06:22:25] <GodlessCunt> she's probably getting off on this
  208. [06:22:25] <Hubacub> I only exist to get fucked.
  209. [06:22:38] <Hubacub> Ah
  210. [06:22:51] <Hubacub> My fucking arm is cramping up like a motherfucker.
  211. [06:22:51] <SamuelL> Now he's opening up to group sex, the fuck?
  212. [06:23:04] <Hubacub> Are you trolling us dude?
  213. [06:23:09] <SamuelL> No, I'm serously nowt
  214. [06:23:12] <SamuelL> But I think she is me
  215. [06:23:14] <Hubacub> Fine.
  216. [06:23:20] <HeavenlyArmed> there, see? everyone wants the 3-way ending for you guys
  217. [06:23:24] <Hubacub> ^
  218. [06:23:44] <SamuelL> Like, now she's trying to convince him back to his old beliefs, as if to give her a valid excuse to end it with him.
  219. [06:23:53] <Hubacub> Ah
  220. [06:23:57] <Hubacub> My fucking arm.
  221. [06:24:00] <SamuelL> "I don't want you to change yourself"
  222. [06:24:09] <SamuelL> "But I don't want you not letting me fuk other people"
  223. [06:24:20] <Hubacub> How old is this guy?
  224. [06:24:26] <SamuelL> A little younger than me
  225. [06:24:27] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Probably like 12.
  226. [06:24:31] <SamuelL> 19
  227. [06:24:43] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Sam's gonna fuck a little boy.
  228. 01[06:24:45] <GodlessCunt> maybe he's just Hubacub's cousin or something
  229. [06:24:45] <Hubacub> This is some drama filled shit.
  230. [06:24:52] <SamuelL> Hubacub: I know
  231. [06:24:53] <HeavenlyArmed> she's probably having a blast fucking with you both
  232. [06:24:59] <SamuelL> HeavenlyArmed: I know
  233. [06:24:59] <bloop> ^
  234. [06:25:05] <Hubacub> I think she's getting off on this shit.
  235. [06:25:10] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Oh, right.
  236. [06:25:10] <bloop> mgtow that bitch
  237. [06:25:10] <SamuelL> But, you have to agree, that this is entertaining as fuck
  238. [06:25:14] <bloop> tell her to go fuck herself
  239. [06:25:25] <Hubacub> LIVESTREAM IT FGT,
  240. [06:25:36] <TheUnFunnyComedian> DO IT
  241. [06:25:43] <Hubacub> DO EEEIT NOAW.
  242. [06:25:45] <%Mr_Miles> It's so entertaining i'm going to go watch random Youtube videos
  243. [06:25:49] <SamuelL> Can't, I can't set it up fast enough
  244. [06:25:53] <WilWheaton> you should mindfuck her, and go have sex with the guy.
  245. [06:25:57] <Hubacub> ^
  246. [06:26:00] <TheUnFunnyComedian> ^^^
  247. [06:26:00] <SamuelL> Mr_Miles: Maybe not entertaing to YOU, but entertaining to ME
  248. [06:26:12] <Hubacub> And me.
  249. [06:26:20] <HeavenlyArmed> what WilWheaton said
  250. [06:26:23] <%Mr_Miles> <28SamuelL18> But, you have to agree, that this is entertaining as fuck
  251. [06:26:50] <SamuelL> He's crying again
  252. [06:27:02] <TheUnFunnyComedian> lol
  253. [06:27:15] <%Mr_Miles> If she's into such a pussy, what's that say about you sam?
  254. [06:27:16] <TheUnFunnyComedian> This is one master manipulator type bitch.
  255. [06:27:21] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I like this ho.
  256. [06:27:26] <SamuelL> ^^^^
  257. [06:27:32] <HeavenlyArmed> tell her to tell him she's got a cock to comfort him
  258. [06:27:41] <Hubacub> ^
  259. 06[06:27:42] * GodlessCunt np: Cryptic Forest - Ystyr
  260. [06:27:53] <Hubacub> Tell her she's a stupid dumb cunt.
