
Aranea || solo peestuck

Jan 31st, 2013
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  1. Thick thighs crossed over each other, Aranea very comfortably let her skirt rise up a little, exposing more of her long legs to the light breeze carrying through the dream bubble. The weather was a bit warmer than she’s had the chance to experience in the bubbles she wandered through lately and so of course she was glad to take advantage of it with a good book and a pint of lemonade at her side. Lying under the cooling shade of a large tree with a small blanket under her bum to keep from touching the itchy grass, Aranea casually fliped through the pages of her copy of Wizardy Herbert. It was a little thing she picked up from Rose during one of her naps and the spider girl was more than pleased to have a book written in English to test just how well she had picked up on the foreign language. The wording of the novel wasn’t particularly challenging for the brainy teen, but the story was incredible and drew her in immediately, and soon she found herself drinking through most of the pitcher of lemonade and thumbing rapidly through over half of the book.
  3. Getting to a more boring section, Aranea could finally expend her concentration to something other than the book. She was getting uncomfortable in her position, and so shifting somewhat, she tried to get comfy but the bark of the tree was digging into her back. Frowning, she dog-eared the page she was on so she could close the book and stand, stretching until the little cracks and creaks of her joints ended. She thought about using this break to visit the toilet, but she felt little more than a tiny nagging coming from her bladder, hardly anything worth leaving her spot for. Sitting back down, this time she brought her legs up, resting the book on her thighs and hiding a giggle behind her hand over the knowledge that if anyone walked past her they would surely get a view of her tight white panties. Continuing on in her relaxed reading, she gingerly finished up the rest of her drink absent-mindedly, feeling her stomach bloat with the amount she had consumed. It was starting to get sore now, all that liquid sloshing inside the short haired Serket and making its way to her bladder, and that she could feel stretch in an especially painful way, more than once having to rub her tummy to quell the pain. But she was making such progress...Aranea squeezed her thighs, tensing to help her hold on.
  5. She was biting her lip, tasting her dark blue lipstick and probably smearing it, but she didn’t care. Hips squirming side to side, she tried to ignore her urges; she was just so close to finishing! She couldn’t stop now, not when Herbert was aiming at Pycroft’s head…oh! Her thighs were shaking and nearly jostled the book off of them, if she weren’t already sitting she would double over from the cramping in her abdomen. Still resting the book on her legs, she finally gave in and slipped her right hand between her legs, pressing her fingers into her panties. That was a little better, and it allowed her to go back to focusing on what was really important. Whining under her breath, Aranea struggled to finish reading. There was less than a chapter left from the feel of it, but her bladder was throbbing and she felt like she was right on the edge. With a shaking hand she turned the page, then gasped feeling herself start to leak with her hand no longer digging into her. Whispering a slew of ‘no’s, she tightening hard to stop the cerulean spurt, shoving her hand back down and massaging to help the pain of suddenly stopping.
  7. This was getting ridiculous but now Slinus had his finger on the trigger and she simply couldn’t stop; sweat was starting to form on her brow from her concentration both on the storyline and keeping her bladder in check. Her entire lower body was constantly in motion, wiggling around, her ass clenching and unclenching as she held back her flood. She could barely make it through Herbert and Thundleshick’s conversation, she bouncing up and down, feeling like she was practically going to explode if she didn’t find a bathroom soon. While ‘like an obese person in a scooter accident,’ may not have been something she understood with one hundred percent clarity, it still made her chuckle heartily and between suppressing her giggles she was all but grinding her first three fingers into her crotch, doing very little to stop the gentle but steady trickle being squeezed out of her by her own laughter. Hunched over, gasping in pain as she repeatedly leaked and stopped, Aranea hurriedly blew through the next few pages but she still wasn’t reading fast enou-oh!
  9. With her breath hitching and her body trembling, Aranea could feel her on-and-off trickle turn into a full blown leak, warm pee pooling under her bum and soaking into the blanket. Jerking back her hand to keep it from getting wetter, Aranea tried to keep her body language as casual as possible, hoping that if anyone is around they won’t realize what’s happening. But the hissing sound coming from her legs is hard to ignore, and she knows her cheeks her starting to burn in embarrassment. Her once white panties cling to her, uncomfortable and sticky, tinted blue from her urine; in the back of her mind she almost wishes she had taken Meenah’s advice and gone commando. By the time she’s done peeing, she’s finished the last page of Wizardy Herbert, and much to her distress the novel is not even completed! Sighing to herself, Aranea tosses the book onto the grass, away from her spreading puddle, annoyed she put herself through all of that for a non-existent ending.
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