
App FC

Feb 17th, 2015
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  1. 02-17 17:45:39.635 D/su (21165): sending code
  2. 02-17 17:45:39.635 D/su (21165): child exited
  3. 02-17 17:45:39.635 D/su (21163): client exited 0
  4. 02-17 17:45:39.635 I/System (20682): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  5. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21183): su invoked.
  6. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21183): starting daemon client 10275 0
  7. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21186): remote pid: 21183
  8. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21186): remote pts_slave:
  9. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21186): waiting for child exit
  10. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21187): su invoked.
  11. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/su (21187): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  12. 02-17 17:45:39.655 D/m0narX_su_observer( 924): Helper called from: 10067
  13. 02-17 17:45:39.715 D/su (21186): sending code
  14. 02-17 17:45:39.715 D/su (21186): child exited
  15. 02-17 17:45:39.715 D/su (21183): client exited 0
  16. 02-17 17:45:39.755 I/System (20682): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  17. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21191): su invoked.
  18. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21191): starting daemon client 10275 0
  19. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21193): remote pid: 21191
  20. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21193): remote pts_slave:
  21. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21193): waiting for child exit
  22. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21194): su invoked.
  23. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/su (21194): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  24. 02-17 17:45:39.775 D/m0narX_su_observer( 924): Helper called from: 10067
  25. 02-17 17:45:39.785 D/su (21193): sending code
  26. 02-17 17:45:39.785 D/su (21193): child exited
  27. 02-17 17:45:39.785 D/su (21191): client exited 1
  28. 02-17 17:45:39.795 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(349b9a6c): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 924 1000 null
  29. 02-17 17:45:39.805 I/System (20682): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.i.a:-1)
  30. 02-17 17:45:39.815 I/ActionCombine(20682): replace[setMax, setProgress, setTextSize, setTextColor, setVisibility, setImageLevel, setX, setY, setAlpha, setScaleX, setScaleY, setRotation, setRotationX, setRotationY, setElevation, setTranslationX, setTranslationY, setBase, setTime, setEnabled, setStarted, setAllCaps, setClickable, setFocusable, setIndeterminate, setText, setContentDescription, setFormat, setViewPaddingInternal, setTextViewTextSizeInternal, setTextViewCompoundDrawablesInternal, setTextViewCompoundDrawablesRelativeInternal]
  31. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/m0narX_NotificationExtension( 924): start: com.nolanlawson.logcat
  32. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/m0narX_NotificationExtension( 924): needToIntercept: Screen turned on
  33. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/su (21200): su invoked.
  34. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/su (21200): starting daemon client 10275 0
  35. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/su (21203): remote pid: 21200
  36. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/su (21203): remote pts_slave:
  37. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/su (21203): waiting for child exit
  38. 02-17 17:45:39.825 D/su (21204): su invoked.
  39. 02-17 17:45:39.835 D/su (21204): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  40. 02-17 17:45:39.835 D/m0narX_su_observer( 924): Helper called from: 10067
  41. 02-17 17:45:39.835 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 924): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  42. 02-17 17:45:39.835 W/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@cddf158 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@34d02be0, client pid=20682, inputType=0x(null)
  43. 02-17 17:45:39.845 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  44. 02-17 17:45:39.845 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  45. 02-17 17:45:39.845 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): showing MENU key
  46. 02-17 17:45:39.865 I/RemoteViews( 1162): apply : com.nolanlawson.logcat 1 8 13 35
  47. 02-17 17:45:39.875 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  48. 02-17 17:45:39.885 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1162): setLightsOn(true)
  49. 02-17 17:45:39.885 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  50. 02-17 17:45:39.885 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  51. 02-17 17:45:39.885 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  52. 02-17 17:45:39.885 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  53. 02-17 17:45:39.915 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(349b9a6c): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  54. 02-17 17:45:40.085 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  55. 02-17 17:45:40.085 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54780
  56. 02-17 17:45:40.085 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 0
  57. 02-17 17:45:41.085 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  58. 02-17 17:45:41.085 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54780
  59. 02-17 17:45:41.525 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  60. 02-17 17:45:41.525 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  61. 02-17 17:45:41.525 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-25 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.2, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.6 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2996] from screen [on:0 period:-1712400742] gl u24 rssi=-25 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  62. 02-17 17:45:41.525 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  63. 02-17 17:45:41.525 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-25 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.2, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.6 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2] from screen [on:0 period:-1712400740] gl u24 rssi=-25 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  64. 02-17 17:45:41.525 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): get link layer stats 0
  65. 02-17 17:45:41.535 W/WifiHW ( 924): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  66. 02-17 17:45:41.535 D/wpa_supplicant( 1135): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  67. 02-17 17:45:41.545 I/wpa_supplicant( 1135): environment dirty rate=0 [0][0][0]
  68. 02-17 17:45:41.545 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -24 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  69. 02-17 17:45:41.555 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-24 linkspeed=150
  70. 02-17 17:45:41.555 E/WifiConfigStore( 924): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  71. 02-17 17:45:41.555 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=0.09 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=0.79 userTriggerdPenalty0
  72. 02-17 17:45:41.555 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): good link -> stuck count =0
  73. 02-17 17:45:41.555 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  74. 02-17 17:45:41.555 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  75. 02-17 17:45:41.565 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  76. 02-17 17:45:41.565 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 924): RSSI current: 3 new: -24, 3
  77. 02-17 17:45:41.565 D/WIFI_ICON( 1162): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  78. 02-17 17:45:41.565 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1162): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_null|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  79. 02-17 17:45:41.855 E/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): DATA_MONITOR_POLL true Token 18
  80. 02-17 17:45:41.895 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: mDataStallTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296} preTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296}
  81. 02-17 17:45:41.895 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: NONE
  82. 02-17 17:45:41.905 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): onDataStallAlarm: Sent 0 pkts since last received, < watchdogTrigger=5
  83. 02-17 17:45:42.085 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  84. 02-17 17:45:42.095 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54780
  85. 02-17 17:45:43.095 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  86. 02-17 17:45:43.095 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54780
  87. 02-17 17:45:43.455 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 24(0x7777772e676f6f),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 4
  88. 02-17 17:45:43.465 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, err=8
  89. 02-17 17:45:43.465 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 24(0x7777772e676f6f),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024
  90. 02-17 17:45:43.465 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, pass to proxy
  91. 02-17 17:45:43.465 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy+
  92. 02-17 17:45:43.465 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
  93. 02-17 17:45:43.475 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 24(0x7777772e676f6f),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 1024
  94. 02-17 17:45:43.515 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 9(0x3132372e302e30),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 4
  95. 02-17 17:45:43.515 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  96. 02-17 17:45:43.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  97. 02-17 17:45:43.565 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy-, success
  98. 02-17 17:45:43.565 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 9(0x3132372e302e30),sn(),hints(known),family 0,flags 4
  99. 02-17 17:45:43.575 D/libc ( 4798): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  100. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): Error sending ping
  101. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused
  102. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(
  103. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  104. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  105. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
  106. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
  107. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
  108. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
  109. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  110. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at aat.a(SourceFile:217)
  111. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  112. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  113. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): Caused by: failed to connect to / (port 443) after 60000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
  114. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  115. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  116. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  117. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  118. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  119. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at
  120. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(
  121. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): ... 11 more
  122. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
  123. 02-17 17:45:43.575 E/GoogleConversionReporter( 4798): ... 18 more
  124. 02-17 17:45:43.965 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(2f617e46): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *alarm* 0x1 924 1000 WorkSource{10146}
  125. 02-17 17:45:43.965 V/AlarmManager( 924): sending alarm PendingIntent{11204807: PendingIntentRecord{32799bde broadcastIntent}}, i=gts.UPDATE_CALENDAR_ACTION, t=2, cnt=1, w=1960702, Int=0
  126. 02-17 17:45:43.985 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(2f617e46): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *alarm* 0x1 WorkSource{10146}
  127. 02-17 17:45:43.995 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(27dbd75d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK CalendarIntentService 0x1 5312 10146 null
  128. 02-17 17:45:44.035 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(27dbd75d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK CalendarIntentService 0x1 null
  129. 02-17 17:45:44.105 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  130. 02-17 17:45:44.105 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54780
  131. 02-17 17:45:44.565 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  132. 02-17 17:45:44.565 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  133. 02-17 17:45:44.565 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.1, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.8 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:3003] from screen [on:0 period:-1712397700] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  134. 02-17 17:45:44.565 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  135. 02-17 17:45:44.575 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.1, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.8 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:7] from screen [on:0 period:-1712397693] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  136. 02-17 17:45:44.575 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): get link layer stats 0