  261. [06:27:55] <%Mr_Miles> Sam, you really need to step back and try to look at this from a third person perspective
  262. [06:27:59] <Hubacub> She''ll love that.
  263. [06:28:05] <SamuelL> Mr_Miles: That's literally what I'm doin
  264. 01[06:28:09] <GodlessCunt> Mr_Miles he is the 3rd person in this scenario
  265. [06:28:13] <SamuelL> I'm like a fly on the fucking wall
  266. [06:28:21] <SamuelL> Debating whether I want to fly in
  267. [06:28:25] <%Mr_Miles> That's not what i mean
  268. [06:28:35] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Fly into his anus and her pussy.
  269. [06:28:46] <Hubacub> ^^^^^^
  270. [06:28:56] <%Mr_Miles> I mean, as in taking himself out of the situation, as if it was his friend in his shoes, what would he say or think
  271. [06:29:03] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I've always wanted to have a three way.
  272. [06:29:10] <TheUnFunnyComedian> That's one thing I've never done.
  273. [06:29:15] <%Mr_Miles> I don't mean for a convo, i mean for the entire thing
  274. [06:29:22] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Is Craigslist still a thing?
  275. 01[06:29:30] <GodlessCunt> I don't follow Mr_Miles
  276. [06:29:30] <Hubacub> Kinda.
  277. [06:29:32] <%Mr_Miles> Yes
  278. [06:29:43] <SamuelL> I understand what you're saying
  279. [06:29:50] <bloop> just tell her to go fuck herself
  280. [06:29:54] <bloop> and stop talking to her
  281. [06:29:56] <bloop> she's a cunt.
  282. [06:29:57] <Hubacub> ^^^^
  283. [06:29:58] <SamuelL> Nah
  284. [06:30:01] <SamuelL> It's too much fun
  285. [06:30:05] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Just fuck the bitch and get it over with.
  286. [06:30:12] <SamuelL> This is some serious lulz right now
  287. [06:30:13] <Hubacub> You're getting off to this shit
  288. [06:30:20] <TheUnFunnyComedian> If you ain't gettin that pussy, it ain't worth it dude.
  289. [06:30:23] <Hubacub> ^
  290. 01[06:30:28] <GodlessCunt> give us some more highlights about the conversation itself
  291. [06:30:30] <SamuelL> I'm literally listening to this chick's exboyfriend cry
  292. [06:30:31] <Hubacub> Dude, just fuck her.
  293. [06:30:34] <HeavenlyArmed> the only people not getting off to this right now are the guy and Mr_Miles
  294. 01[06:30:37] <GodlessCunt> I'm really curious about this kind of situation
  295. 01[06:30:42] <GodlessCunt> what to say when someone is just crying
  296. [06:30:44] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Keep him on the line, and fuck her.
  297. 01[06:30:45] <GodlessCunt> it's really strange to me
  298. [06:30:48] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Make him listen.
  299. [06:30:51] <SamuelL> ha!
  300. [06:30:54] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Fuck to his tears.
  301. [06:31:01] <SamuelL> This is so surreal
  302. [06:31:02] <bloop> well
  303. [06:31:06] <Hubacub> Use his tears as lube.
  304. 03[06:31:09] * WilWheaton is now known as lubeman
  305. [06:31:10] <HeavenlyArmed> oh, and bloop
  306. [06:31:12] <bloop> that's why you don't try to make a whore into a housewife
  307. [06:31:17] <bloop> let him cry
  308. [06:31:20] <lubeman> tears do make good lube.
  309. [06:31:21] <HeavenlyArmed> I don't think bloop gets off
  310. [06:31:37] <TheUnFunnyComedian> God, bloop is such a puritanical fuck.
  311. [06:31:37] <bloop> meh?
  312. [06:31:38] <Hubacub> Lubeman, hi.
