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Jul 10th, 2012
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  1. Lost in the Desert
  4. So, there's a man crawling through the desert.
  6. He'd decided to try his SUV in a little bit of cross-country travel, had great fun zooming over the badlands and through the sand, got lost, hit a big rock, and then he couldn't get it started again. There were no cell phone towers anywhere near, so his cell phone was useless. He had no family, his parents had died a few years before in an auto accident, and his few friends had no idea he was out here.
  8. He stayed with the car for a day or so, but his one bottle of water ran out
  9. and he was getting thirsty. He thought maybe he knew the direction back, now that he'd paid attention to the sun and thought he'd figured out which way was north, so he decided to start walking. He figured he only had to go about 30 miles or so and he'd be back to the small town he'd gotten gas in last.
  11. He thinks about walking at night to avoid the heat and sun, but based upon
  12. how dark it actually was the night before, and given that he has no flashlight, he's afraid that he'll break a leg or step on a rattlesnake. So,
  13. he puts on some sun block, puts the rest in his pocket for reapplication
  14. later, brings an umbrella he'd had in the back of the SUV with him to give
  15. him a little shade, pours the windshield wiper fluid into his water bottle
  16. in case he gets that desperate, brings his pocket knife in case he finds a cactus that looks like it might have water in it, and heads out in the
  17. direction he thinks is right.
  19. He walks for the entire day. By the end of the day he's really thirsty. He's
  20. been sweating all day, and his lips are starting to crack. He's reapplied the sunblock twice, and tried to stay under the umbrella, but he still feels sunburned. The windshield wiper fluid sloshing in the bottle in his pocket is really getting tempting now. He knows that it's mainly water and some ethanol and coloring, but he also knows that they add some kind of poison to it to keep people from drinking it. He wonders what the poison is, and
  21. whether the poison would be worse than dying of thirst.
  23. He pushes on, trying to get to that small town before dark.
  25. By the end of the day he starts getting worried. He figures he's been walking at least 3 miles an hour, according to his watch for over 10 hours. That means that if his estimate was right that he should be close to the
  26. town. But he doesn't recognize any of this. He had to cross a dry creek bed a mile or two back, and he doesn't remember coming through it in the SUV. He figures that maybe he got his direction off just a little and that the dry creek bed was just off to one side of his path. He tells himself that he's close, and that after dark he'll start seeing the town lights over one of these hills, and that'll be all he needs.
  28. As it gets dim enough that he starts stumbling over small rocks and things,
  29. he finds a spot and sits down to wait for full dark and the town lights.
  31. Full dark comes before he knows it. He must have dozed off. He stands back
  32. up and turns all the way around. He sees nothing but stars.
  34. He wakes up the next morning feeling absolutely lousy. His eyes are gummy and his mouth and nose feel like they're full of sand. He so thirsty that he can't even swallow. He barely got any sleep because it was so cold. He'd forgotten how cold it got at night in the desert and hadn't noticed it the night before because he'd been in his car.
  36. He knows the Rule of Threes - three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food - then you die. Some people can make it a little longer, in the best situations. But the desert heat and having to walk and sweat isn't the best situation to be without water. He figures, unless he finds water, this is his last day.
  38. He rinses his mouth out with a little of the windshield wiper fluid. He waits a while after spitting that little bit out, to see if his mouth goes numb, or he feels dizzy or something. Has his mouth gone numb? Is it just in
  39. his mind? He's not sure. He'll go a little farther, and if he still doesn't
  40. find water, he'll try drinking some of the fluid.
  42. Then he has to face his next, harder question - which way does he go from here? Does he keep walking the same way he was yesterday (assuming that he still knows which way that is), or does he try a new direction? He has no idea what to do.
  44. Looking at the hills and dunes around him, he thinks he knows the direction he was heading before. Just going by a feeling, he points himself somewhat to the left of that, and starts walking.
  46. As he walks, the day starts heating up. The desert, too cold just a couple of hours before, soon becomes an oven again. He sweats a little at first, and then stops. He starts getting worried at that - when you stop sweating he knows that means you're in trouble - usually right before heat stroke.
  48. He decides that it's time to try the windshield wiper fluid. He can't wait
  49. any longer - if he passes out, he's dead. He stops in the shade of a large
  50. rock, takes the bottle out, opens it, and takes a mouthful. He slowly
  51. swallows it, making it last as long as he can. It feels so good in his dry
  52. and cracked throat that he doesn't even care about the nasty taste. He takes
  53. another mouthful, and makes it last too. Slowly, he drinks half the bottle.
  54. He figures that since he's drinking it, he might as well drink enough to
  55. make some difference and keep himself from passing out.
  57. He's quit worrying about the denaturing of the wiper fluid. If it kills him,
  58. it kills him - if he didn't drink it, he'd die anyway. Besides, he's pretty
  59. sure that whatever substance they denature the fluid with is just designed to make you sick - their way of keeping winos from buying cheap wiper fluid for the ethanol content. He can handle throwing up, if it comes to that.
  61. He walks. He walks in the hot, dry, windless desert. Sand, rocks, hills,
  62. dunes, the occasional scrawny cactus or dried bush. No sign of water.
  63. Sometimes he'll see a little movement to one side or the other, but whatever moved is usually gone before he can focus his eyes on it. Probably birds, lizards, or mice. Maybe snakes, though they usually move more at night. He's careful to stay away from the movements.
  65. After a while, he begins to stagger. He's not sure if it's fatigue, heat
  66. stroke finally catching him, or maybe he was wrong and the denaturing of the wiper fluid was worse than he thought. He tries to steady himself, and keep going.
  68. After more walking, he comes to a large stretch of sand. This is good! He
  69. knows he passed over a stretch of sand in the SUV - he remembers doing
  70. donuts in it. Or at least he thinks he remembers it - he's getting woozy
  71. enough and tired enough that he's not sure what he remembers any more or if
  72. he's hallucinating. But he thinks he remembers it. So he heads off into it,
  73. trying to get to the other side, hoping that it gets him closer to the town.
  75. He was heading for a town, wasn't he? He thinks he was. He isn't sure any more. He's not even sure how long he's been walking any more. Is it still morning? Or has it moved into afternoon and the sun is going down again? It must be afternoon - it seems like it's been too long since he started out.
  77. He walks through the sand.
  79. After a while, he comes to a big dune in the sand. This is bad. He doesn't
  80. remember any dunes when driving over the sand in his SUV. Or at least he
  81. doesn't think he remembers any. This is bad.
  83. But, he has no other direction to go. Too late to turn back now. He figures
  84. that he'll get to the top of the dune and see if he can see anything from
  85. there that helps him find the town. He keeps going up the dune.
  87. Halfway up, he slips in the bad footing of the sand for the second or third
  88. time, and falls to his knees. He doesn't feel like getting back up - he'll
  89. just fall down again. So, he keeps going up the dune on his hand and knees.