  137. 02-17 17:45:44.575 W/WifiHW ( 924): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  138. 02-17 17:45:44.585 D/wpa_supplicant( 1135): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  139. 02-17 17:45:44.605 I/wpa_supplicant( 1135): environment dirty rate=0 [0][0][0]
  140. 02-17 17:45:44.605 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -24 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  141. 02-17 17:45:44.605 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-24 linkspeed=150
  142. 02-17 17:45:44.605 E/WifiConfigStore( 924): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  143. 02-17 17:45:44.605 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=0.05 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=0.89 userTriggerdPenalty0
  144. 02-17 17:45:44.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): good link -> stuck count =0
  145. 02-17 17:45:44.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  146. 02-17 17:45:44.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  147. 02-17 17:45:44.625 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  148. 02-17 17:45:44.645 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 924): RSSI current: 3 new: -24, 3
  149. 02-17 17:45:44.645 D/WIFI_ICON( 1162): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  150. 02-17 17:45:44.645 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1162): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_null|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  151. 02-17 17:45:45.105 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  152. 02-17 17:45:45.105 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54781
  153. 02-17 17:45:45.105 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 1
  154. 02-17 17:45:46.105 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  155. 02-17 17:45:46.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54781
  156. 02-17 17:45:46.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 0
  157. 02-17 17:45:46.335 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  158. 02-17 17:45:46.545 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  159. 02-17 17:45:46.865 E/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): DATA_MONITOR_POLL true Token 18
  160. 02-17 17:45:46.865 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: mDataStallTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296} preTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296}
  161. 02-17 17:45:46.865 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: NONE
  162. 02-17 17:45:46.865 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): onDataStallAlarm: Sent 0 pkts since last received, < watchdogTrigger=5
  163. 02-17 17:45:47.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  164. 02-17 17:45:47.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54782
  165. 02-17 17:45:47.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 1
  166. 02-17 17:45:47.185 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  167. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(3004b8a0): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *alarm* 0x1 924 1000 WorkSource{1000}
  168. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/WifiDisplayAdapter( 924): getWifiDisplayStatusLocked: result=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=2, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo:
  169. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/WifiDisplayAdapter( 924): Client/Owner: Client
  170. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/WifiDisplayAdapter( 924): GroupId:
  171. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/WifiDisplayAdapter( 924): Passphrase:
  172. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/WifiDisplayAdapter( 924): SessionId: 0
  173. 02-17 17:45:47.225 D/WifiDisplayAdapter( 924): IP Address: }
  174. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WiFiStateMachine SCAN ALARM
  175. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131143
  176. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  177. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_START_SCAN -2 -2 ic=45 proc(ms):2 dur:1870 rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.9 fiv=60000 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2603] from screen [on:0 period:-1712395040]
  178. 02-17 17:45:47.225 V/AlarmManager( 924): sending alarm PendingIntent{70d49: PendingIntentRecord{3883164e android broadcastIntent}},, t=1, cnt=1, w=1424216747057, Int=20000
  179. 02-17 17:45:47.225 V/AlarmManager( 924): sending alarm PendingIntent{e038c59: PendingIntentRecord{34b73b54 broadcastIntent}}, i=null, t=1, cnt=1, w=1424216747228, Int=0
  180. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  181. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_START_SCAN -2 -2 ic=45 proc(ms):4 dur:1870 rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.9 fiv=60000 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:2] from screen [on:0 period:-1712395038]
  182. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=0.05 rxSuccessRate=0.89 targetRoamBSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24
  183. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN with age=20143 interval=60000 maxinterval=300000
  184. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN full=false
  185. 02-17 17:45:47.225 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  186. 02-17 17:45:47.235 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(3004b8a0): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *alarm* 0x1 WorkSource{10037}
  187. 02-17 17:45:47.245 D/VenomButtons( 924): mVenomButtons.shortPressHome()
  188. 02-17 17:45:47.245 D/m0narX_tweaks( 924): Shortpress home
  189. 02-17 17:45:47.255 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  190. 02-17 17:45:47.255 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS,1,false)
  191. 02-17 17:45:47.255 I/ActivityManager( 924): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000} from uid 1000 on display 0
  192. 02-17 17:45:47.255 D/Venom ( 924): Force new Task enabled: false
  193. 02-17 17:45:47.275 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 380 380 380".
  194. 02-17 17:45:47.275 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 400 400 400".
  195. 02-17 17:45:47.295 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(1af5102a): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 924 1000 null
  196. 02-17 17:45:47.305 I/BatteryService( 924): n_update end
  197. 02-17 17:45:47.305 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(1af5102a): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 null
  198. 02-17 17:45:47.305 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(fc0de1b): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 924 1000 null
  199. 02-17 17:45:47.305 D/HtcPowerSaver( 924): updateBatteryInfo
  200. 02-17 17:45:47.305 D/PMS ( 924): runPSCheck
  201. 02-17 17:45:47.305 D/HtcPowerSaver( 924): Checking...
  202. 02-17 17:45:47.305 I/HtcPowerSaver( 924): >> updateStatus
  203. 02-17 17:45:47.305 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED,1,false)
  204. 02-17 17:45:47.315 I/HtcPowerSaver( 924): updateStatus (8000,58,-1,false,false,false,-1)
  205. 02-17 17:45:47.315 I/HtcPowerSaver( 924): << updateStatus
  206. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/NotificationService( 924): plugged=true pluggin=true
  207. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): BroadcastReceiver::onReceive+
  208. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): onReceive BATTERY_CHANGED
  209. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): --> pluggedType = 1, mPluggedType = 0, mScreenOff = false
  210. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(12a96d91): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 924 1000 null
  211. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): BroadcastReceiver::onReceive-
  212. 02-17 17:45:47.315 I/BatteryService( 924): n_update end
  213. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/WifiController( 924): battery changed pluggedType: 1
  214. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(12a96d91): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 null
  215. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/NotificationService( 924): plugged=true pluggin=true
  216. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/HtcPowerSaver( 924): updateBatteryInfo
  217. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): BroadcastReceiver::onReceive+
  218. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): onReceive BATTERY_CHANGED
  219. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): --> pluggedType = 1, mPluggedType = 0, mScreenOff = false
  220. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/UsbnetService( 924): BroadcastReceiver::onReceive-
  221. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/WifiController( 924): battery changed pluggedType: 1
  222. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/PMS ( 924): runPSCheck
  223. 02-17 17:45:47.315 D/HtcPowerSaver( 924): Checking...
  224. 02-17 17:45:47.315 I/HtcPowerSaver( 924): >> updateStatus
  225. 02-17 17:45:47.325 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED,1,false)
  226. 02-17 17:45:47.325 I/HtcPowerSaver( 924): updateStatus (8000,58,-1,false,false,false,-1)
  227. 02-17 17:45:47.325 I/HtcPowerSaver( 924): << updateStatus
  228. 02-17 17:45:47.325 D/PowerUI ( 1162): closing low battery warning: level=58
  229. 02-17 17:45:47.325 D/PowerUI ( 1162): plugged = true, health = 2, mBatteryLevel = 58, mPluggedBatteryLevel = 36, mLowBatteryWarningLevel2 = 25, mshowLowChargingWarning2 = true
  230. 02-17 17:45:47.325 D/PowerUI ( 1162): closing low battery warning: level=58
  231. 02-17 17:45:47.325 D/PowerUI ( 1162): plugged = true, health = 2, mBatteryLevel = 58, mPluggedBatteryLevel = 36, mLowBatteryWarningLevel2 = 25, mshowLowChargingWarning2 = true
  232. 02-17 17:45:47.355 I/BatteryController( 1162): status:2 level:58 unsupport:false plugged:true
  233. 02-17 17:45:47.375 I/BatteryController( 1162): status:2 level:58 unsupport:false plugged:true
  234. 02-17 17:45:47.375 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 924): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  235. 02-17 17:45:47.385 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  236. 02-17 17:45:47.425 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0x700)
  237. 02-17 17:45:47.425 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  238. 02-17 17:45:47.425 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  239. 02-17 17:45:47.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  240. 02-17 17:45:47.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  241. 02-17 17:45:47.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  242. 02-17 17:45:47.475 I/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Disable input method client, pid=20682
  243. 02-17 17:45:47.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): swetImeWindowStatus vis=0 backDisposition=0
  244. 02-17 17:45:47.475 I/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Enable input method client, pid=1457
  245. 02-17 17:45:47.475 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(fc0de1b): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  246. 02-17 17:45:47.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  247. 02-17 17:45:47.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  248. 02-17 17:45:47.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.9 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:391] from screen [on:0 period:-1712394646] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  249. 02-17 17:45:47.615 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  250. 02-17 17:45:47.625 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.9 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1] from screen [on:0 period:-1712394645] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  251. 02-17 17:45:47.625 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): get link layer stats 0
  252. 02-17 17:45:47.625 W/WifiHW ( 924): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  253. 02-17 17:45:47.625 D/wpa_supplicant( 1135): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  254. 02-17 17:45:47.635 I/wpa_supplicant( 1135): environment dirty rate=0 [0][0][0]
  255. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -24 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  256. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-24 linkspeed=150
  257. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiConfigStore( 924): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  258. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=0.02 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=1.45 userTriggerdPenalty0
  259. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): good link -> stuck count =0
  260. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  261. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  262. 02-17 17:45:47.635 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 924): RSSI current: 3 new: -24, 3
  263. 02-17 17:45:47.635 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  264. 02-17 17:45:47.645 D/WIFI_ICON( 1162): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  265. 02-17 17:45:47.645 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1162): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_null|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  266. 02-17 17:45:47.975 W/ContextImpl( 1457): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  267. 02-17 17:45:47.975 W/ActivityManager( 924): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  268. 02-17 17:45:47.975 E/WeatherAnimation( 1457): Stop
  269. 02-17 17:45:47.975 D/hansbert( 1457): slide statusbar in
