
My Mind Blossoms

Jun 22nd, 2014
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  1. >Today seemed uneventful as you finish up whatever chore you had around your house.
  2. >In fact, every day seemed boring. It looked like Equestria, a candy land with candy horses, turned out to be a shithole much like Earth. Only except, with candy horses and sexy looking cows.
  3. >So, you had fapped to some cows, big deal, r-right?
  4. >As you were contemplating on what to do next, somebody knocked on your door.
  5. >You had a vague idea on who it was, so you went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of eggs and quickly walked to the door.
  6. >"Ha, I knew you would come back for the eggs, Glory, so ho- oh, hello?"
  7. >You opened the door to see a confused, white coated mare standing in front of you.
  8. >Her mane color reminded you of some peppermint candy that you ate a lot as a kid. Her mane style looked a lot like that bitch, Toilet Sparkle's.
  9. "Oh ummm, are you Anon? You left your tomato bag at the market after you stormed off from the sales pony at her stand. I thought I'd give it back to you, being the good pony that I am." she said, with a confident look adorning her face.
  10. >You were wondering where you left that bag.
  11. >You almost committed Sudoku after not having the proper ingredient for the spaghetti dinner you were going to have.
  12. >"Oh, thanks, uhhhh-"
  13. "Blossomforth, nice to meet you." She holds out her wing as if to shake your hands with.
  14. >You gently take her wing and proceed to shake it, careful in not hurting her.
  15. "So, I guess my job here is done. See ya." As she turns around and starts to leave, you can't help but notice the way she walks.
  16. >She sways her hips and puts you in a trance like state with the way her flanks bounce.
  17. >Damn nigga, ponies are hot yo.
  18. >You close the door and put the eggs and tomatoes on the table.
  19. >During the rest of the evening, you do what any man does best and that is working out your right arm muscles.
  20. >You gotta stay /fit/, in one way or another.
  21. >As you finish up, you go and clean yourself up. The whole, time you were thinking about cows and your mother, but that white little pony slipped in your mind every so often.
  22. >There was something about her that intrigued you. Of coarse, you wouldn't lie and say you wouldn't rut her till her ponut is inside out.
  23. >Maybe it was the way she was? How could you possibly be intrigued about her if you had only met her for 2 minutes?
  24. >Come to think of it, the day on the market, there was only a couple of ponies shopping for food. You never seen her around at all.
  25. >Maybe she was stalking you? Damn it, you are thinking too hard on this, after all, you're the only human in the whole damn country, possibly the whole damn world.
  26. >You start to feel a bit sad, knowing you are the only member of your species. Alone in a world full of colorful shit.
  27. >You wish you had your computer with you so that you can go on 4chan and start shitposting with summer.
  28. >Those days were probably the best. Going online and pretend to be all cool on a board full of black people, jews, and satan that nicknamed himself moot.
  29. >You start to relax with all these thoughts and drift off to sleep.
  30. >You started dreaming thinking about the good ol' days online.
  31. >You were having this argument and obviously winning, when all of a sudden, you see this white hoof sitting on your hand. You trace the appendage to its owner and realize that Blossom was looking at you with her beautiful eyes.
  32. >You see her full body and see that she has on a pink see-through night gown that reaches all the way to her belly. Leaving only her cutie completely visible.
  33. "Anon, why don't you come to bed and ravage my tomato?"
  34. >She looks at you with bedrooms eyes and turns around to give you a view of her Cloudchaser?
  36. >You open your eyes and see that cloudchaser is standing on top of you with her face plastered next yours.
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