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Jul 16th, 2011
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  1. (RabbitBot has been restarted here)
  2. <Kus> cassidyjames, i dont think that it solves anything i have
  3. <Kus> asked
  4. <cassidyjames> Kus: What're you trying to do?
  5. <Kus> where should the "--pkg gstreamer-0.10" part be placed in the CMakelists.txt?
  6. <cassidyjames> Kus: Oh.
  7. <Kus> compile something with gstreamer
  8. <cassidyjames> Kus: Uh, no clue. :-/
  9. <Kus> maybe tomorrow
  10. <Kus> bye all
  11. <samtate> ah fuck this email stuff
  12. <samtate> I'll fix it tomorrow
  13. <samtate> Bye everyone
  14. * samtate got disconnected.
  15. * TonyGorski got connected.
  16. * timorei got connected.
  17. * eos-site-user8 got connected.
  18. <andydam> Hi, I'm trying to boot Elementary OS off a live cd.
  19. <andydam> And I'm getting a black screen after the boot menu.
  20. <andydam> How can I get it to work?
  21. <andydam> My graphics card is a 4870X2.
  22. <andydam> Anyone?
  23. <andydam> Anyone here?
  24. * eos-site-user1 got connected.
  25. <timorei> sortof
  26. <timorei> but honestly, I don't know how to help - sry. I only know nvidia-pain
  27. <ampharos> next time buy intel and a gaming console
  28. <andydam> :|
  29. <ampharos> i got sick of that graphics card crap before i installed any linux
  30. <ampharos> intel just works and offers pretty decent OGL performance
  31. <ampharos> enough for TUX RACER
  32. <andydam> not enough for crysis
  33. <ampharos> an xbox is ;)
  34. <andydam> :\
  35. <ampharos> i just bought and xbox and only played older PC games
  36. <ampharos> besides, they just port console games nowadays anyways
  37. <andydam> i guess
  38. <andydam> so i guess im screwed?
  39. <andydam> elementary does work fine on my mac though
  40. <andydam> which also has an ati card
  41. <ampharos> ask around in #ubuntu
  42. <ampharos> elementary is basically 10.10 with sp,e updates applied anyways
  43. <andydam> alright
  44. <ampharos> if ubuntu 10.10 doesn't work elementary likely won;t
  45. <ampharos> so try natty and immediately install the luna preview
  46. <andydam> how do i set the resolution in the live cd boot menu
  47. <ampharos> try safe mode
  48. <andydam> safe mode?
  49. <ampharos> it will at least give you vesa with low res
  50. <andydam> what are the parameters for it?
  51. <ampharos> if vesa doesn't work your hardware's fucked up
  52. <andydam> theres no option on the live cd boot menu
  53. <ampharos> it should be in the boot menu
  54. <andydam> im trying to boot off of the live cd
  55. <ampharos> yes
  56. <ampharos> it should be a menu you can access in the CD
  57. <andydam> alright ill go see
  58. <ampharos> mash space before you see the elementary bootsplash
  59. <ampharos> or whatever
  60. <ampharos> safemode should be there
  61. <andydam> alright
  62. <ampharos> and when you install as well
  63. <andydam> i cant even get to the bootsplash
  64. <ampharos> i gtg
  65. <andydam> :|
  66. <andydam> alright tanks
  67. <andydam> *thanks
  68. <ampharos> well just mash space!
  69. <andydam> are you still here ampharos?
  70. <andydam> :|
  71. <andydam> theres no safe mode
  72. * DanRabbit got connected.
  73. <andydam> ahah!
  74. <andydam> nomodeset did the trick
  75. * hasenj got connected.
  76. * Cory` got connected.
  77. * pspeter3 got connected.
  78. <pspeter3> What text editor do the elementary devs code in?
  79. * eos-site-user1 got connected.
  80. <eos-site-user1> some days ago i re-install ubuntu natty on my laptop but when i tried to install patheon-session i have a problem of dependencies broken i think its caused by a packaged named pantheon-wallpaper how can i fixed where i got this package?
  81. * opt1ckz got connected.
  82. * traskers got connected.
  83. * magn3ts got connected.
  84. <magn3ts> Is Marlin still being developed? And in the same light, is the column browsing in Marlin being developed?
  85. <traskers> Marlin is still being developed (though I'm not one of the developers, heh).
  86. <magn3ts> thank god.
  87. <magn3ts> not that you're not a dev :P but that it's still being worked on.
  88. <magn3ts> I was having nightmares of still using nautilus 5 years from now.
  89. <magn3ts> but the column browsing is seriously broken for whoever is developing it :P they're probably aware of that though.
  90. <DanRabbit> magn3ts: what breakage are you experiencing?
  91. <magn3ts> The context menu doesn't work on any column but the first.
  92. <magn3ts> Mouse releases weren't registering.
  93. <magn3ts> I can't shift/ctrl/+- select multiple files.
  94. <DanRabbit> oh yea I can confirm
  95. <magn3ts> at least in whatever version is in the ppa at the moment, I'm not building it right now
  96. <DanRabbit> magn3ts: have you checked to make sure there were bug reports for those issues?
  97. <traskers> Whenever I load slingshot (just by clicking Apps) I don't see any of my applications?
  98. <magn3ts> tbh, no. I didn't know marlin was to a point they're taking bug repots
  99. <DanRabbit> magn3ts:
  100. <magn3ts> I hate filing bug reports :[
  101. <magn3ts> But I shall...
  102. <magn3ts> well one of them is already there.
  103. * eos-site-user6 got connected.
  104. <andydam> Can someone help me with networking?
  105. <andydam> I can't get my wifi card to show up in network connections.
  106. <andydam> I installed the drivers, and I can scan for wifi networks with iwlist.
  107. <andydam> I have a Linksys AE1000.
  108. <davidboy> andydam: Does it work for you in ubuntu?
  109. <andydam> No idea.
  110. <davidboy> andydam: Ah, ok
  111. * curtism got connected.
  112. <ammonkey> hello magn3ts yes column view is not achived.
  113. <ammonkey> achieved*
  114. <magn3ts> ok, well I went ahead and filed a bug report against the context menu and someone else did for the multi select.
  115. <magn3ts> I love the column browsing. About the only good thing from Finder and a huge step up over having multiple nautilus windows strewn about.
  116. <curtism> hello
  117. <curtism> what would be the best way for me try out the latest elementary stuff?
  118. <davidboy> curtism: Someone is working on a new app to let people try out all the elementary apps easily
  119. <curtism> well, until then?
  120. * arpu got connected.
  121. <ammonkey> curtism: hello, we have a devlopment ppa with unstable stuff here:
  122. <curtism> thanks
  123. <curtism> now, to remember how APT works
  124. * Davyd_ got connected.
  125. * Akterbat got connected.
  126. <Akterbat> Hello all
  127. <ammonkey> hello
  128. <davidboy> curtism: sudo add-apt-ppa ppa:elementaryart/elementary-dev
  129. <curtism> ammonkey: what's the best base for this? jupiter, or an ubuntu 11.04 install, or anything else?
  130. <ammonkey> curtism: oneiric
  131. <andydam> Can you help me out with my wifi problem?
  132. <Akterbat> First of all I wanted to say thanks to the devs for starting and continuing to support this project. I really think this distro is destined to reshape the face of Linux on the desktop.
  133. <curtism> ammonkey: oh my, link to latest ISO?
  134. <andydam> I can't get it to show in Network Connections.
  135. <Akterbat> Let me start by saying that I actually pre-ordered the Jupiter disc back in... January(?). Is there any word on when (or if) those will be shipping?
  136. <ammonkey> curtism:
  137. <curtism> ammonkey: thanks
  138. <ammonkey> Akterbat: hello, the official release is still "when it's ready". But it would probably be arround oneiric. We ll see, it's too soon for now to really give u a date.
  139. <curtism> ammonkey: is there a meta-package that gets me the whole elementary "DE"?
  140. <ammonkey> elementary-desktop or pantheon
  141. <curtism> awesome
  142. <Akterbat> So does that mean you'll be skipping Jupiter and just sending out Luna discs?
  143. <andydam> :|
  144. <ammonkey> Akterbat: that s the idea
  145. <andydam> I can't get my wifi adapter to show up in the Network Connections.
  146. <ammonkey> Akterbat: The people who ordered Jupiter cd already received a mail from us.
  147. <Akterbat> Email or actual mail?
  148. <andydam> I installed drivers, and iwlist works.
  149. <andydam> :(
  150. * seandavis got connected.
  151. <andydam> ammonkey: Can you help me out?
  152. <ammonkey> Akterbat: email
  153. <ammonkey> andydam: i am really not a wifi specialist sorry ;)
  154. <seandavis> What's the recommended setup for elementary dev?
  155. <traskers> Anyone else have a blank slingshot? Whenever I click Apps my slingshot pops up and my windows minimise and all, but the application icons don't show up?
  156. <ammonkey> oneiric archlinux.. whatever run gtk3 and gnome3 libraries.
  157. <Akterbat> Heh. Can't find the email, only a PayPal receipt. Oh well.
  158. <seandavis> alrighty. thanks
  159. <ammonkey> traskers: distribution?
  160. <curtism> yeah uh, NONE of the AUR packages for elementary projects work
  161. <traskers> ammonkey, playing with Luna :P
  162. <curtism> that's why i'm settings up a oneiric VM
  163. <traskers> ammonkey, 0.0.1~pre-0~48~natty1 is the version of slingshot-launcher
  164. <ammonkey> traskers: sudo ln -s /etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus/
  165. <traskers> File exists.
  166. <ammonkey> strange then
  167. <ammonkey> maybe u should wait a few second the first launch is not really instant :s (we need to fix that)
  168. <Akterbat> So clarify the optimum setup for testing luna: bzr branch lp:elementaryos, use oneiric daily iso, ./
  169. <traskers> I have waited and it never shows up. It used to show up after a second or two :P
  170. <traskers> ammonkey, looking further into it, I don't actually have /etc/xdg/menus/ o.O
  171. <ammonkey> Akterbat: indeed, build your iso or ubuntu oneiric + our ppa is good too for testing until official realeases.
  172. <Akterbat> Which PPA is it? You've got at least a handful.
  173. * ilmenite got connected.
  174. <ammonkey> traskers: u mean the link "/etc/xdg/menus/" point to a missing file?
  175. <traskers> ammonkey, yes, there is no in /etc/xdg/menus :\
  176. <ammonkey> Akterbat: ppa:elementaryart/elementary-dev
  177. <ammonkey> traskers: sudo apt-get install gnome-menus
  178. <Akterbat> ammonkey, thanks
  179. <traskers> ammonkey, is already the newest version.
  180. <ammonkey> it should provide the good file then :D
  181. <traskers> I do have an that I simply copied to and everything seems to work now?
  182. <Akterbat> ammonkey, Slingshot doesn't work without compisiting, right?
  183. <Akterbat> I've been having troubles with oneiric and compositing in virtualbox
  184. <ammonkey> yes slingshot need a menu file whatever, whatever menu u can build with alacarte.
  185. <ammonkey> Akterbat: don't know, must be ugly without composition, if u don't have compositor u probably use other menu applications like cardapio.
  186. <ammonkey> (wingpanel should launch cardapio if slinshot is not installed and cardapio is)
  187. * Kreative` got connected.
  188. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  189. <Akterbat|Away> thanks again for the help ammonkey
  190. <andydam> :|
  191. * ilmenite got connected.
  192. * Kreative` got connected.
  193. * PotentChili got connected.
  194. * kalikiana got disconnected.
  195. * ilmenite_ got connected.
  196. * Kreative` got connected.
  197. * btkostner got connected.
  198. * hcabaguio got connected.
  199. <hcabaguio> I'm bored
  200. <hcabaguio> you know what I'm gonna do?
  201. <hcabaguio> I'm gonna start using the cloud more extensibly
  202. <hcabaguio> so
  203. <Kreative`> hcabaguio, noo, don't let it grab you
  204. <Kreative`> the cloud is a lie, the cloud is a lie.
  205. <cassidyjames> the cloud = the Internet
  206. <cassidyjames> The cloud is just a buzzword for the Internet.
  207. <cassidyjames> :)
  208. <Kreative`> Well, "the cloud" is still intimidating
  209. <Kreative`> :L
  210. <hcabaguio> so
  211. <hcabaguio> what "cloud" services do you guys use?
  212. <Kreative`> hcabaguio, Ubuntu One at the most, and some Google apps.
  213. <seandavis> I used to be exclusively Dropbox. Now I've switched over to Ubuntu One
  214. <seandavis> have any of you attempted to build granite?
  215. <cassidyjames> hcabaguio: I use Internet-based services like Google Docs, Ubuntu One, Picasa...
  216. <cassidyjames> hcabaguio: Google Music..
  217. <cassidyjames> uh...
  218. <cassidyjames> seandavis: Not super lately, but I have in the past.
  219. <cassidyjames> hcabaguio: YouTube...
  220. <seandavis> maybe you know a quick solution to this?
  221. <cassidyjames> hcabaguio: Grooveshark
  222. <Kreative`> cassidyjames, I have little files on the internet besides emails, I just feel "paranoid" about something happening and stuff dissapearing.
  223. <Kreative`> I guess you can say I'm "self-reliable", just having my stuff on my own storage devices makes me feel more comfortable.
  224. <cassidyjames> Kreative`: The beauty of syncing with the Internet-based services is that you can have it in both places. ;)
  225. <cassidyjames> seandavis: shoot
  226. <seandavis> ** (valac:15551): CRITICAL **: vala_data_type_get_value_owned: assertion 'self != NULL' failed
  227. <Kreative`> Well of course, but having stuff on a small 500 GB hdd that I always have feels better imo ^^
  228. <cassidyjames> seandavis: probably have to upgrade vala?
  229. <cassidyjames> seandavis: are you using the unstable upstream ppa?
  230. <seandavis> running oneiric and using the elementary-dev ppa, trying to build granite and maya
  231. <cassidyjames> seandavis: I think you have to add the unstable upstream ppa.
  232. <cassidyjames> seandavis: But I've not used it on Oneiric, so I'm not sure.
  233. <cassidyjames> seandavis: I've only ever used Natty as a base.
  234. <seandavis> unstable upstream for elementary or vala?
  235. <cassidyjames> seandavis: elementary.
  236. <seandavis> k
  237. <cassidyjames> !google elementaryart unstable upstream | seandavis
  238. * Akterbat got connected.
  239. <Akterbat> So I downloaded the nightly ISO, bzr branched it, ran sudo ./ and it says "/home/anybody/elementaryos/temp/remaster-iso/casper/filesystem.squashfs: No such file or directory"
  240. <Akterbat> full log:
  241. * chawsum got connected.
  242. * Daniel_ got connected.
  243. <Akterbat> the DanRabbit?
  244. <Daniel_> Hey does anybody know how to fix the gdm black screen thingy
  245. <Akterbat> guess not
  246. <Akterbat> I retract my statement.
  247. <Akterbat> :)
  248. <DanRabbit> I'm on my phone :p
  249. <Akterbat> Well then I don't know if /you/ can help me, but:
  250. <Akterbat> So I downloaded the nightly ISO, bzr branched it, ran sudo ./ and it says "/home/anybody/elementaryos/temp/remaster-iso/casper/filesystem.squashfs: No such file or directory"
  251. <Akterbat> full log:
  252. <Akterbat> I also tried to just install oneiric then use the elementaryart/elementary-dev ppa but it's completely broken
  253. <Akterbat> for me anyway.
  254. <DanRabbit> No I have no idea how that works sorry
  255. <seandavis> cassidyjames: Just a heads up. Got it running. Thanks!
  256. <Akterbat> DanRabbit: so who does the actual technical stuff?
  257. <Akterbat> btw I just wanted to say thanks for starting this project... it has the potential to really revolutionize the way people view Linux as a desktop OS.
  258. <DanRabbit> Akterbat: As far as ebuild goes that's mainly shnatsel
  259. <Akterbat> I see. Well thanks for you help anyway!
  260. * seandavis got disconnected.
  261. <Akterbat> Yes! I see we now have drag toolbar to move windows!
  262. * DanRabbit got connected.
  263. * eos-site-user0 got connected.
  264. <eos-site-user0> hi, some brazilian here?
  265. <Akterbat> wb
  266. <Akterbat> I see toolbars now drag the window. (finally!)
  267. * choonming got connected.
  268. <Akterbat> DanRabbit: are you planning to implement a modal dialog effect like oneiric is?
  269. <DanRabbit> Akterbat: IIRC, that's being implemented in Compiz so then yes we'll inherit it
  270. <Akterbat> DanRabbit: I'm curious, why are you switching to your own Control Center when GNOME 3 already has a pretty decent one?
  271. <DanRabbit> Akterbat: mainly because GNOME 3's control center is going to disallow third party panes in the future. So if it's not an official part of gnome, it can't go there
  272. <Akterbat> DanRabbit: I see.
  273. <DanRabbit> But also because we don't just leave things that are "good enough" if it can be done better we should do it better.
  274. <Akterbat> A good philosophy.
  275. <Akterbat> Is there a launchpad page for elementary-terminal?
  276. <DanRabbit> Switchboard's design is something I think that distributors (especially OEM's) can really get into.
  277. <DanRabbit> lp:pantheon-terminal
  278. <Akterbat> Thanks
  279. <Akterbat> Also, I was on last night and I read about Contractor... wow.
  280. <Akterbat> It's just a great, simple idea.
  281. * dashua got connected.
  282. <btkostner> DanRabbit: has there been any work on slingshot like your mockup?
  283. <DanRabbit> btkostner: not that I'm aware of
  284. <btkostner> :(
  285. <Akterbat> DanRabbit: Are we still planning on implementing GoboHide and/or AppImages
  286. <Akterbat> ?
  287. <DanRabbit> Akterbat: There was some interest in playing with GoboHide but no work has been done. AFAIK none of the blocking issues with AppImages were ever solved either
  288. <Akterbat> DanRabbit: Unfortunately both those things are way over my head otherwise I'd love to help out. :)
  289. <Akterbat> I can't really code quite yet but I have a decent technical knowledge, perhaps I could help plan out how it could work?
  290. <btkostner> good bye world
  291. <Akterbat> btkostner: bye!
  292. * btkostner got disconnected.
  293. * evfool got connected.
  294. * seif got connected.
  295. * sagarchalise got connected.
  296. * samtate got connected.
  297. <samtate> hey
  298. <samtate> join #android
  299. <samtate> oh dear :P I forgot the /
  300. * vish got connected.
  301. * seif got connected.
  302. * Devil505 got connected.
  303. * Devil505 got connected.
  304. * mhr3 got connected.
  305. * ricotz got connected.
  306. * ricotz got connected.
  307. * Wingcommander got connected.
  308. * aquarius got connected.
  309. * azend got connected.
  310. * timorei got connected.
  311. * TonyGorski got connected.
  312. * evfool got connected.
  313. * Wingcommander got disconnected.
  314. * vish got connected.
  315. * arpu got connected.
  316. * juliomino got connected.
  317. * juliomino got disconnected.
  318. * hrhnick got connected.
  319. * mhr3 got connected.
  320. * samtate got connected.
  321. * ilmenite got connected.
  322. * Moort got connected.
  323. * azend_ got connected.
  324. * opt1ckz got connected.
  325. * curtism got connected.
  326. * aquarius got connected.
  327. * ilmenite got connected.
  328. * samtate got connected.
  329. * [1]lsrline got connected.
  330. * opt1ckz_ got connected.
  331. * datagutt got connected.
  332. * aquarius got connected.
  333. * daker got connected.
  334. * aquarius got connected.
  335. * ilmenite_ got connected.
  336. * aquarius got connected.
  337. * shnatsel got connected.
  338. * seif got connected.
  339. * Gusions got connected.
  340. * eos-site-user4 got connected.
  341. <nicekiwi> Are the posts on the Journal page of the website ordered by anything like dates? any change they could appear somewhere? :)
  342. <samtate> nicekiwi: Huh?
  343. <samtate> Is the double posting happening for anyone else btw?
  344. * Kus got connected.
  345. <Kus> !logs
  346. * TonyGorski got connected.
  347. * samtate got disconnected.
  348. * samtate got connected.
  349. <samtate> back
  350. * darkmatter got connected.
  351. <nicekiwi> samtate: theres no indication on the journal posts as to which ones are recent, some new ones sometimes appare to be below old ones..
  352. <samtate> Urgh
  353. <samtate> nicekiwi: That is true, perhaps we could add a date somewhere. At the moment though, you can tell by how far down they are in the list :P
  354. * juliomino got connected.
  355. * juliomino got disconnected.
  356. <nicekiwi> #greeter ewwww!!
  357. <samtate> The elementary one looks so much nicer
  358. <nicekiwi> samtate: would be nice :P
  359. <samtate> We just need to get it made
  360. <nicekiwi> samtate: ha ha ha :D hello Lua <3
  361. <samtate> :P
  362. <samtate> There are so many elementary mockups floating around that need to be made :/
  363. <samtate> hell, I'd make them if I knew how :P
  364. <nicekiwi> same
  365. <samtate> YES!
  366. <samtate> InkScape works again"
  367. <nicekiwi> :D
  368. <Kus> sagarchalise, nice
  369. <Kus> i mean samtate
  370. <nicekiwi> although if HTML/CSS/JavaScript can be used anywhere im keen to play!! =D
  371. <samtate> nicekiwi: haha same :P
  372. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  373. * kheeper got connected.
  374. <kheeper> shnatsel: hey ho are you?
  375. <kheeper> shnatsel: *how
  376. <nicekiwi> *suddenly decides to learn Vala* :P
  377. <Kus> nicekiwi, Vala is not hard - it's like C#
  378. <Kus> for me the hardest part is all the GTK library use.
  379. <nicekiwi> *looks sheepish* i odnt know C# :P only PHP and aforementioned web languages
  380. <nicekiwi> dosent look VERY hard though
  381. <kheeper> nicekiwi: PHP, JavaScript, Java, Perl, Python all that is use for web developmnet and after while you will see all programming languages work same way no matter if it's desktop programming language, library programming language, C#, C++ and others
  382. <nicekiwi> yup
  383. <Kus> kheeper, yeah but there are languages like Prolog.
  384. <kheeper> I don't say ing I know all that stuff but I have a friend what know 11programming language and he sad this
  385. <nicekiwi> so many languages, so little time :P
  386. <kheeper> I tried one programming one thing in 6 programming languge and sad some of then was harder because it's wasn't the right choice but at the bottom it is almost same
  387. <kheeper> nicekiwi: lern one good! then you lern other and you see the other will be easy
  388. <Kus> functional programming languages and logic programming languages are quite different
  389. <kheeper> I start PHP as any other web developerm after 5years I start learn others
  390. <kheeper> I'm going to work see you guys
  391. <nicekiwi> bye :)
  392. * nicekiwi loves Mootools
  393. <Kus> nicekiwi, Vala is similar to Javascript too.
  394. <nicekiwi> :)
  395. * gotwig got connected.
  396. * m4n1sh got connected.
  397. * Wingcommander got connected.
  398. * Cory` got connected.
  399. * Marin_M got connected.
  400. * ampharos got connected.
  401. * ampharos got connected.
  402. * vish got connected.
  403. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  404. * Paspartouta got connected.
  405. <samtate> back
  406. <samtate> hi
  407. * Paspartout got connected.
  408. <gotwig> hey
  409. <gotwig> shnatsel: there?
  410. * vish got connected.
  411. * vish got connected.
  412. * ilmenite got connected.
  413. <gotwig> vish: hey
  414. <gotwig> ilmenite: hey
  415. <ilmenite> gotwig, found a bug in postler
  416. <ilmenite> doesnt compile
  417. <ilmenite> version 0.1.1
  418. <gotwig> ilmenite: report
  419. <gotwig> ilmenite: log?
  420. <ilmenite> * gotwig has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  421. <ilmenite> <ilmenite> build for postler failed
  422. <ilmenite> <ilmenite> someone please make the code compile right
  423. <ilmenite> <ilmenite> its postler 0.1.1
  424. <ilmenite> * arpu ( has joined #elementary
  425. <ilmenite> <ilmenite> this the build log
  426. <ilmenite> <ilmenite>
  427. * ampharos is away: Mkaysi is an arrogant douche who hates AFKers
  428. <ilmenite> gotwig, ^^ saw the log?
  429. <gotwig> ilmenite: wait
  430. <gotwig> ilmenite: I am working on Luna right now
  431. <gotwig> :P
  432. <ilmenite> please fix this bug, cant get any version, also tried 0.1.0
  433. <ilmenite> failed
  434. <ilmenite> same issue
  435. * Wingcommander got disconnected.
  436. <gotwig> elementary Software center, rofl
  437. * eos-site-user2 got connected.
  438. <ilmenite> lol
  439. * eos-site-user2 got disconnected.
  440. * xapantu got connected.
  441. * Marin_M got connected.
  442. <gotwig> when we use the tweaks from me, you are not able to install software in the software center
  443. <gotwig> I think
  444. <gotwig> but its elementary style
  445. <gotwig> hm, have to test more
  446. <gotwig> you can uninstall apps
  447. <gotwig> maybe its becouse some repos are deactivated at the live cd
  448. * Xazax got connected.
  449. <samtate>
  450. <samtate> And its finally done
  451. <gotwig> mockup, right :P?
  452. <samtate> gotwig: Yeah :P
  453. <gotwig> ask a dev, to do it ! :D
  454. <gotwig> in vala, of course :)
  455. <gotwig> hm, but I dont know
  456. <gotwig> theres maya, right
  457. <gotwig> in maya you can add tasks, or not?
  458. <samtate> gotwig: Me and Kus are supposed to be doing it
  459. <samtate> Infact, Kus got something pretty awesome already
  460. <gotwig> whats with maya, than?
  461. <Kus> not rly
  462. <samtate> (based on the old design)
  463. <Kus> gotwig, does maya have ToDo's?
  464. <gotwig> Kus: no, but you can add dates, etc.
  465. <gotwig> infos, to dates
  466. <samtate> And 1_1
  467. <gotwig> samtate: its a nice interface
  468. <gotwig> samtate: all in one window
  469. <samtate> gotwig: Thanks :D
  470. <Kus> how about tags?
  471. <samtate> Kus: People didnt seem to like tags much
  472. <gotwig> samtate: how about syncing :D ?
  473. <gotwig> samtate: I want tags :D
  474. <samtate> gotwig: Its going through EDS to Ubuntu One eventually
  475. <gotwig> samtate: when there are a million notes :P ?
  476. <gotwig> Ubuntu one, :P
  477. <gotwig> dont like it
  478. <samtate> nah I know
  479. <Kus> hmm, i would like to tag my todo's for work-school-hobby[1]-hobby[2] ....
  480. <samtate> I dont like it either
  481. <samtate> ok, ill do another mockup xD
  482. <gotwig> the data is not decrypted
  483. <samtate> INKSCAPE - YOU'RE NEEDED
  484. <gotwig> I mean the data is not encrypted
  485. <gotwig> all the data is somewhere
  486. <samtate> first off I need a shower - its boiling here
  487. <samtate> brb guys
  488. * ampharos is back (gone 00:56:16)
  489. <gotwig> example: I got that file:
  490. <samtate> We have to use it for now
  491. <gotwig> you can change it to , just one number , and you get to any other file
  492. <samtate> We dont have the resources to make ecloud now
  493. <samtate> lol ecloud
  494. <gotwig> you can see files, from people, that dont want it
  495. <gotwig> any files
  496. <gotwig> just change the numbers
  497. <gotwig> like a baby
  498. <samtate> Wow this is awesome
  499. <gotwig>, here is a song
  500. <samtate> Stealing peoplez filez
  501. <gotwig> I know, I am awesome xD
  502. <gotwig> all is not decrypted
  503. <gotwig> we have to index that
  504. <gotwig> and call it
  505. <gotwig>
  506. <gotwig> :D
  507. <gotwig> and than you can search trough all the files from people
  508. <gotwig> on dropbox, etc. its not that easy!
  509. <samtate> x
  510. <samtate> xD8
  511. <samtate> Dammit
  512. <gotwig> its not secure
  513. <gotwig> IMHO
  514. <gotwig> downloading that song now, I like it :D
  515. <samtate> Yep, but we need to use it for now :/
  516. <gotwig> every day, another song, at the same url :D
  517. <samtate> There are no alternatives
  518. <gotwig> samtate: why? whats with dropbox
  519. <samtate> :O piracy mr gotwig
  520. <gotwig> or alternatives
  521. <gotwig> there are a few
  522. <gotwig> piracy?
  523. <gotwig> why is that piracy?
  524. <samtate> Downloading a song :p
  525. <gotwig> -..- I found it!
  526. <samtate> xD
  527. <gotwig> like a baby
  528. <gotwig> :D
  529. <samtate> I found that song on Limewire, its not piracy honest!
  530. <samtate> </sarcasm>
  531. <gotwig> isnt limewire death?
  532. <gotwig> :D
  533. <samtate> yeah it is
  534. <gotwig> funny
  535. <gotwig> maybe this url is from a man, that uses ubuntu one with its mobile phone
  536. <samtate> I believe we'd have trouble using any other service than U1
  537. <gotwig> for streaming music
  538. <gotwig> whats with google calendar
  539. <gotwig> or sth like that
  540. <gotwig> like maya
  541. <samtate> maya is using eds too
  542. <gotwig> eds?
  543. <samtate> evolution data server
  544. <gotwig> I tought it will support google calendar..?
  545. <samtate> as in Maya will use evolution data server to back up to U1
  546. <samtate> I assume you can backup to gCal too
  547. <samtate> I just downloaded 3 whole tango albums from U1 xD
  548. * xapantu got connected.
  549. <Kus> D:
  550. <gotwig> hearing black eyed peas over ubuntu one
  551. <gotwig> lol
  552. <gotwig> samtate: how :D
  553. <gotwig> samtate: changing URL?
  554. <samtate> yep :P
  555. <gotwig> funny, right?
  556. <gotwig> I found yesterday a presentation, in german my motherlanguage, from someone, that will be hold today xD
  557. <gotwig> the date was (13.07.2011, german format)
  558. <samtate> 13th of July?
  559. <samtate> British format too :P
  560. <samtate> omg I hate the Ubuntu One control panel
  561. <samtate> we need eCloud
  562. * Local_Hero got connected.
  563. * davidboy got connected.
  564. <ilmenite> gotwig, any word on the build log i uploaded?
  565. * ilmenite got connected.
  566. * artir got connected.
  567. * artir got connected.
  568. * eos-site-user0 got connected.
  569. * gridaphobe got connected.
  570. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  571. <samtate> Kus: gotwig: I made a few changes to the mockups
  572. <samtate> Now they support tags
  573. <samtate>
  574. <gotwig> samtate: wanna see
  575. <samtate>
  576. <samtate> do you like the changes?
  577. * dardevelin got connected.
  578. <dardevelin> Hi everyone
  579. <samtate> dardevelin: Hi :)
  580. <gotwig> dardevelin: hey, do you have any issues?
  581. <gotwig> samtate: I dont like them :D
  582. <Local_Hero> samtate: lookin' good
  583. <samtate> gotwig: Why not?
  584. <gotwig> samtate: would be cool, if the search could be included, into the add bar
  585. <gotwig> so both is together
  586. <gotwig> becouse I liked the one before more
  587. <samtate> yeah but it didnt have tags ;)
  588. <gotwig> with just writing into the bar
  589. <Kus> samtate, then i would like to sort by tags.
  590. <gotwig> I like the one before more
  591. <gotwig> :P
  592. * ilmenite_ got connected.
  593. <gotwig> now there is unused space
  594. <samtate> hmm, I may expand the searchbar then
  595. <Kus> yeah
  596. <samtate> It would be rather weird having a search/add bar
  597. <gotwig> no
  598. <gotwig> lol
  599. <gotwig> :P
  600. <Kus> shnatsel, is there a granite build i can just install?
