
Sniper Crossbow

May 22nd, 2015
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  1. SNIPER CROSSBOW: Mix of Sharpshooter, Plasma Bow & Hawkeye (45pts)
  3. ==FRONT OF CARD==
  4. AC: 8(X)
  5. AG: 1
  6. DM: (Y)
  7. FR: 1(Z)
  8. MA: 1(Z)
  9. RA: 8
  11. "A versatile, silent weapon capable of firing multiple ammo types."
  13. ==BACK OF CARD==
  15. (X): You may spend an AA to aim, adding +5 to next COM roll.
  16. (Y): The DAM of this weapon is the DAM of whatever warhead is fired from it.
  17. (Z): Can load one round at a time. It takes an AA to reload.
  20. Burst Bolts: Grant SPLASH to the weapon. (10pts)
  21. Seeker Bolts: Act as a marker drone. (10pts)
  22. Sabot Bolts: Adds +2AP (10pts)
  23. Det Bolts: Act as Prox Mine (10pts)
  25. ==WARHEAD CARD==
  26. Tracker: Uploads SPYWARE virus. (DAM 0) (10pts)
  27. Jacker: EMP, uploads SPIDER virus. (DAM 0) (10pts)
  28. NAPPER: +2 AP, Tranquilizer (DAM 0) (10pts)
  29. TOX: +2 AP, 6 DAM per round for 3 rounds (10pts)
  30. Havoc: EMP, 4 DAM per round for 3 rounds (10pts)
  33. Riot: Tranq + Crowd Control to all targets. (DAM 0) (10pts)
  34. Shock: EMP + Suit Control to all targets. (DAM 0) (10pts)
  35. Alarm: Uploads Spyware Virus to all targets. (DAM 0) (10pts)
  36. Diversion: Creates hardlight copy of suit. (DAM 0) (10pts)
  38. =BOLT TYPES=
  39. BURST BOLTS: Are airburst bolts loaded with some kind of non-lethal payload for an environmentally friendly AOE effect. (Grenade Launcher)
  40. +Burst Bolts grant SPLASH to the weapon. (10pts)
  42. SEEKER BOLTS: Loaded with a rudimentary drone control system, seeker bolts are able to change trajectory in flight for maximum accuracy.(Marker Drone)
  43. +Seeker Bolts act as a marker drone. (10pts)
  45. SABOT BOLTS: Armour-peircing bolts with a discarding sabot, designed to deliver their payload past enemy armour and shielding. (Vibroblade)
  46. +Sabot Bolts add +2 AP. (10pts)
  48. DET BOLTS: Command-detonated bolts with a shaped charge that stick to whatever they hit, turning into mines. (Proximity Mine)
  49. +Det Bolts work as proximity mines. (15pts)
  51. =WARHEAD TYPES (Sabot + Seeker Bolts Only)=
  52. TRACKER WARHEAD: The 'Tracker' Warhead uses a worm platform and spyware program to allow a suit to tap into enemy communications and track the target.
  53. +Tracker Warheads upload SPYWARE virus.
  54. DAM 0 (10pts)
  56. JACKER WARHEAD: The 'Jacker' Warhead is designed for a single purpose: To silently and cleanly disable hostile suits using a virus and EMP one-two punch.
  57. +Jacker warheads have an EMP effect, then upload SPIDER virus.
  58. DAM 0 (10pts)
  60. NAPPER WARHEAD: The 'Napper' Warhead, when fired at a suit's cockpit, can punch a powerful tranquilizer through armour and into the pilot directly.
  61. +Adds 2AP, works as Tranq Dart.
  62. DAM 0 (10pts)
  64. TOX WARHEAD: A weapon banned for use on non-TA humans, the 'Tox' warhead has the toxin of the Poison Arrow Frog (Batrachotoxin).
  65. +Adds 2AP, works as Tranq Dart
  66. DAM 8 - Does 8dam per turn for 3 turns. (10pts)
  68. HAVOC WARHEAD: Designed as a more lethal version of the 'Jacker' Warhead, the 'Havoc' permanently fries electronics in a suit.
  69. +Carries all the effects of an Ion cannon.
  70. DAM 4 - does 4dam per turn for 3 turns. (10pts)
  72. =WARHEAD TYPES (Burst or Det only)=
  73. RIOT WARHEAD: Similar to a claymore, but with tranquilizer darts instead of ball-bearings and backed up by CS Gas and Flashbang explosives.
  74. +Combines the effects of Crowd Control with Tranquilizer Darts over the effected area.
  75. DAM 0 (10pts)
  77. SHOCK WARHEAD: Using the same EMP technology as the Ion cannon and the sticky 'web' from Drider suits, this warhead can immobilize almost any suit in range.
  78. +Combines the effects of the Ion Cannon with Suit Control.
  79. DAM 0 (10pts)
  81. ALARM WARHEAD: An area-effect version of the Tracker Warhead. Uses magnetic accelerators to ensure silent delivery of mini-trackers.
  82. +Same as the tracker warhead, but rolls vs. every suit within the blast zone.
  83. DAM 0 (10pts)
  85. DIVERSION WARHEAD: Using a crowd-control grenade and hardlight projector, this warhead can imitate a suit's 'dynamic entrance' when detonated.
  86. +When detonated, will create a convincing illusion of a suit attacking everything within the blast zone.
  87. DAM 0 (10pts)
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