
Command list for Fivequestionmarks

Jan 17th, 2015
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  1. Fivequestionmarks is a bot made by Maralis, hosted by Derxwna, and has been the official channel bot for over 7 years. It has numerous scripts for users to utilize. A documentation of each script, and what it does, is listed below. All commands are prefaced with an exclamation mark before them, unless otherwise specified.
  3. Please read the rules of Fivequestionmarks before use, located here:
  5. Recreational/Fun Commands:
  6. - Slap Commands
  7. -- Addslap: Adds a custom !Slap message
  8. -- GSlap: Slaps a person with a random person's slap stored under their nickname.
  9. -- Remslap: Removes a custom !Slap message. If you type it alone, it lists what !Slaps you have stored under your username.
  10. -- Slap: Slaps a person with a custom slap stored in your username.
  11. - Battle Simulator Commands
  12. -- battlesim: Simulated a battle between two combatants. Combatants are entered by typing the following "!battlesim Combatant 1|Combatant 2". Combatants names are case sensitive.
  13. -- There are more Battlesim commands. Ask Maralis for additional details.
  14. - Echobox Commands
  15. -- Echobox: A twofold script - Type anything after it and it will return another input that someone else put into the box beforehand. Inputs are stored for future reference.
  16. -- Fiveechobox: Outputs five echobox inputs at random. No input required.
  17. -- Searches the Echobox for any quote with the input of the user. (ex: "! Derxwna" would relay all quotes with the word "Derxwna" in it.)
  18. -- Echobox.delete: If you are the last person to input an Echobox quote, you can use this command to erase the input from the box. Useful if a typo was made, or you echoboxed something prematurely.
  19. - Engrishsentence-Related Commands
  20. -- Engrishsentence: The original script, outputs a random, as well as badly-formed, sentence. Input optional. Superseeded by esII.
  21. -- esII: Engrishsentence 2.0. Posts a random and well-formed sentence that is often funny.
  22. --- There are various other esII commands not listed here. For more detail about them, ask Maralis, or other frequent users of esII.
  24. - 8ball: A simulated 8ball that will answer your questions.
  25. - Bash: Gets a random quote off of and displays it in the chat. Can also be used to search for quotes by doing "!bash [string]" or "!bash [quote number]". This command only works in a channel with Fivequestionmarks in it. Please refrain from purposefully triggering extremely long quotes.
  26. - Customtitle: Edits what the script title, before every outputted command, looks like.
  27. - Declare: Outputs a random message with your input, and what you think they're doing. Credit for text goes to TheSquishyDitto.
  28. - Dice: Rolls a simulated dice, can have a value ammended to it for a specific number "!dice 60", otherwise it will output a randomly generated number.
  29. - Everytime: Derived from the memetic saying "Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten", outputs variations on that sentence swapping around the terms "masturbate", "God", "a kitten", and "you".
  30. - Fivehorseebox: Outputs five random amalgamations of the Horseebox Generator.
  31. - Gender: Stores the gender you input under your nickname for future bot reference. The point of registering your gender is to make the text it outputs a bit more gramatically correct. Default is Unknown. Options are: male, female, unknown, genderless.
  32. - Gianttext: Takes unicode text and turns it into giant ASCII-Art Text.
  33. - HTF: Transforms someone's appearance. Input optional.
  34. - Monkey: Simulates the Infinite Monkey Theorem.
  35. - Poketransform: Transform someone into a random Pokemon. Input optional.
  36. - PTD: An Evil Someone has trapped you in a dungeon where you must pick the correct door to advance to the next room, otherwise you return back to the beginning! There is no end, just Infinite hallways.
  37. - RPS: A game of Rock paper Scissor with 101 options. Credit goes to
  38. - RUSR: A simulation of Russian Roulette.
  39. - Shinyhunt: Hunt down a Shiny Pokemon! What will you find?
  40. - Ship: Rates the romantic compatibility between two names. Done by "!ship Name 1|Name 2"
  41. - Trivia: A command used for the Trivia Portion of Fivequestionmarks. Specifically, guessing the answer to the currently loaded question.