  313. 03[06:31:45] * Hubacub is now known as ButtKing
  314. [06:31:47] <lubeman> hello
  315. [06:31:47] <SamuelL> I can't tell how much she's acting
  316. [06:31:59] <SamuelL> Because she's actually a pretty good actor
  317. [06:32:01] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Who cares, just fuck her.
  318. [06:32:09] <ButtKing> Just.Fuck.Her
  319. [06:32:09] <lubeman> It was me. I was Wil Wheaton the whole time.
  320. 01[06:32:10] <GodlessCunt> this could be like a strange roleplay
  321. [06:32:15] <SamuelL> Yea
  322. 01[06:32:20] <GodlessCunt> I'm borrowing the first part from UnFunny
  323. [06:32:21] <ButtKing> It might be
  324. [06:32:22] <SamuelL> I'm wondering if the guy is actually getting off to this, too
  325. [06:32:27] <SamuelL> And they're just trolling me.
  326. [06:32:37] <ButtKing> It might be roleplay for both of them.
  327. 01[06:32:38] <GodlessCunt> but instead of just listening to the guy cry, you also have bloop ranting in the background
  328. 01[06:32:42] <GodlessCunt> about what kind of slut she is
  329. 01[06:32:44] <GodlessCunt> as you have sex
  330. [06:32:47] <TheUnFunnyComedian> lol
  331. [06:32:49] <ButtKing> I think you're being trolled.
  332. [06:32:52] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Yes!
  333. [06:33:03] <bloop> that guy is not getting off to it and neither are you
  334. [06:33:06] <bloop> you're just playing to the crowd
  335. [06:33:10] <bloop> you're still in her palm
  336. [06:33:11] <SamuelL> ButtKing, it does seem like that, but the amount of time we've spent together is far out of that possibility
  337. [06:33:14] <bloop> wimps
  338. [06:33:18] <SamuelL> She'd have to be the best troll I've ever met.
  339. 01[06:33:31] <GodlessCunt> well, some people are natural manipulators
  340. 01[06:33:35] <GodlessCunt> that's different from being a troll
  341. 01[06:33:37] <GodlessCunt> it's who they are
  342. [06:33:37] <ButtKing> I think there's an element of roleplay to this.
  343. 01[06:33:41] <GodlessCunt> not what they pretend to be
  344. [06:33:42] <SamuelL> I believe she just hung up on me
  345. [06:33:56] <ButtKing> She's fucking him.
  346. [06:34:00] <ButtKing> I'm sure of it.
  347. [06:34:02] <SamuelL> Well, I know that
  348. [06:34:06] <SamuelL> I'm not worried about that
  349. [06:34:08] <HeavenlyArmed> now just go over and join them
  350. 01[06:34:39] <GodlessCunt> and people ask me why I never disclose personal stuff to other people
  351. 01[06:34:40] <GodlessCunt> this is the reason
  352. [06:35:11] <HeavenlyArmed> because internet anonymity turns even peopple who are often kind and caring into shitheads?
  353. [06:35:20] <ButtKing>
  354. [06:35:21] <[einbot]>  Straw Poll
  355. [06:35:25] <HeavenlyArmed> probably a good reason
  356. 01[06:35:27] <GodlessCunt> I don't think it's the internet
  357. 01[06:35:34] <GodlessCunt> the internet simply provides more opportunities for that
  358. 01[06:35:39] <GodlessCunt> people are who they are
  359. [06:35:40] <SamuelL> I mean, I voted yes
  360. [06:36:05] <HeavenlyArmed> well, allow me to rephrase
  361. [06:36:10] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I voted no!
  362. [06:36:23] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I'm rooting for this hag!
  363. [06:36:31] <lubeman> samuel, do you want to fuck y girlfriend?
  364. [06:36:53] <HeavenlyArmed> it gives people an outlet to let the shittiest parts of their personality shine through without consequence
  365. 01[06:37:19] <GodlessCunt> I don't think it's about consequences either
  366. 01[06:37:46] <GodlessCunt> when most people get together with friends as an example
  367. 01[06:37:50] <GodlessCunt> they talk shit about other people all the time
  368. 01[06:38:02] <GodlessCunt> the internet just gives you the opportunity to do that on a greater scale
  369. [06:38:06] <SamuelL> Should I send this:
  370. [06:38:07] <SamuelL> "What the hell? Thanks for letting me listen into that call, I definitely do not want to be anywhere near involved in any of that. Have fun with your BS."
