
Important segments of the American Right are traitorous/dumb

Jan 30th, 2018
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  2. 15:03 *** AriHiraf joined #politics
  3. SotU 6 pacific 9 eastern, DJ Trump's guests:
  4. Topic set by realiste! on Tue Jan 30 2018 14:21:08 GMT-0800 (PST)
  5. 15:03 Ekko Greetings AriHiraf, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait a minute without changing your nickname, you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
  6. 15:03 +++ Ekko has given voice to AriHiraf
  7. 15:03 AriHiraf This is a cool song: Show YouTube video (
  8. 15:03 urlinfo *** Kaleo - Way Down We Go (HAKT X 5HOW Remix) - YouTube
  9. 15:05 *** deblamer quit (Quit: deblamer)
  10. 15:06 *** deblamer joined #politics
  11. 15:07 sn00p deport these bastards
  12. 15:07 sn00p
  13. 15:07 urlinfo *** Republican congressman wants illegal immigrants who attend State of the Union 'arrested and deported' | Fox News
  14. 15:07 far In cognitive psychology and decision science, conservatism or conservatism bias is a bias in human information processing, which refers to the tendency to revise one's belief insufficiently when presented with new evidence.
  15. 15:07 +++ Ekko has given voice to deblamer
  16. 15:07 *** eddb left #politics (Leaving)
  17. 15:10 luldangs amen
  18. 15:10 *** alexs quit (Killed (AndroSyn (reconnect)))
  19. 15:11 luldangs if they're allowed than that is showing current administration and trump weakness, if they're there right in front of his face and nothing is done
  20. 15:11 kball I can’t decide whether or not to watch the SOTU
  21. 15:11 sn00p you're a idiot if you have to think about that
  22. 15:12 far just read the transcript, way more efficient
  23. 15:12 *** deblamer quit (Quit: deblamer)
  24. 15:12 luldangs yep
  25. 15:13 kball true, but that loses something, for sure
  26. 15:13 nharris It's lose lose. If those bean....err.. illegal immigrants are taken out of the audience, it'll just add to the false "Trump is a fascist" narrative.
  27. 15:13 AriHiraf far: Where's that from?
  28. 15:13 luldangs doesn't really matter, just ignore that
  29. 15:13 AriHiraf kball: I am not going to watch the SOTU.
  30. 15:13 AriHiraf Reason: Donald Trump is a traitor who hates American democracy.
  31. 15:14 kball that doesn’t seem like a very good reason
  32. 15:14 AriHiraf Reason: He is currently attempting to destroy neutral law and order in the USA and the GOP is complicit.
  33. 15:14 nharris How much anti-democracy has Trump done exactly?
  34. 15:14 AriHiraf kball: Why?
  35. 15:14 kball i mean, wouldn’t you want to see what a traitor is up to?
  36. 15:14 synaptic far, that statement itself has bias, naturally new evidence is considered but weighted against a lifetime of other evidence.. if that new evidence proves to be true over the long haul, then it will be incorporated
  37. 15:14 luldangs yeah. and obama, who literally did things that matches the definition of treason and sedition, is just fine. toss another on the ignore pile.
  38. 15:14 AriHiraf kball: I prefer to see it through a interpretative lens by those I trust.
  39. 15:14 mac^^^ how would we know a person at SOTU is an illegal?
  40. 15:14 synaptic this speaks to the weights assigned to the connections of the neural network
  41. 15:14 AriHiraf His words are poison.
  42. 15:14 AriHiraf mac^^^: The brown ones.
  43. 15:14 synaptic somebody who immediately weights new evidence greater than all other evidence may be easily misled
  44. 15:14 sn00p Cuck Schumer needs to fucking shut the hell up
  45. 15:15 kball nharris, i haven’t even said anything of substance
  46. 15:15 AriHiraf luldangs: What is the best example of treason by Obama?
  47. 15:15 luldangs looks like AriHiraf has been here under lots of nicks: Ascend , BingBongP , CasualBri , CitlaliSh , Duressed , EsFeo , Gabbon , gruffdog , Kibash , LovingCat , MovingOve , n00b699 , n00b813 , n00b961 , NalaniEke , NewChatte , Wickaninn
  48. 15:15 luldangs actually i got more Anaru , AriHiraf , Ascend , BingBongP , CasualBri , CitlaliSh , dragoon , Duressed , EsFeo , FreyrFrey , Gabbon , Gideon , gruffdog , inverted , ivarr , JegaPRIME , Kibash , KupRavage , LovingCat , makana , Meren , MovingOve , n00b699 , n00b813 , n00b961 , NalaniEke , NewChatte , Simd , Teferi , temurian , Wickaninn
  49. 15:15 AriHiraf luldangs: As a believer in Madison republican democracy, I support investigating and imprisoning all traitors.