  42. - Orgy: So Lewd. Very people. Much Sex. Wow.
  43. - Strings: Text files that you can add and delete lines from.
  45. Misc/Other:
  46. - 256color: Shows all possible 256 colors acquired through a dithering process in a randomly selected order.
  47. - Moarcolorz: Shows examples of colors outside IRC by dithering.
  48. - xyzzy: It Is A Mystery!?
  50. Notification Commands:
  51. - Beacon: Fivequestionmarks signals the whole chat by calling out everybody in the chat. Please refrain from using this in succession, as people who do have highlight on do not want to see their notify go off if it's unimportant.
  52. - Message: A private messaging system installed into Fivequestionmarks. Useful if you need reminders, or to send a message to someone offline.
  53. -- Message.peek: A way to view your messages without needing to clear them from the inbox.
  54. - Ping: A simple script for those who fear the Wrath of Peer.
  55. - Seen: Says when a nick was last seen on, and the last thing they said.
  56. - Superping: Pings and returns the ping time in Milliseconds, using an accurate method. Can also do the same for the entire channel.
  57. - Timer: Posts a delayed message. Useful for short reminders. Not useful for reminding you of something a week later.
  58. - Log: Displays a series of messages said before a person logs onto the channel.
  59. - Log.continue: Continues from where log started at.
  60. - Notifier: Adds a Channel-Wide notification for the channel it is used in. Displays time added and who added it.
  62. General Commands:
  63. - Calc/Calculator: Exactly what the tin says, a simulated calculator built into Fivequestionmarks. Downside: It cannot handle large numbers.
  64. - Calendar: Outputs a well-formed callendar.
  65. - Eval: Takes mIRC identifiers and outputs the result.
  66. - Factorize: Preforms prime favtorization on a number.
  67. - Ident: Returns the requested mIRC function, along with inputted text for it.
  68. - JPTranscribe: Converts from Latin and Cyrillic to Hiragana and Katakana, and Vice Versa.
  69. - Listpeople.[string]: Lists people and known data associated with them. Possible strinsg are Age, Activity, Gender, and Hosts.
  70. - Log: Posts a log of messages in the channel. Useful for On-Entry to get a glance at what was going on, or for pingouts to see what you missed. !log.continue continues displaying lines.
  71. - Spell: A spell checker, built into Fivequestionmarks. Seems to not work.
  72. - SymCalc: A sumbolic calculator based off of SymPy.
  73. - Time: Displays the time in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time/England Time)
  74. - Topicappend: Appends the input string to the topic.
  75. - Translate: Uses Google Translator to translate your input text. Formula given upon use. If the command fails, use ^translate instead, and it will generate a direct link to the translation for you.
  77. - URLEncode: Encodes special characters in a URL like spaces and Unicode characters so it can be clicked on in mIRC.
  79. Operator/Administrative Only Commands:
  80. - Chanscripts: Sets the list of allowed scripts for a channel. If you are the operator or higher of a channel (@/&/~), you can disable certain commands for your channel if Fivequestionmarks is in it. By default, all commands for a channel are disabled until enabled.
  81. - Command: Executes any mIRC, IRC server, or aliased commands available in the bot. This script is only allowed to be used by people with Fivequestionmarks-Authority Level 3 or Higher. The only person with this authority is Maralis, and as such is locked to him alone.
  82. - FQMScrips: Turns on or off all scripts at once.
  85. Custom Script Commands:
  86. Scripts in this category are prefaced with a caret (^) instead of an exclamatory mark, except for "!customscript", which is the host script to make the commands.
  87. - Customscript: A script which allows users to make simplistic commands, which can make use of variables, and other such evaluation tools ($Rand, $onlyread, $select)
  88. - Gaydar: Exactly what the tin says.
  89. - Flipcoin: Flips a coin. Outputs are Heads or Tails.
  90. - Coloredtext: Colors a text input.
  91. - Genderball: Determines the gender of a person.
  92. - Rule34: EXACTLY What the tin says. With an input, it'll direct you to a Rule 34 link with that input. WARNING: SCRIPT IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
  93. - Talklol: ?????????????????????????????
