
Faerzen's Dream Conversation w/ Byron

May 4th, 2015
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  1. visceralVanguard
  2. -- [visceralVanguard [VV]](/vv) began conversing with [masterfulShooter [MS]](/bl) --
  3. Hi, Byron! Guess. What????
  4. Oh, who am I kidding. You'll never guess this one.
  5. I'm FLYING!!!! :DDDD How serendipitous is that???
  6. Everything is so excellent right now and I'm so content and everything is beautiful and I found this mysterious sleeping man and I am capable of soaring through the sky at my whim and-- Oh! Did I mention how awesome flying is?
  7. How are you? Heehee :)
  8. Oh, before I forget! I wouldn't get too comfortable right now because I'm quite sure you are a dream in my high-powered imagination. It's really amazing what my brain can do sometimes; everything is so realistic! Isn't my brain awesome??? :D
  9. IcyByron
  10. uh
  11. dude
  12. you uh
  13. are you okay
  14. visceralVanguard
  15. Of course!
  16. Why wouldn't I be!
  17. IcyByron
  18. like im supposed to worry about your health being a uh thingy a...what was the thing called
  19. the best bros thing
  20. anyway
  21. you seem a little
  22. visceralVanguard
  23. Of course, we are in fact the best of bros
  24. IcyByron
  25. flighty
  26. like weirdly so
  27. visceralVanguard
  28. The best bros that there ever were!
  29. IcyByron
  30. um
  31. your kinda freaking me out dude
  32. wtf
  33. visceralVanguard
  34. I'm afraid there's a complication to this "best bros" thing though....
  35. IcyByron
  36. in my experience flying is the worst fucking thing ever
  37. visceralVanguard
  38. Can you guess what it is????
  39. IcyByron
  40. like
  41. horrid
  44. visceralVanguard
  45. Oh no!!!!
  46. IcyByron
  48. visceralVanguard
  49. That's terrible!
  50. What happened???
  51. IcyByron
  53. well
  54. its a long story that consists of me being a badass
  55. okay so what happened was i FUCKING 720 NOSCOPED A FLYING IMP
  58. visceralVanguard
  59. ummmmm
  60. Fifty!
  61. IcyByron
  62. TWO
  65. visceralVanguard
  66. Whoooooa!
  67. IcyByron
  69. wait. faerzen
  70. do you have speech to text
  71. on your glasses
  72. because if you do
  73. you must be talking like such a girl
  74. ...
  75. visceralVanguard
  76. I do!
  77. IcyByron
  78. huh
  79. visceralVanguard
  80. But I'm not using it at the moment. Sometimes I like waving my arms around wildly anyways. :)
  81. IcyByron
  82. hmmn
  83. visceralVanguard
  84. Something about the gestures for letters and phrases is just so much fun!
  85. Hahaha, your stories are just as ridiculous now as they are in real life! You can be so funny sometimes, you know that?
  86. Sometimes I wonder how you get along. :P
  87. IcyByron
  88. wait
  89. uh
  90. visceralVanguard
  91. Oh!
  92. IcyByron
  93. are you...dreaming?
  94. visceralVanguard
  95. You did guess it!
  96. IcyByron
  97. but wait
  98. visceralVanguard
  99. I don't know how you got that one though.
  100. IcyByron
  101. im like
  102. legit real though
  103. visceralVanguard
  104. I AM a girl!
  105. IcyByron
  106. WAIT WTF
  107. WHAT
  108. YO
  109. visceralVanguard
  110. I don't know how it happened though. My brain must be trying to tell me something
  111. IcyByron
  112. WAIT
  113. HUH
  114. WAHT
  115. WHIHIHWiobeio;gbfeo;dbwf\w
  118. SHIT YO
  119. visceralVanguard
  120. I guess brain ghost Byron doesn't really know how to respond to that!
  121. IcyByron
  123. WHAT THE
  124. visceralVanguard
  125. I'm not a girl though!
  126. IcyByron
  127. FUCK
  128. oh
  129. huh
  130. visceralVanguard
  131. Well I am right now.... but not usually!
  132. IcyByron
  133. well that changes things
  134. WAIT WHAT
  135. THE FUCK
  136. HUH
  137. WHAT
  138. FUCK
  139. SHIT
  140. YO
  141. GOD DAMN
  142. okay
  143. take a deep breath byron
  144. okay
  145. faerzen
  146. visceralVanguard
  147. Hahahaha, this is really entertaining to read!
  148. IcyByron
  149. are you dreaming
  150. visceralVanguard
  151. What? Of course! I've established this a long time ago. Everything makes sense when you think about it in that context! It's a nice break from the game.
  152. IcyByron
  153. ((wait hold on wtf potential red interest who the fuck))
  154. visceralVanguard
  155. To be honest, I don't know how I'm possibly going to be able to keep this whole team together.
  156. IcyByron
  157. oh
  158. visceralVanguard
  159. It's really stressing me out!
  160. IcyByron
  161. huh i guess i lost that in the sea of WTF
  162. wait are you in the purple place
  163. visceralVanguard
  164. But this is really nice, just floating here in the sky. :)))))
  165. IcyByron
  166. because that place is stressy
  167. lucky uh
  168. i cant say bastard nopw
  169. now*
  170. visceralVanguard
  171. I must say I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about, Byron!
  172. IcyByron
  173. and bitch is politically incorrect
  174. huh
  175. and wait hold on
  176. visceralVanguard
  177. Not that I usually do, but that's nothing new! :P
  178. IcyByron
  179. did you call me "brain ghost Byron"?
