
Marcely's Bedwars scoreboard_lobby-config

Jul 6th, 2016 (edited)
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  1. # Placeholder for every config:
  2. #   {arena}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {maxplayersinteam}, {date},
  3. #   {stats:rank}, {stats:wins}, {stats:loses}, {stats:kills}, {stats:deaths},
  4. #   {stats:bedsdestroyed}, {stats:roundsplayed}, {stats:playtime}, {stats:kd},
  5. #   {stats:wl}, {ip}, {server:onlineplayers}, {stats:finalkills}
  6. #
  7. # The title. It'll be on the top of the scoreboard
  8. title: &3   Bedwars &7- &a&lLobby   &r
  9. # This will added for each team
  10. # Placeholder for this config: {color}, {name}, {playersinteam}
  11. eachteam:
  12. # These lines will be above of the line by eachteam
  13. # To add a new row simply add a new line in this config-file
  14. # To add a empty row simply add a empty line in this config-file
  16. &7» &3%Scoreboard_Arena%
  17. &a %Scoreboard_ArenaName% &b{arena}
  18. &a %Scoreboard_ArenaMode% &b{teams}x{maxplayersinteam}
  19. &a %Scoreboard_Players% &b{players}/{maxplayers}
  21. # These lines will be under of the lines of eachteam
  22. # To add a new row simply add a new line in this config-file
  23. # To add a empty row simply add a empty line in this config-file
  24. &7» &3%Scoreboard_Stats%
  25. &a %Stat_Default_Rank% &b#{stats:rank}
  26. &a %Stat_Default_Kills% &b{stats:kills}
  27. &a %Stat_Default_Deaths% &b{stats:deaths}
  29. &7{ip}
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