
Discord's Quest: The Round Table

Apr 17th, 2013
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  1. >The colored horses escort me to a wide room with a massive round table in the centre, surrounded by little cushion-y pillows and stuff, but far over on one side, there are two very large thrones.
  2. >Gee, I wonder who gets those seats? Royal bitches.
  3. >”Since you were… Preoccupied for the last three hours, I’d taken the liberty of assembling the war council without you.” Says Whitehorse.
  4. >Well, if I’m big man Discord, then why the fuck would you go and do a thing like that?
  5. >I open my mouth to raise this issue, but the blue one puts one of her strange, alien hooves on my shoulder.
  6. >She smiles at me… I gotta admit, she’s definitely the kindest horse I’ve ever met.
  7. >”Equestria has never faced military conflict before, Discord; we had to act quickly and gather anypony that possesses even a miniscule amount of real combat experience.”
  8. >anypony.
  9. “Huehue”
  10. >”Pardon?”
  11. “Anypony.”
  12. >She shares a glance with the larger white horse, which just sighs and walks on past us. What a total bitch.
  13. >Blue horse follows white horse and gestures for me to come, too.
  14. >”Let us take our seats and wait for the rest of the council to arrive.”
  15. >This peaks my interest, almost as much as that one time when I woke up in a stranger’s room with no clothes and a crazy horse busting my doors down. That was sick.
  16. “You guys have never had a war before?”
  17. >Whitehorse pipes up:
  18. >”Well, ponykind has seen-“
  19. “Hehehe…”
  20. >”Ahem, as I was saying, ponykind has suffered conflicts before. But those wars were all fought long before the founding of Equestria.”
  21. >….
  22. >Thanks for that tidbit of information… I guess?
  23. “So?”
  24. >”So that answers your question: We have seen war before, but not anywhere near recently.”
  25. >Curious mode: engaged.
  26. >How old are these council guys going to be if Whitey hasn’t seen a war in ages?
  27. >WOOSH! Fucking doors open out of nowhere, and several horses waltz into the room.
  28. >Oh shit.
  29. >Awe dammit, man.
  30. >Here comes Gay Horse.
  31. >I didn’t know SUCKING DICK counted as combat experience!
  32. >Behind him, there are some white horses (smaller than the main white horse; they look like the armor horses from before), some black horses (I guess they do have black people here….), and some horses with pretty colors.
  33. >Most of them are wingers, as well as a few hornies sprinkled in the crowd, and just one or two servant-horses. All are wearing suave uniforms adorned with medals and army stuff, except the gay one; he’s just wearing his fabulous armor from before.
  34. >Then some weirder dudes enter the room: a handful of horses are clad in skin-tight blue spandex gimp-suits with the goggles and the wings and whatnot. They must be the marines.
  35. >Behind them, a few dark horses walk in with some FREAKY ASS SHIT!
  36. >Check it out: These bitches are rocking BAT WINGS and shit, and- and eyes that are vertically slit like VAGINAS! They’re not wearing gimp-suits, but these cool suits of crazy purple armor – and not the gay purple, like homohorse’s set, but this real cool kind of dull purple, but it’s still kinda shiny, I dunno.
  37. >The newcomers all take their seats on the pillows laying around the table; Whitehorse and Nicehorse take their seats on the two big thrones, and I take the liberty of crouching down and sitting Indian-style on a pillow right next to them.
  38. >The horses present keep giving me strange looks, as if they’ve never seen a fucking… Draconian before.
  39. >”Ponies, for the last twenty-four hours, Equestria has been under a full-scale invasion by the Changeling hordes of Queen Chrysalis. Her minions have taken the Crystal Empire, Las Pegasus, and several outlying settlements.”
  40. >Damn… Just what the fuck IS a changeling?
  41. >”We’ve news that Manehatten, Baltimare and Fillydelphia are holding out against the hordes… And no news from the West past Ponyville.”
  42. >She glances at me with this whole serious face thing going on before continuing her big speech.
  43. >”Overnight, something terrible has also happened to Discord, so we cannot rely on his powerful magic to fend them off. Instead, it is up to us to rally whatever troops we have, develop a plan and push the invaders out!”
  44. >Homohorse stands up and decides to share his gay thoughts with us.
