

May 30th, 2015
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  1. Name: Amelia Richardson
  3. Age: 21
  5. Appearance: She has long, bright red, curly hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her eyes are bright green, and she has a light dusting of freckles all over her body. She is shorter, and a medium size for a female. Her work clothes consist of paint covered jeans, a ripped up greyish blue t-shirt over an undershirt, and sneakers. Her favorite outfit, however, is a pair of dark jean shorts over a pair of white leggings, sneakers, and an oversized shirt with a hood, that has the head of a cartoon cat on the front.
  7. Personality: She is a bit closed in, not willing to share anything personal with others. Most of her artwork she makes in her spare time, she refuses to show anyone, but her works she has done for others, and of course her murals, she feels anyone should be able to see. She's normally very quiet, talking in whispers, almost. But she loves to scream when she's angry.
  9. Unique Trait: Amelia was born with synesthesia, coming from her own mother, causing her to taste sounds, names in particular, and feel images. This causes her to be able to see past scenes in an area when she touches something that will trigger this specifically.
  11. Background: She lived a life out in the country, on a farm in the middle of Colorado. She decided, as she graduated high school, she wanted to use her artistic ways in the city, so she moved to the East Coast in search of job opportunities in big cities. She has painted a few murals and made a few friends along the way, but her obscure and dark art doesn't seem to catch many people's eyes.
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