  91. While crawling, if his throat weren't so dry, he'd laugh. He's finally
  92. gotten to the hackneyed image of a man lost in the desert - crawling through
  93. the sand on his hands and knees. If would be the perfect image, he imagines, if only his clothes were more ragged. The people crawling through the desert
  94. in the cartoons always had ragged clothes. But his have lasted without any
  95. rips so far. Somebody will probably find his dessicated corpse half buried in the sand years from now, and his clothes will still be in fine shape -
  96. shake the sand out, and a good wash, and they'd be wearable again. He wishes his throat were wet enough to laugh. He coughs a little instead, and it hurts.
  98. He finally makes it to the top of the sand dune. Now that he's at the top,
  99. he struggles a little, but manages to stand up and look around. All he sees
  100. is sand. Sand, and more sand. Behind him, about a mile away, he thinks he
  101. sees the rocky ground he left to head into this sand. Ahead of him, more
  102. dunes, more sand. This isn't where he drove his SUV. This is Hell. Or close enough.
  104. Again, he doesn't know what to do. He decides to drink the rest of the wiper
  105. fluid while figuring it out. He takes out the bottle, and is removing the
  106. cap, when he glances to the side and sees something. Something in the sand. At the bottom of the dune, off to the side, he sees something strange. It's a flat area, in the sand. He stops taking the cap of the bottle off, and tries to look closer. The area seems to be circular. And it's dark - darker than the sand. And, there seems to be something in the middle of it, but he can't tell what it is. He looks as hard as he can, and still can tell from
  107. here. He's going to have to go down there and look.
  109. He puts the bottle back in his pocket, and starts to stumble down the dune.
  110. After a few steps, he realizes that he's in trouble - he's not going to be able to keep his balance. After a couple of more sliding, tottering steps, he falls and starts to roll down the dune. The sand it so hot when his body hits it that for a minute he thinks he's caught fire on the way down - like a movie car wreck flashing into flames as it goes over the cliff, before it ever even hits the ground. He closes his eyes and mouth, covers his face with his hands, and waits to stop rolling.
  112. He stops, at the bottom of the dune. After a minute or two, he finds enough
  113. energy to try to sit up and get the sand out of his face and clothes. When
  114. he clears his eyes enough, he looks around to make sure that the dark spot
  115. in the sand it still there and he hadn't just imagined it.
  117. So, seeing the large, flat, dark spot on the sand is still there, he begins
  118. to crawl towards it. He'd get up and walk towards it, but he doesn't seem to
  119. have the energy to get up and walk right now. He must be in the final stages
  120. of dehydration he figures, as he crawls. If this place in the sand doesn't
  121. have water, he'll likely never make it anywhere else. This is his last
  122. chance.
  124. He gets closer and closer, but still can't see what's in the middle of the
  125. dark area. His eyes won't quite focus any more for some reason. And lifting
  126. his head up to look takes so much effort that he gives up trying. He just
  127. keeps crawling.
  129. Finally, he reaches the area he'd seen from the dune. It takes him a minute of crawling on it before he realizes that he's no longer on sand - he's now crawling on some kind of dark stone. Stone with some kind of marking on it - a pattern cut into the stone. He's too tired to stand up and try to see what the pattern is - so he just keeps crawling. He crawls towards the center,
  130. where his blurry eyes still see something in the middle of the dark stone
  131. area.
  133. His mind, detached in a strange way, notes that either his hands and knees are so burnt by the sand that they no longer feel pain, or that this dark
  134. stone, in the middle of a burning desert with a pounding, punishing sun
  135. overhead, doesn't seem to be hot. It almost feels cool. He considers lying
  136. down on the nice cool surface.
  138. Cool, dark stone. Not a good sign. He must be hallucinating this. He's
  139. probably in the middle of a patch of sand, already lying face down and
  140. dying, and just imagining this whole thing. A desert mirage. Soon the
  141. beautiful women carrying pitchers of water will come up and start giving him
  142. a drink. Then he'll know he's gone.
  144. He decides against laying down on the cool stone. If he's going to die here
  145. in the middle of this hallucination, he at least wants to see what's in the
  146. center before he goes. He keeps crawling.
  148. It's the third time that he hears the voice before he realizes what he's
  149. hearing. He would swear that someone just said, "Greetings, traveler. You do
  150. not look well. Do you hear me?"
  152. He stops crawling. He tries to look up from where he is on his hands and
  153. knees, but it's too much effort to lift his head. So he tries something
  154. different - he leans back and tries to sit up on the stone. After a few
  155. seconds, he catches his balance, avoids falling on his face, sits up, and
  156. tries to focus his eyes. Blurry. He rubs his eyes with the back of his hands
  157. and tries again. Better this time.
  159. Yep. He can see. He's sitting in the middle of a large, flat, dark expanse
  160. of stone. Directly next to him, about three feet away, is a white post or
  161. pole about two inches in diameter and sticking up about four or five feet
  162. out of the stone, at an angle.
  164. And wrapped around this white rod, tail with rattle on it hovering and
  165. seeming to be ready to start rattling, is what must be a fifteen foot long
  166. desert diamondback rattlesnake, looking directly at him.
  168. He stares at the snake in shock. He doesn't have the energy to get up and
  169. run away. He doesn't even have the energy to crawl away. This is it, his
  170. final resting place. No matter what happens, he's not going to be able to
  171. move from this spot.
  173. Well, at least dying of a bite from this monster should be quicker than
  174. dying of thirst. He'll face his end like a man. He struggles to sit up a
  175. little straighter. The snake keeps watching him. He lifts one hand and waves
  176. it in the snake's direction, feebly. The snake watches the hand for a
  177. moment, then goes back to watching the man, looking into his eyes.
  179. Hmmm. Maybe the snake had no interest in biting him? It hadn't rattled yet -
  180. that was a good sign. Maybe he wasn't going to die of snake bite after all.
  182. He then remembers that he'd looked up when he'd reached the center here
  183. because he thought he'd heard a voice. He was still very woozy - he was
  184. likely to pass out soon, the sun still beat down on him even though he was
  185. now on cool stone. He still didn't have anything to drink. But maybe he had
  186. actually heard a voice. This stone didn't look natural. Nor did that white
  187. post sticking up out of the stone. Someone had to have built this. Maybe
  188. they were still nearby. Maybe that was who talked to him. Maybe this snake
  189. was even their pet, and that's why it wasn't biting.
  191. He tries to clear his throat to say, "Hello," but his throat is too dry. All
  192. that comes out is a coughing or wheezing sound. There is no way he's going
  193. to be able to talk without something to drink. He feels his pocket, and the
  194. bottle with the wiper fluid is still there. He shakily pulls the bottle out,
  195. almost losing his balance and falling on his back in the process. This isn't
  196. good. He doesn't have much time left, by his reckoning, before he passes
  197. out.
