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Jul 19th, 2011
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  1. http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=mobile&hl=true&hl.fl=*&hl.fragsize=
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  17. <str name="author">Rohit</str>
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  19. <str>application/msword</str>
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  21. <str name="id">doc-qualcomm</str>
  22. <str name="keywords">mobile,qualcomm,manufacturer</str>
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  25. Qualcomm Qualcomm From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Qualcomm Research Center and Office of the Chief Scientist in San Diego, CA. Qualcomm ( HYPERLINK "" \o "NASDAQ" NASDAQ : HYPERLINK "" QCOM ) is an HYPERLINK "" \o "United States" American wireless telecommunications research and development company, as well as the largest HYPERLINK "" \o "Fabless" fabless chip supplier in the world, based in HYPERLINK ",_California" \o "San Diego, California" San Diego , HYPERLINK "" \o "California" California . Corporate history Qualcomm was founded in 1985 by HYPERLINK "" \o "MIT" MIT Alumni and HYPERLINK "" \o "UC San Diego" UC San Diego Professor HYPERLINK "" \o "Irwin M. Jacobs" Irwin Jacobs , HYPERLINK "" \o "MIT" MIT and HYPERLINK "" \o "University of Southern California" USC Alumni HYPERLINK "" \o "Andrew Viterbi" Andrew Viterbi , Harvey White, Adelia Coffman, Andrew Cohen, Klein Gilhousen, and Franklin Antonio. Jacobs and Viterbi had previously founded HYPERLINK "" \o "Linkabit" Linkabit . Qualcomm's first products and services included the OmniTRACS satellite locating and messaging service, used by long-haul trucking companies, developed from a product called Omninet owned by HYPERLINK "" \o "Nazarian family" Parviz Nazarian and HYPERLINK "" \o "Neil Kadisha" Neil Kadisha , and specialized
  27. -----------------TRUNCATED---------------
  29. HYPERLINK "" \o "United States" United States , and HYPERLINK "" \o "Vietnam" Vietnam . [ HYPERLINK "" \o "Edit section: See also" edit ]See also HYPERLINK ",_California.svg" INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET HYPERLINK "" \o "Portal:San Diego" San Diego portal HYPERLINK "" INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET HYPERLINK "" \o "Portal:Companies" Companies portal HYPERLINK "" \o "Business incubator" Business incubator HYPERLINK "" \o "Smartbook" Smartbook HYPERLINK "" \o "Snapdragon (processor)" Snapdragon HYPERLINK "" \o "DTRACS" DTRACS
  30. </str>
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  33. <str>Qualcomm</str>
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  40. <str>
  41. , a <em>mobile</em> user interface (UI) software development company, based in Cambridge, UK. After integrating the company, Qualcomm re-branded their interface markup language and its accompanying integrated development environment (IDE) as HYPERLINK "" \o "UiOne (page does not exist)" uiOne . In March 2009, Qualcomm informed their Cambridge engineering staff, mostly from the division working on HYPERLINK "
  42. </str>
  43. </arr>
  44. </lst>
  45. </lst>
  46. </response>
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