
Spending Time With Pinkie

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. >Thunder rumbles across the sky, signaling today's scheduled rainfall.
  2. >With a sigh you pinch the cigarette between your lips and open your umbrella, resting it against your shoulder to guard against the weather.
  3. >Inhaling deeply, you watch the rain build to a light trickle.
  4. >Nobody's ever caught in the rain around here, it's one of the many 'perks' that come with living in Ponyville.
  5. >Exhaling, the door behind you begins to swing open and you scoot over to the edge of the stair, making way for Rarity's customer.
  6. >"Have a lovely day, sir."
  7. >"You too, Miss Rarity."
  8. >The older stallion dips his head just a little before he opens his parasol and hurries down the steps, ignoring you.
  9. >Rarity smiles after him for a moment before your clear your throat to draw her attention.
  10. "That the last one?"
  11. >"Yes, thankfully, would you like to come inside for some tea before you leave?"
  12. "No, thanks. I'm just gonna finish my smoke and head home for a nap."
  13. >"Okay, but the offer stands in case you change your mind."
  14. "Thanks, I'll think about it."
  15. >You flick some ash and give her a brief smile.
  16. >"You know, I wish you wouldn't smoke those things, darling."
  17. "I know, Rara. I know."
  18. >She smiles at your petname for her and leans into your palm when you reach up for a goodbye ear scratch.
  19. >The latch clicks into place as the door closes and you feel a pang of guilt.
  20. >Inhaling again.
  21. >Thunder rolls through the clouds.
  22. >Exhaling again, the once vibrant atmosphere washed away by the greys and blues of the smoke.
  23. >Lowering your face to your palm, you gently massage your temples with a sigh.
  24. >How long had it been since you last slept?
  25. >"Nonny?"
  28. >That chipper, youthful tone is unmistakable.
  29. "Hey, Pinkie."
  30. >"Whatcha doin' out here in the rain?"
  31. >Looking up from your cranial massage, you're greeted by a great big Pinkie grin. You also notice her silly little umbrella hat and can't help but smile back.
  32. "Nothing, just having a smoke."
  33. >"I wish you wouldn't do that."
  34. >Her smile doesn't falter but you can see the concern in her eyes.
  35. "I know, I know."
  36. >Another, sharper pang of guilt.
  37. >She just watches you, smiling.
  38. "Did you want to go inside? I think Rarity's making tea."
  39. >"Nope. Just wanted to see you."
  40. "Me? Why?"
  41. >"'Cause you're my friend, silly billy!"
  42. >You suppose that was a dumb question. Pinkie doesn't fault you for it.
  43. "Well I'm not really in the mood to do anything. I promise we'll hang out this weekend."
  44. >"Aw, you don't wanna have fun with your favorite party pony?"
  45. >Her mane deflates a little and her smile has turned to a frown.
  46. >Christ, she can frown just as hard as she smiles.
  47. "It's not that! I just..."
  48. >Trailing off, you struggle to find the words.
  49. >"Hey, it's okay! You don't gotta talk about it if you don't want to."
  50. >She nudges her nose under your cigarette-free hand and flips it up onto her back, leaning into you with another grin.
  51. >"You do gotta come with me, though!"
  52. "No, Pinkie, I really-"
  53. >She ignores your protests as she helps you to your feet, beaming at you the entire time.
  54. >"C'mon! There's a two for one deal down at Sugar Cube Corner!"
  55. >She herds you down the street towards the bakery, continuing to ignore your protests.
  56. >Submitting to your fate, you take one last deep drag of your cigarette before flicking it aside.
  57. >There goes that nap.
  60. >"- or the banana bread or the muffins or the cake, oh I love the cake! Almost as much as I love the Cakes!"
  61. >She erupts into a giggle fit but quickly recovers and continues to read off every single thing on the menu in rapid succession.
  62. >You don't want to be an asshole, but it's nearly impossible to stay focused on what she's saying.
  63. >" or the strawberry vanilla cupcake or the buttercream carrot cupcake or Pinkie's Super Secret Super Cupcake or the-"
  64. "Woah, woah. What was that last one?"
  65. >"Pinkie's Super Secret Super Cupcake?"
  66. "Yeah, what's that?"
  67. >It's a cupcake! Made by me!"
  68. >She throws her forelegs out in a 'ta-dah!' pose and smiles brightly.
  69. "Yeah, I got that much. What's in it?"
  70. >"Oh, whatever. I just throw in what feels right!"
  71. >That doesn't sound too promising.
  72. "Is it popular?"
  73. >"I love 'em!"
  74. >She seems to beam even brighter at you, leaning in, daring you to do it.
  75. >'Do it'
  76. >'Do it'
  77. "I'll have one of those."