  601. <Kus> shnatsel, not compile?
  602. <gotwig> ok I go now testing Luna
  603. <gotwig> see ya
  604. <gotwig> live usb
  605. <shnatsel> Kus: yes there is
  606. <shnatsel> Kus: ppa:elementaryart/unstable-upstream
  607. <Kus> W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
  608. * AFD got connected.
  609. <AFD> hi guys
  610. <AFD> any reason I'd be able to install apps from the software center but not via apt-get in eOS on a LiveUSB?
  611. <shnatsel> Kus: yyeah, elementaryart/ppa is abandoned
  612. <shnatsel> AFD: hmm, probably no, I'm not aware of any]
  613. <shnatsel> AFD: try aptdaemon CLI bindings
  614. <shnatsel> AFD: aptdcon
  615. <shnatsel> AFD: it's CLI interface to the backend of Software Center
  616. <AFD> it's coming up with some options
  617. <AFD> but I can't install aptitude using it
  618. <samtate> !logs
  619. * ricotz got connected.
  620. * ricotz got connected.
  621. * timorei got connected.
  622. <AFD> shnatsel managed to install aptitude using aptdcon thanks ;)
  623. * Kreative` got connected.
  624. <shnatsel> AFD: that probably means that it's a bug in apt-get
  625. <samtate> lunaaaa
  626. <samtate> Lol it doesnt work for me
  627. <samtate> brb
  628. * Gusions got connected.
  629. * arpu got connected.
  630. * seif got connected.
  631. * timorei got connected.
  632. * ricotz got connected.
  633. * ricotz got connected.
  634. * Kreative` got connected.
  635. * evfool got connected.
  636. * novabyte got connected.
  637. <novabyte> samtate: hey
  638. <samtate> novabyte: Hi :)
  639. <samtate> novabyte: Hows it going?
  640. <novabyte> samtate: how's ergo going? changed the world of To do apps yet ;)
  641. <novabyte> samtate: I'm good, mixing thesis work and elementary-dev at the momeny
  642. <novabyte> *moment
  643. <novabyte> samtate: elementary-dev seems to be winning much more often than it should...
  644. <samtate> nah, Kus has done some great work on it and got something running, but it wont compile for me
  645. <samtate> Also I made some more mockups, see deviantart
  646. <novabyte> samtate: I'll check it out
  647. * Kreative` got connected.
  648. * kkris got connected.
  649. <novabyte> samtate: I like this mockup a lot
  650. <samtate> novabyte: I think I'm extending the search bar to the whole width though
  651. <dardevelin> samtate: what about storing the with in a variable and then make in the settings panel an option so user can set the with they want ?
  652. <samtate> dardevelin: Hmm seems a good idea
  653. <dardevelin> :D
  654. <novabyte> samtate: you might as well use the whole width of the toolbar
  655. <novabyte> seems like a good idea
  656. <samtate> Need to make a switchboard plug too eventually :P
  657. <samtate> and an icon :/
  658. <dardevelin> I'm learning C and i would like to be able to make GUI's any tips where should i start researching ?
  659. <novabyte> dardevelin: for elementary dev, or generally ?
  660. <dardevelin> generally
  661. <dardevelin> i think i need to know the basics 1st so i can then help on elementary dev
  662. <novabyte> dardevelin: on windows or linux ?
  663. <dardevelin> linux ( screw proprietary OS's
  664. <dardevelin> )
  665. <dardevelin> lmao
  666. <novabyte> dardevelin: lol, ok then don't learn C, go and learn Vala :)
  667. <dardevelin> well vala is C with classes
  668. <novabyte> dardevelin: GTK toolkit + a high level language
  669. <dardevelin> ok, got it i need to learn GTK toolkit
  670. <samtate> I get this when running ergo :/
  671. <novabyte> dardevelin: have you tried writing GTK code in C... long and tedious
  672. <dardevelin> lmao
  673. <dardevelin> not didn't tried anything with gtk yet
  674. <dardevelin> i ust to be a windows user and at that time wen i started was around visual basic
  675. <dardevelin> and so visual studio always took care of the GUI
  676. <samtate> yeah same :P
  677. <dardevelin> i have some knowledge on php and so web is easy
  678. <dardevelin> css and html
  679. <dardevelin> who can't handle that ?
  680. * satrionics got connected.
  681. <dardevelin> but when i started with C
  682. <dardevelin> i'm still on terminal fase
  683. <samtate> novabyte: Any ideas on the error?
  684. <dardevelin> so i was wondering what should i learn
  685. <dardevelin> hi satrionics
  686. <novabyte> dardevelin: what DE do you use at the moment ? KDE, Gnome, Elementary ...etc ?
  687. <dardevelin> novabyte: gnome, Elementary i have it on my external HD
  688. <novabyte> dardevelin: then def go with GTK3 to learn for the UI toolkit
  689. <novabyte> samtate: I'll have a look at it now
  690. <samtate> novabyte: Thanks :D
  691. <dardevelin> novabyte: Ok will do that. Is it too different from GTK2 ? just to know in terms ( might need to make backwards compatibility )
  692. <dardevelin> novabyte: if you guys were bases on debian would be great ( but ubuntu ) :/
  693. <dardevelin> *based
  694. <novabyte> dardevelin: don't worry too much about backwards compatibility... everything that's GTK is moving to GTK3 and most distros are keeping the GTK2 library available on the system anyway.
  695. * Paspartout got connected.
  696. <novabyte> dardevelin: you get a more modern (arguably) API with GTK3
  697. * LocalHero got connected.
  698. <novabyte> samtate: can you send me the source for ergo so I can try and build it ?
  699. <Kus> lpL:ergo
  700. <Kus> lpL\:ergo
  701. <Kus> lp:ergo
  702. <novabyte> samtate: if its not ready for general distribution yet then can you run: ldd on the ergo exe
  703. <novabyte> Kus: thx.
  704. <Kus> novabyte, :D missclick
  705. * Local_Hero got connected.
  706. <Gusions> kus
  707. <Gusions> Kus ping
  708. <Kus> Gusions, pong
  709. <Gusions> hey, i'm trying to try ergo
  710. <Gusions> but i have 3 errors
  711. <AFD> is ergo likely to ship with Luna?
  712. <Kus> AFD, i think - no
  713. <Kus> Gusions, pastebin the erro
  714. <Gusions> sure
  715. * Marin_M got connected.
  716. <AFD> kus is development on it going well? the launchpad looks empty
  717. <Gusions>
  718. <Kus> AFD, it's 2 days old
  719. <AFD> haha
  720. <AFD> kus so it's nearly done, right?! ;)
  721. <novabyte> samtate: I can't seem to build the latest version of granite... let alone build ergo with the granite library...
  722. <samtate> novabyte: its in ppa now
  723. <Kus> AFD, have you the latest granite?
  724. <AFD> kus sorry - I'm a bit of n00b round here... what's granite?
  725. <AFD> kus a framework?
  726. <novabyte> samtate: I'm an archlinux user ;)
  727. <AFD> this?
  728. <samtate> novabyte: Oh :P
  729. * gotwig got connected.
  730. <samtate> novabyte: Where did you get it from?
  731. <novabyte> lp:granite
  732. <samtate> novabyte: Huh. What's the error
  733. <novabyte> samtate:
  734. * timorei got connected.
  735. <Kus> novabyte, the same error i had
  736. <AFD> Kus so granite is for building apps designed to run in eOS?
  737. <Kus> update you valac
  738. <samtate> novabyte: No idea :P. You got the latest vala?
  739. <Kus> granite is a framework
  740. * Devil505 got connected.
  741. * Devil505 got connected.
  742. <Gusions> Kus you know my errors?
  743. <Kus> Gusions, have you the latest granite?
  744. <novabyte> Kus: damn I didn't want to move to the 0.13.+ release yet
  745. <Kus> Gusions, cause it says something about AppMenu and that is a granite error.
  746. <AFD> I might play with it - I fancy trying my hand at some developing... can I install an instance of Postler or Dexter etc in Granite while keeping a stable (seperate) system and then try writing stuff for those apps that I want to see happen?
  747. * chawsum got connected.
  748. <Kus> AFD, granite has new witdgets and services you can use to build your app
  749. <AFD> Kus but can I alter apps such as Dexter in it... say I want to write in an ability to sync with Google contacts for instance.
  750. <Gusions> mmm not
  751. <Gusions> i will compile the last?
  752. <Kus> AFD, dont understand
  753. <AFD> if I want to develop code for Dexter
  754. <AFD> and I run eOS as my primary OS
  755. <AFD> how do I keep a stable version of Dexter
  756. * seif got connected.
  757. <AFD> while developing for a seperate instance where it's ok for things to go wrong...
  758. <AFD> in Granite?
  759. <Kus> no
  760. <novabyte> AFD: use a chroot
  761. <Kus> Granite is more like a library
  762. <Kus> what novabyt... said
  763. <AFD> ok... I'll look in to it - thanks :D
  764. <Kus> you can make one with glimpse
  765. * curtism got connected.
  766. <AFD> Kus just heard about glimpse the other day, sounds awesome
  767. * cassidyjames got connected.
  768. <AFD> the devs in eOS keep blowing my tiny mind
  769. <novabyte> AFD: if shnatsel is around he might be able to give you some advice
  770. <AFD> novabyte that's who keeps blowing my..... mind ;)
  771. <novabyte> AFD: lol, im just an enthusiast I'm not even a dev yet
  772. <shnatsel> wassup?
  773. * shnatsel reads logs
  774. <AFD> hi shnatsel
  775. <shnatsel> hi AFD
  776. * ampharos got connected.
  777. * ampharos got connected.
  778. <shnatsel|busy> AFD: ok I'm still here for you
  779. <shnatsel|busy> will get busy in 5 min actually, now I just lag
  780. <ampharos> I'd buy AMD CPUs if the motherboards had Intel graphics chipsets
  781. <AFD> shnatsel oh - I don't know who I spoke to but someone asked about translation and I offered to double check some English grammar
  782. <AFD> if you still want me to just send / publish it and I'll get on it
  783. * TonyGorski got connected.
  784. <shnatsel|busy> AFD: I'll need your skills later :) I don't remember who asked to check the grammar either
  785. <shnatsel|busy> oh my!
  786. * shnatsel|busy reboots
  787. * g0twig got connected.
  788. <g0twig> hey back
  789. <g0twig> shnatsel|busy: hey
  790. <g0twig> gnome-settings-daemon gives me segfault lol
  791. <AFD> I can't translate (not bi-lingual) but I can over see stuff - 1st language is English
  792. <samtate> I can do some of the German :P
  793. <samtate> But we have many native germans anyway xD
  794. <AFD> I was born in Germany! :D but Ich kan nich spechken Deutsch
  795. * Gusions got connected.
  796. <Gusions> ok i'm here
  797. * shnatsel got connected.
  798. * and471 got connected.
  799. <g0twig> AFD: schämen Sie sich
  800. <g0twig> :D
  801. <g0twig> gnome-settings-deamon seems not to work under oneiric
  802. <samtate> *Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen ;)
  803. <g0twig> oh man
  804. <samtate> g0twig: ?
  805. <AFD> samtate das ist richte
  806. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: yes it segfaults
  807. <AFD> I also get wat little German I know confused with my limited Danish.... it doesn't help
  808. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: that's the bug
  809. <g0twig> so it does not work
  810. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: it's upstream but
  811. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: it's upstream bug
  812. <g0twig> we can fix it, if we now switch to dconf
  813. <samtate> Ich habe seit 3 Jahre Deutsch gelernt
  814. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: we have switched to dconf
  815. <g0twig> samtate: :P
  816. <g0twig> shnatsel|busy: hm, so why does it not work?
  817. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: read more about what gnome-settings-daemon does
  818. <g0twig> not Out of the box
  819. <g0twig> so we can do thing
  820. <g0twig> ?
  821. <g0twig> "nothin" :P
  822. <novabyte> samtate: can you run `ldd ergo` and send me the output
  823. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: wait till it's fixed upstream
  824. <samtate> novabyte: Sure
  825. <samtate> Damn docky crashed :P
  826. <ampharos> I'm curious is elementary got rid of the xserver-xorg-video-videoloca graphics card driver needs for this graphics card I was planning to buy
  827. <ampharos>
  828. <shnatsel|busy> ampharos: you can check it
  829. <samtate> novabyte:
  830. <shnatsel|busy> ampharos: you can always boot in text mode and install it
  831. <ampharos> you don't get it
  832. <ampharos> the joke
  833. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  834. <g0twig> xD
  835. <g0twig> I get it
  836. <ampharos> it's got an ATI Rage 128, Nvidia Riva TNT2, S3 Savage, 3dfx Voodoo 3, and Matrox G400 set up for SLI on a single VLB slot
  837. <g0twig> nice card
  838. <shnatsel|busy> ampharos: I remember some of those cards
  839. <shnatsel|busy> ampharos: though I've never used them
  840. <g0twig> midori is so fast
  841. <g0twig> :D
  842. * shnatsel|busy joins #ubuntu-classroom
  843. <g0twig> I am to young for these things
  844. <g0twig> In my generation, DDR 1 was modern :D
  845. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: have you ever played Unreal?
  846. <g0twig> shnatsel|busy: boy, I have the collection !
  847. <g0twig> :D
  848. <ampharos> in mine sdram was in it's twilight years
  849. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: unreal was written for Voodoo 2
  850. <shnatsel|busy> the first one
  851. <g0twig> duno much about voodo
  852. <ampharos> I have an old ATI Rage Pro in one of my PCs
  853. <g0twig> shnatsel|busy: so we cant do anything about that elementary theme not loading bug?
  854. <novabyte> samtate: do you have appmenu-gtk installed ?
  855. <ampharos> surpsringly fast for old games despite the small VRAM handicap of 8 MB
  856. <g0twig> becouse I am now at live usb
  857. <g0twig> so I can restart my machine
  858. <g0twig> so I can get nice nvidia graphics
  859. <g0twig> :)
  860. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: read the wikipedia article about 3dfx, it's a good thing to know
  861. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: I don't like workarounds for upstream bugs
  862. <samtate> novabyte: Yes
  863. <g0twig> shnatsel|busy: +1
  864. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: and I won't merge them in the main branch
  865. <g0twig> I like the sound theme from gnome3, even if its so macish!
  866. <g0twig> lol
  867. <shnatsel|busy> g0twig: they'll fix it sooner or later
  868. <g0twig> when I press + or - for higher, less sound, it sounds so macish
  869. <g0twig> I mean like in mac
  870. <g0twig> But I like that
  871. <samtate> g0twig: can we download it for ubuntu?
  872. <g0twig> samtate: the sound theme?
  873. <samtate> yeah
  874. <g0twig> samtate: why not :) I think so
  875. <g0twig> I have it here
  876. <g0twig> I can upload it, like I said, I am at live usb
  877. <samtate> ok
  878. <g0twig> But I think + and - sounds do not work
  879. <samtate> brb
  880. * btkostner got connected.
  881. <novabyte> samtate: soz I meant appmenu-gtk3 ?
  882. <g0twig> when you make a screenshot with gnome 3 you hear a photocamera xD
  883. <g0twig> lolz
  884. * arpu_ got connected.
  885. <AFD> I've got to go guys. Good chatting as always - Auf Weidersein! :D
  886. * AFD got disconnected.
  887. <g0twig> Wiedersehen
  888. <g0twig> jaja
  889. <g0twig> lolz
  890. <g0twig> so, who wants the sound theme?
  891. * Wingcommander got connected.
  892. <g0twig> no one
  893. <g0twig> :D
  894. <g0twig> kay
  895. <g0twig> than I reboot
  896. <g0twig> IMHO gnome 3 is the future
  897. <g0twig> its so nice
  898. <g0twig> even if network-manager applet is written in python, lol
  899. <samtate> back
  900. * Kus got connected.
  901. <samtate> g0twig: I doo
  902. * Gusions got disconnected.
  903. <samtate> novabyte: How do you install that?
  904. <g0twig> samtate: kay, so where should I upload it
  905. <g0twig> samtate: or just send me your email over PM in IRC
  906. <ampharos>
  907. * xapantu got connected.
  908. <ampharos> if a few more things and tweaks
  909. <ampharos> this would be bitching with a linux distro
  910. * yo2boy_ got connected.
  911. <novabyte> samtate: not a ubuntu user ;) ... in Oneiric
  912. <samtate> novabyte: I'm on natty
  913. <samtate> Googling it now
  914. <novabyte> samtate: that may not be the problem... I can only tell a little I can't try it out.
  915. <Kus> !logs
  916. <samtate> novabyte: Yeah well I dont think that is a problem, since Kus got Ergo to work on Natty
  917. <Kus> samtate, a natty chroot
  918. <samtate> Kus: Is oneric your main OS?
  919. <Kus> samtate, no it's Maveric
  920. <samtate> ah ok
  921. <LocalHero> does anyone in here use elementary (jupiter) as their main os, or do you just use parts of it?
  922. * DanRabbit got connected.
  923. <samtate> LocalHero: I think most people are on Natty with Pantheon
  924. <LocalHero> samtate: that's what I need to do, then. I love Jupiter, but I really want to try Pantheon
  925. <Kus> LocalHero, i broke mine and had no time to reinstall jupiter
  926. <g0twig> samtate: I am so far:
  927. <LocalHero> Kus, do you prefer Jupiter over Natty?
  928. <samtate> Luna?
  929. <g0twig> thats elementary Luna
  930. <Kus> LocalHero, never had Natty
  931. <g0twig> prealpha
  932. <g0twig> what ever
  933. <g0twig> no Droid-Sans fonts I think
  934. <samtate> g0twig: Doesnt work for me :P
  935. <g0twig> becouse of this gnome-service shit
  936. <LocalHero> Kus, oh, sorry... misunderstood
  937. <g0twig> samtate: what does not work for you?
  938. <samtate> g0twig: Luna
  939. <g0twig> when you tried?
  940. <g0twig> every day something changes
  941. <g0twig> becouse of that I liked the daily builds
  942. <g0twig> brb, rebooting
  943. <samtate> g0twig: A few weeks ago
  944. * g0twig got disconnected.
  945. * hcabaguio got connected.
  946. * Al_1 got connected.
  947. * pinguy got connected.
  948. <Al_1> hi guys, I'm trying plank, is there a way to move it to the left of the screen?
  949. * arpu got connected.
  950. <samtate> Al_1: I'm not aware of one
  951. <samtate> Al_1: Its probably a better idea to use docky due to the development status of Plank
  952. <Al_1> I know, I'm trying it in a VM
  953. <Al_1> the tiny memory footprint is a huge advantage, though
  954. <samtate> Al_1: Yeah, but even to move an icon you have to edit config files
  955. * ilmenite got connected.
  956. <Al_1> yeah, I don't really like the lack of a "settings" gui
  957. <samtate> Al_1: It will have one eventually
  958. <Al_1> I read somewhere that the devs aren't planning on creating one
  959. * dejongge got connected.
  960. * kalikiana got connected.
  961. <Al_1> anyway, I'm used to editing config files, so it's not a deal breaker... the deal breaker is being able to move it :)
  962. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  963. * ilmenite got connected.
  964. <samtate> Al_1: It wont have a seperate settings manager I dont think, but you will be able to edit it through switchboard
  965. <samtate> And I assume in the future you will be able to move it
  966. <Kus> samtate, just installed ergo into Glimpse
  967. <Al_1> ok, so atm I cannot move it in any way... well I guess I will wait :) thanks anyway, samtate
  968. <samtate> Kus: ooh
  969. * Sparky_nl got disconnected.
  970. <Kus> and it works for me
  971. <samtate> Al_1: no problem
  972. <samtate> Kus: OK i guess my system is messed up
  973. <samtate> Even though its barely 2 days old :P
  974. <samtate> installing glimpse now
  975. <Kus> samtate, maybe mine is just super awesome :D
  976. <samtate> How does glimpse work?
  977. <samtate> Is it downloading the WHOLE iso now?
  978. <Kus> samtate, yeah if u didn't have a daily build then yes
  979. <samtate> ok ill let it finish
  980. <Kus> later it will just update with the new parts.
  981. <Kus> it's kinda a chroot
  982. <samtate> ok
  983. <samtate> 25 mins to go
  984. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  985. <samtate> i cant decide if I like autohide or not on docky
  986. * juliomino got connected.
  987. * juliomino got disconnected.
  988. * juliomino got connected.
  989. * juliomino got disconnected.
  990. <Kus> samtate, how about intelhide?
  991. <dardevelin> well people should know that the dock exists so for that matter, intelhide sounds better
  992. * vikoadi got connected.
  993. <dardevelin> however majority ends up changing to auto hide, since its really just cluttering the view and went they need it its there anyways
  994. <dardevelin> by default intelhide sounds better but if its personal use, autohide definitely does the job much better
  995. <davidboy> Personally, I always prefer intelihide
  996. <samtate> I put it on autohide, since I dont like the massive space it leaves at the bottom on no hide
  997. <dardevelin> davidboy: if you think about, its not hidden when your not using in full screen apps. so you end up being with it hidden 90% of time. for that matter rather see a good wallpaper ( but hey that's me of-course )
  998. <davidboy> dardevelin: Good point
  999. <samtate> Sometimes I plug a secondary monitor in just to have a nice wallpaper to stare at while I am waiting for something :P
  1000. <davidboy> hehe
  1001. <ampharos> * ampharos is away: Mkaysi is an arrogant douche who hates AFKers
  1002. <ampharos> this is my quit message
  1003. <samtate> since I use a laptop as my main computer, I can only have one external monitor
  1004. <ampharos> the bugger constantly messages me to turn it off ;)
  1005. <ampharos> before it was just "busy"
  1006. * Akterbat got connected.
  1007. <samtate> (Well I could have a VGA and a HDMI, but im not spending money on a HDMI monitor :P)
  1008. <ampharos> samtate try this
  1009. <samtate> ampharos: Lol
  1010. <ampharos> BitchinFast! 3D
  1011. <samtate> :P
  1012. <samtate> but i bought this monitor about a year ago for £89. Not bad for a HD 20", but it only has VGA
  1013. <samtate> Then they updated this exact model to have DVI-D for only £95, but im too poor for another xD
  1014. <samtate> brb
  1015. <Akterbat> samtate: why not just get a VGA to HDMI or DVI adapter?
  1016. <Akterbat> They're super cheap from Monoprice, but I'm not sure if they ship to UK
  1017. * No_Asy|um got connected.
  1018. * samtate got connected.
  1019. <samtate> hi
  1020. <samtate> Just done some ikeahacking :P
  1021. * vish got connected.
  1022. <samtate> DanRabbit: You didnt like the old mockups for Ergo. What about the new ones? and
  1023. <samtate> !logs
  1024. <dardevelin> does any of you guys know any good ( free software mind map ) ?
  1025. <dardevelin> if not free software at least open source
  1026. <dardevelin> for gnu+linux
  1027. <DanRabbit> samtate: that's interesting:
  1028. <Akterbat> FreeMind is pretty good
  1029. <samtate> DanRabbit: Not many people liked the sidebar idea
  1030. <shnatsel|busy> IMHO it looks far too complicated with the sidebar
  1031. <DanRabbit> I could see trading that sidebar for a folderbar like
  1032. <DanRabbit> but I dunno I still feel like it isn't to the point where it's like "damn hell yes"
  1033. <shnatsel|busy> I still prefer the first one with a large entry bar on top and horisontal list without folderbar
  1034. <samtate> now everyone prefers a different version :P
  1035. <dardevelin> Akterbat: thanks for the tip, i'll try that one :D
  1036. <Akterbat> Shnatsel, I tried using your eBuild on the latest oneiric nightly and it failed completely.
  1037. <Akterbat> full log:
  1038. <samtate> BTW, does Glimpse normally take over 5 -10 mins Transforming Ubuntu into elementaryOS
  1039. <Kus> samtate, yeah it was a bit long
  1040. <samtate> Kus: ah goos
  1041. <samtate> good*
  1042. * Skorde got connected.
  1043. <Kus> anyone had success in building egro?
  1044. <chawsum> DanRabbit, what happened to the progressbar todo app idea? I really like that idea
  1045. <DanRabbit> um I dunno, it just never happened
  1046. <samtate> chawsum: What do you mean?
  1047. <chawsum> there was talk about mocking up a very project-centered task manager, where you'd create a project with a set of tasks, and you could see the percentage done of the project etc.
  1048. <samtate> ah cool
  1049. <hcabaguio> when was that discussed? :( sounds awesome
  1050. <chawsum> heh, I had an idea about making a todo app where tasks would be closed using a paint-like tool where you'd manually strike tasks
  1051. <chawsum> just to retain the awesome feeling of striking a line on a todo paper :D
  1052. <chawsum> s/retain/simulate
  1053. <hcabaguio> lol
  1054. <chawsum> I'd love to have that
  1055. <chawsum> :D
  1056. <shnatsel|busy> sounds overly complicated to me
  1057. <shnatsel|busy> not gonna work
  1058. <shnatsel|busy> I tried that on paper
  1059. <shnatsel|busy> I never set the right percentage anyways
  1060. <shnatsel|busy> I can have a list of things to do in the project
  1061. <shnatsel|busy> which usually grows quickly
  1062. <chawsum> shnatsel|busy, it should obviously calculate the percentage of tasks done automatically
  1063. <shnatsel|busy> and mark them as done
  1064. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: tasks are not equal in complexity
  1065. <shnatsel|busy> when I do 1 point from the list I can get 50% of work done
  1066. <chawsum> shnatsel|busy, you could make it possible to set "big" or "small" tasks or something
  1067. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: over-complicated
  1068. * seif got connected.
  1069. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: I tried that too
  1070. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: I end up being to lazy to set that all
  1071. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: It's easier to keep the progressbar in my head
  1072. <chawsum> shnatsel|busy, that's kinda the point though. seeing how far you can go with something as awfully boring as a todo app
  1073. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: I liked the first version a lot. It was so KISS.
  1074. <shnatsel|busy> and looked awesome.
  1075. <chawsum> shnatsel|busy, you know, I'm the .txt file guy so I'd find such an app mostly useless anyway ;P
  1076. <samtate> has anyone apart from Kus managed to compile Ergo yet? :P
  1077. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: I'm on Linux, so I don't need such ugly thing as file extensions :P
  1078. <chawsum> shnatsel|busy, I think you got my point
  1079. <shnatsel|busy> chawsum: yep :)
  1080. <chawsum> shnatsel|busy, is kinda cool stuff :>
  1081. * l4rz got connected.
  1082. * kalikiana got connected.
  1083. * eos-site-user3 got connected.
  1084. <samtate> Glimpse is still "Transforming Ubuntu into elementary OS"
  1085. <shnatsel|busy> samtate: yeah it's a long process
  1086. <shnatsel|busy> brb
  1087. <samtate> OK
  1088. <Akterbat> Glimpse?
  1089. * shnatsel got connected.
  1090. <Akterbat> shnatsel, you're in charge of the eBuild, right?
  1091. <shnatsel> Akterbat: right
  1092. <Akterbat> shnatsel: I tried rev. 227 of your eBuild on the nightly oneiric ISO and it falied completely.
  1093. <Akterbat> *failed
  1094. <Akterbat> full log:
  1095. <Akterbat> I tried removing and re-branching it but same error.
  1096. <shnatsel> Akterbat: what's the host system?
  1097. <dardevelin> btw do you guys have any recent iso ?
  1098. <Akterbat> Ubuntu 11.04
  1099. <shnatsel> dardevelin: recent ISOs are useless due to severe compiz bugs
  1100. <dardevelin> shnatsel: hum ok
  1101. <shnatsel> Akterbat: hmm, it used to work... looks like a bug in UCK, actually
  1102. <shnatsel> Akterbat: I think you should report a bug about UCK if it returns the same error
  1103. <Akterbat> shnatsel: It worked with rev. 226 and Oneiric Alpha 2. Just the resultant ISO was broken
  1104. <Akterbat> shnatsel: So I tried the nightly as suggested.
  1105. <shnatsel> Akterbat: weird, it worked for me
  1106. <shnatsel> Akterbat: please try UCK and if it fails with the same error, file a bug about it.
  1107. <Akterbat> I'll rebranch and try again right now...
  1108. * AndySmart got connected.
  1109. <shnatsel> Akterbat: the bug probably has nothing to do with eBuild itself
  1110. <shnatsel> Akterbat: eBuild relies on UCK to unpack the SquashFS image
  1111. <shnatsel> Akterbat: and if it fails, it's a bug in UCK
  1112. <shnatsel> or in Ubuntu
  1113. <shnatsel> dailies are such a dailies...
  1114. <Akterbat> shnatsel: that's what I thought it might be
  1115. <Akterbat> perhaps they just changed something in the nightly by accident
  1116. <Akterbat> because it worked with Alpha 2...
  1117. <Akterbat> How would I go about submitting a patch to pantheon-terminal?
  1118. * Kreative` got connected.
  1119. <Akterbat> schnatsel?
  1120. <Akterbat> *shnatsel?
  1121. * Al_1 got disconnected.
  1122. <shnatsel> im back
  1123. * juliomino got connected.
  1124. * juliomino got disconnected.
  1125. <samtate> omg i need 330Mb of updates to install gtk+-3.0
  1126. <shnatsel> Akterbat: are you familiar with bazaar?
  1127. <shnatsel> Akterbat: we have a writeup on that, it's not finished but you can help improving it by asking all questions that arise:
  1128. <shnatsel> Akterbat: we have a writeup on that, it's not finished but you can help improving it by asking all questions that arise:
  1129. * m4n1sh got connected.
  1130. <Akterbat> shnatsel: I'm not familiar with Bazaar, however I'm willing to learn. Honestly I thought pantheon-terminal would be a good starting point to start learning about this kind of stuff.
  1131. * ampharos got connected.
  1132. <ampharos> PPC?
  1133. <shnatsel> Akterbat: hmm, I guess it should be
  1134. <Akterbat> shnatsel: I've been following the elementary project since it was a icon/gtk theme, I've even pre-ordered the Jupiter disc. It's a project I would really like to see go far, and I would really like to help it in any way I can.
  1135. <Akterbat> ampharos: what about it?
  1136. <shnatsel> Akterbat: Maya is kind of a reference elementary app atm I think
  1137. <shnatsel> Akterbat: join #elementary-dev and ask in there
  1138. <ampharos> programming and UX wise?
  1139. * Devil505 got connected.
  1140. * Devil505 got connected.
  1141. <samtate> Ergo runs now :D
  1142. <samtate> Kus is amazing
  1143. * eos-site-user3 got connected.
  1144. * PotentChili got connected.
  1145. <eos-site-user3> Okay, guys I need a bit of help here. I've added the PPAs for elementary-dev and when I tried installing them in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal an error appeared: "Package dependencies cannot be resolved"
  1146. <eos-site-user3> I was trying to install patheon-xsession-settings to display "Pantheon" at the login
  1147. <samtate> eos-site-user3: Hmm, I dont know about that, someone else will be able to help you in a minute :)
  1148. <eos-site-user3> samtate: Alright, make it quick, though.
  1149. * codygarver got connected.
  1150. <eos-site-user3> FYI guys, the error is: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: pantheon-xsession-settings: Depends: pantheon-wallpaper but it is not going to be installed."
  1151. <samtate> eos-site-user3: Ahh, I may be able to help you
  1152. <samtate> One second
  1153. <eos-site-user3> sure
  1154. * dejongge got connected.
  1155. <samtate> I believe if you add this PPA: ppa:elementaryart/unstable-upstream
  1156. <samtate> It shouldnt mess anything up, but should fix your problem
  1157. <samtate> eos-site-user3: ^^
  1158. <eos-site-user3> samtate: Okay, I'll try. Thanks.
  1159. * Kreative` is away: Away
  1160. * juliomino got connected.
  1161. * juliomino got disconnected.