  371. [06:38:19] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Nah.
  372. [06:38:26] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Wait it out.
  373. [06:38:30] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Then fuck 'em both.
  374. [06:38:43] <HeavenlyArmed> honestly, SamuelL, yes, I'd say you probably should
  375. [06:38:57] <bloop> derrrrrr
  376. 01[06:39:13] <GodlessCunt> quick add
  377. [06:39:14] <HeavenlyArmed> for the sake of there is indeed some fucked up stuff going on there
  378. [06:39:18] <SamuelL> I'm adding this modifier at the end:
  379. 01[06:39:18] <GodlessCunt> maybe you can slip in a question there
  380. [06:39:19] <SamuelL> Let me know when you've actually sorted it out, if ever.
  381. [06:39:20] <TheUnFunnyComedian> So, bloop, what constitutes a slut, if I may ask?
  382. [06:39:27] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Can a guy be a slut?
  383. 01[06:39:28] <GodlessCunt> ask her if she would be impressed if you showed her a card trick on the first date
  384. [06:39:32] <bloop> no
  385. [06:39:36] <TheUnFunnyComedian> What happens if you marry a guy slut?
  386. [06:39:42] <bloop> guy's that get laid a lot are not sluts
  387. [06:39:48] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Well, why not?
  388. [06:39:52] <TheUnFunnyComedian> What are they?
  389. [06:39:57] <TheUnFunnyComedian> What's the difference?
  390. [06:40:01] <bloop> because it's hard to get laid a lot as a guy (with the right caliber of women)
  391. [06:40:03] <SamuelL> Sent.
  392. [06:40:06] <bloop> as a woman it's not hard
  393. [06:40:15] <bloop> different standards
  394. 01[06:40:20] <GodlessCunt> shit just got real SamuelL
  395. [06:40:31] <TheUnFunnyComedian> That's literally the dumbest thing I think I've ever read in my life.
  396. [06:40:31] <SamuelL> "Seen 11:31pm"
  397. [06:40:36] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I feel dumber now.
  398. [06:40:41] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I lost IQ points.
  399. [06:40:48] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I'm sorry I asked.
  400. [06:40:57] <bloop> makes sense to me
  401. [06:41:13] <ButtKing>
  402. [06:41:14] <[einbot]>  Straw Poll
  403. [06:41:43] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Who the hell voted 25%?
  404. [06:41:53] <SamuelL> She's typing
  405. [06:42:00] <SamuelL> oh shit, niggas
  406. [06:42:08] <SamuelL> "I've already done so many terrible things"
  407. [06:42:15] <SamuelL> "I can't keep hurting people anymore"
  408. 01[06:42:26] <GodlessCunt> rofl
  409. [06:42:32] <TheUnFunnyComedian> You are being played so hard.
  410. [06:42:34] <SamuelL> Anyone got a good reply?
  411. [06:42:38] <SamuelL> "I don't want this"
  412. [06:42:39] <HeavenlyArmed> so far we have 5 votes for she's a slut, one vote each for 25% AIDS and not a slut, and 3 votes for 150%
  413. [06:42:43] <TheUnFunnyComedian> You better get the pussy at the end of this.
  414. 06[06:42:43] * GodlessCunt np: Dark Funeral - The Arrival Of Satan's Empire
  415. 01[06:43:14] <GodlessCunt> I would totally get into it
  416. [06:43:16] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Seriously, who the fuck voted 25%?
  417. 01[06:43:17] <GodlessCunt> write something like
  418. [06:43:21] <SamuelL> "And if you feel taht way, I don't think we should talk anymore."
  419. [06:43:25] <SamuelL> "This isn't fair to either of us."
  420. [06:43:27] <ButtKing> Oh wow.