  270. 02-17 17:45:47.975 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1457): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  271. 02-17 17:45:47.975 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1457): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  272. 02-17 17:45:48.075 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1457): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  273. 02-17 17:45:48.075 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1457): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  274. 02-17 17:45:48.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  275. 02-17 17:45:48.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54783
  276. 02-17 17:45:48.255 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  277. 02-17 17:45:49.115 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  278. 02-17 17:45:49.125 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54783
  279. 02-17 17:45:49.125 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 0
  280. 02-17 17:45:49.455 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  281. 02-17 17:45:49.465 W/ContextImpl( 1457): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  282. 02-17 17:45:49.465 W/ActivityManager( 924): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  283. 02-17 17:45:49.465 E/WeatherAnimation( 1457): Stop
  284. 02-17 17:45:49.465 D/hansbert( 1457): slide statusbar in
  285. 02-17 17:45:49.525 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  286. 02-17 17:45:49.525 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(1c88ed85): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismScroll_2 0x8000 1457 10082 null
  287. 02-17 17:45:49.525 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(1889d7da): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismScroll_2 0x2000 1457 10082 null
  288. 02-17 17:45:50.055 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(28cd567d): SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK ON_AFTER_RELEASE WindowManager 0x2000000a WorkSource{10275}
  289. 02-17 17:45:50.125 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  290. 02-17 17:45:50.125 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54783
  291. 02-17 17:45:50.245 D/HtcUPManager( 1162): HtcUPServiceProxy onTrimMemory() has been called. Memory Level: 60
  292. 02-17 17:45:50.245 I/RecentsTaskLoader( 1162): trim:RUNNING_LOW/MODERATE
  293. 02-17 17:45:50.415 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(1c88ed85): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismScroll_2 0x8000 null
  294. 02-17 17:45:50.415 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  295. 02-17 17:45:50.415 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(1889d7da): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismScroll_2 0x2000 null
  296. 02-17 17:45:50.645 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  297. 02-17 17:45:50.645 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  298. 02-17 17:45:50.645 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.4 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:3003] from screen [on:0 period:-1712391623] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  299. 02-17 17:45:50.645 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  300. 02-17 17:45:50.645 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.4 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:5] from screen [on:0 period:-1712391618] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  301. 02-17 17:45:50.645 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): get link layer stats 0
  302. 02-17 17:45:50.645 W/WifiHW ( 924): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  303. 02-17 17:45:50.645 D/wpa_supplicant( 1135): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  304. 02-17 17:45:50.665 I/wpa_supplicant( 1135): environment dirty rate=0 [0][0][0]
  305. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -24 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  306. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-24 linkspeed=150
  307. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiConfigStore( 924): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  308. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=0.01 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=1.22 userTriggerdPenalty0
  309. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): good link -> stuck count =0
  310. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  311. 02-17 17:45:50.665 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  312. 02-17 17:45:50.675 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 924): RSSI current: 3 new: -24, 3
  313. 02-17 17:45:50.675 D/WIFI_ICON( 1162): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  314. 02-17 17:45:50.675 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1162): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_null|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  315. 02-17 17:45:50.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  316. 02-17 17:45:51.125 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  317. 02-17 17:45:51.135 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54784
  318. 02-17 17:45:51.135 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 1
  319. 02-17 17:45:51.865 E/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): DATA_MONITOR_POLL true Token 18
  320. 02-17 17:45:51.885 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: mDataStallTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296} preTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296}
  321. 02-17 17:45:51.885 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: NONE
  322. 02-17 17:45:51.885 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): onDataStallAlarm: Sent 0 pkts since last received, < watchdogTrigger=5
  323. 02-17 17:45:52.155 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  324. 02-17 17:45:52.155 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54784
  325. 02-17 17:45:52.155 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 0
  326. 02-17 17:45:52.625 W/ContextImpl( 1457): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  327. 02-17 17:45:52.625 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  328. 02-17 17:45:52.635 E/WeatherAnimation( 1457): Stop
  329. 02-17 17:45:52.635 W/ActivityManager( 924): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  330. 02-17 17:45:52.635 D/hansbert( 1457): slide statusbar in
  331. 02-17 17:45:52.655 I/ActivityManager( 924): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000} from uid 10082 on display 0
  332. 02-17 17:45:52.655 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(3f11840b): CPU_MIN_NUM ActivityManager-MultiCore-Num 0x8000 924 1000 null
  333. 02-17 17:45:52.655 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(1c32c2e8): CPU_MIN_FREQ ActivityManager-MultiCore-Freq 0x2000 924 1000 null
  334. 02-17 17:45:52.655 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 4
  335. 02-17 17:45:52.655 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(206fdd01): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x8000 1457 10082 null
  336. 02-17 17:45:52.655 D/Venom ( 924): Force new Task enabled: false
  337. 02-17 17:45:52.655 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(95255e7): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x2000 1457 10082 null
  338. 02-17 17:45:52.655 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 190 240 240".
  339. 02-17 17:45:52.655 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 75 400 400".
  340. 02-17 17:45:52.665 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(187c483d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 924 1000 null
  341. 02-17 17:45:52.665 W/ResourcesManager( 924): Asset path '/system/framework/VenomFramework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
  342. 02-17 17:45:52.665 I/AnimationUtil( 924): isHTCRecent(Angry Birds/Recent screens.)/4
  343. 02-17 17:45:52.665 W/ContextImpl( 1457): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  344. 02-17 17:45:52.665 W/ActivityManager( 924): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  345. 02-17 17:45:52.665 E/WeatherAnimation( 1457): Stop
  346. 02-17 17:45:52.665 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 924): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  347. 02-17 17:45:52.715 I/ActivityManager( 924): Start proc for activity pid=21327 uid=10286 gids={50286, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 1023} abi=armeabi-v7a
  348. 02-17 17:45:52.735 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(4f5f57e): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 924 1000 null
  349. 02-17 17:45:52.735 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(2afa1adf): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 924 1000 null
  350. 02-17 17:45:52.735 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(2827932c): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 924 1000 null
  351. 02-17 17:45:52.755 V/ActivityManager( 924): Display changed displayId=0
  352. 02-17 17:45:52.765 I/ActivityManager( 924): Config changes=480 {0 1.0 310mcc410mnc en_GB ldltr sw360dp w598dp h335dp 480dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.14}
  353. 02-17 17:45:52.765 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 158: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  354. 02-17 17:45:52.765 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 102: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  355. 02-17 17:45:52.765 E/InputReader( 924): Invalid region of VirtualKeyTouchFilter, it may incur abnormal Mis-Touch & HOME_SWIPE detection
  356. 02-17 17:45:52.785 D/RecentsConfig( 1162): update search id = 9, current recents config = 484400554
  357. 02-17 17:45:52.785 I/RecentsConfig( 1162): enable hardware layer for task view
  358. 02-17 17:45:52.795 D/NGFService( 4625): onConfiguration
  359. 02-17 17:45:52.795 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  360. 02-17 17:45:52.795 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  361. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  362. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  363. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  364. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  365. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  366. 02-17 17:45:52.805 I/VenomQS ( 1162): updateColumns: normal: 2131492875
  367. 02-17 17:45:52.805 I/VenomQS ( 1162): mNumColumns: 5
  368. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  369. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  370. 02-17 17:45:52.805 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  371. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  372. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  373. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  374. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/PhoneApp( 1413): Has soft key
  375. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/AudioService( 924): handleConfigurationChanged, mCameraSoundForced = false, isHtcCameraSoundForced = false, cameraSoundForced = false
  376. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/AudioService( 924): onConfigureSafeVolume mMcc=310, mcc=310, mEnableListenNotify=true, force=false
  377. 02-17 17:45:52.815 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  378. 02-17 17:45:52.815 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WiFiDisplay: getWifidisplayApEnabled=false
  379. 02-17 17:45:52.815 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED,1,false)
  380. 02-17 17:45:52.825 D/DialerApp( 1538): Has soft key
  381. 02-17 17:45:52.825 I/StatusBar( 1162): orientationChange(2)
  382. 02-17 17:45:52.825 I/AutoTest( 1162): [SystemUI][ConfigurationChange_PhoneStatusBar][20][ms][Lower is better]
  383. 02-17 17:45:52.825 I/PanelView( 1162): recModeThreshold(50,0)
  384. 02-17 17:45:52.825 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  385. 02-17 17:45:52.845 D/HtcFooter( 1457): layerDrawableIndex = 3
  386. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/FUSION App(21327): No Joystick found.
  387. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  388. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  389. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  390. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  391. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  392. 02-17 17:45:52.925 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  393. 02-17 17:45:52.935 D/FUSION App(21327): AngryBirdsStarWarsII
  394. 02-17 17:45:53.055 V/HOVER (21327): MyLegacySurfaceView() v
  395. 02-17 17:45:53.085 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ---------- mIntentReceiver : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  396. 02-17 17:45:53.085 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ServiceStatus = 1, SimState = UNKNOWN
  397. 02-17 17:45:53.165 I/art ( 924): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 63429(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 27MB/41MB, paused 1.077ms total 99.125ms
  398. 02-17 17:45:53.165 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  399. 02-17 17:45:53.165 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41420 Rx=54784
  400. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1_RB1. ()
  401. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.00
  402. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): Build Date: 12/11/14 Thu
  403. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): Local Branch:
  404. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): Remote Branch: refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1_RB1.
  405. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): Local Patches: NONE
  406. 02-17 17:45:53.205 I/Adreno-EGL(21327): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  407. 02-17 17:45:53.285 I/DolbyAudioProcessing(21327): DolbyAudioProcessing v1.1.0.0
  408. 02-17 17:45:53.285 I/DolbyClientManager(21327): SystemProperties.get('dolby.ds.state') is: on
  409. 02-17 17:45:53.285 D/DolbyAudioProcessing(21327): isAvailable()
  410. 02-17 17:45:53.285 I/DolbyWrapper(21327): Dolby Audio processing is available on this device.