  1162. * codygarver got connected.
  1163. <codygarver> !logs
  1164. <LocalHero> !logs
  1165. <LocalHero> !help
  1166. * eos-site-user3 got disconnected.
  1167. * gotwig got connected.
  1168. <gotwig> hey
  1169. <gotwig> shnatsel: hey
  1170. <gotwig> who wanted the gnome 3 sounds?
  1171. <shnatsel> gotwig: why do you ping me like this all the time?
  1172. <gotwig> shnatsel: sry
  1173. <shnatsel> ? o_O
  1174. <gotwig> only want to say hey
  1175. <gotwig> I want your attention :D
  1176. * shnatsel grabs a dictionary
  1177. * gotwig informs shnatsel that a the CCPP version of Lingo died out, years ago
  1178. <samtate> hi gotwig, I was looking for the gnome 3 sounds :)
  1179. <gotwig> cross that a :P
  1180. <gotwig> samtate: kay, I was away, sry
  1181. <samtate> no problem
  1182. <samtate> i finally got ergo to run :D
  1183. <gotwig> samtate: making driver license :P
  1184. <gotwig> samtate: link :D ?
  1185. <samtate> lp:ergo
  1186. <gotwig> so easy :P
  1187. <gotwig> have to add ergo to the german wikipedia page of elementary!
  1188. <gotwig> :D
  1189. <gotwig> couse the english one died, right?
  1190. <gotwig> what a shame
  1191. <samtate> gotwig: Its nowhere near done yet :P
  1192. <gotwig> so what works?
  1193. <samtate> Kus has done such a great job, but its not *quite* there yet ;)
  1194. <curtism> anyone capable of giving me something to start off of for a panel in vala?
  1195. <samtate> gotwig: The UI
  1196. <samtate> And not even that xD
  1197. <samtate> its 2 days old
  1198. <gotwig> I have a "playcorner" for such apps :D
  1199. <gotwig> called "Spielecke" in german. on the german wikipedia its called "spielwiese" :D
  1200. <gotwig> ergo sounds so hard
  1201. <gotwig> :P
  1202. <samtate> if you said Spielecke aloud it would sound a bit like "Playyummy" :P
  1203. <samtate> or gameyummy to be precise
  1204. <gotwig> :D
  1205. <samtate> gotwig: I also made a temp icon because I wanted something for my dock :P
  1206. <gotwig> temp icon?
  1207. <samtate> temporary
  1208. <gotwig> oh
  1209. <gotwig> jeah
  1210. <gotwig> :D
  1211. * chawsum got connected.
  1212. <gotwig> you are a native english speaker, right?
  1213. <samtate>, dont judge it - i made it in literally 10sec :P
  1214. <samtate> gotwig: yeah
  1215. <gotwig> samtate: so why you dont bring elementary on wikipedia back to life :P ?
  1216. <gotwig> ^^
  1217. * ampharos got connected.
  1218. * samtate got connected.
  1219. <gotwig> samtate: where is the shared file?
  1220. <gotwig> I dont see anything :P
  1221. <samtate> im not even sure the "e" is aligned in the middle xD
  1222. <samtate> try now :P
  1223. * Paspartout got connected.
  1224. <gotwig> hhh, I have to download it
  1225. <gotwig> :P
  1226. <samtate> lol
  1227. <samtate> brb dinner
  1228. <gotwig> an e
  1229. <gotwig> rofl
  1230. <samtate> xD
  1231. <gotwig> noobs would ask "Is that for elementary?" an other hard core elementary guy would say "Indeed! You n00b!"
  1232. * Kus got connected.
  1233. <gotwig> Kus: hey
  1234. <ampharos> grumble grumble
  1235. <Kus> gotwig, sup?
  1236. <ampharos> trying to get wifi work on my cousin's laptop
  1237. <ampharos> it worked here
  1238. <ampharos> but since they brought it home, they couldn't connect
  1239. <ampharos> now it won't here
  1240. <gotwig> samtate: was that funny :D ?
  1241. <ampharos> it freees on the lock screen
  1242. <gotwig> samtate: I am not so good in such things, in the english language
  1243. <Kus> ampharos, i have a wifi problem too
  1244. <ampharos> refuses to connect using WEP 128key (only passphrase which won't work)
  1245. <ampharos> fucking atheros
  1246. <Kus> ampharos, 10.10 and older ubuntu's can't connect to the router, but jupiter can.
  1247. <ampharos> i'm using mint 11
  1248. <ampharos> on his
  1249. <gotwig> Kus: - tell me what that is
  1250. <ampharos> it tries to connect
  1251. <ampharos> it sees my network
  1252. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  1253. <ampharos> but it refuses to let me in
  1254. <gotwig> Kus: our new logo maybe ;) ?
  1255. <Kus> gotwig, it's an "e" logo :D
  1256. <Kus> gotwig, isn't it too much elementary style? and too less todo style?
  1257. <novabyte> curtism: what do you mean with "something to start of for a panel in Vala" ?
  1258. <gotwig> Kus: damn, you know it :D noobs would ask "Is that for elementary?" an other hard core elementary guy would say "Indeed! You n00b!"
  1259. <curtism> novabyte: i want to write a panel, need somewhere to start from
  1260. <curtism> currently trying to rip out the bare basics of wingpanel
  1261. <novabyte> curtism: oh i see you want to toy with writing your own panel. maybe have a look at xfce4-panel as well as wingpanel.
  1262. * daker got connected.
  1263. * daker got connected.
  1264. <gotwig> samtate: sent
  1265. <gotwig> no topic, no content, lol
  1266. * samtate got connected.
  1267. <gotwig> samtate: you have to put these audio files into the /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu directory I think
  1268. <gotwig> pls make a backup of it first
  1269. <gotwig> or what ever
  1270. <gotwig> I am away
  1271. <gotwig> see ya
  1272. <Kus> !logs
  1273. <gotwig> samtate: could you send me a screenshot from ergo, running ?
  1274. <gotwig> samtate: or a video ;D
  1275. <gotwig> samtate: or a compiled version :D
  1276. <gotwig> samtate: 64 bit
  1277. <Kus> it's somewhere in the logs gotwig
  1278. <curtism> novabyte: yeah, i'm trying to pull relevant bits out of other panels, but it's hard to tell what parts i want :\
  1279. <gotwig> !log
  1280. <gotwig> oh, slay me
  1281. <gotwig> !logs
  1282. <Kus> gotwig,
  1283. <gotwig> rofl
  1284. <gotwig> Kus: is your eGTK outdated ?^^
  1285. * Simmeson got connected.
  1286. <gotwig> Hello, Simmeson, do you have an issue?
  1287. <samtate> (that logo was made in 10 seconds :P)
  1288. <samtate> Obviously I'm gonna make a much better one later
  1289. <samtate> Or Dan is
  1290. <Kus> gotwig, how do i check?
  1291. <gotwig> Kus: do you have the elementaryart/desktop ppa?
  1292. <gotwig> or what ever
  1293. <gotwig> ?
  1294. <Kus> gotwig, dunno
  1295. <gotwig> Kus: Its not important :)
  1296. <samtate> gotwig: No point in sending you a compiled version - it doesnt do anything yet anyway
  1297. <gotwig> samtate: But I have to add it to the german wikipedia page :P
  1298. <gotwig> and than I have to edit, what maya will do
  1299. <gotwig> I wrote that it will support google calendar in future
  1300. <samtate> :P no you dont - wait until its more stable lol
  1301. <gotwig> what guys said me
  1302. * novabyte got disconnected.
  1303. * opt1ckz got connected.
  1304. <Kus> samtate, or when i does something
  1305. <gotwig> samtate: whats that?
  1306. <Kus> lets all write patches for the elementary terminal
  1307. <gotwig> Kus: you mean pantheon terminal :D
  1308. <Kus> gotwig, i do
  1309. <samtate> :P
  1310. <samtate> gotwig: New ubuntu login screen
  1311. <gotwig> Kus: hm, to get rid of gnome terminal, what is k times better ?
  1312. <samtate> Looks horrible
  1313. <gotwig> samtate: but only mockup, right?
  1314. <Kus> gotwig, k times better till now.
  1315. <gotwig> samtate: technical is looks a bit good
  1316. <gotwig> Kus: transparency would be cool
  1317. <gotwig> Kus: why not simply change gnome-terminal, to look cool, add a toolbar etc. like nautilus elementary
  1318. <Kus> gotwig, don't ask me.
  1319. <kalikiana> or us xfce terminal which already has an editable toolbar
  1320. <samtate> gotwig: Thats not what elementary is about
  1321. <samtate> I assume since pantheon terminal is in Vala it uses a lot less memory
  1322. <kalikiana> samtate: I don't think there's a written rule against re-using well-working applications
  1323. <kalikiana> less than a C app?
  1324. <Kus> kalikiana, i want only the TAB auto complete thing running.
  1325. * opt1ckz got connected.
  1326. <gotwig> kalikiana: hey
  1327. <kalikiana> Kus: isn't that the job of the shell/ interpreter?
  1328. <kalikiana> yo gotwig
  1329. <gotwig> kalikiana: are you the postler dev?
  1330. <kalikiana> gotwig: yep
  1331. <ampharos> compare to urxvt
  1332. <ampharos> NOT xterm
  1333. <ampharos> xterm is a memory hog and disk hog
  1334. <gotwig> kalikiana: than you are awesome I have to say
  1335. <gotwig> kalikiana: sry, but I had to say it :D
  1336. <gotwig> like all you guys here ^^
  1337. <samtate> yeah postler is awesome, but I can never get a working version anymore :P
  1338. <gotwig> RabbitBot is awesome, too ^^
  1339. <kalikiana> gotwig: thanks, any particular reason to say that? :-D
  1340. <gotwig> kalikiana: jeah, I found a million bugs xD
  1341. <gotwig> kalikiana: you are german, right?
  1342. <kalikiana> ja :-)
  1343. <gotwig> kalikiana: könnte ich dir ne PM schreiben, bitte?
  1344. <kalikiana> yep
  1345. * kalikiana doesn't notice whether he's talking english or german anymore :-P
  1346. <dejongge> juhu, deutsche! :D
  1347. <gotwig> dejongge: haben Sie ein Problem :D ?
  1348. <gotwig> Unsere Experte helfen Ihnen gerne weiter :)
  1349. <gotwig> "Expterten" verdamt :D
  1350. <samtate> :P
  1351. <gotwig> klingt nach google übersetzung
  1352. <gotwig> :D
  1353. <kalikiana> haha
  1354. <kalikiana> dejongge klingt aber nach nederlandse taal
  1355. <samtate> Ich bin verwirrt :(
  1356. <kalikiana> ich meinte holländisch ;-)
  1357. <kalikiana> (auf holländisch)
  1358. <gotwig> das is ja erbärmlich
  1359. <gotwig> ich versuch eine show zu hören, über ein projekt was eine bessere welt, ohne geld, möchte, und alles ist in flash
  1360. <gotwig> die radio show
  1361. <gotwig> der chat sogar
  1362. <gotwig> wtf!
  1363. <gotwig> alles lagt
  1364. * Paddy_NI got connected.
  1365. <samtate> Halt!!
  1366. <samtate> something about without money :P
  1367. <gotwig> jeah
  1368. <gotwig> WE KILL THE LAW
  1369. <gotwig> I KILL OBAMA, REVOLUTION
  1370. <gotwig> l0l
  1371. <kalikiana> samtate: you're not german?
  1372. <Paddy_NI> Hey I love postler to bits but have opted to remove it until a later date, my question is how do I remove postler from my messaging menu indicator?
  1373. <gotwig> Zeitgeist Movement
  1374. <gotwig> Paddy_NI: just relog
  1375. <kalikiana> Paddy_NI: remove all accounts
  1376. <samtate> i attempt a show to hear, a project about a better world without mony. Id like and its all in flash
  1377. <samtate> :/
  1378. <samtate> kalikiana: British :P
  1379. <gotwig> samtate: that translation is good
  1380. <Paddy_NI> gotwig: It has been a week since I removed it
  1381. <gotwig> :D
  1382. <Paddy_NI> many logins and outs.. shutdowns and boot ups
  1383. <Paddy_NI> kalikiana: ?
  1384. <gotwig> ey diese Spinner
  1385. <gotwig> die reden von einer besseren welt und benutzen flash, hallo?
  1386. <gotwig> :/
  1387. <kalikiana> Paddy_NI: if you removed it, it should already be gone
  1388. <Paddy_NI> kalikiana: I no longer have postler installed
  1389. <Paddy_NI> nope still there
  1390. <kalikiana> and you still see it? hmm
  1391. <Paddy_NI> yeah odd huh
  1392. <kalikiana> I'd expect it to not show up, since, well, it's gone
  1393. <Paddy_NI> yeah lol
  1394. <Paddy_NI> I love postler very much now dont get me wrong
  1395. <kalikiana> though I have to say the messaging indicator is not intuitive and polished in all ways
  1396. <Paddy_NI> I know its an infant
  1397. <samtate> The talk of a better world using flash, hello?
  1398. <Paddy_NI> kalikiana: true
  1399. <Kus> shnatsel, what did you mean by folderbar
  1400. <Paddy_NI> very true
  1401. <gotwig> samtate: nono
  1402. <kalikiana> Paddy_NI: did you try stable or devel?
  1403. <gotwig> that translation is wrong
  1404. <gotwig> they talk about a better world, and use flash
  1405. <samtate> :(
  1406. <Paddy_NI> kalikiana: both.. installed stable first via ppa then had bugs and removed it and the ppa
  1407. <shnatsel> Kus: the widget that replaced the sidebar in latest Postler
  1408. <Paddy_NI> then used the dev ppa and postler build
  1409. <Paddy_NI> same again removed it and purged the ppa
  1410. <gotwig> f**k ya, Adobe!
  1411. <kalikiana> Paddy_NI: what made you decide to abandan it again?
  1412. <Paddy_NI> very clean appart from the messaging indicator
  1413. <Paddy_NI> kalikiana: same bug :(
  1414. <kalikiana> just asking out of curiosity
  1415. <kalikiana> what bug?
  1416. <Paddy_NI> gobject something something appears instead of message subjects and none of them are clickable
  1417. <Kus> shnatsel, is it a granite widget?
  1418. <shnatsel> Kus: I think so
  1419. <samtate> im pretty sure the dev version of postler has a massive memory leak
  1420. <shnatsel> I'm pretty sure current dev version of Postler is unusable
  1421. <Paddy_NI> kalikiana: I gave it time to download my entire inbox which is modest
  1422. <gotwig> kalikiana: ./waf --update-po
  1423. <gotwig> Project not configured (run 'waf configure' first)
  1424. <gotwig> gotwig@gotwig-ubuntu:~/Spielecke/postler$ ./waf configure
  1425. <gotwig> Checking for program gcc or cc : /usr/bin/gcc
  1426. <gotwig> Checking for program cpp : /usr/bin/cpp
  1427. <gotwig> Checking for program ar : /usr/bin/ar
  1428. <gotwig> Checking for program ranlib : /usr/bin/ranlib
  1429. <gotwig> Checking for gcc : ok
  1430. <gotwig> Checking for program valac : /usr/bin/valac
  1431. <gotwig> Checking for gobject-2.0 : yes
  1432. <samtate> gotwig: Use pastebin :D
  1433. <gotwig> Checking for gthread-2.0 : yes
  1434. <gotwig> Checking for program version valac >= 0.1.6 : ok 0.12.0
  1435. <gotwig> valac 0.10 or 0.14/ git is required
  1436. <gotwig> You can choose the version to use like this:
  1437. <gotwig> VALAC=valac-0.14 ./waf configure
  1438. <gotwig> VALAC=valac-0.10 ./waf configure --disable-gtk3
  1439. <gotwig> gotwig@gotwig-ubuntu:~/Spielecke/postler$
  1440. <kalikiana> gotwig: erm, better pm that kind of output :-)
  1441. <samtate> gameyummy again i see
  1442. <Kus> shnatsel, kalikiana mode button?
  1443. <shnatsel> Kus: ?
  1444. * codygarver got connected.
  1445. <Kus> there is a widget named ModeButton.
  1446. <samtate> Why hello there Ergo, why are you existing?
  1447. <samtate> "Kas did some cool work on me and made me live :)"
  1448. * btkostner got connected.
  1449. <gotwig> samtate: Dont call my master Kas, !
  1450. <Kus> samtate, wtf?
  1451. <samtate> Damn, typo :P
  1452. <samtate> I have no idea how I managed that xD
  1453. <Kus> gotwig, wtf?
  1454. <gotwig> Kus: what?
  1455. <Kus> gotwig, hack postler and get me the name i search for.
  1456. <gotwig> Kus: Yes, Master! Give me 1 minute, I run on 64 bit.
  1457. <davidboy> Anyone notice that the terminal and switchboard icons are slightly shorter than the others? xD
  1458. <gotwig> INPUT:
  1459. <gotwig> INPUT:
  1460. <gotwig> I AM WAITING FOR INPUT
  1461. <samtate> davidboy: Yeah Its annoying
  1462. <gotwig> Kus: INPUT:
  1463. <Kus> gotwig, get me the mockup of the new postler
  1464. <davidboy> gotwig: Figure out why I can't set a background image for a h1 in my webapp
  1465. <davidboy> gotwig: sudo ^^
  1466. <Kus> gotwig, you are slow
  1467. <Kus>
  1468. <gotwig> Kus: SRY, MY KERNEL IS WRITTEN IN ADOBE ® FLASH ® 10
  1470. <gotwig> kalikiana: there
  1471. <gotwig> kalikiana: ?
  1472. * satrionics got disconnected.
  1473. <samtate> compiling postler now
  1474. <kalikiana> samtate: +1
  1475. <samtate> unfortunately it wants webkitgtk-3.0 which is 251 Mb :P
  1476. <samtate> and therefore a 8 - 12 min download
  1477. <kalikiana> samtate: you *could* use gtk2 for now
  1478. <kalikiana> if you already have that
  1479. <samtate> may aswell get gtk3
  1480. <samtate> Ill need it eventually
  1481. <kalikiana> ok, just a sugggestion if your line is too slow
  1482. <samtate> nah its fine :P
  1483. <kalikiana> I definitely recommend gtk3, it looks beautiful with egtk
  1484. <samtate> Ill just listen to music for 10 mins ;)
  1485. <samtate> im really starting to dislike using non elementary apps
  1486. <samtate> They look so bland
  1487. <gotwig> kalikiana: +1
  1488. <cassidyjames> samtate: ++
  1489. <samtate> such as the terminal and totem
  1490. <samtate> empathy is OK, but graham looks cooler :P
  1491. <cassidyjames> WHOA
  1492. <samtate> ?
  1493. * cassidyjames forgot Pantheon's Terminal had Notify-OSD stuff!
  1494. <cassidyjames> :D
  1495. <samtate> :P
  1496. <samtate> I would use it but its so freaking ugly right now
  1497. <cassidyjames> If tab-completion were fixed, I would stop screaming.
  1498. <cassidyjames> samtate: EAT THE DOGFOOD!
  1499. <cassidyjames> xD
  1500. <samtate> cassidyjames: xD i didnt make it ;)
  1501. <cassidyjames> samtate: Did you not read the article?
  1502. <cassidyjames> samtate: It's not just about your own app.
  1503. <samtate> Yeah I did
  1504. <cassidyjames> samtate: It's about the project as a whole.
  1505. <samtate> But it wont work for me anyway
  1506. <cassidyjames> samtate: Tell the dev it's ugly! File a bug about it, even.
  1507. <cassidyjames> !report pantheon-terminal
  1508. <cassidyjames> samtate: Share your feedback there, where it'll be heard. ;)
  1509. <samtate> OK I will :P
  1510. <samtate> "Design is under par"
  1511. <samtate> Thats the nicest way I could think to put it :P
  1512. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: "error: Package `webkitgtk-3.0' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories" how do I fix it? :P
  1513. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: I have libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev installed.
  1514. <btkostner> put an apple next to it to make it look better
  1515. <cassidyjames> btkostner: lolwut
  1516. * btkostner runs
  1517. <cassidyjames> !kick btkostner
  1518. * btkostner got connected.
  1519. <cassidyjames> xD
  1520. <samtate> :P
  1521. <btkostner> my os x computer made a cool sound when you kicked me
  1522. <samtate> OMG
  1523. <cassidyjames> btkostner: lol
  1524. <cassidyjames> btkostner: You just *want* to be kicked again, don't you?
  1525. * btkostner runs
  1526. <samtate> rabbitbot should be growling now :(. That was my favourite feature
  1527. <cassidyjames> !kick btkostner
  1528. <samtate> xD
  1529. <cassidyjames> samtate: It was removed for false positives.
  1530. * btkostner got connected.
  1531. <cassidyjames> samtate: And people got confused.
  1532. <btkostner> it is dark in here
  1533. <samtate> bug 810158 is up :P
  1534. <cassidyjames> samtate: thanks!
  1535. <samtate> !rabbitsay grr
  1536. () ()
  1537. (='=) -< grr
  1538. ( . )
  1539. (')(')
  1540. * evfool got connected.
  1541. <samtate> YAY
  1542. <samtate> 24 secs left of gtk3 :)
  1543. <btkostner> samtate: how do you like em apples
  1544. * JesusMcCloud-lt got connected.
  1545. <samtate> btkostner: xD
  1546. <samtate> error: Package `webkitgtk-3.0' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories
  1547. <samtate> wtf
  1548. <samtate> i just installed it
  1549. <samtate> help my n00biness plz someone :P
  1550. <Kus> kalikiana, what do i need to do to get the postler folder view bar?
  1551. <dardevelin> samtate: hi, did you tried to reboot ?
  1552. <dardevelin> samtate: or maybe you need to create a symblink
  1553. <dardevelin> samtate: not sure ( another noob here talking )
  1554. <btkostner> noob party!
  1555. <samtate> dardevelin: Im reading some pastebin logs with lallenlowe having exactly the same issue xD
  1556. <kalikiana> Kus: just get the latest devel branch
  1557. <Kus> devel of what?
  1558. <kalikiana> postler :-)
  1559. <Kus> got it
  1560. <samtate> <xapantu> lallenlowe, copy webkit-1.0.vapi in webkitgtk-3.0.vapi, it will work - omg im such a n00b. Copy what to where xD
  1561. <Kus> kalikiana, which file should i look at?
  1562. <kalikiana> Kus: not sure what you're after to be honest
  1563. <kalikiana> you want to run it? or read the soucre?
  1564. <kalikiana> *source
  1565. <Kus> kalikiana, want to copy the bar with the "inbox" "sent" etc.
  1566. <kalikiana> Kus: then you want to look at postler/postler-folders.vala
  1567. <samtate> kalikiana: please help with my n00b issue :P
  1568. <samtate> error: Package `webkitgtk-3.0' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories
  1569. <Paddy_NI> does dexter work with other mail clients?
  1570. <samtate> i assume via contractor right?
  1571. <Paddy_NI> Right click contact > compose message
  1572. <kalikiana> samtate: ah, hold on, I'll upload a file for you, it's absent from the vala package
  1573. <samtate> kalikiana: OMG thanks so much :D
  1574. <kalikiana> samtate: put both and in the postler subfolder
  1575. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: THANK YOU. xD
  1576. <kalikiana> hm?
  1577. <cassidyjames> samtate: btw check out bug 804903. So many people have come there to report it!
  1578. <kalikiana> brb
  1579. <samtate> cassidyjames: I know :) thank you kalikiana
  1580. <Kus> kalikiana, will it be one of granite widgets?
  1581. <samtate> I got another error, but this time thanks to rabbitbot I know how to fix it :D
  1582. <samtate> ../postler/postler-content.vala:440.13-440.36: error: 1 extra arguments for `GLib.TimeVal Soup.Date.to_timeval ()'
  1583. <samtate> See
  1584. <samtate> line 600
  1585. <Kus> good night everyone
  1586. <samtate> meh it didnt work
  1587. <samtate> Good night Kus :)
  1588. <samtate> Amazing work :P
  1589. <Kus> samtate, tomorrow comes one more toolbar
  1590. * timorei got connected.
  1591. <gotwig> kalikiana: ^
  1592. <cassidyjames> samtate: Do you get "/usr/include/folks/folks.h:12:17: fatal error: gee.h: No such file or directory"? kalikiana any ideas? :P
  1593. <samtate> kalikiana: xapantu gave lallenlowe this file, but i dont get how to apply it
  1594. <gotwig> samtate: hes afk
  1595. <samtate> kalikiana: Sorry to keep bothering you :P
  1596. <gotwig> samtate: hes just afk
  1597. <gotwig> :
  1598. <gotwig> X
  1599. <samtate> yep i know :P
  1600. <gotwig> samtate: :P yourself
  1601. <gotwig> samtate: :-) good night
  1602. <gotwig> n1te, folks
  1603. <samtate> Night :D
  1604. <gotwig> I go now, play warsaw
  1605. <btkostner> nite
  1606. <samtate> Gute nacht ;)
  1607. <gotwig> or sth like that
  1608. <samtate> warsow FTW
  1609. <gotwig> Ich zocke jetz
  1610. <gotwig> :D
  1611. <samtate> kthxbai
  1612. <gotwig> mit mir selber, weil ich keine freunde hab
  1613. * daker_ got connected.
  1614. <gotwig> lol
  1615. <samtate> lol
  1616. <gotwig> bin umgezogen, muss erstmal leute kennen lernen
  1617. <gotwig> hab schon einen gefunden aus der umgebung, der auch auf einem privaten wow server spielt
  1618. <gotwig> xD
  1619. * gotwig got disconnected.
  1620. <samtate> To all of you non German speakers:
  1621. <samtate> "I have moved", I must first get to know people. I've already found someone who plays on a private WOW server"
  1622. <samtate> Or something like that xD
  1623. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  1624. * Paspartout got disconnected.
  1625. <kalikiana> samtate: so what's the problem?
  1626. <samtate> kalikiana: Im trying to build it and I get ../postler/postler-content.vala:440.13-440.36: error: 1 extra arguments for `GLib.TimeVal Soup.Date.to_timeval ()' 22:25:04
  1627. <kalikiana> meh. I guess another binding change :-/
  1628. <samtate> kalikiana: xapantu gave lallenlowe this file in the logs, but i dont know what to do with it xD
  1629. <kalikiana> samtate: download it and do 'patch -p1 < filename'
  1630. <dejongge> sorry, war afk
  1631. <dejongge> not dutch, this is just my nickname
  1632. * timorei got connected.
  1633. * lsrline got connected.
  1634. <lsrline> !logs
  1635. <samtate> now i get the same error as cassidyjames :P /usr/include/folks/folks.h:12:17: fatal error: gee.h: No such file or directory
  1636. <samtate> compilation terminated.
  1637. <samtate> Its just one after another
  1638. * kalikiana got connected.
  1639. * eos-site-user5 got connected.
  1640. <eos-site-user5> hi
  1641. <kalikiana> fuck, I was too slow with the power cord and it already logged me off
  1642. <eos-site-user5> there's anyone?
  1643. <eos-site-user5> ok
  1644. <samtate> hi eos-site-user5
  1645. <kalikiana> yes, eos-site-user5, we're quite active, no worries :-)
  1646. <eos-site-user5> i had an idea
  1647. <eos-site-user5> for eOS
  1648. <samtate> eos-site-user5: Shoot :)
  1649. <eos-site-user5> :D
  1650. <Sparky_nl> Haha, sucks! Always trying to use the battery to the last minute! ^^
  1651. <eos-site-user5> i've a mavbook pro (don't kill me! i'm running ubuntu with Pantheon :D)
  1652. <eos-site-user5> and one of the things
  1653. <samtate> very well :P
  1654. <eos-site-user5> i liked the most
  1655. <eos-site-user5> is that in mac os
  1656. <eos-site-user5> if there's not enought space you can press the button
  1657. <eos-site-user5> on the right
  1658. <btkostner> eos-site-user5: we don't kill people with macbook pros, DanRabbit has one
  1659. <eos-site-user5> that reduces the mai bar on the top to save a lot of space
  1660. <samtate> not enough space for what?
  1661. <btkostner> and we can't kill him
  1662. <eos-site-user5> ahah, i know XD
  1663. <eos-site-user5> for the menu
  1664. <eos-site-user5> buttons etc.
  1665. <eos-site-user5> wait, i'll try o find a video to explain
  1666. <samtate> ok :)
  1667. <eos-site-user5> i'm sorry i'm italian and i'm not brilliant!
  1668. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: The fullscreen thing in Lion, right?
  1669. <eos-site-user5> not
  1670. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Ah.
  1671. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: samtate and I are getting
  1672. <eos-site-user5> i've snw leopard
  1673. <cassidyjames> "/usr/include/folks/folks.h:12:17: fatal error: gee.h: No such file or directory" when we compile
  1674. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Hm...
  1675. <btkostner> eos-site-user5: so do I
  1676. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: A screenshot or video would be best methinks.
  1677. <kalikiana> cassidyjames: so you need gee-dev or so :-)
  1678. <kalikiana> let me check
  1679. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: I thought I had it. :-/
  1680. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: libgee-dev?
  1681. <kalikiana> libgee-dev
  1682. <kalikiana> yes
  1683. * TonyGorski got connected.
  1684. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: Yeah already installed.
  1685. <samtate> same here
  1686. <kalikiana> hmm
  1687. <kalikiana> oh, hold on, idea
  1688. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: kk
  1689. <kalikiana> samtate: cassidyjames: try adding GEE to postler/wscript_build line 17
  1690. <kalikiana> the thing is, there are least two differently build libfolks versions around
  1691. <kalikiana> and the one I have has this built-in
  1692. * Gusions got connected.
  1693. <samtate> kalikiana: Yep :D that worked
  1694. <samtate> Now got more errors xD
  1695. <kalikiana> grrr, ok, paste, please
  1696. <cassidyjames> kalikiana:
  1697. <samtate> OK i think its the same issue again
  1698. <samtate> Makes things easier
  1699. <kalikiana> hmmm
  1700. * timorei got connected.
  1701. <kalikiana> samtate: cassidyjames: oh, did you put a space between FOLKS and GEE in the wscript_build?
  1702. <kalikiana> if not, that would explain the error
  1703. * seif got connected.
  1704. <samtate> im pretty sure i did
  1705. <kalikiana> ok
  1706. <samtate> yeah I did
  1707. <kalikiana> this is puzzling.
  1708. <kalikiana> maybe you want to disable folks for now :-]
  1709. <samtate> what does it do :P
  1710. <kalikiana> ./waf configure --disable-libfolks
  1711. <kalikiana> well, it would use names and avatars from your addressbook or messaging contacts
  1712. <kalikiana> but I have no idea where that error comes from
  1713. <samtate> Well it installed :)
  1714. <kalikiana> progress eventually :-P
  1715. <samtate> But now I get yet another error when trying to run it :P
  1716. <samtate> Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported
  1717. <kalikiana> er
  1718. <samtate> i know :/
  1719. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: I did.
  1720. <kalikiana> cassidyjames: for now my advise is, ./waf configure --disable-libfolks
  1721. <kalikiana> I don't know where that error is coming from
  1722. <cassidyjames> kalikiana: kk
  1723. <seif> kalikiana, yo guys
  1724. <cassidyjames> seif: sup
  1725. <seif> guys feel free to assign me stuff while i am still kinda free
  1726. <cassidyjames> seif: OOH OOH I GOT ONE
  1727. <dardevelin> some help for a noob
  1728. <seif> cassidyjames, hit me
  1729. <cassidyjames> seif: bug 804903 xD
  1730. <dardevelin> does anyone knows if after installing ruby is required to set some type of security settings ?
  1731. <cassidyjames> dardevelin: no clue.
  1732. <dardevelin> i want to install redcar more specifically and that requires ruby gems
  1733. <samtate> no cassidyjames, the most important bug is bug 810158 :P
  1734. <cassidyjames> samtate: lol
  1735. <dardevelin> cassidyjames: thanks anyways
  1736. <dardevelin> anyone else?