  94. - 8ball: Works the same way as !8ball. What is the difference?
  95. - Whoisthefather: Tells you "Who The Father" of the Input is.
  96. - Percent: Input required. Tells you what how much percent X is of Y.
  97. - Kill: How 'bout a nice shot in the arm?
  98. - Battlestats2: An extention of Battlesim basic commands.
  99. - Horninessmeter: Just input a string, it does exactly what it says.
  100. - Meter: An interesting command. Command is "^meter.[Type of Meter, One word] [thing to be measured]
  101. - Randomcolor: Outputs a Random Color not possible in miRC via a Dithering procedure.
  102. - Pokebattle: Simulates a Pokemon battle against a random person and Fivequestionmarks.
  103. - Plushie: Get a random Pokemon Plushie!
  105. - Bacon: For your porky needs.
  106. - RandTouhouM: Dilapidated. use ^TouhouMusic or ^TouhouMusicTrivia instead.
  107. - Hex: Convert Hex to Binary
  108. - Dec: Convert Dex to Binary
  109. - Bin: Convert Bin to Hexadecimal
  110. - Translate: Suuplement to !Translate. Use if you need a direct link to Google Translate's translation.
  111. -- Please use ^Translate as opposed to !Translate, as the second is broken.
  112. - Horseebox: Combines Echobox quotes into a mishmash of things, which sometimes results in funny outtputs.
  113. - Touhouship: Touhou Character Shipping Generator.
  114. - Pokemon: Outputs the proper way to type Pokemon.
  115. - Pastebin: Outputs a link to pastebin's website.
  116. - NewPuppets: Touhoumon Script. Appends a Touhoumon prefix to a Touhou Characters name.
  117. - Newpuppets2: Touhoumon Script. Appends a Touhoumon Prefix to a Touhoumon. Interesting things result.
  118. - Quote: Use to remove timestamps.
  119. - TouhouMusicTrivia: Care to test your knowledge in a game of Touhou Music Trivia?
  120. - Pad: Links to infinitypedia's Etherpad.
  121. - Youtube: Are you lazy too? Use this to search for youtube videos.
  122. - Google: Does a google search. Simple enough.
  123. - Wikipedia: Use this for a Wikipedia search on something.
  124. - PkmnEssSearch: Search for something on the Pokemon Essentials Wiki
  125. - Help: Request help from Fivequestionmarks.
  126. - Myon: Coming soon to a media player near you, MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon!
  127. - Diacritics: Outputs special letters with accents over them.
  128. - Gift: Give someone a random plushie!
  129. - Balls: Show people your balls!
  130. - Randomclass: Generates a random RPG-esque class.
  131. - Randomrace: Generates a random RPG-esque race.
  132. - Likemy: How do you like what you like?
  133. - Sexdice: [Whisper into] [Anus]/[Lick] [Eye socket]
  134. - randomclass1: More random classes
  135. - randomclass2: Even More random classes
  136. - thwiki: Search the Touhou Wiki for an entry.
  137. - fuckmarrykill: The age old game of FMK.
  138. - shrug: for all your shrugging needs.
  139. - Egypt: ♫All the old paintings on the tombs, They do the sand dance, Don't you know~?♫
  140. - vaginano: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  142. - starwars: Probably can create a better set of movies than the prequel trilogy.
  144. - WhereTouhou: Will link to a page that has a countdown timer until the confirmed upload of the new Touhou game. only works when a new Touhou game is announced and it is Comiket/Reitaisai.
  145. - chumhandle: * uncomfortableBus began pestering thankfulLeaf at [11:14 AM]
  146. - pcship: Would you ship winkingWatermelon and losingAnchovy together?
  147. - asillybandname: Coming to you live from the Letohhalb Convention Center: Nowi and the Stringing Clue!
  148. - modenc: A command that searches the Command & Conquer Modding Wiki for a related term.
  149. - randomfight: Two randomly generated classes duke it out for our entertainment.
  150. - randomskirmish: Two randomly generated classes with additional attributes duke it out for ENLIGHTENMENT. And our entertainment.
  151. - gashapon: Turn the crank and out pops a fatal safe.
