
Saucy Night's at Frieda's: Mama bear comes knockin

Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. Michael sat in his office chair in a state of unease. The last few nights had him meeting two rather nice, but lustrous animatronics. Bonnie, the feminine robotic bunny, whose plushy feet & firm hands not only made her a delight to hug, But her thighs were the most beautiful he had ever seen. They were geometrically perfect in design. When he had brushed against them during his hug with Bonnie, they felt so soft & squeezable. Already thoughts were brewing in his mind about her. Michael shook his head quickly, trying to keep focus on the camera feeds. But then as he did, his mind wandered back to the animatronics. The other one he had the awkward pleasure in meeting, was Chica the Chicken. And boy did she manage to put the 'Sauce' in saucy. Her accent was that of a southern belle, so refined & sophisticated. yet at the same time endearing & relaxing. and at certain times, it can be very spicy. So spicy it almost set his face aflame from blustering hard that night. And her body was rather well endowed too.
  5. There was something off about this place that he couldn't put his finger in, or on rather. He shook his head instantly and returned to his regular job of keeping a watchful eye on the place. As always, nothing in the first few feeds, save for the animatronics staring directly at him through the camera on the show stage. Placing the tablet down, he rested his head to relax. 'Wait a sec' Mike suddenly thought. they were all staring at him, with lustful eyes. Bringing it back up, they were still gazing at him with amorous eyes. Bonnie had a look of need on her face. while Chica had a rather sultry gaze, one eyebrow raised. But it was Frieda's that had him a bit more concerned. Frieda's pretty blue eyes were half closed. And it appeared as if she was biting her bottom lip.
  9. "What the hell is with these animatronics?" Mike said to himself, rubbing his eyes for a moment. They be But then as he regained focus, the animatronics were gone from the stage. Panic set in almost instantly as mike started frantically checking the feeds. Bonnie was in the dining area, apparently cleaning up some left over garbage. She bent over to pick up an empty soft drink cup, that Michael got a full view of Bonnie's beautiful, bodacious behind. Her hips & thighs aligned perfectly to make a heart. Michael's eyes nearly popped out of his head. over the feed he could hear Bonnie talking to herself.
  13. "That darn fox makes such a mess..." Bonnie said. Somehow mike could zoom in, getting an even better view of Bonnie's backside. He had to remove his hat for a second to wipe away sweat on his forehead. This was making him hot, in all the best & worst ways. Michael decided to take a moment to admire Bonnie's lovely design.
  15. "hmm, no wonder they call you bun bun." he said in a charming tone of voice. Suddenly though, Bonnie's right ear perked up a bit, as if hearing something. She turned her head halfway towards the camera.
  17. "Oh Mikey~" she said in a lewd tone, "I'm going to Frieda Fun time your skull~" Bonnie finished, shaking her hips suggestively.
  21. In an instant, Michael switched feeds to the restrooms, in trying to regain composure from that rather pants tightening display. But then he found himself instantly greeted by a barely clothed Chica. Her bib that read "Let's eat" was barely covering her chicken breasts. She wore very short shorts, hot pink in color with a small little muffin man imprinted on the center. Her hair was doled up in the style of a pompadour. rather stylish too. 'Oh Jeez' Michael thought to himself as chica turned her head towards the camera, staring at him with a lustful gaze.
  24. "Why hello again darlin~" the animatronic belle spoke in a saucy tone. "I know you've been watching us, you lil dirty bird" Chica said, pointing elegantly to the camera, her cheeks lightly pink from blushing. In her right hand was a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. She brought them to her beak & inhaled the fresh aroma.
  28. "Mmmmm, fresh out of mama birds oven." she said softly. "Hey mistah guardsman~! here's a thought, why doncha' come down here for some hot nooki...ah, cookies" she said in a lewd voice.
  31. Michael could feel his pants getting tighter by the moment. He had to put the tablet down and shakes his head. These things were coming on to him. How & why was something he tried to understand. being fearful of what could actually happen, Mike quickly checked both doors via light shining. Luckily enough, no one was there. As Michael returned to the restroom feed, Chica's face was much closer to the camera now. Almost face to face with him, her eyes gazed into his soul.