  411. 02-17 17:45:53.285 I/art (21327): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.dolby.dap.DsClient13Wrapper>
  412. 02-17 17:45:53.285 I/art (21327): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.dolby.dap.DsClient13Wrapper>
  413. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): FATAL EXCEPTION: DsClientHandlerThread
  414. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): Process:, PID: 21327
  415. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.dolby.dap.IDsClient.init()' on a null object reference
  416. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): at com.dolby.dap.DsClientManager$DsClientHandlerThread.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
  417. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  418. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  419. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/AndroidRuntime(21327): at
  420. 02-17 17:45:53.295 E/ActivityManager( 924): App crashed! Process:
  421. 02-17 17:45:53.295 W/ActivityManager( 924): Force finishing activity
  422. 02-17 17:45:53.305 I/WindowManager( 924): Screen frozen for +567ms due to Window{5ea2b39 u0 Starting}
  423. 02-17 17:45:53.305 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21327): setEnabled()true
  424. 02-17 17:45:53.305 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21327): start()
  425. 02-17 17:45:53.315 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21327): Already registered: APA91bGKJFMfq8FzBtsasnEWEqAw1K03wqKj5HAWmU4uTSxRxdH69mUbVDr3n100FC7PY2VFCvIsWVDPsgQg_nYFYFFGzCj7ZYfBkU0bKkYRY2AhluqiANRbVvqN8JxbhOiQccaNZhwqFcHHIyIdzIUlnWcxBYmr7DFrWJQwknkBYKc_7ErqK-M
  426. 02-17 17:45:53.315 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21327): checkStoredRemoteNotificationPayload()
  427. 02-17 17:45:53.365 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(2afa1adf): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 null
  428. 02-17 17:45:53.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(443),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  429. 02-17 17:45:53.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, pass to proxy
  430. 02-17 17:45:53.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy+
  431. 02-17 17:45:53.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
  432. 02-17 17:45:53.425 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(443),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  433. 02-17 17:45:53.455 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:105, mark:917609
  434. 02-17 17:45:53.595 I/WindowManager( 924): Screenshot max retries 4 of Token{25e52594 ActivityRecord{14bd97a6 u0 t85 f}} appWin=Window{369c3030 u0 SurfaceView} drawState=1
  435. 02-17 17:45:53.595 D/ActivityManager( 924): screenshot for ActivityRecord{14bd97a6 u0 t85 f}, bitmap=null, time = 301
  436. 02-17 17:45:53.595 E/ActivityManager( 924): Invalid thumbnail dimensions: 540x960
  437. 02-17 17:45:53.595 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(187c483d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 924 1000 null
  438. 02-17 17:45:53.615 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  439. 02-17 17:45:53.615 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  440. 02-17 17:45:53.615 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  441. 02-17 17:45:53.615 W/BroadcastQueue( 924): Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{2b2ded5 u-1 callingPid=-1 callingUid=-1} to ReceiverList{3f5e74bf 21327 remote:21ee0ade}: process crashing
  442. 02-17 17:45:53.625 W/FlurryAgent(21327): Start session with context: com.rovio.fusion.App@1152412d count:0
  443. 02-17 17:45:53.625 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  444. 02-17 17:45:53.625 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  445. 02-17 17:45:53.625 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getBestProvider(Criteria[power=NO_REQ acc=LOW], true)=null
  446. 02-17 17:45:53.665 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(206fdd01): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x8000 null
  447. 02-17 17:45:53.665 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(95255e7): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x2000 null
  448. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  449. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  450. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.2 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:3000] from screen [on:0 period:-1712388594] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  451. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  452. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.2 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1] from screen [on:0 period:-1712388593] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  453. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): get link layer stats 0
  454. 02-17 17:45:53.675 W/WifiHW ( 924): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  455. 02-17 17:45:53.675 D/wpa_supplicant( 1135): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  456. 02-17 17:45:53.675 I/wpa_supplicant( 1135): environment dirty rate=0 [1][0][0]
  457. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -24 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  458. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-24 linkspeed=150
  459. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiConfigStore( 924): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  460. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=0.51 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=1.61 userTriggerdPenalty0
  461. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): good link -> stuck count =0
  462. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  463. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  464. 02-17 17:45:53.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  465. 02-17 17:45:53.675 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 924): RSSI current: 3 new: -24, 3
  466. 02-17 17:45:53.675 D/WIFI_ICON( 1162): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  467. 02-17 17:45:53.675 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1162): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_null|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  468. 02-17 17:45:53.735 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(4f5f57e): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 null
  469. 02-17 17:45:53.735 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(2827932c): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 null
  470. 02-17 17:45:53.925 W/FlurryAgent(21327): Event count started: Customer String
  471. 02-17 17:45:53.925 W/FlurryAgent(21327): Event count incremented: Customer String
  472. 02-17 17:45:54.105 W/ActivityManager( 924): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{14bd97a6 u0 t85 f}
  473. 02-17 17:45:54.105 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 924): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  474. 02-17 17:45:54.105 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 380 380 380".
  475. 02-17 17:45:54.105 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 400 400 400".
  476. 02-17 17:45:54.105 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(2383cc24): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 924 1000 null
  477. 02-17 17:45:54.105 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(f29138d): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 924 1000 null
  478. 02-17 17:45:54.105 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(24807942): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 924 1000 null
  479. 02-17 17:45:54.115 V/ActivityManager( 924): Display changed displayId=0
  480. 02-17 17:45:54.125 I/ActivityManager( 924): Config changes=480 {0 1.0 310mcc410mnc en_GB ldltr sw360dp w360dp h567dp 480dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.15}
  481. 02-17 17:45:54.125 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 158: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  482. 02-17 17:45:54.125 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 102: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  483. 02-17 17:45:54.125 E/InputReader( 924): Invalid region of VirtualKeyTouchFilter, it may incur abnormal Mis-Touch & HOME_SWIPE detection
  484. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/NGFService( 4625): onConfiguration
  485. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/RecentsConfig( 1162): update search id = 9, current recents config = -1854869921
  486. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  487. 02-17 17:45:54.145 I/RecentsConfig( 1162): enable hardware layer for task view
  488. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  489. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  490. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  491. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): Call is not active
  492. 02-17 17:45:54.145 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  493. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/DialerApp( 1538): Has soft key
  494. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  495. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/PhoneApp( 1413): Has soft key
  496. 02-17 17:45:54.155 I/VenomQS ( 1162): updateColumns: normal: 2131492875
  497. 02-17 17:45:54.155 I/VenomQS ( 1162): mNumColumns: 3
  498. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  499. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  500. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  501. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  502. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  503. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  504. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000000)
  505. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  506. 02-17 17:45:54.155 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  507. 02-17 17:45:54.165 D/AudioService( 924): handleConfigurationChanged, mCameraSoundForced = false, isHtcCameraSoundForced = false, cameraSoundForced = false
  508. 02-17 17:45:54.165 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WiFiDisplay: getWifidisplayApEnabled=false
  509. 02-17 17:45:54.165 D/AudioService( 924): onConfigureSafeVolume mMcc=310, mcc=310, mEnableListenNotify=true, force=false
  510. 02-17 17:45:54.165 I/StatusBar( 1162): orientationChange(1)
  511. 02-17 17:45:54.165 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  512. 02-17 17:45:54.165 I/AutoTest( 1162): [SystemUI][ConfigurationChange_PhoneStatusBar][18][ms][Lower is better]
  513. 02-17 17:45:54.165 I/PanelView( 1162): recModeThreshold(50,0)
  514. 02-17 17:45:54.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41421 Rx=54786
  515. 02-17 17:45:54.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 3
  516. 02-17 17:45:54.175 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED,1,false)
  517. 02-17 17:45:54.215 I/FeedGridScroller( 1457): updateBottomBoundary() - 309 -> 309
  518. 02-17 17:45:54.245 D/HtcFooter( 1457): layerDrawableIndex = 0
  519. 02-17 17:45:54.265 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(187c483d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  520. 02-17 17:45:54.275 I/ActivityManager( 924): Killing 19733:com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/u0a151 (adj 15): empty #17
  521. 02-17 17:45:54.275 D/Process ( 924): killProcessQuiet, pid=19733
  522. 02-17 17:45:54.275 D/Process ( 924):
  523. 02-17 17:45:54.285 I/ActivityManager( 924): Recipient 19733
  524. 02-17 17:45:54.345 D/Process ( 924): killProcessQuiet, pid=19733
  525. 02-17 17:45:54.345 D/Process ( 924):$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:-1 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:-1
  526. 02-17 17:45:54.345 W/libprocessgroup( 924): failed to open /acct/uid_10151/pid_19733/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
  527. 02-17 17:45:54.395 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  528. 02-17 17:45:54.395 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  529. 02-17 17:45:54.395 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  530. 02-17 17:45:54.395 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  531. 02-17 17:45:54.395 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  532. 02-17 17:45:54.395 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  533. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(375997a8): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 0 1013 null
  534. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(114af2c1): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 0 1013 null
  535. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(80),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  536. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, pass to proxy
  537. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy+
  538. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/libc (21327): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
  539. 02-17 17:45:54.425 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(80),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  540. 02-17 17:45:54.435 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ---------- mIntentReceiver : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  541. 02-17 17:45:54.435 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ServiceStatus = 1, SimState = UNKNOWN
  542. 02-17 17:45:54.435 I/WindowManager( 924): Screen frozen for +336ms due to Window{285a1b90 u0}
  543. 02-17 17:45:54.445 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(2383cc24): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 null
  544. 02-17 17:45:54.455 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:105, mark:917609
  545. 02-17 17:45:54.625 W/AudFlgTh( 470): Using by PID 21327,
  546. 02-17 17:45:54.625 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SEQNUM=5437, ACTION=change, SWITCH_STATE=1, SWITCH_NAME=Beats, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/Beats}
  547. 02-17 17:45:54.625 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: STATE:1
  548. 02-17 17:45:54.625 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: bests_status:true
  549. 02-17 17:45:54.625 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  550. 02-17 17:45:54.625 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  551. 02-17 17:45:54.625 E/NetlinkEvent( 369): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'CDROM_TYPE' not found
  552. 02-17 17:45:54.625 V/AudioService( 924): Receive BEATS_NATIVE_NOTIFICATION from Native AudioTrack!!! notificationOn=true
  553. 02-17 17:45:54.625 W/Vold ( 369): Ignoring unknown switch 'Beats'
  554. 02-17 17:45:54.635 D/HarmanManager( 924): onMessageBeatsNotify active=true, HD_stream_only=F, SDEnabled=true, LSEnabled=false
  555. 02-17 17:45:54.635 I/HarmanManager( 924): enable SignalDoctor notification!