  180. what the fuck does that mean
  181. visceralVanguard
  182. Of course! What else would I call you?
  183. Everything here is as I've remembered it, so I'm really just interacting with various parts of my subconscious on different levels.
  184. All of this is an elaborate story I'm simultaneously writing and reading to myself. That's the beauty of dreams!
  185. And now you're a part of it!
  186. IcyByron
  187. huh
  188. what
  189. the fuck
  190. no dude
  191. visceralVanguard
  192. I'll have to tell real you all about this when I wake up. :)
  193. IcyByron
  194. or
  195. dudette
  196. i guess
  198. likie
  199. like(
  200. visceralVanguard
  201. Well of course you are! You're inside me!
  202. IcyByron
  203. LIKE*
  204. visceralVanguard
  205. Why would you ever think you weren't ;)
  206. IcyByron
  207. wait how did i even manage saying "like parenthasies" by accident
  208. i am a fuck
  209. visceralVanguard
  210. Unless you ate too many doritos, I can imagine that would have quite a few negative effects.
  211. IcyByron
  212. um
  213. huh
  214. this didnt happen when i dreamt
  215. i acutally just had the best god damn dream ever
  216. i had a shit ton of guns
  217. and fucked some dream imps to high heaven
  218. but
  219. you...
  220. :\
  221. where are you
  222. visceralVanguard
  223. Whoa, you had a dream inside my dream???
  224. My mind keeps throwing all sorts of surprises on me!
  225. IcyByron
  226. okay
  227. let me
  228. explain something
  229. in the real world
  230. or\
  231. well
  232. shit i said or slash wtf is wrong with me
  233. anyway
  234. visceralVanguard
  235. :)
  236. IcyByron
  237. well the earth is like
  238. dead
  239. right??
  240. visceralVanguard
  241. It's funny to see you stumble over yourself like this! :)
  242. IcyByron
  243. so
  244. visceralVanguard
  245. Yes, the earth is dead, but maybe not here!
  246. IcyByron
  247. shut up i was just flying a billion miles up and then nearly died
  248. i never did finish that story did i
  249. wait
  250. visceralVanguard
  251. I can will things to change just by concentrating on it long enough, so maybe in this particular dream it isn't!
  252. IcyByron
  253. you saw 2D me right
  254. visceralVanguard
  255. 2D?
  256. How is that even possible?
  257. IcyByron
  258. flat me
  259. Anime
  260. anime gloves
  261. that i "alchemized"
  262. visceralVanguard
  263. Suuuuuuuuure ;)
  264. IcyByron
  265. it was kickass
  266. until a jumped
  267. and then i flew away
  268. like a piece of paper
  269. ASK NICK
  270. GRR
  271. visceralVanguard
  272. Well how am I supposed to do that, now?
  273. Talk to Brain Ghost Nick?
  274. IcyByron
  280. visceralVanguard
  281. Whoa, now. Calm down!
  282. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  283. IcyByron
  285. visceralVanguard
  286. You're just getting all worked up like usual
  287. IcyByron
  288. FUCK
  289. visceralVanguard
  290. What are you talking about?
  291. IcyByron
  292. okay.
  293. when i dream
  294. i go to a depressing ass purple place
  295. with like
  296. a mask dude
  297. and a bunch of other bedrooms
  298. including yakuza guy
  299. so
  300. and its called derse
  301. DERSE
  303. visceralVanguard
  304. You dream about Yakuza guy? That's so cute!
  305. IcyByron
  306. FUCK OFF
  307. Clearly you dream about me
  308. visceralVanguard
  309. Well only in my computer!
  310. IcyByron
  311. shit im reinforcing your thing
  312. what
  313. visceralVanguard
  314. you're not ACTUALLY here with me, I'm just having a conversation with myself under the guise that one of those selves is you.
  315. Whereas you dreamed up a physical Yakuza dude to hang out with!
  316. IcyByron
  317. ((no seriously btw who is this potential redrom its getting steamy up in this session))
  318. visceralVanguard
  319. I haven't found anyone else here except for this random sleeping dude
  320. IcyByron
  321. god fucking sigh
  322. LOOK
  323. UP
  324. FOR
  325. NAME
  326. OF
  328. well
  329. visceralVanguard
  330. I see a beautiful, bright blue sky full of many colorful clouds!
  331. It's really quite wonderful :)
  332. IcyByron
  333. i mean thats my only logical solution seeing as my place
  334. wait
  335. what
  336. fuck
  337. what the fucking hell
  338. you are just
  339. luckier than me in every way aren't you
  340. sigh
  341. visceralVanguard
  342. You're trying to tell me that the name of wherever I happen to be dreaming of us just hanging in the sky for no apparent reason in case someone forgets?