  1737. <seif> cassidyjames, ok one it
  1738. <cassidyjames> samtate: That's the fault of the theme mostly I think.
  1739. <cassidyjames> seif: You rock. Thanks!
  1740. <seif> cassidyjames, you will have a fix this weekend 100%
  1741. <eos-site-user5> excuseme i'm back
  1742. <eos-site-user5> but i've not found any videos..
  1743. <cassidyjames> seif: Awesome, add a comment and mark it as in progress please. :)
  1744. <seif> cassidyjames, not really
  1745. <cassidyjames> seif: Hm?
  1746. <seif> cassidyjames, when is the next meeting
  1747. <samtate> eos-site-user5: Ah it doesnt matter, can you find a description on the apple website or something
  1748. <eos-site-user5> i tried...
  1749. <cassidyjames> seif: Friday.
  1750. <eos-site-user5>
  1751. <seif> i would like to introduce a more standard way of profiling bugs
  1752. <seif> ok cool
  1753. <seif> cassidyjames, count me in
  1754. <eos-site-user5> you can see this image
  1755. <seif> please ping me
  1756. <eos-site-user5> and
  1757. <eos-site-user5> i can explain
  1758. <cassidyjames> seif: Will do, I'll add you to the schedule. :)
  1759. <seif> thanks
  1760. <eos-site-user5> that the button on the right if clicked will reduce and minimize all the buttons, to preserve useful space
  1761. <eos-site-user5> my idea was to
  1762. <eos-site-user5> do something similar
  1763. <eos-site-user5> into eOS
  1764. <eos-site-user5> because in ubuntu there's
  1765. <eos-site-user5> the appmenu and in unity
  1766. <eos-site-user5> the bar has also the button and the space is well used
  1767. <eos-site-user5> but in eos i think it's not so.
  1768. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: So the button on the right side of the titlebar collapses the toolbar?
  1769. <eos-site-user5> yes
  1770. <eos-site-user5> and in the finder
  1771. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Does it hide it completely, or just make the icons smaller, or what?
  1772. <eos-site-user5> it also collapse the sidebar
  1773. <eos-site-user5> nono hides complitely
  1774. <samtate> eos-site-user5: If we implement that, all the apple fanboys will be like "OMG YOU COPIED APPLE AGAIN LOLOL"
  1775. <samtate> even though it is a great idea :P
  1776. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Hm... that'd require tighter integration between the wm and GTK, plus I don't really see how it's beneficial to all users.
  1777. <eos-site-user5> thanks
  1778. <eos-site-user5> eh i know it would be not simple..
  1779. <eos-site-user5> but you rocks :D
  1780. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: I think it'd be better (and easier) for the app to provide similar functionality if they want.
  1781. <kalikiana> hey seif, what's up?
  1782. <kalikiana> haven't seen you in a while
  1783. <seif> kalikiana, yeah i have been very busy with things
  1784. <seif> zeitgeist memory consumption repairs etc
  1785. <eos-site-user5> i think that with plank pantheon slingshot
  1786. <samtate> what we really need is some sort of script in Luna which hides the menu in the app, and puts it into an appmenu on the titlebar or something
  1787. <eos-site-user5> eos is too similiar to mac
  1788. <shnatsel> lol
  1789. <eos-site-user5> in things that are not useful like this..
  1790. <kalikiana> seif: ah, I saw the blog post, looked nice
  1791. <samtate> eos-site-user5: Just because it has a dock doesnt make it similar to mac :P
  1792. <eos-site-user5> eheh
  1793. <samtate> the dock looks nothing like the mac one anyway
  1794. <eos-site-user5> slingshot is COPIED to launchpad of Lion...
  1795. * dashua got connected.
  1796. <eos-site-user5> copied from*
  1797. <samtate> Apple took the idea of launchpad from slingshot almost certainly yes
  1798. <shnatsel> eos-site-user5: it will be completely different in Luna
  1799. <davidboy> hehe
  1800. <samtate> since slingshot was around firsy
  1801. <seif> kalikiana, can u give me anything to fix please
  1802. <samtate> ;)
  1803. <shnatsel> eos-site-user5: the current implementation is an experiment and it's clear that it's not a good idea
  1804. <kalikiana> seif: you can look at postler's sqlite, maybe you have some ideas for improvement :-)
  1805. <eos-site-user5> r u serious? sligshot came first?
  1806. <shnatsel> eos-site-user5: it will be completely redesigned, and _maybe_ will use some of Synapse's algorithms
  1807. <kalikiana> or if you happen to feel like implementing references support...
  1808. <seif> kalikiana, yes
  1809. <seif> btw kalikiana sqlite3 now suppors FTS
  1810. <samtate> im pretty sure the mockups were first before launchpad
  1811. <seif> or better FTS
  1812. <samtate> Also, Mission Control is completly copied from Gnome 3 activities manager
  1813. <eos-site-user5> wow...
  1814. <samtate> And the App Store from the software centre.
  1815. <kalikiana> seif: atm there is only header search. suggestions for fulltext search would be useful as well
  1816. <eos-site-user5> yes i tought
  1817. <seif> yeah
  1818. <samtate> I dont mind this, its just when apple say they invented these things that pisses me off
  1819. <seif> its what i was doing all last 2 weeks
  1820. <seif> fixing leaks in fts-xapian
  1821. <eos-site-user5> that an integration of synapse and slingshot will be extremely powerful.
  1822. <kalikiana> seif: would you recommend in favour of or against xapian?
  1823. <seif> kalikiana, xpaian is BY FAR THE BEST
  1824. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Well they both (will) use zeitgeist, so I think they'll be "integrated" enough. Synapse is really more for power users.
  1825. <seif> it takes some time to understand though
  1826. <eos-site-user5> ok
  1827. <Gusions> hello
  1828. <samtate> Hello Gusions
  1829. <kalikiana> seif: time is precious... especially since I see need for more work as I get features done :-/
  1830. <cassidyjames> seif: Ugh, can I redesign the xapian site for them? :P
  1831. <eos-site-user5> Ciao gus, sono diego :D
  1832. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Bye!
  1833. * Sparky_nl got disconnected.
  1834. <davidboy> cassidyjames: You can redesign my site if you need something to do. :D
  1835. <seif> cassidyjames, u can redesign the zeitgeist one if you are interested
  1836. <seif> :P
  1837. <cassidyjames> davidboy: Oh I have lots to do, I just think they should be better represented. :)
  1838. <eos-site-user5> thanks! you are kicking me away!
  1839. <cassidyjames> seif: Hm, perhaps.
  1840. <cassidyjames> seif: Link?
  1841. <cassidyjames> :)
  1842. <seif>
  1843. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Oh. I probably misinterpreted something. xD
  1844. <eos-site-user5> ahah XD
  1845. <samtate> oh no, its faenza :P
  1846. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Oh, you were saying hi to Gusions? :P
  1847. <davidboy> cassidyjames: :-(
  1848. <eos-site-user5> oh yes!
  1849. <eos-site-user5> i know him
  1850. <eos-site-user5> i knew him in the IT site of eos
  1851. <cassidyjames> eos-site-user5: Ah, yes. Cool.
  1852. <cassidyjames> davidboy: lol
  1853. * cassidyjames is working on a mobile app right now, actually.
  1854. <samtate> cassidyjames: Ooh which one?
  1855. <Gusions> ohhh big Cassidy
  1856. <Gusions> understand italian :D
  1857. <cassidyjames> samtate: Not the elementary OS one yet.
  1858. <eos-site-user5> i was searching someone intrested in my idea of a social application
  1859. <eos-site-user5> ahahahha!
  1860. <samtate> cassidyjames: Yet? :P
  1861. <cassidyjames> samtate: Oops! Did I let that slip?
  1862. <cassidyjames> ;)
  1863. <eos-site-user5> it was simple! "Ciao!"
  1864. <samtate> haha time to make the elementary app ;)
  1865. <eos-site-user5> graham??
  1866. <samtate> graham ftw
  1867. <eos-site-user5> does exist?
  1868. <samtate> nope
  1869. <samtate> its a mockup
  1870. <eos-site-user5> perfect!
  1871. <eos-site-user5> i have an intresting mokup
  1872. <eos-site-user5> see here samtate:
  1873. <eos-site-user5> (my blog)
  1874. <davidboy> eos-site-user5: Nice, but I don't think it should handle contacts
  1875. <samtate> Nice :)
  1876. <davidboy> just integrate with dexter for that
  1877. <eos-site-user5> for having
  1878. <samtate> i dont see much point in desktop social clients though
  1879. <samtate> Especially since Google+ has a
  1880. <eos-site-user5> every contact for each person you know
  1881. <samtate> such a great interface*
  1882. <eos-site-user5> i agree
  1883. <eos-site-user5> but if it will be welldone
  1884. <eos-site-user5> i think it would be more useful
  1885. <eos-site-user5> to have it in your desktop
  1886. <davidboy> eos-site-user5: What did you use to make your mockups?
  1887. <eos-site-user5> instead in the browser
  1888. <eos-site-user5> inkscape
  1889. <eos-site-user5> himo
  1890. <eos-site-user5> the normal user prefers to have everything under control
  1891. <eos-site-user5> in the desktop
  1892. <eos-site-user5> to have apps in the browser and in the desk
  1893. <eos-site-user5> it's confusing if u use different apps and web-apps
  1894. <samtate> BTW cassidyjames, google ruined my email :(
  1895. <eos-site-user5> the solution are 2
  1896. <davidboy> eos-site-user5: Hmm, I need to figure out inkscape. Any tips? :P
  1897. <eos-site-user5> Chrome OS
  1898. <samtate> davidboy: Download some other mockups and mess around with them
  1899. <eos-site-user5> or Everything integrated in the desk
  1900. <samtate> Thats what I fif
  1901. <samtate> did*
  1902. <eos-site-user5> inkscape is simpler than it appears to be
  1903. <eos-site-user5> it was my first moukup...
  1904. <eos-site-user5> you only have to
  1905. <eos-site-user5> pratice not a lot
  1906. <eos-site-user5> but a bit :D
  1907. <eos-site-user5> the only tip..
  1908. <eos-site-user5> it's to dare and practice!
  1909. <eos-site-user5> :P
  1910. <eos-site-user5> you will learn by urself
  1911. <curtism> anyone have some code handy for making the background of a gtk window transparent?
  1912. <curtism> (i'll take any language)
  1913. <samtate> ok bye guys. Im gonna go now :D
  1914. <samtate> See you all tomorrow for some more ergolicious action xD
  1915. <samtate> woo ergo!
  1916. <Gusions> fantastic
  1917. <Gusions> you've fixed my bug man?
  1918. <Gusions> :D
  1919. <samtate> Gusions: Probably not, but i suspect it is due to not having the right version of granite
  1920. <samtate> get the latest version from lp:granite and try again :D
  1921. <Gusions> i have the last commit
  1922. <Gusions> of granite :D
  1923. <samtate> hmm, Ill have another look then
  1924. <eos-site-user5> what is ergo?
  1925. <samtate> Gusions: Try getting lp:ergo again, it has been revised recently
  1926. <samtate> and eos-site-user5 its a ToDo list for elementary
  1927. <samtate> Made by the good Kus and I
  1928. <Gusions> mmm it's the same commit that i compiled
  1929. <samtate> huh
  1930. <eos-site-user5> ok
  1931. <eos-site-user5> why ergo as name?
  1932. <samtate> i believe it is greek for task :D
  1933. <eos-site-user5> ergo is latin..
  1934. <eos-site-user5> it means
  1935. <eos-site-user5> "then"
  1936. <eos-site-user5> "therefore"
  1937. <samtate> Yes
  1938. <samtate> But task in greek is έργο
  1939. <samtate> Which is phonetically spelt Ergo
  1940. <eos-site-user5> uh..
  1941. <samtate> anyway I need to kthxbai now
  1942. <samtate> (Thats a new verb :P to kthxbai)
  1943. <eos-site-user5> nice :D
  1944. <eos-site-user5> "cogito ergo sum" :D
  1945. <samtate> Sorry about that Gusions, but it wont compile for me either. You are better off running it under glimpse. Thats how I got it to work
  1946. <samtate> eos-site-user5: Free advertising every time someone reads anything about philosophy xD
  1947. <samtate> Byeeee
  1948. <eos-site-user5> eheh byeee!
  1949. * prizm_ got connected.
  1950. <hcabaguio|gaems> samtate: ping
  1951. <prizm_> hcabaguio|gaems what gaems?
  1952. <hcabaguio|gaems> prizm_: pronographic gaems
  1953. <prizm_> graphics are like?
  1954. <hcabaguio|gaems> very good :D
  1955. <prizm_> OH FUCK YOU
  1956. <hcabaguio|gaems> xD
  1957. <prizm_> SOMEBODY USING MY NICK?
  1958. <prizm_> GHOST THAT SHIT
  1959. <hcabaguio|gaems> huh?
  1960. * ampharos got connected.
  1961. <ampharos> somebody was using my nick
  1962. <ampharos> i ghosted them and changed back
  1963. * opt1ckz got connected.
  1964. * hcabaguio|gaems got disconnected.
  1965. * TonyGorski got connected.
  1966. * dardevelin got connected.
  1967. <dardevelin> hi there
  1968. <dardevelin> from a fresh install of ElementaryOS what updates do you guys recommend?
  1969. <dardevelin> should i update Ubuntu 11.04 'Natty Narwhal?
  1970. <btkostner> dardevelin: don't upgrade the system
  1971. * TonyGorski got connected.
  1972. <dardevelin> btkostner, ok so and what about the updates of the update manager ?
  1973. <btkostner> you can update any programs and things, just don't upgrade your system to any new version of ubuntu
  1974. * hcabaguio got connected.
  1975. <dardevelin> btkostner, ok. Any specific reason ?
  1976. <btkostner> it will break elementary
  1977. <dardevelin> btkostner, ok fair enough. Is there any alpha or beta, or even final packages that can be downloaded of luna ?
  1978. <btkostner> using natty, you can have our development ppa
  1979. <dardevelin> so i update and then use your ppa or i add your ppa and then update to natty ?
  1980. <dardevelin> btkostner, ^^
  1981. <btkostner> no, use natty then add the ppa and update
  1982. <dardevelin> i'll reboot brb
  1983. <btkostner> bye
  1984. * btkostner got disconnected.
  1985. * dardevelin got connected.
  1986. <dardevelin> back
  1987. <dardevelin> upgrading to natty now
  1988. <dardevelin> can you give me the ppa ?
  1989. <dardevelin> btkostner: or at least point me were can i get i t
  1990. <dardevelin> anyone around ?
  1991. <codygarver> daredevelin, you still here?
  1992. <codygarver> dardevelin I mean
  1993. <codygarver> dardevelin:
  1994. <dardevelin> codygarver, yes I am
  1995. <dardevelin> codygarver, ok thank you very much :D
  1996. <codygarver> no problem dardevelin :)
  1997. <dardevelin> btw is there any goal on developing a mind mapping program ?
  1998. * ilmenite got connected.
  1999. * btkostner got connected.
  2000. * eos-site-user6 got connected.
  2001. * eos-site-user9 got connected.
  2002. <eos-site-user9> Uhh is this where I get help?
  2003. <eos-site-user9> Hellooooooo
  2004. <eos-site-user9> !help
  2005. <eos-site-user9> Erm...hello?
  2006. * eos-site-user4 got connected.
  2007. <eos-site-user4> hello?
  2008. <eos-site-user4> need help
  2009. <eos-site-user4> guys
  2010. <eos-site-user4> anyone out there?
  2011. * dardevelin got connected.
  2012. <dardevelin> hey anyone around ?
  2013. * dardevelin got connected.
  2014. * btkostner got connected.
  2015. <dardevelin> btkostner, after installing natty and adding the ppa
  2016. <dardevelin> i've done the update
  2017. <dardevelin> and should i add all the other elementary os packages ?
  2018. <btkostner> if you want full on elementary
  2019. * btkostner can't be to blame if it makes your computer grow wings and eats you
  2020. <kalikiana> dardevelin: you just need the one, it should contain all the apps
  2021. <dardevelin> btw is it suppose to flash a deb window while installing things with ubuntu software center ?
  2022. * kalikiana got disconnected.
  2023. <dardevelin> pantheon-xsession-settings depends on pantheon-wallpaper ( any idea were can i get that if its already available of course )
  2024. * yo2boy_ got connected.
  2025. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  2026. * pinguy got connected.
  2027. * Cory` got connected.
  2028. * blaschko got connected.
  2029. * hcabaguio got connected.
  2030. * choonming got connected.
  2031. * Skorde got connected.
  2032. * dashua got connected.
  2033. * chawsum got connected.
  2034. * opt1ckz got connected.
  2035. * dardevelin got connected.
  2036. <dardevelin> hi there
  2037. <dardevelin> one quick question, whats the root password in jupiter ?
  2038. <dardevelin> it fails to authenticate doing su on terminal
  2039. <hcabaguio> probably empty
  2040. <hcabaguio> or idunno
  2041. <hcabaguio> try changing the password
  2042. <btkostner|dead> its empty
  2043. <btkostner|dead>
  2044. * hrhnick got connected.
  2045. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  2046. * btkostner got connected.
  2047. <hcabaguio> btkostner: do you know what local video sharing is called?
  2048. <btkostner> like video chat?
  2049. <hcabaguio> no, like streaming video from one computer to the other over a local network
  2050. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  2051. <btkostner> no clue
  2052. <dardevelin> hcabaguio, well the principle still the same, its still being streaming, its just in a local network
  2053. <hcabaguio> dardevelin: but this is for a video player app :P
  2054. <dardevelin> hcabaguio, your naming it or trying to find one ?
  2055. <hcabaguio> naming a feature
  2056. <dardevelin> hcabaguio, go right to the point, it stays really hard if your looking for new apps and the name has nothing to do with its functionality. So if its for streaming, put something like - LocalStream-elementary or whatever
  2057. <hcabaguio> dardevelin: um no, its a video player with a local stream feature, its not the "main" feature :P
  2058. <dardevelin> let the funky name after the dash, in that way you can always have a crazy name combined with the real descriptive name
  2059. <hcabaguio> I'm not naming the app, although it doesn't have a name yet :P
  2060. <dardevelin> hcabaguio, when you said features i assumed it was a separate package (my bad )
  2061. <dardevelin> btw upgrading from jupiter was a huge mistake. i guess i'll have to do the dev version tomorrow starting with natty and adding the ppa
  2062. <btkostner> I vote it should be named theater
  2063. <hcabaguio> woah
  2064. <hcabaguio> that's actually I really nice name
  2065. <hcabaguio> almost
  2066. <hcabaguio> just a bit more
  2067. <btkostner> cinema
  2068. <dardevelin> El-Cinema lol
  2069. <curtism> quick, someone give me a name for a panel i'm writing (not at all affiliated with elementary, just need a name)
  2070. <dardevelin> lenap
  2071. <dardevelin> lmao
  2072. <curtism> original
  2073. <btkostner> the panel
  2074. <curtism> even more original
  2075. <btkostner> =====> that panel
  2076. <curtism> is this really the elementary crowd? all of elementary's things have good names
  2077. <dardevelin> well i said lenap
  2078. <dardevelin> its reversed panel
  2079. <curtism> that doesn't make it good
  2080. <btkostner> mine is super original
  2081. <hcabaguio> what is a panel? ._.
  2082. <btkostner> anything that is always on the screen that is smaller than half of the screen and has applets on it
  2083. <curtism> hcabaguio: a bar on an edge of a screen usually containing a clock, tray, window list, etc
  2084. <hcabaguio> why are you writing one?
  2085. <hcabaguio> and that was my first guess but I thought why would you do that?
  2086. <curtism> why not?
  2087. <curtism> i am dissatisfied with existing panels
  2088. <hcabaguio> call it footpanel
  2089. <hcabaguio> and put it at the bottom
  2090. <curtism> no, it's going in the top-right
  2091. <hcabaguio> call it wi- oh right
  2092. <hcabaguio> call it floatpanel
  2093. <btkostner> call it stupidpanel
  2094. <curtism> :(
  2095. <hcabaguio> so
  2096. <btkostner> so stupid a caveman can do it
  2097. <hcabaguio> what do you think of this:
  2098. <btkostner> it needs a toolbar
  2099. <btkostner> and a youtube icon
  2100. <btkostner> but I like it
  2101. <btkostner> :D
  2102. <hcabaguio> lol I tried it like spiceofdesign's audrey movie player mockup
  2103. <btkostner> "Get a life: you currently don't have any videos"
  2104. <hcabaguio> that makes no sense
  2105. <btkostner> yes it does
  2106. <btkostner> it just is not true
  2107. <btkostner> but it makes sense
  2108. <btkostner> its 11:30 here
  2109. <hcabaguio> here too
  2110. <hcabaguio> I'm gonna finish this mock tomorrow
  2111. <hcabaguio> seriously
  2112. <hcabaguio> it's taking me a week to complete one mock
  2113. <btkostner> lol
  2114. <btkostner> slow
  2115. <btkostner> down
  2116. <btkostner> NOW
  2117. <hcabaguio> no
  2118. <hcabaguio> I used to create mockups like crazy xD
  2119. <hcabaguio> well nn
  2120. * dashua got connected.
  2121. <btkostner> </my life>
  2122. <Omega> it should be named
  2123. <Omega> bioscope
  2124. * btkostner got disconnected.
  2125. * Devil505 got connected.
  2126. * DBO got connected.
  2127. * devil505_ got connected.
  2128. * seif got connected.
  2129. * samtate got connected.
  2130. <samtate> hey
  2131. * opt1ckz got connected.
  2132. * aquarius got connected.
  2133. * mhr3 got connected.
  2134. * Kus got connected.
  2135. <Kus> !logs
  2136. * samtate got disconnected.
  2137. * samtate got connected.
  2138. * datagutt got connected.
  2139. * g0twig got connected.
  2140. <g0twig> hey
  2141. <samtate> hey g0twig
  2142. <g0twig> it seems that the gnome-settings-daemon bug is solved
  2143. <g0twig> I readed on lp, I am now at livecd
  2144. <g0twig> liveusb, excuse me :)
  2145. <g0twig> samtate: do you know that you can use youtube with html5?
  2146. <g0twig> samtate: without flash
  2147. <samtate> g0twig: Yeah, but I dont like it yet
  2148. <g0twig> samtate: why
  2149. <g0twig> samtate: notfication box´s or what ever in videos dont work
  2150. <samtate> The player isnt as advanced at the moment, and it doesnt really have fullscreen
  2151. <g0twig> its good for liveusb
  2152. <samtate> yep
  2153. <g0twig> I want to write a plugin for midori
  2154. <g0twig> that uses youtube in html5, when flash is not installed
  2155. <g0twig> would be good for livecd
  2156. <g0twig> but not only livecd
  2157. <g0twig> so can people have an very OSS system
  2158. <g0twig> "a"
  2159. <samtate> it also doesnt work properly with
  2160. <g0twig> but it does work sometimes
  2161. <g0twig> better as nothing IMHO
  2162. <g0twig> and you have nothing, when flash is not activated
  2163. <samtate> defo
  2164. <g0twig> that means ? :D
  2165. <samtate> definately
  2166. * seif got connected.
  2167. * Xazax got connected.
  2168. <g0twig> when you install flash, the plugin will deactivate
  2169. <g0twig> thats the idea
  2170. <g0twig> and not only youtube
  2171. <g0twig> also vimeo as example
  2172. <g0twig> juhu gnome-settings-daemon does not get segfault!
  2173. <g0twig> :D
  2174. <samtate> Postler does for me :P
  2175. <g0twig> :P
  2176. <g0twig> thats far more important for all of us
  2177. <g0twig> :P
  2178. <samtate> ill just stick with gmail for now
  2179. <g0twig> now we can important dconf keys/ what ever
  2180. <g0twig> last time I saw midori with just 1 url bar ;)
  2181. <g0twig> search bar included
  2182. <g0twig> just becouse of our dconf hacking shit :D
  2183. <samtate> :P
  2184. <samtate> I'm trying to fix some bugs in eGTK because its not that hard apparently :P
  2185. * samtate got connected.
  2186. * g0twig got disconnected.
  2187. <Kus> samtate, check this out
  2188. <samtate> Kus: Looking great :D
  2189. <Kus> samtate, i know :D
  2190. <samtate> I dont know if I like that more than the mockup :P
  2191. <samtate> i suppose it has to fit in
  2192. <Kus> samtate, it has no styling atm.
  2193. * gotwig got connected.
  2194. <gotwig> hey
  2195. <Kus> gotwig, hey
  2196. <gotwig> Luna can boot !
  2197. <Kus> daily?
  2198. <gotwig> jeah
  2199. <gotwig> after install
  2200. <gotwig> and gnome-settings-daemon bug is fixed
  2201. <gotwig> :)
  2202. <gotwig> that means you can now use Luna
  2203. <gotwig> and install it
  2204. <gotwig> (tested with liveusb)
  2205. <samtate> BTW, anyone who has glimpse: open gedit from within oneiric, press Open and go to a folder with lots of files. The scrollbar should be blue
  2206. <samtate> doesnt it look much nicer than the elementary grey one?
  2207. <samtate> brb
  2208. <Kus> glimpse has overlayscrollbars
  2209. * darkmatter1 got connected.
  2210. * darkmatter got connected.
  2211. * darkmatter got connected.
  2212. <samtate> Kus: Yeah exactly
  2213. * juliomino got connected.
  2214. * juliomino got disconnected.
  2215. * opt1ckz got connected.
  2216. * ricotz got connected.
  2217. * ricotz got connected.
  2218. * urbis got connected.
  2219. <urbis> hi there!
  2220. <urbis> 11.04 ubuntu after sudo apt-get install Postler says E: Unable to locate package Postler
  2221. <gotwig> urbis: which ppa do you use?
  2222. <gotwig> urbis: you need to use the development ppa
  2223. <gotwig> what contains beta / not ready software
  2224. <urbis> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:postler-dev/ppa
  2225. <urbis> seems like i`m already using it
  2226. <urbis> am i right?
  2227. <gotwig> ehm
  2228. <gotwig> I mean that from elementary
  2229. <gotwig> elementary dev ppa
  2230. <gotwig> god look at that ppa
  2231. <gotwig> the last version is 16 weeks old
  2232. <gotwig> from postler-dev
  2233. <urbis> yea i see
  2234. <gotwig> elementary dev ppa contains daily build apps, from bzr
  2235. <urbis> hmm where to get them?
  2236. * timorei got connected.
  2237. <gotwig> urbis: just add the elementary development ppa
  2238. <gotwig> with add-apt-repositority ppa:****
  2239. <gotwig> on terminal
  2240. * Xazax got connected.
  2241. <urbis> can you give me the full command?
  2242. <gotwig> urbis: kay, wait
  2243. <gotwig> add-apt-repository ppa:elementaryart/elementary-dev
  2244. <gotwig> use that command
  2245. <gotwig> and than sudo apt-get update, when you use software-center, it does that automaticly
  2246. <gotwig> urbis: does it work?
  2247. <urbis> for now it shows only dexter
  2248. <urbis> no postler found :<
  2249. <gotwig> urbis: try from terminal
  2250. <gotwig> sudo apt-get install postler
  2251. <urbis> sudo apt-get install Postler
  2252. <urbis> Reading package lists... Done
  2253. <urbis> Building dependency tree
  2254. <urbis> Reading state information... Done
  2255. <urbis> E: Unable to locate package Postler
  2256. <urbis> already tries
  2257. <urbis> tried*
  2258. <urbis> ohh big P
  2259. <urbis> with little p works
  2260. * datagutt got connected.
  2261. <gotwig> urbis: sry :D
  2262. <gotwig> urbis: just copy:зфые
  2263. <gotwig> just copy & past russian layout , lol
  2264. <gotwig> :D
  2265. <gotwig> urbis: does it work?
  2266. <urbis> gotwig: vsjo horosho ;)
  2267. <gotwig> urbis: I am from germany xD
  2268. <urbis> ohh
  2269. <gotwig> I only talk a little russian
  2270. <gotwig> but I understand what you wrote
  2271. <gotwig> even if it wasnt kyrilic ;)
  2272. <urbis> i`m from Latvia
  2273. <gotwig> kay :)
  2274. <gotwig> my parents came from russia
  2275. <urbis> latvian is my first language, then russian and then english
  2276. <urbis> at english test in 2008. I get level C
  2277. <urbis> for now my english is so so
  2278. * samtate got disconnected.
  2279. * timorei got connected.
  2280. <gotwig> urbis: :D
  2281. <gotwig> urbis: are you a dev, or a contributor?
  2282. <gotwig> or a user :) ?
  2283. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  2284. * eos-site-user3 got connected.
  2285. * envygeeks got connected.
  2286. <Kus> gotwig, have you seen the new look of ...
  2287. <gotwig> Kus: ERGO??
  2288. <gotwig> n0
  2289. <Kus> gotwig,
  2290. <gotwig> n1
  2291. <gotwig> where are the TAGS :D ?
  2292. <gotwig>
  2293. <gotwig> GnoMint11
  2294. <gotwig> rofl
  2295. <gotwig> isnt that nice xD?
  2296. * Marin_M got connected.
  2297. <urbis> gotwig: user
  2298. <Kus> where would you like to see the tags?
  2299. <Kus> Yeah, Latvia is full of awesome people!
  2300. <urbis> he he
  2301. <urbis> ir ir
  2302. <gotwig> ir ir :D
  2303. <gotwig> duno where I want the tags
  2304. <gotwig> hm
  2305. <gotwig> left to the "today", etc. things?
  2306. <gotwig> Kus: ^
  2307. <Kus> gotwig, maybe next to the "today" i could make a "Tags" and there you can choose to filter by tags
  2308. <gotwig> that I mean
  2309. <gotwig> but I like realy the idea that the add task thing is included into the app itself
  2310. <gotwig> no other windows
  2311. <gotwig> maybe, the window can be bigger
  2312. <gotwig> ?
  2313. <Kus> Hmm
  2314. <Kus> how about a add task entry in "Tags"?
  2315. <gotwig> Kus: I cant imagine that
  2316. <gotwig> :)
  2317. <gotwig> Kus: make a mockup
  2318. <Kus> me and mockup ho ho
  2319. <Kus> gotwig, no rly. lets wait for Sam
  2320. <gotwig> Kus: how you make your mockups?
  2321. <gotwig> oh you dont make mockups, right :D ?
  2322. <Kus> gotwig, not yet. :D
  2323. <Kus> gotwig, ok will try
  2324. * seif got connected.
  2325. * timorei got connected.
  2326. * envygeeks got disconnected.
  2327. * shnatsel got connected.
  2328. * TonyGorski got connected.
  2329. * timorei got connected.
  2330. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  2331. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  2332. * TonyGorski got connected.
  2333. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  2334. * TonyGorski got connected.
  2335. <TonyGorski> hi. where can i find some more details about beginner programming guide?
  2336. <Kus> TonyGorski, for what purpose?
  2337. * samtate got connected.
  2338. <samtate> Why hello there
  2339. <TonyGorski> kus, i'm interested in learning C and i'm thinking how to start, so i'm thinking if this guide would help me a bit
  2340. <samtate> !logs
  2341. <samtate> Rabbitbot is awesome :)
  2342. * Skorde got connected.
  2343. <Kus> I am too lazy to search in google for a guide...
  2344. <TonyGorski> i mean i heard sth about guide from elementary team
  2345. <TonyGorski> this i can find myself :)
  2346. <urbis> hmm
  2347. <urbis> how to add imap server if it starts with pop3?
  2348. <urbis> like
  2349. <Kus> TonyGorski, asked in the dev channel
  2350. <Kus> TonyGorski, never heard of a guide myself.