  50. 15:16 AriHiraf Because, as Madison articulated in Federalist 10, factionalism is the primary threat to the republic.
  51. 15:16 *** deblamer joined #politics
  52. 15:16 luldangs
  53. 15:16 redryder far, maybe thier not biasd but just put more weight in certain factors than just blowing them off equally
  54. 15:16 urlinfo *** STUMPED Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders GOES SILENT When Asked If He’s Happy People Are Getting Tax Bonuses Thanks to President Trump’s Tax Cuts | Press Bull
  55. 15:16 +++ Ekko has given voice to deblamer
  56. 15:17 AriHiraf synaptic: You are correct that learning is a difficult problem.
  57. 15:17 luldangs leftists worried about bias. that's gold
  58. 15:17 AriHiraf If you have seen a lot of evidence, and the new evidence you see is a small percentage of the amount of evidence you've seen so far, you should generally be conservative in moving your beliefs.
  59. 15:17 mac^^^ I know 1 day makes no difference in the stock market but Trump might stutter if he brags about the market tonight
  60. 15:17 sn00p obama cant troll worth shit
  61. 15:17 AriHiraf For the record: luldangs was unable to provide an example of treason by Obama.
  62. 15:18 AriHiraf Note: His bringing up any possible treason by Obama in response to a statement about possible treason by Trump is an example of whataboutism -- a pervasive fallacy.
  63. 15:18 kball there were no ‘pallets of currency given to iran’
  64. 15:18 AriHiraf Of course, in machine learning, it's difficult to know just how much to weight recent evidence v. old evidence.
  65. 15:18 kball i can’t believe so many people so readily bought that lie
  66. 15:18 *** MacGuffin quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  67. 15:18 AriHiraf Depending on context/problem-domain, it might make sense to weight recent evidence much more than old evidence.
  68. 15:19 *** [x] quit ()
  69. 15:19 redryder factionalism is a concern, but if you believe in your course of action as opposed to just tearing down everything like the dems do
  70. 15:19 AriHiraf For example, if you are trying to provide recommendations for a video on Youtube.
  71. 15:19 synaptic a population, genetic algorithms and a fitness test are in order
  72. 15:19 *** KOISSER joined #politics
  73. 15:19 *** KOISSER quit (Connection closed)
  74. 15:19 AriHiraf redryder: Can you expound?
  75. 15:19 AriHiraf The Framers advocate violence and tearing down.
  76. 15:19 AriHiraf I have a citation.
  77. 15:19 synaptic yeah that's consistent with liberty
  78. 15:20 AriHiraf "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations...
  79. 15:20 *** walrein joined #politics
  80. 15:20 AriHiraf ..., pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
  81. 15:20 +++ Ekko has given voice to walrein
  82. 15:20 AriHiraf So, for example, the GOP is currently in a long train of usurpations.
  83. 15:21 redryder that in itself is like a negative positive, like negative esp, you should get 10 flips of a coin half right but is you get less thats negative esp, so but negativism could encourage one to believe he's right
  84. 15:21 AriHiraf They pursue legislation that is extremely unpopular with the American people -- including GOP voters.
  85. 15:21 AriHiraf They actively work to undermine the US intelligence and law enforcement communities.
  86. 15:21 AriHiraf They participate in the Russian cyberwarfare against the USA.
  87. 15:21 AriHiraf If a wave election occurs in 2018, and the results do not indicate that, then the American government will no longer be valid, per Declaration of Independence.
  88. 15:22 AriHiraf The CIA director, Mike Pompeo, a Trump sycophant, yesterday stated that Russia will absolutely interfere with the 2018 election.
  89. 15:22 AriHiraf The GOP is taking no attempts to secure our elections.
  90. 15:22 julz how do they interfere?
  91. 15:23 AriHiraf julz: There hasn't been a full audit of the 2016 election, but here is what we know:
  92. 15:23 AriHiraf 1. They use a network of bots on social media platforms to push ideology that disrupts the social fabric in the USA
  93. 15:23 AriHiraf 2. They hacked the DNC
  94. 15:23 AriHiraf 3. They attempted to hack the RNC
  95. 15:23 julz no proof of DNC hack
  96. 15:23 AriHiraf 4. They provided assistance to the Trump campaign with Hillary's emails
  97. 15:23 mac^^^ AriHiraf: who the fuck cares?