  343. IcyByron
  344. atleast im better at gaming yo
  345. um
  346. well i dunno
  347. fuck
  348. okay
  349. visceralVanguard
  350. Oh, I wouldn't say that, Byron!
  351. IcyByron
  352. you know what
  353. visceralVanguard
  354. It may look like luck
  355. IcyByron
  356. im going to do an experiment.
  357. fuckin take off your glasses
  358. visceralVanguard
  359. But it's usually a weird combination of careful planning, being in the right place at the right time, and being smart!
  360. IcyByron
  361. then try to talk to me
  362. visceralVanguard
  363. Take them off? Why?
  364. IcyByron
  365. lets see ur brain ghost thingy work then
  368. visceralVanguard
  369. Well, even if it makes little to no sense to me, if you claim it's science, then why not!
  370. What do you want me to do after I take my glasses off, Mr. Science Professor Dude?
  371. Do you want me to make a super sweet MLG pose?
  372. I can try that!
  373. IcyByron
  374. yes
  375. visceralVanguard
  376. No promises on the quality of said pose though.
  377. IcyByron
  378. but i mean i cant see it anyway
  379. again
  380. i cant see u
  382. visceralVanguard
  383. So why am I taking off my glasses?
  384. visceralVanguard
  385. I can't say I blame you for being aggravated at being stuck there. It does seem a pretty disgusting place to me!
  386. I probably should say that though because I've never visited!
  387. Oooh!
  388. I should try and do that before I wake up!!!
  389. Then I can see real Brain Ghost Byron rather than talking with him!
  390. IcyByron
  391. huh
  392. well fuck you too lomlgar is the shit
  393. THE SHIT
  394. visceralVanguard
  395. Okay, I've got all 6 of my typing hands ready to own all the n00bs with my MLG skills!
  396. I'm going to take my glasses off and put it on speech mode while I make this sick pose!
  397. IcyByron
  398. okay
  399. visceralVanguard
  400. Can you still hear me?
  401. IcyByron
  402. and im going to type something
  403. and you wont
  404. see it
  405. visceralVanguard
  406. Oh, I'll turn off the text reader then.
  407. Done!
  408. I'm pulling this super mad MLG pose right now!
  409. Betcha didn't ever think you could fit six hands on a keyboard at once, did you? Well I'm doing it with this sleeping dude's laptop right now!
  410. IcyByron
  411. faerzen even though weve never met i really appreciate all that youve done for me honestly and even though i may act childish at times it is only a facade i put up to keep my self from breaking down from all the anxiety brought on by the lack of a proper parental figure in my home which then
  412. visceralVanguard
  413. You'd be super impressed if you could see this
  414. IcyByron
  415. leads to the shitty life i seem to live
  416. *hack* *wheeze*
  417. phew that god damn
  418. visceralVanguard
  419. Oh snap, just rekt that n00b too!
  420. IcyByron
  421. that took a lot out of me
  422. and youll never see it
  423. shit
  424. visceralVanguard
  425. Can I put my glasses back on yet?
  426. IcyByron
  427. how is he/she going to know to put the glasses back on
  428. shit
  429. visceralVanguard
  430. Oh, you can't respond to that, can you
  431. IcyByron
  432. fuck
  433. wait
  434. visceralVanguard
  435. Well, I'll just count down from 10
  436. IcyByron
  438. visceralVanguard
  439. and you finish up whatever experiment you're doing!
  440. IcyByron
  443. visceralVanguard
  444. 10
  445. IcyByron
  447. visceralVanguard
  448. 9
  449. 8
  450. IcyByron
  452. UHHHHH
  453. visceralVanguard
  454. 7
  455. 6
  456. IcyByron
  457. welp
  458. visceralVanguard
  459. 6
  460. 5
  461. 4
  462. 3
  463. IcyByron
  464. i must learn to live with the life i have created for myself
  465. visceralVanguard
  466. 2
  467. 1
  468. 0!
  469. IcyByron
  470. shit
  471. visceralVanguard
  472. Okay, let me get these put back on here
  473. Dang, putting on glasses with six arms is sooooo suboptimal
  474. Go away, arms!
  475. Hrrrrnnnnngggggggmph
  476. Whew!
  477. IcyByron
  478. faerzen if you value how you see me as an individual dont scroll up unless you want to see some real feels
  479. like
  480. visceralVanguard
  481. Okay, I'm back online, Byron!
  482. IcyByron
  483. real fucking feels
  484. visceralVanguard
  485. How did you're experiment go?
  486. IcyByron
  487. intense feels
  488. above
  489. visceralVanguard
  490. What am I supposed to do now?
  491. IcyByron
  492. HAHA
  494. NO
  495. visceralVanguard
  496. Did your experiment work?
  497. IcyByron
  498. PROOF
  499. yes
  500. visceralVanguard
  501. I can read your text just fine!
  502. IcyByron
  503. you couldnt see the...uh message i put up there
  504. so
  505. shit
  506. um
  507. visceralVanguard
  508. Was this supposed to be a proof of something involving my dream?
  509. IcyByron
  510. fuck
  511. visceralVanguard
  512. What message?
  513. IcyByron
  514. well
  515. it was supposed to prove that i was real
  516. visceralVanguard
  517. Did you say something while I had my glasses off?
  518. IcyByron
  519. like lolmlgar real me
  520. hahahahhah of course not
  521. hahahahahahhahah
  522. hahah
  523. haa
  524. ha
  525. visceralVanguard
  526. ??????