  2351. <TonyGorski> kus, i think i've read abut it in comments on e site
  2352. <samtate> yep there will be one eventually
  2353. <urbis> gotwig: wake up, you know everything here :D
  2354. <TonyGorski> samtate, how would it differ from whats already on internet?
  2355. <samtate> TonyGorski: I think it will specialise specifically in elementary apps. So Vala, granite and bzr stuff
  2356. <TonyGorski> samtate, any eta for release?
  2357. * dashua got connected.
  2358. <samtate> TonyGorski: I dont know, I'm not working on it :P. It would be really great for me too
  2359. <TonyGorski> samtate, oh. i just want to know what to learn >>before<< this, so i am not wasting time
  2360. <Kus> TonyGorski, learn GTK toolkit
  2361. <TonyGorski> samtate, bu probably some c basics would be required
  2362. <samtate> TonyGorski: Well getting to grips with any programming language will help
  2363. <TonyGorski> samtate, i ain/t completely noob though
  2364. <Kus> TonyGorski, what do you already know?
  2365. <samtate> even web based languages such as javascript and php will help you
  2366. <TonyGorski> kus, html, css, php, d basics
  2367. <TonyGorski> kus, i must check out gtk if u say so
  2368. <Kus> TonyGorski, have you writen Object Oriented things in php?
  2369. <TonyGorski> kus, no. just basics. i haven't had enough time for this and now i want to start 'for real'
  2370. <Kus> TonyGorski, there are vala tutorials
  2371. <TonyGorski> kus, but i heard gtk 3 uses css for theming, so thats not bad
  2372. <Kus> TonyGorski,
  2373. <TonyGorski> kus, i'll read it.
  2374. <gotwig> urbis: I woke up :D
  2375. <gotwig> to late
  2376. <gotwig> !logs
  2377. <urbis> :D
  2378. <urbis> do you know what to do with this problem?
  2379. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  2380. * dejongge got connected.
  2381. <TonyGorski> kus, when i take control of basics, where should i look for some emh.. training? i mean understanding is far away from making things work
  2382. <Kus> TonyGorski, you can try some of the examples and experiment with them
  2383. <Kus> try to make an app for example
  2384. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  2385. <TonyGorski> kus, ok. i'll stick with it for now
  2386. <TonyGorski> thanks for help everybody :)
  2387. * wzk got connected.
  2388. * gotwig got disconnected.
  2389. * seif got connected.
  2390. * AFD got connected.
  2391. * gridaphobe got connected.
  2392. <AFD> I'm setting up servers with a GUI desktop that people can have FreeNX access to - I'd like to use the elementaryOS "desktop" but couldn't figure out what it is... is it easy enough to install after building the server?
  2393. <AFD> I know it's simple enough to give people an ubuntu-desktop or LXDE etc... just thought it would be good to give them eOS instead
  2394. * Gusions got connected.
  2395. * solidslash got connected.
  2396. * davidboy got connected.
  2397. <shnatsel> AFD: well, for Luna components you can install elementary-desktop
  2398. <AFD> it's an ubuntu server running 10.04.... Luna's only built for 11.04 right?
  2399. <shnatsel> AFD: unfortunately, Jupiter lacks such a package
  2400. <shnatsel> AFD: 10.04 is not supported at all.
  2401. <AFD> aah ok
  2402. <AFD> thanks anyway ;)
  2403. <shnatsel> AFD: You can make the desktop looks the same, however
  2404. <shnatsel> AFD: but not the apps
  2405. <AFD> when we upgrade the server's we'll look in to Luna
  2406. <AFD> sure - install Docky and ban desktop files etc...
  2407. <shnatsel> AFD: I hope you'll upgrade to 12.04 right away :)
  2408. <AFD> :|
  2409. <shnatsel> AFD: yes, lock panel
  2410. <AFD> 12.04??
  2411. <shnatsel> AFD: the LTS
  2412. <AFD> I thought they were just building 11.10?!?
  2413. <AFD> 12.04 is out??
  2414. <shnatsel> AFD: yes, they're just buiding 11.10
  2415. <shnatsel> AFD: Ubuntu releases are named Year.Month
  2416. <shnatsel> AFD: 10.04 is 2010, April
  2417. <AFD> aaah - that suddenly makes a lot more sense :D
  2418. <AFD> ok - the boss is sticking with the LTS server distros
  2419. <AFD> so no upgrade till 11.10 (?)
  2420. <AFD> which is the next LTS server?
  2421. * Lazy_ got connected.
  2422. <AFD> is it 11.10 or 12.04?
  2423. <shnatsel> AFD: 8.04, 10.04, 12.04 etc are LTS
  2424. <AFD> thanks ;)
  2425. <shnatsel> AFD: 12.04 is LTS
  2426. <AFD> so no upgrade till April
  2427. <shnatsel> AFD: coming in less than a year
  2428. <AFD> our other servers run CentOS and we're just looking at v.6 now
  2429. <shnatsel> AFD: Pantheon should be widely tested and polished by then
  2430. <AFD> so we'll be able to run the eOS desktop on 12.04
  2431. <shnatsel> AFD: yes (unless an unpredictable disaster happens)
  2432. <AFD> looking forward to it :D
  2433. <AFD> and Luna's desktop sounds very light and fast - perfect for remote sessions
  2434. <shnatsel> AFD: yes, exactly
  2435. * kholerabbi got connected.
  2436. * eos-site-user6 got connected.
  2437. <kholerabbi> diesys: what was that?
  2438. <diesys> what?
  2439. <kholerabbi> you want to come play a game of #wolfgame?
  2440. <diesys> no
  2441. <kholerabbi> Or really, that's cool. Well see you there :)
  2442. <diesys> :)
  2443. <diesys> i was thinking..
  2444. <diesys> is there any app
  2445. <diesys> like the board (gnome)
  2446. <diesys> in the elementary suite?
  2447. <Kus> diesys, no
  2448. <diesys> why?
  2449. <diesys> no one had the idea
  2450. <diesys> or it's a choise?
  2451. <Kus> you can make one..
  2452. <diesys> i'm sorry but i'm not able
  2453. <diesys> i am at the moment
  2454. <diesys> only a designer
  2455. <diesys> (not pro)
  2456. <diesys> when i'll go to univ i'll learn how to do it
  2457. <diesys> by now i can only suggest and create moks
  2458. <kholerabbi> what's board?
  2459. <diesys> the board is a dashboard by gnome
  2460. <diesys> it's on beta i suppose
  2461. <diesys>
  2462. <diesys> see here
  2463. * TonyGorski got connected.
  2464. <diesys>
  2465. <Kus> i got the idea
  2466. <Kus> have seen that some time ago
  2467. <diesys> perfect i found the video:
  2468. <diesys> yes me too
  2469. <diesys> and at the moment
  2470. <diesys> i haven't tryed it
  2471. <diesys> but it appears something "against"
  2472. <diesys> the entire kde4 plasma
  2473. * gotwig got connected.
  2474. <gotwig> he
  2475. <gotwig> y
  2476. <gotwig> the bug is fixed, shnatsel
  2477. <gotwig> installation worked
  2478. <gotwig> it can boot
  2479. <shnatsel> gotwig: w00t!
  2480. <shnatsel> gotwig: thanks for testing!
  2481. <gotwig> I have it installed on my system
  2482. <gotwig> another partation
  2483. <gotwig> I have changed a few things only
  2484. <gotwig> like LSB
  2485. <shnatsel> gotwig: omg. Compiz works?
  2486. <gotwig> the gnome-settings-daemon bug is fixed
  2487. <gotwig> hm, not realy
  2488. <gotwig> compiz is not set as default
  2489. <gotwig> it seems
  2490. <gotwig> I have not these grid things, that are in ubuntu
  2491. <shnatsel> gotwig: that's just a matter of assigning it the right profile
  2492. <gotwig> these window things
  2493. * choonming got connected.
  2494. <gotwig> by default, I dont have compz
  2495. <gotwig> compiz
  2496. <gotwig> but I must say that my graphic card can only use vesa
  2497. <gotwig> geforce gt 240
  2498. * hcabaguio got connected.
  2499. * pinguy got connected.
  2500. <gotwig> so it cant use compiz
  2501. <shnatsel> gotwig: ps -A | grep compiz
  2502. <shnatsel> gotwig: ps -A | grep metacity
  2503. <gotwig> I see what happens when I install nvidia driver
  2504. * Cory` got connected.
  2505. <gotwig> I am now not at elementary
  2506. <gotwig> I upgraded from liveusb, and I got no problems with gnome-settings-daemon
  2507. <gotwig> I rebuilt now
  2508. <gotwig> have to retest
  2509. * cassidyjames got connected.
  2510. <gotwig> cassidyjames: hey
  2511. <gotwig> cassidyjames: installing Luna works now :P
  2512. <gotwig> cassidyjames: with booting, etc.
  2513. <gotwig> its not realy a problem that the username is ubuntu at the livecd IMHO, etc.
  2514. <gotwig> when I installed elementary, I saw not many ubuntu branding
  2515. <gotwig> just at tty 3 or sth like that
  2516. <gotwig> so only at terminal things
  2517. <gotwig> but, like I said, I also modified LSB things
  2518. <gotwig> shnatsel: could I PM you?
  2519. <shnatsel> gotwig: of course
  2520. * eos-site-user5 got connected.
  2521. * Skullcrasher got connected.
  2522. * dardevelin got connected.
  2523. * chawsum got connected.
  2524. <diesys> who likes the new interface of slingshot?
  2525. <gotwig> My Mama :-)
  2526. <gotwig> german for : mother
  2527. <gotwig> diesys: what you mean with new interface?
  2528. <samtate> diesys: everyone likes it :D
  2529. <diesys> ahah
  2530. <diesys> the "popup"
  2531. <diesys> mokup
  2532. * eos-site-user3 got connected.
  2533. <dardevelin> hi
  2534. <dardevelin> i didn't saw it yet
  2535. <dardevelin> can you share the link of the mokup ?
  2536. <diesys> i'm searching
  2537. <diesys>
  2538. <diesys> thanks to the italian blog and Gusions
  2539. <dardevelin> download manager is great
  2540. <dardevelin> that search thing too bulky
  2541. <dardevelin> should be auto height
  2542. <dardevelin> displaying only whats there
  2543. <Gusions> yw diesys
  2544. <Gusions> :)
  2545. <diesys> :D
  2546. <dardevelin> does any of you have any sources of free ebooks on gtk3 ?
  2547. <diesys> daredevelin dimensions i think are right
  2548. <diesys> no srry
  2549. <diesys> before it's too late
  2550. <diesys> and sling will be restylished
  2551. <diesys> i have and idea
  2552. <dardevelin> or any website does not need exclusively to be an ebook
  2553. <shnatsel> dardevelin:
  2554. <dardevelin> diesys, believe me its bulky
  2555. <diesys> to mix the board of gnome and the dash, what do you think??
  2556. <diesys> daredevelin it's not, let's take a look at synapse
  2557. <diesys> the same dims..
  2558. <dardevelin> shnatsel, ok i can try that. ( however i need to make sure is only legal content unfortunately my country is monitoring torrents )
  2559. <shnatsel> dardevelin: even encrypted transmission?
  2560. <dardevelin> shnatsel, they are in need of money so i kind bet that as well
  2561. <dardevelin> but i can manage someway
  2562. <dardevelin> i'll try find
  2563. <dardevelin> i mean i just asked you guys, because you had to learn and maybe got some resources
  2564. <diesys> i'm totally ignorant in this things.. é_é
  2565. <dardevelin> diesys, me too, yet i want to stop being :D thats why i'm searching info
  2566. * timorei got connected.
  2567. <shnatsel> dardevelin: I have a book with a nice kickstart on GTK2
  2568. <shnatsel> dardevelin: but that's all
  2569. <dardevelin> shnatsel, that will do
  2570. <shnatsel> dardevelin: there are cool GNOME Screencasts GTK kickstart also
  2571. <dardevelin> shnatsel, is it too different from gtk3 ?
  2572. <shnatsel> dardevelin: and there's official reference which is learner's hell
  2573. * Kus got connected.
  2574. <shnatsel> dardevelin: no idea, never coded in GTK3
  2575. <diesys> daredevelin .. saying "this things" i was say everything reguards programming! O.O
  2576. <shnatsel> dardevelin: I'd prefer the screencasts I guess
  2577. <Kus> !logs
  2578. * Marin_M got connected.
  2579. <dardevelin> shnatsel, well yeah screencasts sound much better
  2580. <dardevelin> compiling ffmpeg now
  2581. <shnatsel> dardevelin: they are official and legal and stuff
  2582. <dardevelin> when finish will look for all that stuff
  2583. <diesys> anyone read my idea?
  2584. <dardevelin> diesys, witch one ?
  2585. <dardevelin> about mixing the board ?
  2586. <diesys> yep
  2587. <diesys> board and sling
  2588. <diesys> when i can i'll do some mokups
  2589. <dardevelin> shnatsel, gtk is somewhat similar to xml isn't it ?
  2590. <dardevelin> shnatsel, or i'm too far ?
  2591. <shnatsel> dardevelin: no, I guess you're too far
  2592. <dardevelin> shnatsel, dam
  2593. <shnatsel> dardevelin: GTK didn't have making UIs from XML for a long time because it doesn't work well
  2594. <dardevelin> shnatsel, on guis only had exp on VB and a bit of QT using Qss witch is really similar to css
  2595. <shnatsel> dardevelin: it works, but doesn't work as well as UI creation from code
  2596. * arpu got connected.
  2597. * g0twig got connected.
  2598. <shnatsel> dardevelin: you need and on
  2599. <g0twig> shnatsel: bad news
  2600. <shnatsel> g0twig: wassup?
  2601. <g0twig> shnatsel: gnome-settings-daemon has no segfault, but the whole inteface looks still ugly
  2602. <g0twig> no elementary theme set as default
  2603. <dardevelin> shnatsel, thank you very much ( just waiting for ffmpeg finish
  2604. <shnatsel> g0twig: hmmmmm....
  2605. <g0twig> shnatsel: should I make a screenshot?
  2606. <shnatsel> g0twig: I'll check, thanks
  2607. <shnatsel> g0twig: of dconf-editor showing org.gnome.desktop.inteface, please :)
  2608. <g0twig> shnatsel: and slingshot gives me segfault
  2609. <g0twig> should I make a screenshot?
  2610. <shnatsel> g0twig: sounds like the themes are not installed
  2611. <g0twig> they are installed
  2612. <shnatsel> g0twig: make a screenshot of dconf-editor showing org.gnome.desktop.inteface, please :)
  2613. <g0twig> you dont understand me I think :D
  2614. <g0twig> the theme of gnome 3 is set
  2615. * eos-site-user6 got connected.
  2616. * hrhnick got connected.
  2617. <g0twig> shnatsel: should I also show the output of gnome-settings-daemon?
  2618. <shnatsel> g0twig: if you consider it interesting - yes
  2619. * localtoast got connected.
  2620. * localtoast got connected.
  2621. <g0twig>
  2622. <g0twig> oh, a notification is over the output
  2623. <g0twig> should I make a new screenshot?
  2624. <ampharos> don't use imageshack
  2625. <ampharos> use imgur
  2626. <ampharos> or omploader
  2627. <g0twig> why
  2628. <ampharos> imageshack sucks
  2629. <ampharos> it isn't a direct link
  2630. <g0twig> shnatsel: you see it?
  2631. <shnatsel> use ;)
  2632. <ampharos> ooh, me accent's slipping!
  2633. <g0twig> shnatsel: do you see the picture
  2634. <shnatsel> fast, stable service with direct links et al
  2635. <shnatsel> g0twig: loading it right now
  2636. <g0twig> l0l
  2637. * max1m got connected.
  2638. <shnatsel> g0twig: adwaita is really so ugly?
  2639. <shnatsel> g0twig: or it's the fallback one?
  2640. <g0twig> fallback
  2641. <g0twig> lol
  2642. <g0twig> it wants adwaita, what isnt installed
  2643. <shnatsel> hmm sudo updatedb with a huge aufs mount seems to take a lot of time...
  2644. <g0twig> ?
  2645. <g0twig> so
  2646. <g0twig> say me what I should do
  2647. <g0twig> I do it. I am at live usb
  2648. <g0twig> afk for 5 mins, tell me what I should do
  2649. <g0twig> I know how to change the theme, etc. from dconf-editor
  2650. <g0twig> but I want that the changes go into eBuild
  2651. * mots got connected.
  2652. * LocalHero got connected.
  2653. <LocalHero> !help
  2654. <shnatsel> g0twig: I have all the necessary stuff in Glimpse, thanks :)
  2655. <g0twig> back
  2656. <g0twig> shnatsel: I mean for eBuild :/
  2657. <shnatsel> g0twig: yes, I can debug it with Glimpse
  2658. <g0twig> shnatsel: Is there any things, I should do now for you?
  2659. <g0twig> shnatsel: so no, is no, Roger, Sir. :)
  2660. <shnatsel> g0twig: software center template thingie?
  2661. <g0twig> and python-apt template?
  2662. <g0twig> I can look what I can do
  2663. <shnatsel> yeah, whatever it's called
  2664. <shnatsel> you have XP and I don't
  2665. <g0twig> there are 2 templates needed
  2666. <shnatsel> and I have stuff to package and I have to debug this also
  2667. <g0twig> I dont realy like live environments
  2668. <g0twig> :P
  2669. <g0twig> shnatsel: should I call it elementary Software Center?
  2670. <g0twig> or an other name?
  2671. <shnatsel> g0twig: call it like that for now and we'll see if we need to change anything later
  2672. <g0twig> so just Ubuntu software center?
  2673. <shnatsel> g0twig: I'm not the guy responsible for branding guidelines
  2674. * kkris got connected.
  2675. <shnatsel> g0twig: call it simply "software center"
  2676. <g0twig> like debian does
  2677. <g0twig> :P
  2678. <g0twig> will you package these things later?
  2679. <shnatsel> g0twig: which ones?
  2680. <shnatsel> g0twig: ah templates? yes of course
  2681. <g0twig> shnatsel: templates, lsb file
  2682. <shnatsel> g0twig: packaging takes 10 minutes but thinking out the architecture takes a long time
  2683. <g0twig> I know
  2684. <g0twig> :D
  2685. * yo2boy_ got connected.
  2686. <shnatsel> so I never hurry with packaging
  2687. * timorei got connected.
  2688. * eos-site-user6_ got connected.
  2689. * eos-site-user6_ got disconnected.
  2690. * btkostner got connected.
  2691. * kkris got connected.
  2692. * samtate got connected.
  2693. <g0twig> hey
  2694. <g0twig> ok, so should we change the section "Provided by Ubuntu"
  2695. <g0twig> to something other?
  2696. <g0twig> Provided by elementary xD?
  2697. <shnatsel> No, I don't think so
  2698. <shnatsel> They're provided by Ubuntu indeed
  2699. * pinguy got connected.
  2700. * TonyGorski got connected.
  2701. <Gusions> hey
  2702. <davidboy> The provided by part always confused me
  2703. <davidboy> Does the user really care about who packaged an app?
  2704. <g0twig> We can change the text
  2705. <g0twig> to a neutral sentence
  2706. <shnatsel> davidboy: they don't care, so software center doesn't show the names of maintainers
  2707. <shnatsel> I think "provided by Ubuntu" will work fine in our case
  2708. <shnatsel> because, well, they're provided by Ubuntu indeed
  2709. <g0twig> isnt a ppa an apt repo, too??
  2710. <shnatsel> g0twig: found the source of the bug - I forgot to bzr add!
  2711. <g0twig> shnatsel: what?
  2712. <g0twig> shnatsel: which bug
  2713. <shnatsel> g0twig: defaults
  2714. <shnatsel> g0twig: fix uploaded to branch, will build in a few minutes
  2715. * shnatsel upgrades his Oneiric chroot
  2716. <g0twig> shnatsel: :/
  2717. <g0twig> shnatsel: there is an option to define the repository type
  2718. <g0twig> I dont know if ppa is a type
  2719. <g0twig> deb is default
  2720. <shnatsel> don't edit it then
  2721. <g0twig> but it wants a deb archive
  2722. <g0twig> when I dont edit it, software-center will not work properly
  2723. <shnatsel> g0twig: what's wrong with deb?
  2724. <g0twig> ...
  2725. <g0twig> there is the Line BaseURI: and MatchURI
  2726. <shnatsel> g0twig: wait, does that mean that we can make "Provided by Ubuntu" and "Provided by elementary" and "Provided by elementary community" sections?
  2727. <g0twig> in Ubuntu its example
  2728. <g0twig>
  2729. <g0twig> we dont have sth like that
  2730. <g0twig> we have a ppa
  2731. <g0twig> shnatsel: or give me a link, that looks like that file hierarchy
  2732. <shnatsel> g0twig: don't edit this, this looks like main Ubuntu repo
  2733. <davidboy> shnatsel: That's kinda what I was really asking; does anyone care who the app is provided by?
  2734. <shnatsel> davidboy: we can't claim that app is provided by us while Ubuntu handles all the bugs etc
  2735. <shnatsel> g0twig: about ports: we don't have that yet at all
  2736. <shnatsel> g0twig: ports are armel and powerpc
  2737. <davidboy> shnatsel: Don't tell who provides the app. I really don't think that many people want to know
  2738. <g0twig> -..-
  2739. <g0twig> we need an archive in that structure!
  2740. <g0twig> that is what I was going to say
  2741. <g0twig> or I have to see, if ppa is a repo type
  2742. <shnatsel> davidboy: we need to distinguish legacy apps and elementary apps
  2743. <shnatsel> we have to
  2744. * eos-site-user5 got connected.
  2745. <shnatsel> g0twig: are you sure you can't skip it? We have no ports repo
  2746. <davidboy> shnatsel: "Warning: this app was not designed for elementary, and might look ugly" << someone elses writing skills
  2747. <g0twig> shnatsel: wait till I am finished
  2748. <g0twig> or help me :D
  2749. <g0twig> a ppa archive is a deb archive, right?
  2750. <g0twig> I need the url, for the deb archive
  2751. <g0twig> something like that
  2752. <shnatsel> g0twig: we have NO ports repo
  2753. <g0twig> ITS NOT ABOUT PORTS
  2754. <g0twig> JUST THE STRUCTURE
  2755. <g0twig> :/
  2756. <g0twig> as example I give an other archive
  2757. <g0twig>
  2758. <shnatsel> I don't think you should alter that really.
  2759. <g0twig> I dont want to change that
  2760. <g0twig> I want to add our ppa there as main repo
  2761. <shnatsel> g0twig: bad idea
  2762. <g0twig> why
  2763. <shnatsel> g0twig: because all software from our PPA is pre-installed
  2764. <Gusions> g2g
  2765. <shnatsel> g0twig: ubuntu repo is the largest, make it the main one and don't alter it (provided by ubuntu)
  2766. <g0twig> we can have it still
  2767. <shnatsel> g0twig: also see if it's possible to make "provided by elementary community" section
  2768. <g0twig> like LinuxMint has it
  2769. <shnatsel> g0twig: it makes no sense
  2770. <shnatsel> g0twig: if in doubt, ask DanRabbit.
  2771. <btkostner> if in doubt, ask a rabbit
  2772. <shnatsel> if in doubt, look at slackware and do the opposite.
  2773. <davidboy> If still is doubt, just ship synaptic
  2774. <g0twig> shnatsel: I love slackware
  2775. <shnatsel> g0twig: you're fired
  2776. <shnatsel> :D
  2777. <davidboy> shnatsel: Wait, he had A JOB?!?!?!?!?!?!!
  2778. * g0twig got disconnected.
  2779. <davidboy> You were PAYING HIM???
  2780. <shnatsel> that was a joke XD
  2781. <davidboy> !11!!!11
  2782. * Xazax_ got connected.
  2783. <shnatsel> ugh
  2784. <shnatsel> exams in June are evil
  2785. <davidboy> amen.
  2786. <shnatsel> !memo j/k | gotwig
  2787. * g0twig got connected.
  2788. <g0twig> I forgot my hat :P
  2789. <shnatsel> lol
  2790. <g0twig> bye
  2791. <g0twig> :D
  2792. <shnatsel> that was a joke obviously
  2793. <g0twig> just kidding
  2794. <g0twig> I know
  2795. <g0twig> l0lz
  2796. <g0twig> gotta go soon
  2797. <g0twig> I think I´ve got it
  2798. <g0twig> test it
  2799. <g0twig> works!
  2800. <g0twig> jeah, damn
  2801. <g0twig> shnatsel: should I send you the files over mail?
  2802. <g0twig> dont have much time !
  2803. <shnatsel> g0twig: pastebin, bzr?
  2804. <g0twig> shnatsel: I just mail it you, kay?
  2805. <g0twig> the templates
  2806. <shnatsel> ok
  2807. <g0twig> and the lsb file
  2808. <timorei> uhm, does anyone know the line I need for gnome-session-properties to atomatically start the gnome password management service?
  2809. <g0twig> sent
  2810. <g0twig> I will work more on these things
  2811. <g0twig> tomorow
  2812. <g0twig> have fun
  2813. <g0twig> I go
  2814. <g0twig> making my driver license
  2815. <g0twig> :P
  2816. <g0twig> theorithical hour or whatever
  2817. * g0twig got disconnected.
  2818. * eos-site-user5 got connected.
  2819. * dashua got connected.
  2820. * m4n1sh got connected.
  2821. * m4n1sh got connected.
  2822. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  2823. * kalikiana got connected.
  2824. * Kus got connected.
  2825. <Kus> shnatsel,
  2826. <Kus> what is gaffel?
  2827. * AFD got disconnected.
  2828. * Paspartout got connected.
  2829. * TonyGorski got connected.
  2830. <Kus> Paspartout, do you know what Gaffel is?
  2831. <Paspartout> Paspartout; Of course I am the developer :D
  2832. <Paspartout> Kus: It's a zenity like app to help shnatsel building his GUI for glimpse
  2833. <Kus> Paspartout, hmm
  2834. <kalikiana> Gaffel is a big beer brand from Cologne
  2835. * AndySmart got connected.
  2836. * l4rz got connected.
  2837. <Kus> Paspartout, do i need gtk2 for gaffel?
  2838. <Paspartout> Kus: For current trunk yes... Will push a new version in some hours which is also buildable on Jupiter
  2839. * samtate got connected.
  2840. <Kus> can't i just use gtk3?
  2841. <Kus> without the gtk2?
  2842. <Paspartout> Kus: Current trunk uses gtk2 but there will be both GTK2 and GTK3 versions
  2843. <Kus> ok
  2844. * seif got connected.
  2845. * thomasberends got connected.
  2846. * daker got connected.
  2847. * daker got connected.
  2848. * daniel_roehrig got connected.
  2849. * kkris got connected.
  2850. * kalikiana got connected.
  2851. * gotwig got connected.
  2852. * Paspartout got disconnected.
  2853. * ricotz got connected.
  2854. * Lazy_ got connected.
  2855. * kloplop32 got connected.
  2856. * Kus got connected.
  2857. * Marin_M got connected.
  2858. * daker got connected.
  2859. * ampharos got connected.
  2860. * Devil505 got connected.
  2861. * Devil505 got connected.
  2862. * devfil got connected.
  2863. * pinguy got connected.
  2864. * ampharos got disconnected.
  2865. * dashua got connected.
  2866. * evfool got connected.
  2867. * btkostner got disconnected.
  2868. * localtoast got connected.
  2869. * localtoast got connected.
  2870. * h4k got connected.
  2871. * btkostner got connected.
  2872. * hrhnick got connected.
  2873. * ampharos got connected.
  2874. <h4k> hi guys
  2875. <h4k> any of you had problem with the kernel update???
  2876. <timorei> wich one?
  2877. <h4k> kernel headers
  2878. <timorei> the one a few days ago with the "no keyboard input" ?
  2879. <timorei> nope - working fine here
  2880. <h4k> the problem is this
  2881. <timorei> about the only thing that currently does -.-
  2882. <h4k> the Linux entry on grub was deleted
  2883. <h4k> then I manually booted
  2884. <h4k> And then I run update-grub but it dont detect Linux, only windows
  2885. <shnatsel> wow
  2886. <shnatsel> thsis
  2887. <shnatsel> is weird
  2888. <shnatsel> I have no idea what happened
  2889. * eos-site-user9 got connected.
  2890. <eos-site-user9> Hello
  2891. <eos-site-user9> shnatsel: are you the developer of elementary OS ???
  2892. <ampharos> he's one
  2893. <g0twig> rofl
  2894. <ampharos> he's the dude who rolls the stuff into packages for installation
  2895. <g0twig> I am gotwig, dude, I am the original author of eBuild ;)
  2896. <g0twig> and becouse of me Jupiter is not upgradable :X
  2897. <thomasberends> upgrades sucks.. ubuntu never pulled that off right for me.
  2898. <btkostner> </btkostner's life on irc>
  2899. * btkostner got disconnected.
  2900. <LocalHero> g0twig, heh... I like that you broadcast that with pride
  2901. <kalikiana> eos-site-user9: „the developer“? you gotta be optimistic to think one person can pull that off alone :-D
  2902. <h4k> shnatsel : I fixed it adding a entry for Linux in grub.cfg so now I can boot.... :D
  2903. <shnatsel> h4k: congratz :)
  2904. <h4k> bb people gtg
  2905. <g0twig> LocalHero: It is like it is. :)
  2906. <g0twig> LocalHero: But without me I think, In the November would Jupiter be out ;)
  2907. <g0twig> I mean, than the project would be at Jupiter, and not at Luna
  2908. <g0twig> what ever
  2909. <LocalHero> g0twig: Hey, I wouldn't even know where to start a new distro, let alone packaging xD
  2910. <g0twig> I fix the bugs :X
  2911. <g0twig> LocalHero: we have shnatsel for the packages :D we two work hard together :P
  2912. <g0twig> but shnatsel does a lot more than I
  2913. <g0twig> he has the most karma, at the elementary project
  2914. <g0twig> I have much respect for him :P
  2915. <g0twig> I know how hard packaging is, (without recipes) I packaged the nice plymouth elementary theme for Jupiter
  2916. <LocalHero> g0twig: sweet. I love the Jupiter theme. I'm hoping to do a little bug fixing/reporting myself, even though I've never done it before
  2917. <g0twig> LocalHero: ALL contributions are welcome
  2918. <g0twig> even if you say, we suck :D
  2919. <g0twig> just say why :D
  2920. <curtism> wow, resources for writing a tray are sparse
  2921. <LocalHero> g0twig: I would never say that! I might say your distro is a broken piece of *, but not that! :D
  2922. <LocalHero> I kid, I kid :)
  2923. * Gusions got connected.
  2924. <Kus> why can't i get granite from the ppa's?
  2925. <shnatsel> Kus: you can
  2926. <shnatsel> Kus:
  2927. <g0twig> you are older than me :P
  2928. <shnatsel> should work
  2929. * cassidyjames got connected.
  2930. <g0twig> shnatsel: should I also add issue and in elementary Style?
  2931. <g0twig> shnatsel: tomorow I maybe wont be online
  2932. <shnatsel> g0twig: I don't follow about issues
  2933. <g0twig> shnatsel: why?
  2934. <shnatsel> I can't understand what your'e saying
  2935. <shnatsel> rpbably becaus I ahd an exam today and now I'm a slowpoke
  2936. <g0twig> there are the files /etc/issue and /etc/
  2937. <shnatsel> aaah
  2938. <g0twig> they are in ubuntu style. I removed the words development branch
  2939. <g0twig> and changed ubuntu oneiric to elementary Luna
  2940. <g0twig> so we dont have to change the files later
  2941. <shnatsel> ah-hah... attach them somewhere and tag the bug "branding"
  2942. <g0twig> I added all the files into my bug 742038
  2943. <shnatsel> ok I'll have a look
  2944. <g0twig> I added as a patch, I know it was a mistake
  2945. <g0twig> midori lags a bit, on liveusb
  2946. <shnatsel> no it's not a mistake
  2947. <shnatsel> should be a patch
  2948. <g0twig> its not realy a patch
  2949. <g0twig> its just a file
  2950. <shnatsel> but fixes the issue
  2951. <shnatsel> so as good as patch
  2952. <g0twig> I added the other attachments as files, that help to fix the bug
  2953. <g0twig> you added already the tag branding :P ?