  199. He gets the lid off of the bottle, manages to get the bottle to his lips,
  200. and pours some of the fluid into his mouth. He sloshes it around, and then
  201. swallows it. He coughs a little. His throat feels better. Maybe he can talk
  202. now.
  204. He tries again. Ignoring the snake, he turns to look around him, hoping to
  205. spot the owner of this place, and croaks out, "Hello? Is there anyone here?"
  207. He hears, from his side, "Greetings. What is it that you want?"
  209. He turns his head, back towards the snake. That's where the sound had seemed
  210. to come from. The only thing he can think of is that there must be a
  211. speaker, hidden under the snake, or maybe built into that post. He decides
  212. to try asking for help.
  214. "Please," he croaks again, suddenly feeling dizzy, "I'd love to not be
  215. thirsty any more. I've been a long time without water. Can you help me?"
  217. Looking in the direction of the snake, hoping to see where the voice was
  218. coming from this time, he is shocked to see the snake rear back, open its
  219. mouth, and speak. He hears it say, as the dizziness overtakes him and he
  220. falls forward, face first on the stone, "Very well. Coming up."
  222. A piercing pain shoots through his shoulder. Suddenly he is awake. He sits
  223. up and grabs his shoulder, wincing at the throbbing pain. He's momentarily
  224. disoriented as he looks around, and then he remembers - the crawl across the
  225. sand, the dark area of stone, the snake. He sees the snake, still wrapped
  226. around the tilted white post, still looking at him.
  228. He reaches up and feels his shoulder, where it hurts. It feels slightly wet.
  229. He pulls his fingers away and looks at them - blood. He feels his shoulder
  230. again - his shirt has what feels like two holes in it - two puncture holes -
  231. they match up with the two aching spots of pain on his shoulder. He had been
  232. bitten. By the snake.
  234. "It'll feel better in a minute." He looks up - it's the snake talking. He
  235. hadn't dreamed it. Suddenly he notices - he's not dizzy any more. And more
  236. importantly, he's not thirsty any more - at all!
  238. "Have I died? Is this the afterlife? Why are you biting me in the
  239. afterlife?"
  241. "Sorry about that, but I had to bite you," says the snake. "That's the way I
  242. work. It all comes through the bite. Think of it as natural medicine."
  244. "You bit me to help me? Why aren't I thirsty any more? Did you give me a
  245. drink before you bit me? How did I drink enough while unconscious to not be
  246. thirsty any more? I haven't had a drink for over two days. Well, except for
  247. the windshield wiper fluid... hold it, how in the world does a snake talk?
  248. Are you real? Are you some sort of Disney animation?"
  250. "No," says the snake, "I'm real. As real as you or anyone is, anyway. I
  251. didn't give you a drink. I bit you. That's how it works - it's what I do. I
  252. bite. I don't have hands to give you a drink, even if I had water just
  253. sitting around here."
  255. The man sat stunned for a minute. Here he was, sitting in the middle of the
  256. desert on some strange stone that should be hot but wasn't, talking to a
  257. snake that could talk back and had just bitten him. And he felt better. Not
  258. great - he was still starving and exhausted, but much better - he was no
  259. longer thirsty. He had started to sweat again, but only slightly. He felt
  260. hot, in this sun, but it was starting to get lower in the sky, and the cool
  261. stone beneath him was a relief he could notice now that he was no longer
  262. dying of thirst.
  264. "I might suggest that we take care of that methanol you now have in your
  265. system with the next request," continued the snake. "I can guess why you
  266. drank it, but I'm not sure how much you drank, or how much methanol was left
  267. in the wiper fluid. That stuff is nasty. It'll make you go blind in a day or
  268. two, if you drank enough of it."
  270. "Ummm, n-next request?" said the man. He put his hand back on his hurting
  271. shoulder and backed away from the snake a little.
  273. "That's the way it works. If you like, that is," explained the snake. "You
  274. get three requests. Call them wishes, if you wish." The snake grinned at his
  275. own joke, and the man drew back a little further from the show of fangs.
  277. "But there are rules," the snake continued. "The first request is free. The
  278. second requires an agreement of secrecy. The third requires the binding of
  279. responsibility." The snake looks at the man seriously.
  281. "By the way," the snake says suddenly, "my name is Nathan. Old Nathan,
  282. Samuel used to call me. He gave me the name. Before that, most of the Bound
  283. used to just call me 'Snake'. But that got old, and Samuel wouldn't stand
  284. for it. He said that anything that could talk needed a name. He was big into
  285. names. You can call me Nate, if you wish." Again, the snake grinned. "Sorry
  286. if I don't offer to shake, but I think you can understand - my shake sounds
  287. somewhat threatening." The snake give his rattle a little shake.
  289. "Umm, my name is Jack," said the man, trying to absorb all of this. "Jack
  290. Samson.
  292. "Can I ask you a question?" Jack says suddenly. "What happened to the
  293. poison...umm, in your bite. Why aren't I dying now? How did you do that?
  294. What do you mean by that's how you work?"
  296. "That's more than one question," grins Nate. "But I'll still try to answer
  297. all of them. First, yes, you can ask me a question." The snake's grin gets
  298. wider. "Second, the poison is in you. It changed you. You now no longer need
  299. to drink. That's what you asked for. Or, well, technically, you asked to not
  300. be thirsty any more - but 'any more' is such a vague term. I decided to make
  301. it permanent - now, as long as you live, you shouldn't need to drink much at
  302. all. Your body will conserve water very efficiently. You should be able to
  303. get enough just from the food you eat - much like a creature of the desert.
  304. You've been changed.
  306. "For the third question," Nate continues, "you are still dying. Besides the
  307. effects of that methanol in your system, you're a man - and men are mortal.
  308. In your current state, I give you no more than about another 50 years.
  309. Assuming you get out of this desert, alive, that is." Nate seemed vastly
  310. amused at his own humor, and continued his wide grin.
  312. "As for the fourth question," Nate said, looking more serious as far as Jack
  313. could tell, as Jack was just now working on his ability to read
  314. talking-snake emotions from snake facial features, "first you have to agree
  315. to make a second request and become bound by the secrecy, or I can't tell
  316. you."
  318. "Wait," joked Jack, "isn't this where you say you could tell me, but you'd
  319. have to kill me?"
  321. "I thought that was implied." Nate continued to look serious.
  323. "Ummm...yeah." Jack leaned back a little as he remembered again that he was
  324. talking to a fifteen foot poisonous reptile with a reputation for having a
  325. nasty temper. "So, what is this 'Bound by Secrecy' stuff, and can you really
  326. stop the effects of the methanol?" Jack thought for a second. "And, what do
  327. you mean methanol, anyway? I thought these days they use ethanol in wiper
  328. fluid, and just denature it?"
  330. "They may, I don't really know," said Nate. "I haven't gotten out in a
  331. while. Maybe they do. All I know is that I smell methanol on your breath and
  332. on that bottle in your pocket. And the blue color of the liquid when you
  333. pulled it out to drink some let me guess that it was wiper fluid. I assume
  334. that they still color wiper fluid blue?"