  35. "Cmon...mistah." She spoke in a deep seductive tone. "Let's have a snack~, I have cookies." chica said lewdly, "you can bring the 'milk'." Chica said, putting a heavy emphasis on milk. Michael found himself more flustered now then ever. He snapped out of his little state of bliss when he heard a deep sultry laughter coming from down the east hall. Switching feeds to the hall way, Michael found himself staring into the eyes of Frieda "Mama" Faz bear. Her gaze was cast lewdly to mike. Her iris' replaced with small pixellated hearts. She slowly licked her lips in a very lewd way. Michael's heart began to race intensely. The second he put the tablet down, he could hear her laughter get louder.
  38. "Oh hohohoho~"
  41. he heard coming down the halls. He desperately closed both doors in a panic. There was no telling what the voluptuous she-bear would do to him. Mike sat helplessly in his office. already being forced to use more power than necessary. There was still a feeling of unease within him. as if he was still in danger. Behind him, a pair of glowing, heartfelt eyes looked over mike. In a flash, Michael was in the arms of Frieda. Her laughter filled him with a sense of impending doom. Her arms were strong, yet something was gentle about them. He also felt a bit of weight on his head. Slowly looking up, he realized she was using his head as a rest stop for her breasts. It caused his face to flare up like a super nova.
  45. "Well now~" the animatronic spoke in a deep soothing voice, "It is finally a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Schmidt.". Michael was very panicked. "Oh please do calm down, Mama bear's not gonna hurt you." Frieda said calmly, attempting to ease the sudden tension. Michael managed to calm down a bit, which was enough for Frieda to gently rub his chest.
  48. "That's better." said Frieda as she loosened her grip on him. She turned his chair around to face her directly. "Now as I was saying." she said, leaning in closer to mike. "Hello dear~" Frieda spoke in a sultry voice, her cleavage practically in his face. Frieda was dressed in a red cocktail dress, open down the sides to show some leg. speaking of which, on her left leg was a red bow tie band on her upper thigh. A beauty mark could be seen on her right cheek. When it comes to her overall appearance, Frieda was equally well endowed as Chica, with equally luscious hips as Bonnie. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Michael finally managed to speak.
  51. "H-H-Hello." he uttered out, trying to keep eye contact with her. A pleasing smile formed on her lips.
  52. "So the girls have talked about you a lot lately." she said, standing there whilst holding the chair.
  53. "t-they have?" Michael asked shyly, afraid of knowing what those two animatronics must have told her.
  54. "And I assure you, it's rather flattering & endearing." the she-bear said, taking a finger & running it across his cheek. "And a little surprising." she finished. "How do you mean...?" Mike asked, his voice almost cracking from the touch of Frieda.
  57. "They are my friends, Mikey. I always look out for them." She said in an albeit teasing yet serious tone.
  58. "When they have something to tell me, i always listen." She went on, slowly pushing Micheal's chair toward the desk. "And from what they've told me, you've become a person of interest." said Frieda. "In a way of which the girls have become, quite fond of you." Frieda said, pinning mike and the chair against the desk.
  60. "w-wait. they actually do like me?" a confused Michael asks, feeling more calmer than before. But there was also this development. The two animatronics' had a thing for him. of all the people in this world, he was the eye candy for those robo-ladies.
  62. "I've never seen Bun Bun so worked up over one person.~" Frieda said, as she slowly sat herself upon mikes lap.
  63. "And Chica's pizza making has tripled in terms of quality & quantity." she went on, scooting herself a place on Mikes lap. Which did not do his raging trouser snake any justice.
  67. "So I thought I'd take it upon myself to meet the person responsible for this...radical change." she stated in an even more sultry tone. "Lemme introduce myself to you sweetheart." she said, looking deep into his eyes.
  68. "I am Frieda Faz Bear. Owner of this fine little pizza parlor." she said, as she started to run a finger down his uniform. Michael started clearing his throat.
  70. "Does this mean you are my uh, boss?" he asked. Frieda lifted one hand up & let out another sultry laugh that echoed throughout the parlor.
  72. "Why yes dear, yes it does make me your boss~" she said, placing her arms around him in a very friendly way.