  98. 15:24 aquarius Seth Rich
  99. 15:24 AriHiraf mac^^^: Your question is "who the fuck cares?" about a foreign nation interfering with our elections?
  100. 15:24 aquarius shareblue shills on efnet
  101. 15:24 AriHiraf 5. They exploit Citizens United to funnel dark money to the GOP.
  102. 15:24 AriHiraf 6. They at least attempted to hack 39 state election systems
  103. 15:24 mac^^^ AriHiraf: depends on what you mean by "interfering"
  104. 15:24 AriHiraf julz: Those are some of the known ways they have interfered.
  105. 15:24 *** MacGuffin joined #politics
  106. 15:25 AriHiraf mac^^^: I am currently using the definition and evidence from the 16 US intelligence agencies.
  107. 15:25 *** alexs joined #politics
  108. 15:25 AriHiraf Do you consider those valid?
  109. 15:25 julz state election systems vary from state to state they are not uniform some precincts still use paper ballots
  110. 15:25 AriHiraf Or, like the US president, Donald Trump, do you consider them fake news.
  111. 15:25 synaptic how do you know election hackers are russians?
  112. 15:25 mac^^^ AriHiraf: I do n ot respect our intelligence agencies
  113. 15:25 AriHiraf synaptic: Because Five Eyes, the Dutch, and the 16 of 16 US intelligence agencies say so.
  114. 15:25 +++ Ekko has given voice to MacGuffin
  115. 15:25 +++ Ekko has given voice to alexs
  116. 15:25 AriHiraf mac^^^: I see.
  117. 15:25 julz how do you hack voter machines no in synch with the net?
  118. 15:25 julz not
  119. 15:26 mac^^^ AriHiraf: I also do not see a problem with fake stories
  120. 15:26 AriHiraf julz: There is publicly available data for your question.
  121. 15:26 julz Ari, I don't need it
  122. 15:26 AriHiraf julz: Why?
  123. 15:26 synaptic arihiraf, that's demo talking points.. 17 intelligence agencies right?
  124. 15:26 julz none of the things you posted makes sense
  125. 15:26 AriHiraf julz: Are you an anti-intellectual?
  126. 15:26 julz are you?
  127. 15:26 AriHiraf julz: Pick one of my six points and then tell me why it doesn't make sense.
  128. 15:27 AriHiraf julz: I respected FIFO ordering on question asking.
  129. 15:27 julz I told you no proof of DNC hacking
  130. 15:27 AriHiraf As it promotes social reciprocity and conversational turn taking.
  131. 15:27 julz by the Russians
  132. 15:27 AriHiraf Which are essential components of the c-factor of group intelligence.
  133. 15:27 kball the ’17 US intelligence agencies’ line is stupid and people ought to drop it
  134. 15:27 AriHiraf (Citation available)
  135. 15:27 mac^^^ interference can mean whatever you want it to mean
  136. 15:27 synaptic arihiraf, how do you like living in Denver?
  137. 15:27 HomeTrout julz: our supreme court asked the same question... and a hacker gave a live demo in front of the court... took him less then 30 seconds to vote for a candidate not even in the system.
  138. 15:27 AriHiraf julz: There was a report signed off by 16 of the 16 US intelligence agencies that stated Russia hacked the DNC.
  139. 15:27 AriHiraf Do you dispute this report?
  140. 15:28 AriHiraf synaptic: Do you resign?
  141. 15:28 julz Trout, your voting is uniform throughout the Germany?
  142. 15:28 AriHiraf I ask because your question is meaningless.
  143. 15:28 gatti Do... You... Confess
  144. 15:28 synaptic AriHiraf, but your IP is in Denver.. surely you are from Denver
  145. 15:28 redryder personnally i don't see why foreign powers, given the scope in the us hasn't bought thier own air time to champion thier candidate rather than just contributed to thier campagain
  146. 15:28 julz Ari, not all those agencies deal in cyber security, do you dispute this?
  147. 15:28 HomeTrout julz: yes. with pen and paper. no votingmaschines.
  148. 15:28 AriHiraf I disengaged from interacting with you, synaptic.
  149. 15:28 AriHiraf julz: I asked you a question.
  150. 15:28 AriHiraf Remember the FIFO ordering.
  151. 15:29 redryder all they have to do is hire an ad agency
  152. 15:29 AriHiraf I will answer your questions in turn order.
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