  527. IcyByron
  528. nothing
  529. visceralVanguard
  530. I'm putting quite a quizzical expression on my face right now, Byron!
  531. IcyByron
  532. well
  533. okay
  534. visceralVanguard
  535. You've seemed particularly irked since we started talking!
  536. IcyByron
  537. i am real me
  538. sigh
  539. its just
  540. that
  541. i lost my keyboard
  542. and now its like
  543. everything from earth is like
  544. just
  545. gone
  546. visceralVanguard
  547. Man, you really do seem quite insistent on the fact that you're real!
  548. IcyByron
  549. shit faerzen im trying to actually be a person
  550. and like
  551. visceralVanguard
  552. Real Byron can be pretty stubborn at times, but you're to be awarded for your persistence!
  553. IcyByron
  554. you are ruining my feel moment
  555. god damnit
  556. visceralVanguard
  557. What do you mean by that?
  558. What do you mean by your feel moment?
  559. Did I mess something up with your experiment?
  560. Oh nooooooo!
  561. IcyByron
  563. FUCK
  566. visceralVanguard
  567. Well I'm listening!
  568. Is that what the experiment was for?
  569. IcyByron
  571. visceralVanguard
  572. I saw some orange text that I missed
  573. IcyByron
  575. OR MET YOU
  577. visceralVanguard
  578. Oh geez, I should stop being rude!
  579. IcyByron
  580. and for what
  581. visceralVanguard
  582. Even if you are just a brain ghost Byron
  583. Apologies
  584. IcyByron
  585. sigh
  586. visceralVanguard
  587. Oh, I wouldn't worry about that for long, Byron!
  588. IcyByron
  589. your right
  590. visceralVanguard
  591. We'll see each other soon!
  592. IcyByron
  593. huh
  594. visceralVanguard
  595. I just know it!
  596. IcyByron
  597. what?
  598. visceralVanguard
  599. My sprite told me all about it!
  600. IcyByron
  601. uh
  602. huh
  603. come to think of it
  604. i havent seen ABS in a while
  605. visceralVanguard
  606. Do you know those really cool fluctuating glowing patterns above our houses?
  607. IcyByron
  608. the giant strobe thingy, yes
  609. visceralVanguard
  610. Wait, does real Byron not actually know this?
  611. I should make sure to tell him when I wake up!
  612. It's very important!
  613. IcyByron
  614. i know nick's been siphoning off my grist to get there
  615. visceralVanguard
  616. And exciting!!!! :D
  617. IcyByron
  618. but for what
  619. visceralVanguard
  620. They teleport you places!
  621. IcyByron
  622. you know what
  623. im just going to play along now
  624. visceralVanguard
  625. And eventually, they will teleport you to other people we're connected to!
  626. Okay, you know what, "Byron"?
  627. Here.
  628. Done.
  629. IcyByron
  630. eh?
  631. visceralVanguard
  632. I saved a log of this chat to my esperchum account.
  633. Now if you're REALLY real
  634. When I wake up, you will have succeeded in convincing me. ;)
  635. IcyByron
  636. ???????
  637. alright then.
  638. um
  639. for like
  640. visceralVanguard
  641. I will hopefully be a boy then too
  642. IcyByron
  643. um
  644. like
  645. uh
  646. could you
  647. um
  648. like
  649. visceralVanguard
  650. :)
  651. IcyByron
  652. take a picture of your self when you wake up
  653. and send it to me
  654. i havent seen another person in
  655. days
  656. visceralVanguard
  657. Of course!
  658. IcyByron
  659. well
  660. visceralVanguard
  661. I'll try and remember
  662. IcyByron
  663. i havent seen anyone besides my parents since i was born
  664. visceralVanguard
  665. I don't always remember my dreams terribly well. It's very sad.... :(
  666. IcyByron
  667. and my dad never took pictures
  668. visceralVanguard
  669. That's so sad!
  670. IcyByron
  671. the flash always scared him
  672. damn flashbangs
  673. and my mom, well i never really knew my mom all that well
  674. but
  675. visceralVanguard
  676. Oh, that's right! Your dad was in the wars :(
  677. IcyByron
  678. yeah
  679. visceralVanguard
  680. Here, I'll take a picture of myself right now and send it to you!
  681. IcyByron
  682. sigh
  683. visceralVanguard
  684. That'll cheer ghost you up!
  685. and then I'll send you a real picture later!
  686. We have to spread the cheer around to everyone, real and ghost. ;)
  687. IcyByron
  688. whats weird is why you have dreamed me up
  689. like
  690. dont u have more productive friends
  691. that do things
  692. that arent stupid
  693. like make 2difying gloves
  694. wait
  695. speaking of which
  696. visceralVanguard
  697. 2Difying gloves sound pretty exciting to me!