  421. [06:43:39] <ButtKing> She's playing you so fucking hard.
  422. [06:43:41] <ButtKing> Dude.
  423. [06:43:43] <SamuelL> Yea?
  424. [06:43:44] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I'm way better than 25%.
  425. [06:43:47] <SamuelL> She's typing again
  426. [06:43:50] <HeavenlyArmed> "Then stop with all this, figure out what you really want, and then go with it"
  427. [06:43:52] <bloop> tell her you're not hurt
  428. [06:43:54] <bloop> you don't care
  429. [06:43:54] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I'm like, at least 75%.
  430. [06:43:54] <ButtKing> You are being trolled so fucking much.
  431. [06:43:59] <bloop> and then "see ya"
  432. 01[06:44:03] <GodlessCunt> "by simply trying to hold on to this relationship that has clearly evaporated, you're making it harder for both him and yourself to move on. Continuing this will bring no closure, only more pain, especially for him."
  433. 03[06:44:04] * [Clippy] ( has joined #drunkenpeasants
  434. [06:44:09] <TheUnFunnyComedian> CLIPPY!
  435. 01[06:44:12] <GodlessCunt> .np zubrils
  436. [06:44:13] <TheUnFunnyComedian> I missed you!
  437. [06:44:14] <lubeman> Start crying. it worked for the other guy
  438. [06:44:18] <[Clippy]> zubrils is listening to Dark Funeral - The Arrival of Satan's Empire from the album Diabolis Interium (played 10 times)
  439. [06:44:19] <SamuelL> That's good, GodlessCunt
  440. [06:44:21] <SamuelL> I'm going for it
  441. [06:44:27] <bloop> no it isn't
  442. [06:44:33] <bloop> stop texting her you retard
  443. [06:44:39] <ButtKing> She's definitely trolling you.
  444. [06:44:40] <ButtKing> She'
  445. [06:44:49] <ButtKing> She's getting off to this so hard.
  446. [06:44:58] <SamuelL> I just sent GodlessCunt's shit verbatim
  447. [06:44:58] <%Mr_Miles> Oh no.. my brother is talking to himself again
  448. [06:45:07] <lubeman> give me this bitche's number
  449. [06:45:08] <%Mr_Miles> Can't wait to get the fuck out of here
  450. [06:45:11] <lubeman> she sounds cool
  451. [06:45:11] <bloop> i mean of course you're gonna hurt people you fucking whore
  452. 01[06:45:12] <GodlessCunt> what kind of messages is he getting today?
  453. [06:45:14] <bloop> you've known you would all along
  454. [06:45:15] <ButtKing> Is he schizophrenic?
  455. [06:45:17] <SamuelL> Keep the replies coming, faggots
  456. [06:45:18] <bloop> because you're a horrible slut
  457. [06:45:36] <HeavenlyArmed> talking to yourself is normal
  458. [06:45:37] <%Mr_Miles> I don't know what he is buttking, he refuses to see any mental health people
  459. [06:45:44] <ButtKing> Wow.
  460. [06:45:49] <lubeman> howold is he?
  461. [06:45:52] <%Mr_Miles> Full blown conversations, HeavenlyArmed
  462. [06:45:57] <SamuelL> Seen at 11:36, but she's not typing
  463. [06:45:57] <%Mr_Miles> He's 28
  464. [06:45:57] <ButtKing> Sam, call her a fucking bitch.
  465. [06:46:04] <HeavenlyArmed> as long as you don't have conversations with two vastly opposing sides
  466. [06:46:09] <ButtKing> And say that she doesn't deserve your dick.