  336. "Yeah, they do," said Jack.
  338. "I figured," replied Nate. "As for being bound by secrecy - with the
  339. fulfillment of your next request, you will be bound to say nothing about me,
  340. this place, or any of the information I will tell you after that, when you
  341. decide to go back out to your kind. You won't be allowed to talk about me,
  342. write about me, use sign language, charades, or even act in a way that will
  343. lead someone to guess correctly about me. You'll be bound to secrecy. Of
  344. course, I'll also ask you to promise not to give me away, and as I'm
  345. guessing that you're a man of your word, you'll never test the binding
  346. anyway, so you won't notice." Nate said the last part with utter confidence.
  348. Jack, who had always prided himself on being a man of his word, felt a
  349. little nervous at this. "Ummm, hey, Nate, who are you? How did you know
  350. that? Are you, umm, omniscient, or something?"
  352. Well, Jack," said Nate sadly, "I can't tell you that, unless you make the
  353. second request." Nate looked away for a minute, then looked back.
  355. "Umm, well, ok," said Jack, "what is this about a second request? What can I
  356. ask for? Are you allowed to tell me that?"
  358. "Sure!" said Nate, brightening. "You're allowed to ask for changes. Changes
  359. to yourself. They're like wishes, but they can only affect you. Oh, and
  360. before you ask, I can't give you immortality. Or omniscience. Or
  361. omnipresence, for that matter. Though I might be able to make you gaseous
  362. and yet remain alive, and then you could spread through the atmosphere and
  363. sort of be omnipresent. But what good would that be - you still wouldn't be
  364. omniscient and thus still could only focus on one thing at a time. Not very
  365. useful, at least in my opinion." Nate stopped when he realized that Jack was
  366. staring at him.
  368. "Well, anyway," continued Nate, "I'd probably suggest giving you permanent
  369. good health. It would negate the methanol now in your system, you'd be
  370. immune to most poisons and diseases, and you'd tend to live a very long
  371. time, barring accident, of course. And you'll even have a tendency to
  372. recover from accidents well. It always seemed like a good choice for a
  373. request to me."
  375. "Cure the methanol poisoning, huh?" said Jack. "And keep me healthy for a
  376. long time? Hmmm. It doesn't sound bad at that. And it has to be a request
  377. about a change to me? I can't ask to be rich, right? Because that's not
  378. really a change to me?"
  380. "Right," nodded Nate.
  382. "Could I ask to be a genius and permanently healthy?" Jack asked, hopefully.
  384. "That takes two requests, Jack."
  386. "Yeah, I figured so," said Jack. "But I could ask to be a genius? I could
  387. become the smartest scientist in the world? Or the best athlete?"
  389. "Well, I could make you very smart," admitted Nate, "but that wouldn't
  390. necessarily make you the best scientist in the world. Or, I could make you
  391. very athletic, but it wouldn't necessarily make you the best athlete either.
  392. You've heard the saying that 99% of genius is hard work? Well, there's some
  393. truth to that. I can give you the talent, but I can't make you work hard. It
  394. all depends on what you decide to do with it."
  396. "Hmmm," said Jack. "Ok, I think I understand. And I get a third request,
  397. after this one?"
  399. "Maybe," said Nate, "it depends on what you decide then. There are more
  400. rules for the third request that I can only tell you about after the second
  401. request. You know how it goes." Nate looked like he'd shrug, if he had
  402. shoulders.
  404. "Ok, well, since I'd rather not be blind in a day or two, and permanent
  405. health doesn't sound bad, then consider that my second request. Officially.
  406. Do I need to sign in blood or something?"
  408. "No," said Nate. "Just hold out your hand. Or heel." Nate grinned. "Or
  409. whatever part you want me to bite. I have to bite you again. Like I said,
  410. that's how it works - the poison, you know," Nate said apologetically.
  412. Jack winced a little and felt his shoulder, where the last bite was. Hey, it
  413. didn't hurt any more. Just like Nate had said. That made Jack feel better
  414. about the biting business. But still, standing still while a fifteen foot
  415. snake sunk it's fangs into you. Jack stood up. Ignoring how good it felt to
  416. be able to stand again, and the hunger starting to gnaw at his stomach, Jack
  417. tried to decide where he wanted to get bitten. Despite knowing that it
  418. wouldn't hurt for long, Jack knew that this wasn't going to be easy.
  420. "Hey, Jack," Nate suddenly said, looking past Jack towards the dunes behind
  421. him, "is that someone else coming up over there?"
  423. Jack spun around and looked. Who else could be out here in the middle of
  424. nowhere? And did they bring food?
  426. Wait a minute, there was nobody over there. What was Nate...
  428. Jack let out a bellow as he felt two fangs sink into his rear end, through
  429. his jeans...
  431. Jack sat down carefully, favoring his more tender buttock. "I would have
  432. decided, eventually, Nate. I was just thinking about it. You didn't have to
  433. hoodwink me like that."
  435. "I've been doing this a long time, Jack," said Nate, confidently. "You
  436. humans have a hard time sitting still and letting a snake bite you -
  437. especially one my size. And besides, admit it - it's only been a couple of
  438. minutes and it already doesn't hurt any more, does it? That's because of the
  439. health benefit with this one. I told you that you'd heal quickly now."
  441. "Yeah, well, still," said Jack, "it's the principle of the thing. And nobody
  442. likes being bitten in the butt! Couldn't you have gotten my calf or
  443. something instead?"
  445. "More meat in the typical human butt," replied Nate. "And less chance you
  446. accidentally kick me or move at the last second."
  448. "Yeah, right. So, tell me all of these wonderful secrets that I now qualify
  449. to hear," answered Jack.
  451. "Ok," said Nate. "Do you want to ask questions first, or do you want me to
  452. just start talking?"
  454. "Just talk," said Jack. "I'll sit here and try to not think about food."
  456. "We could go try to rustle up some food for you first, if you like,"
  457. answered Nate.
  459. "Hey! You didn't tell me you had food around here, Nate!" Jack jumped up.
  460. "What do we have? Am I in walking distance to town? Or can you magically
  461. whip up food along with your other powers?" Jack was almost shouting with
  462. excitement. His stomach had been growling for hours.
  464. "I was thinking more like I could flush something out of its hole and bite
  465. it for you, and you could skin it and eat it. Assuming you have a knife,
  466. that is," replied Nate, with the grin that Jack was starting to get used to.
  468. "Ugh," said Jack, sitting back down. "I think I'll pass. I can last a little
  469. longer before I get desperate enough to eat desert rat, or whatever else it
  470. is you find out here. And there's nothing to burn - I'd have to eat it raw.
  471. No thanks. Just talk."
  473. "Ok," replied Nate, still grinning. "But I'd better hurry, before you start
  474. looking at me as food.