  74. "And as your supervisor, I must always check on you~" Frieda said with a smile.
  75. "And so far, you seem to have a highly impressive work ethic." said Frieda as she continued to straddle him with her whole body. "Despite that you have two women that are quite literally trying to 'distract' you, huhuhu~" Frieda giggled lewdly as she started to play with mikes hair.
  77. "I-i-i'm just doing my job, ma'am" Michael said, struggling to keep a straight face. "I wish to maintain a level of ethical professionalism here." he went on, looking at her with the eyes of a business man. This only seemed to excite her more as she pulled him a little closer to her.
  79. "Oh~?" Frieda said teasingly. "Chica was right, you really are a gentlemen." she thoughtfully said to him, "We don't get many people like you here."
  83. "How do you mean?" asked Michael, feeling less tension then before.
  84. "Well the past guards who worked here were nothing special." she said plainly, looking to the side to see out the window, where Bonnie was looking in with lustful eyes. Frieda couldn't help but smile.
  85. "Some of them were shut-in's, and the others of course, were obviously pervy." she went on, removing his hat.
  87. "you seem like a kind of person who maintains a good balance of professionalism, and taste" said Frieda, twirling a bit of his hair in her finger. "t-t-taste?" he uttered out, feeling Frieda's hands on his body.
  88. "Why yes~" Frieda said as she suddenly took both of Mike's hands, and placed them on her thighs. The look on Mikey's face was that of shock & bliss. Frieda made sure that his grip was firm on her thighs.
  91. "Mmmm you see, you're the kind of fellow who know's a good woman...when he see's one." She said in a suggestive tone. "Nowadays, it is rather hard to find someone of your, nature~" Frieda said, softly nuzzling herself against Mike's cheek. She could feel the warmth from his skin, something her sensors were capable of feeling. "And you're a rather warm hearted person too." said Frieda.
  95. Michael didn't know what to think or even say. The animatronics whom he has been so scared & hesitant of, were actually very nice & caring. And, for a lack of better words, were rather 'suggestive' acting to him after hours. Blushing instantly, Michael managed to finally break his awkward silence.
  97. "I-I don't know what to say boss." he said, gazing into Frieda's eyes. "T-thank you." said Michael.
  98. Frieda smiled & patted his cheek, when suddenly she peeked over his shoulder & saw a little brown bag. "Hello~?" she said, reaching over & grabbing the bag. "what have we here?" she said, holding the bag in front of Michael teasingly.
  100. "Oh! that's just a little snack i brought to work." he said nervously, "i h-hope you don't mind.".
  101. "Oh not at all dear." she said, taking a moment to look at the bag. "But i do hope you remember in the future, that as an employee of Faz bear entertainment you have access to menu items free of charge~" the she-bear said as she started to open the little brown bag & scour through the contents.
  103. "Hmm now lets see here, we have some bread and-" Frieda suddenly gasped in surprised. A hand placed on her cheek in disbelief.
  105. "I-i don't believe it~" spoke Frieda, who was overcome with sudden wonder. Michael grew concerned.
  106. "w-whats the matter?!" he asked suddenly. She gave Michael a very naughty looking expression as she pulled out a small jar, which contained a dark amber-colored fluid.
  108. "You brought honey..." she said, gazing into the jar like it were a jewel.
  111. "I absolutely love honey~" Frieda's voice trembled in sudden delight. The look of lust he saw on her face from earlier had returned. Her eyes were lit up brightly. She unscrewed the lid and put it to the side. Reaching back into the bag, she pulled out a small honey dipper.
  114. "I hope you don't mind~" she said sweetly, dipping the dipper into the dark amber liquid. He gives her a nod of acknowledgement. Graciously, she lifted the gooey dipper up, letting the honey dribble gently on her tongue. As the honey coated her taste sensors with sticky sweet goodness, Michael heard Frieda release a pleasurable sounding sigh. Michael gulped. She finally swallowed her load of honey, before licking her lips & looking at him.
