
BloodSec Dp #DarkSec

May 21st, 2015
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  13. <meta name="description" content="Greetings Admin, I'm T14g0 of BloodSecurity. Attackers may or may have created access points for themselves sometimes called backdoors. Attackers could compromise other services on the server or escalate their access and even stole confidential data from your server. Removing a compromised website's backdoors is difficult because it is not possible to be certain all backdoors have been found. Even I, myself, gained access on any files on your server but I highly assured you that no backdoors. I suggest you to patch your security as soon as possible to avoid further attacks by others."/>
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  208. <div id="loading"><br><br><img src="" width="30%">
  209. <h1><span style="color:black;font-size:90px;text-shadow: 0 0 3px red, 0px 0px 20px red"><b>BloodSecurity International</b></span></h1>
  210. <iframe width="0" height="0" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  211. <br><br><span style="font-size:25px;"><span style="font-family:Iceberg;color:black;font-size:80px;text-shadow: 0 0 3px red, 0px 0px 20px red"><b>T14g0</b></span>
  212. </div><center>
  213. <h1><b><img src="" width="70" height="50"><span style="color:black;font-size:90px;text-shadow: 0 0 3px white, 0px 0px 20px white">
  214. "<span style="color:black;font-size:90px;text-shadow: 0 0 3px red, 0px 0px 20px red">BloodSec</span> International<span style="color:black;font-size:90px;text-shadow: 0 0 3px red, 0px 0px 20px red">"</span></span></b><img src="" width="70" height="50"></h1>
  215. <a href="" target="_blank">
  216. <img src="" title="BloodSecurity" width="20%"></a>
  217. <p id="message">
  218. <span style="color:#fff;text-shadow:black 0px 0px 3px">
  219. Greetings Admin, I'm
  220. <span style="color:red;text-shadow:#000 5px 5px 3px">T14g0</span> of
  221. <span style="color:red;text-shadow:#000 5px 5px 3px">BloodSecurity</span><br>
  222. Attackers may or may have created access points for themselves sometimes called backdoors<br>
  223. Attackers could compromise other services on the server or escalate their access and even stole confidential data from your server.<br>
  224. Removing a compromised website's backdoors is difficult because it is not possible to be certain all backdoors have been found.<br>
  225. Even I, myself, gained access on any files on your server but I highly assured you that no "backdoors"<br>
  226. I suggest you to patch your security as soon as possible to avoid further attacks by others.<br>
  227. Don't forget that I am
  228. <span style="color:red;text-shadow:#000 5px 5px 3px">T14g0</span> of
  229. <span style="color:red;text-shadow:#000 5px 5px 3px">BloodSec International</span>.<br>
  230. <br>"We are
  231. <span style="color:red;text-shadow:#000 5px 5px 3px">BloodSecurity</span>,
  232. We are legion, We do not forgive,
  233. We do not forget, Expect us."
  234. </span>
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  249. <center><span style="color:#fff;text-shadow:black 0px 0px 3px">
  250. <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font><img src="" width="2%"><b>WE ARE</b><img src="" width="2%"><font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font></span><br>
  251. <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="55" width="75%"><font color="white"></font>
  252. <font color="red">-<font color="white">:<font color="red">-</font> D4rkj1n <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Smurfie <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> NeoZone <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> 1nt0x1c4t3d <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> CyberGhost <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> m4st3rb4nd01 <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Crow19 <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Yamiko <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> 1nuT1L <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> NewbieXHacker <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Shadowmask <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> c0mpl1c4t3d <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> 7rb_A <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> 2R4T$ <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Gl33cher <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> L1nk3r <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Skw4t3R <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> W4rH4mm3R <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> K4iZen <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Casper <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> T14g0 <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font> Scorpion Ghost <font color="red">-</font>:<font color="red">-</font></font>
  253. </center></marquee></br>
  254. <span style="font-family:Orbitron;color:white;font-size:10px;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px red">
  255. Designed &nbsp;by&nbsp;W4RH4MM3R&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&copy;Copyrights&nbsp; 2015&nbsp; All Rights Reserved &nbsp;|&nbsp; #BloodSecurity</font></a></footer>
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