  467. 01[06:46:25] <GodlessCunt> welcome to the post-show chat
  468. 01[06:46:28] <GodlessCunt> #realtalk only
  469. 03[06:46:31] * yolo ( has joined #drunkenpeasants
  470. [06:46:34] <HeavenlyArmed> like, I can talk to myself for extended periods of time, but I don't argue with myself
  471. 01[06:46:48] <GodlessCunt> well, we all do that in our heads
  472. 02[06:46:50] * yolo ( Quit
  473. 01[06:46:54] <GodlessCunt> doing it out loud doesn't mean anything imo
  474. [06:47:00] <%Mr_Miles> It sounds like he's talking to someoneone, HeavenlyArmed .. but he isn't
  475. 01[06:47:05] <GodlessCunt> you still should try to avoid doing that while people are around
  476. [06:47:06] <%Mr_Miles> This isn't his only issue
  477. [06:47:20] <HeavenlyArmed> then yeah, there may be something wrong there
  478. [06:47:43] <%Mr_Miles> He's also convinced he's Einstein reincarnate
  479. [06:47:55] <%Mr_Miles> But he's about as clever as a tree
  480. [06:48:07] <SamuelL> Oh, I'm going to do something, she hasn't replied yet
  481. 01[06:48:32] <GodlessCunt> you might have blown her mind
  482. [06:48:37] <bloop> who the fuck are you talking about Mr_Miles
  483. 01[06:48:39] <GodlessCunt> with this very rational and simple realization
  484. [06:48:58] <%Mr_Miles> he's also convinced NASA spies on him for their top secret projects, taps his mind to get info but don't want to pay him
  485. [06:49:03] <TheUnFunnyComedian> His brother, bloop.
  486. [06:49:08] <%Mr_Miles> my brother, bloop
  487. [06:49:12] <SamuelL> I'm going to say: "I did get a sadistic high from that call, as I stopped being involved for minutes and started laughing at both of you. It's actually pretty pathetic."
  488. [06:49:14] <SamuelL> Should I?
  489. [06:49:19] <bloop> is he schizophrenic
  490. 01[06:49:22] <GodlessCunt> Mr_Miles maybe you can try this some day
  491. 01[06:49:25] <GodlessCunt> SamuelL not yet
  492. [06:49:26] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Do not do that.
  493. 01[06:49:29] <GodlessCunt> but keep it saved somewhere
  494. [06:49:29] <lubeman> tone it down
  495. [06:49:32] <SamuelL> Better response?
  496. [06:49:36] <TheUnFunnyComedian> You need to get that pussy first.
  497. [06:49:42] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Before you burn the bridge.
  498. [06:49:45] <%Mr_Miles> His dad actually was schizophrenic so he may have some of that
  499. 01[06:49:45] <GodlessCunt> wait till she replies
  500. [06:49:50] <SamuelL> No, I dont' want her pussy if I can't date her
  501. [06:49:50] <bloop> SamuelL: I like that one
  502. [06:49:54] <bloop> make that your last text
  503. [06:50:37] <bloop> if we're lucky maybe they'll suicide together
  504. [06:50:43] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Get that pussy damnit!
  505. [06:51:02] <HeavenlyArmed> bloop: that's fucked up, kind sir
  506. [06:51:12] <SamuelL> "I did get a sadistic high from that call, as I stopped being involved for minutes and started laughing at both of you. It's actually pretty pathetic. I thought you were smarter than this."
  507. 01[06:51:26] <GodlessCunt> HeavenlyArmed you don't understand - these people don't have a future like ours
  508. [06:51:26] <bloop> no
  509. [06:51:27] <TheUnFunnyComedian> There you go.
  510. [06:51:30] <bloop> remove that last sentence
  511. [06:51:32] <TheUnFunnyComedian> That makes it better.
  512. [06:51:34] <SamuelL> Sent
  513. [06:51:35] <bloop> because we all know that's not true
  514. [06:51:36] <SamuelL> Fuck you
  515. [06:51:41] <lubeman> Go over there Tony Soprano style, and whip that boi with your belt.
  516. [06:51:44] <SamuelL> No, bloop, she really is a smart person
  517. [06:51:47] <SamuelL> She's typing
  518. [06:51:53] <ButtKing> Oh wow.
  519. [06:51:58] <ButtKing> She's such a bitch.