  556. 02-17 17:45:54.635 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1162): addIcon slot=signal_doctor index=1 viewIndex=0 icon=StatusBarIcon(pkg=androiduser=0 id=0x30200aa level=0 visible=true num=0 ) name=stat_sys_sd vis=true
  557. 02-17 17:45:54.635 W/art (21327): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
  558. 02-17 17:45:54.635 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21327): setEnabled()true
  559. 02-17 17:45:54.635 W/FlurryAgent(21327): Event count started: Loading_time_-_boot_to_splash
  560. 02-17 17:45:54.635 E/msm8974_platform( 470): platform_setup_24bit_playback
  561. 02-17 17:45:54.635 W/msm8974_platform( 470): Format is not 24 bit
  562. 02-17 17:45:54.635 E/msm8974_platform( 470): platform_get_output_snd_device: enter: output devices(0x2), mode=0, adev->usehwaec=0
  563. 02-17 17:45:54.655 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(3f11840b): CPU_MIN_NUM ActivityManager-MultiCore-Num 0x8000 null
  564. 02-17 17:45:54.655 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(1c32c2e8): CPU_MIN_FREQ ActivityManager-MultiCore-Freq 0x2000 null
  565. 02-17 17:45:54.685 I/Choreographer(21327): Skipped 89 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  566. 02-17 17:45:54.725 W/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Focus gain on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@952f9fd (uid=10286 pid=21327), inputType=0x0, mCurClient=ClientState{184be93d uid 10082 pid 1457}, cs=ClientState{172db6f2 uid 10286 pid 21327}
  567. 02-17 17:45:54.735 I/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Disable input method client, pid=21327
  568. 02-17 17:45:54.735 I/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Reset flag while input client does not have focus, pid=21327, inputType=0
  569. 02-17 17:45:54.735 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  570. 02-17 17:45:54.735 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  571. 02-17 17:45:54.735 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getBestProvider(Criteria[power=NO_REQ acc=LOW], true)=null
  572. 02-17 17:45:54.735 W/FlurryAgent(21327): End session with context: com.rovio.fusion.App@1152412d count:0
  573. 02-17 17:45:54.935 D/Process (21327): killProcess, pid=21327
  574. 02-17 17:45:54.935 D/Process (21327): com.rovio.fusion.App.onDestroy:-1
  575. 02-17 17:45:54.955 I/WindowState( 924): WIN DEATH: Window{384686d7 u0}
  576. 02-17 17:45:54.955 W/WindowManager( 924): Force-removing child win Window{369c3030 u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{384686d7 u0}
  577. 02-17 17:45:54.955 I/ActivityManager( 924): Recipient 21327
  578. 02-17 17:45:54.955 D/Process ( 924): killProcessQuiet, pid=21327
  579. 02-17 17:45:54.955 D/Process ( 924):$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:-1 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:-1
  580. 02-17 17:45:54.975 W/WindowManager( 924): Failed looking up window
  581. 02-17 17:45:54.975 W/WindowManager( 924): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@14671bc4 does not exist
  582. 02-17 17:45:54.975 W/WindowManager( 924): at
  583. 02-17 17:45:54.975 W/WindowManager( 924): at
  584. 02-17 17:45:54.975 W/WindowManager( 924): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
  585. 02-17 17:45:54.975 W/WindowManager( 924): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
  586. 02-17 17:45:54.975 I/WindowState( 924): WIN DEATH: null
  587. 02-17 17:45:54.995 I/ActivityManager( 924): Process (pid 21327) has died
  588. 02-17 17:45:55.005 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  589. 02-17 17:45:55.015 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  590. 02-17 17:45:55.015 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  591. 02-17 17:45:55.015 W/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@13dc503e attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@25991ee3, client pid=1457, inputType=0x(null)
  592. 02-17 17:45:55.035 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SEQNUM=5438, ACTION=change, SWITCH_STATE=0, SWITCH_NAME=Beats, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/Beats}
  593. 02-17 17:45:55.035 E/NetlinkEvent( 369): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'CDROM_TYPE' not found
  594. 02-17 17:45:55.035 W/Vold ( 369): Ignoring unknown switch 'Beats'
  595. 02-17 17:45:55.035 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  596. 02-17 17:45:55.035 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  597. 02-17 17:45:55.035 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: STATE:0
  598. 02-17 17:45:55.035 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: bests_status:false
  599. 02-17 17:45:55.035 V/AudioService( 924): Receive BEATS_NATIVE_NOTIFICATION from Native AudioTrack!!! notificationOn=false
  600. 02-17 17:45:55.105 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(f29138d): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 null
  601. 02-17 17:45:55.105 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(24807942): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 null
  602. 02-17 17:45:55.105 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  603. 02-17 17:45:55.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  604. 02-17 17:45:55.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41421 Rx=54788
  605. 02-17 17:45:55.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 1
  606. 02-17 17:45:55.395 I/EffectDs( 470): Effect_process(b851ae50) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  607. 02-17 17:45:55.915 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  608. 02-17 17:45:55.925 W/ContextImpl( 1457): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  609. 02-17 17:45:55.925 W/ActivityManager( 924): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  610. 02-17 17:45:55.925 E/WeatherAnimation( 1457): Stop
  611. 02-17 17:45:55.925 D/hansbert( 1457): slide statusbar in
  612. 02-17 17:45:55.995 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1457): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  613. 02-17 17:45:55.995 W/OpenGLRenderer( 1457): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
  614. 02-17 17:45:55.995 I/ActivityManager( 924): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000} from uid 10082 on display 0
  615. 02-17 17:45:55.995 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(23353e9f): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x8000 1457 10082 null
  616. 02-17 17:45:55.995 D/Venom ( 924): Force new Task enabled: false
  617. 02-17 17:45:55.995 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(2afc6bb5): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x2000 1457 10082 null
  618. 02-17 17:45:55.995 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(20b925bb): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 924 1000 null
  619. 02-17 17:45:55.995 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  620. 02-17 17:45:55.995 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 190 240 240".
  621. 02-17 17:45:55.995 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 75 400 400".
  622. 02-17 17:45:56.005 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(1f63ad8): CPU_MIN_NUM ActivityManager-MultiCore-Num 0x8000 924 1000 null
  623. 02-17 17:45:56.005 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 4
  624. 02-17 17:45:56.005 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(36d50e31): CPU_MIN_FREQ ActivityManager-MultiCore-Freq 0x2000 924 1000 null
  625. 02-17 17:45:56.005 W/ResourcesManager( 924): Asset path '/system/framework/VenomFramework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
  626. 02-17 17:45:56.005 I/AnimationUtil( 924): isHTCRecent(Angry Birds/Recent screens.)/6
  627. 02-17 17:45:56.005 W/ContextImpl( 1457): Implicit intents with startService are not safe: Intent { } android.content.ContextWrapper.stopService:-1
  628. 02-17 17:45:56.005 W/ActivityManager( 924): Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
  629. 02-17 17:45:56.005 E/WeatherAnimation( 1457): Stop
  630. 02-17 17:45:56.005 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 924): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  631. 02-17 17:45:56.035 D/HarmanManager( 924): onMessageBeatsNotify active=false, HD_stream_only=F, SDEnabled=true, LSEnabled=false
  632. 02-17 17:45:56.035 I/HarmanManager( 924): disable SignalDoctor notification!