  45. >”Your Higness, what of my sister and her friends? Surely they’ll be joining us in Canterlot?”
  46. >…In what?
  47. >Whitehorse nods to him.
  48. >”I’ve already dispatched three chariots to Ponyville so that they may join our council, Shining Armor.”
  49. >…Who’s that?
  50. >A horned armor horse stands up beside me. He looks old with gray hairs scattered in his mostly white coat and a wicked horse-beard to boot.
  51. >”Your Highness, do we really need to include those six delinquents in everything we do?”
  52. >Wow, dude. Got a problem with delinquents?
  53. >The royal white horse smiles at him… If that were me asking the question, you know she’d throw a shit fit.
  54. >”Seven delinquents, Quick Scope, you forgot the dragon.”
  55. >Quick scopes? Dragons? What the fuck version of CoD are THEY talking about?
  56. >One of the blue gimps chimes in.
  57. >”Princess, just how many ponies do we have available right now that can fight?”
  58. >This time, my blue horse answers.
  59. >”At this very moment, we can only rely on the ponies in Canterlot to join us. Our records suggest there’s around four million of military age in Canterlot, and once we secure other locations, we’ll have access to millions more.”
  60. >Hooookay now, that’s a lot of fucking horses. Sounds like things are heating up around here.
  61. >The gimp pipes up again, sounding kinda like a female… But it’s wearing goggles so I can’t see the eyelashes.
  62. >”And do we have the resources to properly arm them?”
  63. >Blue horse shakes her head slowly.
  64. >”Nay.”
  65. >Heh
  66. >”We haven’t enough weapons and armor to supply more than a few thousand. But our Royal Guard garrison has just over one hundred thousand, and my personal Guard number just over five thousand.”
  67. >Suddenly, not a single horse is even glancing at me; they’re all looking to the badass motherfuckers with the batwings and shit. The bat horses are all sitting together across from me, which is a pretty considerable distant when you remember that there’s like, a hundred horses all sitting around the table.
  68. >One of the younger looking horses speaks up.
  69. >”Just… What are the Night Guard?” he asks.
  70. >A fair question, they sure as hell don’t look like any of the other horses.
  71. >I look to my buddy, the big blue horse, and she nods at one of the bat horses; the bat horse in question, a female (eyelashes), stands and addresses the group.
  72. >”The ponies of the Night Guard are the most loyal servants of her Majesty of the Night, Princess Luna. We’ve sworn an oath to devote ourselves to her Majesty as her personal guard until death.”
  73. >Shit, some hardcore dudes, I guess.
  74. >Another horse spoke up, a gray one with a horn and a silly monocle, but no armor.
  75. >”I have been a historian of the Royal Guard for many decades and… And yet my library finds itself lacking in knowledge of your kind, Night Guard. Would you perhaps… Explain to us your level of training and… And combat experience?”
  76. >Fuck, dude. Please, feel free to take a little longer.
  77. >Fucking old people, man. They just rattle on about nothing for centuries, I can’t stand it.
  78. >”Well, Mr. Ledger,” says the female bat horse…
  79. >Wait, Mr. Ledger? Who the fuck names these guys? Must be a lot of drunken moms in Europe.
  80. >”The identities of our members are protected, but rest assured that the training and required combat experience to become a Night Guard is of the highest standards in Equestria.”
  81. >The old Mr. Ledger gives out a dusty chuckle. Poor old fart must not get much air in those lungs anymore.
  82. >”Yes, well, I may be mistaken, but the last thousand years in Equestria have been rather… Peaceful, don’t you think?”
  83. >”Agreed.” The bat horse replies.
  84. >”Then, just how high could these standards possibly be, when one cannot find much combat experience in Equestria… Aside from the occasional Everfree forest creature?”
  85. >The bat horse looks agitated; I’d be pissed off too, since this meeting’s about schindlers and not fucking… Forest animals and training and shit.
  86. >Honestly, I bet I could replace half these fuckers. At least I’ve got my eye on the ball, here.
  87. >”Mr. Ledger, there are more pressing matters at hoof here than-“
  88. “Heh.”
  89. >Hoof. Good one.
  90. >Right, because they’re not people?
  91. >They’re horses, so they say ‘hoof’ instead of ‘hand’.
