
The Golem King

Dec 7th, 2015
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  1. Long ago, before the towers of man touched the sky and the Stars contained the tales of the world. An ancient king of a forgotten land was grasping to life. He knew one way to save his life and rule forever. With the help of the royal wizards and Alchemist, his soul became freed from his body. Before it could pass to the other side, they placed inside the holly husk of a Golem.
  3. Immense power radiated from the golem. All but one of the the wizards and alchemists turned to dust, blown away by the wind. The Kings soul unlocked the true power of alchemy inside the Golem. Along with changing the elements around him, he could change his body to what he sees fit. With eyes more beautiful then diamonds. He ruled his land with no remorse or care for the people for many years.
  5. No one could stand up to him. Any who did turned to a statue, glass, stone, clay. All seemed lost for no one could stop this immortal ruler. That is until an unnamed knight, who asked for no thanks, came to the kingdom.
  7. "I challenged you King! You say you have the most powerful Alchemy abilities, prove them to me and I will give my life"
  9. The king only laughed at the foolish knight. "You Challenge my power?! You will make a fine addition to my collection."
  11. "You say you have power, but can you become the earth we walk on?"
  13. The kings body changed, rough and hard like the stone they walk on, eyes still glowing as the stars "Easy!"
  15. "You say you have power, but can you become more beautiful then the lords light?"
  17. The Kings body became glass shinning in the light. His blue eyes never changing as he stared down the Knight "Can your God do this?"
  19. The Knight challenged the King all night, the King never getting weaker. "You have challenged me enough, do you not realize I can not be beat?" The Knight had one more plan "You can become like anything on the world, but can you be human?"
  21. The gray clay became skin. His beautiful eyes of gems turning into those of a human. Once he finished The Knight attacked, sending the kings human head flying with one slash. Killing him.
  23. His flesh removed and bones grinded to dust, placed in tomb away to fall of the side of the earth. Never to see the light of day again.
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