  633. 02-17 17:45:56.055 I/ActivityManager( 924): Start proc for activity pid=21403 uid=10286 gids={50286, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 1023} abi=armeabi-v7a
  634. 02-17 17:45:56.075 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(323dc0a2): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 924 1000 null
  635. 02-17 17:45:56.075 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(14489133): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 924 1000 null
  636. 02-17 17:45:56.075 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(3f958cf0): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 924 1000 null
  637. 02-17 17:45:56.085 V/ActivityManager( 924): Display changed displayId=0
  638. 02-17 17:45:56.095 I/ActivityManager( 924): Config changes=480 {0 1.0 310mcc410mnc en_GB ldltr sw360dp w598dp h335dp 480dpi nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.16}
  639. 02-17 17:45:56.095 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 158: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  640. 02-17 17:45:56.095 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 102: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  641. 02-17 17:45:56.095 E/InputReader( 924): Invalid region of VirtualKeyTouchFilter, it may incur abnormal Mis-Touch & HOME_SWIPE detection
  642. 02-17 17:45:56.105 D/NGFService( 4625): onConfiguration
  643. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  644. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  645. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  646. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  647. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/RecentsConfig( 1162): update search id = 9, current recents config = 484400554
  648. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  649. 02-17 17:45:56.115 I/RecentsConfig( 1162): enable hardware layer for task view
  650. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/PhoneApp( 1413): Has soft key
  651. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/DialerApp( 1538): Has soft key
  652. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  653. 02-17 17:45:56.115 I/VenomQS ( 1162): updateColumns: normal: 2131492875
  654. 02-17 17:45:56.115 I/VenomQS ( 1162): mNumColumns: 5
  655. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  656. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  657. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  658. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  659. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  660. 02-17 17:45:56.115 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  661. 02-17 17:45:56.125 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  662. 02-17 17:45:56.125 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  663. 02-17 17:45:56.125 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  664. 02-17 17:45:56.135 I/StatusBar( 1162): orientationChange(2)
  665. 02-17 17:45:56.135 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WiFiDisplay: getWifidisplayApEnabled=false
  666. 02-17 17:45:56.135 D/AudioService( 924): onConfigureSafeVolume mMcc=310, mcc=310, mEnableListenNotify=true, force=false
  667. 02-17 17:45:56.135 D/AudioService( 924): handleConfigurationChanged, mCameraSoundForced = false, isHtcCameraSoundForced = false, cameraSoundForced = false
  668. 02-17 17:45:56.135 I/AutoTest( 1162): [SystemUI][ConfigurationChange_PhoneStatusBar][19][ms][Lower is better]
  669. 02-17 17:45:56.135 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED,1,false)
  670. 02-17 17:45:56.145 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  671. 02-17 17:45:56.145 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  672. 02-17 17:45:56.145 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  673. 02-17 17:45:56.145 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  674. 02-17 17:45:56.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  675. 02-17 17:45:56.155 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  676. 02-17 17:45:56.175 D/FUSION App(21403): No Joystick found.
  677. 02-17 17:45:56.175 D/FUSION App(21403): AngryBirdsStarWarsII
  678. 02-17 17:45:56.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  679. 02-17 17:45:56.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41421 Rx=54788
  680. 02-17 17:45:56.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 0
  681. 02-17 17:45:56.175 D/HtcFooter( 1457): layerDrawableIndex = 3
  682. 02-17 17:45:56.215 V/HOVER (21403): MyLegacySurfaceView() v
  683. 02-17 17:45:56.245 I/PanelView( 1162): recModeThreshold(50,0)
  684. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1_RB1. ()
  685. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.00
  686. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): Build Date: 12/11/14 Thu
  687. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): Local Branch:
  688. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): Remote Branch: refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1_RB1.
  689. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): Local Patches: NONE
  690. 02-17 17:45:56.255 I/Adreno-EGL(21403): Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
  691. 02-17 17:45:56.325 I/DolbyAudioProcessing(21403): DolbyAudioProcessing v1.1.0.0
  692. 02-17 17:45:56.335 I/DolbyClientManager(21403): SystemProperties.get('dolby.ds.state') is: on
  693. 02-17 17:45:56.335 D/DolbyAudioProcessing(21403): isAvailable()
  694. 02-17 17:45:56.335 I/DolbyWrapper(21403): Dolby Audio processing is available on this device.
  695. 02-17 17:45:56.335 I/art (21403): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.dolby.dap.DsClient13Wrapper>
  696. 02-17 17:45:56.335 I/art (21403): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.dolby.dap.DsClient13Wrapper>
  697. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): FATAL EXCEPTION: DsClientHandlerThread
  698. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): Process:, PID: 21403
  699. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.dolby.dap.IDsClient.init()' on a null object reference
  700. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): at com.dolby.dap.DsClientManager$DsClientHandlerThread.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
  701. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  702. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  703. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/AndroidRuntime(21403): at
  704. 02-17 17:45:56.335 E/ActivityManager( 924): App crashed! Process:
  705. 02-17 17:45:56.335 W/ActivityManager( 924): Force finishing activity
  706. 02-17 17:45:56.345 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21403): setEnabled()true
  707. 02-17 17:45:56.345 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21403): start()
  708. 02-17 17:45:56.355 I/WindowManager( 924): Screen frozen for +273ms due to Window{fbb5c6d u0 Starting}
  709. 02-17 17:45:56.355 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(323dc0a2): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 null
  710. 02-17 17:45:56.365 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21403): Already registered: APA91bGKJFMfq8FzBtsasnEWEqAw1K03wqKj5HAWmU4uTSxRxdH69mUbVDr3n100FC7PY2VFCvIsWVDPsgQg_nYFYFFGzCj7ZYfBkU0bKkYRY2AhluqiANRbVvqN8JxbhOiQccaNZhwqFcHHIyIdzIUlnWcxBYmr7DFrWJQwknkBYKc_7ErqK-M
  711. 02-17 17:45:56.365 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21403): checkStoredRemoteNotificationPayload()
  712. 02-17 17:45:56.395 I/EffectDs( 470): Effect_process(b851ae50) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  713. 02-17 17:45:56.435 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ---------- mIntentReceiver : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  714. 02-17 17:45:56.435 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ServiceStatus = 1, SimState = UNKNOWN
  715. 02-17 17:45:56.475 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(443),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  716. 02-17 17:45:56.475 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, pass to proxy
  717. 02-17 17:45:56.475 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy+
  718. 02-17 17:45:56.475 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
  719. 02-17 17:45:56.475 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(443),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  720. 02-17 17:45:56.495 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:105, mark:917609
  721. 02-17 17:45:56.645 I/WindowManager( 924): Screenshot max retries 4 of Token{3949324a ActivityRecord{4ba4bec u0 t86 f}} appWin=Window{3389beb4 u0 SurfaceView} drawState=1
  722. 02-17 17:45:56.645 D/ActivityManager( 924): screenshot for ActivityRecord{4ba4bec u0 t86 f}, bitmap=null, time = 302
  723. 02-17 17:45:56.645 E/ActivityManager( 924): Invalid thumbnail dimensions: 540x960
  724. 02-17 17:45:56.645 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(20b925bb): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 924 1000 null
  725. 02-17 17:45:56.655 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
  726. 02-17 17:45:56.655 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  727. 02-17 17:45:56.655 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  728. 02-17 17:45:56.655 W/BroadcastQueue( 924): Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{23743ce4 u-1 callingPid=-1 callingUid=-1} to ReceiverList{29fb9652 21403 remote:1cf93add}: process crashing
  729. 02-17 17:45:56.665 W/FlurryAgent(21403): Start session with context: com.rovio.fusion.App@1152412d count:0
  730. 02-17 17:45:56.665 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  731. 02-17 17:45:56.665 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  732. 02-17 17:45:56.665 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getBestProvider(Criteria[power=NO_REQ acc=LOW], true)=null
  733. 02-17 17:45:56.675 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  734. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: ConnectedState
  735. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.5, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.6 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:3005] from screen [on:0 period:-1712385584] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  736. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  737. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): L2ConnectedState !CMD_RSSI_POLL 13 0 "NETGEAR45" b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a rssi=-24 f=2412 sc=60 link=150 tx=0.5, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.6 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1] from screen [on:0 period:-1712385583] gl u24 rssi=-24 ag=0 hr ls-=0 [56,56,56,56,61] brc=0 lrc=0
  738. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): get link layer stats 0
  739. 02-17 17:45:56.685 W/WifiHW ( 924): QCOM Debug wifi_send_command "IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL"
  740. 02-17 17:45:56.685 D/wpa_supplicant( 1135): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
  741. 02-17 17:45:56.685 I/wpa_supplicant( 1135): environment dirty rate=0 [3][0][0]
  742. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative RSSI = -24 abnormalRssiCnt = 0 newLinkSpeed = 150
  743. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): fetchRssiLinkSpeedAndFrequencyNative rssi=-24 linkspeed=150
  744. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiConfigStore( 924): updateConfiguration freq=2412 BSSID=b4:75:0e:13:2d:6a RSSI=-24 "NETGEAR45"NONE
  745. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): calculateWifiScore freq=2412 speed=150 score=60 highRSSI -> txbadrate=0.00 txgoodrate=1.75 txretriesrate=0.00 rxrate=4.31 userTriggerdPenalty0
  746. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): good link -> stuck count =0
  747. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): badRSSI count0 lowRSSI count0 --> score 56
  748. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): isHighRSSI ---> score=61
  749. 02-17 17:45:56.685 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): handleMessage: X
  750. 02-17 17:45:56.685 D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine( 924): RSSI current: 3 new: -24, 3
  751. 02-17 17:45:56.695 D/WIFI_ICON( 1162): updateWifiState: RSSI_CHANGED 3 -> 3
  752. 02-17 17:45:56.695 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1162): dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_null|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_4 (gone) F]
  753. 02-17 17:45:56.865 E/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): DATA_MONITOR_POLL true Token 18
  754. 02-17 17:45:56.865 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: mDataStallTxRxSum={txSum=41072 rxSum=53300} preTxRxSum={txSum=41069 rxSum=53296}
  755. 02-17 17:45:56.865 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): updateDataStallInfo: IN/OUT
  756. 02-17 17:45:56.865 D/WifiDataStallTracker( 924): onDataStallAlarm: Sent 0 pkts since last received, < watchdogTrigger=5
  757. 02-17 17:45:56.945 W/FlurryAgent(21403): Event count started: Customer String
  758. 02-17 17:45:56.945 W/FlurryAgent(21403): Event count incremented: Customer String
  759. 02-17 17:45:57.005 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(23353e9f): CPU_MIN_NUM PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x8000 null
  760. 02-17 17:45:57.005 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(2afc6bb5): CPU_MIN_FREQ PrismLaunchActivity_4 0x2000 null
  761. 02-17 17:45:57.075 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(14489133): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 null
  762. 02-17 17:45:57.075 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(3f958cf0): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 null
  763. 02-17 17:45:57.145 W/ActivityManager( 924): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{4ba4bec u0 t86 f}
  764. 02-17 17:45:57.145 D/HtcSystemUPManager( 924): HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: launch, enable: true
  765. 02-17 17:45:57.155 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(6e47f6f): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 924 1000 null
  766. 02-17 17:45:57.155 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 380 380 380".
