
Gatorbait - Rejecting Sunset

Jun 2nd, 2014
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  1. >Just another day at your new school
  2. >Canterlot High
  3. >Ugh
  4. >Sighing, you push your way through the crowd of students and make your way to your locker.
  5. >As you fiddle with your broke ass locker there's a quiet sound from behind you.
  6. >Glancing over your shoulder you spot
  7. >Fuck
  8. >Sunset Shimmer.
  9. >She gives a friendly wave with her fingers and smirks.
  10. >"Hey Anon."
  11. >You grunt and go back to trying to open your locker.
  12. >She's hot, but she's the Queen Bitch around here and you don't want any part of that.
  13. >Just as you manage to get the door open, Sunset leans in.
  14. >She presses her shoulder against the locker and slams it shut in the process, giving you a coy but dangerous smile.
  15. >"I said good morning, aren't you going to say anything back?"
  16. >Sighing, you shrug and shake your head.
  17. "What's up, Sunset?"
  18. >Her smile brightens a little as she stalks around to your other side.
  19. >Like a giant fucking cat, she is.
  20. >Another smirk as she lifts your chin ever so slightly with her index finger.
  21. >"Well, I was thinking that since the Fall Formal is coming up and you're new to the school, you could use a date."
  22. >Please.
  23. >You're not interested in that shit.
  24. >...Okay maybe a little.
  25. >Seeing you consider her offer, Sunset smiles wider.
  26. >"I thought so. Well, here's a once in a lifetime opportunity. You. And. Me."
  27. >She takes great care to emphasize the last three words, inching closer with each utterance until her fingers rest on your chest and her face is a breath away from yours.
  28. >With a coy look in her eyes, she raises her eyebrow.
  29. >"What do you say?"
  30. >The heady scent of her perfume is intoxicating, but after a few seconds you shake it off.
  31. >You open your locker and shrug.
  32. "Yeah, nah, you're a cunt."
  33. >Collecting your books, you slam the door shut and walk away from Stunnedset Shimmer.
  34. >After several seconds, you hear her shout after you.
  36. >You shrug and keep walking.
  37. >So much for the normal school life you'd been hoping for.
  39. >Lunchtime
  40. >You manage to avoid the grey glop Ol'Granny was slinging onto everyone's plate
  41. >Thank goodness for the little things
  42. >As you take an uneasy bite into your 100% all-recycled beef burger, you feel someone tap you on the shoulder.
  43. >Out of the corner of your eye you see it's Sunset Shimmer.
  44. >Here we go.
  45. >Without bothering to swallow, you turn your head and grin.
  46. >You make sure to showcase the gristle you bit into.
  47. >Sunset's face falls ever so slightly, but that doesn't stop her from sitting down next to you.
  48. >Fucking cunt, you'll need to step up your game.
  49. >"Listen, Anonymous. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot."
  50. >You swallow the food in your mouth, making a show of licking your chops to knock loose anything hanging around and disgust the hell out of her.
  51. >It doesn't work as well as you hoped.
  52. >Leaning in closer, she gives a strained smile.
  53. >"I think that both of us can benefit here. I need a date to the Fall Formal and you can gain some credibility. It's hard being the new kid, believe me I know."
  54. >Placing a hand over the black pit of her heart, Sunset arches her eyebrows and gives you a pleading look.
  55. >"So, let's help each other."
  56. >Cunt or not, she sure knows how to work the puppy dog pout.
  57. >Would it really be that bad?
  58. >A quick glance around the cafeteria confirms that, yes, it would be that bad.
  59. >Everyone and their brother are staring at the two of you.
  60. >Though Sunset's right, you could use some credibility.
  61. >Reaching up, you place a hand on her shoulder and smile.
  62. >The girl smiles up at you, expectant.
  63. "Not a fucking chance."
  64. >You pat her on the cheek twice before getting up and leaving your lunch behind.
  65. >For some reason you've lost your appetite.
  66. >Oh well
  67. >The stares fueling your ego will hold you over until you get home.
  68. >You just hope the bitch gets where you're coming from this time.
  70. >Fucking drama whores.
  72. >The boy’s locker room reeks of B.O. and feet.
  73. >You suppress the urge to gag as you change and head back out onto the gym floor.
  74. >The basketball coach stands in front of the students and nods his head
  75. >"All right, for you slowpokes that are just coming out, we're playing dodgeball today."