  698. IcyByron
  699. i should send you the code for that
  700. you could make like
  701. science things out of it
  702. visceralVanguard
  703. It's not about being productive though, that counts for being a friend!
  704. Sure, it makes my life easier not having to babysit everyone.
  705. Which by the way, is exhausting as FUCK
  706. But that doesn't mean we're not still friends!
  707. IcyByron
  708. oh shit
  709. this is like
  710. visceralVanguard
  711. <you get a picture of Faerzen>
  712. IcyByron
  713. the first time ive ever head you curse
  714. i feel like weve grown closer as bros
  715. visceralVanguard
  716. <you see something roughly like this>
  717. IcyByron
  718. wait
  719. visceralVanguard
  720. <>
  721. IcyByron
  722. shit your a girl now
  723. uh
  724. visceralVanguard
  725. <at least in terms of hairstyle>
  726. IcyByron
  727. that sounds creepy now
  728. damnit
  729. visceralVanguard
  730. <ovbiously much younger than that>
  731. <and without lipstick and makeup>
  732. IcyByron
  733. hm. well you definitely look like a girl
  734. visceralVanguard
  735. <and plus quite a few freckles and a big pair of glasses>
  736. IcyByron
  737. although, again, only mom
  738. visceralVanguard
  739. <I'm also wearing a bright gold outfit with frilly sleeves a crescent moon on the front>
  740. IcyByron
  741. ((well yeah, classic prospit attire))
  742. visceralVanguard
  743. I'm glad you can correctly assess that!
  744. IcyByron
  745. well, fuck. what do you look like as a dude?
  746. shit. i um
  747. huh
  748. this is awkward
  749. visceralVanguard
  750. Well, kind of like that!
  751. IcyByron
  752. probably more so for you
  753. visceralVanguard
  754. Except without the whole long hair thing
  755. IcyByron
  756. :o
  757. visceralVanguard
  758. And the uhh.... breasts and other things
  759. It's really weird, actually
  760. IcyByron
  761. nnghk
  762. visceralVanguard
  763. I essentially had a full-out panic attack for a while
  764. But then everything was okay!
  765. Because it's beautiful here and it's only a dream!
  766. IcyByron
  767. hmn
  768. so
  769. do you still like
  770. visceralVanguard
  771. I'm not sure what this says about my subconscious though if one of the most lifelike and enjoyable dreams I've had in a long time contains myself as a girl. :\
  772. IcyByron
  773. think im a "brain ghost"
  774. hm
  775. well i uh
  776. visceralVanguard
  777. I'm honestly not sure!
  778. We'll find out!
  779. It will be the uncovering of a great mystery. An adventure, you might say!
  780. IcyByron
  781. one of my most enjoyable dreams in a long time, although i have only had 2 so far, most of the time i just pass out
  782. i shot the dick off an ogre
  783. so
  784. visceralVanguard
  785. .......
  786. IcyByron
  787. i actually dont know what the point of telling you that was
  788. visceralVanguard
  789. I would be making a very disgusted face right now if you were real and could see me!
  790. IcyByron
  791. um
  792. ech
  793. ((shit i cant play a flustered character for shit))
  794. visceralVanguard
  795. I fought an ogre once!
  796. It was very scary!
  797. Thankfully my dining room table saved me!
  798. IcyByron
  799. nah, it was pretty easy for me
  800. i just got its buddies to turn on it
  801. visceralVanguard
  802. Unfortunately, the noble eating surface was slain in battle because of its valiant efforts
  803. IcyByron
  804. im suprisingly pretty good at that...
  805. visceralVanguard
  806. That's neat!
  807. You never did finish regaling to me your excellent tale of your 2D adventures!
  808. We got distracted by your.... interesting experiment.
  809. IcyByron
  810. oh
  811. visceralVanguard
  812. At least I found out I can have six arms! That was worth it.
  813. IcyByron
  814. you havent read the really long post have you?
  815. if you are going to, atleast do it after you make me not exist or something
  816. visceralVanguard
  817. I'm not sure what you're referring to!
  818. IcyByron
  819. good
  820. visceralVanguard
  821. Is that what you said while I had my glasses off?
  822. IcyByron
  823. yes
  824. visceralVanguard
  825. Do you not want me to read it?
  826. IcyByron
  827. well its like i do but i dont
  828. i feel like if i do let you read it
  829. youll act differently towards me
  830. and that would be pretty lame
  831. but if i dont
  832. then we cant be the best of bros
  833. just bros with like secrets
  834. so youve helped me in the past so
  835. visceralVanguard
  836. So what will it be?????
  837. IcyByron
  838. i guess you should
  839. but
  840. after i cease
  841. being a brain ghost
  842. visceralVanguard
  843. You're still very insistent on this whole reality thing, aren't you?
  844. IcyByron
  845. i still dont get that concept btw
  846. visceralVanguard
  847. Heehee
  848. IcyByron
  849. yes
  850. visceralVanguard
  851. Okay, I won't read it yet.
  852. IcyByron
  853. yes
  854. visceralVanguard
  855. It's sooooooo hard though!
  856. It's just like right up there!
  857. Oooops!
  858. I almost accidentally saw it!
  859. See?
  860. Okay, scrolled down
  861. We're all safe now
  862. ;)