  2954. <shnatsel> no
  2955. <shnatsel> well
  2956. <shnatsel> maybe earlier
  2957. <shnatsel> don't remember
  2958. <g0twig> maybe we have to change some things later
  2959. <g0twig> in
  2960. * kkris got disconnected.
  2961. <g0twig> oh, no it was my mistake
  2962. <g0twig> we dont have to
  2963. <g0twig> software-sources-gtk does that
  2964. <g0twig> from ubuntu ppa
  2965. <g0twig> you can select / deselect if you want backports, proposed, etc.
  2966. <g0twig> not good is maybe that there is the URI: cdrom:\[Ubuntu.*11.10
  2967. <g0twig> but our image has an other name
  2968. <g0twig> our "cdrom"
  2969. <shnatsel> yeah, mark FIXME
  2970. <g0twig> shnatsel: the last thing we have to change is the hostname
  2971. * eos-site-user8 got connected.
  2972. <eos-site-user8> back
  2973. <eos-site-user8> someone blocked me chatting
  2974. <eos-site-user8> :/
  2975. <eos-site-user8> duno
  2976. <eos-site-user8> we have to change the hostname to elementary
  2977. <eos-site-user8> now at liveusb I can see the hostname in /etc/hostname , but the file looks a bit other in chroot environment
  2978. <eos-site-user8> the man page sais its ok
  2979. <g00twig> ok, gn8
  2980. <g00twig> that was a glory day :D
  2981. <g00twig> shnatsel: nite
  2982. <shnatsel> I got sounmd working in glimpsw!!
  2983. <LocalHero> time to go home. See you guys later!
  2984. <ampharos> hahahah
  2985. <ampharos> i have a program to blast holes in windows
  2986. <ampharos> it's hilarous
  2987. <Kus> shnatsel, yeah, nothing for maveric.
  2988. <shnatsel> Kus: hmm, what do you mean?
  2989. <Kus> shnatsel, typo, no packages for 10.10
  2990. <shnatsel> Kus: where?
  2991. <Kus> shnatsel, in the ppa
  2992. * eos-site-user1 got connected.
  2993. <shnatsel> Kus: ah, Granite? Use Glimpse.
  2994. <eos-site-user1> is the latest daily image from the 22nd of june
  2995. <eos-site-user1> ?
  2996. <Kus> eos-site-user1, you can build your own image
  2997. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: in community builds - yes.
  2998. <eos-site-user1> if I download the one from the 22nd can I update it?
  2999. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: you can build your own image, but it has terrible bugs in Compiz and other stuff
  3000. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: no you can't
  3001. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: it's based on Natty while newer dailies are based on Oneiric
  3002. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: distribution upgrade will probably kill it.
  3003. <eos-site-user1> and there are no prebuilt iso's avalable
  3004. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: you can either build an image yourself, or use Glimpse in command-line mode to get the apps on an older system
  3005. <eos-site-user1> Where can I get info on building myself
  3006. <eos-site-user1> the ppa is notr working too well on oneric so want to test a fresh elementary iso instead
  3007. <shnatsel> eos-site-user1: run "bzr branch lp:elementaryos" and read the README file
  3008. <eos-site-user1> thanks
  3009. <eos-site-user1> cya later
  3010. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  3011. * daker_ got connected.
  3012. * dreams- got connected.
  3013. * BeOS got connected.
  3014. * BeOS got connected.
  3015. * PotentChili got connected.
  3016. * BeOS got connected.
  3017. <Gusions> !logs
  3018. <shnatsel> Gusions: sound now working in Glimpse, and apps pick up their old configs from the host!
  3019. <shnatsel> Gusions: and the awesome sandboxed writing of course :P
  3020. <Gusions> hey
  3021. <Gusions> i'm seeing
  3022. <Gusions> can i have a screenshot
  3023. <Gusions> (i'm waiting the gkt2 verision) to use in my maverick
  3024. <Gusions> :D
  3025. <shnatsel> Gusions: there's no GUI yet
  3026. <shnatsel> Gusions: and I can't give you a screenshot of sound working :)
  3027. <shnatsel> Here's a really old one, but very true one:
  3028. <Gusions> yes i saw one
  3029. <Gusions> 2 days ago :(
  3030. <shnatsel>
  3031. * datagutt got connected.
  3032. <Gusions> mmm the gui of
  3033. <Gusions> glimpse
  3034. <Gusions> :O
  3035. <Gusions> but ok
  3036. <Gusions> thanks
  3037. <Gusions> what is it graffel?
  3038. <Gusions> oo founded i found a screenshot about
  3039. <Gusions> a windows for glimpse made by gaffel
  3040. <shnatsel> Gaffel is a universal BASH and XML-based GUI tool
  3041. <Gusions> i know this
  3042. <Gusions> but
  3043. <Gusions> you know
  3044. <Gusions> this
  3045. <shnatsel> Very simple one for things like Glimpse,
  3046. <Gusions>
  3047. <Gusions> !logs
  3048. <shnatsel> ah yes, "a mockup in vala" :)
  3049. <shnatsel> ooh, elementary folder icons slightly zoomed in in marlin are sooo crisp and sexy...
  3050. <shnatsel> okay, enough for today
  3051. <shnatsel> bye
  3052. * TonyGorski got connected.
  3053. <Gusions> shnatsel pings
  3054. * pinguy got connected.
  3055. * darkmatter got connected.
  3056. * aroman got connected.
  3057. * aroman got disconnected.
  3058. * darkmatter got connected.
  3059. * aroman got connected.
  3060. * btkostner got connected.
  3061. * pinguy got connected.
  3062. * ampharos got connected.
  3063. * ampharos got connected.
  3064. * opt1ckz got connected.
  3065. * pinguy got connected.
  3066. * aroman got disconnected.
  3067. * gridaphobe got connected.
  3068. * PotentChili got connected.
  3069. * Cory` got connected.
  3070. * Cory|NB got connected.
  3071. * yo2boy_ got connected.
  3072. * sgringwe got connected.
  3073. * sgringwe got disconnected.
  3074. <kloplop321> btkostner: what have you done? everyone's dead
  3075. * Cory` got connected.
  3076. <btkostner> :)
  3077. <btkostner> I played zombies
  3078. <btkostner> ready or not
  3079. * kalikiana got disconnected.
  3080. <btkostner> I wish to kill you
  3081. <btkostner> jk
  3082. <btkostner> maybe
  3083. * Cory` got connected.
  3084. * Cory` got connected.
  3085. * kheeper got connected.
  3086. * dashua got connected.
  3087. * eos-site-user5 got connected.
  3088. <eos-site-user5> are you supposed to be able to use a daily image of ubuntu to build a daily imagwe if elementary?
  3089. <eos-site-user5> if - of
  3090. * choonming got connected.
  3091. * elementaryuser1 got connected.
  3092. <elementaryuser1> !logs
  3093. * dashua got connected.
  3094. * choonming got connected.
  3095. * noip got connected.
  3096. <noip> does elementary have it's own repositories?
  3097. * nonamer got connected.
  3098. <nonamer> hi
  3099. <noip> hi
  3100. * chawsum got connected.
  3101. <noip> So I was able to answer my question by finding an answer to an un-related question on the elementary os website. Currently, as I understand it, elementary os uses Ubuntu repositories.
  3102. <btkostner> yes
  3103. <noip> btkostner, so I take it that folks just add the necessary repositories to download codecs/flash/etc.
  3104. <btkostner> yep
  3105. <noip> and they work fine.
  3106. <noip> As gnome 2.x goes out of support, where will elementary go?
  3107. <btkostner> with gnome 3
  3108. <btkostner> sorry, gtk3
  3109. <btkostner> we have our own desktop environment
  3110. <noip> btkostner, oh, i didn't realize that.
  3111. <noip> btkostner, the current DE is similar to gnome 2, that's why I assumed....
  3112. <noip> Elementary is my kind of OS in so far as it take design and UX seriously. I've checked out the live cd a couple of times, but haven't had time to install it yet. I was going to tonight, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  3113. * codygarver got connected.
  3114. <codygarver> does anyone know if Marlin still displays left-sidebar bookmarks as selected when you navigate away from that directory in luna? Example: Pictures still highlights when you move to /etc/usr/. I'm thinking about opening a bug
  3115. <btkostner> Good nite world
  3116. <noip> 'nite
  3117. * btkostner got disconnected.
  3118. * codygarver got disconnected.
  3119. * DBO got connected.
  3120. * thomasberends got connected.
  3121. * codygarver got connected.
  3122. <codygarver> ammonkey: you did some good work on marlin today, thanks for that
  3123. * timorei got connected.
  3124. * eos-site-user3 got connected.
  3125. <radovan> Hello. What happens if I'll upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 in elementary?
  3126. <curtism> jesus kills a kitten
  3127. <radovan> lol
  3128. * darkmatter got connected.
  3129. * aquarius got connected.
  3130. * evfool got connected.
  3131. * timorei got connected.
  3132. * samtate got connected.
  3133. * Kus got connected.
  3134. * Kus got connected.
  3135. * odus got connected.
  3136. * TonyGorski got connected.
  3137. <ammonkey> codygarver: u re welcome :)
  3138. * shnatsel got connected.
  3139. <Kus> shnatsel, hi
  3140. <shnatsel> hi Kus
  3141. <Kus> shnatsel, about glimpse. how do i need to run ./install-sandbox?
  3142. <shnatsel> Kus: as root
  3143. <Kus> cause i don't get the home folder in it.
  3144. <shnatsel> hmmm
  3145. <Kus> shnatsel, wrong question :D
  3146. <Kus> samtate, it was installed a few days ago - do i need to reinstall it?
  3147. <Kus> samtate, shnatsel, wrong autocomplete ^
  3148. <shnatsel> in thery, no
  3149. <shnatsel> theory
  3150. <Kus> shnatsel, then whats wrong? i have the latest rev. it creates an empty home folder.
  3151. <shnatsel> Kus: could you paste me the output? It should say something about it.
  3152. <Kus> oh yeah there is something about a bad fs
  3153. <Kus> shnatsel,
  3154. <shnatsel> Kus: ah-hah...
  3155. <shnatsel> Kus: please paste the output of dmesg | tail
  3156. <shnatsel> I had this error too
  3157. <Kus>
  3158. <shnatsel> unsupported filesystem, /home/karlis (ecryptfs)
  3159. <shnatsel> looks like it doesn't work with encrypted home directory
  3160. <Kus> shnatsel, too bad
  3161. * timorei got connected.
  3162. * datagutt got connected.
  3163. * Marin_M got connected.
  3164. <Kus> !help
  3165. <Kus> !report lp:postler | urbis
  3166. <Kus> !report postler | urbis
  3167. * Lazy_ got connected.
  3168. * Pardaigle got connected.
  3169. * PotentChili got connected.
  3170. * seif got connected.
  3171. * seif_ got connected.
  3172. * samtate got connected.
  3173. * mhr3 got connected.
  3174. * mhr3 got connected.
  3175. * eos-site-user9 got connected.
  3176. * daker got connected.
  3177. * Xazax got connected.
  3178. * Gusions got connected.
  3179. <shnatsel> Do media keys work in BeatBox for anyone?
  3180. * Skullcrasher got connected.
  3181. <Skullcrasher> hi
  3182. <Skullcrasher> does anyone know which libraries are used in elementary to get http stuff?
  3183. <Skullcrasher> need this for an app that communicates with a website cms
  3184. <Skullcrasher> ok, looks like i just found it
  3185. <shnatsel> Skullcrasher: hmm, gio?
  3186. * juliomino got connected.
  3187. * juliomino got disconnected.
  3188. * hakan got connected.
  3189. * l4rz got connected.
  3190. <Skullcrasher> yep, thatts it ^^
  3191. * dejongge got connected.
  3192. * ampharos got connected.
  3193. * Skorde got connected.
  3194. * seif got connected.
  3195. * envygeeks got connected.
  3196. <Gusions> bug 811023
  3197. * dashua got connected.
  3198. * LocalHero got connected.
  3199. <envygeeks> Gusions: can you update the ticket with GTK and Ubuntu base version?
  3200. <Gusions> hey
  3201. <Gusions> what of 100000 bugs'
  3202. <Gusions> ?*
  3203. <envygeeks> Sorry, what do you mean?
  3204. <Gusions> Gusions: can you update the ticket with GTK and Ubuntu base version?
  3205. <Gusions> what ticket?
  3206. <envygeeks>
  3207. <Gusions> ok wll gtk+3.0 and ubuntu 11.04
  3208. <Gusions> updated
  3209. * Gusions got connected.
  3210. <Gusions> ok i'm here
  3211. * ricotz got connected.
  3212. * davidboy got connected.
  3213. * gridaphobe got connected.
  3214. * dashua got connected.
  3215. * juliomino got connected.
  3216. * juliomino got disconnected.
  3217. * ciemniak got connected.
  3218. * datagutt got connected.
  3219. * danyR got connected.
  3220. * DBO got connected.
  3221. * |WiZ| got connected.
  3222. * Devil505 got connected.
  3223. * Devil505 got connected.
  3224. * Paspartout got connected.
  3225. * Paspartout got disconnected.
  3226. * AFD got connected.
  3227. <AFD> I know I do this a lot but.... can someone help me with my eOS please :/
  3228. <AFD> my network adapters (wired and wireless) keep failing... today my wifi wont connect to the office network and although I can connect via ethernet after 5mins or so it drops off and I have to reboot to find it again
  3229. <AFD> I think (because of some tests we are doing in the office) there might be 2 DHCP servers on the LAN... would that make any difference_
  3230. <AFD> ?
  3231. * ilmenite got connected.
  3232. <AFD> I'm trying to figure out if it's a hardware/driver/network issue before I throw it out of the window
  3233. * Paspartout got connected.
  3234. * chawsum got connected.
  3235. * devil505_ got connected.
  3236. * envygeeks got connected.
  3237. <envygeeks> Hola, I was wondering if anybody could give me a fair reason why Elementary OS leaves Ubiquity installed when on disk?
  3238. * Kus got connected.
  3239. <AFD> envygeeks I'm not sure tbh
  3240. * Sparky_nl got connected.
  3241. <AFD> please would someone help me
  3242. <envygeeks> AFD: What's your question?
  3243. <AFD> envygeeks my network adapters (wired and wireless) keep failing... today my wifi wont connect to the office network and although I can connect via ethernet after 5mins or so it drops off and I have to reboot to find it again
  3244. <envygeeks> Are you using the base Elementary install?
  3245. <AFD> envygeeks it has rendered the laptop unusable
  3246. <AFD> Iḿ using Jupiter yes
  3247. <AFD> the network issues have only really arisen today (very mild issues before now)
  3248. <envygeeks> apt-get install rsyslog gnome-system-log -> reboot and watch syslog and daemon logs if you can do that for me real quick it will help give me more insight into what is going on with your drivers
  3249. <AFD> installing now - thanks for helping :)
  3250. <AFD> ah! I can connect to the internet obviously!!
  3251. <AFD> rebooting and then installing ;)
  3252. <envygeeks> I forgot about that, sorry I'm used to working with my own system and we mirror the entire ubuntu archive
  3253. <AFD> ok installed those two... should I do anything special when rebooting_
  3254. <AFD> ?
  3255. <envygeeks> Nope, just reboot like normal, your logs will kick automatically
  3256. <AFD> great
  3257. <AFD> envygeeks ok I'm logged in... where do I find the logs
  3258. <envygeeks> system > administration > logs
  3259. <AFD> ,)
  3260. <AFD> ;)
  3261. <AFD> looking at the daemon log now
  3262. <AFD> ok the wired ethernet has already failed so there should be something in the log about it
  3263. <AFD> device state change: 7 -> 3 (reason 39)
  3264. <Kus> RabbitBot is awesome, ... ... NOT!
  3265. <AFD> just before that was DHCPDISCOVER on eht1 to port 67 interval 3 (and then again wit interval 8, 12, 13, 15)
  3266. <davidboy> Kus: lol
  3267. <envygeeks> That's an odd subnet
  3268. <AFD> after device state change is "deactivating device (reason: 39)
  3269. <envygeeks> What are your network manager settings?
  3270. * Gusions got connected.
  3271. <AFD> it was static IP config as I think there are two DHCPs running on our office LAN... I'm trying setting it to DHCP ni case that helps
  3272. <AFD> oh and when I do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" it says "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"
  3273. * TonyGorski got connected.
  3274. <envygeeks> it seems like your network manager might be getting confused normally an IP admin would never set a subnet to, you could also try deleting the network manager entries and allowing it to reset itself
  3275. * probono got connected.
  3276. <AFD> how do I delete the settings? (setting it to DHCP didn't help)
  3277. <AFD> envygeeks also is this likely to solve just the wired connection... my wifi suddenly doesn't work either
  3278. <envygeeks> Open up network-manager (you can type that into cmd and it will open up too) and just delete the auto entries
  3279. <envygeeks> you can do the same for your wireless and it will reset that specific connection as well
  3280. <AFD> typing "network-manager" in terminal says "command not found"
  3281. <shnatsel> AFD: it's OK, it has several CLI frontends and all of them are terrible
  3282. <AFD> shnatsel lol
  3283. <probono> marlin devs, please give us a working $HOME/Desktop back (with working icons on the desktop)
  3284. <AFD> I've gone to system>preferences>network connections
  3285. <envygeeks> that works, same place
  3286. <AFD> and am deleting all the wired and wireless networks in there
  3287. <AFD> ok - all gone and now rebooting see what happens
  3288. * davidboy got disconnected.
  3289. <shnatsel> !memo Marlin is NOT going to have that. Use Screenlets, Plasma, Nautilus or Thunar for that kind of stuff. | probono
  3290. * davidboy got connected.
  3291. <AFD> ok so I can connect to the wired network but not the wifi
  3292. <AFD> and wondering how long the wired network will last before it FAILs again :S
  3293. <AFD> DHCPDISCOVER still saying
  3294. <envygeeks> AFD: Contact your IP Admin and ask them what your network settings are and try to default them by manually setting them
  3295. <AFD> I'm in my 3rd week here as the sysadmin :(
  3296. <AFD> v.small office.... it's up to me to fix
  3297. <AFD> just looking at the config on the DHCP server in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
  3298. <envygeeks> Go to your router, your router will tell you the proper settings
  3299. <AFD> I think the DHCP server is confusing the router's wifi stuff
  3300. <AFD> I'm just going to turn the DHCP off and see if it is any better after a reboot
  3301. <AFD> envygeeks thanks for your help... sorry to bother you with this but my laptop was on the verge of facing my wrath
  3302. * Sparky_nl got disconnected.
  3303. <envygeeks> If you youtube it's destruction make sure you enable HTML5 video for it ;) since I don't have flash on my PC
  3304. <AFD> envygeeks I do solemly swear
  3305. * PotentChili got connected.
  3306. <AFD> envygeeks right - I'm going to shutdown the DHCP too (where I'm typing from) thanks again... have a good weekend :)
  3307. * lallenlowe got connected.
  3308. * Paspartout got connected.
  3309. * Cory` got connected.
  3310. * chawsum got connected.
  3311. * ilmenite got connected.
  3312. * lallenlowe got connected.
  3313. * Cory` got connected.
  3314. * pinguy got connected.
  3315. * dashua got connected.
  3316. * DBO got connected.
  3317. * ThomasB2k got connected.
  3318. * yo2boy_ got connected.
  3319. * seif got connected.
  3320. * m4n1sh got connected.
  3321. * m4n1sh got connected.
  3322. * reya276 got connected.
  3323. <reya276> If I have something like this ATTRS{idVendor}=="0502", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3325", ENV{ID_GPHOTO2}="1", ENV{GPHOTO2_DRIVER}="proprietary", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", MODE="0664", GROUP="audio" could I add multiple groups to the GROUP="" section
  3324. * dejongge got connected.
  3325. * reya276 got disconnected.
  3326. * Kreative` got connected.
  3327. * noip got connected.
  3328. * Moort got connected.
  3329. <noip> Since elementary os uses ubuntu repositories does that mean that the issues I'm experiencing in ubuntu will follow me to elementary? 'Cause I just received some updates a couple of days ago that have really messed up my internet connectivity.
  3330. <shnatsel> noip: I'm afraid it will
  3331. <noip> A shame, because I love the UI/UX of elementary. I filed a bug report, I hope someone can fix it.
  3332. <shnatsel> noip: somebody in here has just sorted out the issues by removing all networkmanager connections
  3333. <shnatsel> noip: the netmask is still but the net works somehow
  3334. <noip> shnatsel, that's a little above my head. Did someone just uninstall network manager?
  3335. <shnatsel> noip: you can ask the bot for !logs and lurk in there if you wish
  3336. <noip> !logs
  3337. <noip> Hmmm. doesn't seem to fit my problem.
  3338. * ilmenite got connected.
  3339. * timorei got connected.
  3340. <noip> shnatsel, any other suggestions/
  3341. <shnatsel> look for solutions at
  3342. <shnatsel> there might be some already
  3343. * lallenlowe got connected.
  3344. <noip> shnatsel, I found someone else from 1 month ago who has a slightly similar issue. Not sure if it's the same issue or not.
  3345. <noip> shnatsel, it's very annoying because many other bugs I can live with, but I can't live with an extremely slow internet connection.
  3346. * Kus got connected.
  3347. <shnatsel> noip: hmm, what ubuntu release you're using?
  3348. <noip> 11.04
  3349. <shnatsel> noip: elementary OS "Jupiter" is based on Maverick, so you probably won't have this bug.
  3350. <noip> I hope not.
  3351. <noip> I'll go ahead and install it then.
  3352. <Kus> shnatsel, can you tell me how to make glimpse chroot to a iso?
  3353. <noip> I could see elementary becoming a huge distro.
  3354. <Kus> noip, it will!
  3355. <shnatsel> Kus: it will mean that we won't be that flexible anymore.
  3356. <shnatsel> Kus: and that one danrabbit won't be enough for all apps
  3357. <shnatsel> and someday somebody will fork us just like we forked ubuntu
  3358. <noip> Kus, yeah, I don't see how it wont. As far as I'm concerned UI, and UX are the most important element of an OS. I can deal with limitations as long as the UI and UX are great.
  3359. <noip> shnatsel, nothing wrong with forks. IMO
  3360. <shnatsel> it's all right
  3361. <shnatsel> it provides choice, etc
  3362. <shnatsel> I'd be happy to see Arch-based elementary OS variant, for example
  3363. <noip> shnatsel, as would i
  3364. <shnatsel> I'm the integrator of ubuntu-based one and I'd be happy to help any way I can
  3365. <shnatsel> to such a project
  3366. <shnatsel> but nvm
  3367. * juliomino got connected.
  3368. * juliomino got disconnected.
  3369. * Paspartout got connected.
  3370. * Lazy_ got connected.
  3371. * btkostner got connected.
  3372. <noip> Ok, I'm going to install Elementary. cya
  3373. * Devil505 got connected.
  3374. * Devil505 got connected.
  3375. * DanRabbit got connected.
  3376. * ampharos got connected.
  3377. * ampharos got connected.
  3378. * Marin_M got connected.
  3379. * hcabaguio got connected.
  3380. * daker got connected.
  3381. * daker got connected.
  3382. * l4rz got connected.
  3383. * Paspartout got disconnected.
  3384. <opt1ckz> Holy hell I slept until 4pm... ahh wtf
  3385. * shnatsel got connected.
  3386. * btkostner got disconnected.
  3387. * timorei got connected.
  3388. * shnatsel got connected.
  3389. * cassidyjames got connected.
  3390. * pinguy_ got connected.
  3391. * pinguy got connected.
  3392. * kheeper got connected.
  3393. <kheeper> hello where I can download last iso build
  3394. <shnatsel> kheeper: you can't
  3395. <shnatsel> kheeper: you can only build one yourself
  3396. <kheeper> shnatsel: how?
  3397. <shnatsel> kheeper: I'm working on a better solution than ISO testing atm
  3398. <shnatsel> kheeper: run "bzr branch lp:elementaryos" and read the README in the folder you get
  3399. <shnatsel> kheeper: that should solve all your questions
  3400. <kheeper> ok any GNOME 3: Fewer Interruptions
  3401. <kheeper> By GNOMEDesktop
  3402. <shnatsel> kheeper: if it doesn't, ask me
  3403. <kheeper> shnatsel: ok
  3404. * Lazy_ got connected.
  3405. <kheeper> shnatsel: it's only for testing or even for developing?
  3406. <shnatsel> kheeper: what do you mean?
  3407. <shnatsel> kheeper: we use this script ourselves to build the ISO images we dirstibute
  3408. <kheeper> ou I get it
  3409. <shnatsel> but I'm working on a better solution than ISO testing
  3410. <ammonkey> !logs
  3411. * eos-site-user2 got connected.
  3412. * noip got connected.
  3413. * Kreative` got connected.
  3414. <noip> I just installed elementary. I have an issue. My multi-touch pad mouse isn't working correctly. The right click doesn't work. Usually in Ubuntu I use a double tap as a right mouse click. Unfortunately it doesn't work, nor does just hitting my right mouse button.
  3415. <shnatsel> noip: try installing some "synaptics" packages
  3416. <shnatsel> noip: synaptics-dkms
  3417. <shnatsel> noip: for example
  3418. <shnatsel> noip: and reboot
  3419. <shnatsel> and we have two-finger scrolling by default
  3420. <noip> k, thanks
  3421. * Simmeson got connected.
  3422. * ampharos got connected.
  3423. <noip> shnatsel, what is synaptics-dkms? I put that in synaptic package manager and nothing came up.
  3424. <kheeper> shnatsel: BTW ... Main team are joing to this project officialy
  3425. <shnatsel> noip: ok, there was some xinput dkms module too
  3426. <shnatsel> kheeper: which project?
  3427. <kheeper> shnatsel: elementary
  3428. <noip> shnatsel, xinput is Runtime configuration and test of XInput devices
  3429. <shnatsel> noip: xinput-synaptics or something like that
  3430. <shnatsel> noip: just search for synaptics
  3431. <shnatsel> noip: in the real search, not the quick one
  3432. <shnatsel> kheeper: "Main team are joing to this project officialy" - I don't follow
  3433. <noip> shnatsel, you mean: Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server (development headers)?
  3434. * cassidyjames got connected.
  3435. <shnatsel> noip: hmm, not development headers... there should be the same package without -dev
  3436. <noip> shnatsel, Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
  3437. <noip> shnatsel, It's already installed.
  3438. <shnatsel> xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
  3439. <shnatsel> hmmm
  3440. <shnatsel> noip: there was a bug about it... and a question...
  3441. <shnatsel> let me have a look
  3442. <kheeper> shnatsel: I just speaking with my best programmer what how I told you dring so much coffee and he sad "I love it" and I spoke with Daniel and we are associating to elementary team
  3443. <noip> shnatsel, it's interesting how the nice spacing between the icons in the right hand corner is ruined by the fact that my x-chat icon shows up right next to the network icon.
  3444. <shnatsel> kheeper: yay!!
  3445. <shnatsel> kheeper: that's awesome!!
  3446. <kheeper> shnatsel: Daniel sad the same :)
  3447. <noip> shnatsel, Also, the two-finger scrolling option is greyed out
  3448. <kheeper> shnatsel: that why I ask you for the ISO because he sitting right next to me and he wanna know more and see more
  3449. <shnatsel> kheeper: well, this way you can build an ISO
  3450. <shnatsel> kheeper: but to test the apps there's a better way
  3451. <shnatsel> !lp glimpse | kheeper
  3452. <shnatsel> It has no GUI yet but it works fine already
  3453. <kheeper> shnatsel: ok I give it to him he already reading something
  3454. <noip> shnatsel, the good news is that the internet connetivity issues I had in ubuntu 11.04 are gone.
  3455. <shnatsel> kheeper: however, lots of apps in Luna are not working and some apps will look completely different, e.g. Slingshot
  3456. <shnatsel> kheeper: Jupiter is a good thing to show off the stable and working stuff, but we have so much more than that for Luna!
  3457. <noip> shnatsel, any ideas on this mouse issue? deal breaker for me unfortunately, 'cause I can't right click on anything.
  3458. <noip> I'm looking forward to Luna.
  3459. <shnatsel> noip: let me see...
  3460. <kheeper> shnatsel: ok will se how get in
  3461. * Gusions got connected.
  3462. <shnatsel> kheeper: for Luna builds use lp:elementaryos
  3463. <kheeper> shnatsel: ok np
  3464. <kheeper> shnatsel: I'm creating the ISO then I will try glimpse and look around
  3465. <shnatsel> kheeper: be sure to use Oneiric daily build as base
  3466. <shnatsel> noip: bug 750534
  3467. * daker_ got connected.
  3468. <kheeper> shnatsel: Ou G late I already run with Natty
  3469. <shnatsel> kheeper: interrupt it, sudo rm -r the "temp" directory and start over with Oneiric daily build
  3470. <noip> I don't see that package anywhere in synaptic: "xf86-input-synaptics"
  3471. <shnatsel> kheeper: or "uck-remaster-clean-all temp" instead of rm
  3472. <shnatsel> noip: neither do I
  3473. <Gusions> hola
  3474. <shnatsel> hi Gusions
  3475. <kheeper> shnatsel: NP
  3476. <Gusions> hi shnatsel how are you?
  3477. <shnatsel> Gusions: nice, hacking Glimpse-Gaffel integration
  3478. <shnatsel> Gusions: wrote a BASH parser for .desktop entries with localization support
  3479. <shnatsel> Gusions: supporting freedesktop way of localization took 26 lines, supporting ubuntu one took just 2
  3480. <Gusions> wooo fantastic
  3481. <Gusions> :O
  3482. * Cory|NB got connected.
  3483. <timorei> i love the #1 elementary os bug - always makes me smile an evil smile
  3484. <noip> shnatsel, I'm sad.
  3485. <shnatsel> noip: yeah, me too :(
  3486. <Gusions> have you see novabyte?
  3487. <shnatsel> noip: try installing "xorg" package
  3488. <shnatsel> Gusions: nope
  3489. * cassidyjames got connected.
  3490. <Gusions> avi want to talk with him
  3491. <shnatsel> noip: it's a dummy package that might pull in something useful
  3492. <shnatsel> Gusions: yeah, I know :)
  3493. <kheeper> shnatsel: 20min to download the Oneiric
  3494. <Gusions> :)
  3495. <shnatsel> kheeper: Glimpse will also need it
  3496. <shnatsel> kheeper: I haven't written a prompt to use a local one yet
  3497. <shnatsel> kheeper: to make it available to Glimpse, you'll have to put it to ~/.glimpse for now
  3498. * DBO got connected.
  3499. <noip> shnatsel, ok.
  3500. <shnatsel> Gusions: pushed the .desktop parser to lp:~shnatsel/gaffel/gaffel-based-menu
  3501. <noip> shnatsel, thanks btw. If I can make this work, i'll be stoked.
  3502. <noip> shnatsel, should I now search for another package?
  3503. <noip> shnatsel, I installed xorg
  3504. <shnatsel> noip: did it install any additional packages?
  3505. <shnatsel> noip: try rebooting now
  3506. <noip> yeah a bunch of packages
  3507. <noip> shnatsel, I'll reboot
  3508. <Gusions> yes
  3509. <Gusions> i wake up the netbook
  3510. <Gusions> just a minute
  3511. <shnatsel> Gusions: it needs gaffel compiled and installed, though
  3512. <shnatsel> Gusions: I don't have one atm :)
  3513. <Gusions> in the netbook
  3514. <shnatsel> Gusions: so this thing was never tested
  3515. <Gusions> i have all
  3516. <Gusions> :D
  3517. <shnatsel> Gusions: but should work in theory
  3518. <Gusions> i'm here for this
  3519. <Gusions> :D
  3520. * pinguy got connected.