  767. 02-17 17:45:57.155 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg "0 400 400 400".
  768. 02-17 17:45:57.155 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(cf8447c): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 924 1000 null
  769. 02-17 17:45:57.155 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(1e7b2105): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 924 1000 null
  770. 02-17 17:45:57.155 V/ActivityManager( 924): Display changed displayId=0
  771. 02-17 17:45:57.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  772. 02-17 17:45:57.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41424 Rx=54793
  773. 02-17 17:45:57.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 3
  774. 02-17 17:45:57.175 I/ActivityManager( 924): Config changes=480 {0 1.0 310mcc410mnc en_GB ldltr sw360dp w360dp h567dp 480dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.17}
  775. 02-17 17:45:57.185 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 158: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  776. 02-17 17:45:57.185 W/InputReader( 924): VirtualKey 102: could not obtain key code, ignoring
  777. 02-17 17:45:57.185 E/InputReader( 924): Invalid region of VirtualKeyTouchFilter, it may incur abnormal Mis-Touch & HOME_SWIPE detection
  778. 02-17 17:45:57.195 D/RecentsConfig( 1162): update search id = 9, current recents config = -1854869921
  779. 02-17 17:45:57.195 I/RecentsConfig( 1162): enable hardware layer for task view
  780. 02-17 17:45:57.195 D/NGFService( 4625): onConfiguration
  781. 02-17 17:45:57.195 I/VenomQS ( 1162): updateColumns: normal: 2131492875
  782. 02-17 17:45:57.195 I/VenomQS ( 1162): mNumColumns: 3
  783. 02-17 17:45:57.195 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  784. 02-17 17:45:57.195 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  785. 02-17 17:45:57.195 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): Call is not active
  786. 02-17 17:45:57.195 D/VoLTEUtils( 1413): getCurrentConnection() conn: null
  787. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  788. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  789. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  790. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  791. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/PhoneApp( 1413): Has soft key
  792. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  793. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  794. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  795. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  796. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/DialerApp( 1538): Has soft key
  797. 02-17 17:45:57.205 D/DialerApp( 1538): [MirrorLink] getIsMirrorLinkEstablished() isconnected=false
  798. 02-17 17:45:57.215 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000000)
  799. 02-17 17:45:57.215 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  800. 02-17 17:45:57.215 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  801. 02-17 17:45:57.215 I/StatusBar( 1162): orientationChange(1)
  802. 02-17 17:45:57.225 I/AutoTest( 1162): [SystemUI][ConfigurationChange_PhoneStatusBar][25][ms][Lower is better]
  803. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  804. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  805. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  806. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  807. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): imeVisible: false
  808. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/Menu_Visibility( 1162): menu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
  809. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/AudioService( 924): onConfigureSafeVolume mMcc=310, mcc=310, mEnableListenNotify=true, force=false
  810. 02-17 17:45:57.235 D/AudioService( 924): handleConfigurationChanged, mCameraSoundForced = false, isHtcCameraSoundForced = false, cameraSoundForced = false
  811. 02-17 17:45:57.235 E/WifiStateMachine( 924): WiFiDisplay: getWifidisplayApEnabled=false
  812. 02-17 17:45:57.235 I/IntentController( 1162): receive(android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED,1,false)
  813. 02-17 17:45:57.245 D/HtcFooter( 1457): layerDrawableIndex = 0
  814. 02-17 17:45:57.285 I/PanelView( 1162): recModeThreshold(50,0)
  815. 02-17 17:45:57.285 I/FeedGridScroller( 1457): updateBottomBoundary() - 309 -> 309
  816. 02-17 17:45:57.315 D/HtcFooter( 1457): layerDrawableIndex = 0
  817. 02-17 17:45:57.345 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(20b925bb): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK ActivityManager-Launch 0x1 null
  818. 02-17 17:45:57.405 I/EffectDs( 470): Effect_process(b851ae50) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  819. 02-17 17:45:57.415 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(80),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  820. 02-17 17:45:57.415 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, pass to proxy
  821. 02-17 17:45:57.415 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy+
  822. 02-17 17:45:57.415 D/libc (21403): [NET] android_getaddrinfo_proxy get netid:0
  823. 02-17 17:45:57.415 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet+,hn 15(0x636c6f75642e72),sn(80),hints(known),family 2,flags 0
  824. 02-17 17:45:57.425 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(114af2c1): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 null
  825. 02-17 17:45:57.435 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo+, netid:105, mark:917609
  826. 02-17 17:45:57.505 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ---------- mIntentReceiver : android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED
  827. 02-17 17:45:57.505 D/CarrierLabel( 1162): ServiceStatus = 1, SimState = UNKNOWN
  828. 02-17 17:45:57.515 I/WindowManager( 924): Screen frozen for +366ms due to Window{bc8e328 u0 StatusBar}
  829. 02-17 17:45:57.525 D/PMS ( 924): releaseWL(6e47f6f): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK SCREEN_FROZEN 0x1 null
  830. 02-17 17:45:57.545 W/AudFlgTh( 470): Using by PID 21403,
  831. 02-17 17:45:57.545 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SEQNUM=5445, ACTION=change, SWITCH_STATE=1, SWITCH_NAME=Beats, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/Beats}
  832. 02-17 17:45:57.545 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: STATE:1
  833. 02-17 17:45:57.545 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: bests_status:true
  834. 02-17 17:45:57.545 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  835. 02-17 17:45:57.545 V/AudioService( 924): Receive BEATS_NATIVE_NOTIFICATION from Native AudioTrack!!! notificationOn=true
  836. 02-17 17:45:57.545 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  837. 02-17 17:45:57.545 E/NetlinkEvent( 369): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'CDROM_TYPE' not found
  838. 02-17 17:45:57.545 D/HarmanManager( 924): onMessageBeatsNotify active=true, HD_stream_only=F, SDEnabled=true, LSEnabled=false
  839. 02-17 17:45:57.545 W/Vold ( 369): Ignoring unknown switch 'Beats'
  840. 02-17 17:45:57.545 I/HarmanManager( 924): enable SignalDoctor notification!
  841. 02-17 17:45:57.545 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1162): addIcon slot=signal_doctor index=1 viewIndex=0 icon=StatusBarIcon(pkg=androiduser=0 id=0x30200aa level=0 visible=true num=0 ) name=stat_sys_sd vis=true
  842. 02-17 17:45:57.555 W/art (21403): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring
  843. 02-17 17:45:57.555 D/RemoteNotificationsClientWrapper(21403): setEnabled()true
  844. 02-17 17:45:57.555 W/FlurryAgent(21403): Event count started: Loading_time_-_boot_to_splash
  845. 02-17 17:45:57.585 I/Choreographer(21403): Skipped 80 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  846. 02-17 17:45:57.605 W/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Focus gain on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@1dfb6afe (uid=10286 pid=21403), inputType=0x0, mCurClient=ClientState{184be93d uid 10082 pid 1457}, cs=ClientState{1d1a225f uid 10286 pid 21403}
  847. 02-17 17:45:57.605 I/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Disable input method client, pid=21403
  848. 02-17 17:45:57.605 I/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Reset flag while input client does not have focus, pid=21403, inputType=0
  849. 02-17 17:45:57.605 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  850. 02-17 17:45:57.605 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getProviders()=[]
  851. 02-17 17:45:57.605 D/LocationManagerService( 924): getBestProvider(Criteria[power=NO_REQ acc=LOW], true)=null
  852. 02-17 17:45:57.605 W/FlurryAgent(21403): End session with context: com.rovio.fusion.App@1152412d count:0
  853. 02-17 17:45:57.815 D/Process (21403): killProcess, pid=21403
  854. 02-17 17:45:57.815 D/Process (21403): com.rovio.fusion.App.onDestroy:-1
  855. 02-17 17:45:57.835 I/ActivityManager( 924): Recipient 21403
  856. 02-17 17:45:57.835 I/WindowState( 924): WIN DEATH: Window{36faf3ab u0}
  857. 02-17 17:45:57.835 D/Process ( 924): killProcessQuiet, pid=21403
  858. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): Force-removing child win Window{3389beb4 u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{36faf3ab u0}
  859. 02-17 17:45:57.835 D/Process ( 924):$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:-1 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:-1
  860. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): Failed looking up window
  861. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@5a0a08 does not exist
  862. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): at
  863. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): at
  864. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
  865. 02-17 17:45:57.835 W/WindowManager( 924): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
  866. 02-17 17:45:57.835 I/WindowState( 924): WIN DEATH: null
  867. 02-17 17:45:57.865 I/ActivityManager( 924): Process (pid 21403) has died
  868. 02-17 17:45:57.865 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  869. 02-17 17:45:57.865 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  870. 02-17 17:45:57.865 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  871. 02-17 17:45:57.865 W/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@1c68857b attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@25991ee3, client pid=1457, inputType=0x(null)
  872. 02-17 17:45:57.905 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SEQNUM=5446, ACTION=change, SWITCH_STATE=0, SWITCH_NAME=Beats, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/Beats}
  873. 02-17 17:45:57.905 E/NetlinkEvent( 369): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'CDROM_TYPE' not found
  874. 02-17 17:45:57.905 W/Vold ( 369): Ignoring unknown switch 'Beats'
  875. 02-17 17:45:57.905 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  876. 02-17 17:45:57.905 E/audio_a2dp_hw( 470): adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
  877. 02-17 17:45:57.905 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: STATE:0
  878. 02-17 17:45:57.905 V/WiredAccessoryManager( 924): Beats UEVENT: bests_status:false