  92. >She stops mid-sentence and glares at me.
  93. >”Discord, is there something you’d add to this conversation?”
  94. “Yeah, well…”
  95. >Now’s my chance to get shit on track.
  96. “It seems like we’re all talking about you guys now, and not the schindlers.”
  97. >Silence and staring. These horses aren’t good at conversations.
  98. >”…What is a ‘schindler’?”
  99. “The fucking things that we’re talking about!”
  100. >”I believe Discord means to say ‘Changelings’, my subject.” Says Blue Horse.
  101. >How the fuck did I end up with schindler?
  102. >We aren’t fighting Nazis, or at least I hope not because according to the history books, those guys had some kung fu.
  103. >”And he has a point:” says White Horse,
  104. >”Our council has gotten far off track. This meeting is to discuss a means of not only defending Canterlot and the surrounding settlements, but also ousting the invaders completely from wherever they may hide in our realm. And so far, we’ve accomplished little but some bickering about my sister’s personal guard.”
  105. >The room falls silent once again, and the horses of the big round table do nothing but cast awkward glances, cough and shuffle about on their stupid little pillows.
  106. >P.S., my pillow is getting quite uncomfortable. Why don’t I get a big sexy throne like those two big bitches with the horns and the wings?
  107. >The silence is finally broken by the echoing voice of White Horse as she desperately tries to shake some life into this bunch of quiet assholes.
  108. >”What’s this, no suggestions? Here I sit at a table with the leaders of the Equestrian Guard, the Wonderbolts, and the Night Guard – all of you at the top of your respective fields, and yet nopony can help my sister and I develop a plan to take back our country?”
  109. >nopony….
  110. >Meh, it was funnier the first couple times.
  111. >”So this is what happens when my most faithful student and her friends cannot protect you? THIS is what we’re left with when Discord’s powers fail?”
  112. >Damn, she’s pissed.
  113. >The horses of the table just keep their eyes down, fucking pussies.
  114. >”Perhaps it was a mistake to trust my Royal Guard with the task of planning for emergencies.”
  115. >She looks over at Homohorse; he’s been pretty quiet for such a flamboyant asshole.
  116. >”Prince Shining Armor, do you have any thoughts?”
  117. >Prince? Like Prince the black guy.
  118. >I loved that one show where they made fun of him in this one episode.
  119. >Chappelle’s Show, fuck yeah. He’s all like: “You guys want some grapes?”
  120. >…”Bitches.”
  121. >He stands and addresses the white horse.
  122. >”Your Highness, with the current information available to us, I do not see much choice other than to immediately mobilize our forces and meet the changelings head-on.”
  123. >Shit, that doesn’t sound good.
  124. >Are we talking about a real war, here? Like, with guns?
  125. >”Prince Shining Armor, “ says white horse, “ I’m afraid that I must agree with you. Our information is dangerously limited, but we do know that the cities to the East fight on, so let us send whatever troops we can to aid them. However, the west is still frighteningly quiet in terms of news. We must send a contingent West to check on the cities of Vanhoover and Tall Tale, as well as to take back the city of Las Pegasus.“
  126. >That old horse with the monocle speaks up again, shouldn’t he be fucking napping or something? Worthless old man.
  127. >”Uh, your Highness, maybe… Maybe we could send scouts to each of the… The settlements instead of a full force, so that we… We can spare more troops to defend Canterlot.”
  128. >The white horse frowns at the old horse.
  129. >”Mr. Ledger, we’ve already sent out scouts to those cities and they’ve been missing ever since. The only news we’ve received in the last 24 hours is that Las Pegasus has fallen. If the other cities have not yet reported to me, then I fear they may be in much worse shape.”
  130. >Well fuck, I chose a bad fucking time to wake up in horseland.
  131. >”My sister and I will raise the city alarms; Shining Armor, you’ll be in charge of rounding up volunteers for our military. The rest of you, go to your legions and tell them to prepare for war.”
  132. >The horses of the round table quickly stand and say their “Yes, you highness”-es before heading for the doors.
  133. >She turns to look at me, somewhat disappointed, but accepting.
  134. >”Discord… Come with us.”
  135. “Come… Come with you where?”
  136. >”Just… Come.”
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