  3521. <shnatsel> Hi, pinguy!
  3522. <pinguy> hi
  3523. <shnatsel> I think this one might be interesting for you:
  3524. <shnatsel> !lp glimpse | pinguy
  3525. <shnatsel> pinguy: it already works fine, I just have to add GUI
  3526. <pinguy> so you install the distro onto a working system?
  3527. <pinguy> and that lets you view it live a VM
  3528. <pinguy> but its running natively
  3529. <shnatsel> pinguy: I don't use any virtualization at all
  3530. <pinguy> I know
  3531. <shnatsel> pinguy: basically I launch a different system around the same kernel
  3532. <shnatsel> pinguy: this thing is based on chroot
  3533. <pinguy> how do you launch it ?
  3534. <shnatsel> pinguy: but very polished chroot
  3535. <pinguy> what I mean is
  3536. <shnatsel> pinguy: download it and launch, after that
  3537. <pinguy> can you do it inside a running system
  3538. <pinguy> ah ok
  3539. <shnatsel> pinguy: yes, that's the point - you run a different environment on your main system
  3540. <shnatsel> pinguy: what's more, all the home directory is a available from the sandbox
  3541. <shnatsel> pinguy: so apps pick up their settings from stable versions etc
  3542. <pinguy> ok
  3543. <pinguy> I normally use VB
  3544. <shnatsel> pinguy: but when they write there from sandbox, all the modifications are specific for this sandbox
  3545. <pinguy> but this wil be much better
  3546. <pinguy> *will
  3547. <pinguy> have you got hold of andrew from webupd8?
  3548. <pinguy> I bet he would love to do a post on it
  3549. <shnatsel> pinguy: we're not having a press release yet :)
  3550. <shnatsel> pinguy: I just have to add GUI
  3551. <pinguy> ah ok
  3552. <shnatsel> pinguy: then we will :)
  3553. <pinguy> on the shhh :)
  3554. <shnatsel> pinguy: so, for apps inside the sandbox the files are modified and for apps outside the sandbox they're intact
  3555. <pinguy> ok
  3556. <pinguy> I have booked marked it
  3557. <envygeeks> What makes it better than our hardware hypervisors?
  3558. <shnatsel> pinguy: this opens crazy opportunities for alpha testing
  3559. <pinguy> its Friday and I am on my 4th beer :)
  3560. <pinguy> so will have a proper look at it tomorrow
  3561. <shnatsel> pinguy: hope you like it, I'd love to hear some feedback from you
  3562. <shnatsel> envygeeks: yes!
  3563. <pinguy> I will have a good dig around it
  3564. <pinguy> I will give you my honest view of
  3565. <pinguy> but from what you have said
  3566. <pinguy> this could be pretty awesome
  3567. <shnatsel> This is a rather simple thing nobody ever did before. And it opens CRAZY opportunities.
  3568. <pinguy> I think I heard about something like this for Ubuntu
  3569. <pinguy> but it never took off
  3570. <shnatsel> pinguy: tip: to run Pantheon Shell, run "cerbere" in terminal
  3571. <pinguy> but I could be wrong
  3572. * mrmcq2u got connected.
  3573. <pinguy> I am a bit shocked at how many people want a netbook edition of linux thats more like a desktop system
  3574. <pinguy> I have had a huge amount of downloads
  3575. <mrmcq2u> Should i be able to build the daily of elementary os with a daily iso of ubuntu 64bit?
  3576. <pinguy> way more then I ever thought I would have
  3577. * P1ersson got connected.
  3578. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: in theory, yes
  3579. * Kreative` got connected.
  3580. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: you need the host to be 64bit too
  3581. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: and there were reports about strange bugs with squashfs image not found in latest dailies, but I can't confirm them
  3582. * TonyGorski got connected.
  3583. <mrmcq2u> Yeah, elementaryos takes ages to load from usb image and when it does it fails to populate the menu.
  3584. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: there's a bug in Slingshot that makes it crash when the icon theme set in dconf is not present
  3585. <pinguy> I hate dconf
  3586. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: but nobody cares because Slingshot will be completely rewritten and redesigned anyway
  3587. <shnatsel> pinguy: I love it, it's so much better than gconf!
  3588. <pinguy> 10.10 was a bit of a nightmare because of dconf
  3589. <shnatsel> pinguy: and it's extremely fast
  3590. <shnatsel> pinguy: 10.10 has no dconf
  3591. <shnatsel> pinguy: I've checked
  3592. <pinguy> oh yes it has
  3593. * Gusions got connected.
  3594. <shnatsel> pinguy: but it's not exposed to GSettings API at least
  3595. <pinguy> I had to redo a lot of my settings going for 10.04 to 10.10 because of dconf
  3596. <shnatsel> pinguy: O.o
  3597. <shnatsel> pinguy: All Jupiter settings are in gconf
  3598. <shnatsel> 100%
  3599. <shnatsel> Oneiric uses dconf finally
  3600. <shnatsel> not sure about natty
  3601. <shnatsel> pinguy: and dconf is extremely fast, the most read-optimized thing available
  3602. <shnatsel> pinguy: which is a good idea because when you have 100 reads on login and just a few writes, it makes sense
  3603. <pinguy>
  3604. <pinguy> that was a life saver
  3605. <shnatsel> pinguy: hmm... that's how it works!
  3606. <shnatsel> pinguy: they made dconf a gconf backend
  3607. <shnatsel> pinguy: really good idea
  3608. <pinguy> I am telling you now many of my custom settings for 10.04 did not work in 10.10 because of dconf
  3609. <shnatsel> pinguy: thanks for the info!
  3610. <pinguy> they had to be redo for dconf
  3611. <shnatsel> pinguy: weird. How did you set them?
  3612. <shnatsel> pinguy: /usr/share/gconf/defaults workes on both Lucid and Maverick for sure
  3613. <pinguy> compiz setting that where done for GConf will not work on a system using dconf
  3614. <pinguy> I know
  3615. <shnatsel> pinguy: wait, compiz still has gconf settings backend, they're migrating it to gsettings in Oneiric
  3616. <pinguy> it took me hours redoing the work
  3617. <shnatsel> pinguy: hmm... export/import profiles and config dump didn't work?
  3618. <pinguy> never tried
  3619. <pinguy> I just re-used the old settings from 10.04 on 10.10
  3620. <pinguy> and it didn't work
  3621. <shnatsel> compiz can expot or impot its settings in CCSM, and gcontool can dump and import gconf trees
  3622. <pinguy> So had to resetup the profile
  3623. <shnatsel> wow
  3624. <shnatsel> weird
  3625. <AbrahamLinksys> shnatsel, you a domovoi of your own domain?
  3626. <pinguy> going from 10.10 to 11.04 wasn't to bad
  3627. <pinguy> just had to make a custom GDM login
  3628. <pinguy> so I could get rid of unity
  3629. <shnatsel> AbrahamLinksys: not quite
  3630. <pinguy> but all the profile settings worked fine
  3631. <pinguy> I didn't have to redo any of them
  3632. <pinguy> just re-used the old settings
  3633. <shnatsel> you migrated in maverick already, lucky you
  3634. <pinguy> shnatsel, google my name
  3635. <pinguy> I am using 11,04
  3636. <pinguy> I was the first remix of 11.04 to be released
  3637. <pinguy> weeks before Mint
  3638. <shnatsel> wow
  3639. <shnatsel> cool
  3640. <pinguy> I was also the first to release a version of 11.04 with a downgraded Compiz
  3641. * noip got connected.
  3642. <pinguy> have a read of this
  3643. <pinguy>
  3644. <pinguy> its a pretty good read
  3645. <pinguy> I had already released my version before that was posted
  3646. <mrmcq2u> So why would there be an issue with elementaryos and dconf on a live image. Its a fresh build?
  3647. <pinguy> mrmcq2u, I can't see why there should be
  3648. <noip> shnatsel, I rebooted my laptop. Still, the right mouse button doesn't work.
  3649. <pinguy> if you are going from 10.10 to 11.04
  3650. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: I refactored the defaults package and forgot to bzr add, that's why
  3651. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: should be fixed since yesterday
  3652. <shnatsel> noip: ugh :(
  3653. <noip> Yeah, tell me about it.
  3654. <mrmcq2u> Well i built a fresh image using your tools and a 64bit daily of oneric.
  3655. <noip> I'm bumbed
  3656. <mrmcq2u> Oh, cool
  3657. <pinguy> have eOS got a distro builder yet?
  3658. <mrmcq2u> Thx for the tip
  3659. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: and still no menu and no themes by default?
  3660. <mrmcq2u> Well tried last night
  3661. <shnatsel> should be fixed now
  3662. <noip> shnatsel, well, maybe when luna comes out the problem will be solved.
  3663. <shnatsel> but I've not tested tbh
  3664. <shnatsel> noip: yeah, let's hope so
  3665. <mrmcq2u> Had work in a few hours so when it didnt work i just left it till today
  3666. <shnatsel> noip: should be solved in NAtty and up actually
  3667. <noip> In Natty my mouse works fine.
  3668. <noip> But in Natty my internet connectivity is slowwww.
  3669. <shnatsel> noip: yeah, they've finished the touchpad/multitouch stack in there
  3670. <noip> It's a shame, because Natty was fine up until yesterday.
  3671. <shnatsel> noip: not for me :(
  3672. <noip> Now I'm seriously considering OpenSuse KDE.
  3673. <noip> I wonder if Linux Mint Debian Edition would have these probelms.
  3674. <shnatsel> probably not.
  3675. <shnatsel> Gusions: any news? Does the script work?
  3676. <Gusions> no it said error url
  3677. <shnatsel> ?
  3678. * envygeeks1 got connected.
  3679. <shnatsel> Gusions: what's the error?
  3680. * shnatsel will grab some tea, brb
  3681. <Gusions> gusions@gusions-netbook:~/gaffel-based-menu$ sh
  3682. <Gusions> Errore nel mostrare l'URL: La posizione specificata non è supportata
  3683. * dashua got connected.
  3684. * envygeeks1 got disconnected.
  3685. <shnatsel> Gusions: and Gaffel doesn't show up at all?
  3686. <Gusions> no :/
  3687. * envygeeks got connected.
  3688. <kheeper> shnatsel: what is the other option to clean the temp
  3689. <noip> shnatsel, thanks for your help. I'm definitely going to install Luna when it releases. I wish there was something I could do for the elementary project. I'm not a developer.
  3690. <shnatsel> kheeper: sudo uck-remaster-clean-all temp
  3691. <shnatsel> noip: you can!
  3692. <shnatsel> noip: report bugs, for example
  3693. <shnatsel> noip:
  3694. <pinguy> I am still using remastersys to build the distro
  3695. <pinguy> tried a few programs
  3696. <pinguy> but end up all ways going back to that
  3697. <shnatsel> pinguy: we've discussed it already I think... and you know that I prefer UCK :)
  3698. <noip> shnatsel, What I'm experience isn't a bug. It's just a lack of support for a particular synaptic touch pad.
  3699. <pinguy> I just like the fact it makes a copy of the working system you worked on
  3700. <shnatsel> noip: it's a bug because Ubuntu Maverick supported it (right?) and Jupiter doesn't
  3701. <pinguy> so you know if the system you are using is working
  3702. <pinguy> then the backup/distro will too
  3703. <shnatsel> pinguy: but it makes SRUs much more difficult and leaves the system in pretty unmaintainable state
  3704. <pinguy> because at the end of the day that is what remastersys does
  3705. <shnatsel> pinguy: custom configs or files get overwrited on package upgrades etc
  3706. <pinguy> makes a backup of your system
  3707. <envygeeks> it depends, it could have been a deprecation and finally a removal. You can't support legacy hardware forever.
  3708. <noip> shnatsel, I haven't run ubuntu maverick on this laptop. Only Natty. Works fine in Natty.
  3709. <pinguy> shnatsel, you do know about 90% of the remixes out there use remastersys-
  3710. <envygeeks> noip: port the source package to a ppa for jupiter (10.04) using
  3711. <shnatsel> pinguy: we have Jupiter built pretty much the "remastersys way" and it's almost unmaintainable, we can't push fixes for bugs
  3712. <pinguy> ???
  3713. <pinguy> really
  3714. <shnatsel> pinguy: I know it and sincerely hate it
  3715. <pinguy> that really doesn't make much seance
  3716. <shnatsel> pinguy: it did not use remastersys, it used an in-house implementation of OS remaster, but the outcome is pretty much the same
  3717. <pinguy> bodhi push out E17 updates all the time
  3718. <pinguy> and I was the one that showed them how to build the distro
  3719. <pinguy> they even push kernel updates
  3720. <shnatsel> pinguy: yes, they still can push updates to packages of course
  3721. <pinguy> I have had a public release since 10.04
  3722. <pinguy> I am now on 11.04
  3723. <pinguy> and had no problems with updates
  3724. <pinguy> or pushing fixes
  3725. <pinguy> I don't have my own repo
  3726. <noip> envygeeks, sorry, that's a bit out of my league. Wouldn't mind trying it, if I knew how though. The problem I'm having is with my synaptic touch pad right mouse button and mult-touch not working.
  3727. <pinguy> but I put packages in one that is used
  3728. <AbrahamLinksys> elementary OS
  3729. <AbrahamLinksys> Origin: Canada
  3730. <shnatsel> custom configs or files get overwritten unless you dpkg --divert them
  3731. <AbrahamLinksys> aw shit
  3732. <AbrahamLinksys> dan moved to canada
  3733. <shnatsel> AbrahamLinksys: not California anymore?
  3734. <pinguy> shnatsel, thats going to be the same problem anyway you make the distro
  3735. <shnatsel> pinguy: hmm, yes, indeed
  3736. <envygeeks> noip: you'll probably never get native multi-touch in Jupiter because most of the multi-touch in 11.04 is designed into the system, not into the synaptics driver, there has to be package support for it not just driver support.
  3737. <pinguy> but with remastersys at least you can lock some packages you don't want updated
  3738. <shnatsel> pinguy: what annoyed me so much about remastesys back in Karmic?...
  3739. <pinguy> what?
  3740. <shnatsel> I don't remember
  3741. <pinguy> lol
  3742. <shnatsel> Well, in Karmic it didn't make bootable images at all
  3743. <shnatsel> but in Lucid?
  3744. <shnatsel> I tried it in Lucid too
  3745. <envygeeks> The fact that it's an archaic way to build your own image?
  3746. <shnatsel> envygeeks: yes, including that
  3747. <pinguy> its worked for me for years
  3748. <pinguy>
  3749. <envygeeks> have any of ya'll got that Kernel update pushed to you yet?
  3750. <pinguy>
  3751. <pinguy> My first version was "ubuntu PCB edition"
  3752. <pinguy> But after I released that
  3753. <pinguy> I did in house testing
  3754. <pinguy> and improving the distro on friends and family
  3755. <shnatsel> Aww, GIMPshop ^^
  3756. <pinguy> for a couple of years
  3757. <noip> envygeeks, what do you mean by "package" support? Do you mean that every package in 11.04 has to support multi-touch in order for it to work?
  3758. <pinguy> then re-released it as Pinguy OS
  3759. <pinguy> PCB means Pinguy Custom Build
  3760. <envygeeks> noip: no I mean unity has most of the multi-touch support and adds a lot of the multi-touch support into other applications that don't natively have it, yes the driver brings it but Unity "makes it happen"
  3761. <shnatsel> pinguy: I've been planning to do the same but I ran out of complains in Maverick
  3762. <kheeper> shnatsel: I tried all I know
  3763. <kheeper> shnatsel: any ide why
  3764. <shnatsel> kheeper: only a reboot can save you now
  3765. <envygeeks> noip: that's actually one of the problems we had with our 11.04 installs on our network, I refused to auth an upgrade to 11.04 and forced a custom ElementaryOS build because 11.04 relies on multi-touch libs that we don't want on our systems
  3766. <shnatsel> kheeper: I forgot that the uck thing should be run BEFORE rm
  3767. <kheeper> shnatsel: not happy at all but what ever
  3768. <kheeper> shnatsel: :) see you soon
  3769. <noip> envygeeks, The trouble I'm having is that tapping with two fingers doesn't work as a right mouse click (like in 11.04/Pinguy/Mint/etc), and my right mouse click doesn't work, and under the mouse configuration the option for two finger scrolling is greyed out.
  3770. <pinguy> shnatsel,
  3771. <envygeeks> noip: have you configured the touchpad using your preferences panel?
  3772. <pinguy> have another look at remastersys
  3773. <pinguy> that is a full how to
  3774. <pinguy> it even show you how to use wubi
  3775. <noip> envygeeks, in Natty an update caused my internet to run really slow in all browsers. Just happened yesterday, and I can't live with it. It takes 15 seconds to pull up web pages in Ubuntu now.
  3776. <noip> envygeeks, Yeah, that's what my last post was about. The configuration options wont allow me to choose two-finger scrolling. But that's just one of the problems. The other is that I can't get a right mouse click with my touchpad.
  3777. <pinguy>
  3778. <pinguy> I do kinda know what I am talking about
  3779. <shnatsel> hmm, more hits than debian is kinda impressive
  3780. <envygeeks> !synaptictouchpad > noip
  3781. <envygeeks> blah no bot?
  3782. <envygeeks>
  3783. <envygeeks> try that
  3784. <noip> envygeeks, do you happen to know if OpenSuse supports multitouch. (I'm afraid to run any ubuntu based distros because of the internet issue. I guess it was an update that caused the problem.)
  3785. <shnatsel> noip: UTouch is developed in Canonical
  3786. <envygeeks> noip: no I do not, I am far from an RPM fan as I've been working with Debian since almost it's inception
  3787. <shnatsel> noip: not sure how fully OpenSuse does support those
  3788. <pinguy> Sorry I missed that
  3789. <pinguy>
  3790. <pinguy> that will fix MultiTouch
  3791. <pinguy>
  3792. <pinguy> direct link
  3793. <mrmcq2u> Whats the launchpad address for the build script again?
  3794. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: lp:elementaryos
  3795. <pinguy> who made the bot?
  3796. <pinguy> its pretty awesome
  3797. <pinguy> I have one
  3798. <pinguy> but it wasn't made
  3799. <shnatsel> pinguy: it's Marin_M
  3800. <pinguy> by use
  3801. * kheeper got connected.
  3802. <shnatsel> pinguy: the code it at lp:rabbitbot
  3803. <noip> envygeeks, your link to that ubuntu page sent me to a bug report which sent me to a sypatic package that doesn't exist. synaptics-dkms
  3804. <kheeper> shnatsel: I'm back
  3805. <shnatsel> kheeper: any luck with dir removal after the reboot?
  3806. <pinguy> thanks shnatsel
  3807. <envygeeks> noip: that link should have given you information on configuration, a bug that existed 2 years ago should not have regressed now, if it has you need to report that in the bug
  3808. <shnatsel> noip: synaptics-dkms package is attached in that bug report
  3809. <kheeper> just log in to system I'm not removing the temp to make sure nothing stay there and then I will try again
  3810. <kheeper> *now
  3811. <pinguy> noip,
  3812. <pinguy> try that
  3813. <pinguy> I have had many reports of that working
  3814. <kheeper> shnatsel: I have 1:15 AM
  3815. <noip> envygeeks, no offense but I've already told you twice that I've tried to configure it and the options I need aren't available.
  3816. <shnatsel> kheeper: I have 03:15 AM
  3817. <pinguy> noip,
  3818. <pinguy> try that
  3819. <kheeper> shnatsel: also no bad
  3820. <mrmcq2u> Snd that build script should definatly work with oneric and not hust natty right?
  3821. <kheeper> shnatsel: thank's god I don't go to work
  3822. <shnatsel> noip: solution, MUST work: install this package and reboot:
  3823. <pinguy>
  3824. <pinguy> That link works
  3825. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: yes, I'm pretty sure I migrated everything to Oneiric
  3826. <shnatsel> well, most of stuff at least
  3827. <envygeeks> I guess there was a regression, has anybody even reported that regression?
  3828. <noip> shnatsel, thanks.
  3829. <noip> pinguy, thanks
  3830. <pinguy> no problem
  3831. <shnatsel> noip: np, that's actually pinguy's fix prettified
  3832. <mrmcq2u> Well just did a bzr pull lp:elementoryos and it said there were no revisions to pull
  3833. <noip> shnatsel, Yeah, I noticed
  3834. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: elementAryos
  3835. <shnatsel> mrmcq2u: lp:elementaryos
  3836. <noip> shnatsel, I guess I have to restart.
  3837. <shnatsel> noip: ok
  3838. <pinguy> logout might do it
  3839. * noip got disconnected.
  3840. <pinguy> but better off rebooting
  3841. <pinguy> oh to late
  3842. <shnatsel> pinguy: in theory, dkms is picked up right away
  3843. <shnatsel> dkms modules
  3844. <shnatsel> AFAIK
  3845. <pinguy> I am only going by my users
  3846. <mrmcq2u> Yup thats what i typed on ny pc, using irc on android atm.
  3847. <pinguy> many of they had this problem
  3848. <pinguy> this was posted as a fix
  3849. <pinguy> and sorted all of them out
  3850. <shnatsel> pinguy: at this rate you're gonna have a good portion of desktop market soon :)
  3851. <kheeper> shnatsel: well lets see how it's go now
  3852. <pinguy> I had my 1 year Pinguy OS b-day on the 10th
  3853. * noip got connected.
  3854. <pinguy> not bad going for a distro that is just a year old
  3855. <pinguy> noip, working?
  3856. <noip> pinguy, yes!!!
  3857. <pinguy> awesome :)
  3858. <noip> shnatsel, thanks. envygeeks, Thanks!
  3859. <shnatsel> pinguy: looks like you're gonna get a special thanks that's a long type and a b-day cake :)
  3860. <pinguy> :)
  3861. <AbrahamLinksys>
  3862. <pinguy> I still can't get over you haven't got a forum
  3863. <pinguy> I have gotten so many fixes posted there
  3864. <pinguy> its unreal
  3865. <pinguy> its got to the stage now where users look after users
  3866. <noip> pinguy, I assume you're not "The" pinguy.
  3867. <kheeper> shnatsel: dam it still the same
  3868. <pinguy> and I am learning things from them now
  3869. <shnatsel> kheeper: wow
  3870. <pinguy> noip, I am "The" Pinguy
  3871. <shnatsel> kheeper: move the scripts to some other folder and don't take the temp with you :)
  3872. <kheeper> shnatsel: give me minute I will try something
  3873. <noip> Right on. Love your distro too. Great job.
  3874. <kheeper> shnatsel: already tried that
  3875. <shnatsel> and?
  3876. <kheeper> shnatsel: same
  3877. <shnatsel> wtf
  3878. <kheeper> shnatsel: tell me about it anyway I will try some thing
  3879. <shnatsel> I knew those legacy scripts are hackish, but that always worked for me...
  3880. <shnatsel> kheeper: sudo rm -r temp
  3881. <noip> So, one more question. How can I prohibit open progams from showing up in the panel. I like how they show up in the dock, but not the panel.
  3882. <shnatsel> kheeper: sudo uck-remaster-clean temp
  3883. <AbrahamLinksys> too specific
  3884. <shnatsel> kheeper: sudo umount /dir/with/issues
  3885. <pinguy> have a read though of this
  3886. <shnatsel> kheeper: reboot + sudo rm -r fixed that for me when I had it
  3887. <pinguy> I know its for remastersys but it doesn't matter
  3888. * btkostner got connected.
  3889. * btkostner got disconnected.
  3890. * btkostner got connected.
  3891. * btkostner got disconnected.
  3892. * btkostner got connected.
  3893. <kheeper> shnatsel: lets see
  3894. <pinguy> What are you guys tryign to do?
  3895. <pinguy> make a distro based on 11.04?
  3896. * dashua got connected.
  3897. <pinguy> if you are
  3898. <pinguy> I would forget about it
  3899. <pinguy> its to old now
  3900. <pinguy> you should be working on 11.10
  3901. <pinguy> unless you plan to stay a version behind all the time
  3902. <pinguy> I am just being honest here
  3903. <pinguy> people won't use a 6 month old distro if something that they are after is already out
  3904. <kheeper> shnatsel: hm I may have better idea
  3905. <pinguy> you are building apps to run on 11.10
  3906. <shnatsel> pinguy: we're using 11.10 as base
  3907. <pinguy> why not do the distro as well
  3908. <pinguy> ahh ok
  3909. <pinguy> sorry
  3910. <pinguy> I thought you was building onto 11.04
  3911. <noip> So, one more question. How can I prohibit open progams from showing up in the panel. I like how they show up in the dock, but not the panel.
  3912. <shnatsel> pinguy: we dropped Natty almost a month ago
  3913. <pinguy> shnatsel, ok
  3914. <shnatsel> kheeper: reboot + sudo rm -r fixed that for me
  3915. <shnatsel> kheeper: no, it was the UCK thing...
  3916. <shnatsel> not rm
  3917. <pinguy> noip, do they also show in the panel? I have only used it in VB but I can't remember programs showing in the panel
  3918. <shnatsel> grr
  3919. <pinguy> if they are
  3920. <pinguy> just delete it from the panel
  3921. <shnatsel> in Jupiter they should not
  3922. <pinguy> right click on it and remove
  3923. <shnatsel> Panel is locked down in Jupiter
  3924. <pinguy> oh forgot
  3925. <shnatsel> to unlock it, you'll have to flip a key in gconf
  3926. <pinguy> install ubuntu tweak
  3927. <noip> x-chat is showing up in the panel right now. It's annoying and looks ugly. ;-)
  3928. <pinguy> using that it is dead easy to unlock the panel
  3929. <noip> Pinguy - x-chat is showing up in the panel right now. It's annoying and looks ugly. ;-)
  3930. <shnatsel> noip: ah, you mean THAT
  3931. <shnatsel>
  3932. <shnatsel> noip: unlock the panel and remove it from the panel
  3933. <noip> Thanks!
  3934. <pinguy> I wish I had you lot of documentation
  3935. <pinguy> That is something I am really missing
  3936. <pinguy> *for
  3937. * pinguy 6th beer
  3938. <pinguy> cheers :)
  3939. <pinguy> how many people work on eOS nowadays?
  3940. <pinguy> I still only have one
  3941. <pinguy> me
  3942. <shnatsel> pinguy: + contributors
  3943. <pinguy> Well its only me that works on the distro
  3944. <pinguy> I don't do the apps
  3945. <kheeper> shnatsel: can be problem crypted home?
  3946. <shnatsel> kheeper: yes
  3947. <pinguy> not as large as I tought
  3948. <pinguy> *thought
  3949. <kheeper> shnatsel: :)
  3950. <pinguy> kheeper, yes
  3951. <pinguy> because once you do it
  3952. <kheeper> shnatsel: I know it
  3953. <pinguy> its hard to use it on a different install
  3954. <shnatsel> kheeper: crypted home can have unpredictable consequences
  3955. <pinguy> I only crypted USBs
  3956. <shnatsel> kheeper: it's know to not work with AuFS
  3957. <noip> Ahhh...what a great system. Now I just have to install all of my favorite packages. If I was smart I would make a script to do it.
  3958. <pinguy> just incase I loose them
  3959. <pinguy> noip, what are you missing?
  3960. <kheeper> I know I had problem with apache so I tried something and see it's the problem
  3961. <AbrahamLinksys> BFS as new elementary filesystem!
  3962. <AbrahamLinksys> why did they kill the BeOS
  3963. <AbrahamLinksys> bastards >:(
  3964. <pinguy> noip, install Y PPA Manager
  3965. <shnatsel> AbrahamLinksys: because it's proprietary
  3966. <pinguy> that will find you repos for the apps you want
  3967. <pinguy> AbrahamLinksys, BFS is a kernel
  3968. <pinguy> not a file system
  3969. <shnatsel> kheeper: you can make a new user with non crypted home
  3970. <kheeper> shnatsel: my harddisk have a hard time :D
  3971. <kheeper> shnatsel: I create a dir in non-crypted pattion
  3972. <kheeper> shnatsel: should be ok now
  3973. <noip> pinguy, I can't find that package in Ubuntu software center or synaptic.
  3974. <pinguy> AbrahamLinksys,
  3975. <shnatsel> kheeper: fine!
  3976. <shnatsel> kheeper: it's a pity that AuFS mount of home folder won't work for you in Glimpse
  3977. <pinguy> noip,
  3978. <pinguy> noip,
  3979. <pinguy> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
  3980. <pinguy> sudo apt-get update
  3981. <pinguy> sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager
  3982. <shnatsel> It's almost 4AM in here
  3983. <shnatsel> I'll go try to get some sleep
  3984. <pinguy> 1am here
  3985. <kheeper> shnatsel: well I have 6 pattions so one of then gonna be for eOS
  3986. <shnatsel> kheeper: are you sure you want to install an alpha?
  3987. <shnatsel> kheeper: glimpse might be a better solution
  3988. <kheeper> shnatsel: no I mean for builind iso
  3989. <kheeper> abd also for glimpse
  3990. <shnatsel> ah, I see :)
  3991. <kheeper> shnatsel: I just talking about space
  3992. <shnatsel> kheeper: I have 1Tb hard disk now, so I don't care about space anymore :)
  3993. <shnatsel> I have 200+ Gb trash
  3994. <pinguy> I have a 32GB SSD
  3995. <kheeper> some of the parttion I have crypted bacuse of work and some other stuff
  3996. <pinguy> that has my OS on
  3997. <noip> pinguy, thanks. appreciate it.
  3998. <shnatsel> now, rly gtg
  3999. <shnatsel> kheeper: good luck
  4000. <pinguy> ok
  4001. <pinguy> noip, its a pretty good app
  4002. <noip> pinguy - hey that's a cool app. thanks
  4003. <noip> ha
  4004. <pinguy> I found CoverGloobus that is still being worked on
  4005. <pinguy> using that app
  4006. <pinguy> really don't know why it got stopped being worked on
  4007. <pinguy> CoverGloobus is awesome
  4008. <pinguy> noip, if you want to unlock the desktop
  4009. <pinguy> you can use ubuntu tweak
  4010. <noip> pinguy, I don't really want to.
  4011. <pinguy> ok
  4012. <noip> I like as much negative/empty space as I can get
  4013. <pinguy> that was my biggest gripe with eOS
  4014. * kheeper got connected.
  4015. <noip> lol
  4016. <pinguy> I hated it locked you out
  4017. <pinguy> I still to this day unsure why they did it
  4018. * dashua got connected.
  4019. * Gusions got connected.
  4020. <pinguy> noip, if you ever need help you can ask at the Pinguy OS forum
  4021. <pinguy> it doesn't matter you are running eOS
  4022. <pinguy> at there core they are the same
  4023. <pinguy> and we get many users ask for help that don't run the system
  4024. <pinguy> the support on there is pretty good
  4025. <pinguy> I few of the mods there job is to give support for windows
  4026. <pinguy> so they can help with all sorts of problems
  4027. <pinguy> I even have the head of HP for Australia helping out
  4028. * mrmcq2u got connected.
  4029. <noip> I was actually running pinguy a while back, and I had to change for some reason. I don't remember why. Or maybe I just decided to try vanilla ubuntu for some reason. I remember pinguy came a with a lot of great apps. I actually don't like gnome 2.x much. I'm a fan of the unity look and UX. It's simplified. I like simple.
  4030. <kheeper> I don't get it still doesn't work
  4031. <pinguy> Pinguy OS is linux on training wheels
  4032. <pinguy> Once people get to know Linux
  4033. <pinguy> most of them leave
  4034. <mrmcq2u> There is always openbfs, or you could extend the limit for extended attributes in btrfs and add an index.