  863. IcyByron
  864. i dont trust the winky face
  867. visceralVanguard
  868. You don't trust me????
  869. Even if it's just a dream?
  870. IcyByron
  871. hrngh
  872. how can you do this to me
  873. visceralVanguard
  874. I can assure you, my scroll wheel parked quite solidly in the I'M AT THE BOTTOM position
  875. :D
  876. What's wrong?
  877. IcyByron
  878. heheheh im at the bottom k3k
  879. cough
  880. anyway
  881. so
  882. i mean
  883. what plans do you have for after i like
  884. go
  885. visceralVanguard
  886. What do you mean by "go"?
  887. IcyByron
  888. uh
  889. like
  890. i dunno
  891. i dont think i should end the chat
  892. im pretty sure you should
  893. considering its your dream
  894. visceralVanguard
  895. Why is that?
  896. Ah
  897. I don't think it matters that much!
  898. I know I'm DEFINITELY not one to talk, but I think you're overthinking things!
  899. Believe me, I do it ALL the time
  900. It's essentially the worst thing
  901. So don't do that!
  902. IcyByron
  903. i dont usually think first
  904. this is a new for me
  905. i mean when i go into like
  906. gamer mode
  907. youve seen that before
  908. the meteor
  909. i kinda
  910. go a little crazy
  911. and then
  912. visceralVanguard
  913. That was stressful!
  914. IcyByron
  915. i can focus on shit
  916. i usually play strategy games like that
  917. visceralVanguard
  918. I must say you fared much better in your entry process than I did!
  919. IcyByron
  920. so it helps me
  921. but otherwise
  922. :\
  923. visceralVanguard
  924. I'm actually really quite glad nobody else saw it except for the person who connected to me.
  925. IcyByron
  926. this is a legit fucking deep this right here this convo
  927. visceralVanguard
  928. It was the quintessential disaster
  929. IcyByron
  930. now to you it may seem like you just conversing with like a facet of your psyche
  931. loved that game
  932. Quiet Savanna
  933. hmmn
  934. visceralVanguard
  935. Hmmm?
  936. IcyByron
  937. aaanyway
  938. visceralVanguard
  939. Well, if Brain Ghost Byron appreciates this conversation, then I dare say real Byron would too!
  940. Thank you self for telling myself I should make myself talk to Byron when I wake up!
  941. I do wish I knew who this mysterious sleeping person was though....
  942. If my brain is trying to send me another helpful message, then I should probably try and figure out what it means!
  943. There are all of these giant golden globes here, and I found someone sleeping in one!
  944. IcyByron
  945. OH shit
  946. thats in the purple place too
  947. visceralVanguard
  948. Ah, I expected this to happen at some point!
  949. Even *my* brain has limitations, and it seems it ran out of new details to include in dreams
  950. IcyByron
  951. eh?
  952. visceralVanguard
  953. It makes sense something was repeated in your dream
  954. IcyByron
  955. that was a little egotistical
  956. faerzeeen
  957. visceralVanguard
  958. Was it?
  959. Heehee, I suppose it was
  960. IcyByron
  961. *my*?
  962. visceralVanguard
  963. Oops!
  964. IcyByron
  965. huh well i guess when your talking to yourself
  966. with yourself
  967. visceralVanguard
  968. It's okay then, right?
  969. IcyByron
  970. but yourself being another person for some reason
  971. yeah
  972. i guess
  973. you know
  974. visceralVanguard
  975. Though it's still somewhat irksome that that was my gut response to myself.
  976. IcyByron
  977. why me?
  978. visceralVanguard
  979. Why talk to you in my dream?
  980. Well, because I thought you would like to hear about me flying!
  981. Nick would probably be boring about it.
  982. And things with Carlos are a bit awkward right now, so I'd rather steer clear of anymore romantically-leaning conversations for the time being.
  983. So naturally, I chose you!
  984. IcyByron
  985. huh
  986. legit
  987. thanks
  988. i feel speshul now
  989. visceralVanguard
  990. And I must say, talking with you has been most entertaining, so I think I picked correctly!
  991. IcyByron
  992. i had to say that weirdly so the speech would type it weird
  993. hehehh
  994. huh
  995. WAIT
  996. PROOOOF
  999. visceralVanguard
  1000. Proof?
  1001. IcyByron
  1003. AHAHAHHA
  1005. visceralVanguard
  1006. I daresay, you have me more confused than Nick's and Carlos's recent messages combined!
  1007. What are you trying to say?
  1008. Because brain ghost you is supposedly using voice text commands and you said "speshul", you must be real?
  1009. IcyByron
  1010. well
  1011. i only use speech to text
  1012. correct
  1013. so
  1014. to have me use that in your dream
  1015. you have had to have
  1016. wait
  1017. shit
  1018. i lost my train of thought
  1019. god damnit
  1020. visceralVanguard
  1021. Why couldn't my brain just have decided you use that?
  1022. IcyByron
  1023. HRRRNGH
  1024. sigh
  1025. visceralVanguard
  1026. Maybe you actually don't and my brain just chose to have a bit of fun??? :P
  1027. Here, I have an idea!
  1028. IcyByron
  1029. hmph
  1030. what
  1031. visceralVanguard
  1032. How about to complete the wonderful picture of confusion, I start responding to everything with hearts!
  1033. <3
  1034. It seems to be the favored confusion tactic these days. It's all the rage!
  1035. IcyByron
  1036. god damnit
  1037. i might be a brain ghost
  1038. visceralVanguard
  1039. Even Nick and Carlos do it now!
  1040. IcyByron
  1041. but i cant read your mind
  1042. visceralVanguard
  1043. Come ooooooon
  1044. try it!
