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May 21st, 2016
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  1. Hello, My names wfp-217765 (its a alias to keep me safe)
  3. Back in 2014 I took a week long trip to Gunisao lake, to experience my fishing trip of a lifetime and catch world class walleye. I caught a flight on Keystone air (I highly recommend them I got to fly most of the time) and arrived at Gunisao lake where I was greeted by DUSTY BUDD!
  5. The first few days were amazing. Every morning I had a coffee delivered to my room, followed by a hearty Gunisao breakfast, prepared by DUSTIN MAIZE himself! Honestly, it was a dream come true. Eating DUSTIN MAIZE`s food that he prepared HIMSELF was an incredible honor and a story I know I`ll be telling my grandchildren. I HIGHLY recommend his cooking and you can catch some of his food at the Winnipeg curling club during the winter. DUSTIN MAIZE`s food made my trip to Gunisao 100 times better, but nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen.
  7. It was the 4th night of my stay at Gunisao when I woke up at around 2 in the morning due to my explosive diarrhea that I got from eating way too much of DUSTIN MAIZE`s food. When I was in the bathroom I could hear screaming coming from the outside. I was so startled, but I had to investigate, I didn`t even have time to wipe. As I approached where the screaming was coming from, the figure of a man and 2 children came into vision. I got just close enough to make out that it was DUSTY BUDD and his little BUDDKINS. I didn`t get to look at them long until they were off on one of the fishing boats and they made there way out to the middle of the lake. I could only see the shadowy figures lit up by the light of the moon, but the screams were loud and clear. I heard DUSTY BUDD yell to the midnight sky "FEEDING TIME!". That's when I saw him grab his precious BUDDKINS and throw them in Gunisao Lake, feeding them to the walleye. It all made sense now, this is how the walleye of Gunisao Lake were all so big and WORLD CLASS, DUSTY BUDD was feeding the BUDDKINS to the walleye to keep them big...
  9. After seeing this all go down, I proceed back to my room and tried to forget what I had just saw. The morning after the incident I was delivered my coffee to my room and enjoyed my hearty breakfast prepared by DUSTIN MAIZE, which included Eggs, Bacon, Hashbrowns and walleye. After enjoying my spectacular meal made by DUSTIN MAIZE. I gave my beautiful chef a loving hug and kiss on the cheek (I wish I could have taken it further). I caught the first flight out of Gunisao I could. Despite my affection for DUSTIN MAIZE, I had to get out of there as fast as I could after what I experienced .
  11. After my hearty Gunisao trip, I can't recommend going to Gunisao Lake for a vacation or any trip what-so-ever. What I can recommend though, is DUSTIN MAIZE. His cooking is absolutely spectacular, he's funny, wears all the freshest clothing, hangs out with all the coolest guys and is a REAL looker (if you know what I mean). If you want to catch DUSTIN MAIZE you can find him at Winnipeg's Curling club.
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