  4035. <pinguy> and I don't really mind
  4036. <curtism> i like to think the same happens with ubuntu
  4037. <pinguy> Pinguy OS is heavy
  4038. <curtism> but unfortunately it doesn't
  4039. <pinguy> but that because I have to try and make everyone happy
  4040. <noip> pinguy, sure. but it's also just for people who want to get stuff done and done want to have to tinker a whole bunch with their machine.
  4041. <envygeeks> if you want to be a man run Debian experimental straight from queue
  4042. <curtism> nuu
  4043. <curtism> run Arch
  4044. <curtism> only way to be a man
  4045. <pinguy> most of my mods now dob't use Pinguy OS
  4046. <pinguy> *don't
  4047. <envygeeks> You only want to run Arch if you want to be a pissed off man >.<
  4048. <curtism> envygeeks: i'm not pissed off...
  4049. <pinguy> I am pretty sure in 5 years my distro will be obsolete
  4050. <pinguy> hopefully by then
  4051. <pinguy> I will have something else in the works
  4052. <pinguy> Pinguy OS is just a show case of what linux can do
  4053. <pinguy> or if you will
  4054. <envygeeks> The way GNOME is pushing things it seems like Linux might finally have unity somewhere I don't know though, it seems like GNOME is certainly trying to dumb down the GUI and make Linux easier
  4055. <pinguy> a finger up to the people that say you can do somethig on linux
  4056. <envygeeks> KDE did a good job of that kinda but there were still some quirks IMO, like a really really really really really really ugly GUI (IMO)
  4057. <curtism> yeah they need a new theme
  4058. <curtism> oxygen makes me barf
  4059. <curtism> someone needs to port elementary to qt
  4060. <pinguy> qt is the way to go
  4061. <pinguy> fully cross platform
  4062. <envygeeks> Yeah I played with QT a bit a couple of weeks ago and found I liked it much better than GTK
  4063. <pinguy> gtk3 is shaping up nice though
  4064. <pinguy> its almost as good as html5
  4065. <pinguy> so for doing web apps
  4066. <pinguy> it could be pretty good
  4067. <envygeeks> I haven't played much with GTK3 yet, I should check it out
  4068. <curtism> problem is that GTK3 doesn't have all the bindings GTK2 has yet
  4069. <curtism> i refuse to code GTK in C
  4070. <pinguy> I am pretty sure in time it will
  4071. <curtism> i'm waiting on ruby bindings
  4072. <pinguy> it is still new
  4073. <pinguy> never touched ruby
  4074. <pinguy> heard lots of good things
  4075. <curtism> ruby has the best GTK2 bindings imo
  4076. <pinguy> but I have never used it
  4077. <curtism> out of all the languages i've used GTK in, ruby was the least painful
  4078. * kheeper got disconnected.
  4079. <pinguy> I still am limited in what I can do
  4080. <envygeeks> I don't know much about Ruby either but I always thought the python bindings were pretty simple
  4081. <pinguy> python is what I know well
  4082. <curtism> yeah i had used pygtk quite a bit before i started using ruby
  4083. <curtism> they are close
  4084. <pinguy> I am a developer. So php css and things like that I know well
  4085. <mrmcq2u> Is python still slower than javascript.
  4086. <curtism> lol
  4087. <envygeeks> You must not use ubuntu much mrmcq2u? :P
  4088. <pinguy> python is the first program language I have got into for computers
  4089. <curtism> my first was VB.NET. I am very ashamed
  4090. <pinguy> at some point I want to get into vala
  4091. <envygeeks> But that said, if you think Python is bad, you should have played with Ruby a few years ago, I remember hearing stories about ruby taking (in exaggerated internet terms) days to process an application
  4092. <mrmcq2u> Pypy was making some headway las time i checked but it was still playing catchup in terms of speed.
  4093. <pinguy> mrmcq2u, most of the apps in Ubuntu are Python
  4094. <pinguy> thats why I got into it
  4095. <curtism> i'd still use ruby even if it did take a day <3
  4096. <mrmcq2u> Vala has been on my todo list but i want to finish reading a book on d first.
  4097. <pinguy> plus it was a bit like php
  4098. <curtism> mrmcq2u: D is used less than vala is :\
  4099. <envygeeks> Most of my development is in Python, our daemons, our server monitors, our external applications that control internal applications. We've never had a speed issue.
  4100. <mrmcq2u> I know but it is a beatiful language
  4101. <envygeeks> We did up until almost recently have some memory issues with our web applications but there is a lot of headway in that department, but Ruby had the same problem and they're making headway there too
  4102. <pinguy> just to try and understand
  4103. <mrmcq2u> C++ done right
  4104. <pinguy> vala is a like c++?
  4105. <pinguy> so you can build net apps ect.?
  4106. <curtism> mrmcq2u: last i heard it had a pretty much non-existent community, and it's kind of fragmented iirc
  4107. <envygeeks> isn't elementary's midori built on Vala?
  4108. <pinguy> I know eOS is all over vala
  4109. <envygeeks> Yeah that's what I though, they were huge Vala fans
  4110. <pinguy> but I am just getting into programing myself
  4111. <curtism> learn ASM!
  4112. <pinguy> got Python down :)
  4113. <mrmcq2u> People call it fragmented because there is a choice of a community maintained unofficial standard library, i just call it choice :-)
  4114. <pinguy> so thinking what I should do now
  4115. <pinguy> I would need something with good docs
  4116. <curtism> pinguy: learn C
  4117. <pinguy> *documentation
  4118. <mrmcq2u> Same people would proba ly say its fragmented because its multiparadigm.
  4119. <pinguy> curtism, really?
  4120. <pinguy> isn't that mainly for windows apps
  4121. <curtism> pinguy: lot's of things are written in C, and learning a lower level language helps a lot
  4122. <curtism> C is for everything
  4123. <envygeeks> pinguy: if you use Python to build GUI applications it's good to also learn C and C++ imo too because sometimes you'll want something lower than Python
  4124. <curtism> the linux kernel is mostly C
  4125. <mrmcq2u> Midori is not vala based
  4126. <pinguy> ah OK
  4127. <curtism> most apps are C [citation needed]
  4128. <pinguy> I can put together a distro no problem
  4129. <pinguy> but apps I am still lerning
  4130. <pinguy> *learning
  4131. <pinguy> ok I will give C ago
  4132. <curtism> also, doesn't python have some kind of C FFI?
  4133. <mrmcq2u> There was a vala based webkit browser announced on planet.gnome recently.
  4134. <curtism> wasn't midori around way before elementary?
  4135. <envygeeks>
  4136. <pinguy> this is where I learnt most of my programming
  4137. <pinguy>
  4138. <pinguy>
  4139. <pinguy> really good sites
  4140. <pinguy> the MIT site has class videos
  4141. <pinguy> and test papers
  4142. <mrmcq2u> Yup midori has been around for ages
  4143. <envygeeks> pinguy: most of the "dive into" books are free online so you could use those too
  4144. <curtism> so are midori guys founding members of elementary, or was midori sort of "adopted" by elementary, or what?
  4145. <btkostner> curtism: DanRabbit helped with the developing of midori
  4146. <btkostner> and now the lead midori developer is helping with elementary
  4147. <btkostner> he is the one who made postler
  4148. <mrmcq2u> Hmmm. Got luna installing when i used an i386 image of oneric
  4149. <mrmcq2u> Installer looks more compact and responsive in comparison to ubuntu which is weird as its the same installer.
  4150. <mrmcq2u> :-)
  4151. <btkostner> mrmcq2u: are you able to boot into it after install?
  4152. <mrmcq2u> Well its nearly finished installing now so i will soon see.
  4153. <mrmcq2u> So i should be able to use update manager?
  4154. <pinguy> how many people are working on the distro?
  4155. <pinguy> not apps
  4156. <pinguy> just putting it all together?
  4157. <pinguy> I can help
  4158. <pinguy> but I really only know Remastersys
  4159. <pinguy> so nor sure how much help I could give
  4160. <mrmcq2u> Oh goodie, greeter seemed to have crashed
  4161. <pinguy> *not
  4162. <mrmcq2u> Clicking on username on first boot sends me to ubuntu background
  4163. <pinguy> I am also really good at promoting and finding funding :)
  4164. <pinguy>
  4165. * CoryClaxon got connected.
  4166. <mrmcq2u> Was able to login as guest with strange artifacts.
  4167. * envygeeks got disconnected.
  4168. <curtism> pinguy: i'm accepting donations
  4169. <pinguy> curtism, what do you do/make ?
  4170. <pinguy> depending on what it is
  4171. <pinguy> I can teach you how to make money
  4172. <curtism> ha
  4173. <curtism> i don't do anything useful, yet :P
  4174. <pinguy> lol
  4175. <pinguy> then no
  4176. <pinguy> I can't help
  4177. <pinguy> :P
  4178. <pinguy> out of all the ways yo can make a bit of cash eOS did get up mu noise
  4179. <pinguy> charging people for a pre-order for a distro that needed testing
  4180. <pinguy> I still can't get over that didn't bit you in the ass
  4181. <pinguy> whos great idea was it to do that?
  4182. <pinguy> and if I understand right
  4183. <pinguy> people still haven't got there discs
  4184. <pinguy> talk about kicking yourself in the balls
  4185. * pinguy 7th beer
  4186. <curtism> they didn't have to pay
  4187. <pinguy> yes they did for shipping
  4188. <curtism> so if they aren't happy, it's their own fault
  4189. <pinguy> $10
  4190. <mrmcq2u> Is compiz and nm norked on the latest build
  4191. <curtism> they did not have to give elementary any money
  4192. <pinguy> and I don't know what you was using to charge that
  4193. <curtism> elementary is a free product
  4194. <mrmcq2u> Norked - borked
  4195. <pinguy>
  4196. <pinguy> "Pre-orders can be placed on the elementary project website and cost $10 US. This sum will be used to cover the printing and shipping costs of the CD�s."
  4197. <pinguy> I did do a post about it
  4198. <curtism> don't quite a few distros offer CDs?
  4199. <pinguy> its on that page
  4200. <pinguy>
  4201. <pinguy> and I am still reading comments to this day of people that never got their CD
  4202. <curtism> well your first bit about them making their own DE, they're doing
  4203. <curtism> pinguy: your bit about CD size...
  4204. <pinguy> yes
  4205. <curtism> i hate downloading over a GB of distro, which takes a long time on my slow internet
  4206. <curtism> installing it
  4207. <curtism> and then never using half of it
  4208. <pinguy> but you would rather download 700MB of apps and wait for them to install?
  4209. <pinguy> who doesn't use java and codecs
  4210. <curtism> the first time i saw/heard about pinguy os, i thought "man, this looks like the most bloated distro in existence"
  4211. <curtism> pinguy: honestly, yes, because then i have control over what i'm downloading
  4212. <pinguy> but the apps are modular
  4213. <curtism> "And why have you gone for Abiword? It maybe light but is missing so much, you really should of used LibreOffice."
  4214. <pinguy> they take up no resources
  4215. <curtism> i really don't like your attitude there
  4216. <pinguy> you are stuck in windows thinking
  4217. <noip> I prefer larger distros on DVD. I like having lots of packages already installed.
  4218. <curtism> pinguy: lawlno
  4219. <curtism> it has nothing to do with resources
  4220. <curtism> it has to do with wasting time and bandwidth on things i won't use
  4221. <curtism> pinguy: your whole attitude in your comment makes me sick
  4222. <pinguy> so download the
  4223. <curtism> pinguy: you basically said "you guys did it wrong, i did it right, <LINKS TO PINGUY OS BECAUSE IT'S BETTAR>
  4224. <noip> I think most distros should have a CD with a few "application" packages, and a DVD with a bunch of great application packages ready to go.
  4225. <curtism> pinguy: or in my case, arch netinstall
  4226. <noip> What's with the argument? Agree to disagree.
  4227. <pinguy> its an old comment
  4228. <pinguy> I still feel the same
  4229. <pinguy> as many other people do
  4230. <curtism> noip: i never lose an argument!
  4231. <pinguy> but its your views
  4232. <noip> lol
  4233. <mrmcq2u> Abiword is so much bettrr than libreoffice.
  4234. <pinguy> same as its mine
  4235. <curtism> mrmcq2u++
  4236. <pinguy> have any of you lot worked in a office?
  4237. <noip> mrmcq2u :: I've never used abiword extensively. I'm going to see how far along I can get without it before I download libre office.
  4238. <mrmcq2u> If i want to spend a minute or two editing a cv i dont want to wait a minute or two to start the text editor.
  4239. <pinguy> Abiword is useless for many tasks
  4240. <curtism> pinguy: such as?
  4241. <noip> mrmcq2u, lol. Libre doesn't take that long to start up.
  4242. <pinguy>
  4243. <pinguy> haven't even read it
  4244. <noip> curtism, can you make headers and footers in abiword?
  4245. <curtism> ....yes
  4246. <pinguy> but I tried doing a CV in AbiWord and couldn't get the layout right
  4247. <pinguy> and this was just updating a CV
  4248. <pinguy> tables was sh*t in AbiWord
  4249. <noip> curtism, can you insert columns in abiword?
  4250. <mrmcq2u> Try pressing the any key :-)
  4251. * Cory` got connected.
  4252. <curtism> noip: in a table, or on the page?
  4253. <pinguy> For office use AbiWord is useless
  4254. <pinguy> I tried it on may office users
  4255. <pinguy> none of them could do half the tasks they wanted to
  4256. <noip> curtism, it looks like you can only apply a column format to a whole page and not part of a page.
  4257. <pinguy> they said it was like the free word you get with XP
  4258. <curtism> pinguy: you've just repeated yourself without providing any examples
  4259. <pinguy> "wordpad"
  4260. * Cory` got connected.
  4261. <pinguy> curtism,
  4262. <noip> curtism, the reason i ask is because i a have a project that requires that i create columns in some places on pages. Not the whole page, just part of the page.
  4263. <curtism> pinguy: you didn't even read that thread, you said
  4264. <curtism> pinguy: linking to a random thread on a forum is not providing examples
  4265. <pinguy> I just read 3 posts
  4266. <curtism> frankly, it makes you look like a fool
  4267. <pinguy> and pretty much what I have been told gets talked about
  4268. <curtism> it makes you look like you don't actually have any examples, and hate abiword for unjustified reasons
  4269. <pinguy> as noip said
  4270. <pinguy> tables
  4271. <mrmcq2u> I think there should be a simple guodleline for selecting apps, if it has a splashscreen ignore it.
  4272. <curtism> noip: you can use tables for that, i think
  4273. <pinguy> curtism, I go by feedback from windows users
  4274. <curtism> mrmcq2u++
  4275. <pinguy> if all of them
  4276. <pinguy> and I mean all of them
  4277. <curtism> pinguy: well
  4278. <noip> mrmcq2u, lol
  4279. <curtism> feedback from windows users
  4280. <curtism> there's the problem, right there!
  4281. <pinguy> really?
  4282. <noip> curtism, I think I can. As long as the table borders are invisible.
  4283. <pinguy> most users are windows users
  4284. <pinguy> if I can't give them something as good or better
  4285. <curtism> pinguy: see now, this is the problem i have with your distro
  4286. <curtism> you target windows users
  4287. <pinguy> why should they switch
  4288. <curtism> which imo, is the wrong target audience
  4289. <pinguy> I target all OSs
  4290. <pinguy> if they do something better then my system
  4291. <curtism> also, i'd say AbiWord is at least functionally equivalent to Word 2003
  4292. <pinguy> I try to improve on that
  4293. <noip> curtism, the difficulty is that in MS Word, and in Libre and Open Office I can highlight a paragraph and immediately turn it into columns. Cannot do that with tables. Tables you have to cut and paste the content back in to the tables. Not a deal breaker for most people, but for me I have a 150 books to edit and I sort of need to go fast.
  4294. <curtism> pinguy: you still havn't given me any concrete examples of where abiword falls short compared to MS Word or Libre/Open Office Writer
  4295. <noip> I don't have a dog in this fight, but I don't think AbiWord is anywhere near word 2003. No offense to AbiWord. I actually really like AbiWord.
  4296. <mrmcq2u> Never trusted any of them to actually render cv's correctly on microsoft offoce anyways. Open Office always failed in terms of layout.
  4297. <pinguy> curtism, are you a AbiWord dev?
  4298. <pinguy> because I have already told you tables
  4299. <mrmcq2u> Think elementary needs to start from scratch with gtk3 and webkit.
  4300. <curtism> it can do tables fine?
  4301. <pinguy> I can not update my CV in AbiWord
  4302. <pinguy> it just doesn't work
  4303. <pinguy> but it does in OOo or LibreOffice
  4304. <curtism> maybe your CV is the problem then?
  4305. <pinguy> probably a simple thing
  4306. <curtism> i'm assuming you are importing it from another word processor
  4307. <noip> Curtism - There are a lot of little hidden options in 2003 that you have to search for, or get trained on, before you notice them. (Which is also unfortunate.)
  4308. <pinguy> but if I can not do a simple task like that in AbiWord but I can in LibreOffice
  4309. <pinguy> why should I use AbiWord?
  4310. <curtism> what task specifically?
  4311. <curtism> what can abiword not do that prevents you from editing your CV?
  4312. <curtism> also, i can give you the same reasons elementary chose abiword
  4313. <pinguy> TABLES
  4314. <pinguy> how many more times
  4315. <curtism> it's native GTK, it is a lot lighter than openoffice
  4316. <curtism> pinguy: IT CAN DO TABLES. HOW MANY MORE TIMES
  4317. <pinguy> ok then its tables are broken
  4318. <pinguy> because I can use LibreOffice and OOo to edit it
  4319. <pinguy> but not AbiWord
  4320. <curtism> pinguy:
  4321. <pinguy> hold on I will install AbiWord
  4322. <pinguy> and show you my CV
  4323. * danopia got connected.
  4324. <pinguy> it don't work
  4325. * boredomist got connected.
  4326. * gewt got connected.
  4327. <pinguy> dam it
  4328. <mrmcq2u> Pinguy have you checked ehether ur cv looks correct in ms office once xou create it in open/libreoffice rather than assuming that its worked.
  4329. <pinguy> I updated my CV to pdf
  4330. <pinguy> hold on
  4331. <pinguy> let me find the word dock
  4332. <noip> curtism, I'm trying to use tables right now in Abiword, and they're definitely screwed up.
  4333. <curtism> right, so you're importing from another processor, which could possibly be messing up the tables
  4334. <pinguy> but OOo don't have this problem
  4335. <pinguy> that is waht I used to export it as a pdf
  4336. <curtism> OOo is also a non-native clunker
  4337. <pinguy> so I won't have that problem anymore
  4338. <curtism> which happens to be why elementary chose abiword
  4339. * dashua got connected.
  4340. <noip> curtism, never mind, they just work differently than I'm used to.
  4341. <noip> curtism, took me a minute to figure it out. Not as many options as libre office, but still workable for most projects I would imagine.
  4342. <pinguy> curtism, is that the same reason you don't use FF or Chromium ?
  4343. <pinguy> but a shi**y browser that crashes all the time
  4344. <pinguy> because it works with the theme
  4345. <curtism> i use chromium, and have both libreoffice and abiword installed
  4346. <curtism> i also have midori
  4347. <noip> I love chromium
  4348. <curtism> midori seemed stable to me when i used it..
  4349. <pinguy> not for me
  4350. <noip> But when I want to visit a site fast I'll open midori.
  4351. <curtism> i also really like it as a browser and would use it full time if it didn't lack plugins
  4352. <danopia> i agree with noip
  4353. <davidboy> OMG
  4354. * davidboy wants
  4355. <davidboy>
  4356. <noip> wow. what happened?
  4357. <pinguy> noip, do you have a google+ account?
  4358. <pinguy> if not do you want one
  4359. <noip> pinguy, hell yeah.
  4360. <noip> Why, you want it?
  4361. <mrmcq2u> Pinguy exporting to pdf is not the right way of doing things and is certainly not a point in its favour. Exporting to most microsoft formats from open/libreoffice was such a nightmare for me during college. Libreoffice inherited thr bloated, defective by design, ugly ass inneficiant office suite which has completely failed to capture a significiant market share although it has had the same oppertunity as mozilla witg firefox.
  4362. <pinguy> noip, I need a email
  4363. <pinguy> you can PM it
  4364. <noip> Yeah.
  4365. <pinguy> or post it here
  4366. <pinguy> its up to you
  4367. <noip> my real name:
  4368. * curtism gets his spambots ready
  4369. <noip> Oh great, he's got spambots?!
  4370. <noip> ;-)
  4371. <mrmcq2u> I think openoffice was damaging to desktop linux.
  4372. <pinguy> sent
  4373. <noip> mrmcq2u, really?
  4374. <noip> mrmcq2u, that's strechting it a little.
  4375. <pinguy> anyone else want one?
  4376. <curtism> already has, thanks
  4377. <noip> mrmcq2u, For many people open office is their first step into open source. I used it, with many others, in small company (40 people) and rarely heard complaints.
  4378. * Paddy_NI got connected.
  4379. <btkostner> pinguy: w00t, who knew being in #elementary had perks like invites to google+
  4380. <Paddy_NI> Hey can anyone tell me what is wrong with Postler
  4381. <Paddy_NI> There are invites to google+ here?
  4382. <btkostner> :)
  4383. <noip> pinguy I'm already on google+ btw
  4384. <noip> I don't need an invite
  4385. <Paddy_NI> Nice.. are they all gone?
  4386. <pinguy> just found that out :)
  4387. <curtism> lol
  4388. <curtism> noip: nice troll attempt?
  4389. <mrmcq2u> I was pushing it for large deployments on several occasions in the past but always let tge users decide which office suite they find most functional and they chose ms office.
  4390. <noip> mrmcq2u, without a doubt the most functional is still MS Office.
  4391. <curtism> ms office looks nicer
  4392. <btkostner> noip: I added you to my elementary circle
  4393. <Paddy_NI> it looks like a fisherprice toy
  4394. <noip> mrmcq2u, I won't dispute that. But I effin' hate microsoft.
  4395. <curtism> i love how OOo manages to look ugly and out of place on every platform
  4396. <btkostner> DOWN WITH MICROSOFT
  4397. <btkostner> who wants to burn them with me?
  4398. <curtism> btkostner: funny you should say that right after talking about G+
  4399. <curtism> unless there was not reference to big brother intended
  4400. <btkostner> ?
  4401. <mrmcq2u> Its not just that it looks nicer, its easier for users to find functions.
  4402. <Paddy_NI> So are there any google+ invites available, and does anyone have any idea what is up with postler from that screenshot?
  4403. <noip> btkostner, cool. If I'll add you to my circles. Linux, Open Source, etc. I need some more Linux folks in Google+
  4404. <btkostner> Paddy_NI: whats your email
  4405. <noip> curtism, I'll give you that. Open Office and even Libre Office are uglier than hell.
  4406. <Paddy_NI> btkostner: Did you get the pm
  4407. <btkostner> noip I am up to 21 people in linux circle
  4408. <btkostner> Paddy_NI: yep
  4409. <Paddy_NI> cool :)
  4410. <btkostner> Paddy_NI: sent
  4411. <pinguy> I keep getting people add me that I have no clue who they are
  4412. <Paddy_NI> btkostner: Cheers mate nice one :)
  4413. <noip> btkostner - I wish there was a way to see who was in other people's circles. That's the only way I can think of to find out who's worth following.
  4414. <btkostner> pinguy: add them to the creepy people circle
  4415. <pinguy> lol
  4416. <noip> pinguy, at least you don't have to follow them back.
  4417. <btkostner> I added Dan
  4418. * csmart got connected.
  4419. <curtism> i like how G+ is a nice mix of twitter and facebook when it comes to adding people
  4420. <btkostner> 29 people in my circles
  4421. <btkostner> 21 of them are in linux circle
  4422. <mrmcq2u> Higher productivity, hence why i think openoffice had been a failure. You never hear,people praise it. The most they are willing to say is that there are no complaints. They should have aimed to be the best but it couldnt get one thing right, not looks, not accesability, not speed etc
  4423. <curtism> Paddy_NI: looks like DBUS is broke
  4424. <btkostner> curtism: so true
  4425. <curtism> mrmcq2u: the splash screen is nice!
  4426. <pinguy> noip, I have added you twice
  4427. <noip> pinguy, cool, I'm worth it.
  4428. <pinguy> thats because my first account was a fu** up
  4429. <noip> Linux Gamecast is hanging out on Google+ right now. I would join them, but they're a bit crazy.
  4430. <pinguy> I didn't release I was still logged into it
  4431. <pinguy> My main one has a whole profile
  4432. <btkostner> my gwibber looks better than yours
  4433. <btkostner> its new
  4434. <btkostner> it might not work
  4435. <noip> I had a couple of people follow me on Google+. I assume that both of them are from this conversation. I'll just throw you in Linux and Open Source
  4436. <Paddy_NI> curtism: I wonder what I can do to fix that.. I love postler and really starting to miss it
  4437. <btkostner> but it looks awesome
  4438. <pinguy> I have the new one too :)
  4439. <pinguy> gtk3
  4440. <btkostner> pinguy: it looks so much better
  4441. <Paddy_NI> btkostner: I have invites to diaspora if you are interested?
  4442. <curtism> is gwibber still slow as piss?
  4443. <btkostner> but mine does not work
  4444. <Paddy_NI> curtism: yeah its decoding the human genome
  4445. <pinguy> I haven't really seen a huge difference
  4446. <btkostner> Paddy_NI: no thanks
  4447. <curtism> Paddy_NI: try restarting dbus? (i have no idea how to do this)
  4448. <Paddy_NI> cool
  4449. <pinguy> but it is less resource heavy
  4450. <curtism> am i the only one who finds egtk2 looks a lot better than egtk3?
  4451. <noip> Have you all seen the new gwibber?
  4452. <pinguy> no post on wall on google+ ?
  4453. <curtism> or perhaps i'm not using the right one...
  4454. <noip> I'm sure you have.
  4455. <noip> Pinguy no
  4456. <pinguy>
  4457. <noip> pinguy, just send a post out and attach a persons name to it.
  4458. <pinguy> the new gwibber looks more or less the same
  4459. <btkostner> pinguy: the new gtk3 one does not look like that, it is better
  4460. <pinguy> that is using the gtk3
  4461. <curtism> is the lp:egtk repo still the right thing to be using?
  4462. <pinguy> it is the new one
  4463. <btkostner>
  4464. <btkostner> pinguy ^
  4465. <pinguy>
  4466. <pinguy> there you go
  4467. <pinguy> it is the new one
  4468. <btkostner> pinguy: I am using one newer
  4469. <noip> btkostner, lol
  4470. <noip> The new gwibber looks tight.
  4471. <Paddy_NI> btkostner: Has any of the cool features in google wave found there way into google+?
  4472. <btkostner> Paddy_NI: not that I know of
  4473. <btkostner> I like hangout, it is awesome
  4474. <Paddy_NI> oh
  4475. <Paddy_NI> I must have a look
  4476. <pinguy> hangout is so good
  4477. <pinguy> I did it with 6 people
  4478. <pinguy> it works so well
  4479. <curtism> gwibber needs G+, then i'll use it
  4480. <pinguy> pretty glad I had that foresight
  4481. <pinguy> I pre-installed all the google plugins for firefox
  4482. <btkostner> pinguy:
  4483. <pinguy> have you got a PPA?
  4484. <pinguy> 11.04
  4485. <btkostner> only for 11.10
  4486. <noip> btkostner, looks good. Is that Luna?
  4487. <noip> btkostner, Will Luna be based on 11.04?
  4488. <btkostner> no, daily build has bugs that keep it from booting
  4489. <btkostner> nope
  4490. <btkostner> 11.10
  4491. <pinguy> awesome
  4492. <pinguy> So you have started work on it then?
  4493. * btkostner is going to be awesome and moderate the website
  4494. <btkostner> pinguy: not me
  4495. <pinguy> I don't bother until ubuntu hit beta 2
  4496. <btkostner> I test
  4497. <noip> btkostner, OH, yeah, I wasn't paying attention.
  4498. <pinguy> then I go balls deep
  4499. <pinguy> :)
  4500. <btkostner> :\
  4501. <pinguy> and spend pretty much every waking hour working on it
  4502. <curtism> nice, gwibber crashes
  4503. <pinguy> last distro I did 34 hours straight
  4504. <mrmcq2u> So i should have used natty then?
  4505. <btkostner> website is done being moderated
  4506. <btkostner> time for games
  4507. * btkostner got disconnected.
  4508. * btkostner got connected.
  4509. <btkostner> wrong button
  4510. <btkostner> :O
  4511. <btkostner> I am chatting with rabbitbot in #elementary-art
  4512. <noip> I didn't realize that libre office isn't in the ubuntu software center
  4513. * Daegalus got connected.
  4514. * sn0wf0x got connected.
  4515. * dashua got connected.
  4516. * Davyd_ got connected.
  4517. * threeve got connected.
  4518. * ilmenite got connected.
  4519. * ilmenite_ got connected.
  4520. * AndroUser2 got connected.
  4521. * AndroUser2 got connected.
  4522. <btkostner> </my life>
  4523. * btkostner got disconnected.
  4524. * ilmenite got connected.
  4525. * mltdwn got connected.
  4526. <noip> Is this a problem? W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found
  4527. <noip> Is that just for y-ppa-manage package?
  4528. * DanRabbit got connected.
  4529. * DanRabbit got connected.
  4530. * Devil505 got connected.
  4531. * Devil505 got connected.
  4532. * ilmenite got connected.
  4533. * Kreative` got connected.
  4534. * Kreative` got connected.
  4535. * WindPower got connected.
  4536. * ricotz got connected.
  4537. * ricotz got connected.
  4538. * envygeeks1 got connected.
  4539. * envygeeks got connected.
  4540. * envygeeks got connected.
  4541. * envygeeks got connected.
  4542. <envygeeks> I don't think I've ever had so much trouble with IRC. Get one windows once and log into IRC and all of a sudden I can't login until I release >.<
  4543. * envygeeks got disconnected.
  4544. * Kreative` is away: Away
  4545. * D0nR0s4 got connected.
  4546. * devil505_ got connected.
  4547. * Devil505 got connected.
  4548. * Devil505 got connected.
  4549. * Simmeson got connected.
  4550. * mots got connected.
  4551. * Aktifit got connected.
  4552. <Aktifit> hey everybody
  4553. * chi1_ got connected.
  4554. <ammonkey> hello
  4555. <Aktifit> i've got a stupid question
  4556. <Aktifit> :D
  4557. <Aktifit> i somehow enabled multitouch
  4558. <Aktifit> on my netbook trackpad
  4559. <Aktifit> do you know how i can change settings maybe?
  4560. <ammonkey> i don't know sry.
  4561. * WindPower got connected.
  4562. * mots got connected.
  4563. <Aktifit> no problem... i just know that cassidyjames has been playing around with it
  4564. * eos-site-user9 got connected.
  4565. * mhr3 got connected.
  4566. * mots got connected.
  4567. * Aktifit got disconnected.
  4568. * datagutt got connected.
  4569. * hakan got connected.
  4570. * juliomino got connected.
  4571. * juliomino got disconnected.
  4572. * ubuntufreak got connected.
  4573. * Lazy_ got connected.
  4574. * Xazax got connected.
  4575. * toketin got connected.
  4576. * l4rz got connected.
  4577. * Moort got connected.
  4578. * TonyGorski got connected.
  4579. * juliomino got connected.
  4580. * juliomino got disconnected.
  4581. * daker got connected.
  4582. * daker got connected.
  4583. * kheeper got connected.
  4584. <kheeper> did anybody tied make an iso from yeasterday version of oneiric?
  4585. * Kus got connected.
  4586. <Kus> !logs
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