  520. [06:52:05] <SamuelL> She stopped typing, now she's mindfucked
  521. [06:52:06] <ButtKing> Dude, you're being played.
  522. [06:52:07] <SamuelL> MINDFUCKED
  523. [06:52:17] <TheUnFunnyComedian> You done got that pussy right there.
  524. [06:52:23] <HeavenlyArmed> I'm dying here, thanks godless
  525. [06:52:49] <bloop> hahah it's so funny because you couldn't wrap your mind around a philosophical paper
  526. [06:52:52] <bloop> because you're so dumb
  527. [06:52:57] <bloop> so now it's funny
  528. [06:53:03] <bloop> hahahah nice quip bros
  529. [06:53:09] <HeavenlyArmed> oh, I didn't bother reading it because frankly I don't care
  530. [06:53:20] <SamuelL> Aha, she's typing again
  531. [06:53:23] <SamuelL> She thought that one through
  532. [06:53:31] <SamuelL> "I felt it too"
  533. [06:53:32] <TheUnFunnyComedian> bloop, I read it, I understood what you were saying.
  534. [06:53:32] <HeavenlyArmed> it's just funny as a response
  535. [06:53:33] <SamuelL> WTF DOES THAT MEAN?
  536. [06:53:35] <TheUnFunnyComedian> It was stupid.
  537. 01[06:53:40] <GodlessCunt> lol
  538. 03[06:53:40] * sabrinaa ( has joined #drunkenpeasants
  539. [06:53:45] <bloop> you'd be the only one if that were true
  540. [06:53:47] <TheUnFunnyComedian> She felt the connection.
  541. [06:53:52] <TheUnFunnyComedian> She wants your dick now.
  542. [06:54:00] <%Mr_Miles> welcome back to highschool sabrinaa
  543. [06:54:03] <SamuelL> "And I knew you felt that way."
  544. [06:54:14] <SamuelL> sabrinaa, this is fucking hilarious
  545. [06:54:15] <HeavenlyArmed> she's just as much of a sadistic fuck as you, is what she meant
  546. [06:54:16] <sabrinaa> Hooray! Are you guys going to tell me to kill myself too?
  547. [06:54:36] <%Mr_Miles> Only because you live in Canada
  548. [06:54:36] <bloop> it's not funny
  549. [06:54:38] <sabrinaa> What's hilarious SamuelL
  550. [06:54:40] <bloop> stop texting the stupid whore
  551. [06:54:48] <SamuelL> But bloop, it's so funny
  552. [06:54:50] <TheUnFunnyComedian> Nah, he needs to get her pussy first.
  553. [06:54:55] <sabrinaa> Someone give me the TLDR
  554. [06:54:58] <HeavenlyArmed> nah, no Ben fan should kill themselves
  555. [06:55:05] <lubeman> sam got cucked
  556. [06:55:12] <sabrinaa> Yay :3 HeavenlyArmed
  557. [06:55:16] <SamuelL> She's calling me
  558. [06:55:21] <sabrinaa> Stil?
  559. [06:55:23] <ButtKing>
  560. [06:55:24] <[einbot]>  Straw Poll
  561. [06:55:34] <ButtKing> Dude, dump that bitch.
  562. [06:55:37] <SamuelL> She's still on the phone with him
  563. [06:55:38] <%Mr_Miles> oh sabrinaa this has been going on for some time
  564. [06:55:39] <SamuelL> WTF
  565. [06:55:45] <SamuelL> And now I'm listening in
  566. [06:55:50] <TheUnFunnyComedian> bloop is not 150%.
  567. [06:55:52] <%Mr_Miles> even my insane brothers couldnt derail this convo
  568. [06:55:54] <sabrinaa> The calling part was happening when I left D:
  569. [06:55:55] <SamuelL> ...
  570. [06:55:59] <TheUnFunnyComedian> He's mabe 50% max.
  571. [06:55:59] <HeavenlyArmed> sam got a good amount of entertainment hearing the girl talking on the phone to her ex
  572. [06:56:04] <sabrinaa> Insane brothers? Mr_Miles
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