  117. "Do you know how much bears love honey~?" Frieda stated, her voice filled to the brim with sensuality. Mike shook his head no, which caused Fried to dribble both of his cheeks with honey. Then she dotted his forehead with a bit, & finally lathered some honey on his lips. Frieda looked at him with heart stricken, half lidded eyes.
  121. "Bears absolutely" She licked his right cheek slowly. "positively" she uttered as the left cheek got licked just as slow. "Undeniably love~" Frieda said softly, placing both of her hands on Mikes head as she licked his forehead clean. But what happened next would stay with Mike for the rest of the night. There was still some honey dribbled on his lips. Frieda moved herself even closer to his lips. His eyes widened as the large she-bear closed the distance between them. "Honey~" Frieda whispered.
  123. With her hands wrapped around his neck, Frieda slowly started kissing Michael. He was literally frozen in shock, his eyes were widen with disbelief as he felt his mechanical kiss him repeatedly. Feeling her warm lips & tongue lap around his was a feeling so unexpected & wonderful, he nearly lost himself in the kiss. Frieda sighed passionately as she slowly broke the kiss, licking whatever honey was left off his.
  127. Bonnie considerably had the 2nd best seat in the house. The animatronic pressed itself against the glass more, watching mama faz bear eat honey off Michael's face. But deep down, Bonnie's servo started whirring softly. Her hips began to squirm slightly as she watched Frieda go to town. Caressing his cheek & forehead. She bit her bottom lip & ran a hand down her thigh. Bonnie wanted to lick him very much too. Or rather, she would want him to lick her. The mere thought of Mike licking her delicate frame was enough to send her into a blissful state. Immediately her thighs began to tremble. She felt a small trickle down her leg', slowly leaking a translucent lubricant.
  131. Frieda finished licking mike's lips, & then her own. He opened his eye's slowly, coming back to reality. Frieda simply smiled at him, running her finger across his lips to smear off what ever was left. She licked her finger clean in front of Michael, face flustered beyond comprehension. Her eyes looked down a second to his pants, & smirked gently.
  133. "Well now~" Frieda spoke lovingly. "Did you pitch a tent in your pants, or are you just happy to make my acquaintance~?" said Frieda. Michael looked down and panicked.
  135. "I-I-I didn't mean for that to" he was quickly hushed by Frieda's finger gently. "You do need to learn to unwind & relax a bit~" Frieda said in a soothing yet sultry tone of voice. She smiled before slowly dismounting off of Michael. "So far, you've gained my interest as well." said Frieda.
  137. "I look forward to seeing you again..." Frieda said as she walked slowly to the door, hips swaying side to side as she pushed the door button.
  139. "...Honeycomb~"
  141. she whispered while exiting, once more letting out another deep giggle as she walked down the east hall. Michael just sat there in his chair. both slightly sticky, confused, & aroused all at once. He ran a hand slowly across his face, to see if this all was actually real. And indeed it was. Michael then heard a whine coming from the left door. Opening the shutter door & switching the light on, Michael was greeted by Bonnie. Her thighs squirming as she was in a small puddle of her own lust. With a look of shock & embarrassment, Bonnie immediately scurried away. Leaving a small trail of lubricant in her wake. It took a moment for him to realize that Bonnie was observing the act Frieda portrayed in the office.
  145. Michael couldn't believe what had transpired. He had been hit on by not one, but three animatronics. Including a honey loving bear, who almost sucked the life out of him, & gave him the worst case of blue balls in history. And a certain little feminine rabbit partook in a little voyeurism, & leaked a little 'carrot juice'. Michael walked back & sat down on his chair with a thump. Completely speechless. Reaching over & grabbing his hat, Michael started fanning himself to relax. Deep down he knew he wasn't gonna be sleeping normally tonight, or maybe any other night. Taking in a deep breath & exhaling, Michael placed his hat back on. Checking his watch, the time was 5:54 AM. only a couple of minutes left in his shift. He fathomed to believe he would have ever made it through this night, or any night for that matter. As he picked up the tablet to resume his job, he switched the feed to pirate cove. And the look of horror on his face was fitting enough for a Kodak moment. Impulsively, he switched the feeds to the hall cams. A certain naughty pirate fox was making a b-line to the office. It's hook erect & eyes burning with desire.
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