  476. Nate reared back a little, looked around for a second, and then continued.
  477. "You, Jack, are sitting in the middle of the Garden of Eden."
  479. Jack looked around at the sand and dunes and then looked back at Nate
  480. sceptically.
  482. "Well, that's the best I can figure it, anyway, Jack," said Nate. "Stand up
  483. and look at the symbol on the rock here." Nate gestured around the dark
  484. stone they were both sitting on with his nose.
  486. Jack stood up and looked. Carved into the stone in a bas-relief was a
  487. representation of a large tree. The angled-pole that Nate was wrapped around
  488. was coming out of the trunk of the tree, right below where the main branches
  489. left the truck to reach out across the stone. It was very well done - it
  490. looked more like a tree had been reduced to almost two dimensions and
  491. embedded in the stone than it did like a carving.
  493. Jack walked around and looked at the details in the fading light of the
  494. setting sun. He wished he'd looked at it while the sun was higher in the
  495. sky.
  497. Wait! The sun was setting! That meant he was going to have to spend another
  498. night out here! Arrrgh!
  500. Jack looked out across the desert for a little bit, and then came back and
  501. stood next to Nate. "In all the excitement, I almost forgot, Nate," said
  502. Jack. "Which way is it back to town? And how far? I'm eventually going to
  503. have to head back - I'm not sure I'll be able to survive by eating raw
  504. desert critters for long. And even if I can, I'm not sure I'll want to."
  506. "It's about 30 miles that way." Nate pointed, with the rattle on his tail
  507. this time. As far as Jack could tell, it was a direction at right angles to
  508. the way he'd been going when he was crawling here. "But that's 30 miles by
  509. the way the crow flies. It's about 40 by the way a man walks. You should be
  510. able to do it in about half a day with your improved endurance, if you head
  511. out early tomorrow, Jack."
  513. Jack looked out the way the snake had pointed for a few seconds more, and
  514. then sat back down. It was getting dark. Not much he could do about heading
  515. out right now. And besides, Nate was just about to get to the interesting
  516. stuff. "Garden of Eden? As best as you can figure it?"
  518. "Well, yeah, as best as I and Samuel could figure it anyway," said Nate. "He
  519. figured that the story just got a little mixed up. You know, snake, in a
  520. 'tree', offering 'temptations', making bargains. That kind stuff. But he
  521. could never quite figure out how the Hebrews found out about this spot from
  522. across the ocean. He worried about that for a while."
  524. "Garden of Eden, hunh?" said Jack. "How long have you been here, Nate?"
  526. "No idea, really," replied Nate. "A long time. It never occurred to me to
  527. count years, until recently, and by then, of course, it was too late. But I
  528. do remember when this whole place was green, so I figure it's been thousands
  529. of years, at least."
  531. "So, are you the snake that tempted Eve?" said Jack.
  533. "Beats me," said Nate. "Maybe. I can't remember if the first one of your
  534. kind that I talked to was female or not, and I never got a name, but it
  535. could have been. And I suppose she could have considered my offer to grant
  536. requests a 'temptation', though I've rarely had refusals."
  538. "Well, umm, how did you get here then? And why is that white pole stuck out
  539. of the stone there?" asked Jack.
  541. "Dad left me here. Or, I assume it was my dad. It was another snake - much
  542. bigger than I was back then. I remember talking to him, but I don't remember
  543. if it was in a language, or just kind of understanding what he wanted. But
  544. one day, he brought me to this stone, told me about it, and asked me to do
  545. something for him. I talked it over with him for a while, then agreed. I've
  546. been here ever since.
  548. "What is this place?" said Jack. "And what did he ask you to do?"
  550. "Well, you see this pole here, sticking out of the stone?" Nate loosened his
  551. coils around the tilted white pole and showed Jack where it descended into
  552. the stone. The pole was tilted at about a 45 degree angle and seemed to
  553. enter the stone in an eighteen inch slot cut into the stone. Jack leaned
  554. over and looked. The slot was dark and the pole went down into it as far as
  555. Jack could see in the dim light. Jack reached out to touch the pole, but
  556. Nate was suddenly there in the way.
  558. "You can't touch that yet, Jack," said Nate.
  560. "Why not?" asked Jack.
  562. "I haven't explained it to you yet," replied Nate.
  564. "Well, it kinda looks like a lever or something," said Jack. "You'd push it
  565. that way, and it would move in the slot."
  567. "Yep, that's what it is," replied Nate.
  569. "What does it do?" asked Jack. "End the world?"
  571. "Oh, no," said Nate. "Nothing that drastic. It just ends humanity. I call it
  572. 'The Lever of Doom'." For the last few words Nate had used a deeper, ringing
  573. voice. He tried to look serious for a few seconds, and then gave up and
  574. grinned.
  576. Jack was initially startled by Nate's pronouncement, but when Nate grinned
  577. Jack laughed. "Ha! You almost had me fooled for a second there. What does it
  578. really do?"
  580. "Oh, it really ends humanity, like I said," smirked Nate. "I just thought
  581. the voice I used was funny, didn't you?"
  583. Nate continued to grin.
  585. "A lever to end humanity?" asked Jack. "What in the world is that for? Why
  586. would anyone need to end humanity?"
  588. "Well," replied Nate, "I get the idea that maybe humanity was an experiment.
  589. Or maybe the Big Guy just thought, that if humanity started going really
  590. bad, there should be a way to end it. I'm not really sure. All I know are
  591. the rules, and the guesses that Samuel and I had about why it's here. I
  592. didn't think to ask back when I started here."
  594. "Rules? What rules?" asked Jack.
  596. "The rules are that I can't tell anybody about it or let them touch it
  597. unless they agree to be bound to secrecy by a bite. And that only one human
  598. can be bound in that way at a time. That's it." explained Nate.
  600. Jack looked somewhat shocked. "You mean that I could pull the lever now?
  601. You'd let me end humanity?"
  603. "Yep," replied Nate, "if you want to." Nate looked at Jack carefully. "Do
  604. you want to, Jack?"
  606. "Umm, no." said Jack, stepping a little further back from the lever. "Why in
  607. the world would anyone want to end humanity? It'd take a psychotic to want
  608. that! Or worse, a suicidal psychotic, because it would kill him too,
  609. wouldn't it?"
  611. "Yep," replied Nate, "being as he'd be human too."
  613. "Has anyone ever seriously considered it?" asked Nate. "Any of those bound
  614. to secrecy, that is?"
  616. "Well, of course, I think they've all seriously considered it at one time or
  617. another. Being given that kind of responsibility makes you sit down and
  618. think, or so I'm told. Samuel considered it several times. He'd often get
  619. disgusted with humanity, come out here, and just hold the lever for a while.
  620. But he never pulled it. Or you wouldn't be here." Nate grinned some more.
  622. Jack sat down, well back from the lever. He looked thoughtful and puzzled at
  623. the same time. After a bit, he said, "So this makes me the Judge of
  624. humanity? I get to decide whether they keep going or just end? Me?"
