
New Adventures of Morning Glory

Dec 28th, 2016
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And you are currently spying on the town Alicorn
  3. >When you first arrived, you were given a free house along with a weekly payment for representing humanity
  4. >A normal person would be grateful and simply accept it
  5. >But you were, as you like to put it, cautious and curious
  6. >Once the welcoming party was done and you were sure you were alone, you tore the house apart looking for anything suspicious
  7. >For a while, you tried to relax and just accept this as good fortune
  8. >But as time passed, you realized that the whole "Friendship and smiles for everyone" gig was bullshit
  9. >That was 6 months ago
  10. >Now you spent most of your time carefully spying on everyone, gathering dirt and blackmail in case you may one day need it
  11. >You've seen some fucked up shit in this so called land of fairy tales and happiness
  12. >But today you learned something very interesting, a local prostitute moved here about a 3 months ago
  13. >A prostitute that likely had quite a number of clients that would do anything to keep their midnight acts a secret
  14. >Today seems like a good day for a walk around town
  16. 3 hours later
  17. >You are writing the next name on a long list of the town Johns
  18. >Turns out that half the damn town visited her
  19. >This is, without a doubt, a goldmine of blackmail
  20. >You finish writing and look to her
  21. "So, is there anyone else?"
  22. >"I don't think so"
  23. >You close the notepad and stand up
  24. "I have to say, I was hoping for a couple of good names, but this is better than I could ever imagine"
  25. >With this, you would never have to worry about anyone
  26. >If the local mayor tries, she'd likely stop pretty damn fast if the voting masses found that her head of Treasury and Education both hired a prostitute
  27. >With this, you are untoucha-
  28. >'E... excuse me, but do you need anything else?"
  29. >You forgot she was still there
  30. >Now you had to think of what to do with her
  31. >You could just give her the money and send her off, but at the same time you can see that she's malnourished, filthy, and cold
  32. >You may be a noisy, paranoid, and sometimes uncaring jackass, but you're not heartless
  33. >After a minute of silence, you come up with an idea
  34. "You've given me a goldmine, I can't just let you freeze in the streets, so here's a deal for ya. You can live here and sleep on my couch, hell I'll even share my food with ya. What I want from you is help with my observation"
  35. >You can see she's considering it, time to seal the deal
  36. "If you accept, you'll never have to deal with another drunken jackass at midnight looking for an easy lay"
  37. >Now you've got her, just gotta reel her in. You hold out your hand
  38. "So, do we have a deal?
  39. >She doesn't hesitate in grabbing your hand
  40. >"What do I have to do?"
  41. "We start tomorrow, for now it's late and I have to clean you up and make dinner"
  43. >When you woke up this morning, you never imagined that you would be in a bathtub with warm water
  44. >You already cleaned yourself and right now you just want to rest in warmth for the first time in...
  45. >You can't remember the last time you were pleasantly warm
  46. >But now you didn't have to worry about that anymore, you had a home
  47. >Well, you lived with someone, but you are more than happy for that
  48. >Your stomach rumbles, reminding your that the human offered you food when you were done bathing
  49. >Once you dry yourself off, you look into the mirror
  50. >You actually look nice, like those mares that go to the spa
  51. >Wiping away a tear, you follow the smell of freshly made food to find a table with two plates, and in the middle of the table is a large pile of spaghetti
  52. >"I thought about asking if you liked it, but I figured you wouldn't mind"
  53. >You turn to see Anon holding a couple of cups and a jug of milk
  54. >"Help yourself, there's more than enough and I can just store the leftovers"
  55. >If this is a dream, you never want to wake up
  56. >You sit down and force yourself to wait for him to finish setting up dinner
  57. >He fills your plate for you and fills your glass
  58. >"Dig in"
  60. >You watch the mare shoving her food into her mouth
  61. "Slow down, won't do any good if you start choking"
  62. >Takes her a few seconds, but she stops trying to shove more food in her mouth and simply chews
  63. >You were about to tell her to chew with her mouth closed when you saw her crying
  64. >Either this is the first meal she's had in a long time, or you make some damn good spaghetti
  65. >You decide to eat yourself and wait for her to finish before you try small talk
  66. >As you eat, you can't help but start thinking about the guys that used her
  67. >How the fuck could they tell you that they were all nice and generous when a mare was starving in the streets
  68. >It was times like this when you were tempted to just release everything you had and cause some chaos
  69. >But that was for later, for now you had to take care of your newest helper
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