  76. >Ah yes, dodgeball.
  77. >The great equalizer.
  78. >You smile a little at the mental image of drilling Sunset Shimmer in the face with an over sized ball
  79. >A man can dream...
  80. >As you stand and chuckle at the thought, you hear a familiar voice call out to you.
  81. >"Anonymous!"
  82. >Your eyes snap open and settle on...
  83. >Vietnam fucking shits, it's Sunset Shimmer
  84. >She gives her usual finger wave and grins.
  85. >"You're on my team!"
  86. >It figures.
  87. >You drag yourself over to her and try to look as sullen as possible.
  88. >The rest of the class shares your pain.
  89. >After splitting up into several teams, the coach pits you against one another in different locations around the gym.
  90. >Sunset gives a few brief orders to the rest of the grunts on her team before turning to you.
  91. >She opens her mouth, but you cut her off.
  92. "Look, I'm not interested in going with you to the Fall Formal. Why can't you get that?"
  93. >The popular priss pouts, pursing her lips into a thin line.
  94. >"Well that's all fine and good Anonymous, I kind of figured that out at lunch."
  95. >Awkward...
  96. "W-well fine then. Glad to hear it."
  97. >Sunset giggles a little and holds out her hand.
  98. >"Let's agree to leave all that behind us and have a good time, okay?"
  99. >You stare at the offered hand for several seconds before nodding and wrapping your own hand around hers, giving it a firm shake.
  100. >She smiles wide, and for a moment you almost feel bad for being so mean to her.
  101. >After all, what had she done to you anyway?
  102. >The coach's whistle tears through the air and you suddenly feel yourself being twisted around.
  103. "Hu-uh? Wait!"
  104. >You shout, even as Sunset flips you around so that you face the oncoming hail of dodge balls.
  105. >One hits you in the face.
  107. >Another in the gut.
  108. >And another in the dick.
  109. “Ow…”
  110. >You make an attempt to keel over and die, but Sunset has your arm locked behind your back, forcing you up on your toes as you try to free yourself.
  111. >She gives a small laugh and pats you twice on the cheek with her free hand.
  112. >"Like I said, the two of us should make sure we have fun today."
  113. >"Anonymous! You're out!"
  114. >The coach cries out and you feel Sunset's grip on your arm loosen.
  115. >You crumple to the ground, cradling your bruised... pride.
  116. >The devil woman gives a small grin before catching an incoming ball and hurling it right back into the face of her opponent.
  117. >"See you at the next match, Anonymous."
  118. >With a wave of her fingers Sunset struts away, her long legs on full display before she starts her rampage of revenge.
  119. >Who knew that a girl like her was so proficient at catching, throwing and generally handling balls?
  120. >Before long the match is over.
  121. >Sunset plops down beside you, wiping off her face and neck with a towel before dropping it on your face.
  122. >"Here, clean yourself up a bit. You're a mess."
  123. >Sputtering, you drag the soggy sheet off of you and glare at Sunset.
  124. "You're a bitch, you know that?"
  125. >A long moment passes before she turns to you and smiles.
  126. >"You have no idea."
  127. >Another whistle signifies from the coach and Sunset pulls you to your feet.
  128. >Her hand, despite her prickly exterior, is incredibly soft.
  129. >You have the piece of mind this time to move as far away from Sunset as possible before the whistle is blown again.
  130. >As you hurl back another ball, you see another come flying back towards you.
  131. >No time to move your hands back.
  132. >Shit
  133. >Resigning yourself to getting hit, you sigh and wait for the inevitable
  134. >The sound of rubber of skin rings through the gym.
  135. >But you don't feel the ball hit home.
  136. >Glancing down, you see Sunset's hands positioned in front of your middle.
  137. >She gives you a coy smile.
  139. >You're about to say something when she yanks you in front of her again, leaving you face to face with one another this time.
  140. >A ball pings off your back and rockets up towards the ceiling.
  141. >This fucking cunt.
  142. >"Anonymous! You're out!"
  143. >Flinching at the coach's words, you glare down at Sunset and sneer.
  144. "What happened to having fun?"
  145. >Sunset winks and gives you a small shove.
  146. >"I don't know about you, but I am having fun. Aren't you?"
  147. >When you don't respond, she shrugs and sighs.