  626. "That seems to be it," agreed Nate.
  628. "What kind of criteria do I use to decide?" said Jack. "How do I make this
  629. decision? Am I supposed to decide if they're good? Or too many of them are
  630. bad? Or that they're going the wrong way? Is there a set of rules for that?"
  632. "Nope," replied Nate. "You pretty much just have to decide on your own. It's
  633. up to you, however you want to decide it. I guess that you're just supposed
  634. to know."
  636. "But what if I get mad at someone? Or some girl dumps me and I feel
  637. horrible? Couldn't I make a mistake? How do I know that I won't screw up?"
  638. protested Jack.
  640. Nate gave his kind of snake-like shrug again. "You don't. You just have to
  641. try your best, Jack."
  643. Jack sat there for a while, staring off into the desert that was rapidly
  644. getting dark, chewing on a fingernail.
  646. Suddenly, Jack turned around and looked at the snake. "Nate, was Samuel the
  647. one bound to this before me?"
  649. "Yep," replied Nate. "He was a good guy. Talked to me a lot. Taught me to
  650. read and brought me books. I think I still have a good pile of them buried
  651. in the sand around here somewhere. I still miss him. He died a few months
  652. ago."
  654. "Sounds like a good guy," agreed Jack. "How did he handle this, when you
  655. first told him. What did he do?"
  657. "Well," said Nate, "he sat down for a while, thought about it for a bit, and
  658. then asked me some questions, much like you're doing."
  660. "What did he ask you, if you're allowed to tell me?" asked Jack.
  662. "He asked me about the third request," replied Nate.
  664. "Aha!" It was Jack's turn to grin. "And what did you tell him?"
  666. "I told him the rules for the third request. That to get the third request
  667. you have to agree to this whole thing. That if it ever comes to the point
  668. that you really think that humanity should be ended, that you'll come here
  669. and end it. You won't avoid it, and you won't wimp out." Nate looked serious
  670. again. "And you'll be bound to do it too, Jack."
  672. "Hmmm." Jack looked back out into the darkness for a while.
  674. Nate watched him, waiting.
  676. "Nate," continued Jack, quietly, eventually. "What did Samuel ask for with
  677. his third request?"
  679. Nate sounded like he was grinning again as he replied, also quietly,
  680. "Wisdom, Jack. He asked for wisdom. As much as I could give him."
  682. "Ok," said Jack, suddenly, standing up and facing away from Nate, "give it
  683. to me.
  685. Nate looked at Jack's backside. "Give you what, Jack?"
  687. "Give me that wisdom. The same stuff that Samuel asked for. If it helped
  688. him, maybe it'll help me too." Jack turned his head to look back over his
  689. shoulder at Nate. "It did help him, right?"
  691. "He said it did," replied Nate. "But he seemed a little quieter afterward.
  692. Like he had a lot to think about."
  694. "Well, yeah, I can see that," said Jack. "So, give it to me." Jack turned to
  695. face away from Nate again, bent over slightly and tensed up.
  697. Nate watched Jack tense up with a little exasperation. If he bit Jack now,
  698. Jack would likely jump out of his skin and maybe hurt them both.
  700. "You remember that you'll be bound to destroy humanity if it ever looks like
  701. it needs it, right Jack?" asked Nate, shifting position.
  703. "Yeah, yeah, I got that," replied Jack, eyes squeezed tightly shut and body
  704. tense, not noticing the change in direction of Nate's voice.
  706. "And," continued Nate, from his new position, "do you remember that you'll
  707. turn bright purple, and grow big horns and extra eyes?"
  709. "Yeah, yeah...Hey, wait a minute!" said Jack, opening his eyes,
  710. straightening up and turning around. "Purple?!" He didn't see Nate there.
  711. With the moonlight Jack could see that the lever extended up from its slot
  712. in the rock without the snake wrapped around it.
  714. Jack heard, from behind him, Nate's "Just Kidding!" right before he felt the
  715. now familiar piercing pain, this time in the other buttock.
  717. Jack sat on the edge of the dark stone in the rapidly cooling air, his feet
  718. extending out into the sand. He stared out into the darkness, listening to
  719. the wind stir the sand, occasionally rubbing his butt where he'd been
  720. recently bitten.
  722. Nate had left for a little while, had come back with a desert-rodent-shaped
  723. bulge somewhere in his middle, and was now wrapped back around the lever,
  724. his tongue flicking out into the desert night's air the only sign that he
  725. was still awake.
  727. Occasionally Jack, with his toes absentmindedly digging in the sand while he
  728. thought, would ask Nate a question without turning around.
  730. "Nate, do accidents count?"
  732. Nate lifted his head a little bit. "What do you mean, Jack?"
  734. Jack tilted his head back like he was looking at the stars. "You know,
  735. accidents. If I accidentally fall on the lever, without meaning to, does
  736. that still wipe out humanity?"
  738. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it does, Jack. I'd suggest you be careful about that
  739. if you start feeling wobbly," said Nate with some amusement.
  741. A little later - "Does it have to be me that pulls the lever?" asked Jack.
  743. "That's the rule, Jack. Nobody else can pull it," answered Nate.
  745. "No," Jack shook his head, "I meant does it have to be my hand? Could I pull
  746. the lever with a rope tied around it? Or push it with a stick? Or throw a
  747. rock?"
  749. "Yes, those should work," replied Nate. "Though I'm not sure how complicated
  750. you could get. Samuel thought about trying to build some kind of remote
  751. control for it once, but gave it up. Everything he'd build would be gone by
  752. the next sunrise, if it was touching the stone, or over it. I told him that
  753. in the past others that had been bound had tried to bury the lever so they
  754. wouldn't be tempted to pull it, but every time the stones or sand or
  755. whatever had disappeared."
  757. "Wow," said Jack, "Cool." Jack leaned back until only his elbows kept him
  758. off of the stone and looked up into the sky.
  760. "Nate, how long did Samuel live? One of his wishes was for health too,
  761. right?" asked Jack.
  763. "Yes," replied Nate, "it was. He lived 167 years, Jack."
  765. "Wow, 167 years. That's almost 140 more years I'll live if I live as long.
  766. Do you know what he died of, Nate?"
  768. "He died of getting tired of living, Jack," Nate said, sounding somewhat
  769. sad.
  771. Jack turned his head to look at Nate in the starlight.
  773. Nate looked back. "Samuel knew he wasn't going to be able to stay in
  774. society. He figured that they'd eventually see him still alive and start
  775. questioning it, so he decided that he'd have to disappear after a while. He
  776. faked his death once, but changed his mind - he decided it was too early and
  777. he could stay for a little longer. He wasn't very fond of mankind, but he
  778. liked the attention. Most of the time, anyway.
  780. "His daughter and then his wife dying almost did him in though. He didn't
  781. stay in society much longer after that. He eventually came out here to spend
  782. time talking to me and thinking about pulling the lever. A few months ago he
  783. told me he'd had enough. It was his time."
