
Emilia profile

Nov 28th, 2015
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  1. Name: Emilia [no name listed. Hasn't chosen a new surname yet.]
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Age: 16 (both real and physical)
  4. Height: 5' 11"
  5. Weight: "Hourglasses aren't overweight, no matter what you say!"
  6. Body Development: Mature
  7. Appearance: Long, slightly messy but mostly curly brown hair down to her knees. (When straightened it actually stretches well onto the floor.) Tanned white skin. A veritable plethora of breast and hips, with thighs to round out the set. Barely hidden underneath the curves are a set of lean and perfectly usable muscles, a stayover from Emilia's past life's martial capabilities. Her face is almost perpetually plastered with a smile of some sort, even while under duress or stressed out.
  9. In Civilian form, she wears a variety of outfits depending on her mood, usually with a PVC zip-up riding jacket, jeans, and hiking boots. Sometimes seen wearing riding gloves as well. Her transformed version has her taking on a male japanese school uniform, refitted to her proportions, outfitted with a pair of zip-up boots in the place of the normal dress shoes. Despite fitting her perfectly, the jacket is always open upon transformation, showing off her blouse and chest. Her gloves are retained in this form, even if she wasn't wearing them before transforming. If the outfit is removed or damaged for whatever reason, it reveals a 2-piece swimsuit in the place of undergarments.
  11. Before becoming a magical girl, Emilia was fairly short. When she was much younger, fed up with her diminutive stature, she was convinced that drinking milk would solve the problem. Eventually she grew out of the persistent need to be taller, but still kept drinking milk chronically, primarily out of habit at this point. After her initial transformation, the Puchuu indicates that her powers and new form were fueled by a combination of her long-term subliminal desires.
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