  148. >"Well that's not my problem. Though, if you wanted to go to the Fall For-"
  149. "Nope."
  150. >You throw your hands up into the air and storm off towards the locker room.
  151. >Coach calls after you.
  152. >"Hey, Anonymous! Where are you going? If you don't stay out here I'm going to have to mark you absent!"
  153. "Go ahead!"
  154. >You shout back, shooting Sunset a look.
  155. >She seems stunned.
  156. >Good.
  157. >You hope she gets hit in the face.
  158. >Anyway, fuck gym.
  159. >It’s stupid.
  160. >As you push your way into the locker room there's another wet ringing sound of rubber on flesh followed by a whistle.
  161. >"Shimmer, you're out!"
  162. >You really hope whoever that was enjoyed that hit.
  163. >Because you sure did.
  165. >Last period of the day.
  166. >You find yourself glaring at the clock.
  167. >It's been an eternity since you started staring.
  168. >You're convinced the hands have stopped moving.
  169. >At last, they creak into place and the bell chimes throughout the school.
  170. >Hurriedly jumping to your feet, you cram your stuff into your backpack and make a beeline for the door.
  171. >Just as you step out into the open air, you feel a palm smack your chest.
  172. >It doesn't hurt, but it stings enough to make you grit your teeth.
  173. >Glaring down, you aren't the least bit surprised when you see the green-eyed she-devil staring up at you.
  174. >She doesn't look too happy either, but you couldn't really give a single fuck about that.
  175. "What do you want?"
  176. >Sunset is quiet for a moment before reaching down and taking your hand.
  177. >"I really need to talk to you."
  178. >Nope, not again.
  179. >You pull your hand free of her and shake your head.
  180. "Not a chance. I've already said my piece."
  181. >Stomping her foot, Sunset glares at you.
  182. >"Fine, then at least listen to what I have to say!"
  183. >Despite every nerve in your body telling you to choke this bitch, you cross your arms and raise an eyebrow.
  184. "What's up?"
  185. >Sunset sighs and glances around before scowling and leaning up to whisper in your ear.
  186. >"Look, Flash and I are... not doing so well."
  187. "You broke up."
  188. >Your deadpan doesn't seem to phase her, though she does sneer a little before continuing.
  189. >"Fine. But I need a date, otherwise Snips and Snails are going to be hounding me all night."
  190. >She jerks her thumb in the direction of the Doofus Duo.
  191. >You glance over at them, noting that they seem fully focused on picking lint out of their belly buttons and comparing them against one another.
  192. >Ick.
  193. >Nobody deserves that.
  195. >With a tug on your shirt, Sunset draws your attention back to her.
  196. >"It's just for one night. I would..."
  197. >Gritting her teeth, she hisses.
  198. >"Really...appreciate... your help."
  199. >With a heavy sigh, you shrug.
  200. "Sure, fine. Whatever. Can I go home?"
  201. >Sunset's face brightens and she claps her hands together.
  202. >"Oh thank you!"
  203. >She hops up onto her toes and gives you a peck on the cheek.
  204. >"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
  205. >Hopping down the stairs, she turns to you with a smile and stars in her eyes.
  206. >"It's next Friday, we'll meet here at the school. You won't forget, will you?"
  207. >A shake of your head is enough to send her bouncing over to the Lint Lords.
  208. >Well, that's enough of that.
  209. >You make your way home, but press your hand to your cheek several times over.
  210. >It felt, kind of nice.
  211. >
  212. >
  213. "What the fuck are you niggers doing? Are you fucking blind? Guard the fucking point!"
  214. >You screech into the headset.
  215. >Fucking preteens, can't play shit.
  216. >Sighing, you take a break and sip on your drink.
  217. >Despite your unquenchable rage, there's something nice about playing video games on the weekend.
  218. >Almost, liberating.
  219. >It sure is a good thing you didn't have any plans.
  220. >You smile and mark through the calendar on your wall.
  221. >In big red letters it reads, "Stand up Sunset Shimmer."
  222. >Part of you does feel bad about it, but it's good for her to get used to disappointment.
  223. >It's not like she's going to destroy the school or anything when Twilight Sparkle beats her out for Fall Formal Queen.
  224. >Besides, you've already got a date
  225. >Grabbing another handful of snacks, you return to the lobby and get ready for another game.
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