  785. "And then he just died?" asked Jack.
  787. Nate shook his head a little. "He made his forth request, Jack. There's only
  788. one thing you can ask for the fourth request. The last bite.
  790. After a bit Nate continued, "He told me that he was tired, that it was his
  791. time. He reassured me that someone new would show up soon, like they always
  792. had.
  794. After another pause, Nate finished, "Samuel's body disappeared off the stone
  795. with the sunrise."
  797. Jack lay back down and looked at the sky, leaving Nate alone with his
  798. memories. It was a long time until Jack's breathing evened out into sleep.
  800. Jack woke with the sunrise the next morning. He was a little chilled with
  801. the morning desert air, but overall was feeling pretty good. Well, except
  802. that his stomach was grumbling and he wasn't willing to eat raw desert rat.
  804. So, after getting directions to town from Nate, making sure he knew how to
  805. get back, and reassuring Nate that he'd be back soon, Jack started the long
  806. walk back to town. With his new health and Nate's good directions, he made
  807. it back easily.
  809. Jack caught a bus back to the city, and showed up for work the next day,
  810. little worse for the wear and with a story about getting lost in the desert
  811. and walking back out. Within a couple of days Jack had talked a friend with
  812. a tow truck into going back out into the desert with him to fetch the SUV.
  813. They found it after a couple of hours of searching and towed it back without
  814. incident. Jack was careful not to even look in the direction of Nate's
  815. lever, though their path back didn't come within sight of it.
  817. Before the next weekend, Jack had gone to a couple of stores, including a
  818. book store, and had gotten his SUV back from the mechanic, with a warning to
  819. avoid any more joyriding in the desert. On Saturday, Jack headed back to see
  820. Nate.
  822. Jack parked a little way out of the small town near Nate, loaded up his new
  823. backpack with camping gear and the things he was bringing for Nate, and then
  824. started walking. He figured that walking would leave the least trail, and he
  825. knew that while not many people camped in the desert, it wasn't unheard of,
  826. and shouldn't really raise suspicions.
  828. Jack had brought more books for Nate - recent books, magazines, newspapers.
  829. Some things that would catch Nate up with what was happening in the world,
  830. others that were just good books to read. He spent the weekend with Nate,
  831. and then headed out again, telling Nate that he'd be back again soon, but
  832. that he had things to do first.
  834. Over four months later Jack was back to see Nate again. This time he brought
  835. a laptop with him - a specially modified laptop. It had a solar recharger,
  836. special filters and seals to keep out the sand, a satellite link-up, and a
  837. special keyboard and joystick that Jack hoped that a fifteen-foot
  838. rattlesnake would be able to use. And, it had been hacked to not give out
  839. its location to the satellite.
  841. After that Jack could e-mail Nate to keep in touch, but still visited him
  842. fairly regularly - at least once or twice a year.
  844. After the first year, Jack quit his job. For some reason, with the wisdom he
  845. 'd been given, and the knowledge that he could live for over 150 years,
  846. working in a nine to five job for someone else didn't seem that worthwhile
  847. any more. Jack went back to school.
  849. Eventually, Jack started writing. Perhaps because of the wisdom, or perhaps
  850. because of his new perspective, he wrote well. People liked what he wrote,
  851. and he became well known for it. After a time, Jack bought an RV and started
  852. traveling around the country for book signings and readings.
  854. But, he still remembered to drop by and visit Nate occasionally.
  856. On one of the visits Nate seemed quieter than usual. Not that Nate had been
  857. a fountain of joy lately. Jack's best guess was that Nate was still missing
  858. Samuel, and though Jack had tried, he still hadn't been able to replace
  859. Samuel in Nate's eyes. Nate had been getting quieter each visit. But on this
  860. visit Nate didn't even speak when Jack walked up to the lever. He nodded at
  861. Jack, and then went back to staring into the desert. Jack, respecting Nate's
  862. silence, sat down and waited.
  864. After a few minutes, Nate spoke. "Jack, I have someone to introduce you to."
  866. Jack looked surprised. "Someone to introduce me to?" Jack looked around, and then looked carefully back at Nate. "This something to do with the Big Guy?
  868. "No, no," replied Nate. "This is more personal. I want you to meet my son."
  869. Nate looked over at the nearest sand dune. "Sammy!"
  871. Jack watched as a four foot long desert rattlesnake crawled from behind the
  872. dune and up to the stone base of the lever.
  874. "Yo, Jack," said the new, much smaller snake.
  876. "Yo, Sammy" replied Jack. Jack looked at Nate. "Named after Samuel, I
  877. assume?"
  879. Nate nodded. "Jack, I've got a favor to ask you. Could you show Sammy around
  880. for me?" Nate unwrapped himself from the lever and slithered over to the
  881. edge of the stone and looked across the sands. "When Samuel first told me
  882. about the world, and brought me books and pictures, I wished that I could go see it. I wanted to see the great forests, the canyons, the cities, even the
  883. other deserts, to see if they felt and smelled the same. I want my son to
  884. have that chance - to see the world. Before he becomes bound here like I have been.
  886. "He's seen it in pictures, over the computer that you brought me. But I hear that it's not the same. That being there is different. I want him to have
  887. that. Think you can do that for me, Jack?"
  889. Jack nodded. This was obviously very important to Nate, so Jack didn't even
  890. joke about taking a talking rattlesnake out to see the world. "Yeah, I can
  891. do that for you, Nate. Is that all you need?" Jack could sense that was
  892. something more.
  894. Nate looked at Sammy. Sammy looked back at Nate for a second and then said,
  895. "Oh, yeah. Ummm, I've gotta go pack. Back in a little bit Jack. Nice to meet
  896. ya!" Sammy slithered back over the dune and out of sight.
  898. Nate watched Sammy disappear and then looked back at Jack. "Jack, this is my
  899. first son. My first offspring through all the years. You don't even want to
  900. know what it took for me to find a mate." Nate grinned to himself. "But
  901. anyway, I had a son for a reason. I'm tired. I'm ready for it to be over. I
  902. needed a replacement."
  904. Jack considered this for a minute. "So, you're ready to come see the world,
  905. and you wanted him to watch the lever while you were gone?"
  907. Nate shook his head. "No, Jack - you're a better guesser than that. You've
  908. already figured out - I'm bound here - there's only one way for me to leave
  909. here. And I'm ready. It's my time to die."
  911. Jack looked more closely at Nate. He could tell Nate had thought about
  912. this - probably for quite a while. Jack had trouble imagining what it would
  913. be like to be as old as Nate, but Jack could already tell that in another
  914. hundred or two hundred years, he might be getting tired of life himself.
  915. Jack could understand Samuel's decision, and now Nate's. So, all Jack said
  916. was, "What do you want me to do?"
  918. Nate nodded. "Thanks, Jack. I only want two things. One - show Sammy around
  919. the world - let him get his fill of it, until he's ready to come back here
  920. and take over. Two - give me the fourth request.