  1045. You can do it!
  1046. <3
  1047. that's all!
  1048. visceralVanguard
  1049. Oh, come on, Brain Ghost Byron!
  1050. It's not thaaaaaat hard, is it?
  1051. visceralVanguard
  1052. Byron?
  1053. Am I waking up now, is that what is happening?
  1054. I think it must be.
  1055. visceralVanguard
  1056. ((OOC, something happen on your end?))
  1057. IcyByron
  1058. ((ahm
  1059. ))
  1060. visceralVanguard
  1061. ((you're back!))
  1062. visceralVanguard
  1063. ((is this an ic pause?))
  1064. IcyByron
  1065. ((some weird stuff happen))
  1066. ((how long was i gone))
  1067. visceralVanguard
  1068. ((idk))
  1069. IcyByron
  1070. hmmn
  1071. well
  1072. ((i guess we can just like have you wake up now))
  1073. visceralVanguard
  1074. ((okay, if you're done then that's cool with me))
  1075. Oh!
  1076. Wait!
  1077. Maybe not!
  1078. IcyByron
  1079. ((baller))
  1080. eh
  1081. uh sorry
  1082. visceralVanguard
  1083. It's Nick!
  1084. IcyByron
  1085. cheeto gust
  1086. visceralVanguard
  1087. Oh, you're still there?
  1088. IcyByron
  1089. what
  1090. huh
  1091. wow
  1092. you seem
  1093. uninterested
  1094. i guess
  1095. your waking up then
  1096. visceralVanguard
  1097. He's most definitely just sitting there on the window sill like it's not unusual for him to be here at all!
  1098. IcyByron
  1099. i think i got most of my points acorss
  1100. visceralVanguard
  1101. I'm still waiting on that heart though, Brain Ghost Byron!
  1102. IcyByron
  1103. <3
  1104. there
  1105. visceralVanguard
  1106. Huzzah!
  1107. I'll talk to real you soon!
  1108. IcyByron
  1109. believe in the me that believes in you faerzen
  1110. booooo
  1111. visceralVanguard
  1112. Too bad you won't remember most of this. :((((
  1113. IcyByron
  1114. spooky scary byrons
  1115. visceralVanguard
  1116. *GASP!*
  1117. IcyByron
  1118. well
  1119. visceralVanguard
  1120. Anyways, ummmmmm
  1121. IcyByron
  1122. i guess you can like
  1123. visceralVanguard
  1124. Not really sure how to say this
  1125. IcyByron
  1126. wait
  1127. how do you get rid of me
  1128. visceralVanguard
  1129. Yes?
  1130. IcyByron
  1131. before i like
  1132. visceralVanguard
  1133. I was just going to kind of say farewell to myself and go see what this Nick business is all about
  1134. IcyByron
  1135. oh
  1136. okay
  1137. well
  1138. when im gone
  1139. visceralVanguard
  1140. I hope my brain doesn't carry over this heart train of thought to that conversation
  1141. IcyByron
  1142. read the 100% legit thing
  1143. that i wrote
  1144. visceralVanguard
  1145. Thaaaat would certainly be very awkward
  1146. IcyByron
  1147. because i am plox real byron
  1148. oh jeez
  1149. wow
  1150. you just like
  1151. i dunno flying over there
  1152. he sees a girl
  1153. first thing
  1154. <3
  1155. visceralVanguard
  1156. Like I'm pretty sure I don't even want to know what my brain is going to dish out on me if Nick starts throwing more hearts out.