  152. - Radostation: Radio stations that could... maybe exist?
  153. - Halbstation: KUNL Irvine 99.9: The Eagle -- Acid Jazz and Orgasming over the Pokemon RSE Soundfontcore, with their regular band: Voldemort and the Saucy Dressers
  154. - Halbgenre: Eat Your Hamburgers Apollo.wav
  155. - Bandmember: Generates a random name
  156. - Bandmembers: Generates several random names for a full band
  157. - Randalign: Gives you a random allignment inspired by the alignment chart
  158. - au-generator: Have you ever had a character, or series, you'd love to see in a different universe, or doing something else? Well this is the command for you!
  159. - www: Who would win in a fight: Batman, Superman, or ME, DIO
  160. - stand: Based off the concept of Stands, introduced in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. assigns a random Stand to a random person
  161. - sexdice2: [Whisper into] [Anus]/[Lick] [Eye socket] 2.0
  162. - dnw: Junko Enoshima, Hitler, Bowser, and Derxwna Did Nothing Wrong
  163. - tmnt: kakyoin's a shit husbando / sadomasochistic tennis / mouth can't handle all of these nuts / heroes in a halfshell, TURTLE POWER
  164. - date: Generates the time (based on FQM's time zone, MST).
  165. - sequel: Psychonauts 2: The Revengening The Movie The Video game The Young Adult Novel: The Sequel
  166. - dna: [Proper Noun] did nothing [Adjective], based off the ever popular "[Piece of shit character] did nothing wrong"
  167. - planeswalker: Generates a random planeswalker alignment and character, based off the popular Magic the Gathering franchise.
  168. - pokemonrpg: The two big new Pokemon games, coming to the 4DS near you!
  169. - thmnwiki: Searches the Touhou Puppet Play wiki for your input.
  170. - recursion: Recursion
  171. - select: Can select between different options for you, format is x|y|z (optional)
  172. - manifold-druids: Generate a random druid I guess
  173. - potionseller: c'mon, i don't need to explain this one, do i?
  174. - mtgwiki: Searches the Magic the Gathering wiki for your inpit.
  175. - newpoke: "An electric/psychic-type Pokemon that is a hare crossed with a lyrebird with a two stage time-based evolutionary line"
  176. - nbn: Have you ever come up with something you said "That'd make a great band name" for? Well, this is for you.
  177. - rules: Will direct you to the rules pastebin file
  178. - neilc: How long has it been since someBODY once told me YOU'RE SIMPLY THE BEST part of waking up is folgers in your cup!
  179. - randomchar: Generates a random character? Sure?
  180. - shrug2: For when ^shrug just isn't enough
  181. - tpdpsearch: Searches the Touhou Puppet Dance Performance wiki for your input.
  184. - Dick: Go shove your dick in this why don't you.
  185. - Randomteam Commands
  186. -- Randomteam1: Generates a random Touhoumon 1.8 Team
  187. --- Randomteam1chibi: Generates a random Chibi Touhoumon 1.8 Team
  188. --- Randomteam1evolved: Generates a random Evolved Touhoumon 1.8 Team
  189. -- Randomteam2: Generates a random Pokemon team
  190. -- Randomteam3: Generates a random TPDP Team
  191. --- Randomteam3chibi: Generates a random Unstyled TPDP Team
  192. --- Randomteam3evolved: Generates a random Styled TPDP Team
  193. - Problematic: Your favorite is problematic!
  194. - Joubert: Joubert
  195. - denkyubey: make a contract, get 1000 spaghetti
  196. - fmg: A game of logistics!
  197. - fight: fightman
  198. - fightme: fightman's revenge
  199. - donger: raise 'em
  200. - shrug3: PERHAPS UR DONGERS
  201. - Karin: Stage Order: Come 8 Digggnutts within 6 seconds while grabbing!
  202. - tgm: It's like tgm2 and tgm3, but with pso2 enemies
  203. - glopping: Two years worth of ot3 made a glopping noise as it forecast endlessly into Ragyou Kiryuuin.
  204. - sexdice3: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  206. - FQMCommands: Pastes the link to this pastebin file.
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