  78. >She flips, literally, confetti and streamers blasting from nowhere in an explosion of color and energy.
  79. >"Two of Pinkie's Super Secret Super Cupcakes comin' right up!"
  80. >With that she zips off to the kitchen, a somewhat startled Mr. Cake being shooed away.
  81. >He looks to you, a knowing smile on his face.
  82. >"Ordered the Super Secret Super Cupcake, eh?"
  83. "Yeah, how is it?"
  84. >"Good luck, you're gonna need it."
  85. >Chuckling, he turns his attention to a customer and leaves you to contemplate your choice of pastry.
  88. >Pegasi bustle about in the sky, clearing away the storm as the sun slowly dips below the horizon.
  89. >Pinkie's been at it for a couple of hours now, when you'd asked Mr. Cake how long these cupcakes usually take he'd shrugged.
  90. >"It's different every time, but in my experience it's the quick ones you really gotta worry about."
  92. >Thanking him for yet another free refill of soda, you return your attention to the rapidly clearing sky and drum your fingertips on the table.
  93. >You wish you'd just ordered a plain old cupcake, you've got a long work day at Sweet Apple Acres in the morning and need to get as much sleep as you can.
  94. >Not that your insomnia was likely to allow it, but it's nice to hope sometimes.
  95. >Man, she sure is taking her sweet ti-
  96. >"Hey Nonny!"
  97. >The perky, pink party pony's surprise nearly scares you out of your chair.
  98. "Jesus, Pinkie!"
  99. >Giggling, she apologizes and gestures at the tray of brightly colored mini cupcakes with a grin.
  100. >"They're done!"
  101. >Picking one up, you inspect the impossibly vivid pastry. The frosting is a rainbow swirl, the colors so intense that you feel like it might glow in the dark.
  102. "You didn't paint these, did you?"
  103. >"No waysie, crazy daisy! Paint tastes -awful- on cupcakes!"
  104. >Ignoring her implications, you gingerly poke the frosting with your tongue.
  105. >Velvety, sweet, vibrant, creamy. Good lord, this is the best frosting you've ever had!
  106. >Shoving the rest of the treat into your mouth, you moan blissfully through a mouthful of heaven.
  107. >Mr. Cake gives an impressed whistle from behind the counter.
  108. >"That good, eh?"
  109. >Swallowing the first, you shove another into your mouth and nod slowly.
  110. >Pinkie giggles, popping one into her mouth.
  111. >"Nothing beats Pinkie's Super Secret Super Cupcakes!"
  112. >It's impossible to disagree when your mouth is stuffed with what could quite possibly be the most delicious thing on the planet.
  115. >For the next few minutes the pair of you do little more than stuff your faces with the delightful treats and grin at each other, shamelessly wolfing down the cupcakes.
  116. >Pinkie, sitting on the table now, motions for Mr.Cake to come and try one.
  117. >He hurries right over and snags one for himself, letting out a satisfied sigh as he savors the taste.
  118. >"These must be the best yet, Pinkie!"
  119. >"Ffanks! I wokked eftra hard on 'em!"
  120. >Swallowing the mouthful of confectionery joy, you gasp for air and down the remainder of your soda.
  121. "Seriously, Pinkers; these are amazing."
  122. >She swallows, gasps for air and downs the remainder of her milk.
  123. >"Thanks Nonny! I was hoping you'd like them!"
  124. >Her bubbly demeanor and boundless energy has actually been pretty refreshing.
  125. >"Where are you kids off to next on your little date?"
  126. >Mr. Cake nudges you with his foreleg as he wags his eyebrows.
  127. >You stammer and fumble for words.
  128. >"Yeah, Nonny! Where are we going next, your place?"
  129. >Pinkie flutters her eyelashes at you as she leans in, further embarrassing you.
  130. >Laughing, Mr. Cake gives you a friendly pat on the back.
  131. >"I'm just pulling your leg, Anon, don't get all flustered!"
  132. >Pinkie falls back on the table, caught in another giggle fit.
  133. >Rolling your eyes, you chuckle.
  134. "Real funny, guys."
  136. >After helping Mr. Cake and Pinkie close up shop for the night you step outside and light a cigarette, taking a deep breath of the post-rain air.
  137. >God, you love that smell.
  138. >"Want some company on the walk home, Nonny?"
  139. >Pinkie smiles up at you, ignoring your cigarette for the time being.
  140. "Sure."
  141. >With that the two of you set out, walking side by side in comfortable silence.
  144. >Legs burning with lactic acid, you chase Pinkie, laughing just as hard as she is as she darts out ahead of you.
  145. >Your pants are completely soaked, having been the victim of the first strike in a puddle-splash war.
  146. >"C'mon, Nonny! You'll never catch anypony like that!"