  879. 02-17 17:45:57.905 V/AudioService( 924): Receive BEATS_NATIVE_NOTIFICATION from Native AudioTrack!!! notificationOn=false
  880. 02-17 17:45:57.995 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(1f63ad8): CPU_MIN_NUM ActivityManager-MultiCore-Num 0x8000 null
  881. 02-17 17:45:57.995 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(36d50e31): CPU_MIN_FREQ ActivityManager-MultiCore-Freq 0x2000 null
  882. 02-17 17:45:58.155 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(cf8447c): CPU_MIN_FREQ WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Freq 0x2000 null
  883. 02-17 17:45:58.155 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(1e7b2105): CPU_MIN_NUM WindowManager-ScreenRotation-Num 0x8000 null
  884. 02-17 17:45:58.155 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  885. 02-17 17:45:58.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  886. 02-17 17:45:58.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41424 Rx=54793
  887. 02-17 17:45:58.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 0
  888. 02-17 17:45:58.425 I/EffectDs( 470): Effect_process(b851ae50) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  889. 02-17 17:45:58.455 D/libc ( 464): [NET]Querying server xid =cd28 (# 1) address = (try=1,nscount=1,v_circuit=0)
  890. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
  891. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/SocketClient( 464): write error (Broken pipe)
  892. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  893. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/SocketClient( 464): sendBroadcasr faild, change errno 32(Broken pipe) to 32(Broken pipe)
  894. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
  895. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/SocketClient( 464): write error (Broken pipe)
  896. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  897. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/SocketClient( 464): sendBroadcasr faild, change errno 32(Broken pipe) to 32(Broken pipe)
  898. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/DnsProxyListener( 464): Error writing DNS result to client
  899. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/SocketClient( 464): write error (Broken pipe)
  900. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
  901. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/SocketClient( 464): sendBroadcasr faild, change errno 32(Broken pipe) to 32(Broken pipe)
  902. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  903. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/DnsProxyListener( 464): Error writing DNS result to client
  904. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] _dns_getaddrinfo-, (NS_SUCCESS)
  905. 02-17 17:45:58.565 D/libc ( 464): [NET] android_getaddrinfofornet-, SUCCESS
  906. 02-17 17:45:58.565 W/DnsProxyListener( 464): Error writing DNS result to client
  907. 02-17 17:45:58.575 W/DnsProxyListener( 464): Error writing DNS result to client
  908. 02-17 17:45:58.575 W/SocketClient( 464): write error (Broken pipe)
  909. 02-17 17:45:58.575 W/SocketClient( 464): sendBroadcasr faild, change errno 32(Broken pipe) to 32(Broken pipe)
  910. 02-17 17:45:58.685 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  911. 02-17 17:45:58.695 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  912. 02-17 17:45:58.695 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  913. 02-17 17:45:58.695 D/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1162): onStartExpand()
  914. 02-17 17:45:58.695 D/m0narX_ExtendedInfo( 1162): Start refresh
  915. 02-17 17:45:58.695 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1162): dimen/operator_handle_height id: 7f0f00ce
  916. 02-17 17:45:58.695 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1162): drawable/common_b_div id: 7f020088
  917. 02-17 17:45:58.695 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1162): drawable/ext_ram_cpu_icon id: 7f020758
  918. 02-17 17:45:58.695 I/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1162): StatusBarHeaderView - HEIGHT: 342
  919. 02-17 17:45:58.695 D/Venom_StatusBarExtension( 1162): closeAllWidgets()
  920. 02-17 17:45:58.695 D/RingtonePlayer( 1162): stop
  921. 02-17 17:45:58.705 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1162): disable: 0x00000000 -> 0x00120000 (diff: 0x00120000)
  922. 02-17 17:45:58.705 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1162): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search >
  923. 02-17 17:45:58.715 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000600)
  924. 02-17 17:45:58.715 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  925. 02-17 17:45:58.715 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  926. 02-17 17:45:58.765 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  927. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  928. 02-17 17:45:58.785 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(294e7f98): CPU_MIN_FREQ SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x2000 1162 10004 null
  929. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/ClockController( 1162):{2f0bb53d V.ED.... ......ID 410,36-757,122 #7f110212 app:id/header_date}
  930. 02-17 17:45:58.785 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(8dcd3f1): CPU_MIN_NUM SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x8000 1162 10004 null
  931. 02-17 17:45:58.785 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  932. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/IntentController( 1162): register(date,android.intent.action.TIME_SET,true)
  933. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/IntentController( 1162): register(date,android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED,true)
  934. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/IntentController( 1162): register(date,android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED,true):create
  935. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/IntentController( 1162): register(date,android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED,true)
  936. 02-17 17:45:58.785 I/IntentController( 1162): register(date,,true)
  937. 02-17 17:45:58.805 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  938. 02-17 17:45:58.815 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  939. 02-17 17:45:58.835 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  940. 02-17 17:45:58.845 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  941. 02-17 17:45:58.845 I/Venom_BrightnessControl( 1162): mBrightnessControl = false
  942. 02-17 17:45:58.845 I/PanelView( 1162): receiverMode(false,0.7272046,9453.674)
  943. 02-17 17:45:58.905 D/HarmanManager( 924): onMessageBeatsNotify active=false, HD_stream_only=F, SDEnabled=true, LSEnabled=false
  944. 02-17 17:45:58.905 I/HarmanManager( 924): disable SignalDoctor notification!
  945. 02-17 17:45:58.915 I/PanelView( 1162): onExpandingFinish(false,false)
  946. 02-17 17:45:59.115 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(294e7f98): CPU_MIN_FREQ SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x2000 null
  947. 02-17 17:45:59.115 D/PMS ( 924): releaseHCC(8dcd3f1): CPU_MIN_NUM SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x8000 null
  948. 02-17 17:45:59.115 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  949. 02-17 17:45:59.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 79 num clients 7
  950. 02-17 17:45:59.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): packet count Tx=41425 Rx=54794
  951. 02-17 17:45:59.175 E/WifiTrafficPoller( 924): notifying of data activity 3
  952. 02-17 17:45:59.405 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  953. 02-17 17:45:59.425 I/EffectDs( 470): Effect_process(b851ae50) called on session 0 (logs suppressed for next second) (inBuffer==outBuffer)?TRUE! outputConfig.accessMode=WRITE
  954. 02-17 17:45:59.475 I/StatusBar( 1162): notification intent send:0|com.nolanlawson.logcat|2131296342|null|10275
  955. 02-17 17:45:59.475 I/System (20682): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  956. 02-17 17:45:59.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): setSystemUiVisibility(0xc0000700)
  957. 02-17 17:45:59.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
  958. 02-17 17:45:59.475 D/StatusBarManagerService( 924): hiding MENU key
  959. 02-17 17:45:59.475 W/InputMethodManagerService( 924): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@3fd9be2d attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@25991ee3, client pid=1457, inputType=0x(null)
  960. 02-17 17:45:59.495 D/su (21510): su invoked.
  961. 02-17 17:45:59.495 D/su (21510): starting daemon client 10275 0
  962. 02-17 17:45:59.505 D/su (21512): remote pid: 21510
  963. 02-17 17:45:59.505 D/su (21512): remote pts_slave:
  964. 02-17 17:45:59.505 D/su (21512): waiting for child exit
  965. 02-17 17:45:59.505 D/su (21513): su invoked.
  966. 02-17 17:45:59.505 D/su (21513): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  967. 02-17 17:45:59.505 D/m0narX_su_observer( 924): Helper called from: 10067
  968. 02-17 17:45:59.545 D/su (21512): sending code
  969. 02-17 17:45:59.545 D/su (21512): child exited
  970. 02-17 17:45:59.545 D/su (21510): client exited 0
  971. 02-17 17:45:59.585 D/PMS ( 924): acquireWL(f99a9b0): SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK ON_AFTER_RELEASE WindowManager 0x2000000a 924 1000 WorkSource{10067}
  972. 02-17 17:45:59.595 I/System (20682): exec(su @ com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.m.a:-1)
  973. 02-17 17:45:59.605 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 1
  974. 02-17 17:45:59.615 I/art ( 924): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 19539(1036KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(1057KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 26MB/39MB, paused 1.186ms total 90.121ms
  975. 02-17 17:45:59.615 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(24411029): CPU_MIN_FREQ SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x2000 1162 10004 null
  976. 02-17 17:45:59.615 D/PMS ( 924): acquireHCC(2b568fae): CPU_MIN_NUM SystemUIScroll_4.0 0x8000 1162 10004 null
  977. 02-17 17:45:59.615 E/MP-Decision( 2227): Update arg 2
  978. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21518): su invoked.
  979. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21518): starting daemon client 10275 0
  980. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21520): remote pid: 21518
  981. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21520): remote pts_slave:
  982. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21520): waiting for child exit
  983. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21521): su invoked.
  984. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/su (21521): 10275 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /venomsu/sush using binary /venomsu/sush : sush
  985. 02-17 17:45:59.625 D/m0narX_su_observer( 924): Helper called from: 10067
  986. 02-17 17:45:59.635 D/su (21520): sending code
  987. 02-17 17:45:59.635 D/su (21520): child exited
  988. 02-17 17:45:59.635 D/su (21518): client exited 0
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