  922. "I can't just decide to die, not any more than you can. I won't even die of
  923. old age like you eventually will, even though it'll be a long time from now.
  924. I need to be killed. Once Sammy is back here, ready to take over, I'll be
  925. able to die. And I need you to kill me.
  927. "I've even thought about how. Poisons and other drugs won't work on me. And
  928. I've seen pictures of snakes that were shot - some of them live for days, so
  929. that's out too. So, I want you to bring back a sword.
  931. Nate turned away to look back to the dune that Sammy had gone behind. "I'd
  932. say an axe, but that's somewhat undignified - putting my head on the ground
  933. or a chopping block like that. No, I like a sword. A time-honored way of
  934. going out. A dignified way to die. And, most importantly, it should work,
  935. even on me.
  937. "You willing to do that for me, Jack?" Nate turned back to look at Jack.
  939. "Yeah, Nate," replied Jack solemnly, "I think I can handle that."
  941. Nate nodded. "Good!" He turned back toward the dune and shouted, "Sammy!
  942. Jack's about ready to leave!" Then quietly, "Thanks, Jack."
  944. Jack didn't have anything to say to that, so he waited for Sammy to make it
  945. back to the lever, nodded to him, nodded a final time to Nate, and then
  946. headed into the desert with Sammy following.
  947. Over the next several years Sammy and Jack kept in touch with Nate through
  948. e-mail as they went about their adventures. They made a goal of visiting
  949. every country in the world, and did a respectable job of it. Sammy had a
  950. natural gift for languages, as Jack expected he would, and even ended up
  951. acting as a translator for Jack in a few of the countries. Jack managed to
  952. keep the talking rattlesnake hidden, even so, and by the time they were
  953. nearing the end of their tour of countries, Sammy had only been spotted a
  954. few times. While there were several people that had seen enough to startle
  955. them greatly, nobody had enough evidence to prove anything, and while a few
  956. wild rumors and storied followed Jack and Sammy around, nothing ever hit the
  957. newspapers or the public in general.
  959. When they finished the tour of countries, Jack suggested that they try some
  960. undersea diving. They did. And spelunking. They did that too. Sammy finally
  961. drew the line at visiting Antarctica. He'd come to realize that Jack was
  962. stalling. After talking to his Dad about it over e-mail, he figured out that
  963. Jack probably didn't want to have to kill Nate. Nate told Sammy that humans
  964. could be squeamish about killing friends and acquaintances.
  966. So, Sammy eventually put his tail down (as he didn't have a foot) and told
  967. Jack that it was time - he was ready to go back and take up his duties from
  968. his dad. Jack, delayed it a little more by insisting that they go back to
  969. Japan and buy an appropriate sword. He even stretched it a little more by
  970. getting lessons in how to use the sword. But, eventually, he'd learned as
  971. much as he was likely to without dedicating his life to it, and was
  972. definitely competent enough to take the head off of a snake. It was time to
  973. head back and see Nate.
  975. When they got back to the US, Jack got the old RV out of storage where he
  976. and Sammy had left it after their tour of the fifty states, he loaded up
  977. Sammy and the sword, and they headed for the desert.
  979. When they got to the small town that Jack had been trying to find those
  980. years ago when he'd met Nate, Jack was in a funk. He didn't really feel like
  981. walking all of the way out there. Not only that, but he'd forgotten to
  982. figure the travel time correctly, and it was late afternoon. They'd either
  983. have to spend the night in town and walk out tomorrow, or walk in the dark.
  985. As Jack was afraid that if he waited one more night he might lose his
  986. resolve, he decided that he'd go ahead and drive the RV out there. It was
  987. only going to be this once, and Jack would go back and cover the tracks
  988. afterward. They ought to be able to make it out there by nightfall if they
  989. drove, and then they could get it over tonight.
  991. Jack told Sammy to e-mail Nate that they were coming as he drove out of
  992. sight of the town on the road. They then pulled off the road and headed out
  993. into the desert.
  995. Everything went well, until they got to the sand dunes. Jack had been
  996. nursing the RV along the whole time, over the rocks, through the creek beds,
  997. revving the engine the few times they almost got stuck. When they came to
  998. the dunes, Jack didn't really think about it, he just downshifted and headed
  999. up the first one. By the third dune, Jack started to regret that he'd
  1000. decided to try driving on the sand. The RV was fishtailling and losing
  1001. traction. Jack was having to work it up each dune slowly and was trying to
  1002. keep from losing control each time they came over the top and slid down the
  1003. other side. Sammy had come up to sit in the passenger seat, coiled up and
  1004. laughing at Jack's driving.
  1006. As they came over the top of the fourth dune, the biggest one yet, Jack saw
  1007. that this was the final dune - the stone, the lever, and somewhere Nate,
  1008. waited below. Jack put on the brakes, but he'd gone a little too far. The RV
  1009. started slipping down the other side.
  1011. Jack tried turning the wheel, but he didn't have enough traction. He pumped
  1012. the brakes - no response. They started sliding down the hill, faster and
  1013. faster.
  1015. Jack felt a shock go through him as he suddenly realized that they were
  1016. heading for the lever. He looked down - the RV was directly on course for
  1017. it. If Jack didn't do something, the RV would hit it. He was about to end
  1018. humanity.
  1020. Jack steered more frantically, trying to get traction. It still wasn't
  1021. working.
  1022. The dune was too steep, and the sand too loose. In a split second,
  1023. Jack realized that his only chance would be once he hit the stone around the
  1024. lever - he should have traction on the stone for just a second before he hit
  1025. the lever - he wouldn't have time to stop, but he should be able to steer
  1026. away.
  1028. Jack took a better grip on the steering wheel and tried to turn the RV a
  1029. little bit - every little bit would help. He'd have to time his turn just
  1030. right.
  1032. The RV got to the bottom of the dune, sliding at an amazing speed in the
  1033. sand. Just before they reached the stone Jack looked across it to check that
  1034. they were still heading for the lever. They were. But Jack noticed something
  1035. else that he hadn't seen from the top of the dune. Nate wasn't wrapped
  1036. around the lever. He was off to the side of the lever, but still on the
  1037. stone, waiting for them. The problem was, he was waiting on the same side of
  1038. the lever that Jack had picked to steer towards to avoid the lever. The RV
  1039. was already starting to drift that way a little in its mad rush across the
  1040. sand and there was no way that Jack was going to be able to go around the
  1041. lever to the other side.
  1043. Jack had an instant of realization. He was either going to have to hit the
  1044. lever, or run over Nate. He glanced over at Sammy and saw that Sammy
  1045. realized the same thing.
  1047. Jack took a firmer grip on the steering wheel as the RV ran up on the stone.
  1048. Shouting to Sammy as he pulled the steering wheel, "BETTER NATE THAN LEVER," he ran over the snake.
  1052. THE END
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