  1157. I mean, last time we talked in real life, that's what he did!
  1158. IcyByron
  1159. huh
  1160. what
  1161. visceralVanguard
  1162. He signed off of chat pretty quickly though
  1163. IcyByron
  1164. your convos must be
  1165. interesting
  1166. visceralVanguard
  1167. "Interesting" is a good word to describe them
  1168. For some reason, I get the feeling that he thinks I'm a girl.
  1169. IcyByron
  1170. huh
  1171. well this wont
  1172. visceralVanguard
  1173. Maybe THAT'S why I'm a girl right now!
  1174. IcyByron
  1175. fix that
  1176. visceralVanguard
  1177. Everything makes sense!
  1178. IcyByron
  1179. what
  1180. visceralVanguard
  1181. What do you mean this won't fix that?
  1182. IcyByron
  1183. what what what
  1184. i mean
  1185. this will just reinforce that idea wont it
  1186. like
  1187. visceralVanguard
  1188. How will this have any bearing on what real Nick thinks of me?
  1189. IcyByron
  1190. maybe you shouldnt go over there
  1191. oh fuck me
  1192. okay
  1193. visceralVanguard
  1194. Well, what do you suggest then? ;)
  1195. IcyByron
  1196. let me
  1197. try to explain this
  1198. ehem
  1199. visceralVanguard
  1200. Just stand here awkwardly staring at him until he leaves?
  1201. IcyByron
  1204. I DUNNO HOW
  1206. visceralVanguard
  1207. I just woke up with them in my dream. It was pretty much the only thing in this weird golden room I was in.
  1208. It looks suspiciously like my actual room too!
  1209. IcyByron
  1211. GABEN
  1213. first thing you do
  1214. once this ends
  1215. and you wake up
  1216. i am going to send you a message
  1217. that goes
  1218. "did you read the thing"
  1219. if you say yes
  1220. i'll be mortified
  1221. but also have a relief
  1222. because
  1223. i actually might be a brain ghost
  1224. visceralVanguard
  1225. But you will be able to tell me "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO" or something, right?
  1226. IcyByron
  1227. huh
  1228. never thought about that
  1229. oh yeah
  1230. and that too
  1231. your girl form is so much more vulgar isnt it
  1232. visceralVanguard
  1233. Okay, now this is getting weird. I don't think my brain can handle a fragment of my brain analyzing how it's a fragment of a brain while the rest of my brain tries to do other things.
  1234. Oh, have you never seen me curse before?
  1235. IcyByron
  1236. but do you think that nick is also a fragment
  1237. no
  1238. visceralVanguard
  1239. Ah
  1240. IcyByron
  1241. i dont think so anyway
  1242. visceralVanguard
  1243. Well then
  1244. That's probably a good thing?
  1245. I don't think I've ever really done it before except in for extra emphasis or in egregious excess when I'm really mad......
  1246. I still feel really bad that Carlos had to get the brunt of that
  1247. Sometimes things just... get out of control!
  1248. Yet another interaction between Carlos and I that I'm glad real Byron doesn't know about
  1249. Geez, I really am quick to cover things like that up, aren't I?
  1250. Well, learned another thing about me from me!
  1251. Okay, I don't want to wake up with a migrane from trying to converse with two separate fragments of my brain simultaneously while one of them philosophically analyzes their own metaphysical existence, so I'm going to have to cut this off before I regret it!
  1252. IcyByron
  1253. hhhhhhnnnngh
  1254. visceralVanguard
  1255. Me, or maybe real Byron, it was great talking to you!
  1256. IcyByron
  1257. i dont even know who carlos is btw
  1258. tbh
  1259. but
  1260. visceralVanguard
  1261. Oh, he's just some guy
  1262. IcyByron
  1263. maybe when your awake
  1264. heh
  1265. visceralVanguard
  1266. He connected to me
  1267. and made some awkward comments to me about wearing dresses
  1268. that may have also involved hearts
  1269. IcyByron
  1270. when you wake up your nose might be bleeding from all of this brain magic
  1271. what
  1272. visceralVanguard
  1273. and then I cursed him to hell about killing my mom
  1274. and then we said goodbye
  1275. IcyByron
  1276. am i the only one who doesnt think your a girl
  1277. wtf
  1278. visceralVanguard
  1279. I'm pretty sure he knows I'm a guy, seeing as he could see me on his computer screen
  1280. IcyByron
  1281. huh
  1282. wekk
  1283. well*
  1284. i suppose this is goodbye
  1285. until you sleep again
  1286. visceralVanguard
  1287. Indeed!
  1288. IcyByron
  1289. um
  1290. do you like
  1291. wish me away or
  1292. huh
  1293. OOOOOOH
  1294. visceralVanguard
  1295. I would never wish you away!
  1296. IcyByron
  1298. visceralVanguard
  1299. That would be terrible!
  1300. IcyByron
  1302. oh
  1303. well
  1304. i guess ill just
  1305. chill here
  1306. visceralVanguard
  1307. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea
  1308. IcyByron
  1309. yeah
  1310. so now
  1311. what
  1312. visceralVanguard
  1313. I'll just put your fragment on the back burner for a while while I interact with this other one
  1314. IcyByron
  1315. do you wake up
  1316. oh
  1317. welp
  1318. have fun talking to your self who is actually nick just sleeping
  1319. visceralVanguard
  1320. -.-
  1321. IcyByron
  1322. but for some reason you wont accept it
  1323. ._.
  1324. visceralVanguard
  1325. I definitely fell asleep!
  1326. IcyByron
  1327. yes
  1328. you did
  1329. as did i
  1330. and then
  1331. i saw other people
  1332. visceralVanguard
  1333. Everything being real after I fall asleep and start dreaming would just make ABSOLUTELY no sense!
  1334. IcyByron
  1335. yeah
  1336. but im used to things not making sense
  1337. visceralVanguard
  1338. I suppose this is true
  1339. Perhaps I try and make too much sense of things?
  1340. IcyByron
  1341. yes
  1342. just like
  1343. roll with the punches
  1344. visceralVanguard
  1345. Oh, that's a whole 'nother rabbit hole I don't really want to go down right now!
  1346. IcyByron
  1347. make the most of where you are
  1348. and not try to make sense of GOD DAMNIT
  1349. visceralVanguard
  1350. We can talk about this is real life if you really are real
  1351. IcyByron
  1354. visceralVanguard
  1355. Okay, you know what?
  1356. IcyByron
  1358. what
  1359. visceralVanguard
  1360. I don't really want to see what sort of disturbing junk food-related creatures my brain can think up
  1361. Toodles!
  1362. -- visceralVanguard [VV] bid farewell to masterfulShooter [MS] --
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