  147. >Breaking into a sprint, you slowly gain on the cotton candy pony.
  148. >"Nana, nana, boo b-WAH!"
  149. >Mid taunt, she glances back to find you hot on her heels.
  150. >Too late though, as you leap forward with all of your might, slamming your feet into the biggest puddle yet and thoroughly soaking the both of you.
  151. >Pinkie loses it, nearly falling into the puddle she's laughing so hard.
  152. >You're right there with her, struggling to catch your breath as you cackle madly.
  153. >"Okay, okay! Truce?
  154. "Truce."
  155. >"Hey, isn't this your house?"
  156. >Wiping tears (or maybe puddle water, you're not sure) from your eyes, you finally manage to get enough oxygen.
  157. "Yeah, we ran all the way here. If I didn't know better I'd swear you were trying to kill me."
  158. >"All according to ze plan!"
  159. >She dons a cartoonishly villainous mustache and wrings her hooves evilly, earning some more laughter from you.
  160. "Wanna come in for a bit? That couch finally got delivered yesterday."
  161. >"Ooh, the custom one from Canterlot?"
  162. "The very same."
  163. >With a squee she bolts up to the door of your humble home and waits there, hooves aflutter, for you to let her in.
  164. >Hurrying after her, you pull out your keys and unlock the door, pushing it open for her and following her inside.
  165. >She immediately leaps onto the massive piece of furniture, bouncing around on the cloud-like cushions with glee.
  166. >"This is the bestest couch I've ever seen!"
  167. >Flopping back into the cushy haven, you let out a contented sigh.
  168. "Me too, Pinkers. Me too."
  169. >Closing your eyes, you very nearly slip into dreamland on the spot, pulling yourself back from the brink when you notice her energetic bouncing cease.
  172. >Keeping your eyes closed, you listen to the soft clopping of her hooves on the hardwood as she trots over to the back door.
  173. >The curtain gives a whisper as she pushes it aside, gasping when she sees the other gifts that had finally arrived yesterday.
  174. >"Where did all of -those- come from, Nonny?"
  175. "The princesses, same as the couch. They really gave me way too many welcome gifts. I feel kinda weird about it."
  176. >"Can we go out there? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplea-"
  177. "Okay, okay! Let's go."
  178. >With a groan you peel yourself away from the syrupy, narcotic embrace of sleep and join Pinkie outside.
  179. >The impressive fountain dominates the lawn, several tiers of water cascading down from a sculpture of an earth pony, pegasus and unicorn. A dim light hidden beneath the water gives the bottommost pool a soft green glow.
  180. >Several small statues had been placed in aesthetically pleasing positions around the fountain. A sturdy stone bench squats on the opposite side of the fountain, bookended by small stone pedestals.
  181. >Pinkie stands just outside the door, marveling at the carefully articulated beauty of the entire affair.
  182. >It really was quite nice, you'd be thanking the princesses again in person the next time you had a chance.
  183. >You take a deep, cleansing breath of the cool night air., the sky already deepening to a heavy midnight blue.
  184. >"Nonny... This is amazing!"
  185. "Yeah, kinda makes it tough to barbecue, though."
  186. >She giggles, snorting once and elbowing your thigh.
  187. >"Can... Can we just sit out here a while?"
  188. >She looks up at you with those big, hopeful sapphire eyes, a tentative smile playing across her lips.
  189. "Of course we can."
  192. >The fireflies had come out eventually, one by one appearing as if from nowhere to blink and dance about the fountain.
  193. >Pinkie leans heavily into your side, your arm and the blanket you're sharing draped around her shoulders.
  194. >You rest your cheek against her poofy mane, eyes fluttering as you fight a losing battle against sleep.
  195. >"Nonny?"
  196. "Yeah, Pinkie?"
  197. >"You're a good friend."
  198. >Grinning, you turn and plant a kiss on the top of her head before returning to your previous position.
  199. "You are too, Pinkie."
  200. >If she's blushing her pink coat hides it well.
  201. >After a long, comfy moment of simply sharing your warmth beneath the night sky and watching the fireflies, you reach into your pocket for a cigarette.
  202. >Raising it to your lips, you feel Pinkie's head turn and look down to see what she's up to.
  203. >She simply stares into your eyes, not frowning, not judging. Just looking.
  204. "Really?"
  205. >No answer.
  206. "Fine, have it your way."
  207. >With a groan you crumple the cigarette and stuff it back into your pocket.
  208. >She gives you a surprisingly demure smile and, reaching up into her mane, produces a hoofful of confetti.
  209. >You raise an eyebrow at the shreds of colorful paper.
  210. >Her smile widens a tiny bit just before she blows the confetti into your face with a mirthful giggle.
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